Wail Sentence Examples
Prince Andrew ran to the door; the scream ceased and he heard the wail of an infant.
Jenn covered her ears against the high-pitched wail of magic.
The other issue manifested in a loud wail from Destiny's room.
Julian afterwards sent Oribasius to restore the temple; but the oracle responded to the emperor's enthusiasm with nothing but a wail over the glory that had departed.
Her mouth was open in a silent wail, but the next one would wake Carmen.
Then wail at the rock until you've tapped it dry.
At the same instant, with a cry like a wail, first one hound, then another, and then another, sprang helter-skelter from the wood opposite and the whole pack rushed across the field toward the very spot where the wolf had disappeared.
According to Pindar, she imitated on the flute the dismal wail of the two surviving Gorgons after the death of Medusa.
This time, the calm male voice was accompanied by a distinctly feminine wail in the background.
Now, she hears the shout of Bannockburn; and now, the long wail of Flodden.
AdvertisementProblem happily resolved, the women began to wail again.
At last, a band that remember how to rock - and how to wail out their vocals.
From high in the air, with a wail of despair, She fell in a downward direction.
Unspayed females may wail into the night or even go as far as to change their defecation habits so that the litter box proves less adequate than the carpet.
Rather than just having everyone wail relentlessly on a bad guy until his/her life drains out, Activision has put in some effort to make fights more interesting.
AdvertisementWherever we were wounded and stricken her heart bled in sympathy, and all our maladies and miseries evoked from her a lyric wail."
A tender whisper here, a despairing wail of anguish there, it 's a real floor-filler as everyone around her swoons in admiration.
There is a high pitched wail that makes it almost compulsory to put your fingers in your ears.
Honestly, readers - you should have seen him wail when I beat him at pool twice in a row.
You push it in and out repeatedly to distort the music, thus producing a totally rockin' wail sound that will make old people hate you.
AdvertisementThe only sounds that remained there were cries of pain, the wail ambulance sirens... Where are the children?
At the moment when Rostov and Ilyin were galloping along the road, Princess Mary, despite the dissuasions of Alpatych, her nurse, and the maids, had given orders to harness and intended to start, but when the cavalrymen were espied they were taken for Frenchmen, the coachman ran away, and the women in the house began to wail.
One fine day all sirens in a secret military installation south of Moscow begin to wail loudly.
His Wail of a Protected Manufacturer voices a protest against protection as raising the cost of living; and he hjld that free trade was based on a natural right.
The etymology suggested is from KwF oaav, to wail, in allusion to the cries of the dead.
AdvertisementHis voice is musical, metallic, fit for loud laughter and piercing wail, and all that may lie between; speech and speculation free and plenteous; I do not meet in these late decades such company over a pipe."
The variation may have been one of local use, either in Judea or in Babylonia; or the author may have had some fanciful reason for the transposition, such as, for example, that Pe following Samech (mo) might suggest the word nmo, " Wail ye!