Vocabulary Sentence Examples
Surely his vocabulary included such a simple word.
Their vocabulary is far more formal than the others.
Her sign language vocabulary had increased, but many things were still difficult to understand.
His vocabulary notebook has proved a very simple solution.
She may be delayed in acquiring the vocabulary of her classmates.
He had a style and vocabulary of his own.
Her English vocabulary was growing a word at a time—mostly terms like dust, vacuum, linens, dishes and other domestic terminologies.
The woman certainly had a vocabulary, and an imagination.
They are unlikely to know the specialized vocabulary you use.
This was a day when the child's vocabulary grew.
AdvertisementThe vocabulary of Lysias is pure and simple.
The huge variety of immigrant languages has enriched American vocabulary.
Not only is his vocabulary very extensive, but his employment of it extraordinarily bold and unconventional.
The distinctions between the dialects consist largely in pronunciation, but extend also to the vocabulary, word-formation and syntax.
Of the sources of his vocabulary he is, for the most part, as unaware as he is of the moment when he ate the food which makes a bit of his thumbnail.
AdvertisementThe study of the Sumerian vocabulary falls logically into three divisions.
Rating, in maritime vocabulary, is the classification of men according to rank, and was formerly employed to class ships of a navy according to strength.
They seem to be relatively free from textual corruption, but the vocabulary still occasions much difficulty to the translator.
His literary training was inadequate; his vocabulary is limited and his style awkward and pretentious; and he had a fondness for moralizing tritely and obviously, which mars his best passages.
But there is a wealth of verbal derivatives, the vocabulary is copious, and the intonation harmonious.
AdvertisementIn the first place, the early settlers were drawn principally from the peasant class, being chiefly discharged soldiers and sailors; and, further, when once settled, the necessity for making the language intelligible to the natives by whom the settlers were surrounded led to a still further simplification of speech structure and curtailment of the vocabulary.
The site also offers "Color & Say" and alphabet coloring pages to boost vocabulary and letter recognition.
The tongue of the vast majority of the Dutch-speaking inhabit ants may thus be said to be a degenerate dialect of the 17th-century Dutch of Holland, with a very limited vocabulary.
At the same time it will be conceded that he possessed a copious vocabulary, a fine ear for cadence, and the faculty of expressing every shade of thought or feeling.
The same progress towards flexibility in syntax is seen in the copious supply of conjunctions possessed by Syriac. No doubt the tendency towards a more flowing construction of sentences was helped by the influence of Greek, which has also supplied a large stock of words to the Syriac vocabulary.
AdvertisementThe limiting of the vocabulary is due to two reasons.
A variation on both the above activities is for you or the learners to prepare phonemic transcriptions of vocabulary with a deliberate mistake.
The peculiarities of syntax corroborate the impression made by such features of the vocabulary.
In his hands Latin acquired a flexibility and a richness of vocabulary unknown to it before.
Her English vocabulary was growing a word at a time—mostly terms like dust, vacuum, linens, dishes and other domestic terminologies.
Her vocabulary has all the phrases that other people use, and the explanation of it, and the reasonableness of it ought to be evident by this time.
The results exceed any adjective in my poor vocabulary.
Like the other languages of the non-Semitic tribes of Elam that of the Kassites was agglutinative; a vocabulary of it has been handed down in a cuneiform tablet, as well as a list of Kassite names with their Semitic equivalents.
His favourite author was beyond all doubt Plutarch, and his own explicit confession makes it undeniable that Plutarch's translator, Jacques Amyot, was his master in point of vocabulary and (so far as he took any lessons in it) of style.
Brackenbury, A Short Vocabulary of the Fulani Language (Zungeru, 1907); the articles Nigeria and Sokoto and authorities there cited.
The difference of subject between the two poems is so great that it leads to the most striking differences of detail, especially in the vocabulary.
It was intended as a book of reference to facilitate the reading of old classical and sacred authors, whose language and vocabulary were out of date.
Perhaps the standard might usefully make explicit reference to careful choice of vocabulary and to English usage, including conventional collocations.
When the historical thesaurus is complete, it will offer scholars the first comprehensive semantic listing of vocabulary.
From dialectics he urged his pupils to the study of rhetoric; but, recognizing the necessity of a large vocabulary, he accustomed them to read the Latin poets with care.
The most common ballet jumps should also be a part of your basic ballet vocabulary.
The entire vocabulary of the present land system is borrowed from the Mogul administration.
Allowance must be made for the difference of vocabulary produced by change of subject.
The Kamchadale language cannot be assigned to any known group; its vocabulary is extremely poor.
That it began at a very early period to enrich itself with Scandinavian words is shown by the use it still makes of forms belonging to a linguistic stage older even than that of Icelandic. Daben has subjected the vocabulary to a very interesting analysis for the purpose of discovering what stage of culture the people had reached before their contact with the Norse.
A leading position among Icelandic lexicographers is occupied by Jon porkeisson, formerly head of the Latin school at Reykjavik, whose Supplement til islandske Ordbcbger, an Icelandic-Danish vocabulary (three separate collections), has hardly been equalled in learning and accuracy.
But, on the other hand, Portuguese has remained more exclusively Latin in its vocabulary, and, particularly in its conjugation, it has managed to preserve several features which give it, as compared with Castilian, a highly archaic air.
Related Think - Vocabulary - Collocation with advanced levels 1 Comment Marianna Pascal, Malaysia Your ideas on collocation with advanced levels 1 Comment Marianna Pascal, Malaysia Your ideas on collocation were absolutely fascinating.
The superstratum is the prestigious language influencing the emerging Creole from above, especially with regard to vocabulary.
Instead of locating the rule-breakers n the vocabulary of neoliberal economics, they are presented as threats to the security of US citizens.
S. Jackson, England I teach adult beginners and find flashcards very useful when teaching vocabulary.
If you decided to learn it, you would have to devote years of your life to practicing the grammar and vocabulary.
But most have some special lexis - they make choices of vocabulary that reflect their ideas about school or education.
All the great prose writers of France could not fail to be influenced by the racy phrase, the quaint and picturesque vocabulary, and the unconstrained constructions of Montaigne.
They have also learned the vocabulary their family uses for elimination.
If you want to attempt performing all transactions in French, learn the vocabulary below before you get on the plane.
One thing to remember with translating vocabulary is that the translation should not be the most important thing that you learn.
Good quality translations are ones that are as precise as possible, especially at the level of vocabulary.
If students are paying attention and are motived, this will only serve to increase the efficacy of the well-researched introduction of key vocabulary throughout the language lessons.
Every branch of learning can thus be equipped with a vocabulary.
His homilies, which are still preserved, furnish ample apology for the partiality of the people, exhibiting the free command of a pure and copious vocabulary, an inexhaustible fund of metaphors and similitudes, giving variety and grace to the most familiar topics, with an almost dramatic exposure of the folly and turpitude of vice, and a deep moral earnestness.
These people live under the poorest conditions, by doing smith's work; they speak among themselves a Romani dialect, much contaminated with Arabic in its vocabulary.
The condensation of the style and the peculiar vocabulary make the Exodus somewhat obscure in many places.
In the 7th series (1834) he defines a number of new terms, such as electrolyte, electrolysis, anode and cathode, &c., in connexion with electrolytic phenomena, which were immediately adopted into the vocabulary of science.
Theories of inspiration lurk behind the rich vocabulary of Greek prophecy; the seer is g v9Eos, 0€6X7prros, OEOirvcvoTOS, Oc040prtros, and Bakis and Musaeus give their names to sacred verses.
The gths are still extremely rough in style and expression; the language is richer in forms than the more recent Zend; and the vocabulary shows important differences.
It is the author's conception of the nature of the gospel which mainly gives us pause in following this pretty general disposition of modern scholarship. With all the phenomena of vocabulary and style which seem to justify such conceptions as von Soden's that c. iii.
It must be a nuisance to carry a pencil and tablet around all the time, but her sign vocabulary was still limited, which resulted in very little communication.
He may think that this makes him sound authoritative, when all it actually does is display boorishness and a limited vocabulary.
Focus on vocabulary choices, using a thesaurus, and building up detail and description through the choice of subordinate clauses.
This vocabulary will be related to the conventions of drawing that form the history and traditions of western illusionism.
Given the anomalies emerging from policies associated with the now prevailing vocabulary, what ' refurnishing of the house of language ' is possible?
A vocabulary test for chimpanzees (pan troglodytes ).
This Sanskrit element forms such an integral part of the Malay vocabulary that in spite of the subsequent infusion of Arabic and Persian words adopted in the usual course of Mahommedan conquest it has retained its ancient citizenship in the language.
The vocabulary of old oriental costume is surprisingly large, and some perplexity is caused by the independent evolution both of the technical terms (where they are intelligible) and of the articles of dress themselves.
The questions relating to the Heliand cannot be adequately discussed without considering also the poem on the history of Genesis, which, on the grounds of similarity in style and vocabulary, and for other reasons afterwards to be mentioned, may with some confidence be referred to the same author.
His style is correct, lucid and virile, but generally nothing more, and his endeavour to use as far as possible only words of Teutonic origin limited his vocabulary and makes his sentences somewhat monotonous.
LearnFrench allows you to brush up on your French skills or learn new French vocabulary.
Most retarded children babble during the first year and develop their first words within a normal time span, but are then slow to develop sentences or a varied vocabulary.
Kids play games that will help them improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, math and science scores.
It is true that down to the 15th century there were many Teutonic Scots who had difficulty in expressing themselves in " Ynglis," and that, at a later date, the literary vocabulary was strongly influenced by the Latin habit of Scottish culture; but the difficulty was generally academic, arising from a scholarly sensitiveness to style in the use of a medium which had no literary traditions; perhaps also from medieval and humanistic contempt of the vulgar tongue; in some cases from the cosmopolitan circumstance of the Scot and the special nature of his appeal to the learned world.
The change in the use of particles and the comparative rarity of the definite article form, together with the startling divergence in vocabulary, the chief ground of our perplexity" (Church Quarterly Review, 1903, pp. 428 seq.).
Abstract ABSTRACT What should be the role of AI in computer supported vocabulary acquisition?
Her vocabulary may have become archaic, but her stance was prescient and brave.
Perhaps he had used all the vocabulary garnishing his poetry, desperately trying to scout back for some for starting a polite conversation.
It is quite true that Paul does not directly attack the speculative position, but rather indicates the practical dangers inherent therein (the denial of the supremacy of Christ and of full salvation through Him); he does not say that the errorists hold Christ to be a mere angel or an aeon, or that words like pleroma (borrowed perhaps from their own vocabulary) involve a rigorous dualism.
To this day there are many Arabic words in the vocabulary of the languages of western Europe which are a standing witness of the Crusades - words relating to trade and seafaring, like tariff and corvette, or words for musical instruments, like lute or the Elizabethan word "naker."
Though the vocabulary is Greek the idiom is frequently Hebraic and foreign to the genius of the Greek language.
The first book, after defining philosophy, &c., gives a long Latin vocabulary of some 6000 or 7000 words.
All kinds of devices were suggested for expediting the acquisition of Latin; grammar was to be set aside; Latin was to be learned as a " living language "; much attention was to be devoted to acquiring an extensive vocabulary; and, " to save time," composition was to be abolished.
Later criticism, though divided, has tended in the contrary direction, and has based its strongest negative judgment on the consideration of rhymes, assonance and vocabulary (see bibliography).
The chief differences between the classical language of the Tibetan translators of the 9th century and the vernacular, as well as the language of native words, existed in vocabulary, phraseology and grammatical structure, and arose from the influence of the translated texts.
The outward frontiers of both were the sea; no difficult physical barriers divided the two territories; the majority of Scots spoke an intelligible form of English, differing from northern English more in spelling and pronunciation than in idiom and vocabulary; and after the Reformation the State religion in both countries was Protestant.
Nevertheless the critical and restraining tendency of Malherbe was not ill in place after the luxuriant importation and innovation of the Pleiade; and if he had confined himself to preaching greater technical perfection, and especially greater simplicity and purity in vocabulary and versification, instead of superciliously striking his pen through the great works of his predecessors, he would have deserved wholly well.
For a 21st century schizoid man of wealth and taste, Alter has an awfully retarded vocabulary.
It was developed by UNESCO as a trilingual controlled vocabulary for use in indexing information stored in the UNESCO Integrated Documentation Network.
They are unlikely to know the specialized vocabulary / terminology you use.
The system is based on the Abbot large vocabulary speech recognizer and a probabilistic text retrieval system.
Vocabulary acquisition is a good exercise here, with the methods referred to above.
Look for opportunities to expand his vocabulary and his world.
Also keep in mind that they tend to be quite vocal animals, having quite the varied vocabulary.
While they offer the substance of a meatier chapter book, they are more digestible than a full chapter book containing easier vocabulary, larger print and usually a table of contents.
Must-read scary titles that keep students reading for pleasure are a plus for personal book collections, gifts, and increasing your kid's vocabulary and interest in reading.
Want to sharpen your vocabulary and eyesight by scanning word search puzzles to complete that elusive list?
It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary of the wine industry.
With all the abbreviations that teens use when texting or instant-messaging one another online, as well as their day-to-day vocabulary, an adult may feel like a teen is speaking Greek to him.
The subjects covered include vocabulary, biology, math and more.
It is written by a British person, so some of the vocabulary may be unfamiliar to American readers.
In this way, you won't need a vast vocabulary like you would with a game like Bookworm.
If the child's vocabulary contains fewer than 50 words and the child does not use any two-word sentences, that is an indication of SLI or another language disorder.
At age four, children can use complete sentences, have a 1,500-word vocabulary, frequently ask questions, and learn to generalize.
Viewing time is also increased by parental beliefs that television viewing does not hurt children and improves their vocabulary and imagination.
Expressive aphasia-A developmental disorder in which a child has lower-than-normal proficiency in vocabulary, production of complex sentences, and word recall, although language comprehension is normal.
They expand their word combinations and are able to speak in sentences, use correct grammatical patterns, use pronouns, articulate sounds clearly, and rapidly increase their working vocabulary.
The idea is to establish enough of a movement vocabulary that the audience can relate to the dance routine, but then to push the edges of the unexpected just often enough to keep them engaged and thoughtful about the piece.
Each body part has its own vocabulary of typical jazz movements and poses.
Learning all of the ballet vocabulary in a book such as the Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet by Gail Grant is a long project.
In fact, until the second repeat of the chorus If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it almost all of the movement vocabulary is reminiscent of the isolations, footwork and costumes of jazz dance.
This can be very effective for simply getting a grounding in the overall movement vocabulary, to polish up later with more exact imitation.
By creating a common vocabulary, the dances have literally spread all over the world.
Spelling lists are an important part of any language arts curriculum as they assist students in learning phonics, vocabulary words, reading comprehension and fluency when reading.
Teaching this way will often build confidence as your child's reading vocabulary expands.
These sites focus on curriculum in the core areas of vocabulary, reading, writing, math and science.
Her heritage is also important to the series because her dialogue is multilingual, helping young viewers to learn Spanish vocabulary.
Not only does this technique teach children about the world, but it also helps to expand their vocabulary.
This exposes the advanced student to an authentic French vocabulary, including slang and abbreviations (for example 'c'est' is simply written 'c' in chat rooms, and on message boards).
New features in this release include the use of controlled vocabulary anatomy ontology terms in association with expression patterns.
As she searches for words to express her thoughts and ideas, she expands her vocabulary.
While many people learn restaurant vocabulary in French class as a preparation for traveling to France, other travel situations, such as renting a car and checking into a hotel, are often not covered.
Everything from finding those famous French monuments to checking into your hotel will be made easier by brushing up on your vocabulary before you start your trip.
Teach them the corresponding French numbers for a fun and easy way to incorporate French vocabulary.
Learn to Speak French promises extensive vocabulary development as well as over 500 conversations.
A lot of teachers provide their students with lists of vocabulary words that have to be learned.
The two most popular online tools for vocabulary translation are online French dictionaries and English to French translators.
This site is wonderful for cross-referencing your English and French vocabulary, and lots of fun.
Of course, French vocabulary can also be translated with books, but many learners are most interested in the online tools.
Initially, Rosetta Stone French uses a series of pictures and audio to draw the learner into remembering vocabulary applied to real life situations.
Once you have observed the style in the original text, you can check to make sure that the vocabulary you have chosen to use in the translation fits with this tone you noticed in the original.
In order to understand and learn new vocabulary, the words have to be set in a context from which the learner can extract their meaning.
Notice that this principle also leads to repetition of the target vocabulary.
If you need specialized vocabulary or literary tenses in order to be able to read French literature, you'll want to skip beginner French classes and go to a vocabulary class or a French class that focuses on reading.
While learning vocabulary and grammar rules are important, it is also important to be exposed to French pronunciation and hear the rhythm of the French language when it is spoken naturally.
Once you have learned a fair amount of vocabulary and grammar, it's a good idea to put it into practice with games, puzzles, or flash cards.
Before you know it, you'll be practicing your new vocabulary and sounding more French each day.
She'd like to kill the...she used a term very uncommon to her usual vocabulary.
There are few if any conceptions in economics which cannot be expressed in it without depleting the ordinary vocabulary.
Purely Arabic letters are only used in Arabic words, a great number of which have been received into the Malay vocabulary.
There is now and then an energetic phrase, but as a whole the vocabulary is jejune; the sentences are overloaded; the pitch is flat.
It is plain, in short, that the later poetical vocabulary was separated from that of prose mainly by the forms which the influence of Homer had saved from being forgotten.
The Latin is unusually clean for the times, and is generally fairly classical both in vocabulary and construction.
In much electroacoustic composition, the term departs in its significance from the sense with which it is used in sound recording vocabulary.
Polish teacher is responsible for teaching grammar while native speaker works on students ' speaking skills, teaching mainly conversational language and vocabulary.
Parent-child interactions were designed to promote dialogic reading, vocabulary development, and print awareness.
Recent developments in the teaching of reading, writing, listening, speaking and vocabulary are also discussed.
The latter is no separate dialect at all, but a mere brogue or jargon, the medium of intercourse between illiterate natives and Europeans too indolent to apply themselves to the acquisition of the language of the people; its vocabulary is made up of Malay words, with a conventional admixture of words from other languages; and it varies, not only in different localities, but also in proportion to the individual speaker's acquaintance with Malay proper.
Their influence has been very slight even on the Somali language, whose structure and vocabulary are essentially Hamitic, with marked affinities to the Galla on the one hand and to the Dankali (Afar) on the other.
The fault of the 1 7th-century sermon was a tendency, less prominent in Jeremy Taylor than in any other writer, to dazzle the audience by a display of false learning and by a violence in imagery; the great merit of its literary form was the fullness of its vocabulary and the richness and melody of style which adorned it at its best.
The grammar of the Stoics, gradually elaborated by Zeno, Cleanthes and Chrysippus, supplied a terminology which, in words such as " genitive," " accusative " and " aorist," has become a permanent part of the grammarian's vocabulary; and the study of this grammar found its earliest home in Pergamum.
Part of Varro's treatise on Latin was dedicated to Cicero (10643), who as an interpreter of Greek philosophy to his fellowcountrymen enlarged the vocabulary of Latin by his admirable renderings of Greek philosophical terms, and thus ultimately gave us such indispensable words as " species," "quality " and " quantity."
Language lessons include a review of poetry and the use of repetition, as well as a vocabulary lesson that includes words such as appendix and solemn.
One of the best ways to teach vocabulary is to have the student write down the words that he comes across in his daily work that he isn't familiar with.
Learning activities and games, when paired with plenty of good reading, can help you teach vocabulary almost effortlessly.
The preparation for saying sweet things lies in developing a certain outlook and vocabulary for interacting with people and the world around you.
Just simple conversation not only helps you and your child bond, but it also develops writing skills, vocabulary and self-expression.
The computer comes with many educational activities such as those related to spelling and vocabulary as well as math games and much more.
Text and audio files are included to students, and many items are covered, including the alphabet, conjugation, phrases, counting, time and date, and other vocabulary.
Exposure to this kind of French is ideal for college students and adults who have already acquired an intermediate to advanced vocabulary and have mastered the grammar to a considerable degree.
For the man of the towns its vocabulary was too copious to be easily understood, and in the age of linguistic studies many commentaries were written to explain words and idioms.
Seers there had been of old as in other primitive nations; of the two Hebrew words literally corresponding to our seer, roeh and hozeh, the second is found also in Arabic, and seems to belong to the primitive Semitic vocabulary.
The latter acquired the Semitic language imperfectly from their conquerors; they expressed the verbal conjugations by periphrases, mispronounced the consonants, and so changed greatly, the appearance of the vocabulary, which also would certainly contain a large proportion of native nonSemitic roots.
In the vocabulary the most striking difference is that many words appear from the metre to have contained a sound which they afterwards lost, viz.
Words are fully vocalized in the early lessons, but vowels are progressively discarded; they are, however, shown in the vocabulary.
There is no evidence to show that the Hernici ever spoke a really different dialect from the Latins; but one or two glosses indicate that they had certain peculiarities of vocabulary, such as might be expected among folk who clung to their local customs. Their name, however, with its Co-termination, classes them along with the Co-tribes, like the Volsci, who would seem to have been earlier inhabitants of the west coast of Italy, rather than with the tribes whose names were formed with the No-suffix.
His nationality is matter of dispute, but William Bulleyn, who was a native of Ely, and probably knew him when he was in the monastery there, asserts that he was born "beyonde the cold river of Twede"; moreover, the spelling of his name and the occasional Scottish words in his vocabulary point to a northern origin.
It is usually accompanied by the use of the Arabic alphabet, and in the languages of Moslem nations (notably Turkish, Persian, Hindustani and Malay) a large proportion of the vocabulary is borrowed from Arabic. Hindi and Hindustani, two forms of the same language as spoken by Hindus and Mahommedans respectively, are a curious example of how deeply religion may affect culture.
By the simplicity of its phonetic elements, the regularity of its grammatical structure, and the copiousness of its nautical vocabulary, the Malay language is singularly well fitted to be the lingua franca throughout the Indian archipelago.
From the 1 0th century onwards the art of landscape gardening steadily grew into a science, with esoteric as well as exoteric aspects, and with a special vocabulary.
When a confederacy was organized under a council, intermarriage between tribes sometimes occurred; an artificial kinship thus arose, in which event the council established the rank of the tribes as elder and younger brother, grandfather, father and sons, rendering the relationship and its vocabulary most intricate, but necessary in a social system in which age was the predominant consideration and etiquette most exacting.
Abbott's laborious From Letter to Spirit (1903), Joannine Vocabulary (1904) and Grammar (1906) overflow with statistical details and ever acute, often fanciful, conjecture.
The strongly Latinized vocabulary of this version was not without its influence on the next great venture in English translations of the Bible, the Authorized Version.'
But A Rich Vocabulary, A Mastery Of Verse Forms Quite Beyond The Range Of Cremazie, Real Originality Of Conception, Individual Distinction Of Style, Deep Insight Into The Soul Of His People, And, Still More, The Glow Of Warm Blooded Life Pulsing Through The Whole Poem, All Combine To Give Him The Greatest Place At Home And An Important One In The World At Large.
The "argument" as it stands is- nothing more than an exaggerated inference from parallelpassages in the Bruce and Alexander; and it makes no allowance for the tags, epithets and general vocabulary common to all writers of the period.
This collection also contains other works of the same kind, dictionaries by later writers, translations of many Sanskrit works on grammar, vocabulary, &c., and bilingual dictionaries, Sanskrit and Tibetan.
And the speech Against Theomnestus deserves attention for its curious evidence of the way in which the ordinary vocabulary of Athens had changed between 600 and 400 B.C.
Pushlu (less accurately Afghan), which has certainly been increasingly influenced by the neighboring Indian languages in inflexion, syntax and vocabulary, but is still at bottom a pure Iranian language, not merely intermediate between Iranian.
All the way back to the house she was highly excited, and learned the name of every object she touched, so that in a few hours she had adDED THIRTY NEW WORDS TO HER VOCABULARY.
The Christmas season has furnished many lessons, and added scores of new words to Helen's vocabulary.
There is no reason why she should strike from her vocabulary all words of sound and vision.
Unlocking Self-expression through NLP is divided into five sections Warmers, The Five Skills, Writing, Vocabulary and Exams.
When the Historical Thesaurus is complete, it will offer scholars the first comprehensive semantic listing of vocabulary.
A final plenary session allowed students to reflect on what they had learned and reinforced any new vocabulary learned during the day.
She may be delayed in acquiring the vocabulary, syntax, grammar and pragmatics of her age mates.
That 's because Berne uses his own specialized vocabulary to describe the transactions involved in games.
Ask pupils to compare the accounts in terms of factual information, the writer 's viewpoint and the use of descriptive vocabulary.
We hope to be able to provide a capable large vocabulary decoder in the medium term.
Vocabulary Worksheet Factory If you have used the excellent Maths Worksheet Factory then you will want to have a go at this one.
Important vocabulary words in this section are marked with an asterisk.
They learn our speech patterns; they use our vocabulary; they mimic our gestures, absorb our fears and more.
In addition, you can help your child expand his vocabulary potential as you sing songs and make up your own silly lyrics as a way to keep ordinary tasks miles from mundane.
It is said that many of them can have a vocabulary of up to 2000 words.
This game bunches three learning modes into one by having your child play with letter recognition, reading and vocabulary.
It breaks down even further to include lessons and vocabulary games.
For those who want to improve their vocabulary, you can sign up for a word of the day e-mail.
An online Spanish English dictionary is a good resource if you need a quick way to find a translation or if you just want to brush up on your vocabulary.
One of the newest features is the inclusion of Internet vocabulary and computer terms.
It has unintended negative stereotypes with it, so going forward, please wipe that from your vocabulary.
Reading out loud to your child builds vocabulary, stimulates imagination, and helps develop the love of reading.
As if learning all the slang in a teenager's vocabulary wasn't hard enough, technology has almost created a new language all its own.
The National Vocabulary Scholarship is another grant given to students aged 13 to 19.
Forever Wed has a list of common vocabulary words used in wedding vows, as well as synonyms you can use for each word.
Being familiar with lingo such as port, aft, starboard, muster station, and other vocabulary will help you navigate different decks confidently.
It is so important because it gives players the complete vocabulary needed to create music on the guitar.
Over time, you will run into many different songs that use many different chords, and you will be surprised at how thoroughly your chord vocabulary will develop.
Whether you like fast-paced arcade action involving letter tiles or more methodical titles that put your vocabulary to the test, there is a free online word game for you.
Test your vocabulary skills with this challenging word definition game.
The LearnSpanish app allows you to overcome language barriers by offering quick access to Spanish vocabulary and grammar information.
Improve your grammar and vocabulary skills with this application.
Add-on assessments that address the academic components of word analysis, vocabulary, language mechanics, spelling, and mathematics computation.
Vocabulary size is one of the primary components of standardized tests of verbal intelligence, and it grows slowly in retarded children.
At age three, preschoolers can say short sentences, have a vocabulary of about 900 words, show great growth in communication, tell simple stories, use words as tools of thought, want to understand their environment, and answer questions.
Nevertheless vocabulary and grammatical development appear to proceed by very similar processes in mentally retarded and developmentally normal children.
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, for children aged two-and-a-half to 18 years, is a useful screening instrument for word comprehension.
The Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test provides information about a child's ability to understand language.
Learning the second language is easier for children if the sounds, words, and vocabulary of the languages are similar.
Children with Asperger's syndrome generally have a normal to above average intelligence level and adequate knowledge of vocabulary and grammar but poor concentration and ability to understand language subtleties, such as humor.
Since the language of motion is different for many cultures and people, often the beginning of a dance routine needs to be the establishment of a movement vocabulary.
One way to establish this vocabulary is through research into the basic movement canon of whatever dance form the routine is designed for.
Once a vocabulary is decided on, as well as some ideas for contrast, then combinations can begin to be created - usually in sequences of eight beats, depending on the music chosen for the routine.
It lets you know what kind of movement vocabulary you have available, as well as what styles they will be familiar with.
For classical dancing, a decent ballet vocabulary will make every class and every rehearsal a thousand times easier.
A comprehensive ballet vocabulary includes a variety of ballet poses as well as ballet steps and positions.
In order to learn these steps and positions, you can watch the demonstrations of these, and more, ballet vocabulary items through American Ballet Theatre's ballet dictionary.
That being said, the movement vocabulary they use really comes from the world of jazz dance and hip hop.
However, the most popular dances do have a movement vocabulary.
The more line dance classes you take, the stronger your vocabulary becomes, the quicker you'll pick up the basics and be ready to either embellish the moves or learn the more complicated line dances.
You don't have to learn either the complex systems or the special vocabulary to get out on the floor and dance, and there's nothing wrong with having your own little notebook handy to illustrate the dance steps in whatever way you like.
At the same time, new Latin dances blending the cultural styles have generated a strong and robust movement vocabulary.
Abeka Science combines textbook learning with vocabulary and some scientific experiment activities.
Incorporating printable spelling lists in regular classroom work will help your children increase their English vocabulary during the course of the year.
Teaching your children how to rhyme is one of the quickest ways to expand their reading vocabulary.
As long as students read good literature, their vocabulary should develop naturally.
Once students hit the junior high level, especially for college-bound students, vocabulary is increasingly important.
There are almost as many ways to teach vocabulary as there are words to teach.
Here are some ideas for teaching vocabulary to students of all ages.
Choose vocabulary board games for family time or when friends are over.
FunBrain offers many games for vocabulary as well as other subjects in an easy format.
You can also find games for your home computer that are grade level appropriate and will help your child with both vocabulary and spelling.
This is not the best way to teach vocabulary but used along with other methods it can be effective, if not fun.
By teaching vocabulary skills in an interesting, fun way, your student will get more out of his reading, do better on tests and have better communications skills throughout his life.
Commercial lending vocabulary extends beyond that of home mortgages loans.
Zap & Learn WHY Writer features two interactive learning modes that teach word reading and comprehension, vocabulary and how to follow directions, with options to change the game as the child's skills develop.
Children learn deductive reasoning skills and vocabulary (without even knowing it!) as they ask questions about their opponent's mystery character.
Even you don't believe in cheating, using word builder tools is also a great way to increase your vocabulary for Scrabble - which will help make you a winning player.
Elementary games focus on simple math concepts and vocabulary, while intermediate Quizmo games are geared toward older children.
By using the frequency of letters included in Scrabble, players can gain a larger vocabulary when they see what words those letters can form.
From simple two-letter words to long and impressive triple word scores, there are plenty of ways to increase your vocabulary and game score at the same time.
Once you have the basic verbiage of Scrabble rules and strategy down, you can move on to expanding your vocabulary to include both everyday and rarer words that will help you win a game.
Generations have played Scrabble in the classroom to improve vocabulary, phonics and reading comprehension skills.
Choose your words carefully, but don't worry about stumbling over advanced vocabulary or flowery language just to seem romantic.
Do not use a larger vocabulary than normal to avoid stumbling over words during the proposal.
As vocabulary study is almost always included in a reading program, children will need to be able to look up words in the dictionary.
When he is given immediate feedback from an adult, he is more likely to take vocabulary risks in his writing.
Point out new objects to your child, and name those objects to help her build her vocabulary.
Focusing on reading, literacy and positive modeling can increase a child's vocabulary.
Of course, the site is focused on building vocabulary.
However, kids can build their own dictionaries, play games that will develop their vocabulary skills, and of course use it for homework.
For example, children should practice saying and writing the alphabet, counting, and any new vocabulary words for the week of instruction.
Those diagnosed with Aspergers have little trouble learning new words and they typically have an outstanding vocabulary.
Hyperlexia is a complex problem that has two fundamental components; superior vocabulary paired with a difficulty to understand figurative language.
There is one word you will need to add to your vocabulary before you can begin to master the skill of time management.
If you want to speak French for free all you need to do is to learn some vocabulary and then find places where French speakers, also known as francophones congregate.
These may be downloaded or viewed online, and consist of interactive vocabulary and language learning exercises.
One has to learn more than simply vocabulary one must also understand syntax, idioms and other ambiguities.
While it can be tempting to rely on first learning to read and write French, and then after you know the basic vocabulary and phrases to begin learning pronunciation, this can actually make learning pronunciation even more difficult.
Develop out the animal theme to talk to the children about where animals live and what they eat, introducing French vocabulary and phrases where appropriate.
There are many other potential themes to teach children French culture as well as vocabulary.
Using themes allows you to organize the vocabulary and language skills into manageable groups that logically lend themselves to being acquired at the same time.
Read and listen to French pronunciation, or play interactive games online to build vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Learning French vocabulary, verbs, and phrases are only a small part of the language-learning picture.
Students and teachers alike are often looking for ways to deal better with French vocabulary translation tasks.
Some teachers test their students on vocabulary quite often, so learning vocabulary is an ongoing process for independent learners as well as French learners who have a teacher's help every day.
On the other hand, if you have a vocabulary list with individual words on it, it is generally advisable to use a dictionary instead.
This is a really interesting and educational way to translate vocabulary; the only drawback is that not every phrase you enter will be found in the database.
The vocabulary and sentences get more and more complex as a student progresses through the course.
For this reason, the Pimsleur approach repeats the target vocabulary enough times so that students absorb the vocabulary naturally instead of having to memorize it, as must be done with textbook-style learning.
The French Experiment is a good site for students who have the discipline to learn vocabulary on their own.
This site not only offers an abundance of vocabulary, but also gives in-depth explanations for how the words should be used in order to be natural in French.
In terms of enriching your French vocabulary, the following variations can help you do just that.
To be fluent in French, you eventually have to move beyond the standard greetings and tourist vocabulary and learn the colloquial French words and phrases that hint at a true Francophone.
Reading teachers can use recent vocabulary words, language teachers can create a puzzle in Spanish or French, and family members can include words specific to their own party celebrations and traditions.
Once he has the vocabulary, he croaks out his intention - "E.T. phone home".
Classic fairy tales can be quite graphic and may include mild violence that is not suitable for every child, and some vocabulary words can be too difficult for young readers.
The groundwork, so far as it can be ascertained, and the grammar are Indo-European, but a large number of words have been borrowed from the Latin or Italian and Greek, and it is not always easy to decide whether the mutilated and curtailed forms now in use represent adopted words or belong to the original vocabulary.
All the resources of a copious and unclean Latin vocabulary were employed to degrade the objects of his satire; and every crime of which humanity is capable was ascribed to them without discrimination.
This Revised or Later Version is in every way a readable, correct rendering of the Scriptures, it is far more idiomatic than the Earlier, having been freed from the greater number of its Latinisms; its vocabulary is less archaic. Its popularity admits of no doubt, for even now in spite of neglect and persecution, in spite of the ravages of fire and time, over 150 copies remain to testify to this fact.
A comparison between Phoenician and Hebrew reveals close resemblances both in grammatical forms and in vocabulary; in some respects older features have been preserved in Phoenician, others are later, others again are peculiar to the dialect; many words poetic or rare or late in Hebrew are common in Phoenician.
The proof of this proposition is to be obtained chiefly by comparing the grammatical formation and the syntax of Homer with those of Attic. The comparison of the vocabulary is in the nature of things less conclusive on the question of date.
A vocabulary test for chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).
There is also coverage of the huge variety of immigrant languages which have enriched the American vocabulary.
Making an art vocabulary notebook has proved a very simple solution.
Vocabulary - The vocabulary is age-appropriate while introducing new words.
The book has matching, object labeling and vocabulary building components that make it a must-have for the holidays.
Look for ones that use familiar vocabulary and short rhymes, so your little one can repeat the story's lines after you.
Games in this section help to teach and reinforce phonics, vocabulary, reading, comprehension, and more.
With this section, history is learned at the same time as vocabulary skills and reading comprehension increases through stories and interactive games.
Each lesson includes vocabulary notes, a reading exercise, practice questions, and an exam that is available online.
Once you learn the song well, you will internalize that chord and it will then become a part of your vocabulary.
Is your vocabulary peppered with words like dude, man, groovy, far out, and psychadelic?
Those who are new to wine can find information on the various types of wine and the special wine vocabulary.
Sentences become longer and more complex, and vocabulary increases drastically.
One procedure for diagnosing children aged 24 to 36 months asks parents to complete a standardized questionnaire in which they check off the vocabulary the child knows and write down examples of the child's two-word sentences.
At age five, children should have a vocabulary of more than 2,000 words.
Books, videos, and educational toys that show pictures and matching words also increase a child's vocabulary while increasing the child's concept of the world.
Studies have shown that children of talkative parents have twice the vocabulary as those of quiet parents.
If you have one of the latter instructors, your ballet vocabulary had better be up to snuff; otherwise you'll be left standing in the back wondering what a 'tendu' and a 'balancé' are.
This item of ballet vocabulary does have some sense to an English speaker; you 'assemble' your feet (bring them together) while you are in the air.
Sometimes, there are specific moves taught during lessons for line dancing in order to build a movement vocabulary specific to the song.
The Abeka English program emphasizes the structure and rules of the English language, with work materials included on spelling, literature, writing, and vocabulary development.
Consistently focusing on a weekly list of words that the child should memorize and know how to spell will build her vocabulary over time.
In fact, Dr. Suess used one of these lists as the vocabulary for his book, The Cat in the Hat.
Most students, especially in the lower grades, will learn vocabulary in the course of normal reading.
He will increase his vocabulary as well as his spelling skills over time.
There are also online and computer games that are vocabulary based.
Play Kids Games has a variety of online vocabulary games.
The games help young children with phonics, word formation and the development and reinforcement of their basic sight word vocabulary.
Many players just want to improve their vocabulary.
These are some of the most important words in the Scrabble player's vocabulary.
The Letter Roll Reading Game is fun for first graders as they practice their spelling, improve their phonics and reading skills while developing their vocabulary.
An overblown vocabulary isn't important.
One way we can convey similarity is by mirroring the other person in the pace of speaking, in the pitch of your voice and by using a similar vocabulary.
Discovery School's Puzzlemaker lets parents create customized puzzles to help children study spelling or vocabulary words.
Cuss words have always been around, but it seems that the youngest generation uses them as part of their everyday vocabulary.
Many language skills can also be reinforced with social studies vocabulary games.
After all, in the language of flowers, roses have quite a full vocabulary.
He also created his a new language and vocabulary called Mänti.
Write small captions for each card if you're trying to teach your child how to read or reinforce key vocabulary words.
Before you can actually speak French for free you have to accumulate some vocabulary.
There are lots of French vocabulary words that look exactly like English words.
Ballet is partially a French art form, with all the terminology and vocabulary being in French.