Visits Sentence Examples
In prison she won the affections of the guards, and was allowed the privilege of writing materials and the occasional visits of devoted friends.
It visits Palestine, but is unknown in Egypt.
She rarely made an exception and went out to pay visits, and then only to the most important persons in the town.
According to his expense accounts, he only went to Scranton twice that we know of—both visits only a day or two.
He never offered financial support, and though he claimed to want to see his daughter, visits never came to fruition.
The races, the English Club, sprees with Denisov, and visits to a certain house--that was another matter and quite the thing for a dashing young hussar!
That evening she expected several important personages who had to be made ashamed of their visits to the French theater and aroused to a patriotic temper.
These visits of Natasha's at night before the count returned from his club were one of the greatest pleasures of both mother, and daughter.
The conqueror visits a cannibal kingdom and finds many marvels in the palace of Porus, among them a vine with golden branches, emerald leaves and fruit of other precious stones.
None of us admitted to the possibility that the visions were real visits to the past.
AdvertisementHe later made yearly visits to Paris.
In the earliest Audit Rolls after the restoration of the college in 1467 there are many entries of visits of Provost Westbury to "the lord of Winchester," which in January1468-1469were for "beginning the work of the church" "and providing money for them."
Her visits are nothing more than an inspection tour.
He paid frequent visits to the court of his godfather the emperor Frederick II., and his loyalty to Frederick and to his son Conrad IV.
Over the next couple of weeks, Cynthia made a few visits to town, once taking in a movie before she returned.
AdvertisementThe unspeakable deeds of this animal who held us were well known to me, vicariously, through the notes of Howie's visits to his past.
Gabriel's visits weren't often, but Rhyn had grown to like him.
The reports went back nearly three years and listed dates, locations and dollars expended, with each entry carefully and manually recording names, locations, reasons for visits and persons present.
The excessive heat of the upper regions compels him to descend, and he next visits the bottom of the sea in a kind of diving-bell.
Other schools of philosophy pay flying visits to theism; intuitionalism is at home there.
AdvertisementThe home established near Port Blair is used as a sort of free asylum which the native visits according to his pleasure.
We are also able to carry out home visits to disabled, elderly or otherwise housebound individuals.
Kronfeld has shown that aconites are dependent for this on the visits of a Bombus and cannot exist outside the area where it occurs.
After the reign of Xerxes, Persis and Persepolis became utterly neglected, in spite of occasional visits, and even the palaces of Persepolis remained in part unfinished.
British visits to Eastern countries, at this time, were not confined to the voyages of the company.
AdvertisementA flamingo (Phoeniconaias) visits Fisherman Lake, and there are a good many species of herons.
Machine shops are usually provided to enable minor repairs to be executed; the tendency, both in England and America, is to increase the amount of such repairing plant at engine sheds, thus lengthening the intervals between the visits of the engines to the main repairing shops of the railway.
His account of his visits to England, entitled The Indian Eye on English Life (1893), passed through three editions, and an earlier book of a somewhat satirical nature, Gujarat and the Gujaratis (1883), was equally popular.
Other common modifications arise from the union of certain parts of the perianth to each other, and from the varied and often very remarkable outgrowths from the lip. These modifications are associated with the structure and habits of insects and their visits to the flowers.
Havingattained its object the insect withdraws, taking the pollen-masses, and visits another flower.
These illustrations are comparatively simple; it would have been easy to select others of a more complicated nature, but all evidently connected with the visits of insects and the cross fertilization of the flower.
Subsequent visits to the same part of North America, often performed under circumstances of discomfort and occasionally of danger, brought to this intrepid and energetic explorer the reward he had so fully earned.
In addition to th e se residents or natives of the locality, Shelley, Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Clough, Crabb Robinson, Carlyle, Keats, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Mrs Hemans, Gerald Massey and others of less reputation made longer or shorter visits, or were bound by ties of friendship with the poets already mentioned.
Official receptions are held on it, and private visits paid; friends congratulate one another, and presents are given; new clothes are put on, and the graves of relatives are visited.
It was now essentially an animal den, the occasional visits of man being indicated by the rare occurrence of flintimplements.
During those two years he paid three visits to the university.
His people hailed every appearance among them with delight, and his visits to various parts of the country were public holidays.
In London society, and in Paris during his occasional visits, he was a recognized favourite for his genial wisdom and his great conversational power.
In Sambucus and Viburnum the small white flowers are massed in heads; honey is secreted at the base of the styles and, the tube of the flower being very short, is exposed to the visits of flies and insects with short probosces.
His life in London was varied by frequent visits to Italy, where he occupied himself more in literary and antiquarian research than with art.
The earliest account of the catacombs, that of St Jerome narrating his visits to them when a schoolboy at Rome, about A.D.
The relics having been removed, the visits of pilgrims naturally ceased, and by degrees the very existence of those wonderful subterranean cemeteries was forgotten.
Our description of the Roman Catacombs cannot be more appropriately introduced than by St Jerome's account of his visits to them in his youth, already referred to, which, catacombs after the lapse of above fifteen centuries, presents a of Rome.
Their yearly visits to Serajevo assumed in time the character of an informal parliament, for the discussion of national questions; and their rights tended always to increase, and to become hereditary, in fact, though not in law.
Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz's journey to Europe and the return visits paid by foreign princes strengthened Turkey's relations with foreign states.
He often accompanied his father on his official visits to the lighthouses of the Scottish coast and on longer journeys, thus early accustoming himself to travel.
In 1875 appeared, anonymously, his Appeal to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, and in that year he made the first of many visits to the forest of Fontainebleau.
The people dressed themselves gaily, some in the disguise of the mythical personages in the suite of Dionysus, and paid a round of visits to their acquaintances.
Here he remained for the rest of his life, with occasional visits to Honolulu, until he became stricken with leprosy in 1885.
The historians of the Roman Empire have left us some particulars of the visits of emperors and generals to Britain, but little or nothing about what happened in London, and we should be more ignorant than we are of the condition of Londinium if it had not been that a large number of excavations have been made in various parts of the city which have disclosed a considerable amount of its early history.
The former, visits paid in accordance with a vow, were very frequent in the middle ages, and were under the special protection of the pope, who put the ban upon any who should molest pilgrims "who go to Rome for God's sake."
The visits demanded by law were of more importance.
His attention was directed to the question of the flow of glaciers in 1840 when he met Louis Agassiz at the Glasgow meeting of the British Association, and in subsequent years he made several visits to Switzerland and also to Norway for the purpose of obtaining accurate data.
All disorders and irregularities were checked by the periodical visits of the tucuyricocs or inspectors.
He paid the duke of Buccleuch, was the scene of the most occasional visits to friends in London, Scotland and the south of France; but the remainder of his life was spent for the most part at Hawarden.
Much of the information in this was derived from personal experience, for Defoe claims to have made many more tours and visits about England than those of which we have record; but the major part must necessarily have been dexterous compilation.
Owing to the influx caused by the periodical visits of the daimyos (feudal lords) with their numerous attendants, it probably exceeded qmillion during the early part of the 19th century.
The latter it visits in the evening in search of food; and where roe are numerous the damage done to growing crops is considerable.
During his visits to England he was at the disposal of Cardinal Wiseman, who through him, at the time of the Crimean War, was enabled to obtain from the government the concession that for the future Roman Catholic army chaplains should not be regarded as part of the staff of the Protestant chaplain-general.
The approach to his house was free, and he loved to pass through the city unattended and to pay unexpected visits to his friends.
The nest is a beautifully neat structure, often placed at no great height from the ground, but generally so well hidden by the leafy bough on which it is built as not to be easily found, until, the young being hatched, the constant visits of the parents reveal its site.
Unlike his predecessors, who had rarely stayed long in Anjou, Rene from 1443 onwards paid long visits to it, and his court at Angers became one of the most brilliant in the kingdom of France.
Three visits which he had paid to Italy in his capacity of army chaplain had done much to open his eyes to the worldly character of the papal rule, and it was not long before he began to attack at Einsiedeln the superstitions which attended the great pilgrimages made to that place.
About 1530 he appears to have revisited the Spanish court, but on what precise errand is not known; the confusion concerning this period of his life extends to the time when, after visits to Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala, he undertook an expedition in 1537 into Tuzulutlan, the inhabitants of which were, chiefly through his tact, peaceably converted to Christianity, mass being celebrated for the first time amongst them in the newly founded town of Rabinal in 1538.
From 1760 to 1790 he remained with the Esterhazys, principally at their country-seats of Esterhaz and Eisenstadt, with occasional visits to Vienna in the winter.
Prince Leopold still lived at this time at Claremont, where Princess Charlotte had died, and this became the duchess of Kent's occasional English home; but she was much addicted to travelling, and spent several months every year in visits to watering-places.
Never again during her reign did the queen live in London, and Buckingham Palace was only used for occasional visits of a few days.
These visits, became annual and permanent settlements were made.
In the interval between these visits he fought for his country during the war of the second partition, and would subsequently have served under Kosciuszko also had he not been arrested on his way to Poland at Brussels by the Austrian government.
There also exists in two manuscripts a short poem, La Folie Tristan, relating how Tristan, disguised as a fool, visits the court of King Mark.
He was now to extend his ecclesiastical system to Scotland, where 'during his visits the appearance of the churches had greatly displeased him.
As the emissary of Lorenzo, Janus Lascaris paid two visits to the East, returning from his second visit in 1492 with two hundred MSS.
At Canterbury he inspired with his own love of learning his nephew, Linacre, who joined him on one of those visits, studied Greek at Florence under Politian and Chalcondyles, and apparently stayed in Italy from 1485 to 1499.
Now, if either of these visits to Jerusalem could be identified with any of the visits whose dates have been approximately settled in the chronology of A.D.
Within the limits of the area under notice, his first voyage (1769) included visits to Tahiti and the Society group generally, to New Zealand and to the east coast of Australia, his second (1773-1774) to New Zealand, the Paumotu Archipelago, the Society Islands, Tonga and subsequently Easter Island, the Marquesas and the New Hebrides; and his third (1777-1778) to Tonga, the Cook or Norway group, and the Hawaiian Islands, of which, even if they were previously known to the Spaniards, he may be called the discoverer, and where he was subsequently killed.
Among the Orientals betel is offered on ceremonial visits in the same manner as wine is produced on similar occasions by Europeans.
For the next ten years Smith lived with his mother at Kirkcaldy, only paying occasional visits to Edinburgh and London; he was engaged in close study during most of this time.
On the 17th of October 1909 President Taft and President Diaz exchanged visits at the frontier at El Paso, Texas.
In 1823 he resigned the embassy and established himself at Bonn, where the remainder of his life was spent, with the exception of some visits to Berlin as councillor of state.
The mere immobility of the body was sufficient to show that its state was not identical with that of waking; when, in addition, the sleeper awoke to give an account of visits to distant lands, from which, as modern psychical investigations suggest, he may even have brought back veridical details, the conclusion must have been irresistible that in sleep something journeyed forth, which was not the body.
Dreams are sometimes explained by savages as journeys performed by the sleeper, sometimes as visits paid by other persons, by animals or objects to him; hallucinations, possibly more frequent in the lower stages of culture, must have contributed to fortify this interpretation, and the animistic theory in general.
He paid frequent visits to Europe, Japan and the United States (where his son Rathindranath became a student in the university of California), and carried through several lecturing tours.
Harrington and others; also articles in Canadian Economics and in the Handbook of Canada, published on the occasion of visits of the British Association.
It only visits the land to deposit its single white egg, which is laid on a rocky ledge, where a shallow nest is made in the turf and lined with a little dried grass.
He appears only twice on the scene of action during the war - to make arrangements for the duel between Paris and Menelaus, and to beg the body of Hector for burial from Achilles, whom he visits in his tent by night.
The last ten years of his life were passed in complete retirement at Brantwood, in the loving care of the Severn family, to whom the estate was transferred, with occasional visits from friends, but with no sustained work beyond correspondence, the revision of his works, and a few notes and prefatory words to the books of others.
One of the most notable efforts directed to the deliberate cementing of friendship has been the interchange of official visits by municipal bodies.
This visit was followed by a return visit to Paris and a similar exchange of visits between the London City Corporation and the Paris Municipal Council, exchange visits Of the city corporations of Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh and Lyons, and a visit of the Manchester Corporation to Dusseldorf, Barmen and Cologne.
A society, numbering many thousands of working men among its members, which has set itself the more special task of promoting the interchange of visits between working men of different nations, is called the " International Brotherhood Alliance," or, after the initials of its motto, Fraternitas inter genies, the F.I.G.
William Roper, husband of More's eldest daughter, mentions one of these visits, when the king after dinner walked in the garden by the space of an hour holding his arm round More's neck.
The Russo-Japanese War came to an end; the new offensive and defensive alliance with Japan was signed on the 12th of August; the successful AngloFrench agreement, concluded in April 1904, had brought out a vigorous expression of cordiality between England and France, shown in an enthusiastic exchange of naval visits; and the danger, which threatened in the early summer, of complications with France and Gemany over Morocco, was in a fair way of being dispelled by the support given to France by Great Britain.
The two visits paid by Emperor William II.
But Spangenberg's relations with the Moravians were confirmed by several visits to the colony, and the accident of an unfavourable appeal to the lot alone prevented his appointment as chief elder of the community, March 1733.
Since the Ship Canal made Manchester into a cotton port there has been a steady development of the raw cotton trade in Manchester, and many cotton brokers and merchants have Manchester offices or pay regular visits from Liverpool.
Making yearly visits to the country, and further keeping himself in touch with it by means of a special "minister of Silesia," he was enabled to effect numerous political reforms, chief of which were the strict enforcement of religious toleration and the restriction of oppressive seignorial rights.
During his later years his society was much courted, and he received many visits from foreigners of distinction.
The visits of Western scholars in modern times to Greek monasteries in search of MSS.
It visits Great Britain every year at the close of summer, but in very small numbers, and is almost always seen singly - not uncommonly in places where no one could expect to find a Snipe.
Johns (1771-1845), in George Street, Manchester, where his daily round of laboratory work and tuition was broken only by annual excursions to the Lake district and occasional visits to London, "a surprising place and well worth one's while to see once, but the most disagreeable place on earth for one of a contemplative turn to reside in constantly."
From 1871 his health failed, in spite of several visits to Florence and the Riviera.
There are 980 doctors (most of them fully qualified) labouring in British and American missions; and in 1 9 10 it was calculated that the in-patients in mission hospitals exceeded 160,000, while the visits of out-patients in a year were about 5,000,000.
For twenty-five years he lived at Detroit and other places in America, paying occasional visits to Europe, and all the time carrying his life in his hand.
After visits by travellers, including Cyriac of Ancona (1444), Richter (1822), and Kiepert (1842), Samothrace was explored in 1857 by Conze, who published an account of it, as well as the larger neighbouring islands, in 1860.
Nelson was received with formal civility by the Russian officers, with whom he exchanged visits.
In 1869 he received the visits of the emperor of Austria, the Empress Eugenie and other foreign princes, on their way to the opening of the Suez Canal, and King Edward VII., while prince of Wales, twice visited Constantinople during his reign.
He also paid several visits to England and travelled in other countries of Europe.
But his visits to the new lands aroused much interest, and his brother Thorstein made an unsuccessful attempt to find them.
Two others are proclamations commemorating visits paid by the king, one to the dome erected over the ashes of Konagamana, the Buddha, another to the birthplace of Gotama, the Buddha.
Boswell practised in the Parliament House of Edinburgh, and could pay only occasional visits to London.
During those visits his chief business was to watch Johnson, to discover all Johnson's habits, to turn the conversation to subjects about which Johnson was likely to say something remarkable, and to fill quarto notebooks with minutes of what Johnson had said.
The Acts, in describing the visits of Peter to Samaria, Joppa, Lydda and Caesarea, justify the view that his missionary activity began quite early.
The tribal dukes had all disappeared, and their duchies were split up into districts ruled by counts (q.v),whose tendencies to independence the emperor tried to check by the visits of the missi dominici.
It led, through Dion, to the several visits of Plato to Sicily under both the elder and the younger Dionysius.
She visits his sins upon the children born of his intrigues, and is thus the constant enemy of Heracles and Dionysus.
Ladies of the upper or middle classes lead a life of extreme inactivity, spending their time at the bath, which is the general place of gossip, or in receiving visits, embroidering, and the like, and in absolute dolce far niente.
In Ireland legends of the banshee belong more particularly to certain families in whose records periodic visits from the spirit are chronicled.
His interest in mineralogy led him to study the geology of volcanic regions, and he made frequent visits to the Eifel with a view to the discovery of a theory of volcanic action.
His visits to the country in 1838 and 1840 were followed by an expedition sent by the British government in 1842 to transport to England the valuable monuments now in the British Museum, while Admiral Spratt and Edward Forbes explored the interior, and laid down its physical features on an excellent map. The monuments thus brought to light are among the most interesting of those discovered in Asia Minor, and prove the existence of a distinct native architecture, especially in the rock-cut tombs.
In 1891 he made some brief continental visits, one to Madrid, and in October he saw through the press his little monograph upon William Pitt, in the Twelve English Statesmen Series, of which it may be said that it competes in interest with Viscount Morley's Walpole.
The visits are generally made in the night, and are often greatly dreaded, especially when there may be any supposed reason for spite on the part of the dead towards living relatives.
In 1673 Marquette, under orders to begin a mission to the Indians, who were known to the French by their visits to the French settlements in the Lake Superior region, and Louis Joliet, who acted under orders of Jean Talon, Intendant of Canada, ascended the Fox river, crossed the portage between it and the Wisconsin river, and followed that stream to the Mississippi, which they descended to a point below the mouth of the Arkansas.
In the course of his visits to Italy he formed friendships with famous artists such as Thorwaldsen and Cornelius.
His work is marred by the hastiness of his visits and consequent.
After his return to America he made several visits to England.
There were border wars with rebellious savage tribes, attacks made by Chinese pirates seeking plunder or refuge, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes and the periodical visits of marauders from the southern islands.
The fourth stage concedes to the prisoner a mattress every night, and the privilege, if well conducted, to communicate by letter or through visits with his friends outside.
He is said to have worn an iron belt as penance for his share in his father's death; and by his frequent visits to shrines, and his benefactions to religious foundations, he won a reputation for piety.
These are, the account given by Paul of his visits to Jerusalem in Galatians as compared with Acts; and the character and mission of the apostle Paul, as they appear in his letters and in Acts.
But it is otherwise as regards the visits of Gal.
But in fact the issues of the two visits, as given in Gal.
During the three years following he played in Paris, the French provinces and Switzerland, and paid three visits to England.
The high-caste Brahman will probably keep at his home asalagram stone, the favourite symbol of Vishnu, as well as the characteristic emblems of Siva and his consort, to both of which he will do reverence in the morning; and when he visits some holy place of pilgrimage, he will not fail to pay his homage at both the Saiva and the Vaishnava shrines there.
Whether the incarnation theory started from the original solar nature of the god suggestive of regular visits to the world of men, or in what other way it may have originated, must remain doubtful.
To the latter (the coast of New England), the Northmen during the same period made " temporary visits for timber and peltries, or missionary voyages to evangelize for a season the natives."
His regular visits to Oxford kept him in intercourse with his old friends in Oriel common room, and made him familiar with the currents of feeling which swayed the university.
His official visits to New England in 1789, to Rhode Island in 1790 and to the South in 1791 enabled him to test public opinion at the same time that they increased popular interest in the national government.
In person he was tall and rather thin; his dress was old-fashioned and singularly uniform, and was inclined to be shabby about the times when the precisely arranged visits of his tailor were due.
The Russian system was now in full swing; domiciliary visits, illegal arrests and banishments, and the suppression of newspapers, were the order of the day.
This enthusiastic priest at once began to re-assert the ancient metropolitan claims of the historic Welsh see, and between the years1199-1203paid three visits to Rome in order to obtain the support of Pope Innocent III.
From 1711 onward Valentine Wightman (1681-1747) of Connecticut (General Baptist) made occasional missionary visits to New York at the invitation of Nicolas Eyres, a business man who had adopted Baptist views, and in 1714 baptized Eyres and several others, and assisted them in organizing a church.
Forces of the Dominions and Colonies.-Lord Kitchener and Sir John French in1909-1910paid visits of inspection to Australia and Canada in connexion with the reorganization by the local governments of their military forces, and a beginning was made of a common organization of the forces of the empire in the colonial military conference of 1909.
But, though the details of the story thus fall to pieces, it is still possible that in the five years which followed his retirement from Amsterdam Spinoza, who was living within easy distance and paid visits to the city from time to time, may have kept up his connexion with Van den Ende, and that the attachment may have dated from this later period.
From Rhijnsburg he had paid frequent visits to the Hague, and it was probably the desire Boyle, and acquainted with most of the leaders of science in England as well as with many on the Continent.
It had as one of its special objects the housing and entertainment of the bishop and canons of St Mary of Bethlehem, the mother-church, on their visits to England.
To Persis and Persepolis the kings paid only occasional visits especially at their coronations.
The affairs of State Shahs during his absence were entrusted to a council of Visits to ministers, under the presidency of his second son, Europe, Malik Mansur Mirza, Shua-es-Sultaneh, who had made 1909, 1902.
But on account of the mourning in which several courts were thrown through the death of the king of Italy (July 29) and the duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (July 30), the visits to England, Germany and Italy were abandoned.
With the exception of occasional visits to Paris, he spent the rest of his life in his native province.
The Bandanese pay occasional visits to shoot bears and deer; there are numbers of wild goats and cattle; and among birds are mentioned cassowaries, cockatoos, birds of paradise, and the swallows that furnish edible nests.
The poverty and natural strength of the country, combined with the ferocious habits of the natives, seem to have equally repelled the friendly visits of inquisitive strangers and the hostile incursions of invading armies.
The close relations that prevailed between the reigning houses of Portugal, Provence and Aragon, cemented by intermarriages, introduced a knowledge of the gay science, but it reached Portugal by many other ways - by the crusaders who came to help in fighting the Moors, by the foreign prelates who occupied Peninsular sees, by the monastic and military orders who founded establishments in Portugal, by the visits of individual singers to court and baronial houses, but chiefly perhaps by the pilgrims who streamed from every country along the Frankish way to the far-famed shrine of Santiago de Compostela.
The consular attaches divide their time between special investigations abroad, and visits to manufacturing districts in the United Kingdom.
For the use of Charles II., during his visits to the races, a palace, no longer extant, was built on the site of the lodge of James I.
The first recorded exploration of Idaho by white men was made by Lewis and Clark, who passed along the Snake river to its junction with the Columbia; in 1805 the site of Fort Lemhi in Lemhi county was a rendezvous for two divisions of the Lewis and Clark expedition; later, the united divisions reached a village of the Nez Perce Indians near the south fork of the Clearwater river, where they found traces of visits by other white men.
Visits to the Iles d'Hieres, and the composition of a fish sauce in imitation of the ancient garum, which he sent to his friend Etienne Dolet, are associated, not very certainly, with his stay at Montpellier, which, lasting rather more than a year at first, was renewed at intervals for several years.
On the occasion of one of her visits to Madrid during Alphonso XII.'s reign she began to intrigue with the politicians of the capital, and was peremptorily requested to go abroad again.
In 1810, at the invitation of the Dublin Society, he gave a course of lectures on electro-chemical science, and in the following year he again lectured in Dublin, on chemistry and geology, receiving large fees at both visits.
In other cases the impression is involuntary or less consciously sought, as in dreams, which, however, are sometimes induced, for purposes of divination, by the process known as incubation or temple sleep. Dreams are sometimes regarded as visits to or from gods or the souls of the dead, sometimes as signs to be interpreted symbolically by means of dream-books, which are found not only in Europe but in less cultured countries like Siam.
From that moment he appears to have directed his attention closely to foreign affairs; indeed he had already urged on the duke of Wellington a more active interference in the affairs of Greece; he had made several visits to Paris, where he foresaw with great accuracy the impending revolution; and on the 1st of June 1829 he made his first great speech on foreign affairs.
His successor Mendez was a man of much less conciliatory manners, and the feelings of the people became strongly excited against the intruders, till at length, on the death of the negus Sysenius, Socinius or Seged I., and the accession of his son Fasilidas in 1633, they were all sent out of the country, after having had a footing there for nearly a century Visits of and a half.
For convenience' sake we insert at this point a partial list of missionaries and others who visited the country during the second third of the 19th century - merely calling attention to the fact that their visits were distributed over widely different parts of the country, ruled by distinct lines of monarchs or governors.
The litigation that ensued dragged on for several years, and forced upon Leonardo frequent visits to Florence and interruptions of his work at Milan, in spite of pressing letters to the authorities of the republic from Charles d'Amboise, from the French king himself, and from others of his powerful friends and patrons, begging that the proceedings might be accelerated.
But he soon began to grow tired of Ireland again and to pay visits in Leicester and London.
In 1720, on what occasion is uncertain, he began to pay her regular visits.
Like a genial Dr. Johnson in conversation, he made easy captives of British statesmen on his visits to London.
It presents two visits of Enoch to heaven in lxxi.
It led to an exchange of visits between the emperor and King Charles, who also visited the tsar Nicholas II.
The Hradcany was for a time the residence of Rudolph, crown prince of Austria, and it is also occupied by the emperor of Austria during his visits to Prague.
Before 1 335 Philippa had established a small colony of Flemish weavers at Norwich, and she showed an active interest in the weaving trade by repeated visits to the town.
Various memorials in and near the town commemorate the visits of Schiller to the neighbourhood in 1787 and 1788.
After that their visits came fast and furious on the shore-line of every English kingdom, and by the end of Ecgberts reign it was they, and not his former Welsh and Mercian enemies, who were the old monarchs main source of trouble.
Visits to their continental dominions had to be few and far between; they were long, costly and dangerous when a French fleeta thing never seen before Philip Augustus conquered Normandymight be roaming in the Channel.
From this time forward the Venetian monopoly ceased, and the visits of English merchant vessels to the Mediterranean became frequent and regular.
There were many visits to Torquay; he gratified her with gossiping letters about the great people with whom and the great affairs with which the man who did so much honour to her race was connected, that being the inspiration of her regard for him.
In 1820 the naval lieutenant Edward Bransfield was sent in the "Williams" to survey the islands, which attracted the attention of American and British sealers, and became fairly well known through the visits of Antarctic explorers.
She told Le Clerc that after Locke's return from exile, " by some considerably long visits, he had made trial of the air of Otes, which is some zo m.
At Otes he enjoyed for fourteen years as much domestic peace and literary leisure as was consistent with broken health, and sometimes anxious visits to London on public affairs, in which he was still an active adviser.
In his letters and otherwise we have pleasant pictures of its inmates and domestic life and the occasional visits of his friends, among others Lord Peterborough, Lord Shaftesbury of the Characteristics, Sir Isaac Newton, William Molyneux and Anthony Collins.
He never wanders outside of a certain district, in which he possesses hereditary rights, and maintains a series of camping-grounds which he visits in regular rotation.
His comrades adored him for his liberality, and the frequent visits of Icelandic skalder to his court testify to a love of poetry on his part, indeed one of his own strophes has come down to us.
The margravine made Baireuth one of the intellectual centres of Germany, surrounding herself with a little court of wits and artists which gained added prestige from the occasional visits of Voltaire and Frederick the Great.
The object of their visits was the investigation of the fauna and flora of the atoll, more especially of the formation of the coral reefs.
He addressed general letters both to the bishops, reminding them of their duties to the Roman Church, especially of their required visits ad limina, and to the whole Christian people, urging a new crusade to recover Jerusalem.
The Eskimo know the moon as a man who visits earth, and, again, as a girl who had her face spotted by ashes which the Sun threw at her.
Three years in Ely Place were rendered happy by frequent visits to his uncle Ashley's house in Southampton Row, where he fell deeply in love with his cousin Theodora Cowper.
His accession to office was marked by speeches breathing a new spirit of imperial consolidation, embodied either in suggestions for commercial union or in more immediately practicable proposals for improving the "imperial estate"; and at the Diamond Jubilee of 1897 the visits of the colonial premiers to London emphasized and confirmed the new policy, the fruits of which were afterwards seen in the cordial support given by the colonies in the Boer War.
It subjected every farmer, manufacturer, merchant and shopkeeper to the continual visits and examination of the tax-gatherers, whose number was necessarily very great.
Here he was able to pursue his own studies under the guidance of the Augustinians, and to begin those labours amongst the sick and poor which gained him in later life the title of "Apostle of Rome," besides paying nightly visits for prayer and meditations to the churches of the city and to the catacombs.
They serve various purposes in the economy of the flower, often closing the way to the honey-secreting part of the flower to small insects, whose visits would be useless for purposes of pollination.
In Yonec a mysterious bird visits the lady kept in durance by an old husband, and is turned into a valiant knight.
A state board of charities has supervision over all philanthropic and penal institutions in the state, including hospitals, which numbered 103 in 1907; and the board visits the almshouses supported by seventy-eight (of the 168) towns of the state, and investigates and supervises the provision made for the town poor in the other ninety towns of the state; some, as late as 1906, were, with the few paupers maintained by the state, cared for in a private almshouse at Tariffville, which was commonly known as the " state almshouse.
A few days before his decease, with a great effort he thanked his medical attendant for his visits in the words, "I have not yet lost my feeling for humanity."
His constitution was of iron, his capacity for work prodigious; reviews and parades, receptions of deputations, visits to public institutions, then eight or nine hours in his 3 The prisoners were kept in solitary confinement in the casemates of the inner fortress of St Peter and St Paul.
Dean's spoon-fed explanation to the two, served between naps and medical visits, satisfied officialdom enough to free Dean from any hint of culpability.
According to his expense accounts, he only went to Scranton twice that we know of—both visits only a day or two.
Visits to the Internet cycling forum revealed others in a similar predicament.
The visits are usually eligible for EC grants toward traveling expenses and also administrative and entertaining expenses.
We also offer occasional guided weekend visits to heritage attractions in the UK to students who wish to attend.
The police authority should liaise with the chief constable about the frequency with which visits should be carried out.
On previous visits we have also seen both Crested Quail-dove and Jamaican blackbird relatively easily here.
The film director has even taken to using the word ' bollocks ' during his visits.
Past trips have included visits to Bristol and Brecon, swimming, ice-skating, bowling, the theater and Pizza Hut.
Companions ' outings in recent months have included visits to go bowling, clay pigeon shooting and to watch boxing.
We found no evidence of serious heat stress during our visits to broiler breeder houses.
Many thousands of people have been on pilgrimages to make devotional visits to see the young buffalo.
She enjoys regular visits to her local gym and also enjoys swimming, hence her irresistible, naturally busty slim toned and trim figure.
One noticeable change from previous visits however is the background chatter of different languages.
Profiles or developmental checklists may help with this process of identifying strengths and goals for future learning when Portage visits begin.
The weekend will feature ship visits, maritime exhibits and displays, seafood cookery demonstrations, a French market and live outdoor music.
In 1911, a young republican activist visits a beautiful courtesan.
Ruth visits the cowshed to see how things are going but is despatched to rustle up some food.
Intervention will be offered over the telephone in the first instance and home visits when this does not resolve crisis.
How would all that bear upon the visits by night to the old crypt?
Around 70% of night and weekend visits to accident and emergency departments are alcohol related.
Teal'c made occasional visits to the Land of Light, returning either with a face of thunder or looking downcast - almost browbeaten.
On offer is responsible eco-tourism with a bias toward community-based visits.
The site visits to the Lurgan Fiber exhibition were also very educational.
Branch visits give presidents a privileged insight into the wide range of exc ell ent planning activity currently taking place.
Target groups visits were defined inherently endogenous to assess definitively.
The queen, Eleanor of Aragon, whom he had left in Cyprus during his long visits to the West, had proved faithless.
This is the preferred solution if you are planning several visits to CERN and need to have a film badge.
For night visits of the canopy walkway at Kakum, you should bring a powerful flashlight.
She was spotted by Zeus, a god with a particular fondness for mortal women, on one of his many visits to earth.
Mr Monkey visits a small funfair, examines a Soviet missile launcher, then watches a torchlit parade and a lot of loud fireworks.
Regardless of these visits, the situation in Tibet still remains grim.
On the main lagoon, there only appeared to be Yellow-legged gulls on my visits.
A woman wearing a veil visits the hermitage with a baby.
A member of the Chaplaincy Team visits the hospice each day.
Unwelcome visits from the landlord only increase the nervous hysteria already developing in the small flat fueling dreadful consequences.
In a few cases follow-up clinics provide a small number of home visits for very immobile patients.
Times change and work changes so my visits became infrequent.
The project visits households in socially deprived areas ensuring they have an equal opportunity to participate in recycling initiatives.
These visits may seem quite innocuous, or may involve a sense of adventure or excitement.
The sensory garden will be wonderfully inviting and a fairly intimate area for everybody who visits the park.
Sites that repeat the Flash intro each time the same user visits the home page raise the ire of most web users.
In addition to fieldwork, visits to libraries and invitations to practicing librarians to give lectures have been regular features.
Activities include face painting, cake decorating, windmill making, lucky dip and visits from cartoon favorite Gordon the Garden Gnome.
Tourist visits to Taiwan by people from the Chinese mainland will be promoted.
Reading instructional manuals and visits to the local climbing wall also played a major part in learning.
For this study they also took digital photographs, automatically dated and timed, to record visits of elephants to the dead matriarch.
Helen's Spiritualist friends say that during his visits to her cell Prime Minister Churchill made promises of making mends to Helen.
The service was provided in addition to routine visits by the community midwife.
The majority of the transfers are done by air, while local visits are done in comfortable air-conditioned minibusses with removable ramps.
We were both going to use minnows as bait as these had proved highly successful during my recent visits.
However, she also secretly visits women and helps them induce miscarriages for unwanted pregnancies.
If the alleged nuisance occurs late at night, visits by officers out of office hours can be made by prior arrangement.
Visits must only be made at times convenient to the borrower, and you must not overstay your welcome.
Paris river cruise itinerary which visits a travel agent usually were on.
Presents the health visits were defined tau xsubi phi.
She still derives much pleasure from the visits of Old Boys.
Also there will be less pollinator visits per day compared with the shorter opening bee pollinated flowers.
The wetlands were dotted with a few species and individuals, but nothing in comparison to my visits to the prairie potholes farther west.
His interest in studio pottery began in the 1960's with frequent visits to the Leach Pottery, St. Ives.
The hero visits this church, which he finds " plain enough and bare enough to please a Puritan " .
The visits are always great fun and the children revel in the rugby ethos of fun, skills and competition.
The new roundhouse required the appropriate planning consents and visits from the Building Officer and Fire Officer at the various stages of its construction.
Saddam meetings Galloway, who was a vocal critic of UN sanctions against Iraq, met Saddam during visits to Baghdad in the 1990s.
Visits by distinguished scholars are also supported by these funds.
Overall a great informative book for anyone who visits the seashore regularly or has an interest in the basics of seashore ecosystem ecology.
The male serin was also still around, but it too made only brief and erratic visits to the Obs garden in the morning.
Ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, stadium visits or riding a sleigh in winter.
The expedition visits two distinct and equally spectacular regions of Bulgaria.
On the way she visits Southampton, where a septuagenarian spinster relative of her late husband lives - Aunt Margaret Albany.
By the end of the season they were beginning to look far more sprightly on their visits.
You probably still go to the odd class or have spurts of gym visits rather than a steady routine.
Program 10 Alice visits an extraordinary riding stables located under one of London's busiest roads.
Longer term studies have used repeat visits by remotely operated vehicles and manned submersibles.
Patients were treated with either placebo or oral glucosamine sulfate 500 mg t.i.d. for 4 weeks, with weekly, with weekly clinic visits.
Sunday 2nd Feb We set out in warm sunshine for a full day of visits.
The mobile library visits fortnightly and the Age concern toenail cutting service calls every three months.
Using a whitening toothpaste can also help remove these surface stains between dental visits.
A portable trolley with newspapers, sweets etc. visits the ward in the mornings.
The current test was the double intradermal test using only mammalian tuberculin, necessitating three visits over a period of 72 hours.
This was the first transmitting station in the country to run completely unattended except for visits from maintenance staff.
I had many hospital visits and found myself virtually unemployable.
Between 1885 and 1893 he paid several visits to Egypt.
To organize study visits for groups please contact Mr Robin Harvey.
To prevent tooth decay and gum disease it is necessary to have regular dental visits.
Number of pharmacies and patients at 4 April 2002 - A total of 345 patients from 83 pharmacies enrolled and on follow-up visits.
They make afternoon visits to local industry and legal and medical centers and are introduced to the Bodleian Library.
From the 1st of April 2006, an entrance ticket to The Tank Museum will allow visitors unlimited return visits for a year.
Even today Icelanders commonly support whaling, and visits by Greenpeace are greeted with people barbecuing whale meat.
I've always believed such visits to be extremely worthwhile.
Among later visits, that of Commodore Anson, in the "Centurion" (June 1741) led, on his return home, to a proposal to form an English settlement on Juan Fernandez; but the Spaniards, hearing that the matter had been mooted in England, gave orders to occupy the island, and it was garrisoned accordingly in 1750.
Subsequent visits to Winchester inspired Henry with the idea of rebuilding Eton church on cathedral dimensions.
Besides travelling through many states of the United States to deliver anti-slavery lectures, Lundy visited Haiti twice - in 1825 and 1829, the Wilberforce colony of freedmen and refugee slaves in Canada in 1830-1831, and in 1832 and again in 1833 Texas, all these visits being made, in part, to find a suitable place outside the United States to which emancipated slaves might be sent.
Before proceeding to Bulgaria, Prince Alexander paid visits to the tsar at Livadia, to the courts of the great powers and to the sultan; he was then conveyed on a Russian warship to Varna, and after taking the oath to the new constitution at Tirnova (July 8, 1879) he repaired to Sofia, being everywhere greeted with immense enthusiasm by the people.
Elijah, who had been his godfather in his babyhood, now paid him frequent visits, initiating him into sublime truths.
It is owing to their position that the British Islands have been able to clear themselves of these formidable and destructive animals, for France, with no natural barriers to prevent their incursions from the continent to the east, is liable every winter to visits from numbers of these animals.
In Irish tradition the other-world is often represented as an island, inhabited by women only; and it is this "Isle of Maidens" that Gawain visits in Diu Crone; returning therefrom dowered with the gift of eternal youth.
Whitefield's visits raised a band of pioneer preachers, cultured and uncultured, men who knew their Bibles but often interpreted them awry.
In the 10th and 11th centuries Norse sea-rovers, starting from Iceland, had made small settlements in Greenland and had pushed as far as the coast of New England (or possibly Nova Scotia) in transient visits (see Vinland and Leif Ericsson).
The acts of religion partake of the general simplicity of desert life; apart from the private worship of household gods and the oblations and salutations offered at the graves of departed kinsmen, the ritual observances of the ancient Arabs were visits to the tribal sanctuary to salute the god with a gift of milk, first-fruits or the like, the sacrifice of firstlings and vows (see Nazarite and Passover), and an occasional pilgrimage to discharge a vow at the annual feast and fair of one of the more distant holy places (see MEccA).
Broken in 1840 during the affair of Mehemet Ali the entente was patched up in 1841 by the Straits Convention and re-cemented by visits paid by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to the Château d'Eu in 1843 and 1845 and of Louis Philippe to Windsor in 1844, only to be irretrievably wrecked by the affair of the "Spanish marriages," a deliberate attempt to revive the traditional Bourbon policy of French predominance in Spain.
He made a series of pastoral visits, and restored decency and dignity to divine service.
There will probably be general agreement as to the wisdom of avoiding taxes which are uncertain and arbitrary, or which involve frequent visits of the tax-gatherer; but so far from there being a general assent in all countries to his maxims as to the expediency of avoiding taxation, which takes more from the tax-payer than what comes into the hands of the government, this is the very characteristic of duties deliberately imposed by most governments for the purpose of interfering with trade, and frequently called for even in the United Kingdom with a similar object.
The chief events of the year 1893 were my trip to Washington during the inauguration of President Cleveland, and visits to Niagara and the World's Fair.
But whether Helen stays at home or makes visits in other parts of the country, her education is always under the immediate direction and exclusive control of her teacher.
There are also a clean race of frogs and tortoises, and a few mussels in it; muskrats and minks leave their traces about it, and occasionally a travelling mud-turtle visits it.
The hero visits this church, which he finds " plain enough and bare enough to please a puritan ".
Where the risk is assessed as not high, quarantine restriction will apply for 21 days with regular veterinary visits undertaken.
Attached in the appendices are a species recording sheet, a summary of site visits and information on the features of ranunculus bulbosus.
Pain was measured using a visual analog rating scale during assessment visits.
Many people, staff and patients, remember with affection their times or visits to these premises.
The returns were compiled from visits to 30 rendering plants, 18 of which rendered SBO.
The visits were a resounding success with lots of smiling faces.
There will also be 3 runners up prizes of pairs of tickets for brewery visits.
Others include sabbaticals for experienced teachers in challenging schools; research opportunities, study visits and exchanges abroad.
The only real downside to these regular monthly visits was the sad farewells at the end of the day.
The male Serin was also still around, but it too made only brief and erratic visits to the Obs garden in the morning.
There were no more walks through the neighborhood, no more visits to sidewalk cafes.
Services provided by the Gloucestershire Home Safety Check Scheme include home safety visits, child safety service and smoke detector fitting.
Other snowmobile trips are available and can include stops for ice fishing, visits to local natural wonders and the snow village.
Activities include horse drawn wagon rides, snowshoeing, ice fishing, snowmobiling, heli-skiing, visits to the Wolf education center.
And many of her own dawn visits were clearly heightened experiences in the midst of the beauty and solitude of an ancient landscape.
Program 10 Alice visits an extraordinary riding stables located under one of London 's busiest roads.
A consequence of this was that her bowel action became a problem. and we needed visits from the District Nurse to administer suppositories.
A record of visits to premises with susceptible livestock should be kept by all staff.
Locally, Age Concern provides community-based services ranging from lunch clubs, day centers and home visits to computer courses and tai chi classes.
Over six months, 69 group visits to termite nests were filmed.
The mobile library visits fortnightly and the Age Concern toenail cutting service calls every three months.
Am not good at slow walks to ice cream vans, lingering visits to twee villages or staring in estate agent windows.
Visits are for the housebound and those too unwell to attend the surgery.
A talent scout visits a Broadway booker to sell him a new vaudeville act he has seen.
Although the main draw of the game will be the vehicular combat, regular visits to the game 's settlements will be essential.
Nerida spends a considerable amount of time in the UK supporting her customers by way of winemaker dinners, tastings and visits.
I 've always believed such visits to be extremely worthwhile.
It's easy to let the first few weeks of life with your baby pass in a whirl of feedings, changings, and visits from family.
Premature babies will need to make regular well-child visits to the pediatrician for routine examinations and vaccinations.
During one of your visits to see the baby, you can take lots of black and white photos.
You'll need to set up a schedule of well-child doctor's visits, so that your pediatrician can monitor your baby's growth and development, and so that she can make sure your baby receives all of his immunizations.
Although your pediatrician will check your baby's teeth at her well-care visits, you'll probably want to schedule a visit to a pediatric dentist around her first birthday.
If your employer still balks at allowing you to breastfeed, and you notice other employees taking cigarette breaks, extra long lunches for hair appointments and/or doctors' visits, then you may need to point that out to your boss.
If possible, make these visits unannounced.
You should already be taking your baby to well-child visits, and your doctor should be examining your baby to make sure she is meeting her developmental milestones.
Talk It Up-Take your child on a couple of visits to the school to meet her teachers.
After the adoption, post-placement reports and supervisory visits may be required for the following year.