Voiceless Sentence Examples
In the case of voiceless and voiced pairs, the voiceless consonant appears on the left hand side.
The word begins with a rather weak voiceless fricative made with the lips (bilabial ).
He had been working as a Business Analyst for four years and now wants to leave the money-spinning business to advocate for voiceless people.
The phoneme /x / (voiceless) has a positional allophone [G] (voiced ).
Also, the end-point of F 1 tends to be lower before a voiced stop than before a voiceless stop.
The voiceless sounds ' p, t, k, h ' are color coded green.
One thing is for sure if you remain voiceless -- nothing will change for the better and bureaucratic monsters will carry on regardless !
The sounds of t and d are more dental than in English, though they vary; the voiced spirants are very soft; the voiceless nasals are aspirated, thus is similar to Eng.
Languages cannot have voiced obstruents unless they have voiceless obstruents.
After the voiceless alveolar plosive comes a mid back rounded vowel, and after that a rather long uvular nasal.
AdvertisementOne thing is for sure if you remain voiceless -- nothing will change for the better and bureaucratic monsters will carry on regardless!
In Milan the archbishop organizes the hitherto voiceless, defenceless population into a community capable of expressing its needs, and an army ready to maintain its rights.