Volunteering Sentence Examples
Volunteering is one of the activity ideas for the elderly that brings the most personal satisfaction.
Volunteering Volunteering can be an ideal way of moving toward paid employment, as well as being a rewarding end in itself.
Ambitiously volunteering to lead the company's strategic planning committee put Margaret in line for a promotion.
Youth groups can participate in a variety of activities, like Sunday night bowling, Wednesday night pizza parties, and Saturday morning volunteering sessions.
However, most begin with working in their own home and volunteering their services to their friends.
Time spent volunteering is not deductible.
Use volunteering to explore your career options.
It's not like she's volunteering her time or money toward some noble deed like helping those in need or volunteering at a local children's hospital or starting a foundation to help…well, anybody who needs help.
If you're an education major, your project may involve volunteering as a tutor using current research to develop effective reading instruction techniques.
Volunteering is a wonderful and inspiring experience.
AdvertisementToday's women lead busier lives than ever before, and between work, school, family and friends, volunteering, and a host of other commitments, they don't often take the time to pamper themselves the way they deserve.
That was a first—Fred volunteering to buy.
Conservation volunteering is a worthwhile and healthy outdoor activity which makes a pleasant change from sitting at a desk!
Third, how does church volunteering promote social cohesion, societal social capital?
Despite this, there is widespread anecdotal evidence that disabled people are implicitly and explicitly discouraged from volunteering.
AdvertisementThe economic approach focuses purely on monetary value and may be damaging if it reinforces the notion that volunteering is all about saving money.
Another interview with Diane about the state of hospital volunteering, particularly in regard to the new hospital, seemed opportune.
Key Points only reimburse volunteers for expenses actually incurred in the course of their volunteering.
A majority of the organizations were identified through the questionnaire respondents, others were identified by working with local volunteering infrastructure agencies.
Staff nominated Richard for the volunteering award to say thank you for his continued support.
AdvertisementTo help you with any concerns or problems that you may have surrounding volunteering the volunteer tool-kit has been developed.
Clearly, encouraging trusteeship and volunteering helps build an organization's reputation.
The many benefits of volunteering often go unsung - the good you do for others tends to eclipse the good it does for you.
Volunteering volunteering Volunteering can be an ideal way of moving toward paid employment, as well as being a rewarding end in itself.
More than 80 volunteering organizations from across the UK have signed a pledge to deliver the 70,000 volunteers required for the Games.
AdvertisementKey Points Only reimburse volunteers for expenses actually incurred in the course of their volunteering.
I wonder if any of the guys are up for volunteering for the Euro-MARS shakedown crew?
Clearly, encouraging trusteeship and volunteering helps build an organization 's reputation.
Volunteering opportunities can be short or long term with varying levels of responsibility.
The organization is a long time contributor to charities, both through monetary donations and employee volunteering.
Their enthusiasm toward volunteering has given them a positive name in the public realm, not only for manufacturing good mascara, but also creating good feelings and situations for those who need it the most.
Getting experience may be as easy as volunteering at your local newspaper.
Working at a summer job, volunteering with a group, or just hanging out with friends are all instances that call for the right wardrobe.
For now, why not concentrate on friends whom you like and are fun to be around, or even better, try volunteering in your local community?
Retail therapy, good friends, funny movies, volunteering, staying active, working out, all will help.
Teens volunteering are poised to change the world while gaining valuable skills and experiences.
Are you interested in the idea of volunteering, but not sure what you should do?
Teens volunteering can have even more fun when participating in community service as part of a group.
Volunteering as part of a youth club opens up opportunities not available to individuals.
Teens volunteering can look for ways to incorporate community service in the organizations to which they already belong.
This will make it easier to include volunteering on resumes and applications.
Whether you are helping homeless children, volunteering at a hospital or whatever it may be, you will be helping more people than you could ever think of!
Volunteering is a great experience for both adults and children.
While some groups are free for members, others may be costly and include fundraising and volunteering as part of their membership requirements.
Homeschooling gives busy teens the flexibility to do their schoolwork alongside other projects, such as art or dance classes, volunteering, field trips and entry-level college classes.
They are able to schedule volunteering, field trips and other educational opportunities at any time of the day, and then fit their weekly coursework in around these activities.
In addition to providing your child a chance to socialize with both children and adults, volunteering is excellent at building self-esteem and teaching your child to care about his community and planet.
This is a good time to mention a special class that you have taken, or experience you gained in a specific skill while you were volunteering for a local organization.
I also enjoy volunteering for a local community organization on weekends, and I've been able to help them out with their fundraising a bit in addition to my other duties as a volunteer."
Volunteering, taking up a new hobby, enrolling your younger children in a community playgroup, or arranging a babysitting co-op with other stay at home moms can provide social interaction and a sense of personal fulfillment.
All volunteers must be 16 years old or 14 if a parent is volunteering with them.
It has been said that Americans volunteer more time and have a larger percentage of their population volunteering than any other country.
How has the economy, the war, and other current events change the face of volunteering?
You'll find the newly (and not so newly) retired population volunteering in a variety of capacities which makes the volunteer labor force, highly experienced!
Another trend in volunteering is the opportunity to volunteer online.
This is reflected in volunteering efforts as more and more people seek to volunteer their time doing something positive for the environment.
With disaster relief also comes long distance volunteering--a growing trend in volunteerism.
You can also donate your time by volunteering at your local shelter or rescue organization, or by refusing to shop at pet stores and other locations that utilize the business of puppy mills.
Often, donation letters are written by individuals who are either volunteering to write on behalf of an organization they are passionate about, or who want sponsors for an event such as a walk for cancer, or even a bake sale.
This is how many causes earn the money they need to stay active - people volunteering to raise both funds and awareness about a certain cause.
However, some individuals find that volunteering actually ended up bettering their lives as much as the lives of the recipients of their efforts.
Volunteering gives you a chance to not only bless another person, but also make lifelong friendships, learn to let go of biases about a specific demographic, and feel empowered that one person can indeed make a difference.
If you have a special gift or talent such as playing music or painting, consider volunteering some time at a nearby nursing home.
The impact of volunteering to help another is monumental, and can make a big difference in the lives of both the young and old.
If volunteering is of interest to you, contact your local Salvation Army to find out about volunteer opportunities in your area.
Individuals who are interested in volunteering for the program can do so by visiting the Salvation Army's website.
One of the most important things to consider when volunteering is to find an opportunity that you are passionate about and enjoy being part of.
Volunteering can make you feel as good in addition to benefiting those you are helping.
When people are going through a transition in their lives, volunteering can fill a void.
Someone who has recently retired and is faced with extra time may find that volunteering can put valuable skills developed over the years to good use.
No matter what the reason, volunteering is essential for many organizations' survival.
To learn more about volunteering with Operation Christmas Child, visit the Samaritan's Purse website.
That was a first—Fred volunteering to buy.
Do you have any previous volunteering or life experience?
Don't limit volunteering to just the holidays either; make it an ongoing event with some kind of reward afterwards.
If you're writing about an experience that took place while you were volunteering in Mexico, describe the sights, sounds, colors, and smells that surrounded you.
For those who have prohibitive schedules or cannot afford to enroll in a complete degree program, one alternative is volunteering in an educational or literacy capacity with a nonprofit program or school district.
This will help you document your experience from work, volunteering, hobbies, etc. so that you can receive as many credits as possible towards your desired degree.
During this time it's also crucial to spend time volunteering at local animal hospitals/clinics, shelters, boarding facilities, farms, etc., in order to gain some practical experience working with animals.
Armed with this information, consider volunteering at a center to share an interest of your own.
For others, travel and volunteering become the major focal points of retirement.
Consider volunteering in a nursing home in whatever capacity you can to improve the quality of life for residents, especially if your loved one lives there, and see firsthand what's going on.
If someone is interested in volunteering at the games, do they have to be a participant as well?
Volunteering gets you out into the community where you'll meet new people, stay active and make a difference.
If you find yourself missing the daily routine of work, try volunteering at a hospital, nursing home, or for another interest.
Volunteering can be a great way for formerly busy professionals to focus their energy and efforts on others.
As a hobby, volunteering is very rewarding and you usually get back much more than you contribute.
In 2010, Disney ran their "Give a Day, Get a Disney Day" promotion in which the first million people to spend a day volunteering at a Disney partner charity received a free ticket to the park.
After-school activities can also include scouting and volunteering, such as working with the Red Cross, a local animal shelter, a homeless shelter, or in a political campaign.
Parents working or volunteering in Head Start programs must learn to work with children other than their own.
She was nervous, and the medical technician patiently explained how she would proceed and even showed her own laser-treated legs, volunteering the information that she hadn't needed to shave in over three months.
Other ways that people can get involved with volunteering include charity walks, soliciting donations for an organization and donating your talents to where they can be used best.
Consider volunteering at a nonprofit to help feed the homeless or prepare gifts for the needy.
Volunteering is another way of meeting new people and practicing flirting.
The volunteering possibilities are unlimited.
Rather than just asking a girl to lunch or coffee, suggest going to a museum, bike riding, or volunteering together for a good cause.
Volunteering to assist the marketing and advertising staff at a worthy non-profit organization is another good way to learn more about copywriting while getting samples for your portfolio.
Animal lovers may benefit from volunteering or working part time at a veterinarian's office.
Not only will your child get a new pet, but she can also save a life and learn about volunteering opportunities in her community.
If your kids are older, involve them in the process to show them the benefits of volunteering.
Spend a day volunteering for a shared concern.
Instead of sitting at home dwelling on your problems, consider attending a worship service or volunteering your time at a worthy non-profit organization.
Besides employment, consider taking a class or volunteering, both to feel useful and build some skills.
However, most of these ladies do it for the charity and volunteering that they have an opportunity to be involved with as a result of being part of the Falcon's organization.
Holding a school wide (or class wide if your school is big) volunteering project is a great way to inspire school pride.
Volunteering with a local organization will allow you to promote your school in a most positive light.
From developing education programs for domestic abuse survivors to donating funds to the Boys and Girls Clubs, Allstate encourages its employees to become active in volunteering and gives them the tools to succeed at their ventures.
A picnic on the playground or volunteering in a classroom can bring back many fond memories.
Rather than trying to find a job together, the cast members explore New York, learn about various cultures, and spend time volunteering.
She enjoys volunteering her time with social and environmental charity groups.
Volunteering not only increases a child's self-esteem, but it can help one discover skills and abilities that he or she didn't even know existed.
Volunteering has always attracted the younger men, and the highest awards at Wimbledon and Bisley have been won by the Queen's Edinburgh History.
The Catholic party also strove to mitigate the principle of obligatory military service by encouraging the system of volunteering and by a reduction of the time of active service and of the number with the colours.
Few queries were related to the other guests and Dean withdrew from volunteering as much information as he had in his opening monologue.
In the early days of 1813 sympathy with the national enthusiasm against the French carried him so far as to buy a set of arms; but he stopped short of volunteering for active service, reflecting that Napoleon gave after all only concentrated and untrammelled utterance to that self-assertion and lust for more life which weaker mortals feel but must perforce disguise.