Volcano Sentence Examples
This volcano is all but extinct.
The Aconcagua river rises on the southern slope of the volcano Aconcagua, flows eastward through a broad valley, or bay in the mountains, and enters the Pacific 12 m.
Among still active volcanoes the following are the best known Name of Volcano Height in feet.
It is an extinct volcano rising to 4365 ft.
Barren Island is a volcano of the general Sunda group which includes also the Pegu group to which Narcondam belongs.
At the time of its greatest dimensions the volcano was perhaps twice as high as it is now.
In 1866 a submarine volcano near the islet of Olosenga was the scene of a violent commotion, discharging rocks and mud to a height of 2000 ft.
In the northern part of the country it spreads into several side valleys, from one of which rises the extinct volcano Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa (19,321 ft.).
The volcanic series include the rhyolite of Nell Island, some obsidian, and the sheets of basalts which form the Cloudy Mountains, Mount Dayman and Mount Trafalgar (an active volcano), and also cover wide areas to the south and west of the Owen Stanley Range.
The central core, which consists of several steep pyramids, is that of a very denuded old volcano, which when its crater was complete may have reached 2000 ft.
AdvertisementSome one throws himself over a cataract or leaps into the crater of a volcano, and immediately a score or two follow.
Kerguelen Island is of undoubted volcanic origin, the prevailing rock being basaltic lavas, intersected occasionally by dikes, and an active volcano and hot springs are said to exist in the south-west of the island.
In Burma also there is at least one extinct volcano.
A triple-peaked volcano in the solfatara stage, extinct at the summit, but displaying considerable activity at its base in the form of numerous fumaroles and boiling sulilhur springs.
Izuno Oshima (Vries The volcano on this island is called Island) (lIti) 2461.
AdvertisementNorth and north-west the lake is closed in by the volcanic Buru hills; to the south towers the extinct volcano of Longonot.
Chefs delight guests by performing a variety of astounding acts, including the ever popular flaming onion volcano.
Australia possesses one mountain which, though not a volcano, is a " burning mountain."
East of the town rises Mayon, an active volcano, and the rich volcanic soil in this region produces hemp, rice and coco-nuts.
Popa, a detached peak in the Myingyan district, belongs to this system and rises to a height of nearly 5000 f t., but it is interesting mainly as an extinct volcano, a landmark and an object of superstitious folklore, throughout the whole of Central Burma.
AdvertisementThe largest volcano is Askja, situated in the middle of the lava-field of Odaoahraun.
Farther north is the volcano Purace, which presents a height of 16,000 ft.; then come Huila (18,000), Santa Catalina (16,170), and Tolima (18,400), Santa Isabel (16,760), Ruiz (17,390) and Hervas (18,340).
From some angles it seems perfectly conical like a classic volcano.
Many regard them as products of an extinct volcano; according to others they are of vegetable origin (they are found in conjunction with gypsum).
The whole series was evidently deposited in shallow water on the summit of a submarine volcano standing in its present isolation, and round which the ocean floor has probably altered but a few hundred feet since the Eocene age.
AdvertisementAn extinct volcano occurs at Aden, and volcanic rocks are found at other places near the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb.
The Nevado de Toluca, an extinct volcano, rises to a height of 14,950 ft.
Chief among them are the snowy peak of Lirima (19,128 ft.) over the ravine of Tarapaca, the volcano of Isluga overhanging Camilla, the Bolivian peak of Sajama, and Tocora (19,741 ft.) near the Bolivian frontier.
Farther north the Misti volcano rises over the city of Arequipa in a perfect cone to a height of over 20,013 ft., and near its base are the hot sulphur and iron springs of Yura.
Hence the mountain has served as a type for the general popular conception of a volcano, and its history has supplied a large part of the information on which geological theories of volcanic action have been based.
This precipice, known as Monte Somma, forms the wall of an ancient prehistoric crater of vastly greater size than that of the present volcano.
But the bundant steam given off by the volcano seems to have con- c ensed into copious rain, which, mixing with the light volcanic V
Vast p PRINTED If ouds of dust and stones, blown out of the crater and funnel of ie volcano, were hurled into the air and carried for hundreds miles, the finer particles falling to the earth even.
There is entire absence of the Alpine plants found abundantly on the summits of other high mountains in Japan, a fact due, doubtless, to the comparatively recent activity of the volcano.
A little farther south enclosing the fertile plain of Aizu (Aizu-taira, as it is called) several important peaks are found, among them being lide-san (6332 ft.) Azuma-yama (7733 ft.), which, after a long interval of quiescence, has given many evidences of volcanic activity during recent years; Nasu-dake (6296 ft.), an active volcano; and Bandai-san (6037 ft.), A terrible interest attaches to the last-named mountain, for, after having remained quiet so long as to lull the inhabitants of the neigh.
Aso-take is still an active volcano, but its eruptions during recent years have been confined to ashes and dust.
Robespierre, who was himself on the brink of the volcano, remembered the venomous sallies in the Journal de Paris.
It is beautifully situated among the hills at the foot of the Salak volcano, about 860 ft.
Above it rises the fourcratered volcano of Pacaya (8390 ft.), which was in eruption in 1870.
In 1699 Batavia was visited by a terrible earthquake, and the streams were choked by the mud from the volcano of Gunong Salak; they overflowed the surrounding country and made it a swamp, by which the climate was so affected that the city became notorious for its unhealthiness, and was in great danger of being altogether abandoned.
St Kilda is probably the core of a Tertiary volcano, but, besides volcanic rocks, contains hills of sandstone in which the stratification is distinct.
Mt Mayon (7916 ft.), near the south-eastern extremity, is an active volcano with an almost perfect cone.
On the east border of the south portion of the basin of the Rio Grande Mindanao is Mt Apo (10,312 ft.), an extinct volcano and the highest elevation in the archipelago.
Lake Taal, a few miles south-west of Laguna de Bay, occupies the crater of a great volcano.
The country rises gently to it on all sides, and on an island near its centre is the active volcano of Taal, 1050 ft.
The principal centres of disturbance are in the valley of the Agusan, in the region of Mayon volcano, in the region of Taal volcano, on Masbate Island, and along the north shore of Luzon.
Pedro volcano rising to a height of 11,800 ft.
In the middle stands the huge volcano Cherimai, clad with virgin forest and coffee plantations, and surrounded at its foot by rice fields.
South-south-west of Cherimai on the Preanger border is the Sawal volcano, at whose foot is the beautiful Penjalu lake.
At Ogilby, Volcano, Indio and other stations on the Southern Pacific line the normal annual precipitation is from 1.5 to 2.5 in.; and there are localities near Owen's lake, even on its very edge, that are almost dry.
Taylor volcano (11,389 ft.), which is surrounded by lava tables and some of the most wonderful volcanic buttes in the world.
Broadly speaking it may be said that a distinction may be drawn between " spirits " and " gods," but it is a distinction of degree rather than of kind, obvious enough at the upper end, yet shading off into manifold varieties of resemblance in the lower forms. Some writers only recognize friendly agencies as gods; but destructive powers like the volcano, or the lords of the underworld, cannot be regarded as the protectors of the life of man, yet they seem in many mythologies to attain the full personalised stature of gods with definite names.
The most noticeable feature is Popa hill, an extinct volcano, in the south-eastern corner of the district.
The new boundary line starts from the summit of the Sapaleri (or Zapalegui), where the Argentine, Bolivian and Chilean boundaries converge, and runs west to Licancaur, thence north to the most southern source of Lake Ascotan which it follows to and across this lake in the direction of the Oyahua volcano, and thence in a straight line to the Tua volcano, on the frontier of the province of Tarapaca.
The southern parts of the central range are composed of granites, syenites, porphyries and crystalline slates, while in the north of Ichinskaya volcano, which is the highest summit of the peninsula (16,920 ft.), the mountains consist chiefly of Tertiary sandstones and old volcanic rocks.
The active Shiveluch (9900 ft.) is the last volcano of this chain.
Brocchi pointed out that these materials were derived either from Mont Albano, an extinct volcano, 12 m.
Patriotism, insight, courage, statesmanship, energy, - these great qualities were indisputably his; but unfortunately they were vitiated by obstinacy, suspicion and a sulky craftiness, beneath which simmered a very volcano of revengeful cruelty.
The volcano Makushin (5691 ft.) is visible from Iliuliuk, and the volcanic islets Bogoslof and Grewingk, which rose from the sea in 1796 and 1883 respectively, lie about 30 m.
The volcano was in eruption in 1670, 1782, 1857 and 1902.
The gems are found in a matrix of black slate in what appears to be the crater of a volcano, and are mined in a very crude manner.
From the west it receives a secondary tributary, the Curaray, from the Andean slopes, between Cotopaxi and the volcano of Tunguragua.
A few persons reside on the little island Allegranza, a mass of lava and cinders ejected at various times from a now extinct volcano, the crater of which has still a well-defined edge.
The city is prettily situated on an island-studded and mountain-locked harbour, with a background of forest and snow-capped mountain cones; an extinct volcano, Mt Edgecumbe (3467 ft.), on Kruzof Island, is a conspicuous landmark in the bay.
But these are now known to be nothing more than spots of unusual whiteness, and if any active volcano exists it is yet to be discovered.
In the Archean region these are very noticeable near Lake Itasy, in the massif of Ankaratra (an ancient volcano) and in Vakinankaratra (at Betafo, Antsirabe, &c.); while there are numerous outflows of doleritic rocks, probably from faults, along the eastern side of the island and almost parallel with the coast line.
Barahona Pass is 15,092 ft.; Ternera, 15,912 ft.; San Lorenzo, 16,420 ft., while the peak of the volcano reaches 18,143 ft.; Mount Olivares, 20,472 ft.; Porongos, 19,488 ft.; Tortolas, 20,121 ft.; and Potro, 19,357 ft.
It is an active volcano with a large flooded caldera open to the sea, which forms a natural harbor.
Quite an interesting extinct volcano, there are nicely stratified deposits of volcanic ash.
This monumental work is the best study ever made of a submarine volcano eruption of the type to which Santorin belongs.
We then had a toss up between the shark and the volcano eyewitness book, and the volcano won out.
There is a huge ridge deep below the sea's surface that was created by the lava flow from a volcano.
The 10-mile wide crater lake between them, where the heart of the volcano had been ripped out, filled up with sea water.
The Tutuki Splash is another Adrenalin pumper, plunging down the side of an erupting volcano into a jungle river.
Alternatively, for the more adventurous, Cotopaxi, in the central sierra, is Ecuador's most frequently climbed volcano.
Do you know where the nearest active volcano is?
The line starts at the intersection of the 23rd parallel with the 67th meridian and runs south-westerly and southerly to the mountain and volcano summits of Rincon, Socompa, Llullaillaco, Azufre, Aguas Blancas and Sierra Nevada, thence to the initial point of the British award.
On the Fukushima (E.) side of the volcano rises a large parasitic cone, extinct.
Terraces and buttresses extend and ramify in all directions from the central crater, so that the giant volcano and its surrounding heights form a mountain country (notable for its innumerable cascades and dense forests) the size of Montenegro.
The Tutuki Splash is another adrenalin pumper, plunging down the side of an erupting volcano into a jungle river.
A reedy voice piped, Do you think a volcano might start in there?
Alternatively, for the more adventurous, Cotopaxi, in the central sierra, is Ecuador 's most frequently climbed volcano.
Edinburgh is a walker 's paradise, with the impressive castle towering above the city atop an extinct volcano.
Does the height of a volcano affect the viscosity of the lava?
Crater lakes are Telaga (lake) Budas, in the crater of the volcano of the same name in the south-east, and Telaga Warna, on the slopes of the Gede, famous for its beautiful tinting.
The different kinds of lava are more fully described in the article Volcano.
In the north-west are the southern slopes of the volcano Merapi, and in the east the Kidul hills and the plateau of Sewu.
The belt of ielative depression between the inner Pacific ranges and the Coast range is dhided by the fine volcano Mt Shasta (14,380 ft.) in northern California into unlike portions.
A little north of the centre of the valley rise the Marysville Buttes, the remains of a maturely dissected volcano (2128 ft).
It is an extinct volcano, rising 2989 ft.
The Olympian forge had been transferred to Etna or some other volcano, and Hephaestus had become a subterranean rather than a celestial power.
In some cases there is belief in a good spirit inhabiting a pleasant land, and an evil spirit associated with a volcano; also in a future life.
Mauna Loa (" Great Mountain "), on the S., is by far the largest volcano in the world; from a base measuring at sea-level about 75 m.
Since the Rev. William Ellis and a party of American missionaries first made the volcano known to the civilized ' Among the minqr phenomena of Hawaiian volcanoes are the delicate glassy fibres called Pele's hair by the Hawaiians, which are spun by the wind from the rising and falling drops of liquid lava, and blown over the edge or into the crevices of the crater.
Volz, the lake had its origin in the collapse of a volcano.
The Makakau and Selabung drain into Lake Ranau, which on the south side is dammed by the volcano Seminung.
The jar will hold the volcano shape and hold the gungy goo too!
On the distant horizon the erupting volcano was barely visible to us.
High above us we can see a white speck, which I am hoping will be the rim of the volcano.
Despite the scientist trying to control the monsters, they crush Tokyo underfoot, but an exploding volcano finally destroys the creatures.
Dundee maintains a spectacular position on the Tay Estuary and is dominated by a dormant volcano called " The Law " .
El Valle Situated in the crater of an extinct volcano, El Valle is famous for its Sunday Indian craft market.
A dormant volcano has not erupted in 2000 years.
A fishing vessel disappears in calm waters; an undersea volcano?
Kilauea, at the center, is the ' drive-in volcano ', with everyone flocking to see the latest spectacular eruption.
Forty minutes later we arrived at the mud volcano at the core of the reserve.
As one island volcano becomes extinct, another develops over the hotspot, and the cycle is repeated.
The Spaceship was hidden in the crater of an extinct volcano on a remote island.
After experiencing the shock of an earthquake and a volcano eruption they will return to the futuristic Atrium for their reception or dinner.
The city looked grim, covered in a mantle of soot, after the erruption of the nearby volcano.
You can also add dry ice to your beverages, Jacuzzi, swimming pools, "witch's brew", fog machine, or makeshift volcano for an eerie smoking effect.
Do you have activities planned, like a bike tour in Volcano Country, attending a luau, or visiting one of the botanical gardens?
Big Island-The Big Island has the world's largest, active volcano and a variety of land forms, from large beaches to lava fields and historic sites.
A Las Vegas wedding might use a cake shaped like one of the famous Strip hotels or the Mirage volcano, while a winter wedding cake might be best accented with a stunning snowflake motif.
You can see a show, visit M&M World, catch free volcano eruptions at the Mirage, and more.
For example, a stop on the Big Island of Hawaii provides opportunity to hike to an active volcano while a visit to Oahu gives passengers the chance to luxuriate on the sands of world-famous Waikiki Beach.
There's no getting around it, when it comes to car safety, if a volcano erupts, there's a good chance your car won't run.
So, what can you do to keep your car safe if a volcano erupts?
But what is this mysterious smoke coming out of the volcano?
As per usual, you get a good mix of environments here, from the lava-filled volcano stage to icey mountains, grassy plains to underground caverns.
There are many science experiments that fit the pre K age including a vinegar and baking soda volcano, growing mold on a bread slice or growing plants from seeds.
For example, the overly common volcano experiment is a demonstration.
Make a model of an underwater volcano and show how islands are formed.
A parent may be recruited to help make a volcano (with requisite lava) or putting the solar system together.
Determine which vinegar-to-baking soda ratio will produce the most impressive volcano eruption.
From swimming in the Pacific to biking down a volcano to relaxing on the beach, there's fun for visitors of every age.
The dormant volcano, sitting 10,000 feet above sea level, is located inside a self-named national park.
Down the road, families can assist the pirates' assault and participate in the volcano activities at Treasure Island.
Intrepid travelers can stay the night at Volcano House, located along the rim of Kilauea.
A peaceful waterfall during the day, every hour from dusk until midnight, the volcano erupts, sending flames over 100 feet into the air.
Haleakala National Park is home to the Haleakala Crater, the largest dormant volcano in the world.
The main island also has plantation, beach, coffee farm, and volcano tours.
Costa Rica - Picture yourself relaxing in a hot spring at the foot of a volcano or exploring the tropical rainforests of Costa Rica.
Create a volcano with crumpled brown construction paper and glue it to the back.
Inspired by Mt. Etna, an 11,000-foot tall volcano on the shores of Sicily, company founders chose the name Aetna for what was once a fledgling venture.
A volcano scene was created using coals and a smoke machine.
For four million years, the ship and all of the Transformers, Autobots and Decepticons, were rendered dormant until a volcano activated the ships regeneration powers.
There are neither sulphuric exhalations nor escapes of steam at present, and it would seem that this great volcano is permanently extinct.
The Bermudas were formerly much more extensive than at present, and they may possibly stand upon the summit of a hidden volcano.
There are hot sulphurous springs near by on the flanks of the volcano Purace, especially at Coconuco, which are much frequented by Colombians.
The Talitridae, better known as sandhoppers, can forgo the briny shore and content themselves with the damp foliage of inland forests or casual humidity in the crater of an extinct volcano.
To the northeast of the town is the Solfatura, a half extinct volcano crater, in which sulphurous gases are exhaled.
In it he corrected the erroneous views of Breislak, who conceived that Rome occupies the site of a volcano, to which he ascribed the volcanic materials that cover the seven hills.
Lake Masaya occupies an extinct crater; the isolated volcano of Masaya (3000 ft.) on the opposite side of the lake was active at the time of the conquest of Nicaragua in 1522, and the conquerors, thinking the lava they saw was gold, had themselves lowered into the crater at the risk of their lives.
This is especially true of the Rio Vinagre, which rises on the Purace volcano.
This lake lies in a great pit or caldera created by the wrecking in prehistoric times of the volcano Mount Mazama, which according to geologists once had an altitude of about 14,000 ft.
It is formed from a multitude of water-courses which descend the slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes south of the gigantic volcano of Sangay; but it soon reaches the plain, which commences where it receives its Cusulima branch.
The town lies at the foot of an extinct volcano, the Montagne St Loup, and is built of black volcanic basalt, which gives it a gloomy appearance.
The best-known volcano is Hekla (5108 ft.), which was in eruption eighteen times within the historic period down to 1845.
Iceland, however, possesses no constantly active volcano.
There is now no active volcano in Madagascar, but a large number of extinct cones are found, some apparently of very recent formation.
It is repeated in the blazing summit of the Kuh-i-taftan (the burning mountain of the Persian frontier)which is the highest active volcano in Asia (13,000 ft.), and probably the farthest inland.
Sangay (17,380 ft.), under the equator, according to Wolff, appears to be the most active volcano in the world.
The town is built on the eastern coast, in what is probably the crater of an extinct volcano, and is surrounded by precipitous rocks that form an admirable natural defence.
The collapsed surface of the volcano formed a wide caldera, or crater of sorts, spanning many miles.
Little do most people know, that volcano was completely dormant.
Part of the volcano is formed by gentle lava flows and part by explosive ash eruptions.
On 25 June 1997, pyroclastic flows from an eruption resulted in the first deaths directly caused by the volcano.
My oldest son had juts been set the task of building a volcano for his holiday homework.
The majestic snow-capped volcano Osorno stands majestic against country's second largest lake Lago Llanquihue.
Numerical studies like this can help to understand wave propagation phenomena observed on field recordings in volcano seismology.
A burst of polystyrene erupted like a Hawaiian volcano.
The best known are Chiokai-zan, called Akita-Fuji (the Fuji of the Akita province), a volcano 7077 ft.
The close connexion of Hephaestus with Lemnos and especially with its mountain Mosychlus has been explained by the supposed existence of a volcano; but no crater or other sign of volcanic agency is now apparent, and the "Lemnian fire" - a phenomenon attributed to Hephaestus - may have been due to natural gas (see LeMNos).
They have ordered Volcano to stop calling their raunchy version of the script Under Milk Wood.
Along the rim of a submerged volcano, divers see trails of bubbles emitted from the ocean floor.
From the slopes of the 2300m volcano, impressive glaciers spill into the sea.
Dundee maintains a spectacular position on the Tay Estuary and is dominated by a dormant volcano called " The Law ".
After the war, wells were drilled at Burning Springs, Oil Rock, California House, Volcano, Sandhill and Horseneck, and in the years1865-18763,000,000 bbls.
It is upon the line of the rim of the inner crater of the great volcano, while Tusculum and Algidus Mons mark the edge of the earlier outer crater, which was about 7 m.
This is the less improbable because it lies in the neighbourhood of a line of earthquake movement, and both from Thucydides and from Strabo we hear of the northern part of the island being shaken at different periods, and the latter writer speaks of a fountain at Chalcis being dried up by a similar cause, and a mud volcano formed in the neighbouring plain.
Prometheus resembles the Polynesian Maui, who went down to fetch fire from the volcano of Mahuika, the fire-god.
Cohen, who regarded the pipes as of the nature of a mud volcano, and the blue ground as a kimberlite breccia altered by hydrothermal action, thought that the diamond and accompanying minerals had been brought up from deep-seated crystalline schists.
The city is so situated as to be affected by shocks from all the various seismological centres of Luzon, especially those from the active volcano Taal, 35 m.
The only plain of any great extent is that of Catania, watered by the Simeto, in the east; to the north of this plain the active volcano of Etna rises with an exceedingly gentle slope to the height of 10,868 ft.
As it lies in the state of Puebla and is the dominating feature in the views from the city of that name, it is sometimes called the Puebla volcano.
A detailed description of the volcano was published by the Mexican geological survey in 1895 according to which the crater is elliptical in form, 2008 by 1312 ft.,, and has a depth of 1657 ft.
The Imbabura volcano, celebrated for its destructive eruptions of mud and water, stands midway between the two ranges at the northern end of the plateau, and belongs to the transverse ridge of knot (nudo) which unites them.
Ibarra on the northern flanks of the volcano has suffered severely from its eruptions.
Antisana is crowned with a double dome, and is described as an extinct volcano, though Humboldt saw smoke issuing from it in 1802.
Sincholagua and Ruminagui are the next two peaks, going southward, and then the unrivalled cone of Cotopaxi - the highest active volcano in the world - from whose summit smoke curls upward unceasingly.
Sangay, or Sangai, the next and last large volcano to the south, is in a state of frequent eruption, however, and is known as one of the most restless volcanoes of the world.
It is considered to be an extinct volcano because it makes the plumb-line deviate only 7" to 8", from which it is deduced that the mountain is hollow.
Moreover, the calcined matter resembling white sand which covers its sides below the snow-line, extensive beds of lava, and the issue of streams of hot water from its northern side, seem to confirm the deduction that Chimborazo is an extinct volcano.
Atacatzo is an extinct volcano, with nothing noteworthy in its appearance and history.
Perhaps no Ecuadorean volcano is better known than Pichincha, the " boiling mountain," because of its destructive eruptions and its proximity to the city of Quito.
The sources of the first - the Rioblanco, Pisco and Puntal - are to be found on the northern slopes of the transverse ridge which culminates in the Imbabura volcano.
There are two others of apparently the same origin on the north-west slopes of the Mojanda volcano, but they are less attractive because of their gloomy surroundings.
Alajuela is built at the southern base of the volcano of Poas (8895 ft.) and overlooks the fertile plateau of San Jose.
This is the ancient extinct volcano Ankaratra, three of the highest points varying in elevation from 7284 to 8635 ft.
Katla volcano rises to 1500 m height and has a 10-km diameter caldera.
I feel like a person living on the brink of a volcano crater.
A lot of drivers think about vehicle safety, but do they ever think about car safety -- if a volcano erupts, what should I do?
Another popular free attraction in Las Vegas is the Volcano that sits in front of the Mirage Las Vegas.