Vos Sentence Examples

  • It is indeed just possible that the term may originally have signified "true member of a clan," since membership of a phratry was a characteristic of each clan ('y vos).

  • Among his editions of particular works may be named Reineke Vos, Monumenta Elnonensia and Theophilus.

  • The solitary change is positional and involves Nick Easter moving from blindside flanker to number 8, swapping with Andre Vos.

  • De nugis is a comparatively small book; if it were difficult to find leisure for that, much more would it have been difficult to find the time requisite for the composition of one only of the many long-winded romances which have been fathered on Map. Giraldus Cambrensis, with whom he was on most friendly terms, and who frequently refers to and quotes him, records a speech in which Map contrasted Giraldus' labours with his own, apparently to the disadvantage of the latter, "vos scripta dedistis, et nos verba" - a phrase which has been interpreted as meaning that Map himself had produced no literary work.

  • At Tubingen he lived as student and teacher for six years, until on Reuchlin's advice, the elector of Saxony called him to Wittenberg as professor of Greek in 1518.1 Her character is evidenced by the familiar proverb Wer mehr will verzehren Denn sein Pflug kann erehren, Der muss zuletzt verderben Und vielleicht am Galgen sterben of which Melanchthon said to his students "Didici hoc a mea matre, vos etiam observate."

  • What the Church teaches is Divine; she is God's voice speaking to the unbelieving world; qui vos audit me audit.
