Vividly Sentence Examples
He vividly recalled an evening in Petersburg.
You see, none of my friends describe things to me so vividly and so beautifully as he does....
Stevenson vividly describes the heroism of the captain and crew.
He sat awhile in the hut joyfully recalling the details of his expedition and vividly picturing to himself what would happen next day.
The district abounds in geysers, springs, mud volcanoes and other phenomena; some of the waters have petrifying powers, and some of the springs are vividly coloured.
And he vividly pictured to himself Natasha, not as he had done in the past with nothing but her charms which gave him delight, but for the first time picturing to himself her soul.
Some things I can remember very vividly, others are slightly blurred.
His gaze lifted, and he recalled vividly the last time he.d seen his parents in this very spot, when they were cut down by bloodthirsty demons during the only period in Immortal history when demons attacked humans.
Several of the situations can be more vividly realized from the narratives of Syrian wars ascribed to the time of Omri's dynasty, even if these did not originally refer to the later period.
When he saw Mack and heard the details of his disaster he understood that half the campaign was lost, understood all the difficulties of the Russian army's position, and vividly imagined what awaited it and the part he would have to play.
AdvertisementShe vividly pictured herself as Prince Andrew's wife, and the scenes of happiness with him she had so often repeated in her imagination, and at the same time, aglow with excitement, recalled every detail of yesterday's interview with Anatole.
Kutuzov suddenly cried in an agitated voice, evidently picturing vividly to himself from Prince Andrew's story the condition Russia was in.
His command of the art is such that his plays read like original works, and it may be at least said that some of his characters stand out so vividly from his canvas that they have ever since served as representatives of certain types of humanity, e.g.
The Mediterraneo-Oriental sub-region contrasts no less vividly with the Intermediate than the Arctic-Alpine.
The etiquette of the imperial circle, scenes from the law-courts and the recitationroom, the reunions of dilettanti and philosophers, the busy life of the capital or of the municipal town, the recreations of the seaside and of the country - all these he brings vividly before our eyes.
AdvertisementModern scientific research has vividly illustrated the stereotyped nature of the human mind; there is a general similarity in the effect of similar phenomena upon people at a similar stage of mental growth; there is an almost inherent or unconscious belief which has been transmitted through the countless ages of man's history.
A few impressions stand out vividly from the first years of my life; but "the shadows of the prison-house are on the rest."
The history of his life i s i mmediately continued in I Kings i., where his old age and weakness are for the first time vividly empha sized.
The gradual way in which the several provinces were brought under the general tax system, and the equally gradual extension of Roman citizenship, account further for the irregularity and increased weight of the taxes; as the absence of publicity and the growth of autocracy explain the sense of oppression and the hopelessness of resistance so vividly indicated in the literature of the later Empire.
He vividly imagined the casual questions that might be put to him and the answers he would give.
AdvertisementThen he vividly pictured to himself Bogucharovo, his occupations in the country, his journey to Ryazan; he remembered the peasants and Dron the village elder, and mentally applying to them the Personal Rights he had divided into paragraphs, he felt astonished that he could have spent so much time on such useless work.
The other bears the record of a second expedition to the same land of Punt, undertaken by command of Queen Hatshepsut, 1600 B.C. It is preserved in the vividly chiselled and richly coloured decorations portraying the history of the reign of this famous Pharaoh on the walls of the "Stage Temple" at Thebes.
The history of witchcraft in Europe and its attendant horrors, so vividly painted in Lecky's Rise of Rationalism, are but echoes of this universal refusal of savage man to accept death as the natural end of life.
Tents embroidered with gold were pitched within the sacred enclosure; and the wealth of Dionysius was vividly shown by the number of chariots which he had entered.
The letters vividly describe the approach of the enemy, and, in appealing to Egypt, abound in protestations of loyalty, complaints of the disloyalty of other kings and excuses for the writers' suspicious conduct.
AdvertisementNow anthropological research has vividly shown that woman, naturally fitted (as it seemed) to understand the mysteries of increase, was assigned a prominent part in rites for the furtherance of growth and fertility.
Nothing can be more vividly told than the escape of the Yankee man-of-war through the shoals and from the English cruisers in The Pilot, but there are few things flatter in the range of fiction than the other incidents of the novel.
Davidson's photos vividly evoke the harsh reality of riding the subway then.
I vividly remember seeing oily black stains on Cairn Gorm's snow.
What he afterwards became has been made more vividly familiar by the clever silhouette prefixed to the Miscellaneous Works (Gibbon himself, at least, we know, did not regard it as a caricature), and by Sir Joshua Reynolds's portrait so often engraved.
Using higher quality wool results in softer and more vividly colored area rugs.
The story told in the Pro Cluentio may be true or false, but the picture of provincial crime which it presents is vividly dramatic. Had we only known Cicero in his speeches we should have ranked him with Demosthenes as one who had realized the highest literary ideal.
When the Dogger Bank incident occurred, the possibility of operations of war being carried on within a few miles of British home ports, and amid the busy traffic of the North Sea, was brought vividly home to British minds.
The way language is used in this poem vividly conveys what it feels like to be just about hanging on.
He was a medical doctor who was often in the emergency room, treating the kinds of road accidents that he recreates so vividly on film.
In The Lord of the Rings, he created several languages that vividly distinguished characters and the communities in which they lived.
It was the asiph or festival of ingathering, when the agricultural operations were brought to a close, which exhibited these genial features of CanaaniteHebrew life most vividly.
However vividly Howie dreamed, or whatever he had; a vision or an apparition, we all know his mind conjured it up.
Also brilliantly done was how the author vividly brought ancient Rome, and especially ancient Roman politics, to life.
In his retreat he was still vividly haunted by the demon " Bread Tax.
The spread of anthrax through the United States Postal Service in October 2001 vividly dramatized the potential problem.
The book vividly describes the geology of Essex from the deeply buried Paleozoic rocks to the soft sands and clays of the Ice Age.
And from him we have immense amounts to learn, as Simon Schama's recent magnum opus vividly demonstrates.
Both vividly portray the material losses inflicted upon Russia by the civil war.
Inside the house, the period is vividly recalled with original photographs from Michael McCartney.
He looks back and just vividly recollects - sometimes with humor - his role in the revolution.
Lesley Blanch vividly recounts the epic story of their heroic and bloody struggle and the life of a man still legendary in the Caucasus.
She lets the characters life their lives around the film's edges, which vividly recreates the buzz of urban life.
Zach Braff's visual treat is vividly brought to life via an extremely sharp picture that really takes you into Large's world.
At times The Pinhoe Egg was DWJ doing slapstick, with some vividly entertaining scenes.
This completely unabridged version of Lord of the Rings is brought vividly to life through an assured performance by Rob Inglis.
Perhaps no single statement could more vividly emphasize the change in the point of view from which scholars regard the chronology of ancient history than the citation of this indisputable fact.
The image of a centaur seems asimuch external to the mind as any object of sense; and since the difference between imagination and perception is only one of degree, God could so act upon the mind of a person imagining a centaur, that he would perceive it as vividly as any object can be seen.
Bishop Ingham's book contains long extracts from the diary of Governor Clarkson, which vividly portray the conditions of life in the infant colony.
She lets the characters life their lives around the film 's edges, which vividly recreates the buzz of urban life.
Zach Braff 's visual treat is vividly brought to life via an extremely sharp picture that really takes you into Large 's world.
I vividly remember seeing oily black stains on Cairn Gorm 's snow.
Davidson 's photos vividly evoke the harsh reality of riding the subway then.
In the world of literature, poems by teens allow exciting new voices to be heard, vividly bringing adolescence to life.
A more 1980s look is now trendy, although older girls keep more to two color choices, rather than mixing it up so vividly.
When the women in a science fiction/fantasy film or show have special powers, it stirs the imagination more vividly than most other depictions of an attractive actress.
Whether going on vacation or just heading out to the beach or pool on the weekend, few patterns set the fun tone that these vividly colored trunks can.
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Athleta is an offshoot of the very famous Gap store, but here you'll be able to find bright and vividly colored skirtinis that are perfect for the beach or pool.
Children of the 1980s will vividly remember Teddy Ruxpin, the storytelling Teddy Bear that enchanted kids and brought them hours of companionship.
Look for warm weather dresses in colors that fit the season, whether they're bright white, pastel or vividly patterned.
These patterns, called shells, are vividly colored and filled with attractive prints that are guaranteed to please.
Urban legends are often so much more colorful and emotionally-driven than regular news stories that the mind tends to remember them more vividly.
Higher-priced name brand monitors tend to include extra features such as built-in cameras and LCD panel technology that displays color more vividly than budget brands.
The prime cause in most cases was the unsatisfactory economic condition of the working classes, which they realized all the more vividly for the very improvements that had been made in it, while education and better communications enabled them to organize themselves.
Where the material is fuller, serious discrepancies are found; and where external evidence is fortunately available, the independent character of the biblical history is vividly illustrated.
Although our conception of the poet's life is necessarily vague and meagre, yet his personal force is so remarkable and so vividly impressed on his poem, that we seem able to form a consistent idea of his qualities and characteristics.
The religious vocation of Israel was no longer national but ecclesiastical or municipal, and the historical continuity of the nation was vividly realized only within the walls of Jerusalem and the courts of the Temple, in the solemn assembly and stately ceremonial of a feast day.
The triumph of this " universalistic " element in the teaching of Christ is vividly portrayed in the Acts of the apostles.
As it stands it vividly recalls the rebellious Israelites of the wilderness wanderings.
In his Fasti he treats a subject of national interest; it is not, however, through the strength of Roman sentiment but through the power of vividly conceiving and narrating stories of strong human interest that the poem lives.
In all this the supernatural is as vividly realized as in the Roman Church; it is only its mediation which is different.
Taken between 1976 and 1987, these images vividly depict the vibrant social scene surrounding Warhol.
And suddenly he saw vividly before him a long-forgotten, kindly old man who had given him geography lessons in Switzerland.
Again, the contrast between Lazarus and Dives in the future state pictures vividly the reversals that are in store; but it is unreasonable to take it as implying that every poor man, whatever his moral character, will be blessed.
On one occasion a curious set of incidents were described, which happened to be vividly present to the mind of a sceptical stranger who chanced to be in the room during the experiment; events unknown to the inquirer in this instance.
When we turn from the man to the author, the decadence of the age and race that could develop a political philosophy so arid in its cynical despair of any good in human nature forces itself vividly upon our notice.
Side by side with full, vividly coloured descriptions of the Zoroastrian deities, they frequently interweave, as episodes, stories from the old heroic fables.
The prologue is an organic portion of the Gospel and not a preface written to conciliate a philosophic public. It assumes that the Logos idea is familiar in Christian theology, and vividly summarizes the main features of the Philonic conception - the eternal existence of the Logos, its relation to God (7rpds rem OE 6v, yet distinct), its creative, illuminative and redemptive activity.
The preaching of Wesley and Whitefield and appealed direct to the emotions, with its doctrine of White- conversion, and called upon each individual not field, to understand, or to admire, or to act, but vividly to realize the love and mercy of God.
This aspect of the sun-god is vividly brought out in the hymns addressed to him, which are, therefore, among the finest productions in the entire realm of Babylonian literature.
At large few European birds possess greater beauty, the pure white of its scapulars and inner web of the flight-feathers contrasting vividly with the deep glossy black on the rest of its body and wings, while its long tail is lustrous with green, bronze, and purple reflections.
The important events during the earlier part of the reign of the emperor Henry IV., including the visit to Canossa and the battle of Hohenburg, are vividly described.
The first was intended to consist of types or examples of investigations conducted by the new method, serviceable for keeping the whole process vividly before the mind, or, as the title indicates, such that the mind could run rapidly up and down the several steps or grades in the process.
The phenomenon, which depends upon the inequalities of the moon's limb, was so vividly described by him as to attract an unprecedented amount of attention to the totality of the 8th of July 1842, observed by Baily himself at Pavia.
And by some latent sequence of thought the descent of the Mozhaysk hill, the carts with the wounded, the ringing bells, the slanting rays of the sun, and the songs of the cavalrymen vividly recurred to his mind.
In his Commentaries, by laying aside the ornaments of oratory, he created the most admirable style of prose narrative, the style which presents interesting events in their sequence of time and dependence on the will of the actor, rapidly and vividly, with scarcely any colouring of personal or moral feeling, any oratorical passion, any pictorial illustration.
The terrible condition of the army, vividly described in the letters which the war correspondents of the newspapers sent home, aroused strong feelings of indignation in Great Britain.
He again vividly recalled the details of the battle, no longer dim, but definite and in the concise form in which he imagined himself stating them to the Emperor Francis.
To appreciate them we must take them for what they are, pieces of declamation, intended either to enliven the course of the narrative, to place vividly before the reader the feelings and aims of the chief actors, or more frequently still to enforce some lesson which the author himself has at heart.
Of his early life very little is certainly known, in spite of the fact that his History of the Reformation and his private letters, especially the latter, are often vividly autobiographical.
As a wife she was wholly admirable; she had to entertain a man who would not be amused, and had to submit to that terribly strict court etiquette of absolute obedience to the king's inclination, which Saint-Simon so vividly describes, and yet be always cheerful and never complain of weariness or ill-health.
Here, again, the theology was further developed, and an attempt made to annul the old dualism by envisaging both Ormuzd and Ahriman as emanations of an original principle of infinite time (Zervan), a doctrine which long enjoyed official validity under the Sassanids till, in the reign of Chosroes I., the sect of Zervanites was pronounced heretical.i But, above all, the ritual and the doctrine of purity were elaborated and expanded, and there was evolved a complete and detailed system of casuistry, dealing with all things allowed and forbidden, the forms of pollution and the expiation for each, &c., which, in its arid and spiritles1 monotony vividly recalls the similar prescriptions in the Pentateuch.
Since his day no one, unless it be Olive Schreiner in The Story of an African Farm, has so vividly painted the life and the atmosphere of that vast continent lying to the south of the Zambezi.
After great suffering Hsiian Tsang reached Igu, the seat of a Turkish principality, and pursued his way along the southern foot of the T'ian-shan, which he crossed by a glacier pass (vividly described) in the longitude of Lake Issyk-kul.
All that was distressing, and especially all that was humiliating, in her position rose vividly to her mind.
The epic of national life, vividly conceived but rudely executed by Ennius, was perfected in the years that followed the decisive victory at Actium.
The descriptions of South American scenery in Westward Ho!, of the Egyptian desert in Hypatia, of the North Devon scenery in Two Years Ago, are among the most brilliant pieces of wordpainting in English prose-writing; and the American scenery is even more vividly and more truthfully described when he had seen it only by the eye of his imagination than in his work At Last, which was written after he had visited the tropics.
So vividly did he recall that hospital stench of dead flesh that he looked round to see where the smell came from.
She vividly recalled the moment when he had his first stroke and was being dragged along by his armpits through the garden at Bald Hills, muttering something with his helpless tongue, twitching his gray eyebrows and looking uneasily and timidly at her.