Vulnerable Sentence Examples
Children are the most vulnerablemembers of society.
I think you understand how vulnerable you are here.
She drew her legs up, feeling vulnerable and scared in the strange place.
They were vulnerable consumers facing the drastic measure of being cut off from their energy supplies.
They need to be especially careful with young people who appear particularly vulnerable.
Suddenly feeling alone and vulnerable in the wide hallway, she returned to her room and locked the door.
The disabled and elderly populations are the most vulnerable to the effects of cuts to budgets for social services.
His job made him a vulnerable adult.
There are many vulnerable people in our City Care system.
She pulled her knees to her chest, feeling small and vulnerable once more.
AdvertisementThere are difficulties involved in studying a potentially vulnerable group within a conflict situation.
Is there a particular type of person that is especially vulnerable to psychological problems?
These plants are vulnerable to frost damage in winter and are therefore protected with boxes from October to May.
She's so vulnerable and practically incapable of doing anything on her own about her problems.
I can't help feeling somewhat vulnerable in this respect myself.
AdvertisementIt shouldn't have taken almost losing him for her to realize how vulnerable he was.
She was the most vulnerable of them.
The United Kingdom wasvulnerable to attack from across the English Channel.
The idea of him being vulnerable to anyone floored her.
In our area, outdoor pets arevulnerable to attack from mountain lions, coyotes and even birds of prey.
AdvertisementKeep in mind that the application is pulling your personal profile, which can make it vulnerable to hackers.
He clenched his fists, reminding himself that the seemingly vulnerable woman had handled him well enough the previous night despite his upper hand.
He rose and paced, dwelling on the carnage that would surely ensue if the Guardians remained vulnerable for long.
Megan has a hard time being vulnerable because she doesn't want to burden others with her harrowing backstory.
She lay sweet and vulnerable on her back, her lips parted and warm body tucked against his side.
AdvertisementShe pulled at her trapped arms, hating the feeling of being vulnerable to him.
Benefits are for those who are most financially vulnerable in society and will be assessed and paid within government guidelines and the relevant legislation.
The most vulnerable side of the revision was that on which the mass of English readers thought itself capable of forming a judgment.
I've assessed that you are vulnerable to the deception and depravity of others.
Growing children are particularly vulnerable to fast food danger.
There was a vulnerable note in her voice, one that bothered him.
Leaving them and the humans vulnerable to the Black God.
An Original was released at the transition of a Black or White God in the mortal world to ensure the immortals didn't try to take over during the vulnerable period when a new God learned his powers.
It shouldn.t have taken almost losing him for her to realize how vulnerable he was.
Jared, wounded and vulnerable, had been cornered by another demon in its monster shape with drool dripping off its teeth.
No, they were both vulnerable right now.
The elderly are particularly vulnerable to the sedative effects of these drugs.
The map shows that the areas most vulnerable to groundwater contamination lie in the east.
In an age of political cronyism and corporate bullies scientists, in the eyes of the public are vulnerable to temptation.
Your generous gift will help us fulfill the needs of Darfur's most vulnerable residents.
People are particularly vulnerable when they are ill, and in their desire to get well, can become very gullible.
Hippos must submerge regularly because their skin is thin and virtually hairless and therefore vulnerable to overheating and dehydration.
Home Improvement Agencies assist vulnerable homeowners or private sector tenants who tend to be older, disabled or on a low income.
Even good Christian women who are against abortion seem highly vulnerable to this effect.
But the most vulnerable component of any computer is the hard drive which usually has a 2-3 year life span.
The Windows WMF flaw makes your company very vulnerable.
All versions of Windows are vulnerable to this attack.
Why are competitor's products inferior, vulnerable to be overtaken by your own, or not meeting the consumer's needs best?
The plan will focus on whatever the business's most vulnerable areas are to maintaining operation.
Carrying your trash this way means you don't have to ride with a smelly garbage sack, but it does also make your bag vulnerable to the local wildlife.
Bases especially are vulnerable to head injuries from various parts of the flyers coming down and hitting them in the eyes or mouth.
Bones, eyes, heart, and joints are highly vulnerable to the effects of aging.
This happens, according to medical research, from the toxins that build up in vulnerable areas of the body, such as breast tissue.
As soon as your immune system is threatened in any way, it is highly vulnerable to the next germ passing your way.
Limiting your food selections by never having sweets or carbohydrates may encourage binging at a vulnerable time.
Renters are just as vulnerable to losing valuable property as homeowners.
It's also a bond that folks in my position have to be careful about taking on, because it leaves me vulnerable.
He may have left a vulnerable frontier in his earlier dealings with the same thorny problem of free will.
There is something about the way she looks at you when she needs your help – so vulnerable.
She was vulnerable, exposed.
Feeding Sasha information about the only way to break the bond—without telling him the breakage was only temporary— rendered the girl he.d been tracking for weeks vulnerable.
Rhyn had quit on her in the hopes she.d be safe, only to leave her more vulnerable than ever.
Suddenly feeling alone and vulnerable in the wide hallway, she returned to her room and locked the door, her mind going to the visitor as she tried not to think about Ne'Rin wanting to hurt her.
As if she wasn't completely vulnerable as it was!
That would limit her options even more, making her vulnerable to coercion, finally pushing her into prostitution.
Neither had ever felt so vulnerable, yet they trusted each other completely and without doubt.
He and Sarah could hold their own, but Elisabeth would be vulnerable, and Victor could kill Connor without blinking.
But doing so will leave us vulnerable if something else happens.
The wounded look bothered him most, the same vulnerable expression that had disturbed him twice before.
Who threw a vulnerable woman—his vulnerable woman!—to the wild to fend for herself?
She'd no longer be vulnerable in the Immortal underworld.
Katie was quiet, willing the tree roots to be vulnerable to her immunity blood. She hacked at the root again and paused. The area where she'd dripped blood stayed cut while the area around it healed.
You led him here, Rhyn, a sin made worse by the fact my own weakness made my domain vulnerable. But, I'm going to remedy this.
It was strange how a man could feel comfortable blowing kisses, but paranoid about revealing his vulnerable side.
Shipped to Arkansas for reintroduction, they had sustained injuries that made them vulnerable to predators.
Underneath that facade of ego, there lurked a vulnerable heart.
He would have been vulnerable — especially so if he wanted to get even with Josh.
Jonny was slipping out of her ability to use it, in any case, though he seemed more vulnerable to her manipulation when he was emotionally raw.
The new memories made him feel vulnerable when all he wanted to feel was ... nothing.
She'd sworn never to be vulnerable again or to become emotionally involved with anyone.
Love, after all, was nothing more than being vulnerable and waiting for someone to hurt her.
You're vulnerable, feeling things you shouldn't be.
Or become vulnerable to someone else hurting you.
When I left the immortal world, I taught myself not to feel, never to be vulnerable to someone else hurting me.
You realize by cuffing her, you made her—and your sister—vulnerable?
Even so, he couldn't help the longing he felt when he'd seen her, vulnerable, defeated, alone.
When you married him, you became vulnerable as well.
She appeared sweet and alluring in that vulnerable moment.
Xander refused to say more, aware there was no benefit in opening old wounds, especially the kind that had driven the five Original beings a part – thereby leaving them vulnerable to the Watchers and Others – before the Schism.
It is an important thing to do to help the sick and vulnerable.
The college's main area of concern is the relative weakness of its endowment which makes it vulnerable to innumerable vicissitudes.
Anything less leaves everyone vulnerable to the whims of others.
Etta Jenks has nothing new to say about this male-dominated business, which thrives on vulnerable wannabe actresses with unhappy childhoods.
These facts may suggest that patients with multiple myeloma are more vulnerable to developing megaloblastic anemia than others.
The central bus station can feel a little bit like a gladiatorial arena if you arrive looking disorganized and vulnerable to tour operators.
Seoul, near the border, is vulnerable to long-range artillery.
Occasionally, especially in bed, the secure evil bitch shows flickers of the vulnerable girl underneath.
Given these developments, small businesses should be somewhat less vulnerable to a downturn in the economy than in the last business cycle.
National childrens Homes One of the UK's leading childrens ' charities, working with vulnerable children, young people and their families.
Whatever the reason, I was vulnerable, and all the self composure I was struggling to attain was quickly disappearing.
Ethical conduct is a particular concern among more vulnerable service users.
Hardly suitable for these vulnerable people who feel they are being punished by this confinement, on top of their other problems.
Today, leading conservationists are asking for their help to save protect these vulnerable birds from accidental poisoning.
We have been urging for a long time that suppliers should consider the possibility of a social tariff to help vulnerable consumers.
German forces were soon crippled and were vulnerable to soviet counterattacks.
Worldwide, some 30% of the best croplands lie on flood plains and are vulnerable to flooding.
Refugees, along with internally displaced people, rank among the most vulnerable people in our world.
Action taken in these areas can lead to quite dramatic improvements in the way vulnerable groups are treated.
The majority of the stream is vulnerable to becoming eutrophic.
His deeply expressive throaty voice; tender, vulnerable with underlying menace - soul plugged.
Underneath his reserve and gruff, blokey exterior, Colin was damaged and vulnerable.
Memories are notoriously fallible on material facts, vulnerable to suggestion, to rewriting, to complete erasure.
Aspects of care for vulnerable adults remain fraught with legal uncertainty.
The team also administers the private sector assistance policies to other vulnerable households in need.
Each champion will organize small-scale community events and signpost vulnerable householders to energy advice.
The difference between someone who is vulnerable and someone who appears indestructible is the latter's ability to construct inner shields.
Yes, one may so ingratiate oneself with a vulnerable person in the expectation of glory or to be left in their will.
In the end an air raid in 942 solved one problem when the old thatched inn proved a vulnerable target.
The most vulnerable part of the journey was crossing the isthmus of Panama in Central America.
Its persistent itch is frustrating and certain vulnerable groups are at risk of complications.
Mexico's most vulnerable citizens have faced a Maelstrom of change beyond their capacity, or that of their government, to control.
A single perpetrator is able to anonymously take advantage of millions of vulnerable computer neophytes with relative ease.
They are there to help vulnerable pedestrians, in all weathers to use our roads safely.
I felt strangely helpless and vulnerable as the first tinkling chunks whizzed by, Es cursing increasingly loudly from his precarious perch high above.
The combination of ground temperatures only slightly below zero, high ice contents and steep slopes, makes mountain permafrost particularly vulnerable to changes.
All would be vulnerable to mammalian predators (Ryan & Glass, 2001 ).
We influence local and national policy to improve public services for the most vulnerable, using the law to achieve change.
Here he plays the secretly vulnerable yet dazzling drag queen Lola.
I don't like these people, because unlike the traditional tin rattlers - they are very aggressive and prey on the vulnerable.
Work's with a lot of pupil referral units to help meet the specific needs of vulnerable young people.
S emanuel had very vulnerable sen for an end not going into.
Vulnerable and insecure they react with heightened sensitivity to the raw world around them.
Cold Weather Payments - Payment made during a period of exceptionally severe weather to vulnerable households on Income Support or Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.
The world suddenly finds itself in an utterly new situation, vulnerable to the slightest shudder, for which few are prepared.
His studies of the life cycle of the rust fungus convinced him that the germinating spores represented a vulnerable stage for attack.
Vulnerable strains of bacterium were replaced by resistant strains.
Entering humanity as a vulnerable child and involving people who had no street cred, as God gives dignity to human life.
She was vulnerable, but she could ignore the taunts, and often, as with the Iron Lady, turned them to advantage.
The Indian Ocean tsunami (tho caused by earth tectonics) showed how vulnerable the developing world is to massive natural disasters.
In vulnerable areas in the USA, conservation tillage has reduced erosion by up to 95% .
Birth is so timeless, so total, and we are so vulnerable.
A reduced time limit would force such vulnerable women to continue with their pregnancies against their will.
Most vulnerable to what's the best united president Todd.
It was touching as few TV shows can be, in that it touched a nerve few would see as vulnerable.
In larger charities trusteeship may imply that the individual concerned is a person who can properly be trusted with vulnerable beneficiaries.
Its shallow social base, however, meant it was very vulnerable in a period of growing social turmoil.
Most human vivisection takes place in the " third world " or on vulnerable people, such as Pongo, in the West.
The review's aim is to develop a workforce that can deliver personalized, user-led services and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable people.
Improving the service to vulnerable or intimidated witnesses 30.
When they 're young and tender they 're vulnerable to slugs and snails which rasp away at the stem until the whole plant shrivels.
I do n't like these people, because unlike the traditional tin rattlers - they are very aggressive and prey on the vulnerable.
Work 's with a lot of pupil referral units to help meet the specific needs of vulnerable young people.
Most households are being relocated from high altitude areas with vulnerable ecosystems in Gaoligong Mountains, Haba Snow Mountain and Red Mountain.
Our commitment to helping the vulnerable is a renewal of Conservatism, offering a vision of a stronger and better society.
Floribunda roses can be planted in any open but not vulnerable location.
Many flood runoff generation models are extremely vulnerable to uncertainty in precipitation.
The review 's aim is to develop a workforce that can deliver personalized, user-led services and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable people.
So he'll go scouring around the net looking for computers running vulnerable services.
Most vulnerable to what 's the best united president todd.
These small mounds and their coral growths are particularly vulnerable to the heavy trawling gear used in deep water.
The College 's main area of concern is the relative weakness of its endowment which makes it vulnerable to innumerable vicissitudes.
Creating a new offense of familial homicide for causing or allowing the death of child or vulnerable adult.
The Act aims to improve conditions for vulnerable witnesses.
We have not cut our ability to visit vulnerable people in our City Care system.
We note the proposal to set up a new working group on the specific needs of vulnerable groups.
With their help we are now seeing fewer vulnerable consumers facing the drastic measure of being cut off from their energy supplies.
Benefits are for those who are most financially vulnerable in society and will be assessed and paid within Government guidelines and the relevant legislation.
Walmer Castle Following Henry VIII 's break from the Catholic Church, England 's shores were vulnerable to attack from across the English Channel.
The stones are very vulnerable to frost damage in winter and are therefore boxed from October to May.
I ca n't help feeling somewhat vulnerable in this respect myself.
After withdrawal patients remain vulnerable to stress for at least 6 months.
Participants proved vulnerable across the board to phishing attacks.
At stake is the quality of public services for ordinary people - and for the most vulnerable in society.
Certain injuries may also weaken a muscle or joint, leaving it vulnerable.
The young leave the nest after weaning when they are at their most vulnerable to predators such as birds of prey and desert foxes.
Vulnerable witnesses in particular must receive the help and support they need to feel confident and reassured about giving evidence.
Pat's immune disorder made her especially vulnerable to infections, so she tried to avoid crowded public places.
Many scammers will create sites that look much like the offical bank site to collect personal information like account numbers and passwords, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft.
Lignin is vulnerable to certain fungi and bacteria.
This is a time when you will be vulnerable, so let yourself feel the emotions, but don't wallow in them.
Teens may be particularly vulnerable to some of these scams because the potential to earn money often blinds them to the facts.
Groups that may be vulnerable to becoming iron-deficient include pregnant women, growing children, teenage girls, and women 18-45 years of age.
Teenagers who suffer from attention, learning, or anxiety disorders may also be vulnerable.
Although there are many different factors that can contribute to drug abuse, some researchers believe that certain people have an addictive personality that makes them more vulnerable to addiction.
However, for those going through treatment who may be vulnerable, valium can often be a pleasurable replacement that carries a high risk of addiction.
Choosing a women's addiction treatment center can help ease these vulnerable emotions and give women the confidence to speak out and take back their lives.
Bridal satin is a delicate material and is vulnerable to abrasion.
In her role as Joey Potter, Holmes was at times a tough tomboy and at others a vulnerable child.
You do feel a bit vulnerable, but as long as you come out the other side all right, why worry?"
This infection alone is neither particularly painful nor serious, but it does weaken the animal's immune system and leaves the dog more vulnerable to serious and potentially fatal secondary infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
These dogs are vulnerable to dehydration and overheat quickly.
A mother dog and her puppies are never as vulnerable to the elements and predators as they are during the birth process.
Despite the best vaccine protocol, the differing maternal antibody levels within each puppy will leave some vulnerable to contracting the dangerous virus.
Grass is particularly vulnerable; you really must remove fallen leaves from your lawn.
Peonies and roses, for example, are vulnerable to black spot, somust gardeners remove the foliage even if it was healthy all summer.
Many experts recommend removing all plant material - roots, leaves, and stems - from the vegetable garden every fall, because vegetables are vulnerable to so many diseases and pests.
Others feel that removing diseased or particularly vulnerable plants is enough.
Remember that plants in pots are more vulnerable to damage from cold than plants in the ground.
A cold frame allows some protection from these cute-but-destructive pests when your plants are most vulnerable.
Small earrings are also vulnerable as these can easily get lost or caught up with other items.
At Sun Grubbies, there are an excellent selection of men's wide-brimmed sun hats that protect the vulnerable ears and neck as well as the eyes and face.
Most of these jackets have armor or padding added to the shoulders, back, and elbows to protect these vulnerable areas.
The University of Georgia reports what most people all ready knew, a baby is more vulnerable to environmental toxins, including chemicals in clothing and bedding, than adults are.
This increases their immune system, making them less vulnerable to diseases and infections.
Planting these repellent plants among your pumpkins and other vulnerable crops helps to keep squash bugs away.
Row covers work best when plants are young because that is when they're most vulnerable and easy to keep covered effectively.
These chemicals are known to be carcinogenic and babies' immature bodies are especially vulnerable to the effects of these harsh chemicals.
That means wearing leather not only looks good, but keeps you comfortable and less vulnerable to a sudden change in weather.
Even non-smokers are vulnerable to the dangers of cigarette smoking; inhaling second-hand smoke is just as toxic as it is to the primary smoker.
People working as convenience store clerks may be vulnerable to armed robberies.
Employees that work at night and have to walk out to their vehicle may be vulnerable as well.
Unfortunately, there are individuals who prey on the weak, ill, or vulnerable.
This non-profit organization can also help vulnerable individuals gain access to housing, medical, and/or legal services, if necessary.
Retirees, who suffer from social isolation more than other age groups, are particularly vulnerable to friendly overtures from unscrupulous people.
Anything else allows your body to remain vulnerable.
The punches and kicks come off immediately, so you better have your next 3-4 moves planned out so you won't sit there as vulnerable as a naked man in a snowstorm.
Learn to notice any patterns in their fighting styles and try to exploit any obvious weakness (blind spots, vulnerable areas etc.) Parry frequently with the square button to protect yourself from damage.
Learn to notice any patterns in their fighting styles and try to exploit any obvious weakness (blind spots, vulnerable areas, etc.) Parry frequently (square button) to protect yourself from damage.
Remember that cabin tents may be more vulnerable to wind than other tent styles because they are taller.
Cell phones and cell phone operating systems are just as vulnerable as Windows or Mac systems or other electronic devices that run operating systems.
Because the cancer cells have not yet been exposed to anti-cancer drugs, they are especially vulnerable, allowing neoadjuvant therapy to effectively reduce tumor size.
The elderly also often have reduced kidney function or underlying diseases, or take medications that make them more vulnerable to dehydration.
Poisoning is a common cause of home accidents, with toddlers being the ones most vulnerable.
Children, especially those under the age of three, are quite vulnerable to airway obstruction injury because they have small upper airways and have relative inexperience with chewing.
Adolescents can also feel very vulnerable.
Children with Marfan are more vulnerable to this disorder because of the weakness of their connective tissues.
Adolescents are especially vulnerable to psychological and emotional problems resulting from a combination of puberty and family stresses.
When there is a household food shortage, children are the most vulnerable to malnutrition because of their high energy needs.
Teenagers with gender identity disorder suffer social isolation and are vulnerable to depression and suicide.
Infants and children are especially vulnerable to dehydration.
Children with SCID are vulnerable to recurrent severe infections, retarded growth, and early death.
People with weakened or suppressed immune systems, such as AIDS patients or those who have had organ transplants, are particularly vulnerable to the potentially serious complications of infectious mononucleosis.
Certain vulnerable children who have had unpleasant social experiences (such as being rejected) or who have poor social skills may develop social phobias.
Sharp cat teeth typically leave behind a deep puncture wound that can reach muscles, tendons, and bones, which are vulnerable to infection because of their comparatively poor blood supply.
In other words, they have inherited the tendency to be anxious from family members and may be vulnerable to the development of an anxiety disorder.
The fetus is most vulnerable to various types of injuries depending on the stage of development in which alcohol is encountered.
The pulp is the area of skin opposite the fingernail and is usually very vulnerable to injury.
Children less than one year old are particularly vulnerable to injury from shaken baby syndrome.
The chances of abuse are higher if the child is developmentally handicapped or vulnerable in some other way.
The heart, liver, and endocrine organs are particularly vulnerable.
Infants and small children are especially vulnerable to SBS because their neck muscles are still too weak to adequately support their disproportionately large heads, and their young brain tissue and blood vessels are extremely fragile.
Because they lack these "second line of defense" antibodies, they are more vulnerable to infections.
The lungs, digestive system, and nervous system (including the brain) are underdeveloped in premature babies and are particularly vulnerable to complications.
In most states, the doctor is also required by law to report suspected abuse of children, the elderly, or other vulnerable family members.
Although nearly 80 percent of the general population experiences motion sickness at one time in their lives, children between the ages of four and ten are most vulnerable.
Typically, children ages three to 15 months are more vulnerable to rotaviruses, the most significant cause of acute watery diarrhea.
Infants, young children, the elderly, and anyone with an underlying disease are more vulnerable to complications of gastroenteritis.
The primary factor influencing the rate of infection is age; children between the ages of six months and four years are most vulnerable to H. influenzae.
Unlike adults, infants younger than 12 months are vulnerable to C. botulinum colonizing the intestine.
Individuals with XLA are vulnerable to repeated, potentially fatal, bacterial infections.
As the immunoglobulin levels decrease, the baby becomes increasingly vulnerable to bacterial infections.
They are also more vulnerable to colds, flu, pneumonia, and other respiratory problems.
In some vulnerable children, strep antibodies attack a certain part of the brain.
In addition, elderly persons are vulnerable because they are often reluctant to be vaccinated against flu.
Infants who receive the monovalent measles vaccine or MMR before their first birthday are vulnerable to all three diseases and should be revaccinated with two doses of MMR.
Also, children and the elderly are more vulnerable to complications from burn injuries and require more intensive care.
The most vulnerable persons are children under the age of 15 years and those who develop pneumonia or myocarditis.
Changes from cold to warm air or dry to humid air stress the delicate membranes of the nose and make it vulnerable to injury and bleeding.
Children under age 11 and adults over age 70 are most vulnerable to the effects of smoke inhalation.
Women are more vulnerable to unipolar depression than are men.
An open casket is not allowed, as it would make the body vulnerable to enemies in this helpless state.
The female, for the most part, is weak, vulnerable and at times unable to function normally.
Also, you'll be in a vulnerable position to anything that enters your room.
Middle school kids are especially vulnerable to online predators.
The higher risk leads to higher interest because this high-end sector of the real estate market presents a more vulnerable market that is susceptible to market lows and highs and are not easily sold in the mainstream market.
It is also worth noting that pregnant women should be especially careful not to overdo the vitamin A, since studies have shown that developing children are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of vitamin A overdosing.
Likewise, your lifestyle may also make you vulnerable.
When your body is stressed, production of your antibodies slows, ironically making you more vulnerable to additional stress.
Post-menopausal women are especially vulnerable to bone loss and are at increased risk for fractures.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds seven program areas including building human capital, pioneer, vulnerable populations, childhood obesity, coverage, public health and quality/equality.
Since this virus spreads quickly through crowds and young children are particularly vulnerable, concerns about Santa and H1N1 have arisen.
I don't know if I agree with Harry's thinking, but I do believe that the risk of infidelity between two people who are "just friends" is higher when one or both of them is emotionally vulnerable.
Candor on the other hand, is when deeply personal information is shared without fear of being judged or feeling overexposed and vulnerable.
The time lapse since you have had intimacy with a man makes your heart vulnerable to the attention your business partner has been giving you.
Your heart is overriding your good business sense and as a result, you're emotionally vulnerable.
Jealousy is rooted in feelings of insecurity, fear of being vulnerable or abandoned, and low self-esteem.
Given that your affection for your boyfriend has changed, you have found yourself vulnerable to the attention of his son.
Your decision to marry someone with a strong personality was the result of feeling very vulnerable and wanting someone to lean on who was decisive, good in a crisis, and could take care of things.
You'll may be vulnerable to the attention and sympathy you receive from others, but you don't want to start up something new until the wounds you've gotten from the old have healed.
Some people join matchmaking sites to find vulnerable people to scam out of money.
You did not have trust with this new person when you shared some very vulnerable and revealing information about your past.
Not only has the giver made the effort, but the receiver has also put themselves in a beautiful and vulnerable state, trusting that boundaries will be respected and paying attention to how they were being touched.
Either way, be willing to be vulnerable and she'll get the signal your heart is open.
Educated consumers can invariably find good deals while avoiding potential hassles and double-talk that leaves less-informed consumers confused and vulnerable to poor choices.
The lack of nutrients makes you vulnerable to other conditions such as loss of bone density and anemia.
Whether you're carrying a mini-backpack or a slingback purse, these styles have one clear disadvantage in that most of them render you vulnerable to pick pocketing attacks.
Women with this placement often feel vulnerable or possessive, and can sometimes feel emotionally dependent.
Women of this sign may suffer from anxiety, and the men can seem fairly vulnerable themselves.
To put it bluntly, Virgo is afraid of falling in love because it leaves him feeling vulnerable.
Just like the crab, Cancer is most vulnerable outside the protective walls of his home.
Thorough, precise and enthusiastic, if not vulnerable, describes the Virgo man in bed.
They are not vulnerable to religious artifacts, such as the cross or holy water that can be used against vampires.
The lesson learned from this incredible episode is that even members of the U.S. military are psychologically vulnerable to the terrible magic of the Ouija board.
This can affect your balance and make you more vulnerable to sprains and falls.
Marlena found herself in a vulnerable position after Stefano drugged her regularly in order to romance her.
In a brutal cross-examination, a vulnerable Karen admitted to her secret life as a hooker while her stunned husband watched from the gallery.
By comparison, Internet Explorer hasn't changed much for several years, which makes it more vulnerable to viruses and cyberattacks as well as and slower than other browsers.
Per Steve Gibson, all Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows SE and Windows ME systems are not vulnerable to the WMF bug and don't need the patch.
Medical professionals help keep people healthy, but they are also quite vulnerable to lawsuits… both justified and frivolous.
Doctors and other medical staff are vulnerable to medical malpractice lawsuits, but general medical release forms signed by patients can protect the medical staff involved in whatever procedure is necessary.
Most significantly, whenever the various rating firms disagreed on "vulnerable" classification for an insurer, Weiss typically went with "vulnerable."
Remember, bras that are too tight can leave you vulnerable to plugged milk ducts, so you'll want to avoid any bra that restricts the flow of your milk in any way.
As a result, they are left vulnerable to potential pedophiles and otherwise unethical site users.
The people behind the scenes are just as vulnerable, and when they mess up it often makes for even bigger scandals.
After that, everyone is included in Tribal Councils and everyone is vulnerable to being voted out of the show.
We want people who are an open book and not afraid to be vulnerable.
Buffy set a new trend for sassy yet vulnerable heroines who can totally kick butt.
Does the experiment alter his brain chemistry in some way, making him more vulnerable to temptation? or would he have turned to crime if he knew he could get away with it in any event?
Unfortunately, it was that very love for Padme that made Anakin vulnerable.
Their goal is to discover the secret of Voldemort's power over death and find the key to making him mortal and vulnerable.
He plays a very human, vulnerable and troubled man, known to take a drink or two to help him through his dark times.
Eyes are certainly the windows to our souls, as they are, ironically, the most vulnerable area for wrinkles and fine lines.
They are heavily hydrating and targeted, so that they protect vulnerable areas of the skin while also promoting healing.
Your lips have extremely thin skin and not many natural oils, so they are especially vulnerable to winter dryness.
Unfortunately there are people who use this in malevolent and insidious ways and these people can turn online networking sites or chat rooms into unsafe places to be - particularly for young or vulnerable people.
Like the email, this does not make your account vulnerable.
While an informed user might not use apps for this reason, they are still vulnerable to Open Graph.
Protection. The Internet is a double edged sword - you want to have connections with people, but that makes your data and site vulnerable to hackers and other malware.
She looked small and vulnerable.
There is something about the way she looks at you when she needs your help – so vulnerable.
He looked funny... and somehow vulnerable.
People change, and right now he's probably feeling pretty vulnerable.
Feeding Sasha information about the only way to break the bond—without telling him the breakage was only temporary— rendered the girl he.d been tracking for weeks vulnerable.
It makes you vulnerable.
He feared the answer, and he'd never let one of these creatures see him vulnerable.
She was vulnerable to him and to Jonny.
The look on her face, though, made her feel too vulnerable.
She took it, hating the vulnerable expression on her face.
Or maybe she was right, and he was avoiding the obvious, because he couldn't quite handle the thought of being vulnerable to anyone.
He didn't like seeing her vulnerable like this; he wanted to hear her sharp tongue and watch her face turn pink when he looked at her too long or provoked her.
But even before Trafalgar he had begun to strike at that most vulnerable form of wealth, as the Jacobins had done before him.
Many of the chief characteristics of the ancient Greek heroes are reproduced in those of the Teutonic North, the parallel being in some cases very striking; Siegfried, for instance, like Achilles, is vulnerable only in one spot, and Wayland Smith, like Hephaestus, is lame.
He had by nature what he himself called a " vulnerable temper and impetuous moods."
It was easy enough to see the " vulnerable temper " as it worked within, but it was never suffered to find audible expression.
He had learnt from Torstensson that Denmark was most vulnerable if attacked from the south, and, imitating the strategy of his master, he fell upon her with a velocity which paralysed resistance.
As an advocate his sharpness and rapidity of insight gave him a formidable advantage in the detection of the weaknesses of a witness and the vulnerable points of his opponent's case, while he grouped his own arguments with an admirable eye to effect, especially excelling in eloquent closing appeals to a jury.
They were maladroit enough to attack him on his least vulnerable side, summoning him before the privy council to answer to a charge of receiving bribes in the administration of justice.
If hunted, the elephant must be attacked on foot, and the sport is therefore dangerous, especially as the animal has but few parts vulnerable to a bullet.
Steel plates and shapes, when delivered from the rolls which form them to the cooling beds, are largely covered with scales, which, adhering only partially to the surface, offer the intervening cracks or joints as vulnerable points for rust.
The logic of this plan was not applied to Ireland; there it was to be Ireland for the English for many a generation yet to come; and so Ireland remained Achilles heel, the vulnerable part of the United Kingdom.
Originally the town was protected on its vulnerable sides by a wall, of which remains still exist at the south end of the Black Walk.
In a few verses the "wrestling" ('-b -k) of Jacob (ya'agob) is associated with the Jabbok ()labboq); his "striving" explains his name Israel; at Peniel he sees "the face of God," and when touched on his vulnerable spot - the hollow of the thigh - he is lamed, hence "the children of Israel eat not the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh unto this day" (xxxii.
It wasn't compassion for Tessa that had made him feel so vulnerable.
Without their powers, the Guardians were vulnerable against the Black God's vamps.