Vocabularies Sentence Examples
As separate publications there are several vocabularies of Chinese and Tibetan; Mongol and Tibetan; Chinese, Manchu, Mongol, Oelot, Tibetan and Turkish; Tibetan, Sanskrit, Manchu, Mongol and Chinese.
The dialects of Micronesia, though grammatically alike, differ widely in their vocabularies.
The modern term, IVF (in vitro fertilization), has replaced the colloquial "test tube baby" in both scientific and layman vocabularies.
Aston devoted much study to the former question, but although he proved that in construction the two have a striking similarity, he could not find any corresponding likeness in their vocabularies.
Linguistically, Tibetan is allied to the Burmese languages, and forms with the latter a family of the so-called Turano-Scythian stock called " Tibeto-Burman " (q.v.), the unity of which family was first recognized by Brian Hodgson in 1828, and indeed several of the dialects of Tibetan are still only known through the copious vocabularies collected by him.
He has brought together, in the Bureau of American Ethnology in Washington, many hundreds of manuscripts, written by travellers, traders, missionaries, and scholars; and, better still, in response to circulars, carefully prepared vocabularies, texts and long native stories have been written out by trained collectors.
Bell (Calcutta, 1905), which has full English-Tibetan vocabularies, graduated exercises and examples in the Lhasa dialect of to-day.
He had also collected vocabularies of nearly fifty African dialects, and translated portions of the Bible and prayer-book into Hausa.
Triliteralism is considered the most essential and most peculiar feature of Semitic. But there are, besides, many other resemblances in structure between the Semitic languages and Egyptian, so that, although the two vocabularies present few points of clear contact, there is reason to believe-that Egyptian was originally a characteristic member of the Semitic family of languages.
The Servian, Bulgarian and Rumanian languages have borrowed largely from the Turkish in their vocabularies, but not in their structural forms, and have adopted many words from the Greek.
AdvertisementThe primitive notion that perhaps comes nearest to our " sacred," whilst it immediately underlies the meanings of the Latin sacer and sanctus, is that of a taboo, a Polynesian term for which equivalents can be quoted from most savage vocabularies.
A primary mental similarity of all branches of the human race is evidenced by their common faculty of speech, while at the same time secondary diversities of race-character and history are marked by difference of grammatical structure and of vocabularies.
The question then arises, how far the employment of different vocabularies, and that to a great extent on different grammatical principles, is compatible with similarity of the speakers' minds, or how far does diversity of speech indicate diversity of mental nature?
See Thomas Wright's edition of Neckam's De naturis reruns and De laudibus divinae sapientiae in the Rolls Series (1863), and of the De utensilibus in his Volume of Vocabularies.
Restricted vocabularies therefore become essential within certain metadata elements.
AdvertisementThis resource provides links to a selection of more than 70 formal metadata vocabularies, most of which are available via the Internet.
School-age children have expanding vocabularies, enabling them to describe ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Kids are such cute little people, with cute little voices and limited vocabularies.
How can parent and educators encourage kids to read and expand their vocabularies and reading comprehension skills?
Some with HFA may have very well developed vocabularies, but speak in an awkward, high pitched, or monotone style.
AdvertisementHowever, when the function of language is considered, the distinction blurs.People with AS are of normal or above average intelligence and they often have impressive vocabularies.
Children with this condition often have remarkable vocabularies and they are able to talk about subjects in depth, which can be very impressive.
While many people with AS have remarkable vocabularies, they may have great difficulty understanding subtle nuances of social communication.
While Tolkien is attributed with writing several languages as part of developing his fictional worlds, the Elvish languages developed for his stories includes basic terminology and are not a languages with large or complex vocabularies.
Vocabularies, grammars and interlinear translations were compiled for the use of students as well as commentaries on the older texts and explanations of obscure words and phrases.
AdvertisementThe Malay affinities of Malagasy were noted in the 16th century; indeed, the second and fifth books published upon the country (in 1603 and 1613) were comparative vocabularies of these two languages.
Most children double their vocabularies between six and eight years of age and begin reading at about age seven.