Volatility Sentence Examples
The high volatility of gold in the presence of certain metals must also be considered.
Stock market volatility is therefore of serious concern as investors, faced with financial turbulence, may behave in wholly irrational ways.
The carbon bisulphide is really spreading all the while, but on account of its volatility is unable to reach any considerable distance.
The next higher members of the series are liquids of low boiling point also readily soluble in water, the solubility and volatility, however, decreasing with the increasing carbon content of the molecule, until the highest members of the series are odourless solids of high boiling point and are insoluble in water.
Frederick Slare noticed that the luminosity increased when the air was rarefied, an observation confirmed by Hawksbee and Homberg, and which was possibly the basis of Berzelius's theory that the luminosity depended on the volatility of the element and not on the presence of oxygen.
You can be a subsistence farmer and perhaps produce some excess, but given the prior observation about the fundamental volatility of farming, you will always be at risk of not producing enough.
It's absolutely necessary that you closely examine the volatility of any mutual fund in which you're interested in investing.
The reasoning given above is independent of the temperature, so that the variation with temperature of the osmotic pressure of a dilute solution must be the same as that of a gas, while Boyle's law must equally apply to both systems. Experimental evidence confirms these results, and extends them to the cases of non-volatile solutes - as is, indeed, to be expected, since volatility is merely a matter of degree.
His splenetic temper and her volatility culminated in an open rupture in May 1814.
This had been engineered by courtiers with different agendas, and there ensued a period of unusual volatility.
AdvertisementHowever private investors demand lower taxes while financial volatility requires continuous fiscal retrenchment.
Constructing the volatility smile is vital to backoffice revaluation.
But both candidates claimed victory on television, a move seen exacerbating tensions that could lead to market volatility.
Recruiting enough civilian police trainers for a country with the size and volatility of Iraq could take months.
These are defined based on the relative volatility or the speed which they diffuse into the air.
AdvertisementSeparated into the top, middle, and base notes, this volatility affects the length of time each remains fragrant.
Chakotay's best friend on the ship is engineer B'Elanna Torres (Roxanne Dawson), but even he sometimes finds her Klingon volatility a bit hard to take.
With the volatility of the web and the business environment as a whole, it is not always easy to be sure that you have actually picked a social network service that will last.
With this much volatility in the market of networking, it can be quite simple to start a new social network.
The condensing apparatus must also be conditioned by the volatility.
AdvertisementThe supply of water to the condenser is regulated according to the volatility of the condensate.
The PEIT sector has experienced periodic bouts of heightened share price volatility.
These con-, ditions pertain in cases where distillation with steam is successfully practised, the relatively high volatility of water being counterbalanced by the relatively high molecular weight of the other component; for example, in the case of nitrobenzene and water the ratio is I to 5.