Viz. Sentence Examples
Positive law, at least in progressive societies, is constantly tending to fall behind public opinion, and the expedients adopted for bringing it into harmony therewith are three, viz, legal fictions, equity and statutory legislation.
There are three courts of appeal, viz, at Brussels, Ghent and Liege.
A second powerful influence was of a different kind, viz.
We omit, however, one of the most important, viz.
Lotze publicly and formally denied that he belonged to the school of Herbart, though he admitted that historically the same doctrine which might be considered the forerunner of Herbart's teachings might lead to his own views, viz.
English equity has one marked historical peculiarity, viz.
At the Cape of Good Hope, after more than 200,000 pointings had been made, the screw-errors were redetermined; the results proved the truth of the above conclusions, viz.
There is some reason, however, to suppose that before this the capital of the Monomotapa was situated much farther south, and it may plausibly be identified with the most extensive ruins as yet known, viz.
Their form, however, is not sufficiently characteristic to warrant this identification, though it may be noted that the nearest approximation to phallic worship is found amongst the most typical of African peoples, viz.
One of these is within the area of the old city, viz.
AdvertisementA city occupying approximately the same site had been the capital of one of the principalities into which China was divided some centuries before the Christian era; and during the reigns of the two Tatar dynasties that immediately preceded the Mongols in northern China, viz.
The origin is to be found in the initial letters of the names and titles of Jesus in Greek, viz.
The number summoned was 151, viz.
Three small communities of Presbyterians maintain a separate autonomy in Ireland, viz.
The rich pastoral regions where dairy-farming and the fattening of cattle are carried on with most success, viz.
AdvertisementBismuth is known to exist in all the Australian states, but up to the present time it has been mined for only in three states, viz.
The number of vessels engaged in the over-sea trade of Australia in 1905 was 2112, viz.
The value of the external trade was £95,188,000, viz.
The theory which meets this difficulty is that which has in its favour the greatest weight of evidence, viz.
In their own language they usually have only three numerals, viz.
AdvertisementIn one respect Plautus must be regarded as distinctly original, viz.
Two propylene glycols, C3H302, are known, viz.
The Titan was the first type of large portable crane in which full use was made of a truly horizontal movement of the load; for the purpose for which the type is designed, viz.
A very interesting modification was also proposed in the same letter, viz.
In January 1901 he telegraphed without difficulty by electric waves from the Isle of Wight to the Lizard, viz.
AdvertisementThere were now three main political tendencies, viz, the union of north Italy under Charles Albert and an alliance with the pope and Naples, a federation of the different states under their present rulers, and a united republic of all Italy.
The Brahman priest (brahma) being thus the recognized head of the sacerdotal order (brahma), which itself is the visible embodiment of sacred writ and the devotional spirit pervading it (brahma), the complete realization of theocratic aspirations required but a single step, which was indeed taken in the theosophic speculations of the later Vedic poets and the authors of the Brahmanas (q.v.), viz.
The sacrificial ritual recognizes two kinds of srauta sacrifices, viz.
Might one suggest that organisms seem at least to be a working up of inorganic matter for new ends, viz.
Still it has a value for him if taken not as an argument, but rather as the expression of an immediate conviction; viz.
In these, however, the religious was avowedly subordinate to a political motive, viz.
Psilophytes.I-Iere are placed plants found in savannah Igetation, viz.
Physical geography he viewed as a summary of nature, the basis not only of history but also of " all the other possible geographies," of which he enumerates five, viz.
The arch alone sends 66r out processes, viz.
This is a state of things which exists nowhere else; for except in Australia, where a few indigenous and peculiar low non-Oscines are found, and in the Nearctic country, whither one family of Clamatores, viz.
Huxley has urged with his wonted perspicuity the alliance of these two regions as Notogaea, basing his opinion, besides other weighty evidence, in great measure on the evidence afforded by the two main sections of the Galli, viz.
His name, in which the Greek Avbpovucos is combined with the gentile name of one of the great Roman houses, while indicative of his own position as a manumitted slave, is also significant of the influences by which Roman literature was fostered, viz.
Free or native sulphur, known also as "virgin sulphur," occurs in connexion with volcanoes and in certain stratified rocks in several modes, viz.
By other accidents Item By accidents occurring during shunting operations, viz.
But after dinner (or breakfast), and when we rise from table, we use the prayer given above, viz.
It is necessary here to advert to a subject much debated during recent years, viz.
Times of peace meant national disintegration and the lapse of Israel into the Canaanite local cults, which is interpreted by the redactor as the prophets of the 8th century would have interpreted it, viz.
Nowhere in the Old Testament does the doctrine taught by Amos of Yahweh's universal power and sovereignty 1 Viz.
A further consequence directly followed from the limitation as to sanctuary, viz.
In the Second Punic War it was again reduced to half this weight, viz.
Thus if we consider the energyequation C +02 = CO 2+943 00 cal., and replace the symbols by the values of the intrinsic energy, viz.
This agrees substantially with the independent records of Nehemiah, and unless we assume two disasters not widely separated in date - viz.
The chapter of Merseburg contains five prelates, viz.
The form q`tal illustrates one main peculiarity of Aramaic, as opposed to the other Semitic languages, viz.
Another chief characteristic of Aramaic appears in nouns, viz.
If we consider the whole continent to be divided into three sections, viz.
Goodrich, endorsed by Lankester, led to the opinion that under the general morphological conception of "nephridium" were included two distinct sets of organs, viz.
The following families constitute the group, viz.
Earthworms are divided into the following families, viz.
The effects of a prolonged [[Table Ix]].-Estimated Annual Average Yield per Acre of Crops in spring and summer drought, like that of 1893, are exemplified in the circumstance that four corn crops and the two hay crops all registered very low average yields that year, viz.
An important step in this direction was taken in 1896, when the senior class for steers, viz.
In several of the more primitive forms the same torsion occurs as in Streptoneura, viz.
The genital duct is now trifurcated or triaulic, a condition which is confined to certain Nudibranchs, viz.
First came the French princes, namely, the brothers of the emperor; six grand imperial dignities were also instituted, viz.
One land, however, has eclipsed all others in the Aegean by the wealth of its remains of all the prehistoric ages, viz.
Religion in the area seems to have been essentially the same everywhere from the earliest period, viz.
The lectures he delivered as professor form the substance of his two most important works, viz.
This (obviously valid) distinction logically involves the consequence that the object, or content, of knowledge, viz.
But, as society exists only for the proper development of persons, we have a criterion by which to test these institutions, viz.
The Primal Light unfolds himself by five great branches, viz.
Khulasa, " Quintessence"), or according to its fuller title `Enyaneuderashed'mabutha umassektha (" Songs and Discourses of Baptism and the Ascent," viz.
There are two great groups of schists, viz.
It must be admitted divisions, viz.
The hypodermis is composed of parts of two different kinds, viz.
The process of destruction of the larval tissues was first studied in the forms where metamorphosis is greatest and most abrupt, viz.
In connexion with the question whether metamorphosis has been gradually acquired, we have to consider two aspects, viz.
Endopterygota - of insects of the present epoch are descended from the predominant - if not the sole - group that existed in the Palaeozoic epoch, viz.
His Parable of the Wicked Mammon (1528), Obedience of a Christen Man (1528), in which the two great principles of the English Reformation are set out, viz.
The names of the months were the same as those used by the Nabataeans, Syrians and later Jews, viz.
The absolute and ultimate owner of all land is the crown, and the highest interest that a subject can hold therein - viz.
It is divided into three provinces, viz.
The second is common to all the Heteronemertines, as well as to Polia and Valencinia, and also comprehends three layers, of which, however, two are longitudinal, viz.
In 1332 a market on Wednesdays and a fair at the Feast of St Peter ad Vincula were granted to Alice de Lisle and in 1405 this market was ratified and three additional fairs added, viz.
The site, which lies near the mouths of the three main passes over the eastern Taurus - viz.
With regard to the nutritive value of oatmeal, as compared with that of wheat flour, it contains a higher percentage of albuminoids than any other grain, viz.
It has rather more sugar, viz.
There is however one feature which throughout the Mahommedan mosques in India is always found, viz.
Lavoisier appears to have assumed that the composition of every chemical compound was constant, and the same opinion was the basis of much experimental inquiry at the hands of Joseph Louis Proust during 1801 to 1809, who vigorously combated the doctrine of Claude Louis Berthollet (Essai de statique chimique, 1803), viz.
Iodine unites with silver in the proportion of 126.97 parts to 107.93 parts of the latter, but it combines with chlorine in two proportions, viz.
Hitherto no explanation has been given of these exceptions to what appears to be a law of almost universal application, viz.
Three kinds of changes are to be distinguished, viz.
Hittorf, who carefully investigated the effects produced by heat; crystalline selenium possesses a very striking property, viz.
Therefore three di-derivatives are possible, viz.
Hence the positions occupied by the nitro groups in the two different nitrobrombenzoic acids must be symmetrical with respect to the carboxyl group. In 1879, Hubner (Ann., 1 95, p. 4) proved the equivalence of the second pair, viz.
By projecting Ladenburg's prism on a plane and numbering the atoms so as to correspond with Kekule's form, viz.
For substances of a difficultly combustible nature he adopted the method in common use to-day, viz.
The identity of the four valencies of the carbon atom follows from the fact that the heats of combustion of methane, ethane, propane, trimethyl methane, and tetramethyl methane, have a constant difference in the order given, viz.
It therefore appears that the difference between the heats of combustion of two adjacent members of a series of homologous compounds is practically a constant, and that this constant has two average values, viz.
Mossotti found a relation between the dielectric constant and the space actually occupied by the molecules, viz.
Meyer formulated these compounds as nitroximes or nitro-isnitroso derivatives, viz.
The former is white, but the whole of the extremities - viz.
Ravenstein's map of Ben Nevis (1887) first employed the colours of the spectrum, viz.
In the extreme east his information extended no further than that of Eratosthenes, viz.
Parmenides of Elea (544-430 B.C.) distinguishes five of these zones, viz.
Only two specimens of Roman cartography have come down to us, viz.
We have to deal thus with three types of these early maps, viz.
The contents of the following collections are more varied in their nature, viz.
It covers 697 sheets (or 488 of a " new series " in large sheets), and is published in three editions, viz.
Since 1898 the department has also published maps on a smaller scale, viz.
Hence Wisdom, the second Sephirah, and the beginning of development, when it proceeded from the Holy Aged (another name of the first Sephirah) emanated in male and female, for Wisdom expanded, and Intelligence, the third Sephirah, proceeded from it, and thus were obtained male and female, viz.
Its salinity is comparable to that of the eastern basin of the Mediterranean, which is greater than that of the Black Sea, viz.
It is in and along the borders of this coast swamp region that most of the rice and much of the sugar cane 1 A sixth, less characteristic, might be included, viz.
Combination can be made in five directions, viz.
Nitrogen combines with hydrogen to form ammonia, NH 3, hydrazine, N 2 H 4, and azoimide, N 3 H (qq.v.); the other known hydrides, N 4 H 4 and N5H5, are salts of azoimide, viz.
So long as the reserve was available it was drawn upon to supply the void; but when that also was exhausted recourse was had to expedients, such as the borrowing, or rather seizure, of the vakuf revenues (1622) and the sale of crown properties; then ensued a period of barefaced confiscation, until, to restore public confidence in some measure, state budgets were published at intervals, viz.
Under these regulations the revenues were divided into two categories, viz.
High authority in Constantinople put the true amount of the floating debt in1910-1911at the amount previously estimated, viz.
In view of these difficulties, the opinion which tended to assure the success of one at least of the great tasks before the council, viz.
Among the contents of this book we simply mention a trigonometrical chapter, in which the words sinus versus arcus occur, the approximate extraction of cube roots shown more at large than in the Liber abaci, and a very curious problem, which nobody would search for in a geometrical work, viz.
This problem evidently suggested the first question, viz.
Protestants have condemned these formulae as so much magic, and in this modern science tends to agree with them; but to orthodox Protestants at least Catholics have a perfect right to reply that, in taking this line, they are but repeating the accusation brought by the Pharisees against Christ, viz.
These numbers agree with those indicated by theory, viz.
Similarly we have a development proceeding according to the elements contained in any row or in any column, viz.
It is easy to see that the adjoint determinant is also 'symmetrical, viz.
Resultant Expressible as a Determinant.-From the theory of linear equations it can be gathered that the condition that p linear equations in p variables (homogeneous and independent) may be simultaneously satisfied is expressible as a determinant, viz.
The function Zap 1 a 2 P2 n being as above denoted by a partition of the weight, viz.
Theorem.- The function symbolized by (n), viz.
One more relation is easily obtained, viz.
In the theory of forms we seek functions of the coefficients and variables of the original quantic which, save as to a power of the modulus of transformation, are equal to the like functions of the coefficients and variables of the transformed quantic. We may have such a function which does not involve the variables, viz.
If, however, F involve as well the variables, viz.
If the forms be all linear and different, the function is an invariant, viz.
It will be apparent that there are four numbers associated with a covariant, viz.
The Partial Differential Equations.--It will be shown later that covariants may be studied by restricting attention to the leading coefficient, viz.
The simultaneous system of two quadratic forms ai, ay, say f and 0, consists of six forms, viz.
Further, it is convenient to have before us two other quadratic covariants, viz.
T = (j, j) 2 jxjx; 0 = (iT)i x r x; four other linear covariants, viz.
Sylvester showed that the quintic might, in general, be expressed as the sum of three fifth powers, viz.
Hence, excluding ao, we may, in partition notation, write down the fundamental solutions of the equation, viz.
Every symmetric function denoted by partitions, not involving the figure unity (say a non-unitary symmetric function), which remains unchanged by any increase of n, is also a seminvariant, and we may take if we please another fundamental system, viz.
The substitution for x, y in terms of X, Y is the most general linear substitution in virtue of the four degrees of arbitrariness introduced, viz.
Since +xZ=x x we have six types of symbolic factors which may be used to form invariants and covariants, viz.
The book itself falls into three obvious parts, viz.
Lead combines with oxygen to form five oxides, viz.
In the Assyro-Babylonian literature the name Akkadu appears as part of the royal title in connexion with Sumer; viz.
For these Lamarck proposed the name Hexapoda; but that name has been little used, and they have retained to this day the title of the much larger Linnaean group, viz.
It appears that the Malpighian tubes of Scorpio are developed from the mesenteron, viz.
From these we can pass by gradual transitions in two directions, viz.
It contains 36 genera, many of which are north temperate and three are represented in Britain, viz.
Both religions were of Oriental origin; they were propagated about the same time, and spread with equal rapidity on account of the same causes, viz.
The president is advised and assisted by a cabinet of six ministers, viz.
The modern Greek Church recognizes only two minor orders, viz.
Besides these there are two splendid national reserves, an hour's journey by rail from Sydney, viz.
It was proposed that the following districts should be transferred to Natal, viz.
This involved not only the geometrical interpretation of negative quantities, but also the idea of continuity; this latter, which is the basis of modern analysis, leading to two separate but allied developments, viz.
The problem of finding the sum of r terms is aided by graphic representation, which shows that the terms may be taken in pairs, working from the outside to the middle; the two cases of an odd number of terms and an even number of terms may be treated separately at first, and then combined by the ordinary method, viz.
But even so there are two distinct operations concerned in the-3, viz.
At last on Dec. 9 1919 the Supreme Council (Clemenceau, Polk and Crowe) addressed a memorandum to Italy, outlining new terms of settlement - viz.
He proceeded further to introduce into his enumeration of animals and plants a series of groups, viz.
He is also responsible for the formulation of an important principle, called by Haeckel " the biogenetic fundamental law," viz.
The Phylum Appendiculata similarly branches into sub-phyla, viz.
On the other hand, the studies which occupied Darwin himself so largely subsequently to the publication of the Origin of Species, viz.
The tendency of the proportions in the offspring of 'PP, 2PN, INN is to give in a series of generations a regular reversion from the hybrid form PN to the two pure races, viz.
In order to obtain the effect of the primary wave, as, retarded by traversing the distance r, viz.
With few exceptions, abruptness can occur only in the presence of the first term, viz.
Since the maxima occur when u = (m +1)7r it nearly, the successive values are not very different from 4 4 4 &c The application of these results to (3) shows that the field is brightest at the centre =o, =0, viz.
Again, if we compare the complete circle with a narrow annular aperture of the same radius, we see that in the latter case the first dark ring occurs at a much smaller obliquity, viz.
Observing through a telescope with light perpendicularly incident, he showed that the position of any ray was dependent only upon the grating interval, viz.
Previously to the introduction of the plate we have an effect corresponding to wave-lengths closely grouped around the principal wave-length, viz.
One or two examples have already attracted our attention when considering Fresnel's zones, viz.
If V be the value of v corresponding to CA, viz.
Hence, as CA increases, viz.
In order to apply these ideas to the investigation of the secondary wave of light, we require the solution of a problem, first treated by Stokes, viz.
Administratively the state is divided into the city, or metropolitan district, and four rural domains (or Landherrenschaften), each under a senator as praeses, viz.
Robertson Smith, are opposed to the dating of any psalms of the second collection in the Maccabaean period, that, since they are post-exilic, there is one and only one time in the Persian period to which they can be referred, viz.
The earlier monstrances followed the usual shape of these reliquaries, viz.
In the 16th century the present shape was adopted, viz.
There now remains the question which is to be put before you at the meeting of the 6th of January, viz.
At B, where the ray leaves the drop, the deviation is the same as at A, viz.
It is probable then that there is a triple popular etymology in the various forms of writing the name Assur; viz.
The dressed ore is smelted with carbon by one of two main methods, viz.
It seems, in short, to have originally formed the preface to the small group of prophecies which now follows it, viz.
Paul Bedjan, most of which have been cited above, nearly all the texts recently edited are included in one or other of three comprehensive series now running - viz.
From this definition we have the following important fundamental property which belongs to all hodographs, viz.
Its main principles were that it was useless to consider the causes of a disease, or even the organ affected by the disease, and that it was sufficient to know what was common to all diseases, viz.
Extensive changes in the English law of highways have been made by various highway acts, viz.
The management and maintenance of the highways and bridges is vested in county road trustees, viz.
Grades are made, whenever possible, in favour of the load, and of such degree that the power required to haul out the loaded cars shall be approximately equal to that for hauling back the empties, viz.
A certain number of the most promising of these, from the purely optical point of view, had unfortunately to be abandoned for practical use owing to their chemical instability, and the problem of Fraunhofer, viz.
The substances employed are the same as those used for the manufacture of sheet-glass, viz.
He now received, at Dacre in Cumberland, the submission of all the kings of the island, viz.
There are four other interesting churches in Louvain, viz.
The passage, thus interpreted, lends additional weight to the correctness of Dr Ethe's reconstruction of the date of the Rushanainama, viz.
Of the last two engagements he wrote accounts, viz.
In August the Spaniards took Prato by storm and committed hideous atrocities on the inhabitants; Florence was in a panic, a group of the Ottimati, or nobles, forced Soderini to resign and leave the city, and Cardona's new terms were accepted, viz.
Mahmud's policy was the converse of that recommended by Machiavelli, viz.
The water is brought by an aqueduct direct from the Alps, viz.
This well-known Arab term for coast-belt (which in the plural form reappears as the familiar "Swahili" of Zanzibar) is applied to a third division of Tunisia, viz.
It is this most fatal doubt which evokes the Shepherd's sternest rebuke; and he meets it with the ultimate religious appeal, viz.
Boiling under reduced pressure has one very serious drawback, viz.
Of 80 comets seen during the 20 years ending 1893, Professor Herschel found that only two, viz.
The Speculum Majus, the great compendium of all the knowledge of the middle ages, as it left the pen of Vincent, seems to have consisted of three parts only, viz.
It was at Pisa, in the church of Santa Cristina, on the fourth Sunday in Lent (April I), while rapt in ecstasy after the communion, that Catherine's greatest traditional glory befell her, viz.
Of his Epistles there is one MS., viz.
As the last of the four great prophets of the 8th century he undoubtedly contributed to that religious and ethical reformation whose literary monument is the Book of Deuteronomy.2 The remainder of the book bearing the name of Micah falls into two main divisions, viz.
This was the maximum expansion possible under the conditions prevailing in 1920 -I, of a crisis in the political relations with Poland; but the maintenance of this establishment for any length of time appeared to be impracticable, since on this basis the army absorbed close on 60% of the revenue of the State, viz.
Of these processes, two only are of special importance, viz.
But certain forces were at work which were destined to bring about a great revival, viz.
One case is particularly aggravating, viz.
With these territories Umberto commanded three of the great Alpine passes, viz.
Victor Emmanuel had married in 1842 Maria Adelaide, daughter of the archduke Rainer, who bore him several children, viz.
In 1867 he married Princess Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo della Cisterna, who bore him three sons, viz.
Teachers and professors who were weak in English, lawyers, newspaper men and others, combined to deprive these reforms of their legitimate consequence, viz.
The plant called American aloe, Agave americana, belongs to a different order, viz.
The Constitutional History of England takes up the subject at the point at which it had been dropped in the View of the Middle Ages, viz.
A few months after his arrival (seventh year of Artaxerxes, 458 B.C.) he instituted a great religious reform, viz.
To Bouguer in 1748 is due the true conception of measurement by double image without the auxiliary aid of a filar micrometer, viz.
There is only one practical published investigation of Airy's micrometer that is worthy of mention, viz.
The present writer has successfully used a similar plan in measuring position angles of a Centauri with the heliometer, viz.
They are liable to the objection that their employment is limited to the measurement of very small angles, viz.
There are also four smaller continental enclosed seas each with a single channel of communication with the ocean, viz.
Thus in the Central American Sea below 93 o fathoms, the depth on the bar, no water is found at a temperature lower than that prevailing in the open ocean at that depth, viz.
These may, however, all be considered as modifications of two systems, viz.
The Epistle of Polycarp. - Though Irenaeus states that Polycarp wrote many "letters to the neighbouring churches or to certain of the brethren" 4 only one has been preserved, viz.
Knowledge is not mere knowledge of itself, but of being, and of the one being that truly is, viz.
A question of considerable difficulty was at that time occupying the attention of the church courts, viz.
German New Guinea The German protectorate of New Guinea, so called after the island which contributes the greatest area, comprehends, besides Kaiser Wilhelms Land, the islands which are now commonly called the Bismarck Archipelago - viz.
According to the census of 1900 there were 33 incorporated cities in Massachusetts, of which 8 had between 12,000 and 20,000 inhabitants; 5 between 20,000 and 25,000 (Everett, North Adams, Quincy, Waltham, Pittsfield); 2 io between 25,000 and 50,000 (Holyoke, Brockton, Haverhill, Salem, Chelsea, Malden, Newton, Fitchburg, Taunton, Gloucester); 7 between 50,000 and ioo,000 (Lowell, Cambridge, Lynn, Lawrence, New Bedford, Springfield, Somerville); and 3 more than roo,000 inhabitants, viz.
These defects were all overcome in later patterns and an important addition made, viz.
With smooth-bore arms of short range, the soldier needed little more, in the way of sights, than the rough equivalent of the dispart of cannon, viz.
Dogma is doctrine, viz.
The one point on which we have indicated a doubt, viz.
The main divisions of the book are plain, viz.
It consists of two well-defined tracts, viz.
The process of determining the area or volume of a given figure therefore involves two separate processes; viz.
The data are usually the breadths H and K and either (i) the edges of the minor briquettes, viz.
There is, however, a certain class of cases in which no subdivision of intervals will produce a good result; viz.
In Great Britain and Europe generally three species occur, viz.
Whatever may be thought of their application of these principles, there is no mistaking the deeply religious aim of these separatists for conscience' sake, viz.
It was only in September 15 9 2 that it elected officers, viz.
While its principle of congregational autonomy has been gaining ground in the more centralized systems, Another disability, acutely felt by all Nonconformists, created by the act of 1662, viz.
Two varieties of phosphate rock are recognized in these districts, viz.
Regnault used two different distances, viz.
The laws of reflection of sound are identical with those of the reflection of light, viz.
This change of direction is termed refraction, and takes place, no doubt, according to the same laws as does the refraction of light, viz.
If th' maximum pressure change is determined, the amplitude is given by equation (20), viz.
Now momentum is transferred in two ways, viz.
A more reasonable theory seems to be that which suggests that, in the East, the stole was originally introduced as that which it was when it first appears in the 22nd canon of Laodicea, viz.
To the phrase" ye shall be as gods "a later writer may have added" knowing good and evil,"but" to be as gods "originally meant" to live the life of gods - wise, powerful, happy."The serpent was in the main right, but there is one point which he did not mention, viz.
The consolidating Merchant Shipping Act of 1854 and subsequent legislation so much increased the department that in 1866 it was divided into three, viz.
Originally the epithet was meant to be taken strictly, viz.
Unconsciously, too, they correspond to the apostolic type of writing in another respect, viz.
If thus related to the Apologists of the middle of the 2nd century, the Epistle to Diognetus has also points of contact with one of the most practical and least literary writings found among our Apostolic Fathers, viz.
Loofs in 1905 there has also come to our knowledge the most valuable evidence of all, Nestorius's own account of the whole difficulty, viz.
A train of ideas which strongly impressed itself on Clerk Maxwell's mind, in the early stages of his theoretical views, was put forward by Lord Kelvin in 1858; he showed that the special characteristics of the rotation of the plane of polarization, discovered by Faraday in light propagated along a magnetic field, viz.
In 1564, after long negotiations, Bern restored to the duke part of its conquests of 1536, viz.
This confirms the view that the Hebrew kipper, which appears to be a late word (specially employed in Ezek, and P.), originally had the meaning which belongs to the Aramaic viz.
Thus by the express will of their peoples, the various lands represented in the Czechoslovak Republic, viz.
The divergences in ritual and organization, the principle underlying all the various ecclesiastical unions, viz.
Scepticism with regard to reason, on the other hand, depends on an insight into the irrational character of the relation which we chiefly employ, viz.
The hetman, after election, received from the king of Poland direct the insignia of his office, viz.
It is imperfect, and only contains the early books, viz.
Besides the Latin histories of Wapowski and Gwagnin (Guagnini, of Italian origin), we have the first historical work in Polish by Martin Bielski, a Protestant, viz.
By his will he founded the Boyle lectures, for proving the Christian religion against "notorious infidels, viz.
He also wrote two poems, not in any way remarkable, viz.
The book of Isaiah falls into two clearly distinguished parts, viz.
There follow (in the Hebrew Bible) the five short books, which, as explained above, are now known by the Jews as the Megilloth, or " Rolls," viz.
In their written form, however, the earlier Targums, viz.
For a long time Biblical study lacked the first essential of sound critical method, viz.
If these dates are correct, there must be some error in the ages assigned to Ahaz and Hezekiah at their accession, viz.
The second class is questioned, but accepted by the majority; viz.
To the mass these signs are unintelligible, because they deem it impossible that Yahweh should utterly cast off His chosen nation; but to those who know His absolute righteousness, and confront it with the people's sin, the impending approach of the Assyrian can have only one meaning and can point to only one issue, viz.
Wellhausen, Nowack, Marti and Harper, as well as others, have denied the genuineness of the concluding verses in Amos, viz.
It appears to be desirable, as the Committee of Council on Education have done, to recognize only the legal systems of weights and measures -- the imperial and metric. The Education Code of Regulations for 1900 prescribes that the tables of weights and measures to be learned include those only which are in ordinary use, viz.
For, in the first place, it is dominated by one all-pervading interest - the religious; and in the second place, it introduced a new first principle into philosophy, viz.
There is no series for log x proceeding either by ascending or descending powers of x, but there is an expansion for log (I +x), viz.
If we consider only the logarithms of numbers, the main line of descent from the original calculation of Briggs and Vlacq is Roe, John Newton, Sherwin, Gardiner; there are then two branches, viz.
He then by means of a simple proportion deduced that log (I 00000 00000 00000 I)=o 00000 00000 00000 0 434 2 944 81 90325 1804, so that, a quantity 1.00000 00000 00000 x (where x consists of not more than seventeen figures) having been obtained by repeated extraction of the square root of a given number, the logarithm of I 00000 00000 00000 x could then be found by multiplying x by 00000 00000 00000 04342 To find the logarithm of 2, Briggs raised it to the tenth power, viz.
The Mongols, Tibetans, Chinese and other neighbouring nations have a cycle or series of twelve animals, viz.
Dr Lehmann's archaeological and linguistic researches, especially in Salvador and Nicaragua, also enabled him to prove another very important fact, viz.
In his own view the turning points seem to have been - (1) the transition from Fichte's method to the more objective conception of nature - the advance, in other words, to Naturphilosophie; (2) the definite formulation of that which implicitly, as Schelling claims, was involved in the idea of Naturphilosophie, viz.
In the notion of a teleological connexion and in that which for spirit is its subjective expression, viz.
Engel was a voluminous writer on the subjects with which his name is connected, but his statistical papers are mostly published in the periodicals which he himself established, viz.
According to Schaudinn's account, he was dealing with two separate Trypanosome parasites of the Little Owl (Athene noctua), viz.
It is certain, for instance, that the three types of form which he discovered, viz.
For the extremely exiguous proportions of some chasubles actually in use, which have been robbed of all the beauty of form they ever possessed, less respectable motives have sometimes been responsible, viz.
The Roman province of Galatia, constituted 25 B.C., included the greater part of the country ruled by Amyntas, viz.
The 16th-century reformers strove to avoid the literalism of the words " This is my body," accepted frankly by the Roman and Eastern churches, and urged a Receptionist view, viz.
These Acta are not indeed what they give themselves out for, viz.
These uncertainties raise a greater one of much significance, viz.
Walker, superintendent of the censuses of 1870 and 1880, the remarkable fact that such reduction coincided with a cause that was regarded as certain to quicken the increase of population, viz, the introduction of a vast body of fresh peasant blood from Europe, afforded proof that in this matter of population morals are far more potent than physical causes.
And by the Federal Constitution it is also the suffrage for Federal elections, viz, elections of representatives in Congress and of presidential electors.
There are also certain powers which, though not absolutely withdrawn from the states, can be exercised only with the consent of the national legislature, viz.
But the two others are almost (if now not quite) peculiar to the United States, viz, to select candidates for office and to procure places of emolument for party workers.
With a system of three circles it is readily seen that there are six centres of similitude, viz.
Accordingly, we find in Vieta a formula for the ratio of diameter to circumference, viz.
Other works of Apollonius are referred to by ancient writers, viz.
But Some Slight Adjustments Will Occasionally Be Needed For The Reasons Before Assigned, Viz.
In blowpipe work only two of these four parts are made use of, viz.
The history of its dissociation is connected with that of the class, viz.
Nicolas (first dragoman at the French legation at Tehran) has published several important translations, viz.
The thread so ejected forms the silk of commerce, which as wound in the cocoon consists of filaments seriposited from two separate glands (discovered by an Italian naturalist named Filippi) containing a glutinous or resinous secretion which serves a double purpose, viz.
The spinning is done by exactly the same methods as cotton or worsted, viz.
Apart from the chapels in the royal palaces, Dresden contains in all 32 churches, viz.
Wace and Benoit de Sainte-More compiled their histories at his bidding, and it was in his reign that Marie de France composed her poems. An event with which he was closely connected, viz.
In spite of the incontestable popularity enjoyed by this class of literature, we have only some half-dozen fableaux written in England, viz.
Otherwise, private agencies of a standing character which contribute towards the promotion of peace may be divided into four classes, viz.
Three acids of this empirical formula are known, viz.
The story is in itself by no means improbable, while the dates assigned to the first invasion by various Welsh, Gaulish and English authorities, with one exception all fall within about a quarter of a century, viz.
In addition to slaves, who in early times seem to have been numerous, we find in Wessex and apparently also in Mercia three classes, described as twelfhynde, sixhynde and twihynde from the amount of their wergilds, viz.
Besides these terms there were others which were probably in use everywhere, viz.
A quite opposite view has, it is true, found favour with many scholars, viz.
On the whole, then, the earliest traditions in East and West alike agree in effect, viz.
Their situation was so dangerous just because it combined inward debility and outward pressure, both tending to the same result, viz.
From the imperfect and conflicting data which are alone available one positive result can be gathered, viz.
Two of them in particular - the two who had the longest reigns - viz.
He examined the opacity of the air for sound in connexion with lighthouse and siren work, and he finally clinched the proof of what had been already substantially demonstrated by several others, viz.
The most stable basic hydroxides are those of the alkali metals, viz.
Thus we shall be able to specify the system completely when the number of variables, viz.
The proportions of the interior are noble, and in the church are hung three of the masterpieces of Rubens, viz.
In 1560, a year which marked the highest point of its prosperity, six nations, viz.
Glauber devised the process in common use to-day, viz.
It comprised two separate Doric buildings of different date but identical form, viz.
The remains or sites within the Altis may conveniently be classed in three main groups, viz.
It stood to the east of the latter, and had a different orientation, viz.
It consists mainly of 3 parts, viz.
Salaries (traitements) are attached to the military and naval recipients of the order when on the active list, viz.
The badge of both orders is essentially the same, viz.
The traditional form of the surplice in the Church of England is that which survived from pre-Reformation times, viz.
Friedlander, for instance, does not think that they exceeded by much Gibbon's estimate for the reign of Decius, viz.
There is one Anglican society working, like some of those just mentioned, in one particular field, viz.
Three missions just touch the border of Arabia, viz.
This general name seems best to describe the range in question, though, of course, portions of it are in Cantons other than that of Berne, viz.
In the Lower Carboniferous the flora was composed of six great groups of plants, viz.
The greatest length from north to south, viz.
But in addition there is another very important principle underlying many of our thermal processes, viz.
In common open-hearth procedure, although the temperature is low early in the process, viz.
The Babylonian name Shumer was used in the cuneiform inscriptions together with Akkad, viz.
That Shumer actually did mean all Babylonia appears evident from the biblical use of Shinar=Shumer to describe the district which contained the four chief Babylonian cities, viz.
Hence we find Shumer, probably pronounced Shuwer, with a sound similar to that heard to-day in the Scottish Gaelic word lamh, " hand "; viz.
The finest and closest wools are possessed by the amphibious Carnivora and Rodentia, viz.
The supply of the best sort is chiefly from the North Pacific, viz.
The rocks erupted by Etna have always been very constant in composition, viz.
In the first place there are certain principles of cognition which appear to rest upon and to express relations of the universal elements in conscious experience, viz.
Putting aside, then, the various obscurities of terminology, such as the distinction between the objects known, viz.
The possession of this peculiar property by carbon seems to be related to its high valency, amounting to four; and, generally, when we consider the most primitive expression of isomerism, viz.
As an example another series of organic compounds may be taken, viz.
When a catalytic agent, such as sulphurous acid, is added, which produces a mutual change, the whole behaviour is different; only one meltingpoint, viz.
It corresponds to one of the melting-points in the series without catalytic agents, viz.
As a rule there are only the three chief parties, viz.
It has to be emphasized at the outset that the monasteries in which the Benedictine rule was the basis of the life did not form a body or group apart within the great " monastic order," which embraced all monasteries of whatever rule; nor had Benedictine monks any special work or object beyond that common to all monks - viz.
Later Linnaeus established two species, viz.
The method which he followed was that introduced by his contemporary Girard Desargues, viz.
This work, which in course of time acquired canonical authority among the Armenians, is partly compiled from sources which we yet possess, viz.
We learn from Michael the Syrian that his Annals consisted of two parts each divided into eight chapters, and covered a period of 260 years, viz.
Chief Towns.According to the results of the census of the 1st of December 1905 there were within the empire 41 towns with populations exceeding 100,000, viZ.
Three states in Germany have a decidedly predominant Roman Catholic population, viz.
AlsaceLorraine, Bavaria and Baden; and in four states the Protestant element prevails, but with from 24 to 34% of Roman Catholics; viz.
In conseqtienc of this regulation numerous banks resigned the privilege of issuinf notes, and at present there are in Germany but the following privat note banks, issuing private notes, viz, the Bavarian, the Saxon the Wurttemberg, the Baderi and the Brunswick, in addition to th Imperial Bank.
There is no reason to doubt that such, roughly speaking, were the contents of the Clementine work to which Eusebius alludes slightingly, in connexion with that section of it which had to his eye least verisimilitude, viz.
Dr John Wallis, the keeper, allowed him free access to the university registers in 1660; "here he layd the foundation of that book which was fourteen years afterwards published, viz.
Paulsen also gives data from two other stations in Greenland, viz.
There was, however, another element in the southern districts, viz.
Of course, however, those diets in which there was a Federalist majority, viz.
The permanent strength of the Peloponnesian confederacy lay in the Peloponnesian states, all of which except Argos and Achaea were united under Sparta's leadership. But it included also extra-Peloponnesian states - viz.
C. I is on the science of architecture generally, and the branches of knowledge with which the trained architect ought to be acquainted, viz.
The innumerable taxes upon agriculture and industry of all kinds were consolidated into two principal taxes, viz.
According to J, on the other hand, the spokesmen are to be Moses and the elders; and their request is for a temporary departure only, viz.
The principal source is J, from which are derived six plagues, viz.
The Last Plague, the Deliverance from Egypt, the Institution of the Passover and of the Feast of Unleavened Cakes, the Consecration of the First-born.-This section presents the usual phenomena of a composite narrative, viz.
Fragments of this early story of Massah (testing) were incorporated by RP in his story of the manna and the quails, viz.
Now it is obvious that the results obtained by the foregoing analysis of J and E have an important bearing on the history of the remaining section of E's legislation, viz.
These two great enterprises had substantially despatched Justinian's work; however, he, or rather Tribonian, who seems to have acted both as his adviser and as his chief executive officer in all legal affairs, conceived that a third book was needed, viz.
Although this Codex is said to have the same general order as that of the Digest, viz.
The order of the commandments relating to murder, adultery and stealing varies in the Vatican text of the Septuagint, viz.
Of the fifteen genera included by Linnaeus among algae, not more than six - viz.
It would further appear that oogamous reproduction has arisen independently in each of the three main groups of Euchlorophyceae, viz.
While the spore of Bryophyta on germination gives rise to the sexual plant, the carpospore of the alga may give rise on germination to a plant bearing a second sort of asexual cells, viz.
A similar obstacle lies in the way of using a certain native form of active silica, viz.
In all cases, however, the main operations are the same, viz.
Besides an endowed grammar-school (Christ College) at Brecon, there are in the county four secondary schools, established under the Welsh Intermediate Education Act 1899, viz.
It is in some of its latter aspects, viz.
In some of these monuments a doorway is carved in the lower part; the door is usually closed, but in one case, viz.
We can, however, account for the presence of Polynesian blood in Fiji in another way, viz.
Of these, seven were hospitals for the insane - six for specific parts of the state, viz.
The Chinese inscription, which concludes with the date of erection, viz.
The merit of Hegel is to have indicated and to a large extent displayed the filiation and mutual limitation of our forms of thought; to have arranged them in the order of their comparative capacity to give a satisfactory expression to truth in the totality of its relations; and to have broken down the partition which in Kant separated the formal logic from the transcendental analytic, as well as the general disruption between logic and metaphysic. It must at the same time be admitted that much of the work of weaving the terms of thought, the categories, into a system has a hypothetical and tentative character, and that Hegel has rather pointed out the path which logic must follow, viz.
Vertebral column composed of about 50 vertebrae, viz.
Thus, while halos have certain definite radii, viz.
A great many processes have been proposed for the manufacture of alkali from various materials, but none of these has become of any practical importance except those which start from sodium chloride (common salt); and among the latter again only three classes of processes are actually employed for manufacturing purposes, viz.
This furnace acts very well, and has been widely introduced both in Great Britain and in other countries, but it has one great drawback, apart from its high cost, viz.
The maximum escape allowed by the Alkali Acts, viz.
Sometimes a third treatment is necessary in order to get the product up to the strength required in commerce, viz.
Tepid water is run in at one end of the series, where nearly exhausted black-ash is present; the weak liquor takes up more soda from the intermediate tanks and at last gets up to full strength in the last tank, charged with fresh black-ash and kept at a higher temperature, viz.
A very important part of the process has still to be described, viz.
If, however, the action of the chlorine on the sodium hydrate is prevented, which can be done in various ways, they can both be collected in the isolated state and utilized as has been previously described, viz.
There is a third way of conducting the action, viz.
The memoir is remarkable inasmuch as it roused Lagrange, after an interval of inactivity, to compose in his old age one of the greatest of his memoirs, viz.
As regards vertebrate zoology, Afghanistan lies on the frontier of three regions, viz.
A meteorological peculiarity of some interest has been noticed, more especially at the stations of Sibsagar and Silchar, viz.
Apart from the two sects, Sunnis and Shias, whose garb differs in some respects, there are four families of Moslems, viz.
Both telescopes have the same focal length, viz.
In the district of Benguella are the highest points of the province, viz.
There remain two interesting forms, viz.
But perhaps the most singular scene is the council of three great ladies presided over by Servilia at Antium, which decides the movements of Brutus and Cassius in June 44 B.C., when Cassius " looking very fierce - you would say that he was breathing fire and sword " - blustered concerning what he considered an insult, viz.
He brought back no less than ten speeches of Cicero previously unknown to the Italians, viz.
The Paris library has two 9th-century MSS., viz.
In all investigations into the distribution of the stars in space one fact stands out pre-eminently, viz.
All convicts are classed in three categories, viz.
Three hydrated forms are known, viz.
There was, however, a much more dangerous candidate, viz.
It was that which later on was generally adopted, viz.
Granted their genuineness, the relative dating of three of them is given, viz.
The dialectical doctrine of judgment as the declaration of one member of a disjunction by contradiction, which is later so important, is struggling with one of its initial difficulties, 2 viz.
It is in this treatise that what have been called " the conceptual categories " 8 emerge, viz.
A predicate either is expressive of the essence or part of the essence of the subject, viz.
He had abandoned for the most part - the Platonic sense of the corresponding verb, viz.
In the second place, it is in the form in which it was raised in connexion with the individualistic theory of perception with which the Stoics started, that one question of fundamental importance, viz.
Or still more the dialectical device by which the sceptic claims to escape the riposte that his very argument presumes the validity of this or that principle, viz.
What, however, Hume describes as " all the logic I think proper to employ in my reasoning," viz.
If judged by what he denies, viz.
Categories are the forms according to which the combining unity of self-consciousness (synthetic unity of apperception) pluralizes itself through the various functions involved in the constitution of objectivity in different types of the one act of thought, viz.
Even so the inference to the a priori ground of its necessity is, it has been often pointed out, subject to the limitation inherent in any process of reduction, in any regress, that is, from conditionate to condition, viz.
The outstanding feature of this is, nevertheless, not affected, viz.
Grassmann's object seems to have been, all along, of a much more ambitious character, viz.
In the theory of surfaces, in hydrokinetics, heat-conduction, potentials, &c., we constantly meet with what is called " Laplace's operator," viz.
He considers two cases, viz.
The axis of the member xQ+x'Q' of the second-order complex Q, Q' (where Q=nq+wr, Q'=nq'+wr' and x, x' are scalars) is parallel to a fixed plane and intersects a fixed transversal, viz.
Arrhenius, by reasoning similar to that of section 5, applied to an osmotic cell supporting a column of solution by osmotic pressure, deduced the relation between the osmotic pressure P at the bottom of the column and the vapour-pressure p" of the solution at the top, viz.
Adopting for steam the same value of the ratio of the specific heats, viz.
The result found in this manner, viz.
The empirical formulae above quoted must be compared and tested in the light of the theoretical relation between the latent heat and the rate of increase of the vapour-pressure (dp/d0), which is given by the second law of thermodynamics, viz.
In the paper which immediately follows, he gives the oft-quoted expression for the difference of slope (dp/d9) 8 -(dp/de) 1 of the vapour-pressure curves of a solid and liquid at the triple point, which is immediately deducible from (21), viz.
Another curious phenomenon may fitly be referred to in this connexion, viz.
Tungsten forms four chlorides, viz.
Like the others, the German towns should be considered from three points of view, viz.
It should be stated that seven among the episcopal cities, viz.
And besides all these, there existed three competing chief justices and commanders of the forces called in from abroad and holding office for six months, viz.
There was also known an arrangement corresponding to the German alte and sitzende Rat, viz.
The only book dealing with the subject in general, viz.
The ammonite, here an instrument in a nature " marriage," has elsewhere given rise to legends of the destruction of serpents, viz.
The currency is the Mexican and British dollar, the company issuing its own copper coin - viz.
Each of the four main groups, viz, the Caroline, Marshall, Gilbert and Ladrone (Mariana), from long isolation, has developed ethnological peculiarities of its own.
But as Dr Evans has found a form like the digamma among his most recent types of symbols, and as we have no intermediate forms which will prove the development of from Y, though the form found at Oaxos in Crete, viz.
The very numerous theories on the subject have generally been founded on a principle which itself is in need of proof, viz.
Latin D; while the symbol for the voiced spirant o is doubled, it is difficult to believe that the symbol for the spirant g, viz.
But he rejects Taylor's derivation of this alphabet from the Sabaean script, and contends that it is borrowed from the North Semitic. To the pedantry of the Hindu he attributes its main characteristics, viz.
But when the symptoms are fully described they seem to justify this conclusion, one character only being thought to make a distinction between this and Oriental plague, viz.
Congress and the commissioners legislate for the District; the president, the commissioners and the supreme court of the District appoint the administrative officers and boards; and the president appoints the judges of the District courts, viz.
A sort of converse proposition is frequently useful, viz.
The relation between the three forces acting on any particle, viz, the extraneous force and the tensions in the two adjacent portions of the string can be exhibited by means of a triangle of forces; and if the successive triangles be drawn to the same scale they can be fitted together so as to constitute a single force-diagram, as shown in fig.
For the conditions of equilibrium of the forces on each pin furnish vi equations, viz, two for each point, which are linear in respect of the stresses and the extraneous forces.
Dealing in the same way with the forces Yi, Zi at P1, we find that all three components of the force at P1 can be transferred to 0, provided we introduce three couples L1, Mi, Ni about Ox, Oy, Oz respectively, viz.
Since the given wrench can be replaced by a force acting through any assigned point P, and a couple, the locus of the null-lines through P is a plane, viz, a plane perpendicular to the vector which represents the couple.
The forces on this reduce to three, viz.
The omission of the additive arbitrary constants of integration in (8) is equivalent to a special choice of the origin 0 of co-ordinates; viz.
This may be compared with the period of revolution in a circular orbit of radius c about the same centre of force, viz.
Eliminating t we have the equation of the path, viz.
The range on a horizontal plane through 0 is got by putting y=o, viz, it is 2uovo!g.
If in this we put r= I/u, and eliminate t by means of (15), we obtain the general differential equation of central orbits, viz.
There is also an analogue to Lagranges Second Theorem, viz.
If the equations of motion of each particle be formed separately, each such internal force will appear twice over, with opposite signs for its components, viz, as affecting the motion of each of the two particles between which it acts.
The position of the body is specified by a single co-ordinate, viz.
This may be compared with the equation of rectilinear motion of a particle, viz.
We are thus enabled to determine both I and K, viz.
The pitch or axial pitch of a screw has the meaning assigned to it in that section, viz, the distance, measured parallel to the axis, between the corresponding points in two successive turns of the same thread.
Willis adopts another classification founded on the objects of the combinations, which objects he divides into two classes, viz.
Forces applied to Mechanism Classed.If 0 be the obliquity of a force F applied to a piece of a machinethat is, the angle made by the direction of the force with the direction of motion of its point of applicationthen by the principles of statics, F may be resolved into two rectangular components, viz.
In 45 the velocity of sliding at any instant has been given, viz.
In all probability it belongs to the time which was fruitful beyond all others in literary forgeries, viz.
An interesting confirmation of this view from the negative side is furnished by the city which ranked as chief among the Asiatic colonies of Greece, viz.
In the vocabulary the most striking difference is that many words appear from the metre to have contained a sound which they afterwards lost, viz.
This manuscript, written in the 10th century, contains (1) the best text of the Iliad, (2) the critical marks of Aristarchus and (3) Scholia, consisting mainly of extracts from four grammatical works, viz.
Not that the " Wolfian theory " of the Homeric poems is directly supported by anything in the Scholia; the immediate object of the Prolegomena was not to put forward that theory, but to elucidate the new and remarkable conditions under which the text of Homer had to be settled, viz.
Only that Homer was recited in fragments by the rhapsodists, and that these partial recitations were made into a continuous whole by Peisistratus; which does not necessarily mean more than that Peisistratus did what other authorities ascribe to Solon and Hipparchus, viz.
It is true that Tzetzes, one of the writers from whom we have this story, gives a better version, according to which Peisistratus employed four men, viz.
His argument, however, rests on an assumption which we are apt to bring with us to the reading of the Iliad, but which is not borne out by its language, viz.
Brah- Coupled with this abstract conception are two other manism* doctrines, viz.
In addition to such essentially mythological conceptions, we meet in the religious life of this period with an element of more serious aspect in the two gods, on one or other of whom the religious fervour of the large majority of Hindus has ever since concentrated itself, viz.
Two of such new gods actually pass as the sons of Siva and his consort Parvati, viz.
But, in this repect, we also meet in the epics with the first clear evidence of what in after time became the prominent feature of the worship of Siva and his consort all over India, viz.
Certain, however, it is that at least one of his Avatars is clearly based on the Vedic conception of the sun-god, viz.
Of the ten or more Avatars, assumed by different authorities, only two have entered to any considerable extent into the religious worship of the people, viz.
But, on the other hand, the essentially human nature of these two gods 1 As in the case of Siva's traditional white complexion, it may not be without significance, from a racial point of view, that Vishnu, Rama and Krishna have various darker shades of colour attributed to them, viz.
Strange to say, however, no mention is as yet made by any of these works of Krishna's favourite Radha; it is only in another Purana - though scarcely deserving that designation - that she makes her appearance, viz.
In accordance with this type of productive energy, the Saktas divide themselves into two distinct groups, according to whether they attach the greater importance to the male or to the female principle; viz.
The forms in which she is worshipped in Bengal are of the latter category, viz.
Durga, " the unapproachable," and Kali, " the black one," or, as some take it, the wife of Kala, " time," or death the great dissolver, viz.
The table does not include figures for earlier enumerations, but one general character istic in them should be mentioned, viz.
Armenian, Graeco-Rumanian and Graeco-Ruthenian respectively; the rest are subject to the patriarchates, viz.
Of those of the Oriental rite one (Graeco-Ruthenian) is immediately subject to the Holy See; 9 are suffragan sees in ecclesiastical provinces, viz.
The same conception may be expressed in another way, viz.
Over a great part of municipal administration - particularly that engaged in supplying the needs of the individual citizens - the finance may be assimilated to that of the joint-stock company, with of course the necessary differences, viz.
It did not do what the Church of Scotland asked, viz.
At the time of the Roman invasion of Britain, 55 B.C., four distinct dominant tribes, or families, are enumerated west of the Severn, viz.
He probably took the same view that Wolsey had, viz.
Two alternative derivations have been given, viz.
It may, however, be doubted whether the fundamental assumption of such a scheme, viz.
Compounds of Copper.-Copper probably forms six oxides, viz.
It is, however, more broadly applied to a style of fabric originally made from the alpaca wool but now frequently made from an allied type of wool, viz.
It should be added, however, that the Edomite names and other evidence point to the cult of other gods, viz.
But the Septuagint appends the book to Jeremiah (Baruch intervening), just as it adds Ruth to Judges; thus making the number of the books of the Hebrew Canon the same as that of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, viz.
And both refer these woes to the same cause, viz.
If we wish, said Kant, to give a real existence to the thing in itself or the noumenon we can only do so by investing it with the attributes found in our own internal sense, viz.
After the South African War, several different terms were tried for the line infantry and cavalry, but these experiments proved that the terms formerly prevailing, viz.
There are three of these free colonies, viz.