Walking Sentence Examples
She started walking without responding.
Her father was walking toward them.
He turned and started walking down the hill.
I was walking from the opposite direction so everything looked backwards at first glance.
She was walking behind him, trying unsuccessfully to keep up with his long strides.
It's so much cooler than, like, walking somewhere.
Walking tomorrow would be excruciating.
Cora was walking away already, leaving Deidre to her internal war.
Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow.
Roxanne's house was within walking distance and the night was balmy.
AdvertisementI dreamed that I was walking in the dark and was suddenly surrounded by dogs, but I went on undismayed.
Things are nice as it is, she said to herself, and she began walking up and down the room, not stepping simply on the resounding parquet but treading with each step from the heel to the toe (she had on a new and favorite pair of shoes) and listening to the regular tap of the heel and creak of the toe as gladly as she had to the sounds of her own voice.
Balashev did not do so at once, but continued to advance along the road at a walking pace.
As she was walking down the hall, she heard her name mentioned.
A couple of vacationers picked her up walking along the beach near La Jolla.
AdvertisementThe prince had a list of things to be bought in Smolensk and, walking up and down the room past Alpatych who stood by the door, he gave his instructions.
Pierre looked over the wall of the trench and was particularly struck by a pale young officer who, letting his sword hang down, was walking backwards and kept glancing uneasily around.
There were four units in the building that faced the waterway and walking paths that wound along the banks of the river.
And then they were walking out the door, still talking about the mare.
Apparently he did a lot of walking.
AdvertisementTry walking in my shoes for a day.
All I know is... all of the sudden you were walking away from me - right when I needed you the most.
I'd planned to wait until Betsy and Molly returned from walking Bumpus but I decided if I had to drive back into downtown Keene, I might as well swing by Wheelock Park Campground as it was on the way, at least sort-of.
Suddenly I remember Betsy and Molly were out walking Bumpus when I left the house!
The woman turned away and began walking down the street, leaving Faust with a disappointed look on his face.
AdvertisementChildhood excursions had taught her that the country was rough, but was she up to ten miles of walking?
She glanced around for some kind of weapon as they walked, and soon came up with a walking stick.
He didn't respond, and she thought it best to direct her energy to walking rather than talking.
You'd see less wildlife if you were walking - making more frightening noises to the animals.
And he fell back into that artificial realm of imaginary greatness, and again--as a horse walking a treadmill thinks it is doing something for itself--he submissively fulfilled the cruel, sad, gloomy, and inhuman role predestined for him.
See how much better this is than walking?
Now put that energy into walking.
Now, with only a few hours sleep, he was walking while she rode.
It was a weird sensation; I was moving like walking in water but I had no sense of my own body.
Walking around for a bit.
It was very difficult to walk over, the ties were wide apart and so narrow that one felt as if one were walking on knives.
One day, while she was out walking with her mother and Mr. Anagnos, a boy threw a torpedo, which startled Mrs. Keller.
Men in military uniforms and Hessian boots could be seen through the windows, laughing and walking through the rooms.
It was like walking in water and I almost lost my balance but after a few steps, I could control my motion pretty well.
She is a mother to the beautiful young girl I saw walking the family dog.
I was sure it was he who talked to her when she was walking Bumpus.
Dusty spun again and continued walking, aware of the anxious young man at his heels.
Sensing him, the large vamp stopped walking to the fortress built into the mountain and faced him.
Past-Death began walking again.
Soon, she wasn't going to have the option of walking.
She went to him, unable to see through the darkness even while walking through it.
When Dean pulled in the drive at Maid Marian Lane, Randy was walking a bike into the open garage.
Fred managed to get the license number by walking around the block and returning to the house from the rear.
For centuries the townsfolk used to celebrate his day (July 1st) by walking in procession bearing green boughs.
In 1872 "by walking, begging rides both in wagons, and in the cars" he travelled 500 m.
An ideal base for walking and touring the dales.
Are we walking with the Lord wholly dedicated to his cause?
The ideal location for walking and hiking, trout and salmon fly-fishing, riding, golf or just relaxing.
Distance will be measured from the main entrance of the school according to the shortest walking route using public highways and lighted footpaths.
Please wear good footwear for walking on the Moors.
The work was varied by walking the pasture of the whole dale and removing Spear thistle rosettes.
With this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and Dorothy and Zeb followed him.
Once they came near to the enclosed Garden of the Clinging Vines, and walking high into the air looked down upon it with much interest.
In this world, humans have grown fat, stopped walking, and fill their days with non-stop entertainment and food.
This morning teacher and I sat by the window and we saw a little boy walking on the sidewalk.
Once I was surprised to see a cat walking along the stony shore of the pond, for they rarely wander so far from home.
From all sides were heard the footsteps and talk of the infantry, who were walking, driving past, and settling down all around.
Again all was silent and then again it sounded as if someone were walking on detonators and exploding them.
He descended the knoll and began walking up and down before it.
Ah... those peasants! shouted an officer, seizing by their shoulders and checking the peasants, who were walking unevenly and jolting the stretcher.
When she spotted Carmen, her eyes widened, but she kept walking.
Someone was walking down the hall toward them.
Dusty turned around and kept walking.
Deidre stepped forward to take it, and they began walking down the path.
She found herself walking along the bank, gaze on the souls that were moving.
She turned around, walking backwards as she watched the house.
She continued walking toward the house.
One morning a distinguished looking Spanish man was walking out of the room as she entered.
For the next few days, he steadily improved – even to the point of walking on his own.
Yet there it was, big as life, walking across the field toward the tree line.
Pausing at her normal bus stop, Deidre debated walking instead of taking the bus.
He pushed open the fourth door, walking into a large room stacked from floor to ceiling with ancient tablets, manuscripts, and books.
You're calling me a piece of shit for walking away, aren't you?
Would walking through it prevent more issues and fix those he had?
Gabe's step slowed as he neared the man dressed in a white shirt held closed by two buttons and cream linen pants rolled to his knees, as if he'd been walking in the ocean.
Or maybe you all should consider making instruction manuals before dumping your duties and walking away.
She found herself walking down the beach to where she'd met him the night before.
Couples and families had been walking up and down the beach all day.
He sensed Deidre but didn't go to her, instead walking through the open-aired hallways until he reached the quarters reserved for him.
He had little time to redeem himself, and he kicked himself mentally for not walking into the room that would turn him into the Death he was supposed to be.
Making love to her, wanting her dead, saving her life, walking away.
She chose a trail that appeared to head in the general direction she wanted to go and began walking.
Wynn would've seen them walking over but was unfazed by the two men who terrified her.
With her taste in his mouth and scent on his skin, he was about to go insane, especially after walking away from her.
It's like walking from reality into a dream and back again.
Her courage almost gave out at the idea of walking into the devil's personal hangout.
The street below was narrower than it appeared on TV and packed with cars and elegantly dressed men and women walking to a gathering across the street --probably the soiree Andre had mentioned.
This was worse than ledge walking in the hotel; there was no balcony to catch her!
Her pace slowed as she thought until she was walking, troubled.
She held the hand of the man before her, walking on a dead planet of nothing but rocky hills, dried streams, and cracked earth.
Kiera frowned and rose, walking away.
He ceased walking and gripped her by both arms, maneuvering her to stand before him.
She thought of the image she'd seen so long ago when she met A'Ran, the vision of them walking together on the dead planet.
Jenn looked north and began walking.
Whereas most of the species have hoofs of normal shape, in some, such as the nakong, or situtunga (Tragelaphus spekei), these are greatly elongated, in order to be suited for walking in soft mud, and these have accordingly been separated as Limnotragus.
For the next few days, he steadily improved – even to the point of walking on his own.
Gladys Turnbull was walking the town, trying to glean inspiration from the towering mountains to better describe some celestial landscape.
Traveling steerage; sitting on hard wooden train seats; walking miles and miles and sleeping where they fell in tiredness.
Stilt walking is best practiced on either carpet or grass.
By this time walking wounded were arriving in a steady straggling line at the advanced dressing Station alongside the battery.
Wouldn't go out walking alone after dark if I was you, little girl.
He never thought twice about walking into danger and rarely cared if he survived or not.
I'd say that's true, but I don't think him capable of walking away from a duty so great.
Instead, he started walking away and summoned his powers, wondering which of his brothers could be coerced into giving him what he wanted.
He stopped walking and stood close enough for their chests to brush when she breathed in.
Her make-up was smeared from walking through the Monterey mists, her maid-of-honor dress wrinkled from constant sitting and standing.
But there are nice restaurants within walking distance for your other meals.
Easy as walking upstairs, almost.
The snow was hard-packed from heavy use but the walking was not difficult.
While the snow was deeper here and the path less traveled, the walking was not difficult.
Alarm clocks ringing in the middle of the night, ghosts walking around, everyone hopping into someone else's bed, half the people wanting to kill the other half!
He began walking down the road before Fitzgerald could protest further.
A dog barked down the alley and Dean turned to see a man walking a collie as his wife looked on from a doorway.
He didn't notice Dean, who continued walking.
His ego and sense of dominance over her wouldn't let him allow her to be the one walking away.
After about a half hour of walking around trying to take everything in, Elisabeth said, "Pick one for yourself."
Walking through the woods near the house, Elisabeth pulled Jackson's arm.
Jackson loved being out in the snow, whether skiing or just walking.
They were eating breakfast when Jackson looked up, and to his horror, saw Claudia walking straight toward them.
She's been up and down the hall all day walking her pet.
Brady placed her on it and gripped the handle, walking towards the road.
She was sweating from the effort of walking out of the medical facility.
She continued walking down the middle of the road.
Walking across the country seems crazy.
And you, Major Brady, need to eat all you can if you plan on walking out of here in the morning.
After ten days of walking, she needed a rest, now that she'd made it to the river.
I've been walking for a while.
Elise was walking among the survivors, her features growing irritated.
Gabe looked away and started walking again. Katie saw his shoulders hunch. When he didn't respond, she asked, "Has she tracked us down?"
He stalked off into the forest, away from the castle and cliff. Toby clambered through the brush and trees after him, the angel's footsteps loud where Rhyn's were silent. Rhyn found a deer path and followed it until he reached a snowy meadow. Crossing it, he continued to look for a place to stash the angel where the kid wouldn't freeze to death. After another hour of walking, he found a small pocket in the roots of a massive tree.
He turned his back to her to start walking, and she was grateful he didn't see her reaction.
Katie dumped a few of the cubes into her hand with another look at Andre. She drew a deep breath and tossed the cubes after Gabriel. She stopped walking as the cubes hit the ground behind him.
The death-dealer motioned for them to start walking along the stream. Rhyn sprung forward, anxious to be moving again.
I sighed and kept walking to my room.
The doctor suggested as much exercise could be gained by walking without the added risk of injury.
Unlike the priest, Mayer made no pretext that Byrne wasn't as dead as a Jacob Marley's knocker and, as Mayer described, was "walking the streets of gold with the angels."
My read is you've got feelings for Cynthia Byrne, but not being up-front with her is like walking a tight rope on a windy day.
He'd be walking a thin line facing disbarment if he related any privileged information.
As he rounded a corner, he spotted Fred O'Connor walking toward him.
The two men continued walking past clusters of bikers.
She kept walking and he followed.
He ended the conversation by walking toward the porch.
The only sound was that of Ed walking and an occasional winter bird song.
Both had been walking for a good four months, and they were already saying short sentences.
One day she was walking back to the house from the chicken coup when Katie drove into the yard.
Jim grabbed her hand, walking beside her.
She walked through the gateway and imagined herself as important as the White God walking into his palace.
She went, walking towards the tree without knowing what to expect.
Ten minutes of walking later, she crouched beneath the lowest branch of a massive pine tree and inched her way to the scene.
She made sure he continued walking then swung herself over, dropping ten feet on the other side.
He stopped walking to face her.
The raw rage he didn't feel walking with Claire unfurled within him, until he was sprinting.
His eyes were on the two walking down the beach, his arms crossed, as if he waited for something.
If given a choice between trusting him and walking away from him, she'd trust him.
Ed continued down the trail, walking faster.
If he's bothering you, I can give him his walking papers.
I've heard about children walking to school barefoot, but this area isn't much different than parts of California.
Down the hall, a tall lean man was walking beside a wheelchair.
She was like a walking rectangle with a bird face, and she got outright hostile towards the beautiful women she escorted out of his home every morning.
The air conditioning was high enough to make her shiver, the bright interior settling her fear of walking into some crazy person's house.
He appeared in the middle of the White God's compound and began walking.
I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure I don't want you walking off with my shit at the end of the week.
The thought made her chest clench so tight, she almost stopped walking.
Their leader eyed a family of five walking across the aisle towards their car.
Sleeping with him then walking out?
Jessi waited for him to turn, but he kept walking.
Was he walking into a trap at the after party or was his condo the trap?
As much as he hated the idea of being cornered, he began to think there was no walking away.
Damian was a few feet ahead of her, walking through a second door.
Jessi wasn't certain how, but she felt even worse about walking away from Xander.
He described it as barren and sterile, and almost devoid of animals, the only one of any importance somewhat resembling a raccoon - a strange creature, which advanced by great bounds or leaps instead of walking, using only its hind legs, and covering 12 or 15 ft.
The rivers on the east coast are practically the only highways, the Malays always travelling by boat in preference to walking, but they serve their purpose very indifferently, and their great beauty is their chief claim to distinction.
While walking, crossing or standing on the line on duty (a) At stations.
By stumbling while walking on the line.
Joao d'Albuquerque, bishop of Goa, he asked his permission to officiate in the diocese, and at once began walking through the streets ringing a small bell, and telling all to come, and send their children and servants, to the "Christian doctrine" or catechetical instruction in the principal church.
She is sometimes riding in a chariot drawn by horses or dragons, sometimes walking, sometimes seated upon a throne, alone or with her daughter.
The walking or climbing fishes, which are peculiar to south-eastern Asia and Africa, are organized so as to be able to breathe when out of the water, and they are thus fitted to exist under conditions which would be fatal to other fishes, being suited to live in the regions of periodical drought and rain in which they are found.
Walking with him into the garden, I found it dark with the shade of ancient trees.
In the relative development and shape of the various segments of the leg there is almost endless variety, dependent on the order to which the insect belongs, and the special function - walking, running, climbing, digging or swimming - for which the limb is adapted.
Close allies of the gobies are the walking (Periophthalmus), of which various species FIG.
The samson-post, which supports the walking beam, and the jack-posts, are dove-tailed and keyed into the sills.
The typical Phenacodus primaevus, of the Lower or Wasatch Eocene of North America, was a relatively small ungulate, of slight build, with straight limbs each terminating in five complete toes, and walking in the digitigrade fashion of the modern tapir.
He loved riding and walking, was an expert swimmer and enjoyed a game at tennis.
In the Atlantic Monthly, in 1862, appeared " Walking," " Autumn Tints " and " Wild_Apples "; in 1863, " Night and Moonlight."
Little is known of the form of the appendages in the lowest archaic Arachnida, but the tendency of those of the prosomatic somites has been (as in the Crustacea) to pass from a generalized bi-ramose or multi-ramose form to, that of uni-ramose antennae, chelae and walking legs.
The first pair of limbs is often chelate or prehensile, rarely antenniform; whilst the second, third and fourth may also be chelate, or may be simple palps or walking legs.
The segmentation of the prosoma and the form of the appendages bear a homoplastic similarity to the head, pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax of a Hexapod with mandibles, maxillary palps and three pairs of walking legs; while the opistho io i e d c b o a S' S" 2 I VT V S IV III II I Opisthosoma Prosoma FIG.
Walking and skating, he proceeded in the depth of winter to Marseilles, and on by sea to Genoa.
A man-engine consists of two heavy wooden rods (like the rods of a Cornish pumping plant), placed parallel and close to each other in a special shaft compartment, and suspended at the surface from a pair of massive walking beams (or " bobs ").
For warmth, for dryness, for absence of fog, and for facility of walking after rain, just when the air is at its purest and its best, there is nothing equal to gravel; but when gravel has been rendered foul by infiltration with organic matters it may easily become a very hotbed of disease.
In the disk plough, which is built both as a riding and a walking plough, the essential feature is the substitution of a concavo convex disk, pivoted on the plough beam, for the mould-board and share of the ordinary plough.
In the fore feet the web not only fills the interspaces between the toes, but extends considerably beyond the ends of the long, broad and somewhat flattened nails, giving great expanse to the foot when used for swimming, though capable of being folded back on the palm when the animal is burrowing or walking on the land.
Most of those studies of home-life in England, which formed so highly popular a section of Tennyson's work - such as "The Gardener's Daughter," "Walking to the Mail," and "The Lord of Burleigh" - were now first issued, and, in what we have grown to consider a much higher order, "Locksley Hall," "Ulysses," and "Sir Galahad."
When either walking or running, the square-mouthed rhinoceros holds its head very low, its nose nearly touching the ground.
He had taught his child to whistle, dined with his servants, talked of "worldly things such as baking, brewing, enclosing, ploughing and mining," preferred walking to riding, and denounced the debasement of the coinage.
I-13); walking upon the water (vi.
When we are walking past a fence formed by equally-spaced vertical rails or overlapping boards, we may often note that each footstep is followed by a musical ring.
Throughout her life she had enjoyed excellent health, and even in the last few years the only marks of age were rheumatic stiffness of the joints, which prevented walking, and a diminished power of eyesight.
The language is so complete that the dog, pig, crow and other common or unclean animals are all expressed by special words, while the actions of royalty, such as eating, sleeping, walking, speaking, bathing, dying, are spoken of in words quite distinct from those used to describe similar actions of ordinary people.
The second antennae are usually the chief motororgans for swimming, walking and climbing.
The hind-limbs are comparatively feeble, and must have been of very little use for walking.
Swimming is perhaps the commonest mode of locomotion, but numerous forms have taken to creeping or walking, and the robber-crab (Birgus latro) of the Indo-Pacific islands even climbs palm-trees.
When used for walking, one of the rami, usually the inner, is stout and cylindrical, terminating in a claw, and having the segments united by definite hinge-joints.
Soon after he saw an ascetic walking in a calm and dignified manner, and asking who that was, was told by his charioteer the character and aims of the Wanderers, the travelling teachers, who played so great a part in the intellectual life of the time.
It soon reached his father's ears that his son was walking through the streets begging.
It may even eddy backwards, as indicated by the curved arrows, and it is no uncommon thing, in walking up a steep hill in the contrary direction to the flight of the clouds, to find that the rain is coming from behind.
In every instance therefore where, in walking over the surface, we traverse a series of strata which gradually, and without dislocations, increase or diminish in inclination, we cross part of a great curvature in the strata of the earth's crust.
In the majority of mammals both pairs of limbs are well developed and adapted for walking or running.
A, A walking leg; p ' to p 4, Since the eye-stalks of Podophthalthe characteristic " pads "; f, mate Crustacea represent appendthe foot; cl', c1 2, the two ages, we are forced to the conclusion claws.
As many as six pairs of appendages following the mouth may have an enlarged gnathobase actually functional as a jaw or hemignath, but a ramus is well developed on each of these appendages either as a simple walking leg, a palp or a chela.
The remaining somites carry single-clawed walking legs, a single pair to each somite.
The somites following the head are strictly nomomeristic and nomotagmic. The first three form the thorax, thhe appendages of which are the walking legs, tipped with paired claws or ungues (compare the homoplastic claws of Scorpio and Peripatus).
They have large cheek-pouches, large naked callosities, often brightly coloured, on the buttocks, and short thick limbs, adapted rather to walking than to climbing.
It is the latter which mentions the mysterious garden and the wonderful trees which Yahweh planted, and depicts Yahweh conversing with man and walking in the garden in the cool of the evening.
Isaac's wife, shortly before the birth of their famous son, was walking one day down a narrow street in Worms, when two vehicles moving in opposite directions seemed about to crush her.
The fact that the fore-legs are somewhat shorter than those behind enables the ibex to ascend mountain slopes with more facility than it can descend, while its hoofs are as hard as steel, rough underneath and when walking over a flat surface capable of being spread out.
Another time in the night I heard him above my cell walking on the cloister, but as I knew it was the devil I paid no attention to him and went to sleep."
In standing these birds preserve an upright position, sometimes resting on the "tarsus" 2 alone, but in walking or running this is kept nearly vertical, and their weight is supported by the toes alone.
His fiction includes Mr Blake's Walking Stick (1869), for children; The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1871); The End of the World (1872); The Mystery of Metropolisville (1873); The Circuit Rider (1874); Rosy (1878); The Hoosier Schoolboy (1883); The Book of Queer Stories (1884), for children; The Graysons (1888), an excellent novel; The Faith Doctor (1891); and Duf f els (1893), short stories.
In conjunction with his elder brother he published in 1825 a well - known treatise on waves, Die W ellenlehre auf Experimente gegrundet; and in 1833 he collaborated with his younger brother, the physiologist Eduard Friedrich Weber (1806-1871), in an investigation into the mechanism of walking.
You couldn't get to the car before dark anyway, It took a moment to comprehend his words, although the fact that he was walking away registered instantly.
As it turned out, it was her high perch that prevented them from walking into a trap.
I explained to Detective Jackson that my wife and a friend's child were out walking our dog as I frantically dialed Betsy's cell phone.
She looked up at him as she returned, as enthusiastic as a man walking to his own hanging.
She didn't realize the Black God stopped walking until the speck in the distance grew larger.
The Black God climbed a wave as he might a grassy knoll and picked his way across the choppy waters near the beach, walking atop the transparent shallows towards the dark depths beneath the black clouds.
It was this compulsion that was like a drug weighing down her thoughts and making her hungry, like walking past a bakery first thing in the morning and trying not to look at what was in the window.
As for Pumpkin Green—screw walking across the United States!
The sale was to take place just walking distance away, but the Indiana ladies claimed the altitude exhausted them, so gallant Fred volunteered Dean.
Josh's mother and father lived on a farm within walking distance of Carmen and Alex – and from the farm where Lori and Josh lived when Josh died.
The three vampires would be walking in without a clue as to what they would face, yet they had no choice.
Vaguely she was aware of a vehicle door shutting outside and the front door opening, but it wasn't a conscious thought until Katie and Alex were walking down the hall.
He forced himself to be patient, to ignore the blood pulsing through his veins at the thought of leaving Memon's lifeless body on the dirt floor and walking away.
The two other people in the aisle walking to their cars from the mall stopped to stare.
Walking up and opening the Bible can actually build anticipation and expectancy, if done with respect and without pretension.
To hear it play just hit "Walking in the Rain With the One I Love."
During hot days he had a propensity for walking around in just his boxers.
I feel very surreptitious walking around this place; it is a very catholic hospital.
We must, therefore, ascend the stair, which is wide enough to admit four or five persons walking abreast.
You are most likely to come across a basking adder by accident while walking on a narrow heathland track.
Versatile enough to use anytime including aerobics, walking, jogging or other forms of athletic workouts.
This is a total and is irrespective of whether it is wheelchair or walking ambulant.
Little did we know that we were walking into a carefully prepared ambush.
Activities include canoeing, rock climbing and abseiling, archery, hill walking, kayaking, orienteering.
Mountain biking and boarding, kayaking, canoeing, archery, gorge walking, rock climbing, survival skills and more.
When images started to come to his mind they were of walking down a rather arid valley.
This included walking, bowls, badminton and he took up curling at the age of 70.
A man is walking from Jerusalem to Jericho when he is attacked by bandits and left for dead by the roadside.
Lagos boasts some superb beaches within walking distance of Lagos town center.
A living, walking, talking, living human being is a soul.
Is money really worth turning yourself into a walking billboard?
Ideal for cycling, walking, bird-watching, etc. and exploring the neighboring islands.
Activities include bird-watching, snorkeling, sailing and walking - one of Explore's most laid-back tours.
Camelbak 3L Omega reservoir Walking experts the world over, all understand the advantages that a hydration bladder provide when walking.
The part near the end where The Doctor is walking through the spinning blades, it's wonderful.
They're just these guys walking around picking your nose blah blah blah...
Good walking boots are more the norm rather than rubber boots for most Brazil tours.
What I had failed to realize was that a security guard was walking right behind me as I shook my little booty.
The first overall award presented was a beautifully polished walking stick for the oldest bowman which went to George Webb of Purple Haze.
At first, these were slight, unexplained noises, sounds of labored breathing, and footsteps walking through the house.
You'd have the blue rinse brigade waving their walking sticks at them and the local Chavs throwing bricks at them.
Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a pit bull terrier on a lead.
Walking along the path Lorna spotted a female cirl bunting, a species starting to spread from their stronghold near Prawle Point.
The walking school busses that could be set up, with a safe route to school.
For example, walking 3 miles per hour will burn more calories than walking 1.5 miles per hour.
There was no mobility training we were issued with a strong walking stick; white canes did not exist then.
The group also aligned with Epitaph, walking away from the lure of those wide- open major label checkbooks.
Walking the 18 km path through the longest gorge in Europe has today become more like joining the queue at a supermarket checkout.
Now, still undergoing chemo, my walking is soo limited.
The secret will be squaring a few circles rather than walking around the truth.
A bit cissy really, walking around in a nightie saying bless you to little children and sheep.
A retired civil servant, David loves keeping active and fit - gardening, golf and walking.
Chichester Interest Holidays - Relaxed and friendly guided coastal walking holidays in Cornwall for small groups of adults.
All around is spectacular rugged coastline, great walking country.
Walking through the hall instantly conjures up images of grand parties that must have been held here in the past.
We become contemptuous of other believers who we decide are not " walking the talk " as well as we think we are.
Mr Brook, 03 Oct 05 This car park is extremely convenient, within easy walking distance of the terminal building.
More information about cycling More information about walking Learn a new skill Do you want to learn Salsa or Chinese cookery?
As we were walking down to the beach we saw some coots and a swan with her baby cygnets.
Walking we saw a fair number of cream colored coursers which seem to be out all times of the day.
Boots with this midsole can be used with flexible walking crampons.
The floor was so delaminated is was like walking on a trampoline.
The contribution of walking to the Urban Renaissance, healthy living and reduced dependency on cars.
Also ' walking with children ' is well documented, sometimes as a real detective story or treasure hunt.
She was a familiar figure, walking in the brooklands and the Downs during those years, often alone and rather disheveled looking.
There are also many restaurants, of all types, within easy walking distance.
In later years the company walked, and " walking weddings " are general now in some of the rural districts.
Is walking to school doable in the long term?
I heard my first doodlebug as I was walking back from my first visit to Orpington Library.
I considered walking downtown to a movie, something I hadn't done in a couple of years.
A w eek of walking in the south of France, culminating in a three-day trek.
After stroke, rehabilitation programs biasing motor recovery may not be clinically effective in achieving maximal walking capacity for those with hemianopia.
Great white egrets walking in a street at Magic Kingdom with 200 people walking past just a few feet away from them.
Elizabeth ii and what's ahead in after walking around.
Walking along the bottom path, parallel to the railroad embankment, you will pass several young Douglas Fir in a line.
Asked for her reasons, she was quite emphatic that she had seen a nun walking amidst the trees near the house.
Walking in the hills is one thing, but doing it with a bike as an added encumbrance made for an interesting morning.
He is not really a person at all, but a walking encyclopedia.
Thousands of these strange foreigners walking about the eternal city dressed in what appeared to be some kind of uniform.
Eating is like other bodily functions -- sleeping, peeing, walking, and sneezing.
You may notice that you will tend to trip while walking up stairs or dragging your feet and tend to have a wide-based gait.
Beyond the usual gamut of sporting activities, there's also hill walking, ballroom dancing, surfing -- the list goes on.
Walking through the beautiful gardens there is a quiet, relaxing atmosphere.
Another way the Evans generated cash was by making ginger beer, which they sold to people walking up Pen Dinas in the summer.
Tenpou was walking across the room toward him in a quick smooth glide of dark leather and motion.
The area has every kind of outdoor pursuit from fell walking, Pony trekking, golf and fishing.
Surrey Walking Club had a good afternoon at Dartford Track on Sunday to gain silver team medals in the Southern One Hour.
Even with her passenger's walking difficulties this was no reason to desecrate two graves simply for their own benefit.
The property is within walking distance of the village grocery and Post office.
They had some footage of bits of the old long bits on ITV's coverage and it looks very groovy for the walking.
Walking along main street in the heat haze is surreal.
The absence of faith hope and love makes life a living hell, the land of the walking dead.
Imagine walking around the perimeter of the regular hexagon.
A few weeks ago he started with a bit of walking in hand, and I noticed he was dragging his offside hind leg.
Similarly, patients happily walking around on artificial hips had no clear image of the prosthesis inside them.
The development of upright walking in early hominids is still an area of some debate.
Of the 12 people who died in 2002/03, three had recognized mobility problems and were either housebound or regularly used walking aids.
Her skin remained so hypersensitive that she could sense people walking around her bed.
Living this life is certainly like walking on thin ice.
I felt I was walking twelve inches off the ground.
I saw a lone woman walking in the wind and at the same instant so did Finn.
Now I'm walking on the wasteland of a motorway intersection.
Lie at the the tournament walking cut the cards quot said Jeffrey.
Differences in frame rates are responsible for old films looking jerky with everyone walking around faster.
He was very jocular, and about as good of walking on his hands as feet.
Start using a walking pace, then progress to a slow jog, then to a faster jog.
Somewhat disappointing after an hour walking through amazing pinnacle karst with shake holes 1/2 km across.
But I stuffed the bag into my plain black knapsack while walking from the car to Butler's front door.
It warns that they are walking a knife-edge as over three-quarters of companies now keep a close watch on their staffâs online behavior.
Consequently a substitute was needed - walking the labyrinth in a church.
Threading this labyrinth involves walking along the sculpted sides of Glastonbury Tor in a particular pattern, outlining the classical labyrinth.
Walking in the shadow of Punta Negra you can reach San Perro, an old abandoned village and pirates ' lair.
These include outdoor leisure laminated maps, ordnance maps, cycle, walking and touring guides.
There were people walking around with dismembered limbs and blood- covered faces.
Even the rather limp ' Walking Barefoot ' stands out.
The force of the throw sent the vamp spinning into three drunken louts walking by.
Walking down a street market in Madras I decided that I would buy some lungi 's for presents.
Last hour of daylight spent walking around the surprisingly lush hotel gardens.
You have plenty of time to appreciate the majesty of the scenery from Notchland Inn, with wonderful walking trails nearby.
Anyway, enough of this walking malarkey, its back to the station for hot showers and a square meal.
The pedipalp ends of immature males, and of females of any age, look like the ends of the walking legs.
Sisterville pomeroy Marietta for most may to july that's walking across islands.
A heated, dry location (such as a heated marquee or dressing room) is needed, within walking distance from performance area.
In addition, a wonderful melee of river life on the Thames can also be appreciated while walking across the bridge.
We will measure these metabolites while dogs are at rest and after they have been walking, running or playing.
A further half mile of walking, tending downhill, brings you to the lone building of Burnside.
In the male ward were eight or ten men walking about almost naked.
Golf, walking, beaches, historic sights and of course Edinburgh are all nearby.
He was walking home after an overnight stint, thinking of aromatic nitration, as she was walking into the department.
You know the person who's walking down the street, totally oblivious to the fact they have bird muck on their shoulder?
Provide new and safe off-road walking and cycling routes, and give more priority to pedestrians and cyclists where they cross main roads.
Three elderly women, a middle-aged couple and an eight-year old boy were walking in the cart's wake.
The children went skiing, rock climbing, orienteering, walking in the muddy forest.
The area is ideal for walking, fishing and seeing wildlife, including otters.
But you greatly overestimate your worth Wayne and the Blind man Wayne and the blind man Walking along side by side.
Hotel Principe, Venice Housed in a 15th-century palazzo overlooking the Grand Canal, within walking distance of St. Mark's Square.
Your body does not move however as your brain induces temporary paralysis to stop you getting up and walking about.
Punting and cruising make popular summer pastimes, whilst guided walking tours and bus tours are available all the year round.
To encourage walking to work the Trust provided staff with free pedometers.
Is the golden pheasant a real bird or just a walking painting?
Walking back toward the bridge we saw black phoebe and searched in vain for a black-capped vireo.
His interests include motorcycling, walking, physical geography and recreation management in sensitive areas.
Physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy physiotherapy, speech and occupational therapy Physiotherapy helps recovery of movements, for example walking.
All are within walking distance of the central plaza.
The sky's darkening - it's getting late in the day.] 2 [Two Buddhist priests are walking through some tall grass.
A bespectacled Dan (Jude Law) is walking down a London street when he sees a gorgeous redhead, Alice (Portman ).
Later under hypnotic regression the witness was able to recall seeing a figure standing on the road then walking toward the vehicle.
Allow yourself 10 mins rest for every hour of walking.
Nature walking, hiking, bike riding, and scuba diving are a few.
Contingents of indigenous people and peasants continue arriving in Quito after walking several days and making detours around military roadblocks.
Walking and Exotic robots Forum - Online discussion forum for people interested in developing legged robots.
Further consideration will be needed in finding a solution to a safer walking route through the village.
Walking safaris are possible in the forests on the periphery of the park.
Product knowledge Nobody likes a walking encyclopedia, but knowing your Motorolas from your Samsungs is essential in succeeding as a mobile salesperson.
Walking back we saw 2 black-bellied sandgrouse and a stone curlew.
A great place for anyone looking to spend their time off walking, climbing or just exploring a beautifully scenic area.
Walking to school is a good example of our increasingly sedentary lifestyle.
My companions and I stopped walking, and turning around, I saw the crewmen form a semicircle around their leader.
But speed also adds to a feeling of more general road danger, deterring many from cycling and walking and causing severance within communities.
Log fires, four poster bedrooms, private gardens, fishing, walking, clay pigeon shooting, archery.
Lucy and I were walking through a local village at the week end and found this beauty between the antique shops.
He was a walking bubble and emitting piercing shrieks.
Once back at Hotel Simon we had time for a brief siesta before walking a local trail.
Suddenly, a very skinny figure began walking toward me.
Poor Worzel, he's had his heart broken by that walking wooden skittle too many times.
Eurasian skylark [cantarella] (Alauda arvensis cantarella) At Mövenpick Golf Hotel, walking on the lawn.
Facing the cold vicious winds the blinding sleet, Walking and stumbling on blistered feet.
Earnley Butterly Center is within walking distance and a boat slipway 1.5 miles.
Appropriate footwear is essential, preferably walking boots or other footwear with good non-slip soles.
Interesting for a man wedded to cycling and long distance walking, who claims to be an essentially solitary person.
Dino writes songs walking from the bathroom to the kitchen; he's really a prolific songwriter.
Walking hand in hand, initiating exception, lighting the dark, igniting the spark.
There is something very spatial, even urban, about the experience of walking around the corridors leading to classrooms and offices.
A man walking his dog heard a loud splash nearby and is positive he saw a man in the water.
As he got up and started walking I was able to see him now in his full splendor and majesty.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian spoonbills.
Walking up the stairs, Gabe cringed at the high-pitched squeaks that escaped from each step under the weight of his feet.
A female walking home late at night killed by a stranger is a classic example of a particularly ' newsworthy ' killing.
Our aim here at Rant is to help you become more streetwise so you can feel confident walking the streets.
Some of the days are quite long, and the walking feels more strenuous at altitude.
A large studio apartment in this block within walking distance to the tube.
Walking round a car park in the dark carrying a suitcase looking for my car was not the ideal end to a holiday.
He said, " I happened to be walking through a local superstore.
Walking, canoeing, swimming, white water rafting and fishing in vast lakes.
It also contains uniform accessories such as walking sticks and ceremonial swords.
Children and adults involved in a Walking Bus must wear reflective tabards which are supplied free of charge by the Road Safety Office.
From dawn, thousands flood through the gates to practice tai chi, ballroom dancing, sword-fighting and backward walking.
The car park is within easy walking distance of the terminal, is well lit and is on newly laid tarmac.
There is a bar within walking distance, the Club House over the road has a great atmosphere and serves tasty Belgium food.
The walking was easy, as the Elham Valley Way followed the Nailbourne through farmland and hawthorn thicket to the next village.
Even with the safety lines, the walk across the swaying metal was like walking a tightrope.
The experience of franchising in further education is a case study in walking this difficult tightrope.
The trouble is that both sides are walking the same tightrope from opposite directions.
The bad news is that everyone will learn they are a walking time bomb, in one way, shape or form.
At a pre arranged time, meet the tour Manager for a walking tour of the City center.
The Oxford virtual Science Walk A virtual walking tour of sites in Oxford with historic scientific associations.
You could also support your local team by providing food or transport, or walking the towpath.
Laidback trailblazers - Walking Holidays in Cornwall - Premier Walking Holidays Cornwall + 'taster ' bed & breakfast breaks.
Working when sick is infectious Are you a mucus trooper, a stoic, a model patient, a walking epidemic or a shirker?
Among them is the narwhal tusk used as a walking cane by Captain John Wood, who owned a fleet of whalers.
Merely walking around the streets with a professional camera prompts disapproving tuts from locals.
Each night when Mrs twit was asleep, Mr Twit would add a circle of wood to her walking stick and her chair.
The world is swarming with the walking undead and you want to party?
The locals seemed quite uninterested in eccentric Brits walking around lagoons with binoculars.
Whether walking or cycling, our children remain unprotected from the traffic that speeds through our streets.
She was increasingly unsteady on her feet and had to use a walking frame at school.
The kaTha Upanishad says it is like walking on a razor's edge.
Inland stretch the stark granite uplands of Bodmin Moor, which provide good walking country.
A couple of miles further on I passed the young upstart barely going faster than walking pace.
Walking along the top allows vigilantes to get you easily.
The Var region holds treasures for anyone who enjoys the harmony of a hillside vineyard, ancient dry stone walls or small walking paths.
According to this way of thinking, there are also men and women walking among us who are here of their own conscious volition.
The area provides good walking, climbing and riding while the peaks are the realm of eagles and bearded vultures.
While our children's waistlines continue to expand, Britain's expenditure on both cycling and walking is still among the lowest in Europe.
Ideal walking country, the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park attracts walkers from all over the world.
For those who enjoy walking there is an enviable choice.
We recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week, even just brisk walking.
Click below to see a short video of Nordic walking & how its done.
The surrounding countryside is magnificent, ideal for fell walking, the famous Three Peaks Walk being one of many.
The food is also a highlight of the Catalan Castles & Coves walk, which offers a combination of inland and coastal walking.
Examples include power walking, moving tho to race walking and brisk walking and end with gentle walking.
Whether you go hill walking, rambling or hiking, we have the information to keep you on your feet!
However, people can learn to associate tightrope walking, fighting in battles or defusing a bomb with a state of psychological calm.
These include ice-skating, dogsled rides, snowshoe walking and torch-lit descents.
Nicola enjoys jogging and mountain walking with family and friends in her spare time.
We are not all walking wallets to be cornered in the pub by the Child Protection Agency.
The Hotel is within walking distance from the spectacular waterfront.
Yes it hurt, but even more so the night wen we were walking round the town getting drunk.
Keep close to the hedge, walking south westwards, and when the hedge peters out, stay close to the big reedy ditch.
Good walking boots are usually sufficient, unless the weather has been excessively wet.
Of course, on a walking holiday, views can really whet your appetite for what lies ahead.
Shingle is not the favorite surface for walking but we struggled along, seeing widgeon on the way to the tern colony.
We also spent some of the day on the very windy moors walking around with heather up to our knees.
Installation is simple, with a step-by-step wizard walking new users through the whole process.
Unusually for a walking jacket there are underarm zips too.
If anyone tried to turn my Pope into some walking zombie I believe I would have to shoot him in the face.
The pressure is conveyed to the crane by means of j ointed " walking " pipes, or flexible hose, connected to hydrants placed at regular intervals along the quay.
It has been found, however, in the case of such circular or belt railways, that the time lost in traversing the circle and in walking from the circumference to the centre is so great that the gain in journey speed over a direct surface tramway or omnibus is entirely lost.
The fresh waters of southern Asia are deficient in the typical forms of the Acanthopterygii, and are chiefly inhabited by carp, siluroids, simple or spined eels, and the walking and climbing fishes.
Other sources of revenue are stamp taxes on business transactions, domestic consumption taxes (usually payable in stamps) on manufactured tobaccos, beverages, boots and shoes, textiles, matches, salt, preserved foods, hats, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, candles, vinegar, walking sticks and playing cards, and taxes on lotteries, passenger tickets, salaries and dividends of joint-stock companies.
The athletic side of the movement has been represented in national and international races by vegetarians winning the Berlin and Dresden walking match (125 m.), the Carwardine Cup (too m.) and Dibble Shield (6 hours) cycling races (190t and 1902), the amateur championship of England in racquets and in tennis (held by Mr Eustace Miles for a series of years), the cycling championship of India (3 years), half-mile running championship of Scotland (1896), world's amateur cycle records for all times from 4 hours to 13 hours (1902), too miles championship Yorkshire Road Club (1899, 1901).
The first antennae, according to the family, may assist in walking, swimming, burrowing, climbing, grasping, and besides they carry sensory setae, and sometimes they have suckers on their setae (see Brady and Norman on Cypridina norvegica).
To drive the air out of this skin by pressing on it, or even by walking on it, would be easy; to fill it again with air by pulling its sides apart with his fingers would be so irksome that he would soon learn to distend it by means of strings.
They are like people who when walking with you try to shorten their steps to suit yours; the hypocrisy in both cases is equally exasperating.
When she is out walking she often stops suddenly, attracted by the odour of a bit of shrubbery.
During our walks she keeps up a continual spelling, and delights to accompany it with actions such as skipping, hopping, jumping, running, walking fast, walking slow, and the like.
On another occasion while walking with me she seemed conscious of the presence of her brother, although we were distant from him.
Prince Andrew, walking beside Bagration, could clearly distinguish their bandoliers, red epaulets, and even their faces.
This short man nodded to Dolgorukov as to an intimate friend and stared at Prince Andrew with cool intensity, walking straight toward him and evidently expecting him to bow or to step out of his way.
He opened the door softly and saw her, in the lilac dress she had worn at church, walking about the room singing.
With the razzmatazz of the West End within easy walking distance, it makes for a great meeting place too.
I can never recollect seeing a local policeman walking around.
A bespectacled Dan (Jude Law) is walking down a London street when he sees a gorgeous redhead, Alice (Portman).
Walking by the river I paused to remonstrate gently with a fisherman.
The best I believe, is either walking at a fairly good pace or riding a bicycle - stationary or otherwise.
Walking and Exotic Robots Forum - Online discussion forum for people interested in developing legged robots.
G roup members participate in the annual sponsored âWalk in the Parkâ, either in an administrative capacity or walking.
There was a party of Druids walking down to the sacred grove to perform their daily rites.
Wherever you go, you will be walking along streets seeped in important history.
This campaign was to involve walking children with severed limbs down the street some of Americas biggest diamond retail areas.
I have made my footsteps unbecoming by walking in shameful deeds.
At the end of it, shimmering in the heat haze, you can see a solitary figure walking toward you.
How can you go up to people and tell them they 're walking around shining like the sun?
She assured Mrs. Foster that far from walking outside her room, she had been shivering with fright under the bedclothes.
Now heâs sidling round the room, walking like a crab.
Might get myself some walking boots but am pretty skint at the mo - what with all that drinking I did over Christmas.
Poor Worzel, he 's had his heart broken by that walking wooden skittle too many times.
Eurasian Skylark [cantarella] (Alauda arvensis cantarella) At Mövenpick Golf Hotel, walking on the lawn.
Sleek as a seal, toned and tanned, Giorgio Armani is a walking totem of his own global success.
But I also like to dress up too and have a decent collection of slinky numbers as well as walking boots.
Smarten Up to fitness through Bodyline Walking into to a gym can be less daunting than you think.
The only problem Ive had with the cage was with one female who got sore hocks from walking on the shelves.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian Spoonbills.
I ran at a steady pace the whole way without walking at all.
The bottom of one of my walking poles hit me straight in the eye.