Walks Sentence Examples
The side walks are very narrow, and the gas lamps are attached to the walls of the buildings.
We have begun to take long walks every morning, immediately after breakfast.
The surface of the walks should be kept well rolled, for nothing contributes more to their elegance and durability.
Grass walks are made in the same way as grass lawns.
The best material for the construction of garden walks is good binding gravel.
I miss my house though... and my walks in the hills.
The First Consul, on the other hand, sought to recognize and reward merit in all walks of life.
All the principal lines of walk should be broad enough to allow at least three persons to walk abreast; the others may be narrower, but a multitude of narrow walks has a puny effect.
Gods know I've done stupid shit in my life and seen people from all walks of life.
His account, drawn up from notes taken in the main from personal observation, possesses an especial importance for topographical research, owing to his method of describing each object in the order in which he saw it during the course of his walks.
AdvertisementThis union, however, is influenced by the deeds of the man and by the ways in which he walks.
He retained his old university habit of taking long walks with a congenial companion, even in London, and although he cared but little for what is commonly known as society - the society of crowded rooms and fragments of sentences - he very much liked conversation.
In spite, therefore, of the encyclopaedic tradition which has persisted from Aristotle through the Arab and medieval schools down to Herbert Spencer, it is forced upon us in our own day that in a pursuit so manysided as medicine, whether in its scientific or in its practical aspect, we have to submit more and more to that division of labour which has been a condition of advance in all other walks of life.
Moorfields was drained and laid out in walks in Elizabeth's reign.
Ben Jonson places one of the scenes of Every Man in his Humour in Moorfields, which at the time he wrote the play had, as stated above, lately been drained and laid out in walks.
AdvertisementIn a fragment of autobiography printed in the Athenaeum (12th of January 1850) he says that he was entirely self-taught, and attributes his poetic development to long country walks undertaken in search of wild flowers, and to a collection of books, including the works of Young, Barrow, Shenstone and Milton, bequeathed to his father by a poor clergyman.
But defiled thou hast walked in this temple, which is a pure place, wherein no other man walks except he has washed himself and changed his garments neither does he venture to see these holy vessels.
It is kept clean and cool by the waters of the river, which flow through the streets in open channels; and its old fortifications have been replaced by public walks, and, what is more unusual, by vineyards.
Gravel walks must be kept free from weeds, either by hand weeding, or by the use of one of the many weed killers now on the market.
In some parts of the country the available material does not bind to form a close, even surface, and such walks are kept clean by hoeing.
AdvertisementGrass walks were common in English gardens during the prevalence of the Dutch taste, but, owing to the frequent humidity of the climate, they have in a great measure been discarded.
The conservatory may also with great propriety be placed in the flower garden, where it may occupy an elevated terrace, and form the termination of one of the more important walks.
Attend to the dressing of shrubberies; lay turf-edgings, and regulate the surface of gravel walks.
A peculiarity of Guayaquil is that the upper floors in the business streets project over the walks, forming covered arcades.
As a student, his elderly appearance gained him the title " Old man," but he took part in the walks, beer-drinking and love-making of his fellows.
AdvertisementAbove the firs come the tamarack, constituting the bulk of the lower Alpine forest; the hardy long-lived mountain pine; the red cedar or juniper, growing even on the baldest rocks; the beautiful hemlock spruce; the still higher white pine, nut pine, needle pine; and finally, at io,000 to 12,000 ft., the dwarf pine, which grows in a tangle on the earth over which one walks, and may not show for a century's growth more than a foot of height or an inch of girth.
At Meran walks have been arranged according to Oertel's system, and at Llangammarch in Wales both Oertel's and Schott's systems are employed, and baths according to the Nauheim system are also to be found in London, Sidmouth, Leamington, Buxton, Strathpeffer, &c. Many people who have sedentary employments are unable to get as much exercise as they require because they have not either the time or the opportunity.
That which is perhaps the more common consists of walks, or alleys as they FIG.
The walks are about half a mile in length, and the ground occupied is a little over a quarter of an acre.
Walks and gardens now surround the town in the place of the old city walls, but a few towers and gateways adorned with various old coats of arms are still standing.
Since the French conquest in 1895 good roads have been constructed throughout the city, broad flights of steps connect places too steep for the formation of carriage roads, and the central space, called Andohalo, has become a handsome place, with walks and terraces, flower-beds and trees.
An urban council may acquire and maintain lands for the purpose of being used as public walks or pleasure-grounds, and may support or contribute to the support of such walks or grounds if Public provided by any other person.
The Public Improvement Act, when adopted, enables a parish council to purchase or lease, or accept gifts of land for the purpose of forming public walks, exercise or play grounds, and ublic to provide for the expense by means of a parish improve- Improve- ment rate.
It is surrounded by beautiful walks and fine gardens, and although its old walls and towers have now been demolished, many of its ancient buildings remain to form a picturesque contrast with the signs of modern industry.
This, tainting the herbage or stones over which the animal walks, affords the means by which, through the powerfully developed sense of smell, the neighbourhood of other individuals of the species is recognized.
From each end of the house a curved colonnade and a pavement lead westerly to a row of out-buildings which partially enclose a bowling green and spacious lawn with shaded drives and walks, and beautiful gardens (with trees planted by Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lafayette and others).
Flint gravels are widely employed for dressing walks and roads, and for rough-cast work in architecture.
He also made great progress in the art of wood-engraving, and with the money he received for a series of blocks Lfor a work called Walks about Dorchester, he printed and published his first book, Orra, a Lapland Tale, in 1822.
At last Oedipus guessed correctly that it was man; for the child crawls on hands and feet, the adult walks upright, and the old man supports his steps with a stick.
The former range, on the west, runs nearly due north from Grantham to Lincoln, and thence to the Humber, traversing the Heaths of Lincolnshire, which were formerly open moors, rabbit warrens and sheep walks, but are now enclosed and brought into high cultivation.
Gilbert White's daily life was practically unbroken by any great changes or incidents; for nearly half a century his pastoral duties, his watchful country walks, the assiduous care of his garden, and the scrupulous posting of his calendar of observations made up the essentials of a full and delightful life, but hardly of a biography.
It has mineral springs, and the industries comprise fisheries, ironworks and foundries, sulphur furnaces, silkmills, rope walks, match factories, brickworks, flourmills and furniture.
The 4 Marys withdraw as Darnley joins Mary, walks down the center, he showing arrogance, she displeasure.
There are even rumors that King Richard III still walks the battlements.
I still aim to do all of one Mr Wainwright's walks and here retirement beckons with a joyful hand.
A quick browse through the walks may already give some visual pointers.
A Red Indian chief, with full Feather headdress, walks out of His wigwam, and fires an Arrow at the moon.
He walks about them like a colossus, while little men walk under him and understand him not.
Everyone present at the wedding ceremony walks up to the front to congratulate the newly married couple.
Enjoy spectacular coastal walks or explore the sandy bays, smugglers ' coves, rocky pools and cliffs.
So if you enjoy cuddles on a sofa and walks in the rain I look forward to hearing from you.
Everybody else walks, takes a dhow or uses donkey taxis.
The religious belief in Mithra attracted people from all walks of life, bridging the class divide.
Footsteps into History are evening walks through The Historic dockyard, the world's most complete dockyard from the Georgian and Victorian periods.
Walks, hiking trails and jeep excursions enable visitors to explore marshes and wetlands, coastal dunes, isolated mountain peaks and Atlantic beaches.
Group maximums vary from 22 on our overland expeditions in Africa to 10 for some of our European walks.
All of our walks are based on public or permissive footpaths.
The college has a Deer Park, and some peaceful riverside walks, famous for the snakeshead fritillary lilies in the spring.
Time will be spent outdoors learning the fundaments of conservation, participating in bush walks and general game farm management.
Walks to suit everybody From leisurely strolls in the valley to energetic hikes along mountain paths, there are walks to suit everybody.
From this stunning location, guests will be able to appreciate the delightful countryside walks that abound from the doorstep of this lovely home-from-home.
This is a self-catering hostel, but with a pub nearby. 'A ' walks guaranteed anyone willing to lead a 'B ' group?
A man of no specific era walks or crawls up a human wide millstream chanting a Welsh hymn.
Some of the walks seem more interesting than others; likewise the chapters.
This guidebook includes a rich and varied selection of walks on Madeira, and also covers the neighboring island of Porta Santo.
I can do Beatles Tour, Jack the Ripper, walks around st James and Westminster with a Guard change at the end.
Joe bloggs who walks in stay in the country.
The grounds include a kitchen garden, vineyard, formal garden, fruit trees and hillside meadow for sun bathing and walks.
I also do things like flying kites at Ashton Court, play cricket with all the family, go for walks along the coast.
In the manor the tattooed woman walks around, and Rei can hear a strange lullaby.
Purkinje was a polymath who would often meditate at dawn during long walks in the blossomed Bohemian fields.
Walks on Harris Harris is an excellent island for a variety of walks - hills, beaches, machair, rocky moonscape.
His funeral was attended by mourners from all walks of life, coming to pay their respects to the artist.
Their members are drawn from all walks of life, including distinguished naturalists and pure enthusiasts for conservation.
We run evening nightjar visit every summer - take a look at our events program for details of evening walks to see the nightjars.
On our after-dinner walks through the grounds we had heard a nightjar churring in the wet scrub just to the east of the hotel.
If you never walk anywhere or are excessively overweight then these walks are probably not for you.
There are wonderful, peaceful walks along the coastal path passing the unique Loe Bar, which is a bird watchers Paradise.
It has one of the finest Victorian gardens in Britain with a colorful parterre, statuary, walks, and views.
Our walks take you through a world of vertical rock, snowy ledges, long screes and verdant summer pastures.
Gouraud invited distinguished personages from all walks to record their voices for posterity at Little Menlo.
Thus participants will have opportunities to get out and about on relaxing walks through winding streets and beautiful piazzas.
The program will include a range of events and workshops such as wildlife walks, litter picking and pond dipping.
The 16-day event boasts 160 guided walks to suit all ages and abilities, whether you are an experienced rambler or more leisurely walker.
There are many wonderful walks for the enthusiastic rambler.
There are some excellent walks for both the casual walker and more serious ramblers.
At some sites, there were palisades along the rampart crests, while at others there were stone parapets and rampart walks.
Game walks with armed rangers can sometimes be arranged given notice.
You hear a sound from the doorway, and spin around as a stunning redhead walks in with two glasses of sparkling champagne.
Examine the film's last shot, the look of barely restrained pain on Tom's face as Leo walks away into marriage.
The trails provide tranquil walks, horse or bike riding, through beautiful countryside.
Flowing below is the river Severn, providing many pleasant riverside walks.
Not far away are pleasant riverside walks along the Tame valley.
There are wonderful wooded riverside walks nearby and much fun can be had boating on the river.
There is also a colorful marina, with delightful riverside walks to enjoy, including an RSPB bird sanctuary and nature reserve.
He walks well, does n't sag through his backside any more.
The main reason he's famous is because of his death defying walks between the windmill sails, while they are turning.
It also improves pupils ' self-confidence which will be of value in all walks of life.
None of the field trips involve walks of any great distance but a pair of reasonably stout shoes is recommended.
Presently there came walks in the long shrubbery, talks in the Belvedere, and I know not what tender familiarity.
Guided walks, horse sleigh rides, and paragliding.
There are various guided activities, such as snow-shoe tours, dog sleigh rides and nature walks.
Terry tries to change the subject, but Vera just snorts and walks away.
I can drive all over the place, I can go for walks, I can shovel snow.
She was a really energetic dog and she used to chase squirrels for ages, and she loved her walks.
Most of the walks are of the order of five to six not too strenuous miles.
The adjoining forest is ideal for leisurely strolls, walks along the trails or just merely enjoying the scenery.
Each day three walks will be available to cater to everyone from the casual stroller to the experienced hill walker.
He walks shirtless with a macho swagger, yet underneath he is insecure.
One such event was a two hour telethon shown around the Globe which included many celebrities from various walks of life.
Dolphin has many thousands of clients around the world from all walks of life.
Information is available from the local tic on a number of walks along Offa's Dike.
He is virtually untouchable in his neighborhood because he walks with the gait of a legend.
He walks over to a table and carefully unwraps the small body of the alien baby we saw delivered in the teaser.
In warmer weather, the garden is a popular area for walks or for sitting on the shaded veranda.
Access to many miles of country and coastal walks is close by, as is Ventnor Park.
There is a nice restaurant with tables set out under vines, local bars and riverside walks.
For family holidays it offers perfect walks in wooded valleys, breathtaking scenery, majestic waterfalls and more.
The initiative will also provide better public access to the waterfront by opening up areas and providing waterside walks where appropriate.
All best wishes for health, happiness, and many lovely walks in many beautiful parks along many tidal and non-tidal waterways.
Very slow in its movements, it rarely descends to the ground, but, when it does, walks upright like the other members of the group. It is found throughout the forests which clothe the mountains on the east coast of Madagascar, and also in a limited district on the northwest coast, the specimens from the latter locality being of smaller size and rather different in colour.
In our most trivial walks, we are constantly, though unconsciously, steering like pilots by certain well-known beacons and headlands, and if we go beyond our usual course we still carry in our minds the bearing of some neighboring cape; and not till we are completely lost, or turned round--for a man needs only to be turned round once with his eyes shut in this world to be lost--do we appreciate the vastness and strangeness of nature.
You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room 11.
The South West Coast Path - winding its way around the Peninsula - provides exceptionally beautiful walks for ramblers of all ages and ability.
We offer special interest walks to probe the relics of the past or identify the wildlife.
Examine the film 's last shot, the look of barely restrained pain on Tom 's face as Leo walks away into marriage.
Other features include giant rockeries, herbaceous borders, rose garden, the maze and extensive walks among rare shrubs and forest trees.
The food and the romanticism of the country are there in all walks of life to be enjoyed by everyone - again and again.
The main reason he 's famous is because of his death defying walks between the windmill sails, while they are turning.
Joseph Paxton and Thomas Smith were employed to landscape the demesne with serpentine walks and formal gardens.
There were no more walks through the neighborhood, no more visits to sidewalk cafes.
A man walks out of one room confidently and immediately enters the next as a sniveling coward.
A range of varied walks can be taken along spectacular coastlines in the immediate vicinity.
She ignores Martin 's spiteful behavior and walks away.
Ranging from 1 to 16 km, from gentle strolls to more strenuous hikes there are suitable walks for all age groups.
Nestling in a sheltered valley near a spectacular stretch of coast, the South West Coast Path here makes for great walks.
For short walks, a stroll along the riverside and back into town may suit you.
So of course Nobody walks slower than you. ' ' I do my best, ' the Messenger said in a sulky tone.
When I spot him he gets up and almost in a sulky mood walks away to another spot to try again.
Help look after guests Assist the guides on game walks, picnics & sundowners in the bush.
Gentle exercise - walks, yoga or tai chi practices - keeps muscles from weakening and becoming more painful.
Information is available from the local TIC on a number of walks along Offa 's Dike.
You may also wish to visit the fabulous Alnwick Garden featuring beautiful water gardens, rose garden and topiary walks.
The tranquility of the garden is extended with woodland walks through naturalized wild flowers.
Am not good at slow walks to ice cream vans, lingering visits to twee villages or staring in estate agent windows.
However, there are vertiginous sections on most of the walks.
This weeklong course really will give you a fascinating insight into all walks of life.
Unless you are overly concerned about your child's development, don't worry about when he walks.
Do what you can to keep things on schedule - meals, walks, and playtime.
The heat of summer months can sometimes make afternoon walks impossible.
Active breeds will need to be walked and played with often, while less active breeds will be satisfied with regular walks and a scratch behind the ears.
You've seen this nesting instinct several times when your dog walks in a circle several times, sighs, then lies down and falls asleep.
Personal lubricants are nothing to be ashamed of; people of all ages and from all walks of life use them every day.
During the busy holiday season, it's hard for stores to keep track of every customer that walks in the store, so this scam is very popular and easy to complete.
He will bang on them to get them open, and once they are open he walks away.
In the movie "Casablanca," Rick is drinking Bourbon as he says, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in the world, she walks into mine."
They certainly cannot go out on murdering sprees or zombie walks on an empty stomach!
Do not work around the clock by thinking about work constantly; mediate, go for walks, and hang out with family and friends.
He just walks in the hallways when I see him without a care in the world.
The Engine 2 Diet is one book that walks you through not only how to eat vegan but why it is the healthiest option and how it has worked in lives of real people for better health.
People from all walks of life are sparing no expense in order to have a fairytale wedding.
The ring bearer or page boy is usually a young child who walks down the aisle carrying a white satin pillow onto which two false rings are displayed.
A mother is never more proud than when her daughter walks down the aisle, and stylish mother of bride gowns ensure that she looks just as lovely as the way she feels about her special little girl.
Bridal shower guests will know the bride from various walks of life.
Though you have probably been to countless weddings during your life, none except perhaps your own will be as meaningful as when your daughter walks down the aisle.
Members of AA come from all walks of life and meet with one another in the effort to get and stay sober.
The site walks you through measuring and installation, and the slideshows are crisp, clear, and give you a multitude of design looks at your fingertips.
These celebrities come from many walks of life, but predominantly, they are made up of people in the movie and music industries.
He certainly has a presence when he walks into a room, but he's just a regular business guy with the persona of a billionaire.
In the film, Aniston walks through the living room completely naked.
When a celebrity walks in, most people would assume that a big tip is in his or her future.
As your child hunts for Easter eggs or walks into church on Easter Sunday, he'll look his absolute best in and Easter ensemble you've chosen specifically for him.
Part of the mission of distance learning at Troy State University is to help students of all walks of life complete their degrees through what is known as the "eCampus" program.
What's more, the sailings give you the chance to meet people from all walks of life.
An Alaska cruise is a once in a lifetime, dream vacation for travelers from all walks of life.
Halter collars will provide you with better control over your dog during walks.
In addition to collars designed for identification and control during walks, there are a number of specialty collars used to help train, correct or protect your dog.
Also, you can strap a leash to your pup's collar for hassle-free walks.
Try to trim your dog's nails weekly, even if walks keep them naturally short.
No matter which method you choose to control ticks on your dog, always check your dog for these little hitchhikers anyway, especially after walks in parks or other wooded areas.
When I take her for walks she walks behind me until we head back, then she starts barking and trying to nip my calf.
Then add your other dog back into the walks.
We do take her for walks, but maybe not as regularly as we should.
Start taking Fido out for those much needed walks, cook light and healthy, and let's all try to live a bit "greener" ourselves in the coming year.
From there, you can build up to longer walks should your dog require them.
They often compete in dog sports, and go out for walks and jogs with their owners where they are exposed to other dogs.
Whether your dog is a tiny Chihuahua, a stocky Bullmastiff or a sleek Greyhound, wearing a collar that is a cut above the ordinary is sure to make your dog look and feel special on family outings, daily walks or at doggie day care.
Brisk daily walks are good, but a romp in an open field is even better.
With the introduction of GPS dog collars, you no longer have to worry about losing your dog on long walks, during hunts, or simply in your neighborhood.
Exercise and daily walks need to be addressed.
As the owner walks around the outside of the pool, the dog follows alongside by swimming.
Bulldogs are not energetic and should be exercised gently and only for very short walks.
As soon as she grows more, we will take longer walks, but my point is that my Little Lady knew how to come home.
Many pet owners who have dogs that pull on leashes and jump during walks find leader collars a valuable training tool.
Gently praise your dog with a "good boy" when he walks right by your side so he knows he's doing well.
Two daily walks will not only help your dog start eliminating outside, it will also put him on a schedule so he'll eventually learn to wait until his walk time to eliminate.
These puppies also enjoy regular walks and can easily be trained to walk nicely on a leash.
Apartment-living would only work if the owner could provide long, daily walks and room for play.
This puppy won't like apartment dwelling unless you can provide long daily walks or runs each day and a great deal of play.
The shock is similar to what a person receives when he walks on carpet and then touches a metal object.
The plant is distinct, and merits a place by shady wood walks, as it naturally inhabits woods.
In many places it grows freely at the bottom of walls, or even in gravel walks if allowed a chance.
Suitable for naturalising near wood walks and in open shrubberies in any soil, and may be used among fine-leaved perennials.
It is scarcely refined enough in leaf for the flower garden, but is effective near the rougher approaches of a hardy fernery, in open glades near woodland walks, or in any like position.
From selecting the right site for the garden to planning out the beds, it walks new gardeners through planning and construction step by step.
Moon theme and moon goddess necklaces will appeal to jewelry shoppers from many walks of life.
She exercises a lot, of course, including power walks when outside and cardio and weight training in the gym.
Almost the Barbie antidote in look and design, Bratz are a crossover hit, finding equal success with girls from all walks of life.
He will sniff, laugh, roar and even yawn, as he independently walks and interacts with your children with the touch of a single button.
This dragon makes threatening electronic sounds as it walks on four legs and moves its head and wings in a hostile manner.
From long and sleek to short and stunning, there is no dearth of options for women of all walks of life.
Metallics, for instance, add a sheen and shine that makes one think of the sun shimmering on the ocean waves, while crinkled fabrics or gauze evoke images of long walks on sunny beaches.
There are charities to help cancer victims from all walks of life.
Walks and brushing sessions are available at an extra charge.
If you are nervous about giving blood, consider checking out the recipient testimonies that show how past donations have been used - from heart transplants to premature infants, blood recipients come from all walks of life.
There are currently 14 different sites for the walks, and they take place on different dates, all during relatively temperate months.
In order to facilitate participation, the event organizers provide training assistance, including training clinics, volunteer-led training walks and suggested training programs.
Other ways that people can get involved with volunteering include charity walks, soliciting donations for an organization and donating your talents to where they can be used best.
In one moment, as Willie is canoodling with Sue and she's begging him to stay in his Santa suit, The Kid walks in and calmly says, "Hello Santa.
Dating websites are now available for individuals of all walks of life and may distinguish on grounds of wealth, religion, or sexual orientation.
Profiles are concise; there are no "long walks on the beach" or "I love to laugh" here.
Whenever I try to talk to her she ignores me or walks away.
Enjoy being exposed to people from all walks of life, learning what makes them tick and appreciating your differences.
Whether its rock climbing, a morning jog, or walks in the park, new activities will help you form strong connections.
Adults and teens from all walks of life write to the email hotline with questions about their legal rights, how to stay safe, and where to get help in their state.
Some people who enjoy long moonlight walks, holding hands, and talking for hours may find it even more romantic when their partner gets up with the baby to give them extra sleep.
All at once she turns and walks quickly off the court.
As she walks by the mascot he raises his arms in unbelief.
Celebrities, fashionistas and women of all walks of life are rediscovering the beauty of antique jewelry.
Nature Walks - Getting away from it all often helps open up the creative synaptic passageways.
A purse is a status symbol that walks with you.
With something for all walks of life, Nine West handbags cover a wide range of purse categories, with a few selected bags in each one.
She walks to the tune of an invisible symphony.
Fun and flirty, casual spring straw handbags are perfect for weekend outings, shopping, walks in the park, and just about any activity this season!
It is a fun, whimsical poem that perfectly exemplifies this fun group of women from all walks of life and all across the globe.
Duffles were once the mainstay of military men, but in recent decades they have become popular with people in all walks of life.
The Patagonia Atom bag is designed for individuals from all walks of life, from college students and hikers to businessmen and bicyclists.
Thirty-One purses are popular with women from all walks of life, including teens, stay-at-home moms and working women.
Taking daily walks in a natural environment may help him to appreciate all the little imperfections in the world that somehow meld together into something livable and exotically romantic.
One outstanding Aquarius characteristic is to collect a large diverse group of friends that come from all walks of life.
Leo is true to his symbol and commands attention the moment he walks into a room.
This air sign is so accomplished in social skills, the fire signs perks up the moment the water barer walks onto the scene..
Discovery Mini Roboreptile - this smaller sized Roboreptile bends neck, tail and arms as it walks; at just $18, this is a very affordable robotic toy.
Go for walks, share a movie, or play board games on a rainy day.
She walks around the circle saying, "Duck," as she pats each child on the head until she decides to designate one of her peers as the new goose.
The cast of Goldfinger was a menagerie of actors and actresses from all walks of life, all levels of fame (and future success), and they all came together to form one of the classic Bond movies.
She walks through the hotel corridors carrying towels.
Some places claim stories of famous people haunting the location, such as Red Lion Park in England where the ghost of Oliver Cromwell walks each night with his companions.
Guests and staff report that when her ghost materializes, she is mistaken for a real person until she walks through a solid wall or a door.
But unlike bears, Bigfoot walks upright and not on all four feet, and it seems to have some semblance of higher intelligence.
A thirteenth god, named Loki, walks in uninvited.
Another Mary of lore, Resurrection Mary walks up and down the streets past graveyards all over the United States in her prom dress seeking a ride home.
Resurrection Mary sightings in Chicago continue to this day, leading some to believe that Mary is, indeed, a ghost that walks outside of the Resurrection Cemetery.
Finally, one night, she walks into the room and hears the usual sounds of heavy breathing and groaning.
Dave Ramsey popularized the "debt snowball" method and tries to help people from all walks of life save money.
ShoeWawa.com, a blog about hot shoes--from what's on sale to what to wear on those long walks to work when you still want to look good.
This is a moisture-management system that wicks away moisture so your foot stays dry, cool and comfortable, which is especially important on hot days or long walks.
The Crocs craze ensued, and people of all ages and walks of life fell in love with this comfortable and versatile footwear brand.
Women that love high heels come in all walks of life and are found all over the world.
Lightweight and available in several fashion colors, this shoe can be worn anytime, not just for exercise walks.
The furry, down-filled liner slips into a water-resistant outdoor boot, so that it can be used on long winter walks without succumbing to the elements.
Women from all walks of life recognize her for her specialty wedding gowns, which have been custom designed for celebrities and sold to brides all over the world for years.
It's even built for comfort - so important as a woman walks down the aisle and spends hours on her feet - with an elasticized strap and a cushioned footbed.
A review on the MomCentral.com blog indicates that these shoes are very comfortable, describing them as "great shoe to wear to the gym and on errands, taking walks around the neighborhood."
Soap fans come from all walks of life, they do not share a color, a creed or a religion.
Soap fans from all walks of life became neighbors who could chat over the Internet fence.
Teenagers face coming of age issues in all walks of life and all countries.
Jane, who is pressed for time and a case, walks right into the line of fire when a man tries to shoot her boss.
Derek tells Meredith he has something to tell her, and before he has a chance, a woman walks in and introduces herself as Addison Shepherd.
Almost a stereotype at this point, skull tattoos are seen on inked individuals from all walks of life and society.
You'll encounter people with body art across nearly all walks of life.
The resort's kids' programs are world-class and include fun adventures like a day sailing trip to Buck Island Reef and nature walks where kids pick and taste local fruit.
Today, many people are still fascinated by the moon and the night sky in general and the moon phase watch is worn by people from all walks of life.
People from all walks of life are attracted to atomic time technology for the freedom that comes from never having to set another clock and for the accuracy of the measurements.
However, a spy watch is used by people from many different walks of life and for many different purposes.
Located in New Jersey, the Yoga Center of Medford is a well-rounded studio offering yoga and meditation for people from all walks of life.
The nonprofit organization partners with Toys-R-Us and Babies-R-Us in efforts to raise funds for research and it continually coordinates autism walks and other projects.
The only risk remains if the consumer somehow lays down his/her card and walks out of the store.
The advertising revenues you paid will be lost if your customer walks before the sale.
When a customer walks in, every other activity should stop with all attention focused on him or her.
Usually a 5-sequence letter is an email used in direct marketing, sent via autoresponder, which walks customers through a sales sequence.
The Cars channel helps you choose a car that's right for you, and walks you through the car buying process.
Titans cheerleaders come from all walks of life, but one thing they all have in common is a passion for Titans football and a willingness to practice rigorously.
If you are a college student or someone else living with multiple housemates, a chore checklist can help bring down stress as people from different backgrounds and walks of life come together and live under one roof.
Four and five-year-olds love physical activity and need a lot of it, so go for walks with your child to learn about the natural world and collect items for craft projects, or make your own bubbles, play dough, kites or other outdoor crafts.
As your fitness level improves, you can tackle more challenging walks by covering more distance or walking in areas with variable terrain.
The people involved in the raw foods movement come from all walks of life - models, actors, personalities, and authors.
I worked five blocks from my school, but did I enjoy those walks on the beautiful streets of Manhattan?
I alternated with doing brisk walks around the neighborhood at night.
Instead, they worked hard, went for long walks, and enjoyed games and activities with their families and friends.
Do you enjoy long walks with your husband?
Other sports include running, hiking, nature walks, and other less competitive activities.
Start with brisk walks and work your weight up over time, but get clearance with your doctor first.
While running may become too hard on your joints after a while, you can still remain active with regular walks or by taking classes at your gym.
People from all walks of life wear them when they want a comfy outfit that doesn't take a lot of thought.
Leisure walks can help you ease into a fitness walking routine, or supplement one.
If you jog three times a week, you can use your rest days for easy walks.
On your off days, you can take moderately-paced walks to stay active.
If you're waiting in line at a restaurant for a table, for example, and eyeing the handsome guy in front of you, and the waiter walks up to you and asks, "Ătes-vous avec lui?"
It walks you through the basics, from the proper way to greet someone to basics like counting and numbers.
French Tutorial offers an online course that walks you through basic French.
What would you say the overall feeling is when a customer walks into your store?
Think vintage nightgowns that flutter around a woman's body when she walks.
Downloading is fairly quick and from there, you will run the program's Installation Wizard, which walks you through very carefully.
Driven by critically acclaimed vocalist Hayley Williams, Paramore successfully walks the tough line of pleasing fans and critics alike by demanding to be respected as musicians rather than pop stars.
At the start of the video, she looks at a photo of herself and walks through a set of arches.
The Real World - Since 1989, people from all walks of life have been "living together under one roof."
The person, who can "out last, out smart and out play" the competition, walks away with one million dollars.
This is usually done as the bachelor walks the woman to the limo or outside the house where the Rose Ceremony occurs.
So many contestants have had their 15 minutes of fame thanks to reality TV, and they come from all walks of life.
This tutorial walks you through making your own Harry Potter icons sized for Live Journal avatars.
Are there any specific books you've written that you feel were most inspired by those long walks in the woods?
Fantasy characters can come from all walks of life.
His legacy continues to drive people from all cultures and all walks of life to seek out Carl Sagan quotes for insight and inspiration.
At Teen Spot, young adults from all walks of life are welcome to register and join in on various conversations.
Social networking provides many significant benefits and allows people from all over the world and from all walks of life to 'meet' in a way that would have been inconceivable only a few years ago.
Artful blogging is a popular way to network with other creative Internet users, helping artists from all walks of life share their work while receiving inspiration from others.
Automating a blog in this fashion walks a very thin line between legal use and theft.
Though four versions of Turbo Tax exist, in a nutshell, the program walks you through an easy to understand interview process with optional help provided along the way.
Usually, once it walks out the door it is yours for good.
Self-guided tours, moonlight walks and bike tours are all available.
Fishing, swimming, boating and long walks in the park, are just some of the fun ways to spend your time.
On walks ashore you find amazingly lush vegetation, including mountain avens, saxifrages, poppies, cotton grass and white bell heather.
For over 5,000 years, gold has been highly sought as valuable asset from people in all walks of life.
Introducing your cat to your new baby can be tricky, but guest columnist Wendy Nan Rees walks new parents through the process.
When this happens, the thief walks up to the machine and removes the sleeve and your cash.
Now, thanks to our society's realization that Earth's resources need to be conserved, people from all walks of life are embracing environmentally friendly homes.
In thinking about faux painting, it is good to take a few walks and get back to nature, which reveals in imprecision.
Keep the palette of each room warm and subtly different from the next to create a color story that walks you through the space.
Empire style foyer chandeliers make a striking statement to everyone who walks through your front door.
The process is simple and the online system walks you through each step.
Funny or Die walks a fine line between the topical and the absurd.
While you won't be shooting action sports shots or landscapes or abstract art pieces, you can expect to be working with people of all ages from all walks of life to create a variety of portraits.
Glamour figure photography is a genre that attracts shutterbugs from all walks of life, especially those who see picture-taking as more of an art than a science.
A large portion of the True Blood audience are fans of the dark vampire Eric Northman, played by actor Alexander SkarsgÄrd, who walks a thin line between villain and hero.
The versatile designs appeal to both men and women of all ages and walks of life.
David Yurman's artistic jewelry designs are sought after by women from all walks of life, especially actresses and models, many of whom once wore Yurman designs for promotional ad campaigns.
Men from all different walks of life and all age groups seek the assistance of image consultants every day.
Bugs of all walks hate the smell and taste of garlic and tend to steer clear.
Packing only what you need can save your back for long walks on the beach!
It can even do what an all-too-common little black dress cannot always do - turn heads the moment a woman walks inside the room!
Offering something for everyone, the shops in Atlantic City cater to people from all walks of life - and all sizes, too!
Some people think that it's funny to put a bit of plastic wrap or string at the bottom of a door so when mom or dad walks in, they trip and fall.