Wait-upon Sentence Examples
Not to wait upon a bride is very remiss.
Like other kings, he lived in a beautiful palace and had many officers and servants to wait upon him.
An invitation to the Swedish court was urged upon Descartes, and after much hesitation accepted; a vessel of the royal navy was ordered to wait upon him, and in September 1649 he left Egmond for the north.
Abisares preferred to play a double game and wait upon events.
The people and the Jews remained in a state of civil war, until each side sent an embassy (40) to wait upon the emperor.
The duke was then in Romagna, and it was Machiavelli's duty to wait upon and watch him.
Moreover, with this masterful temper was joined an infirmity of purpose which ever let " I dare not wait upon I would," and which seized upon any excuse for postponing measures the principles of which he had publicly approved.
After the battle of Actium (31 B.C.) Herod executed Hyrcanus and proceeded to wait upon the victorious Octavian at Rhodes.
For the perfect and absolute, the consummation of movement is not generated at any point in the process; it is an ideal end, which guides the operations of nature, and does not wait upon them for its achievement.
The absolute chronology of this western chamber must wait upon the Oxford AMS dates currently in progress.
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Those who find a gospel in philosophy are ready to dictate terms to outsiders; but those who wait upon science for its verdicts supplicate terms of peace.
Again, in direct-fired furnaces there are commonly seven or eight rows of retorts, one above another, so that to serve the upper rows the workman must stand upon a table, where he is exposed to the full heat of the furnace and requires a helper to wait upon him.