Walruses Sentence Examples
Polar bears will also eat any dead walruses or whales they find.
We'll head out toward Moffen Island, where we'll see regal walruses hauled out on this vast ring of shingle.
Tusks indicate age as the tusks of young walruses do not become visible for at least a year and a half after birth.
She has fought giant radioactive walruses in Russia, and faced stampeding buffalo in China.
We'll head out toward Moffen Island, where we'll see regal Walruses hauled out on this vast ring of shingle.
Ben actually sorted out animal sounds from walruses and other animals and then categorized them for emotional quality.
In several places there are traces of shells; and sometimes skeletal remains of whales and walruses, as well as ancient driftwood, have been discovered at tolerable distances from the present coast.
The white whale fishery of the Eskimo, however, continued, and sealing is important; walruses are also caught and sometimes narwhal.
Whales, walruses, various seals and dolphins are frequently met with.