Wandering Sentence Examples
I didn't notice how far I was wandering this evening.
It was wandering in circles and looking around.
She didn't say anything about wandering around last night.
Don't be wandering off alone.
He shook his head, his gaze wandering over her face.
She was wandering in the woods again and fell down.
Her wandering gaze came up to his face and warmth shot painfully up her neck.
Anyone stupid enough to go wandering in the woods deserves this.
To keep her from wandering in the woods?
Such were the Orpheotelestae or Metragyrtae, wandering priests who went round the country with an ass carrying the sacred properties (Aristophanes, Frogs, 159) and a bundle of sacred books.
AdvertisementThey gave up their possessions, put on a saffron robe, shaved their head, and became mendicants or wandering monks.
However many others, fearful of wandering into a political minefield, keep their views to themselves.
He was typical of the many Jerry Green stray dogs picked up daily wandering and lonely often mistreated and hungry.
While we were wandering around an EA guy with a very large windlass came over and had a chat.
Sure, they had spent more time wandering on the ranch, but that was only because Brandon wanted to get her alone.
AdvertisementThe eldest and wisest had found him when he was a child, wandering the immortal world, alone.
Her ghost has been seen wandering corridors searching for him.
Their coming is made fruitless by the wandering of their hearts; they have experience of the power of Satan, not of Christ.
A wandering hawker unfurls dazzling tie-dyed sheets and vivid printed cloth.
There was a gate across the road (it's not marked) I suppose to keep sheep from wandering.
AdvertisementAlan visited this wandering mendicant in his crude tent and presented him with a copy of the Bible.
Singing Sam was a wandering minstrel who lived about 250 years ago.
She thought about unexpected power outages, about wandering the wrong way in pitch darkness.
A few weeks before Christmas, I had noticed a cute, pink piggy wandering around the area in front of my apartment.
Wandering through mountain scenery at your own pace, without being burdened by the weight of a heavy rucksack.
AdvertisementSea birds include shearwaters, fulmars, petrels and royal and wandering albatross.
Wandering off via various sidetrack notes Please explain exactly what you mean here.
With only a few media lot wandering the streets.
The Aztecs began as a wandering tribe whose historical origins are unknown, although they themselves recorded their mythical place of origin as Aztlan.
Her true love is for the wandering troubadour, Thomas, who she knew in her happy childhood.
We are also giving visitors with toddlers a free identity wristband for added peace of mind whilst wandering around the show.
From a greengrocer he learnt arithmetic; and higher branches were begun under one of those wandering scholars who gained a livelihood by cures for the sick and lessons for the young.
The unfortunate prince was led from one European stronghold to another, and, after thirteen years' wandering, died at Naples in 1494 (see Bayezid Ii.).
After wandering for some time he was surrendered by Macleod of Assynt, to whose protection, in ignorance of Macleod's political enmity, he had entrusted himself.
A system fulfilling this condition and free from spherical aberration is called " aplanatic " (Greek a-, privative, irXavrl, a wandering).
While wandering in the desert, God helped them find water and sent them manna from heaven - a kind of flat bread.
We have albatrosses breeding all over the island too - wandering albatrosses with a wingspan of 2.5 meters !
The woodcut images that frequently adorn printed broadsides were often recycled, wandering somewhat indiscriminately from one ballad to another.
They are generally cheaper than the average bookstore even if you're simply wandering in and prepared to pay cash exclusively.
If you're not interested in doing the entire transaction strictly online, this is a great site to look through because you can see what's available without wasting the drive time or wandering through a lot.
Wandering through the city's charming boulevards and squares is a pleasant way to spend a day.
A traveler wandering on an island inhabited entirely by cannibals comes upon a butcher shop.
He was introduced into the mystical path by a wandering dervish, Shamsuddin of Tabriz.
Having a list and an idea of what you would like to get each person before you get to the store eliminates the amount of time you would spend wandering through the mall wondering what gifts to buy.
A Hawaiian shirt is just fine to wear while relaxing in the city with friends, lunching on a casual weekend afternoon or just wandering around the mall with the family on a hot day.
Many became homeless, wandering the country, prey to the vicious Tudor vagrancy laws.
There were traveling merchants together with fortune tellers, ballad singers and wandering minstrels.
You 're wandering through a cavernous, low-ceilinged maze, discovering new areas and bars at every turn.
Charlie landed on the branch of a Beech tree, next to the path the puppy was wandering along.
There were forty years of wandering in the wilderness following the exodus, for example.
It may have looked like we were wandering aimlessly around town, but we were actually looking for a location for tomorrow's photo shoot.
For boys, consider buying the High School Musical dance mat that interacts with your television like a video game, or perhaps the HSM Karaoke set if he is involved in the arts or is always wandering the house singing the movie's songs.
You don't want to worry that your personal information is wandering around the mail room or lost cyberspace.
You do not want your precious pooch aimlessly wandering the neighborhood.
Some have been rescued from puppy mills, abusive situations or found wandering the streets.
They may keep a child or adult out of a busy street or keep them from wandering away.
I do not remember the dog ever wandering very far from my mother.
Once your dog gets the hang of it, you can add distractions that will give you an excuse to use the heel command to redirect your dog's wandering attention back to you.
While married men could turn to their wives when in doubt about what to wear, the single man was often without a clue, left wandering department store aisles and escaping as quickly as possible.
But these visitors aren't wandering the village all day every day.
You'll find Cornimer wandering outside of Town Hall during this time.
On a random weekday between 6 a.m. and midnight, Dr. Shrunk can be found wandering your village.
One random day after your first Wi-Fi session, you might come across a kitten wandering your village.
Most often the town mayor can be found at the Wishing Well (unless otherwise indicated) or wandering around the area of the event.
Boss battles are epic and wandering the world map is just as exciting as in any Final Fantasy game.
When wandering in dangerous areas or on the overworld map, one step suddenly brings a host of monsters to fight.
You will spend a lot of time wandering around searching for things.
In essence it strips the game of wandering and gives you a distilled game with all the good bits intact.
I mean, I can't blame Brightlight Pictures for the ingenious plotline, but maybe they should have changed the story a bit so that co-ed zombies are wandering off to have lots of sex and get killed by humans.
Creeping eruption-Itchy, irregular, wandering red lines on the foot made by burrowing larvae of the hookworm family and some roundworms.
Wandering around your spacious room will surely help you to work up an appetite, and at the St. Regis Hotel, San Francisco dining is at its finest.
If you plan to spend Christmas in another Italian city, especially Naples, you will enjoy wandering the town to view numerous nativity scenes.
Whether you want something fun to wear to a party or something different for just wandering the city, you can find something to please.
Wandering the room will help you meet more people.
Being on opposite ends of the globe making separate movies can put a strain on any relationship and open up the opportunity for wandering eyes, hands, and lips.
Psychologically speaking, for men this is about exploring new and uncharted territories, it's a way to indulge the wandering eye without actually wandering.
The skeleton of the pig came completely together, and then it began wandering toward the hunter's home.
Many cemeteries have posted hours or are completely closed to public access, so wandering around the graveyard at night will more likely land you in trouble with the law than expose you to ghosts.
From southern California to the state's northern border, the Golden State is home to many wandering spirits, famous apparitions and true spine-tingling tales of horror.
Puma offers comfortable footwear for just wandering around town on the weekends.
You can even use wandering scrolls to show your dragonfly's flight pattern.
If you have a wandering eye and prefer to customize your autumn golf vacation package, then you might consider visiting GolfZoo.com.
Let it capture wandering eyes with its sheer elegant design.
With a stainless steel case, luminous white dial with attractive black Roman numerals, and water resistence up to 30 meters, it's sure to attrack many wandering eyes.
Like the fishes that roam the world's oceans, Freestyle USA enjoys wandering through fresh waters.
If your work days begins at 8 a.m., that means that all your employees will be expected to be at their desks at that time, not wandering in from the parking lot, or hanging out at the coffee machine.
While no such store exists in real life, the visual of the shoppers and of Flo wandering through the aisles assisting everyone is appealing to viewers.
If he isn't ogling other women or wandering around the mansion in his smoking jacket, he's reminiscing about days long past.
The Red Star is a wandering planet in Pern's star system, and thread is an indigenous form of Red Star 'fauna' that, when the two planets are close enough, tries to migrate from one planet to the other.
Our hero Mad Max, wandering the outback with his dog, stumbles across such an outpost.
Of those who escaped to the provinces the greater number, after wandering about singly or in groups, were either captured and executed or committed suicide, among them Barbaroux, Buzot, Condorcet, Grangeneuve, Guadet, Kersaint, Petion, Rabaut de Saint-Etienne and Rebecqui.
Malczewski was one of Napoleon's officers; he led a wandering life and was intimate with Byron at Venice; he is said to have suggested to the latter the story of Mazeppa.
This Mahommedan soldier-adventurer, who, followed by his son Tippoo, became the most formidable Asiatic rival the British ever encountered in India, was the great-grandson of a fakir or wandering ascetic of Islam, who had found his way from the Punjab to Gulburga in the Deccan, and the second son of a naik or chief constable at Budikota, near Kolar in Mysore.
Meeting with an accident while he was wandering on the Palatine, and being detained in Rome, he passed part of his enforced leisure in giving lectures (possibly on Homer, his favourite author), and thus succeeded in arousing among the Romans a taste for the scholarly study of literature.
Sickness is often explained as due to the absence of the soul; and means are sometimes taken to lure back the wandering soul; when a Chinese is at the point of death and his soul is supposed to have already left his body, the patient's coat is held up on a long bamboo while a priest endeavours to bring the departed spirit back into the coat by means of incantations.
The Romans, as we remarked above, distinguished between the Lemures or wandering mischievous ghosts and the Manes snugly interred and tended in the cemetery which was part of every Italian settlement.
But this list of forty names, corresponding to the years of wandering, is from a post-exilic source, and may be based merely upon a knowledge of caravan-routes; even if it be of older origin, it is of secondary value since it represents a tradition differing notably from that in the earlier narratives themselves, and these on inspection confirm Judg.
The forty years of wandering in the wilderness is characteristic of the Deuteronomic and post-exilic narratives; in the earlier sources the fruitful oasis of Kadesh is the centre, and even after the tradition of a detour to Sinai-Horeb was developed, only a brief period is spent at the holy mountain.
The classics had not refined his taste, for he was amused by setting the wandering scholars, who swarmed to his court, to abuse one another in the indescribably filthy Latin scolding matches which were then the fashion.
Parts of Mesopotamia have probably always harboured wandering tribes.
The surrounding country is partly cornland, partly waste, and is inhabited by wandering Arabs.
The attempt was unsuccessful and, after wandering about Greece, he surrendered with Euphrosyne, who had meanwhile joined him, to Boniface of Montferrat, then master of a great part of the Balkan peninsula.
Even the wandering Eskimos, thanks to the Moravians, are mainly Christians.
Some 50,000 in number, they spend a nomad existence wandering from pasture to pasture, living in low skin tents, their herds providing their food.
This combination of eternal punishment with restless wandering has attracted the imagination of innumerable writers in almost all European tongues.
The Wandering Jew has been regarded as a symbolic figure representing the wanderings and sufferings of his race.
They were perhaps influenced by the example of Goethe, who in his Autobiography describes, at considerable length, the plan of a poem he had designed on the Wandering Jew.
Robert Hamerling even identifies Nero with the Wandering Jew.
Quinet published a prose epic on the subject in 1833, and Eugene Sue, in his best-known work, Le Juif errant (1844), introduces the Wandering Jew in the prologues of its different sections and associates him with the legend of Herodias.
It is doubtful how far Swift derived his idea of the immortal Struldbrugs from the notion of the Wandering Jew.
He resigned the office of guardian, and betook himself again to a wandering life and a desultory and predatory warfare against the English.
He therefore went wandering over a great part of Europe to learn all that he could.
Then began his wandering life, the course of which can be traced by the dates of his various writings.
More serious still, from the point of view of the Church, was the association of these wandering mendicants with the mystic heresies of the Fraticelli, the Apostolici and the pantheistic Brethren of the Free Spirit.
Of the wandering Arab tribes, the most powerful is the great tribe of Shammar, which ranges over all Mesopotamia.
After wandering about two months through the Celtic region, sometimes in rude boats which did not protect him from the rain, and sometimes on small shaggy ponies which could hardly bear his weight, he returned to his old haunts with a mind full of new images and new theories.
The rest of his life is largely a record of wandering and misfortune.
After some years of wandering he gave up his more energetic propaganda, contenting himself with advising those who sought him out.
Thereafter for almost twenty years, Ontario was traversed only by wandering bands of trappers, chiefly belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company; but in 1782 bands of American loyalists began to occupy the fertile country along the Bay of Quinte, and in the Niagara peninsula, the first settlement being made in 1782 at Kingston.
Sicilian history began again when the wandering of the nations planted new powers, not on the frontier of the empire, but at its heart.
The wandering sophist and rhetorician would find a hearing no less than the musical artist.
On the 19th of January 1900 Osman Digna, who had been so great a supporter of Mahdism in the Eastern Sudan, and had always shown great discretion in securing the safety of his own person, was surrounded an.d captured at Jebel Warriba, as he was wandering a fugitive among the hills beyond Tokar.
Thus there have always been two kinds of Sufis, and, though the course of history and the wandering habits which various orders borrowed from Buddhism Zaid and `Amr are the Caius and Sempronius of Arabian law.
The gipsies are scattered widely throughout the Peninsula; they are found not only in wandering troops, as elsewhere in Europe, but in settlements or cantonments in the neighbourhood of towns and villages.
Elijah is the prophet of the wilderness, wandering, rugged and austere; Elisha is the prophet of civilized life, of the city and the court, with the dress, manners and appearance of ordinary "grave citizens."
He died (7th of July 1307) at Burgh-on-Sands, leaving his incompetent son to ruin himself by his own follies, while ferocious hangings and dragging of men to death at horses' heels roused the Scottish Commons, and the men of Ettrick and Tweeddale, renouncing their new lord, de Valence, came over to the wandering knight who stood for Scotland.
Luther was never a "wandering student"; his parents were too careful of their child to permit him to lead the life of wandering licence which marked these pests of medieval German scholastic life.
But they also cling to their old wandering life, with their herds and " cattle-pens."
Most of his plays were written and acted at Athens, but he led a wandering life, and died at Smyrna.
In 673 'Obaidallah, the son of Ziyad, crossed the river, occupied Bokhara, and returned laden with booty taken from the wandering Turkish tribes of Transoxiana.
This prince was wandering in the deserts of Africa, pursued by his implacable enemies, but everywhere protected and concealed by the desert tribes, who pitied his misfortunes and respected his illustrious origin.
The pseudo-caliph, Ibrahim, who, since Mamun's entry into Bagdad, had led a wandering life, was eventually arrested.
But, instead of dealing with points on a line, and then wandering out at right angles to it, as Buee and Argand had done, he chose to look on algebra as the science of " pure time," 1 and to investigate the properties of " sets " of time-steps.
The miners were an energetic, covetous, wandering, abnormally excitable body of men.
After ten years of wandering, he was fixed for eight or nine years at a school at Halifax in Yorkshire.
They speak Turkish and profess to be Moslems, but have no mosques or imams. The Turkomans have villages in which they spend the winter, wandering over the great plains of the interior with their flocks and herds during the summer.
But perhaps the most convincing testimony to the presence of this ineradicable naturalism is afforded by the Latin songs of wandering students, known as Carmina Burana, written by the self-styled Goliardi.
In 358 the exiles from Naxos, after wandering up and down Sicily, at last found a home there.
It was the common belief that they had been driven from their homes on the North Sea by inundations, but, whatever the cause of their migration, they had been wandering along the Danube for some years warring with the Celtic tribes on either bank.
But long before the advent of Buddhism, the hermit, or wandering beggar, was a familiar figure in India.
The wandering life of the larvae makes it uncerain whether any of the progeny of a given oyster-bed will settle within its area and so keep up its numbers.
By putting down suitable "cultch" or "stools" immense quantities of the wandering fry may be induced to settle, and are thus saved.
In the last Martial imagines his friend wandering about discontentedly through the crowded streets of Rome, and undergoing all the discomforts incident to attendance on the levees of the great.
Of the various traditions that were current among the ancient Greeks regarding the origin of Delos, the most popular describes it as drifting through the Aegean till moored by Zeus as a refuge for the wandering Leto.
Refusing to remain with Dido, queen of Carthage, who in despair puts an end to her life, he sets sail from Africa, and after seven years' wandering lands at the mouth of the Tiber.
The Goths were now again, if not a wandering people, yet an armed host, no longer the protectors but the enemies of the Roman people of Italy.
This manna occurs in the state of agglutinated tears, and forms an object of some industry among the wandering tribes of Kurdistan.
But no such message came; and he went forth in his fifty-sixth year to a weary period of wandering among various states.
But in parliament he had lost all influence, and is described as wandering about neglected and avoided.
I miss that and I'm not going to be held back simply because you're afraid to have me wandering around on my own.
She tried to push the thought away and distract herself by wandering the mansion.
The fiction of Belisarius wandering as a blind beggar through the streets of Constantinople, which has been adopted by Marmontel in his Belisaire, and by various painters and poets, is first heard of in the 10th century.
The genital cells are simple wandering cells (archaeocytes), at first.
He was born at Toledo, spent most of his life in travel, wandering even to England and to the East, and died in 1167.
And indeed his huge wallet of scraps stood him in little stead at the trim banquets to which he was invited at Oxford, while the wandering habits by which he had filled it absolutely unfitted him to be a guest.
In an hour of patriotic ardour he became (June 12, 1 759) a captain in the Hampshire militia, and for more than two years (May io, 1760, to December 23, 1762) led a wandering life of " military servitude."
He was no longer an outlaw with a band of wandering companions, but a petty chieftain, head of a small colony of men, allied with families of Caleb and Jezreel (in Judah), and on friendly footing with the sheikhs south of Hebron.
The attempt of Des Murs was praiseworthy, but in effect it has utterly failed, notwithstanding the encomiums passed upon it by friendly critics (Rev. de Zoologie, 1860, pp. 176-183,313-325,370-373).2 Until about this time systematists, almost without exception, may be said to have been wandering with no definite purpose.
The traditional studies of the place, however, disgusted him; and he spent seven years wandering through all the schools of Italy and France and collecting a precious library.
In IIIo, for example, he was enabled to capture Sidon by the aid of Sigurd of Norway, the Jorsalafari, who came to the Holy Land with a fleet of 55 ships, starting in 1107, and in a three years' "wandering," after the old Norse fashion, fighting the Moors in Spain, and fraternizing with the Normans in Sicily.
Until the beginning of the 19th century Basutoland appears to have been uninhabited save by wandering Bushmen, whose rude rock pictures are to be found in several parts of the Drakensberg.
From an almost contemporary period he has been the subject of song; and he who was chanted by wandering minstrels in the 12th century has survived to be hymned in revolutionary odes of the 19th.
Their most characteristic literature is to be found, not in their writings, but in the folk-tales which are trans mitted orally from generation to generation, and repeated by the wandering minstrels called by the people Peng-lipor Lara, i.
The natives do not really respect these wandering friars, but they dread their curses.
The only question before him now was whether he should join an order, or continue his wandering existence.
In his letters to his friend Mathilde Wesendonck, it appears that while he was composing Tristan he already had the inspiration of working out the identification of Kundry, the messenger of the Grail, with the temptress who, under the spell of Klingsor, seduces the knights of the Grail; and he had, moreover, thought out the impressively obscure suggestion that she was Herodias, condemned like the wandering Jew to live till the Saviour's second coming.
His first spiritual instructor was Sayyid Burhan-uddin Husaini of Tirmidh, one of his father's disciples, and, later on, the wandering Stiff Shams-uddin of Tabriz, who soon acquired a most powerful influence over Jalal-uddin.
The Indo-Europeans whom we find in Mesopotamia (the Kassites and Mitannians) * and in Palestine about 1400 B.C. can hardly have entered western Asia before 2000 B.C. or thereabouts, and it is probable that the Hittites belonged to the same wandering.
Wandering tribes naturally enjoy a great advantage in this respect over sedentary ones.
Peter the Great imposed a poll-tax on all the members of the rural population, making the proprietors responsible for the tax charged on their serfs; and the " free wandering people " who were not willing to enter the army were required to settle on the land either as members of a commune or as serfs of some proprietor.
He took up his abode in the land of Nod ("wandering") on the east of Eden, where he built a city, which he named after his son Enoch.
After eight years' wandering in the east, he landed on the island of Pharos, where Proteus revealed to him the means of appeasing the gods and securing his return.
Of this group of people, among whom may be named the Yao, Yao Yin, Lanten, Meo, Musur (or Muhso) and Kaw, perhaps the best known and most like the Lao are the Lu - both names meaning originally "man" - who have in many cases adopted a form of Buddhism (flavoured strongly by their natural respect for local spirits as well as tattooing) and other relatively civilized customs, and have forsaken their wandering life among the hills for a more settled village existence.
Thereafter he joined the order of Observantine Franciscans, at St Andrews or Edinburgh, and proceeded to France as a wandering friar.
The Spaniards were, however, annihilated by Lord Grey in 1580, and after nearly two years of wandering in Irish woods and bogs Sanders died of cold and starvation in the spring of 1581.
After wandering for many months, chiefly in Persia, and having abandoned his intention of proceeding to Ceylon, he returned in 1842 to Constantinople, where he made the acquaintance of Sir Stratford Canning, the British ambassador, who employed him in various unofficial diplomatic missions in European Turkey.
The country was once more split up into small governments, more or less independent, and groups of wandering tribes carrying on their petty feuds.
C. aandberg's Primeurs arabes, 1, aeiden, 1886), and Jarwal ibn Aus, known as al-IIutai`a, a wandering poet whose keen satires led to his imprisonment by Omar (Poems, ed.
In the Magamas of Hamadhani a narrator describes how in various places he met a wandering scholar who in these assemblies puts all his rivals to shame by his eloquence.
The poet Ibycus, though a native of Rhegium, led a very wandering life.
The lord of Rappoltstein was the king or protector of the wandering minstrels of the land, who purchased his protection by paying him a tax.
Until the Revolution he lived a somewhat wandering life, interesting himself particularly in botany.
But if the wandering molecule was originally close to the surface of the body, and if it also happens to start off in the right direction, it may escape from the body altogether and describe a free path in space until it is checked by meeting a second wandering molecule or other obstacle.
Englishmen, wandering inland and losing their way, have been found and brought back by them.
The clergy were bidden to exhort their hearers to the " works of charity, mercy and faith, specially prescribed and commanded in Scripture, and not to repose their trust or affiance in any other works devised by men's phantasies beside Scripture; as in wandering to pilgrimages, offering of money, candles or tapers to images or relics, or kissing or licking the same, saying over a number of beads, not understood or minded on, or in such-like superstition."
Faustus Sozzini, a native of Sienna (1539-1603), much influenced by his uncle Lelio Sozzini, after a wandering, questioning life, found his way to Poland, where he succeeded in uniting the various Anabaptist sects into a species of church, the doctrines of which are set forth in the Confession of Rakow (near Minsk), published in Polish in 1605 and speedily in German and Latin.
The class of peasant proprietors being restricted to a small number of wealthy peasants, the bulk have remained tenants at will; they are very miserable, and about one-fourth of them are continually wandering in search of work.
Olympia was chosen as the temporary seat of government, and Governor Stevens at once set to work to extinguish the Indian titles to land and to survey a route for a railway, which was later to become the Northern Pacific. The Indians, alarmed by the rapid growth of the white population, attempted to destroy the scattered settlements and the wandering prospectors for gold, which had been discovered in eastern Washington in 1855.
In 1490 he entered the order of Franciscan monks, and in 1495 began a wandering life, studying and then teaching and preaching in Freiburg-in-Breisgau, Paris, Cracow and Strassburg.
He led a wandering life, and was more or less of an adventurer.
When the enterprise of Christian missionaries had gone on for some little time, especially in the regions outside Palestine where there was little or no previous knowledge of Christ and of Christian ideals, the wandering prophets and apostles by whom the missions were mainly conducted must have soon begun to feel the need for some sort of written manual to supplement their own personal teaching.
Other repetitions of words already written and anticipations of words yet to be written are also found, through the scribe's eye wandering into the preceding or the following context.
The legend is that they are the souls of unbaptized children wandering through the air till the day of judgment.
The reiterated reports of the actual existence of a wandering being, who retained in his memory the details of the crucifixion, show how the idea had fixed itself in popular imagination and found its way into the 19th-century collections of German legends.
The two ideas combined in the story of the restless fugitive akin to Cain and wandering for ever are separately represented in the current names given to this figure in different countries.
In the Turkish Spy the Wandering Jew is called Paul Marrane and is supposed to have suffered persecution at the hands of the Inquisition, which was mainly occupied in dealing with the Marranos, i.e.
In the few references to the legend in Spanish writings the Wandering Jew is called Juan Espera en Dios, which gives a more hopeful turn to the legend.
But there is nothing to show the spread of this story among the people before the pamphlet of 1602, and it is difficult to see how this Carthaphilus could have given rise to the legend of the Wandering Jew, since he is not a Jew nor does he wander.
Away from the banks of the rivers, between the Euphrates and the Tigris and between the latter and the Persian mountains, are tribes of wandering Arabs, some of whom possess great herds of horses, sheep, goats, asses and camels, while in and by the marshes other tribes, in the transition stage from the nomadic to the settled life, own great herds of buffaloes.
After wandering under an assumed name for three months through Modena, Milan and Turin, he at last reached Geneva, where he enjoyed the friendship of the most distinguished citizens, and was on excellent terms with the great publishing firms. But in an evil hour he was induced to visit a Catholic village within Sardinian territory in order to hear mass on Easter day, where he was kidnapped by the agents of the Sardinian government, conveyed to the castle of Miolans and thence successively transferred to Ceva and Turin.
The latter, pursued by the jealous Hera, after long wandering found shelter in Delos (originally Asteria), where she bore a son, Apollo, under a palm-tree at the foot of Mount Cynthus.
All living Echinoderms have a lacunar, haemal system of diverse origin; this, the ambulacral system, and the coelomic cavities, contain a fluid holding albumen in solution and carrying numerous amoebocytes, which are developed in special lymph-glands and are capable of wandering through all tissues.
He spent the remainder of his reign wandering from place to place, a mode of life to which he was said to have been driven by the pangs of remorse.
The Kurirs, a wandering and thieving tribe, the Kamais, professional burglars, and the Baruds, cattle-stealers and highwaymen, are notorious among the criminal classes.
In the wandering life of the mountain Lapp his autumn residence, on the borders of the forest district, may be considered as the central point; it is there that he erects his njalla, a small wooden storehouse raised high above the ground by one or more piles.
The gipsies occasionally settle down, forming separate camps or villages, but in most cases they prefer a wandering life.
In the 8th and 9th centuries, when the great emigration of Irish scholars and ecclesiastics took place, the number of wandering bishops without dioceses became a reproach to the Irish church; and there can be no doubt that it led to much inconvenience and abuse, and was subversive of the stricter discipline that the popes had succeeded in establishing in the Western church.
In all wild parts divine service was neglected, and wandering friars or subtle Jesuits, supported by every patriotic or religious feeling of the people, kept Ireland faithful to Rome.
Thus despite an inordinate love of adventure, which makes him appear rather a wandering chieftain than an established ruler, he was essentially a man of insight and progress.
Thus among the wandering tribes of the desert and of the heart of the forests, where large communities are impossible, a patriarchal system prevails with the family as the unit.
In January 1900 Osman Digna, a wandering fugitive for months, was captured.
A legend relates that, having been born under an unlucky conjunction of the stars, he was abandoned in infancy by his parents, and was adopted by a wandering sadhu or ascetic, with whom he visited many holy places in the length and breadth of India; and the story is in part supported by passages in his poems. He studied, apparently after having rejoined his family, at Sukarkhet, a place generally identified with Sorofl in the Etah district of the United Provinces, but more probably the same as Varahakshetra 1 on the Gogra River, 30 m.
Tulsi Das followed her, and endeavoured to induce her to return to him, but in vain; she reproached him (in verses which have been preserved) with want of faith in Rama, and so moved him that he renounced the world, and entered upon an ascetic life, much of which was spent in wandering as a preacher of the necessity of a loving faith in Rama.
After the death of the latter (1485) Celtes led the wandering life of a scholar of the Renaissance, visiting most of the countries of the continent, teaching in various universities, and everywhere establishing learned societies on the model of the academy of Pomponius Laetus at Rome.
No permanent settlement, however, was made until 1769, though wandering explorers and fur traders visited the eastern portion much earlier.
Longline fishing for southern bluefin tuna also affects wandering albatrosses breeding on the Crozet Islands in the southern Indian Ocean.
They can be seen as wandering ascetics or living as hermits, and sometimes they travel in groups.
These wandering beggars are said to have consecrated their life to music-making for God, and Uyghurs are very charitable toward them.
There were loads of other bods wandering around in there too - it's still the place to be, obviously.
Among its virtual worlds are the Land of Oz and a model of Yellowstone National Park, complete with spouting geysers and wandering moose.
Wandering Swan was on the stage in front of us, but when were awoke from our afternoon kip, it was gone.
A mass of ex-slaves wandering around aimlessly for a few decades do not just become nomads!
Reinach (Revue des etudes grecques, xix., 1906), who draws special attention to the similar formation "hierophant," the sycophant was an official connected with the cult of the Phytalidae, whose eponymus Phytalus was rewarded with a fig-tree by the wandering Demeter in return for his hospitality.
The Rumanian folk-songs, sung and often improvised by the villagers, or by a wandering guitar-player (cobzar), are of exceptional interest and beauty (see Literature, below).
After a wandering and insecure life of some years in Italy, he received and accepted the invitation of the Cardinal Ippolyte d'Este to settle in Rome in 1559.
His last years, after the sale of "Les Paillers," were passed in a ceaseless wandering, the result of the agitation of his nerves.
Frederick, accused of heresy, blasphemy and other crimes, called upon all kings and princes to unite against the pope, who on his side made vigorous efforts to arouse opposition in Germany, where his emissaries, a crowd of wandering friars, were actively preaching rebellion.
And Rostov got up and went wandering among the campfires, dreaming of what happiness it would be to die--not in saving the Emperor's life (he did not even dare to dream of that), but simply to die before his eyes.
Common Rheas are active during the day, wandering ceaselessly in search of food.
It turned out to a charming and interesting town, which I enjoyed wandering around rubbernecking at the buildings, shops and the locals.
He gave up the worldly sophistication of a great city for an uncertain life wandering the Middle East.
For two solid weeks the red thermograph trace has been wandering through the minus 40's, 50's and 60's.
Neon follows in a more trad heavy rock style, with the bass guitar providing a wandering backdrop throughout.
The largest species, the wandering albatross, has a wingspan of 11 feet and can live for 50 years or more.
Once a child is too old to sleep in a crib, you want to make sure he or she doesn't get up in the middle of the night and start wandering through your home unsupervised.
That's different... and we're wandering off the point.
It was wandering around, getting close to Destiny.
Maybe he was merely angry because she had gone wandering in the woods after he had warned her against it.
You don't be wandering away from the wagons.
You were the one in the photo - the wandering nephew.
Her mind was up, wandering the huge house - and Cade's mind.
It.s my fault Toby was wandering around without someone watching him, but really, Kris, who assigns a woman an Immortal kid that.s not even her own and expects her to know what to do with it?
Which hall is that in case I start wandering in the morning?
She set about wandering the halls once more, pausing to look out of large windows onto expanses of grass.
She relaxed after a nice, long soak in the bathtub, her thoughts wandering among the stars.
He considered warning the Indian night clerk that they had a real winner wandering out on the sand in the middle of the night but discarded the idea.
They needed to get all their land fenced so no hunters would be wandering in and killing off the wildlife.
But the captain drove him from the deck, and, wandering on in search of work, he fell in with a canal boatman who engaged him.
He turned to the Anabaptists, was rebaptized in 1533, and for some years led a wandering life.
As described for the polyp, they are wandering cells capable of extensive migrations before reaching the particular spot at which they ripen.
Wandering over the earth in search of her daughter, Demeter learns from Helios the truth about her disappearance.
Other species of wandering habits carry the cocoon about with them, sometimes attached to the spinnerets, as in the Lycosidae, sometimes tucked under the thorax, as in the large tropical house-spider, Heteropoda regia, one of the Clubionidae.
In these spiders, too, the newly-hatched young shift for themselves as soon as they emerge from the cocoon; in others that guard the cocoon the young stay for a longer or shorter time under their mother's protection, those of the wandering Lycosidae climbing on her back to be carried about with her wherever she goes.
After leaving Rome he again lived a wandering life, often visiting Florence, to which he was drawn by his friends Politian and Marsilius Ficinus, and where also he came under the influence of Savonarola.
It's wandering around in circles and it's not at all afraid of us.
Logan was an accountant, not a security guard, yet he barricaded the doors with furniture before bed in case there were criminals wandering the beach.
I want to be happy and not worry about creatures trying to kill me or how often I'll be wandering into one of your massacres!
Toby and I have been attacked by demons, and Sasha.s wandering around the castle like he owns the place.
The hieroglyphic inscriptions of Egypt and the cuneiform inscriptions of Assyria are rich in records of the movements and achievements of armies, the conquest of towns and the subjugation of peoples; but though many of the recorded sites have been identified, their discovery by wandering armies was isolated from their subsequent history and need not concern us here.
In a few weeks he collected thousands of so-called Kuruczok (a corruption of Cruciati), consisting for the most part of small yeomen, peasants, wandering students, friars and parish priests, the humblest and most oppressed portion of the community, to whom alone a crusade against the Turk could have the slightest attraction.
Such of them as are not genuine relics of the 12th century are either poetical versions of the leading episodes in the hero's life as contained in the Chronicle, that Chronicle itself having been doubtless composed out of still earlier legends as sung by the wandering juglares, or pure inventions of a later time, owing their inspiration to the romances of chivalry.
No, but there's nothing odd about a Tom cat wandering off for a few days.
Unhurt, she would have no fear of wandering around to find her way, but her injury prevented any exploration.
Or a drugged rabbit wandering into a hungry bear's den.