Want Sentence Examples
I do not want all this.
Sometimes we have to accept change, if we want to move forward.
What did you want me to say?
I think she was merely directing the comment at you because she thought you might want to know.
We can stop right here if you want, Carmen.
I want to play with it.
I just want it to be healthy.
I don't want you to start feeling neglected.
But I know you want to hear about my examinations.
I don't want anyone, I don't love anyone but him.
AdvertisementWe wouldn't want them to think we were doing anything immoral.
But God does not only want us to be HAPPY; He wants us to be good.
Was it greedy to want one of their own as well?
You want his money.
Mamma, I want him.
AdvertisementI want to talk to you.
I just want to talk to you.
Why would she want to do that?
I want two things.
I agreed to this and I want the baby as much as you do.
AdvertisementI didn't want to think about it.
But I know of no one who would want to have a conversation with a computer program pretending to be his dog.
I just want to protect you...
I want to go away tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Do you want to go?
AdvertisementAll I want is the truth.
I want you to be happy.
I've got something I want to show you.
I shall want you to tell me all about everything, and not forget the Donkey.
Well, if you want to go that bad, then go.
But if I want to...
Well, do you want me to come back home?
What do you want from me?
He doesn't want to give up but he's afraid to even touch the equipment much less pack it up.
Do you want to know how it works?
You want swords, I got swords.
I want to see the Oracle.
For as long as you want me.
I want nothing from him.
What do you want tomorrow?
I want to be able to focus on solving this problem, not worrying about what might be said or done to you.
This was a relationship she might want to pursue if he wasn't involved in something illegal.
I can just imagine how much of that Howard would want to know.
I want a fwower on mine.
I don't want them using my phone.
I have my time and I want you to have yours.
I wouldn't want to start trouble with the guys.
I don't care how frightening it will be, I want to go ahead.
You can expand on it if you want to; say get a driver's license in another state, or establish an address.
People out there want to kill someone with Howie's ability.
Quinn, I really want you to try again.
I didn't want to lie directly so I hedged.
I want you to sense my magic without touch.
Are you certain this is what you want?
I'll do whatever you want!
Without love you would not be happy or want to play.
That's what I want to know.
He can't want my ruin.
And he does not want that.
Why don't you want to go?
No, he does not want it!
So what did Tessa want?
They do not want the hacienda.
I don't want the hacienda either.
But I want to be with them.
Do you want to go or not?
Want to play a game?
Most people will tell you anything you want to know.
Didn't he know that the more he didn't want her to see it, the more she wanted to see what it was?
Come on, inquiring minds want to know.
Maybe he had more information he didn't want to give over the phone with Yancey listening.
I'll go with you if you want me to.
Do you want me to carry you inside?
It was the last thing he would want.
Because you want to marry me?
What does he want with all that equipment?
I didn't want to get emotionally involved with anyone.
I don't want to know.
Do you want me to drive you there?
I know he'll want to see you.
Are you sure you want to?
What did you want to talk about?
Don't you want to eat before we leave?
You can do what you want.
No, go ahead and fix something if you want.
Say we saw it happen but we want to remain anonymous.
Are you saying you want to proceed like we did yesterday?
I don't think I want to...
I don't want to end up working for the government.
Then he added, Howie want's Julie to sit in.
Naw. He said Julie never talks about that old stuff and my guess is he doesn't want to open a can that might be messy.
Betsy, do you want to...
I really don't want to lie outright to the police.
I think you'll do whatever you want.
Want to split the heavens.
What I want doesn't matter.
You want me to believe I'm an Original Being?
Doesn't mean we can't mess with whoever else we want.
I want the Other, the vamp said at last.
It says they want to force the transformation.
He didn't want to talk to me.
Her last hope for understanding what was wrong with her was someone she innately knew she didn't want to meet.
You want something to drink?
I don't want this!
He didn't want to hurt her.
She didn't want to talk whilst I was there, figuring maybe the line was tapped or something.
Well, you see, Count, I want some money.
I love you as a brother and always shall, and I want nothing more.
We want to give the Senate new juridical powers, but we have no laws.
Do you want a taste of this?... said the huntsman, pointing to his dagger and probably imagining himself still speaking to his foe.
You want me to be miserable, you want us to be separated....
Men who want to fight will always put themselves in the most advantageous conditions for fighting.
But then, he had made it clear from the start that he didn't want any of them in his life.
Even if they could change things, she didn't want to.
He didn't want to go and he had made no effort to get along with his father.
On the other hand, Katie had flatly refused to provide some information because she said Alex wouldn't want her to tell.
I didn't want to tell you this on the phone.
I don't want to put her to bed too early, though.
He's always been secretive, and whenever I ask him, he just tells me it's something I don't want to be involved in.
No wonder Dulce didn't want to let go of him.
Maybe he didn't want anyone else to know.
In fact she had avoided - even pushed away those who might want to claim close friendship.
He hadn't even considered that she might not want to go.
All else aside, would she want to marry a man like Yancey – so moody and secretive?
I thought you might want to go with Mom and Tammy.
I simply didn't want your mother to feel uncomfortable.
What was in the building that he didn't want her to see?
Mom always used to want everyone home before dark – as though anything was out there at night that wasn't there during the day.
You might want to watch out for him too.
Strange he would want to defend Howard after he had tried to dig up information on him.
Now, if I was trying to hide my identity, the last thing I would want her to do would be to file a police report while she was living under my roof.
I trusted you with that information and you gave it to the one person she didn't want to know.
She didn't want to believe he was doing something like that, but it was fresh on her mind that the unthinkable actually does happen.
Do you honestly think I want to marry it?
Anyway, if it's company you want, why not take Julia or Rachel?
If you want to wait until I get off work, I'll try to leave a little early so we won't get back so late.
Did he want to move out of the apartment?
She didn't want to talk about herself anyway.
I want to take you out to the north pasture before we leave today.
This side when you want him to go right, that side when you want him to go left.
Nudge him with your heals to get him started and pull gently on the reins when you want him to stop.
Then, again, if he did want to talk to her about something, this was the perfect opportunity.
You take time to think about a date, but I want to take you out tomorrow to look at engagement rings.
Now all I want to know, is when are you getting married?
Are you angry with me because I didn't want to go up to see your parents?
Do you want me to give up my schooling just to prove that I love you more?
I don't want you to give up anything.
I'm hoping that's Jerry, and I don't want him to hear you two fighting in the background.
Hadn't she made it clear that she didn't want any distractions?
If I pushed you into a relationship you didn't want.
What makes you think I might still want it?
If you want me to cook them, you'd better clean them up so they don't look like snakes.
Why would I want to see more of the same thing I view from this wagon seat all day?
This was exactly why they didn't want a woman along.
If something happens to the rest of us, I want you to ride as fast as you can to Ashley.
Stop arguing with me and get on that horse, or do you want me to put you on it?
They've got mules to eat now, why would they want to follow us?
But if they don't want our food, why would they follow us?
You want to lend me them glasses, Bordeaux?
Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?
If the Indians were renegades, surely they wouldn't want to take the time to track only two people - not with the cavalry on their trail.
So you want to get out of here before I get the chance?
I want to help before it's too late, like with the little boy.
I understand but I want to do it, in spite of the nightmares and the risks.
What is it exactly you want to do, Howie?
He carried it into the bushes but I didn't want to see it so I didn't follow him.
You know Howie didn't want to do it.
You know why I didn't want him going there!
We all want to do more, but we can't afford the time away from life to do as much as we want.
If you want to speak to an agent, you best leave your number.
Look; I won't ask you how; I don't think I want to know.
I don't want to work for the FBI.
I didn't want to get it wrong.
What exactly do you want from us?
They might just figure I'm a whack case or worse yet, want to round you up and stuff you in their back office.
If we could convince him to give you free rein to helping us with him remaining totally in the dark, we'd both have what we want.
Give Daniel Brennan a free hand and we'll both have what we want.
Do you want to listen?
You must want more from us; at least knowledge of whom we are and what exactly we do and how we do it.
Wouldn't you want at least basic details?
I'm tired of travelling and," she smiled at me and added, "I want a baby and a place to raise her."
Especially, I want to succeed spectacularly with the type of case we handled today.
Mostly, I want to stop kids from what happened to the sister I don't know.
What did I really want?
I want to get out of New York, or any city.
No one had learned to duplicate his settings nor did any of us want to be so educated.
Want to lose a quick five bucks?
I don't want to start over as someone else in a new place.
It's your call if you don't want to go there.
When these guys want something, they work real hard to get it and they have lots of toys at their disposal.
You just want to contribute and I'm sure you can.
I don't want to discuss this anymore.
I know who I am now; I don't want to meet that other guy.
I don't want to lose her and there's no way I'll endanger what we're doing.
I volunteered no more information, nor did he want it, doubly so now that he might be suspected of having ties to us because of the frequent inquiries he made.
It's not that I don't want to help, but...
That's something the law enforcement people don't want to do.
What do you want form me; to stop writing about it?
So far, all their snooping is fact finding but if they want your talents, they don't take no for an answer.
We were in bed and this pillow talk was quickly becoming an argument I didn't want to have.
Betsy responded with the words I didn't want to hear.
Do you want me to say it, Ben?
I felt if Quinn learned that fact he would want to scrub the entire operation.
Finally, she asked, "Do you want me out of the room when you break this news to Howie?"
I want him awake with his wits about him when we talk.
When they'd complied, I announced, "Howie want's Julie to fly out to Santa Barbara, today."
One woman want's to write a book about it, but frankly, so might I one day.
I was anxious to hear about the meeting between the two women but I didn't want to ask in front of the child.
I didn't want to come right out and say Betsy was frightened to stay alone so I just shrugged.
Do you want me to try and calm him down; talk him out of it?
I don't know what I mean except I can't stop dreaming of little children, all hurt and bleeding and I don't want to see them because it hurts too much, but I can't block them out!
You don't want to do this; you never cheated on Quinn; you told me so.
No. Not unless you want to talk to yourself while I prop up a zombie who won't hear a word you're saying.
I don't want to place anyone in harm's way by holding back information but Julie is part of this nightmare and I want to keep peace if possible.
You want one, Ben?
I'll try to dig up an old case file if you decide you want my help.
Leaking this guy's involvement is something you don't want to do.
I didn't want to follow up that line of conversation.
Yeah. That's all Ronnie want's to discuss with people, like his wife's son is some kind of freak.
You want to tell me about it?
It was difficult to remember step by step but I didn't want to get it wrong.
I just want to see if Martha left me a note or if there's any hint to what's going on.
I just want to sit here a little while.
I didn't want to disturb him.
It's just something I want to know.
I don't know what's going to happen Ben, but I want to stay here in Keene.
I keep asking him to get the plane tickets so we could leave but he wants to talk to some distant relatives who don't want to talk to him.
I don't want to, but I feel badly, for both Julie and especially Molly.
I just want to ring his damn neck.
Howie doesn't want you to simply telephone Willard Humphries; he wants you to go down there and look him in the eye when you ask him.
I just want to meet with him but I'd like to get a feel for him first.
If you want to eat, the line's out back.
No, I just want to talk with him.
They want to go easy on this and not make any mistakes.
I moved to the want ads, speculating on what I'd be doing with my time in the future but nothing caught my eye.
I'll ship it back and safe keep it, but I don't want anything else to do with it.
We don't know that he won't pop back up sometime soon and want it.
Either they didn't want to spook him or they don't have any concrete evidence of specific crimes.
Back last fall he knew I didn't want to go there.
I want to know what happened but I don't want to see it.
I know how you don't want to do this but put your feelings aside, for Betsy's and Molly's sake.
I thought you might want to stand by.
It's only me you want!
You can have anything you want!
I want to have another word with you, I repeated, somewhat more sternly.
I didn't want to tarry.
Unfortunately, there is no one left alive to salute the LeBlanc and Betsy and I want our adopted daughter Claire to know she is fully a part of our lives.
You want some cocoa?
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
You want me to call you if we see another one of these?
His tone made her want to crawl back into the tub and remain Talon's slave forever.
I don't think you want me imprisoned in your apartment.
You may want to talk to the occupant as well, he said.
He really didn't want her to lose the spark of life he'd found as appealing as her body.
She'd tried the door many times and determined if it didn't open, it was because he didn't want it to.
I don't want to make him angrier at me.
Do you want to talk about it?
Why would I want to email you?
It was no mystery to her why Dusty would want her, though she couldn't help but feel disappointed.
He didn't want to, even though he had a ton of things to do.
I don't want anything to happen to my family.
You can go wait in the back if you want.
I just want this Europe thing to be over.
Do I really want that next to my head?
I didn't want the cat to stay all alone at your condo.
Do you want to come by for tea and cookies?
I want to make it uncomfortable for our friend here in Miami.
You don't want to do this, Czerno.
He didn't want to die this weekend.
You want us to prep a clean-up crew?
She didn't want to die; she wanted to be with him, even if only during the nights.
She did not want to be there when the storm awoke!
Maybe … if you want to send in someone to help, then they can help me kill the bugs and rats?
But I want you to move the cured people out of here and then level the city and the lab.
You want knives, I got knives.
What's worse is they want to use our backyard as their warzone.
You want me to find a creature with untold powers with my human self?
If I succeed, I want my powers back.
You see, Watcher, I'm not stupid enough to think you really want me to fail.
You haven't killed me yet, so you must want something from me.
You may not have another chance to ask me what you want to know.
What makes you think I want to know anything from you?
He said you want to kill me.
Why do you and the Others both want her?
Which is why I want us to reach an agreement.
In exchange, I want you to choose your top advisor to send to me.
You want me to help him set one up?
She clamped her mouth shut, unwilling to tell him the sight and scent of blood was already making her want to vomit.
She didn't want to think about it, not when her hands were covered in the blood of her attacker-turned-savior.
And I don't want to take the beating I know is coming to me.
Know that I do it because I care about you, Yully, and want to keep you safe.
Sexy, even when you want to cut my head off.
What I really want to know is why Jule is of any interest to you at all.
She didn't want to imagine what her father was capable of.
Want me to talk to Antoine?
She felt his arms around her and leaned into him, surprised at how natural it felt to be held against a complete stranger who made her want to flee for the hills and strip naked at the same time.
Do whatever you want.
He was right, but she didn't want him to know she knew it.
Did most people want him?
If you need to send them to HQ or want to evac Sector HQ, go ahead.
Men like Jake wouldn't want to die any other way than honorably defending people like you.
Sofia, what's done can't be undone, even if you want it so.
She didn't want to ask but did.
You really want to win this bet, don't you?
But I want to live.
His simple words turned her inside out, and yet, what would he want with a woman like her?
I don't want to use you for … for your blood.
I don't want this.
I want only the opportunity to speak to Dusty, if needed.
I can have any woman I want.
I wouldn't bother with you if I didn't want you.
I know you want me, Claire said.
Always want women with huge boobs and nothing between their ears.
I didn't want to interrupt your reunion.
I don't want to sleep with a bunch of men.
Pierre, you can sleep with whomever you want, really.
She didn't want to look, sensing she'd met a source of their issues already.
He didn't want her to cry.
Remember, we want them to fear you.
She didn't want to disappoint him or Damian and couldn't help but dread the conversation to come.
Let them sweat for a day, then do whatever you want with the three.
True, they had eternity to figure each other out, but he didn't want her turning cold like Dusty or jaded like Jule.
She didn't want to see more death.
He was ready to snap, and she didn't want to be the first one he took out when he did.
What do you want, Damian?
I think I'd known for a long time and didn't want to face it.
Pierre, you want my croissant?
We're in a unique position to help people who can't help themselves against bad guys who want to hurt them, he said.
I want to know why you killed my brother.
She wanted him, God did she want him!
You want anything, Sofi?
She didn't want to know what happened after that.
I don't want her muscles turning to jelly.
He didn't want kiri to die.
If you don't hate me for what I did, if you still … want me … I'm yours.
Do you want me to run away so you feel better?
He won't want you touching me.
He smelled like a heady mix of male musk and something so faint and sweet, it made her want to press her face to the skin of his chest for a better smell.
His body was covered with faded scars that fascinated her, made her want to trace the lengths of them with her fingers then her tongue.
The chances are slim that what you want will happen.
Now you want to make sure I never leave!
Tell me what you want or just leave me alone!
I want you to accept that you belong here, and I want to hear the words.
I want to hear it out loud.
They left her beyond confused, terrified and certain she didn't want anything to do with Darkyn right now.
It was harder to resist him than it was Gabriel, which made her want to weep.
I want nothing to do with you.
You'll want to be careful when you go to the human world.
The last time I did it, I robbed him of a few prisoners he didn't want to lose.
But since he sent you, I want you to see it.
I mean, I only want your blood.
Do you want to know?