War Sentence Examples
The war is on.
He had a feeling the war was just starting to get interesting.
We got a war to fight and women waiting for us.
He hesitated, at war with himself.
Now, let's move on to the political factors that will cause war to cease.
You know they're at war with each other and playing games with us here on earth.
You can't fix a war that's been on for hundreds of thousands of years.
But in making the case that war can and will be ended, I have my work cut out for me.
As his adopted brothers in the war against evil, the two of them were his equals.
Back then before the war we used to take the train, later the bus.
AdvertisementWorld War II ushered in the age of nuclear weapons.
Its end led directly to the Cold War, which consumed inconceivable amounts of money and almost pushed the world to the brink of nuclear devastation.
We had world war three over it.
But all along, they believed they would ultimately prevail—and not just win the war, but also do something epic that would change the course of history for all time.
If there can be a day without war, then there can be two days without it.
AdvertisementI thought a daughter was just an excuse to declare war on everyone.
In this book, I maintain the future will be without ignorance, disease, hunger, poverty, and war, and I support those assertions with history, data, and reason.
After all, World War I was called The War to End War.
But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist--I really believe he is Antichrist--I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself!
Alder's Bridge was re-named Brockville, after the first soldier fatality of World War Two!
AdvertisementShe belonged with him, even if she was second rung to his war against bad guys or even if he was never able to devote himself to any one woman at all.
He sang of war, and of bold rough deeds, and of love and sorrow.
It is an acknowledgement that war is completely a choice and our choice can be "no."
A long war, not with cranes, but with weeds, those Trojans who had sun and rain and dews on their side.
The two types of beings had last brought their war to the mortal realm during the time of the Schism, when they'd almost destroyed the universe.
AdvertisementInstead of war in his background, there was peacemaking and diplomacy from the beginning.
There was the customary group of tourists with names like Bud and Ethel and Elmer and Clara— names not assigned to anyone born after World War II.
The only brother not to declare outright war on him, Kiki was a distant second to Andre in his tepid support of their black sheep of a young brother.
I am also a historian with a full understanding of how poverty, disease, ignorance, famine, and war have dominated life on this planet.
Then came World War I, which utilized these institutions and greatly expanded the size of the federal government.
The following chapter catalogs the difficulties inherent in trying to end war, which in the past brought misery and destruction and in the future could bring annihilation.
All right then, not the cavalry, but a marshaling of arguments and observations that will show how the end of war is inevitable, or nearly so.
After all, we have had war almost constantly throughout history and yet have still managed to progress.
Maybe war does serve some purpose.
Whatever the case in the past, war in the future can serve no useful purpose.
Such a house my father built after the Civil War, and when he married my mother they went to live in it.
Half the population of his planet had been decimated by famine and war.
He would do many more before the war was over.
Under what conditions can we claim victory in this war on disease?
A few years later, with the United States again at war, most of its top medical minds were engaged in the war effort.
Then war can become obsolete, as foreign to us as slavery and public hangings.
As Denzel Washington's character observed in the movie Crimson Tide, "In the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself."
His youngest sister, Talal, stood in the doorway to his war quarters, her gaze hopeful.
In war, they were savage and cruel; for war always makes men so.
We love war movies.
After the war was over the family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.
Under the cloud of war, it is humanity hanging itself on a cross of iron.
Since war historically has interrupted the flow of consumer goods, and would do so even more in our present interconnected world, preserving our hard-earned possessions provides an additional disincentive to war.
When the Civil War broke out, he fought on the side of the South and became a brigadier-general.
The men spoke among themselves, swapping war stories and discussing the Tucson Sector's influx of vamps.
It was invaded by the Paraguayans in the war of 1860-65.
When the leaders of nations decide war is the best choice, they should know better.
This was done in large part because the two powers came so close to going to war over the Cuban Missile Crisis.
As I drew a still fresher soil about the rows with my hoe, I disturbed the ashes of unchronicled nations who in primeval years lived under these heavens, and their small implements of war and hunting were brought to the light of this modern day.
But the only true America is that country where you are at liberty to pursue such a mode of life as may enable you to do without these, and where the state does not endeavor to compel you to sustain the slavery and war and other superfluous expenses which directly or indirectly result from the use of such things.
It looked like a war zone and smelled like a cesspool.
A young girl—not Melissa—rushed up to Billy and hugged him like a war bride.
Where there's a war?
You couldn't have been twenty-one during the war and voted for FDR.
If they hadn't gone off playing those silly war games, Rosie the riveter would have stayed at home barefoot and pregnant the way women belong.
What did happen to a weapon after a victor won his war?
I wish I'd been involved in the latest war to protect my kind.
I guess that's the punishment for our roles in the Schism – being pushed aside and forced to watch, Eden said, referring to the war that severed the two realms completely from one another.
These rules were borrowed almost word for word from the project drawn up at the Brussels international conference of 1874, which, though never ratified, was practically incorporated in the army regulations issued by the Russian government in connexion with the war of 18 77-7 8.
He encouraged the cities, and not content with issuing proclamations against private war, formed alliances with the princes in order to enforce his decrees.
The Diet, which met in 1839, supported the agitation for the release of the prisoners, and refused to pass any government measures; Metternich long remained obdurate, but the danger of war in 1840 obliged him to give way.
The agitation had no immediate effect, but the indignation which he aroused against Russian policy had much to do with the strong anti-Russian feeling which made the Crimean War possible.
An attempt to organize a Hungarian legion during the Crimean War was stopped; but in 1859 he entered into negotiations with Napoleon, left England for Italy, and began the organization of a Hungarian legion, which was to make a descent on the coast of Dalmatia.
Taking heart, the exiled barons gathered together some troops, and war began in the neighbourhood of Rome.
In 1916 they were barred from circulation in Canada " because of garbled despatches " concerning the World War.
After America's entrance into the war they were frequently charged with disloyalty and in many towns attempts were made to suppress them.
He had just been admitted to the bar, but on the outbreak of war he at once offered his services to the governor, and became lieutenant-colonel and then colonel of the 42nd Ohio Volunteers, recruited largely from among his former students.
From 391 they were virtually at war.
In 285 he was one of the ambassadors sent to the Tarentines to dissuade them from making war on the Romans.
The most active period of his life is that of his command on the Lakes during the War of 1812.
When the cruising season of the lake was nearly over he in his turn retired to Sackett's Harbor, and did not leave it for the rest of the war.
The year which marked the close of the Lateran council was also signalized by Leo's unholy war against the duke of Urbino.
Guicciardini reckoned the cost of the war to Leo at the prodigious sum of 800,000 ducats.
The war of Urbino was further marked by a crisis in the relations between pope and cardinals.
Other promotions were for political or family considerations or to secure money for the war against Urbino.
In 1 774 the governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, himself led a force over the mountains, and a body of militia under General Andrew Lewis dealt the Shawnee Indians under Cornstalk a crushing blow at Point Pleasant at the junction of the Kanawha and the Ohio rivers, but Indian attacks continued until after the War of Independence.
The inhabitants sided with Athens during the Peloponnesian War, and during the Roman invasion their city was of considerable importance.
About 1639 he entered upon the career of an itinerant preacher, and for preaching in various parts of Wales he was twice arrested in 1640; however, he was not punished and during the Civil War he preached in and around London.
I'm not … I know you're waging a war.
She knew what Xander was; after all, she was the one who taught him war and bloodlust.
But the government of Bombay had hurried on a rupture with the Mahratta confederacy at a time when France was on the point of declaring war against England, and when the mother-country found herself unable to subdue her rebellious colonists in America.
Foremost among the leaders of the revolutionary armies were Manuel Belgrano, and after March 1812 General Jose de San Martin, an officer who had gained experience against the French in the Peninsular War.
The jealousy of the provinces, however, against the capital led to a series of disturbances, and for many years continual civil war devastated every part of the country.
The Brazilians were defeated, notably at Ituzaingo, and in 1827 the war issued in the independence of Uruguay.
He was shot (December 9, 1828), by the order of Lavalle, and during the year 1828 the country was given up to the horrors of civil war.
Causes of friction still remained, but they did not develop into open quarrels, for Mitre was content to leave Urquiza in his province of Entre Rios, and the other administrators (caudillos) in their several governments, a large measure of autonomy, trusting that the position and growing commercial importance of Buenos Aires would inevitably tend to make the federal capital the real centre of power of the republic. In 1865 the Argentines were forced into war with Paraguay through the overbearing attitude of the president Francisco Solano Lopez.
In the month of June 1880, President Avellaneda and his ministers left Buenos Aires, and this act was considered by the porteno leaders equivalent to a declaration of war.
But the two generals were equally averse to a contest a outrance, which could only end in civil war.
Public opinion, excited by the prospect of a war with Chile, naturally supported the candidature of General Roca, and he elected without opposition (12th October 1898).
The other ministries with the largest outgoings were the ministry of war (the expenditure of which rose from 254 millions in 1895 to over 30 millions in 1995), the ministry of marine (103/4 millions in 1895, over 123/4 millionsin 1905), the ministry of public works (with an expenditure in 1905 of over 20 millions, 10 millions of which was assigned to posts, telegraphs and telephones) and the ministry of public instruction, fine arts and public worship, the expenditure on education having risen from 73/4 millions in 1895 to 93/4 millions in 1905.
This large increase is to be accounted for by the fact that during the Napoleonic rgime the government steadily refused to issue inconvertible paper currency or to meet war expenditure by borrowing.
It is at the disposal of the minister of war, who can decree the recall of all men discharged to the reserve the previous year and all those whose time of service has for any reason been shortened.
Except he hadn't planned on stoking the fire with Kisolm for what would certainly end in another war.
The connection alone might prevent a full-scale war.
And yet he knew war was not so simple between two clans with a history of blood feud as theirs had.
Yes. We must warn our battle commanders about the possibility of war with Qatwal.
The women would remain until the war was over and he could take them to their rightful home.
Talal says you have no knowledge of our war.
Or maybe I can learn to fight and go with him, if there's no time limit to the war.
Our clans are still on the verge of war.
A'Ran, if helping me drew you into another war, why did you do it?
He didn't regret what he had done, even if it plunged his war-beleaguered people into another war.
Kiera debated how he could have worse news, curious about the man and the war.
The fate of my people will not matter if they do not live through the war!
There has been only war as long as I can remember.
He closed his eyes, recalling how happy he and his sisters were before the war.
It was his favorite memory, that which preceded his abrupt knowledge of war and the world at large.
Even when, on the invention of gunpowder and firearms, the bow had fallen into disuse as a weapon of war, the prohibition was continued.
The advantages of a purely territorial system have tempted various War Ministers to apply it, but the results were not good, owing to the want of uniformity in the military qualities and the political subordination of the different districts.
The full number of persons liable to be called upon for military service and engaged in such service is calculated (1908) as 4,800,000, of whom 1,350,000 of the active army and the younger classes of army reserve would constitute the field armies set on foot at the outbreak of war.
In war the latter would probably remain at the ministry of war in Paris, and the generalissimo would have his own chief of staff.
It is convenient, to mention in this place certain institutions attached to the war department and completing the French military organization.
The ordnance department of the navy is carried on by a large detachment of artillery officers and artificers provided by the war office for this special duty.
Winston was founded in 1851 as the countyseat and was named in honour of Major Joseph Winston (1746-1815), a famous Indian fighter, a soldier during the War of Independence and a representative in Congress in1793-1795and 1803-1807.
When war was regarded as likely the martinella was attached to the door of the church of Santa Maria in the Mercato Nuovo in Florence and rung to warn both citizens and enemies.
Its early - Protestant sympathies placed it on the side of Sweden during the Thirty Years' War, and in 1628 it successfully resisted a siege of eleven weeks by Wallenstein, who had sworn to take it "though it were chained to heaven."
In early times the war of the Epigoni was a favourite subject of epic poetry.
At the end of the war, Caesar bestowed upon Bocchus part of the territory of Massinissa, Juba's ally, which was recovered after Caesar's murder by Massinissa's son Arabion.
After a period of inaction war between the two countries again became imminent in 1209; but a peace was made at Norham, and about three years later another amicable arrangement was reached.
The western pediment, which is more conservative in type, represents the earlier expedition of Heracles and Telamon against Troy; the eastern, which is bolder and more advanced, probably refers to episodes in the Trojan war.
There was but one war, and it lasted from 488 to 481.
That Athens had the worst of it in this war is certain.
The change in Athenian foreign policy, which was consequent upon the ostracism of Cimon in 461, led to what is sometimes called the First Peloponnesian War, in which the brunt of the fighting fell upon Corinth and Aegina.
In the first winter of the Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.) Athens expelled the Aeginetans, and established a cleruchy in their island.
At the end of the Peloponnesian War Lysander restored the scattered remnants of the old inhabitants to the island, which was used by the Spartans as a base for operations against Athens in the Corinthian War.
Commerce was the source of Aegina's greatness, and her trade, which appears to have been principally with the Levant, must have suffered seriously from the war with Persia.
In the war of independence it was repeatedly subjected to pillage and slaughter by both parties in the strife, and did not recover its losses for many years.
In 1848, when Prussia made war on Denmark, Lauenburg was occupied at her own request by some Hanoverian troops, and was then administered for three years under the authority of the German confederation, being restored to Denmark in 1851.
Definitely incorporated with this country in 1853, it experienced another change of fortune after the short war of 1864 between Denmark on the one side and Prussia and Austria on the other, as by the peace of Vienna (30th of October 1864) it was ceded with Schleswig and Holstein to the two German powers.
One remarkable discovery, however, of general interest, was the outcome of a long series of delicate weighings and minute experimental care in the determination of the relative density of nitrogen gas - undertaken in order to determine the atomic weight of nitrogen - namely, the discovery of argon, the first of a series of new substances, chemically inert, which occur, some only in excessively minute quantities, as constituents of the 1 The barony was created at George IV.'s coronation in 1821 for the wife of Joseph Holden Strutt, M.P. for Maldon (1790-1826) and Okehampton (1826-1830), who had done great service during the French War as colonel of the Essex militia.
His temper quickly led him into quarrels with the minister of war, and he resigned his command in 1850.
Bethlen no sooner felt firmly seated on his throne than he seized the opportunity presented to him by the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War to take up arms in defence of the liberties and the constitution of the extra-Transylvanian Hungarian provinces, with the view of more effectually assuring his own position.
Bethlen accepted the title but refused to be crowned, and war was resumed, till the defeat of the Czechs at the battle of the White Hill gave a new turn to affairs.
The first war was concluded by the peace of Vienna, the second by the peace of Pressburg, both confirmatory of the peace of Nikolsburg.
The Catalan revolt was pacified in 1472, but John had war, in which he was generally unfortunate, with his neighbour the French king till his death on the 20th of January 1479.
He was created a peer of France in 1458, and made governor of Paris during the war of the League of the Public Weal (1465).
They were again confiscated in 1852, but were restored to the Orleans family by the National Assembly after the Franco-German War.
But the Transvaal War of 1899-1902, to which Australia sent 6310 volunteers (principally mounted rifles), and the gradual increase of military sentiment, brought the question more to the front, and more and more attention was given to making Australian defence a matter of local concern.
After the year 1884 Labour troubles became very frequent, the New South Wales coal miners in particular being at war with the colliery owners during the greater part of the six years intervening between then and what is called the Great Strike.
He was ambassador at Berlin in 1866 at the time of the rupture between Prussia and Austria, and after the Seven Weeks' War was charged with the negotiation of the preliminaries of peace at Nikolsburg.
By this time the duchy had increased considerably in extent, but petty wars with the other Saxon princes combined with the extravagance of the court and the desolation caused by the Seven Years' War to plunge it into distress and bankruptcy.
The war with France at the beginning of this reign, with its attendant evils, quartering of troops, conscription and levies of money, joined with cattle disease and scanty harvests in plunging the land again into distress, from which it recovered very slowly.
The war between the two pretenders was long and doubtful; on a coin Vonones mentions a victory over Artabanus.
The emperor Caracalla, wishing to make use of this civil war for a conquest of the East in imitation of his idol, Alexander the Great, attacked the Parthians in 216.
This proved to be the last pitched battle of the war, the Danes never again venturing to attack their once more invincible enemy in the open field.
As early as the beginning of the 9th century Ameland was a lordship of the influential family of Cammingha who held immediately of the emperor, and in recognition of their independence the Amelanders were in 1369 declared to be neutral in the fighting between Holland and Friesland, while Cromwell made the same declaration in 1654 with respect to the war between England and the United Netherlands.
He took part in the expedition of the Epigoni against Thebes and in the Trojan War.
The former Royal Dockyard was made over to the War Office in 1872 and converted into stores, wharves for the loading of troopships, &c. The Royal Artillery Barracks, facing Woolwich Common, originally erected in 1775, has been greatly extended at different times, and consists of six ranges of Brick building, including a church in the Italian Gothic style erected in 1863, a theatre, and a library in connexion with the officers' mess-room.
Opposite the barracks is the memorial to the officers and men of the Royal Artillery who fell in the Crimean War, a bronze figure of Victory cast out of cannon captured in the Crimea.
It contains models of the principal dockyards and fortifications of the British empire, naval models of all dates, and numerous specimens of weapons of war from the remotest times to the present day.
This charter provided that no war could be declared nor marriage concluded by the sovereign, nor taxes raised without the assent of the states, that natives were alone eligible for high office, and that the national language should be used in public documents.
After the outbreak of the civil war, he was recalled by Caesar in 49, and entered his service, but took no active part against his old patron Pompey.
He was about to write a treatise on the steam-engine, when the Polish War of Independence summoned him back to Warsaw in November 1830.
Bern was in command and was seriously wounded in the last pitched battle of the war, fought there on the 9th of August.
Before the World War about i 2 million skins were obtained annually at a cost of 6 to 8 roubles each.
War followed, in which Turkey was easily successful and gained a small rectification of frontier; then a few months later Crete was taken over "en depot" by the Four Powers - Germany and Austria not participating, - and Prince George of Greece was appointed their mandatory.
From 1850 onwards it was again repaired and strengthened at great cost, and was considered impregnable; but in the war of 1864 the Prussians turned it by crossing the Schlei, .and it was abandoned by the Danes on the 6th of February without a blow.
After the Social War it became a municipium and under Augustus a colony.
He believed that the Union could be saved without a war, and that a policy of delay would prevent the secession of the border states, which in turn would gradually coax their more southern neighbours back into their proper relations with the Federal government.
Finding himself overruled by the war party in the cabinet, on the 1st of April 1861, Seward suggested a war of all America against most of Europe, with himself as the director of the enterprise.
He was overtaken by a dangerous illness, and on the 2nd of March civil war in support of the king broke out.
During the Peninsular War Badajoz was unsuccessfully attacked by the French in 1808 and 1809; but on the 10th of March 1811, the Spanish commander, Jose Imaz, was bribed into surrendering to the French force under Marshal Soult.
In the civil war between Caesar and Pompey Pollio sided with Caesar, was present at the battle of Pharsalus (48), and commanded against Sextus Pompeius in Spain, where he was at the time of Caesar's assassination.
During the forty-seven years war, when pope and emperor were respectively bidding for their affiance, and offering concessions to secure their support, the communes grew in self-reliance, strength and liberty.
A lay ministry was now demanded, a constitution, and an Italian federation for war against Austria.
In 1847 Lord Minto visited the tionary Italian courts to try to induce the recalcitrant despots agitation, to mend their ways, so as to avoid revolution and war, 1847.
It was then that the long war, called the Revolutionary War, began.
The people there knew nothing about war and conquest.
Coriolanus began at once to make ready for war against Rome.
War, poverty, misery, and nearly one hundred million people dead came from what essentially was a single wrong turn.
Now, I'm faced with explaining why the past was full of war but somehow the future will not be.
After speaking about the economic costs of war, the burden it places on the economy, and the toll this takes on the people, Eisenhower closed by describing the peace proposals he was offering Russia and China.
So did de Tocqueville, touring nineteenth-century America, when he wrote that "All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it."
A full-scale, no-holds-barred, nuclear-missiles-raining-down kind of world war would profoundly change the course of human history for all time.
My aim is to show you how war will end and convince you that the end of war is inevitable.
Ending war does not mean compromising values.
And when there was a war, like this one, it would be war!
They did it for high level spooks during the cold war.
Dusty closed his eyes to Travel and opened them, arriving to his favorite room in HQ, the war room.
The world was flooded in some areas and on fire in others with still other parts blanketed in outright war.
He wouldn't let someone like her get stuck in the middle of their war.
She was reminded of a scene from a movie, where an army mobilized for war.
She thinks he was even the mayor for a term, way back before the war.
Cora was walking away already, leaving Deidre to her internal war.
If what Tymkyn learned was true, the underworld itself was at war.
I feel like I'm winning my battles but losing the war.
And they'd lost two of their brothers to the war.
They're into the arts, and charities to raise money for our war.
I'll do this and go back to war.
She believed Evelyn's tale of a race of people bred for war.
I think there's no openly declared war, but there's lots of unrest and skirmishes among the clans.
Before we had spaceships, we still had war.
She ignored the instinct and said, "I want to roam around the main house, but I'm really afraid of opening doors to random rooms and finding, you know, hordes of tarantulas that attack me or angry prisoners of war."
At the age of fourteen sun-cycles, before he reached manhood, he had lost all but his sisters, been proclaimed dhjan of a planet he couldn't even visit, and made battle commander of a war he knew nothing of.
He wanted there to be something more than war.
A'Ran was gone indefinitely for a surge operation in his war, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
She'd wanted to see if he was capable of being anything more than the cold, distant warrior obsessed with war.
The men ignored the signs of war, instead keeping to a quick pace along their path.
The mountains overlooked an expansive plain lined with encampments, an airfield, small ships, and other war arsenal.
Leyon waited with her at the doorway as the war discussions continued.
He said without me, you might win your war.
He needs someone to remind him that there is more to his life than war.
She didn't like to think of how violent the man in control of a world always at war could be.
The sensations humbled him, and he thought again of Mansr's words, that he needed to be more than an exiled war planner.
He spent a few hours setting up the explosive mechanisms and issuing new battle plans for the space war and ordered his ground troops to evacuate the planet.
The Council will want to be involved, even if this becomes an intra-galaxy war.
I promised Evey I'd rescue you when we went to war.
The Five Galaxies have just exploded with war.
To escape the war?
She heard no signs of war but saw the distant night sky light up with orange and red flashes.
But if he doesn't destroy Qatwal and the war stops, will they leave him alone?
Mison might try to blow A'Ran up, or the Council change its mind, or A'Ran would destroy everything to win his war, even if it meant losing her.
The Civil War was over thirty-odd years before this was written.
Fred, I know you're an old geezer, but Roosevelt died during World War Two.
Thanks for your help, but around here we're waging a constant war against nature.
Lunch was at a rustic little seafood place in Rogers called Catfish John's, and afterward she directed him to the War Eagle Mill.
His second-in-command is General Greene, a war hero worth his pay.
Reminiscent of the Civil War fifty years ago, only the PMF is being blamed.
If anything, the strikes look like something that would've occurred during the East-West Civil War.
I fought side by side with his older brother years ago at the end of the war; I know the type of honor that runs in his family.
General Greene has spent too long at war overseas to know where Ohio is.
Brady's arm of the militia, the Appalachia Branch, stretched from northern Georgia up through Virginia and was one of the largest in the PMF, the only thing good to come of the East-West Civil War.
The PMF—Poor Man's Front—had started as a protest during the war against the elite that ultimately won and divided the American society between those who lived comfortably—and everyone else.
He could only steer them towards the Underground Railroad, the secretive systems of bunkers and tunnels running beneath major cities that were developed by the PMF during the ten-year war.
Meanwhile, his people acted as the eyes on the ground to the regular military, most of which was exiled overseas after the war to prevent the divided political elite from seizing control of it again.
The government has been divided since the war, but it didn't seem possible that this could happen.
The feds sealed off the Mississippi using the equipment left over from the war fifty years ago.
The Eastern Command Center had served as the headquarters for the Eastern armies during the East-West Civil War.
After the war, it remained a central hub.
They met when the classes were divided after the war.
The people credited the PMF with saving them from the elite's Civil War while the elites tried hard to stamp out the PMF's existence.
The guys we're running into are wearing uniforms from the war era.
I'll finish what they started in the war!
The West won't lose this war a second time.
It resembled a studio apartment with a real bed and dresser, a restroom cordoned off by opaque curtains in one corner, a small study where he kept his war docs, a kitchenette, rugs, and a small living area.
Within ten minutes, his second-in-command met him in the tent they used as a war room.
Things haven't been right since the war, but the issues haven't been out in the open.
And, the government chose to pursue the PMF rather than risk another civil war by going after people with a lot of influence and money.
The last civil war set us back fifty years.
Who would want to start another civil war?
A civil war where both sides have enough dangerous shit to destroy the world twenty times over.
Lana never thought she'd end up in the middle of a forest, defended by the PMF against those who seemed to want to start a second East-West civil war.
I agree with Dan—someone in the government wants to start another civil war.
Another civil war has started, but we can fix it before things get even worse.
After the War, the government created seven protected sites around the world with only one person at the site knowing what was there and security measures that were beyond anything the Peak had.
She'd read many reports of damage and was struck by how easy it had been to dismiss the humanity of the war they were in.
I was on their first team in the East-West War.
If we don't act, the country will be split by civil war.
The bridges were all destroyed, and the old barriers from the war are back up.
She dreamt of what life with Brady might've been like, away from the war and betrayal.
There were likely some nasty security features on the other side of the Mississippi left over from the East-West Civil War.
Rumor has it they're trying to revive the East-West War.
It's a series of bunkers connected by tunnels, set up by the PMF to protect the people during the East-West War.
A few more stragglers, rumors of a new East-West War, Mike summarized with a shrug.
We took a lesson from the East-West War and created bunkers and tunnels between cities to escape the eyes of the feds.
You cannot destroy this place or start a war with me before four days have passed.
You must tell Kris about Lilith. I'm sick of this war between you two. We need you both on the Council.
Police Headquarters was located in the center of town between the City Hall and the library, across from a well-kept park that contained the obligatory statue of a civil war hero.
It wasn't the war, but it was a battle won, and one more slug was off the street.
In any event, there's a lot of money missing and both sides are at war over it.
Any hint that we're looking at Byrne or anyone else as having taken that money stops the war and our leverage goes out the window.
Parkside was nothing more than an innocent battleground for disreputable elements of our society, at war with one another.
Without them, lowly federal agents would still be in the dark in identifying the combatants in this dreadful war.
Is the war still going on?
No one said it was pretty but it's a war.
Someone told me that it was built by Union soldiers hiding from the rebels during the Civil War.
They'll go back to war.
They'd be looking for someone who could help them win their war.
Darian walked down the hall and stairwell to the study where his brother, the White God Damian, was probably plotting how to outsmart the pesky little immortals who'd declared war on them.
The war will spread.
Uneasily, she realized this was what the war would do to the mortal world.
She was at war with herself, a war he understood too well.
Our war will claim a world.
Because you brought your war here!
You've used everyone to win a war that none of us understood.
The clipped note in her chief advisor's voice reminded her of how little he approved of her recent decision to involve herself in war planning.
When, however, the Civil War began, he volunteered into the navy, was rated acting master's mate, and became a midshipman in October 1861, and a lieutenant in July 1862, serving in the North Atlantic blockading squadron.
In 1519 Hungary concluded a three years' truce with Selim I., but the succeeding sultan, Suliman the Magnificent, renewed the war in June 1521.
The pope was greatly alarmed, and although he was then involved in war with France he sent about 30,000 ducats to the Hungarians.
Leo agreed to invest Charles with Naples, to crown him emperor, and to aid in a war against Venice.
Thus he devised for Hiero engines of war which almost terrified the Romans, and which protracted the siege of Syracuse for three years.
In 1627 he commanded the large forces assembled at the siege of La Rochelle; and some years after in 1635, during the Thirty Years' War, he was general of the French army in Lorraine.
Regaining liberty, he renewed the war against Brazil, and took Porto Allegro.
Landing at Nice on the 24th of June 1848, he placed his sword at the disposal of Charles Albert, and, after various difficulties with the Piedmontese war office, formed a volunteer army 3000 strong, but shortly after taking the field was obliged, by the defeat of Custozza, to flee to Switzerland.
On the outbreak of war in 1859 he was placed in command of the Alpine infantry, defeating the Austrians at Casale on the 8th of May, crossing the Ticino on the 23rd of May, and, after a series of victorious fights, liberating Alpine territory as far as the frontier of Tirol.
On the outbreak of war in 1866 he assumed command of a volunteer army and, after the defeat of the Italian troops at Custozza, took the offensive in order to cover Brescia.
During the Civil War Bolton sided with the parliament, and in February 1643 and March 1644 the royalist forces assaulted the town, but were on both occasions repulsed.
The declaration of war by England against Scotland, in answer to the recent Franco-Scottish negotiations, prevented his return.
According to the story, Evander left the Arcadian town of Pallantion about sixty years before the Trojan War and founded Pallanteum or Palatium on the hill afterwards called the Palatine.
Immediately before the Civil War, petroleum was discovered in shallow wells near Parkersburg, and there was a great rush of prospectors and speculators to the Little Kanawha Valley.
But the Civil War interrupted development.
After the war, wells were drilled at Burning Springs, Oil Rock, California House, Volcano, Sandhill and Horseneck, and in the years1865-18763,000,000 bbls.
During the war the settlers in Western Virginia were generally active Whigs and many served in the Continental army.
During the Civil War West Virginia suffered comparatively little.
Bands of guerrillas burned and plundered in some sections, and were not entirely suppressed until after the war was ended.
During the war and for years afterwards partisan feeling ran high.
Loyal to American interests and devoted to General Washington, he was one of the most useful of the state executives during the War of Independence.
While governor he was a frequent contributor to the New Jersey Gazette, and in this way he greatly aided the American cause during the war by his denunciation of the enemy and appeals to the patriotism of his countrymen.
He was one of the founders of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), was a member of the New York Council for some years before the War of Independence, a member and president of the First Provincial Congress of New York (1775), and a member of the Second Provincial Congress (1775-1776).
William's Son, (HENRY) BROCKHOLST LIVINGSTON (1757-1823), was an officer in the American War of Independence, and was an able lawyer and judge.
In 1904 he went to Japan as war correspondent and in 1914 to Mexico in the same capacity.
Hostius, who wrote a poem on the Illyrian War of 178 B.C., of which some fragments are preserved.
See Lord Stanhope, History of the War of Succession in Spain (London, 1832).
When war was actually begun, Hastings officially recorded his previous resolution to have resigned, in order to repudiate responsibility for measures which he had always opposed.
The fighting, no doubt, on the part of the wazir was conducted with all the savagery of Oriental warfare; but there is no evidence that it was a war of extermination.
On the part of Bombay, the Mahratta war was conducted with procrastination and disgrace.
The landing of Coote preserved Madras from destruction, though the war lasted through many campaigns and only terminated with the death of Hyder.
Hastings's personal task was to provide the ways and means for this exhausting war.
During the War of Independence Norfolk was bombarded on the 1st of January 1776 by the British under John Murray, 4th earl of Dunmore (1732-1809); much of the town was burned by the American troops to prevent Dunmore from establishing himself here.
At the outbreak of the Civil War the city was abandoned, and the navy yard was burned by the Federals in April 1861; Norfolk was then occupied until the 9th of May 1862 by Virginia troops, first under General William Booth Taliaferro (1822-1898) and later under General Benjamin Huger (1806-1877).
In the First Punic War, however, it was sacked by the Romans (261) and the Carthaginians (255), and finally in the Second Punic War by the Romans (210).
After thirty-seven years of war he set himself to emulate Asoka and became a patron of art and literature.
In the early months of the Boer War of 1899-1902 Aliwal North was held by the Boers.
There are signs of trade with Etruria as early as the 7th century B.C. The Carthaginians made it into an important grainproducing centre; and the Romans set foot in the island more than once during the First Punic War.
The Aragonese enjoyed at first the assistance of the giudici of Arborea, who had remained in power; but in 1352 war broke out between Mariano IV.
The island remained a Spanish province until the War of the Spanish Succession, when in 1708 Cagliari capitulated to an English fleet, and the island became Austrian; the status quo was confirmed by the peace of Utrecht in 1713.
Leaving the service after the war, he studied jurisprudence at Heidelberg, Göttingen and Jena, and in 1819 went for a while to Geneva to complete his studies.
Later on he attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy, and he took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament; but, soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retired from the contest, and, as a major in the service of the SchleswigHolstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.
After the war he retired into private life at Heidelberg.
The existence of such mixed matters gives rise to inevitable conflicts of jurisdiction, which may lead, and sometimes have led, to civil war.
Selim determined on war with Persia, where the heresy was the prevalent religion, and in order that the Shiites in Turkey should give no trouble during the war, "measures were taken," as the Turkish historian states, which may be explained as the reader desires, and which proved fully efficacious.
He too entered the ministry (1864) and during the Franco-German War served as army chaplain, an experience described in his Erlebnisse eines Feldgeistlichen (1890).
He was also appointed governor of Weymouth, sheriff of Dorsetshire for the king and president of the king's council of war in the county.
On the breaking out of the Dutch War in 1664 he was made treasurer of the prizes, being accountable to the king alone for all sums received or spent.
In 1668, however, he supported a bill to appoint commissioners to examine the accounts of the Dutch War, though in the previous year he had opposed it.
During the negotiations which preceded the Peloponnesian War he did his best to prevent, or at least xo postpone, the inevitable struggle, but was overruled by the war party.
The rights of the Six Nations to all this territory were purchased at Albany, New York, by the Susquehanna Company in 1754, but the work of colonization was delayed for a time by the Seven Years' War.
The conflict which followed between the Pennsylvania and the Connecticut settlers is known as the first Pennamite-Yankee War.
As the War of Independence came to a close the old trouble with Pennsylvania was revived.
Civil war, however, broke xx1.28 a out, but Podèbrad succeeded in defeating the Romanist nobles.
In the following year Podébrad was more successful in his resistance to his many enemies, but his death on the 22nd of March 1471 put a stop to the war.
In the RussoTurkish War the Servian army, under the personal command of King Milan, besieged Nish, and forced it to capitulate on the 10th January 1878.
His refusal to comply with the pope's injunctions led to a renewal of the war.
But on the descent of the emperor Henry VII., Frederick entered into an alliance with him, and in violation of the pact of Caltabellotta made war on the Angevins again (1313) and captured Reggio.
The strongly fortified castle which he erected at the same time had the unfortunate result of making the infant town an object of contention in the Thirty Years' War, during which it was five times taken and retaken.
The need for help to prosecute the war in Italy caused the king to call the diet to Worms in March 1495, when he urged the necessity of checking the progress of Charles.