Warehouses Sentence Examples
There are eight docks supplied with timber ponds, quays, warehouses and other accommodation.
He apparently owned several buildings he was leasing out on the coast - warehouses, maybe?
Large warehouses in the city of London carry on the trade and frequently supply Lancashire with her own goods.
Very large warehouses have been constructed.
There are many large warehouses, rum distilleries, sugar-mills and railway machine-shops.
In 1099 the Pisans joined in the second crusade, proved their valour at the capture of Jerusalem, and derived many commercial advantages from it; for within a short time they had banks, consuls, warehouses and privileges of all kinds in every Eastern port.
Farther to the south-west are remains of other warehouses, and (possibly) of the docks - long narrow chambers, which may hve served to contain ships.
The jurisdiction of the Free Port was on the 1st of January 1882 restricted to the city and port by the extension of the Zollverein to the lower Elbe, and in 1888 the whole of the state of Hamburg, with the exception of the so-called "Free Harbour" (which comprises the port proper and some large warehouses, set apart for goods in bond), was taken into the Zollverein.
Sitting beside her in the car, I describe what I see from the window--hills and valleys and the rivers; cotton-fields and gardens in which strawberries, peaches, pears, melons, and vegetables are growing; herds of cows and horses feeding in broad meadows, and flocks of sheep on the hillside; the cities with their churches and schools, hotels and warehouses, and the occupations of the busy people.
The so-called coast towns are commonly at some distance from the seashore, and their shipping ports are little more than a straggling collection of wretched habitations in the vicinity of the landing-stage and its offices and warehouses.
AdvertisementThere are several docks and warehouses, and manufactures are being developed.
Coal, cattle, butter and grain are exported, but the commercial importance of the place has greatly declined, as the many ruined warehouses near the river plainly testify.
The port of Bombay (including docks and warehouses) is managed by a port trust, the members of which are nominated by the government from among the commercial community.
By the Harbour Act of 1868, the Dee near the harbour was diverted from the south at a cost of L80,000, and 90 acres of new ground (in addition to 25 acres formerly made up) were provided on the north side of the river for the Albert Basin (with a graving dock), quays and warehouses.
This pre-eminence is due to its excellent dock and harbour accommodation and capacious warehouses.
AdvertisementIt is built principally of stone, and contains several handsome streets with numerous great warehouses and business premises, many of which are of high architectural merit.
Behind the market square and the main street lie a labyrinth of narrow streets interconnected by covered courtyards and alleys, with extensive warehouses and cellars.
The picturesque old town occupies an outlying ridge of the Croatian Karst; while the modern town, with its wharves, warehouses, electric light and electric trams, is crowded into the amphitheatre left between the hills and the shore.
Large warehouses selling an odd assortment of car parts and furniture line the main approach road.
Some of its warehouses have walls on the beach which are battered by gales in the winter months.
AdvertisementLarge warehouses were built to house American hogsheads of tobacco, each weighing half a ton.
At a radius of nearly a mile is another wall within which lies the closely-packed city proper, and beyond which the town stretches away to the royal parks on the north and to the business quarter, the warehouses, rice-mills, harbour and docks on the south.
The banks of the port are closely lined with the offices, warehouses and wharves of commercial houses, with timber yards and innumerable ricemills, while the custom house, the harbour master's office and many of the foreign legations and consulates are also situated here.
Nearly all the stucco-fronted brick houses, with flat roofs and cornices and wide spreading stoeps, of the early Dutch settlers have been replaced by shops, warehouses and offices in styles common to English towns.
There are large warehouses, compresses and gins, extensive cotton-seed oil works and sawmills.
AdvertisementBut the ramparts were long ago demolished; only natives, Malays, Arabs and Chinese live here, and the great European houses have either fallen into decay or been converted into magazines and warehouses.
In the early 15th century the town of Fribourg made an alliance with Geneva for commercial purposes (the cloth warehouses of Fribourg at Geneva being enlarged in 1432 and 1465), as the cloth manufactured at Fribourg found a market in the fairs of Geneva (which are mentioned as early as 1262, and were at the height of their prosperity about 1450).
Under the peace treaties Czechoslovakia acquired her own docks and warehouses in the harbour of Hamburg.
On the Danube the amount was 2 millions, but this total bids fair, under normal conditions, to be easily passed, inasmuch as the work of developing the port of Bratislava, the construction of docks, warehouses and shipbuilding yards, was already proceeding energetically.
Little Flinders Street, in which the great importers' warehouses are mainly situated, is locally known as " the Lane."
The seat of the Anglican bishop, St Paul's cathedral, has an elegant exterior and a wealth of elaborate workmanship within, but stands low and is obscured by surrounding warehouses.
Some of the great warehouses are of considerable architectural merit.
There are cold storage warehouses at various points in Canada, at which the eggs are collected, sorted and packed before shipment.
The government offered subventions to those who would provide cold-storage warehouses at various points where these were necessary, and also arranged with the owners of ocean steamships to provide cold-storage chambers on them by means of mechanical refrigerators.
The policy of encouraging the provision of ample cold-storage accommodation has been developed still further by the Cold Storage Act of the Dominion parliament passed in 1907, under which subsidies are granted in part payment of the cost of erecting and equipping cold-storage warehouses in Canada for the preservation of perishable foodproducts.
With the rise of the Medici came a rapid increase of prosperity; Cosmo, Francis and Ferdinand erected fortifications and harbour works, warehouses and churches, with equal liberality, and the last especially gave a stimulus to trade by inviting "men of the East and the West, Spanish and Portuguese, Greeks, Germans, Italians, Hebrews, Turks, Moors, Armenians, Persians and others," to settle and traffic in the city, as it became in 1606.
There are two piers and numerous warehouses.
They are constructed of granite, and no expense has been spared in equipping them with hydraulic cranes, warehouses, &c.
It manufactures lumber, foundry products, canned goods and creamery products and has grain elevators and tobacco warehouses.
The city is built on a low plain, is regularly laid out, and has many fine warehouses, public buildings and residences, but its greater part, however, consists of mud-walled cabins supported by bamboo (guadua) framework and thatched with rushes.
The first supplies the navy with provisions, medicines, furniture, &c., manufactured or stored in the large warehouses here.
The trading capabilities were aided by the construction in 1894 of the Frihavn (free port) at the northern extremity of the town, well supplied with warehouses and other conveniences.
The old town, on the west bank of the stream, contains most of the principal warehouses and mills; the new town, begun towards the end of the 18th century, occupies much of the level ground that once formed the domains of the abbey.
Under the Dutch the town prospered, and about 1778 an English traveller described it as a place of great trade, "a harbour filled with ships, streets crowded with merchants, and warehouses stored with goods from every part of Asia and Europe, marked the industry, the commerce, and the wealth of the inhabitants."
The Bank, of Sicily was further obliged to make advances to the sulphur industry up to four-fifths of the value of the sulphur deposited in the warehouses.
The commerce of Denmark is mainly based on home production and home consumption, but a certain quantity of goods is imported with a view to re-exportation, for which the free port and bonded warehouses at Copenhagen give facilities.
It is divided into two quarters by the road leading from the landing-place to the railway station, and has numerous public offices, warehouses and other buildings, including a palace of the khedive, used as a hospital during the British military operations in 1882, but subsequently allowed to fall into a dilapidated condition.
In 1616 the Dutch began to compete with the English at Surat, and their piracies against native vessels led to the Mogul governor seizing English warehouses; but soon the native authorities learnt to discriminate between the different European nations, and the unscrupulous methods of the Dutch cast them into disfavour.
To aid the free circulation of money and facilitate trade, the government grants subsidies for the establishment of co-operative warehouse companies with bonded warehouses.
In the old town, with its partly demolished fortifications, houses, shops and warehouses are more closely packed and the streets are narrower than in most East Indian towns, and, although a considerable number of Europeans live in this quarter, the outlying quarters, such as Simpang (where is the government house) and Tuntungan, are preferable for residence.
It became a depot for all merchandize brought from the south-east, and even English merchants established;warehouses there.
Altona carries on an extensive maritime trade with Great Britain, France and America, but it has by no means succeeded in depriving Hamburg of its commercial superiority - indeed, so dependent is it upon its rival that most of its business is transacted on the Hamburg exchange, while the magnificent warehouses on the Altona river bank are to a large extent occupied by the goods of Hamburg merchants.
The banks and the wholesale warehouses are well built, and many beautiful private residences are worthy of note.
The magnificence of its mosques and other public buildings, the number of its schools, and the extent of its warehouses shed lustre on the city; but wealth and luxury began to undermine its prosperity, and its ruin was hastened by the conduct of the Moslem refugees from Spain.
Huge warehouses and sheds have been erected along the quays for the storage of freight.
The pile of buildings known as the corn warehouses are traversed by a canal which gives access to its several departments, and are provided with mechanical grain-elevators.
In 1909 extensive improvements to the water front were under way, and land has been purchased west of Fort Mason for the construction of wharves and warehouses for the United States Transport Service.
The shore of the channel facing Rheneia is lined with docks and warehouses, and behind them, as well as elsewhere in the island, there have been found several private houses of the 2nd or 3rd century B.C. Each of these consists of a single court surrounded by columns and often paved with mosaic; various chambers open out of the court, including usually one of large proportions, the avSpcwv or dining-room for guests.
On the arrival of the opium at its destination, in the end of July or beginning of August, it is placed in cool warehouses to avoid loss of weight until sold.
When transferred to the buyer's warehouses the bags are opened and each piece is examined by a public inspector in the presence of both buyer and seller, the quality of the opium being judged by appearance, odour, colour and weight.
The ruins include the remains of the former pepper warehouses, the old factory, called Fort Speelwijk, belonging to the company, the fortified palace of the former sultans and a well-preserved mosque thought to have been built by the third Mahommedan ruler of Bantam about 1562-1576, and containing the tombs of various princes of Bantam.
They contain the principal public buildings, warehouses and shops, the Berea being a residential quarter.
Here also are situated warehouses and railway works.
The character of the shore of the eastern crescent has been much altered by the new harbour works, which with the wharves and warehouses have absorbed the Villa del Popolo, or People's Park, originally constructed on land reclaimed from the bay.
In addition to these products, copper ingots were also stored at these warehouses for local disposal.
The successful candidate will design and implement data warehouses, data marts and data stores.
When it was light I peeped through the portholes and saw Belfast's dull wharves and warehouses looking sulky in the gray morning mist.
Taxes at any level could be levied on the tobacco sold out of the bonded warehouses.
The majority of the warehouses at The Balvenie Distillery are traditional dunnage warehouses.
Landing places near the City were at a premium and new wharves and warehouses were built to accommodate the growing trade.
Where warehouses or station buildings run parallel to the quay line, the high truck is often extended, so as to span the whole quay; on one side the " long leg " runs on a rail at the quay edge, and on the other the " short leg " runs on a runway placed on the building.
Transporters are largely used for dealing with general cargo between vessels and warehouses, and also for coaling vessels; they have a great advantage in not interfering with the rigging of vessels.
The " fleets " with their quaint medieval warehouses, which come sheer down to the water, and are navigated by barges, have gained for Hamburg the name of " Northern Venice."
Carriage and motor-car warehouses congregate in Long Acre.
At that period the chief concern of the body was to prevent buyers from being imposed upon by sellers who were much given to offering old furs as new; a century later the Skinners' Company received other charters empowering them to inspect not only warehouses and open markets, but workrooms. In 1667 they were given power to scrutinize the preparing of rabbit or cony wool for the wool trade and the registration of the then customary seven years' apprenticeship. To-day all these privileges and powers are in abeyance, and the interest that they took in the fur trade has been gradually transferred to the leather-dressing craft.
When it was light I peeped through the portholes and saw Belfast 's dull wharves and warehouses looking sulky in the gray morning mist.
I continue my walk past elegant townhouses overlooking piers that fade into warehouses long abandoned and reborn.
They erected large warehouses and wharves in the area around Thames Street, especially for the importation of wine.
Almost all supermarkets buy vegetables when slightly under ripe and ship them to warehouses where they are treated with gasses as a preservative and stored in environments where temperatures and humidity levels are tightly controlled.
Are you wondering how to buy self storage warehouses?
Once you've figured out how to buy self-storage warehouses, it seems pretty easy.
Wicker Paradise has been in operation since 1982 and today has a 3,000 square-foot showroom and a large network of warehouses.
Whether the clearance items are seasonal or overstock, they are taking up valuable retail space on shelves, in stockrooms or warehouses.
Little Design Help - Few wholesale furniture brokers - either online or in warehouses, offer design help.
This metal flooring is often used in warehouses.
Since the warehouses do not lot materials, open each box as soon as it arrives and inspect each piece.
From this location the items are shipped to outlet stores from their Los Angeles warehouses.
Candy warehouses, party stores, and wedding retailers are all excellent places to find beach wedding favor candy.
Large wedding supply stores, warehouses, or dress shops might offer in-store books for brides to browse.
Discount warehouses are not glamorous, but women have always scored deals doing this kind of shopping.
In the 1960s the store had spread from the Midwest and opened warehouses in California and Georgia.
While this rating system is standard, be aware that many ceramic tiles sold online or through discount tile warehouses do not carry this rating.
Great for individuals who work inside chilly warehouses or around grocery store freezers, these practical coveralls and bibs are available in insulated and non-insulated varieties.
Once-abandoned warehouses now sport trendy lofts and more high-rise condos, restaurants and shops are in the works.
Recently opening two new warehouses, they have the largest distribution network of any of the competitors.
So... wholesale isn't just for warehouses.
Moreover, replica Gucci handbags are manufactured in hygienically questionable warehouses where most of the workers are underage and underpaid.
Time rolled on, and the funhouse props ended up in warehouses, including the once-popular mummies.
U.S. Appliance warehouses many major appliances, including factory-authorized models from LG, KitchenAid, Maytag/Whirlpool, Amana, and other top brands.
Check local auctions, state clearence warehouses, and newspaper classified ads to find the best bargains in your area.
Flour, sugar, bread, meat and beverages can all be purchased in large quantities by discount warehouses.
Shopping for used Slim in 6 DVDs at thrift stores or online used DVD warehouses.
Rather than fly to Hollywood to shoot interior scenes, Everwood producers rented out several giant warehouses in Salt Lake City.
They have a lot more selection in their warehouses than even the biggest stores could have.
Their first missions included the seizure of Federal warehouses and arsenals.The volunteer troops were regular people, mostly farmers, before the start of the Civil War.
It is flanked on each side by well-preserved warehouses, another group of which, surrounding a large court, lies to the south-west.
Where, however, there are a number of cranes all belonging to the same installation, and these are placed so as to be conveniently worked from a central power station, and where the work is rapid, heavy and continuous, as is the case at large ports, docks and railway or other warehouses, experience has shown that it is best to produce the power in a generating station and distribute it to the cranes.
The Grand Trunk Railroad Company has here two of the largest grain warehouses on the Atlantic Coast.
Docks, wharves, piers, curing stations and warehouses have been provided or enlarged to cope with the growth of the trade, and an esplanade has been constructed along the front.
The higher floors commonly form warehouses where traders may store goods which have arrived or are awaiting despatch.
In 1884 the port became a first-class naval station; and naval barracks, warehouses, offices, hospitals, &c., were established here.
The customs house and chief warehouses are by the western harbour, but the principal buildings of the city are in the east and south-east quarters.
On either side of the canal are the warehouses of wholesale dealers in cotton, wool, sugar, grain and other commodities.
In the southern part of the city is a United States navy yard and station, officially the Norfolk Yard (the second largest in the country), of about 450 acres, with three immense dry docks, machine shops, warehouses, travelling and water cranes, a training station, torpedoboat headquarters, a powder plant (20 acres), a naval magazine, a naval hospital and the distribution headquarters of the United State Marine Corps.
A circular railway about the water-front, wharves and warehouses facilitates the loading and unloading of vessels.
The principal railways have wharves and through connexions for goods traffic, and huge warehouses are attached to the docks.
This plan, however, miscarried, for space grew so valuable that large warehouses and business establishments have been erected in these lanes.
There were bazaars, shops, warehouses, market stalls, granaries--for the most part still stocked with goods-- and there were factories and workshops, palaces and wealthy houses filled with luxuries, hospitals, prisons, government offices, churches, and cathedrals.
They generally form what may be called the back streets, and they are bordered by warehouses, cellars and the lower class of dwelling-houses.