Visitors Sentence Examples
We expect visitors to arrive soon.
For two hundred years the mountain has attracted visitors from miles away.
The fascination little visitors were a rare in our neck of the woods.
Visitors held out their hands like this, Dusty said, indicating his outstretched hand.
We'll see our visitors off and then we'll rest.
Later, after the visitors had left and Martha was in bed, Dean, Cynthia and Fred remained in the parlor.
A small apartment is by immemorial tradition shown as his birth-room, bearing on its whitewashed walls and its windows innumerable signatures of visitors, among which such names as Walter Scott, Dickens and Thackeray may be deciphered.
The whole of the surrounding country is covered with vineyards, which (with the entertainment of foreign visitors) occupy the inhabitants.
It is the centre for visitors to the ruins of and about Thebes, and is frequented by travellers and invalids in the winter season, several fine hotels having been built for their accommodation.
Of the squares, the principal is the Friedrich-Wilhelmplatz, on which lies the Elisenbrunnen with its colonnade and garden, the chief resort of visitors taking the baths and waters.
AdvertisementHer residence was at Rhenen near Arnheim, where she received many English visitors and endeavoured to maintain her spirits and fortitude, with straitened means and in spite of frequent disappointments.
Rotorua attracts many visitors on account of the beauty and scientific interest of the locality and the bathing in its various medicinal springs.
Nassau is a winter health-resort for many visitors from the United States and Canada.
Apparently the old faith-healing had lost its efficacy, and the priests substituted for it elaborate prescriptions as to diet, baths and regimen which must have made Epidaurus and its visitors resemble their counterparts in a modern spa.
The scales around the throat of the corolla protect the pollen and honey from wet or undesirable visitors, and by their difference in colour from the corolla-lobes, as in the yellow eye of forget-me-not, may serve to indicate the position of the honey.
AdvertisementIt is also the centre for visitors to the Giants' Causeway, with which it is connected by an electric railway.
Among the most famous remains of Ma'rib are those of a great dike reminding one of the restored tanks familiar to visitors at Aden.
In most parts of its range it is migratory, and in Britain every autumn its numbers receive considerable accession from passing visitors.
It is a favourite winter resort, especially for visitors from England, and is situated in beautiful coast scenery.
Pop. (woo) 4927, excluding visitors.
AdvertisementThe foot of the tone reached from Naples by electric railway, and thence a wirepc railway (opened in 1880) carries visitors to within I5o yds.
In addition to the park in the south-western district, Frankfort possesses two delightful pleasure grounds, which attract large numbers of visitors, the Palmengarten in the west and the zoological garden in the east of the city.
He takes the frost that winter inflicts and the fever that summer brings as unavoidable visitors.
Friedrichroda and Ruhla, the Inselsberg and the Schneekopf and other picturesque points, annually attract an increasing number of summer visitors and tourists.
They are especially efficacious in cases of gouty and rheumatic affections, and are much frequented by Swiss invalids, foreign visitors being but few in number.
AdvertisementBut, while lacking the medieval appearance of Fribourg or Bern, or Sion or Coire, the great number of modern fine buildings in Geneva, hotels, villas, &c., gives it an air of prosperity and comfort that attracts many visitors, though on others modern French architecture produces a blinding glare.
The Maltese have to pay for food imports by imperial wages, earned' in connexion with naval and military services, by commercial services to passing steamers and visitors, by earnings which emigrants send home from northern Africa and elsewhere, and by interest on investments of Maltese capital abroad.
The picturesque local costumes have nearly altogether disappeared, save in the Passeyerthal, near Meran, while the increasing crowds of summer visitors have largely spoilt the simplicity of the natives.
The district is residential and the town is a resort of visitors both to the river and to Bushey Park, which lies immediately south (see Hampton).
The climate and the scenery in and about Biddeford attract summer visitors and there are two resorts, Biddeford Pool and Fortune Rocks within the municipal limits; but the city is chiefly a manufacturing centre (third in rank among the cities of the state in 1905) - good water-power being furnished by the river - and cotton goods, foundry and machine shop products and lumber are the principal products, the first being by far the most important.
Here he entertained many distinguished visitors, including Lafayette.
The annual number of visitors is about 23,000.
Of interest to visitors is that part of the city called Sonora Town,with its adobe houses, Mexican quarters, old Plaza and the Church of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels (first erected in 1822; rebuilt in 1861), which contains interesting paintings by early Indian converts.
Farther east, Nantucket, a smaller island of triangular shape, is likewise the home of a seafaring folk who still retain in some degree primitive habits, though summer visitors are more and more affecting its life.
The town is surrounded by vineyards and orchards, and has annually a large number of visitors.
It was decreed that the Benedictine houses of each ecclesiastical province should henceforth be federated for the purposes of mutual help and the maintenance of discipline, and that for these ends the abbots should every third year meet in a provincial chapter (or synod), in order to pass laws binding on all and to appoint visitors who, in addition to the bishops, should canonically visit the monasteries and report on their condition in spirituals and temporals to the ensuing chapter.
Dawlish owes its prosperity to the visitors attracted, in spring and early summer, by the warm climate and excellent bathing.
The islands attract a large number of visitors annually from America.
Zwingli denounced the publication of plenary indulgence to all visitors to the shrine, and his sermons in the Swiss vernacular drew great crowds and attracted the attention of Rome.
There are more than forty mineral springs in New York whose waters are of commercial importance, and in 1908 the waters sold from them amounted to 8,007,092 gals., valued at $877,648; several of the springs, especially those in Saratoga county, attract a large number of summer visitors.
For long these blocks were supposed, even by European visitors, to be relics of a primeval race of giant builders.
It is served by most of the Levantine steamship companies, and is the best point of departure for visitors desiring to see Tarsus, the Cilician remains, and the finest scenery of the East Taurus.
Close to the town are the Gloddaeth woods, open to visitors.
But it was arranged that the sovereign's procession to the abbey through the streets should be made a finer show than on previous occasions; and it drew to London 400,000 country visitors.
Many of the best-known stories of Rousseau's life date from this last time, when he was tolerably accessible to visitors, though clearly half-insane.
The early European visitors to the country noticed that it was not officially referred to by any such name, and therefore apparently conceived that the term must have been applied from outside.
A minor problem in menageries is injudicious feeding by visitors.
Many authorities attempt to restrain visitors from feeding the animals in their charge, but such a restriction, even if practicable, is not all gain, for animals in captivity are less inclined to mope, and are more intelligent and tamer, if they become accustomed to regard visitors as pleasant sources of tit-bits.
In 1889 he opened in Chicago the Bible Institute, and there trained Christian workers in Bible study and in practical methods of social reform; at Northfield in 1890 he opened a Training School in domestic science in the Northfield Hotel, formerly used only in summer for visitors at the annual conferences, of which the best known are the Bible (or Christian Workers') Conference, first held at Northfield in 1880, and the Students' (or College Men's) Conference, first held in 1887.
His birthplace, the scene of Snow-Bound in the eastern part of the city, is owned by the Whittier Association and is open to visitors.
Long-tongued insects such as the honey -bee are the most frequent visitors.
There were occasional native risings, as in Samoa (where, however, the fighting was rather in the nature of civil warfare), the French possessions in eastern Polynesia, and the New Hebrides, apart from attacks on individual settlers or visitors, which have occurred here and there from the earliest period of exploration.
In modern times;the region has attracted mountaineers and many visitors accustomed to rough lodging and difficult travelling.
The palace of the former dukes of Nassau occupies a fine position on the river bank, and the shady gardens and groves attract large numbers of visitors during the summer.
Besides these parks, each suburb has its public gardens, and at Flemington there is a fine race-course, on which the Melbourne cup races are run every November, an event which brings in a large influx of visitors from all parts of Australia.
Abandoned farms were advertised as suitable for country homes, and within fifteen years about two thousand were bought; and the carriage roads were improved, game preserved and the interests of visitors studied.
After a fortnight natives, swarthy and ill-looking, with ugly hair, great eyes and_broad cheeks (Beothuk or Micmac Indians?) appeared with many skin canoes; in the spring following these Skraelings came back and bartered with their visitors.
The number of patients is about 6000 and the passing visitors about 25,000.
Added to this, in many works on the subject we find reliance placed, especially for the African facts, on reports of travellers who were merely visitors to the regions on which they wrote.
Its proximity to the southern outskirts of Epping Forest has brought it into favour both with residents and with holiday visitors from London.
It has good golf links, and is much frequented by visitors for its bracing climate and sea-bathing.
The neighbouring village of Walton, a short distance inland, receives many visitors.
Between this building and the church, opening by one door into the cloisters, and by another to the outer part of the monastery area, is the "parlour" for interviews with visitors from the external world (0).
The cellarer's buildings were near the west end of the nave, in which ordinary visitors of the middle class were hospitably entertained.
In 1885 he was a member of the board of visitors of West Point, and from 1886 to 1890 was governor of Virginia.
Its bathing establishments are largely frequented and attract a considerable number of summer visitors.
In 1887 the fortifications of the town were razed, and it has since become a fashionable watering-place, receiving annually nearly 15,000 visitors.
Founded in 1770 to provide accommodation for the visitors to the mineral wells of Pannanich, 12 m.
May and the early part of June are wet and foggy, so that few visitors arrive before the middle of the latter month.
British visitors to Rome speak of him as a merry high-spirited boy with martial instincts; nevertheless, he grew up studious, peace-loving and serious.
In the vicinity there are mineral springs, and the sea-bathing also attracts many visitors in summer.
The town, which is governed by an urban district council, is a centre for visitors to the county.
He was one of the disputants selected to confute the Romanists at the conference of Westminster after Easter 1J59; he was select preacher at St Paul's cross on the 15th of June; and in the autumn was engaged as one of the royal visitors of the western counties.
It is also a favourite residential place and resort of visitors from Johannesburg.
Of all the public grounds within London this is the most valuable to the populace at large; the number of visitors on a Bank holiday in August is generally, under favourable conditions, about 100,000; and strenuous efforts are always forthcoming from either public or private bodies when the integrity of the Heath is in any way menaced.
It is not the interests of visitors alone that must be consulted, for Hampstead, adding to its other attractions a singularly healthy climate, has long been a favourite residential quarter, especially for lawyers, artists and men of letters.
Three old-established inns, the Bull and Bush, the Spaniards, and Jack Straw's Castle (the name of which has no historical significance), claim many great names among former visitors; while the Upper Flask Inn, now a private house, was the meeting-place of the Kit-Cat Club.
It is also a climatic health resort of some reputation, and the visitors number about 850o annually.
It has an Evangelical, an English, a Russian and three Roman Catholic churches, a theatre, and various benevolent institutions, besides all the usual buildings for the lodging, cure and amusement of the numerous visitors who are attracted to this, the most popular watering-place in Bavaria.
The harbour, lying to the east of the town, is protected on the south by a peninsula which carries the citadel and terminates in the Citadel jetty; to the south-west of this peninsula lies the Place Bonaparte, a quarter frequented chiefly by winter visitors attracted by the mild climate of the town.
The sight of these flowers in spring, with mile after mile of brilliant and varied colours, attracts visitors even from foreign countries.
Such names are typical of long series of visitors who paid homage to Olympia.
South of the group described above occur the remains of a large building shown by its inscription to be the Leonidaeum, dedicated by an Elean named Leonidas in the 4th century B.C., and probably intended for the reception of distinguished visitors during the games, such as the heads of the special missions from the various Greek cities.
During the season, which extends from June to September, it receives a large number of visitors, probably over 60,000 altogether, from Germany as well as from Belgium.
It attracts many summer visitors by its good sea bathing and excellent golf-course.
In summer, coaching tours discharge numbers of visitors daily; the railway station is Bettws (London & NorthWestern railway).
Its next white visitors were Sir Samuel and Lady Baker, who in 1864 discovered the Albert Nyanza.
The Down corporation racemeeting is important and attracts visitors from far outside the county.
The lakes and rivers are well stocked with trout and other fish, and visitors have the privilege of catching a limited number with rod and line.
The steadily increasing number of visitors has induced the opening of first-class hotels, and necessitated extensive building operations, resulting in the immigration of some thousands of artisans, chiefly Spanish.
Flowers that require the aid of insects usually offer some attraction to their visitors in the shape of bright colour, fragrance or sweet juices.
The general character of the place, with its numerous hotels, pensions, bathing establishments, villas and places of entertainment, is largely determined by the requirements of visitors, who in 1907 numbered 180,000.
With its beautiful scenery and temperate climate, Ilfracombe is frequented by visitors both in summer and winter.
The increase in consumption there has been so small that it probably arises mainly from the increasing number of English and English-colonial visitors that spend portions of each year in the country.
Though he had some scruples about doing business at that season, he received his visitors with much civility.
In some large towns the Elberfeld system of unpaid district visitors and the interworking of public and private charity is in force.
Kinsale, with the neighbouring villages of Scilly and Cove, is much frequented by summer visitors, and is the headquarters of the South of Ireland Fishing Company, with a fishery pier and a commodious harbour with 6 to 8 fathoms of water; but the general trade is of little importance owing to the proximity of Queenstown and Cork.
The number of summer visitors is about 7000 a year.
On the other hand, if a pair of womens shoes are placed outside the door of the harem apartments, they are understood to signify that female visitors are within, and a man is sometimes thus excluded from the upper portion of his own house for many days.
Al-Bailawi, who lived in the 13th century A.D., is buried at the town of Tanta, in the Delta, and his tomb attracts many thousands of visitors at each of the three festivals held yearly in his honor; Ed-Deski is also much revered, and his festivals draw together, in like manner, great crowds to his birthplace, the town of Desk.
It is governed by a rector, chosen by and from nine visitors, and a board of visitors appointed by the governor and two visitors ex officio, the state superintendent of public instruction and the president of the university; and the corporate name of the university is "The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia."
It has a pier, a pleasant promenade and drive along the shore, and other appointments of a seaside resort, but it is less wholly devoted to holiday visitors than Blackpool, which lies 8 m.
It is considered very healthy, and forms a resort for European visitors from Nagpur and Kampti during the hot weather.
Apart from unimportant manufactures of pottery, chocolate, &c., fishing is the only industry; Biarritz depends for its prosperity on the visitors who are attracted by its mild climate and the bathing.
On the other hand it may be mentioned that on the 30th of June 18J5 the cross was for the first time since the crusades borne aloft through the streets of Jerusalem on the occasion of the visit of a European prince; and that in 1858 the sacred area of the Haramesh-Sherif - the mosque on the site of the Temple of Jerusalem - was for the first time thrown open to Christian visitors.
Two miles southeast of this lake, at North Elba, is the old farm of the abolitionist John Brown, which contains his grave and is much frequented by visitors.
Ems is largely frequented in the summer months by visitors from all parts of the world - the numbers amounting to about I i,000 annually - and many handsome villas have been erected for their accommodation.
Though not personally extravagant, his salary, and the small income from his large estates, never sufficed to meet his generous maintenance of his representative position; and after his retirement from public life the numerous visitors to Monticello consumed the remnants of his property.
Besides being one of the sights of Paris, to which visitors resort in order to enjoy the extensive view that can be had from its higher galleries on a clear day, the tower is used to some extent for scientific and semi-scientific purposes; thus meteorological observations are carried on.
The resident population was in 1885, 12,779; in 1895, 14,862; and in 1905, 16,238; but the number of visitors exceeds 70,000 annually.
The town proper is on the right bank of the Oos, but the principal resorts of the visitors are on the left.
Having arrogated to himself the practical control of the foreign policy of the nation, Li's yamen became the scene of many important negotiations, and attracted distinguished visitors from all parts of the globe.
His residence was at Rosafa on the border of the desert, and he rarely admitted visitors into his presence; as a rule they were received by his chamberlain Abrash.
Situated on the main St Gotthard railway line, Lugano is now easily reached, so that it is much frequented by visitors (largely German) in spring and in autumn.
In 1846 a water-cure was established where St Luke's hospital now stands, in the adjoining borough of Fountain Hill (pop. in 1900, 1214), and for a few years this attracted a considerable number of visitors during the summer season.
Abbazia is frequented annually by about 16,000 visitors.
Special constitutions were drawn up for its government, on the same lines as the Dominicans and other mendicants - a general elected by chapter, provincials to rule in the different countries, with assistants, definitors and visitors.
When Charles was deprived of all his loyal attendants at Christmas 1647, Hammond returned to Oxford and was made subdean of Christ Church, only, however, to be removed from all his offices by the parliamentary visitors, who imprisoned him for ten weeks.
These are centres of residential districts, and, especially on public holidays in the summer, receive large numbers of visitors.
Though much of Riigen is flat and sandy, the fine beech woods which cover a great part of it, and the bold northern coast scenery combine with the convenient sea-bathing offered by the various villages around the coast to attract large numbers of visitors.
The peninsula of MOnchgut has best preserved its peculiarities; but there, too, primitive simplicity is yielding to the influence of the annual stream of summer visitors.
In the fields beyond the castle, tents to the number of 2800 were erected for less distinguished visitors, and the whole scene was one of the greatest animation.
A fine gorge opening from the hills immediately upon the site of the town is known as Cheddar cliffs from the sheer walls which flank it; the contrast of its rocks and rich vegetation, and the falls of a small stream traversing it, make up a beautiful scene admired by many visitors.
The scenery of the Thuringian portion of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt attracts many visitors annually, the most beautiful spots being the gorge of the Schwarza and the lovely circular valley in which the village of Schwarzburg nestles at the foot of a curiously isolated hill, crowned by the ancient castle of the princely line.
The fine winter climate of Algeciras attracts many invalid visitors, on whom the town largely depends for its prosperity.
The water supply is derived from Lake Kerferd in the vicinity, which is a favourite resort of visitors; the scenery near the town, which lies at an elevation of 1805 ft.
There is, however, in the entrance of the cavern an inscription recording the names of visitors in ancient times.
Each school for the deaf and blind is managed by a board of visitors appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate.
The Virginia Normal and Industrial Institute, at Petersburg, is governed by a board of visitors consisting of the superintendent of public instruction and four other members appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate for four years.
The Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute, at Blacksburg, is governed by a board consisting of the state superintendent and eight visitors appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate.
The Virginia Military Institute, at Lexington, is governed by a board of visitors consisting of the adjutant general,-the superintendent of public instruction and nine other members appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate.
The business of Hot Springs consists mainly in caring for its visitors.
Setting aside those which are but occasional visitors to the British Islands, six species of terns may be regarded as indigenous, though of them one has ceased from ordinarily breeding in the United Kingdom, while a second has become so rare and regularly appears in so few places that mention of them must for prudence sake be avoided.
The registered number of visitors in 1906 was 18,000.
It has come into great favour as a winter resort, especially with British and German visitors, chiefly on account of its fine situation and beautiful .views.
In the midst of a burden of letterwriting, the minute details in his diaries of tree-planting and rotation of crops, and his increasing reading on the political side of history, he found time to entertain a stream of visitors from all parts of the United States and from abroad.
Visitors continued to flock to him, and his correspondence, as always, took a wide range.
It remained in regular use until the 4th century; before that time the Greek alphabet occurs in Cyprus only in a few inscriptions erected for visitors.'
How wide-spread and enthusiastic is this true spirit of nationalism amongst all classes and sects of Welsh society to-day may be observed at the great meetings of the National Eisteddfod, which is held on alternate years in North and South Wales at some important centre, and at which the immense crowds collected and the interest displayed make a deep impression on the Anglo-Saxon or foreign visitors.
The baths were visited at least four times by Mary queen of Scots, when a prisoner in charge of George, earl of Shrewsbury, other famous Elizabethan visitors being Lord Burleigh, the earl of Essex, and Robert, earl of Leicester.
Kyneton lies at an elevation of 1687 ft., and the scenery of the district, which includes some beautiful waterfalls, attracts visitors in summer.
She spent her last years at St Cyr in perfect seclusion, but an object of great interest to all visitors to France, who, however, with the exception of Peter the Great, found it impossible to get an audience with her.
Foreign visitors to Montenegro usually land at Cattaro, which is connected by steamer with Trieste and by road with Cettigne.
He kept up a court at Isfahan which surprised and delighted his foreign visitors, among whom were ambassadors from European states; and one learned writer, Kaempfer, credits him with wisdom and good policy.
To support this greedy mob offerings flowed in in a constant stream from votaries and from visitors, who contributed sometimes money, sometimes statues and works of art.
This huge pile used to be taken for the Artemision by early visitors to Ephesus.
Neustadt, which became a town in 1275, is one of the centres of the Rhenish "grape-cure," and thus attracts numerous visitors.
The best account of Brook Farm is Lindsay Swift's Brook Farm, Its Members, Scholars and Visitors (New York, 1900).
Various streets have been laid out, a large hotel erected for the reception of the visitors who resort to the place as a sanatorium in summer, and the religious wants of the community are supplied by a Roman Catholic and a Protestant church.
Nesfield, was for many years the chief point of attraction to the younger visitors to the gardens; but it was allowed to go to ruin, and had to be destroyed.
It is not in comparison with the picturesque beauty of European Alpine scenery that the Himalaya appeals to the imagination, for amongst the hills of the outer Himalaya - the hills which are known to the majority of European residents and visitors - there is often a striking absence of those varied incidents and sharp contrasts which are essential to picturesqueness in mountain landscape.
Lisbon and Oporto; conspicuous among these are the filigree ornaments which are bought by the peasant women as investments and by foreign visitors as curiosities.
The acquisition of Salisbury Plain by the war office for military purposes seemed likely, again, to add to the risk of harm from thoughtless visitors.
The high valleys farther north, on the same western face of the Sailughem range, are but little known, their only visitors being Kirghiz shepherds.
Its fine beach and dry, bracing climate have attracted many wealthy residents, and the number of summer visitors is also large.
In the environs, Dubbeln and the sea-bathing resorts of Bilderlingshof and Majorenhof have numerous visitors in summer.
The sea-bathing and magnificent scenery attract visitors in summer even to this remote district, which has no railway and few good roads.
Maine attracts more summer visitors than any other state in the Union.
Beginning with the middle of the 19th century, the increasing competition of the more productive soils of the West, the growth of urban population in the state, and the number of summer visitors effected the reforesting of much poor land and the more intensive cultivation of the better arable land.
Grindelwald is now very much frequented by visitors in winter.
To Linnaeus, however, they represented normal .anthropomorpha or man-like creatures, vouched for by visitors to remote parts of the world.
Virginia Water, a large and picturesque artificial lake to the south of Windsor Great Park, is much frequented by visitors.
Formerly bears, wolves and other wild animals took refuge in its fastnesses; and bats, rats, mice and salamanders are frequent visitors.
The western crescent, known as the Chiaja ward, though merely a long narrow strip between the sea and Vomero hill, is the fashionable quarter most frequented by foreign residents and visitors.
Among his visitors was a fellow-countryman, Cardinal Louis of Aragon, whose secretary has left an account of the day.
Besides pictures, the master seems also to have shown and explained to his visitors some of his vast store of notes and observations on anatomy and physics.
The Taunus is also famous for the number and efficacy of its mineral springs, which annually attract thousands of visitors to the celebrated spas of Wiesbaden, Homburg, Ems, Schlangenbad, Schwalbach, Soden and Nauheim, while the waters of Selters and other springs are exported in large quantity.
The town, which stands picturesquely among wooded hills, is much frequented by visitors in the summer.
He still continued to receive all visitors, and to take occasional runs up to Castine and Portland, the homes of his family.
There are, however, figures of Lord Chatham and Nelson, set up by the officials who received the fees fdrmerly paid by visitors to the exhibition.
The Civil War kept him from entering the office till 1646; and in 1648 he was ejected by the Parliamentary visitors.
There is a transient population of thousands of visitors during the year.
There are about 20,000 visitors annually.
The first of the series of fairs in which the Meccans had an interest was at Okaz on the easier road between Mecca and Taif, where there was also a sanctuary, and from it the visitors moved on to points still nearer Mecca (Majanna, and finally Dhul-Majaz, on the flank of Jebel Kabkab behind Arafa) where further fairs were held, 3 culminating in the special religious ceremonies of the great feast at `Arafa, Quzah (Mozdalifa), and Mecca itself.
Eureka Springs and Wild Cat Cave are of interest to visitors, and attractive scenery is furnished by the river and its bordering bluffs.
This seaside village, with its "semicircular sweep of houses," grew into a considerable town owing to the influx of summer visitors, for whose entertainment there are, besides the "Albion" mentioned by Dickens, numerous hotels and boarding-houses, libraries, a bathing establishment and a fine promenade.
Considerable obscurity exists as to their other functions, but they seem to have been charged with providing food for the visitors to the temples, with the care of certain offerings, and with the arrangement of the sacrificial banquets.
As it was their doubtful reputation and financial embarrassments enabled Henry to offer them as a gigantic bribe to the upper classes of the laity, and the Reformation parliament met for its last session early in 1536 to give effect to the reports of the visitors and to the kings and their own desires.
The latter was struck by the coincidence, and mentioned it to the Board of Visitors of the Observatory, James Challis and Sir John Herschel being present.
The little island won great favour as a religious resort, not only for the Egyptians and the Ethiopians and others who frequented the border district and the market of Assuan, but also for Greek and Roman visitors.
The town annually receives thousands of visitors, and lies within easy reach of the beautiful Wye Valley and the wild district of Radnor Forest.
In the - 18th century both saline and sulphur springs were largely patronized by numbers of visitors, and about 1749 a Mr Grosvenor built a hydropathic establishment near the old church, on a site now covered by a farm-house known as Llandrindod Hall.
The town is celebrated for its invigorating climate, and its annual regatta on the Derwent attracts numerous visitors.
The air of Pau agrees with invalids and delicate constitutions, and St Jean-de-Luz and Biarritz are much frequented by winter visitors.
Bishops are often their visitors, and Church Congresses, Convocation and Lambeth Conferences have given them encouragement and regulation.
It is a popular resort, being visited by about 10,000 visitors annually.
The influx of visitors, attracted by the presence of the royal family, by the prolonged local festivities, the bull-fights and the bathing, increases the number of the inhabitants in summer to about 50,000.
The work was only partially through the press when the prince died, on the 28th of October 1708, and its completion devolved upon a board of visitors to the observatory endowed with ample powers by a royal order of the 12th of December 1712.
Many tales are told of him and his poet visitors and henchmen.
For their courtiers he wrote epithalamial and funeral orations; ambassadors and visitors from foreign states he greeted with the rhetorical lucubrations then so much in vogue.
The baths near Nish and Vranya are comparatively prosperous, while the beautiful surroundings attract visitors even from abroad.
On account of the mildness of the climate it is frequented by visitors both in summer and winter.
Indeed, fresh pork was one of the inducements held out to visitors to the Irish Elysium.
The local magnates and several distinguished visitors attended, and Lambert was shown to the people borne aloft Henry on " great D'Arcy of Platten's " shoulders.
Next day the visitors were entertained by Lord Salisbury at Hatfield, the duke of Devonshire, Mr Balfour, Mr Goschen and Mr Chamberlain being present.
Visitors thronged the mission house incessantly; and inquiries came to him from all parts of the empire respecting the doctrines which he taught, or the numerous Chinese publications which he issued.
On some parts of the coast there are fine stretches of sand, and Cleethorpes, Skegness, Mablethorpe and Sutton-on-Sea are favourite resorts for visitors.
In 1643 Lightfoot published A Handful of Gleanings out of the Book of Exodus, and in the same year he was made master of Catharine Hall by the parliamentary visitors of Cambridge, and also, on the recommendation of the Assembly, was promoted to the rectory of Much Munden in Hertfordshire; both appointments he retained until his death.
There are golf links in Meyrick and Queen's parks, both laid out by the corporation, which has in other ways studied the entertainment of visitors.
He voted for the university decree against the Covenant, and, refusing submission to the parliamentary visitors in 1648, he was expelled.
The pleasant scenery of the neighbourhood, which attracts large numbers both of visitors and of residents from London, is described in Dickens's novel, Barnaby Rudge, and the King's Head Inn, Dickens's "Maypole," still stands.
It was constantly entertaining visitors from southern Italy, where it had planted colonies of monks, and from England, where it had extensive possessions.
He died on the 22nd of December 1419, and all visitors to the Baptistery at Florence may admire, under its high baldacchino, the sombre figure sculptured by Donatello of the dethroned pontiff, who had at least the merit of bowing his head under his chastisement, and of contributing by his passive resignation to the extinction of the series of popes which sprang from the council of Pisa.
The castle, now used as the headquarters of the garrison and closed to visitors, is a remarkably fine example of a crusaders' fortress.
They lie grouped round a pretty park which also furnishes the visitors with facilities for various recreations, such as lawn tennis, croquet, polo and other games.
The industries of Homburg embrace iron founding and the manufacture of leather and hats, but they are comparatively unimportant, the prosperity of the town being almost entirely due to the annual influx of visitors, which during the season from May to October inclusive averages 12,000.
It possesses a mineral spring, which attracts numerous summer visitors, and has various industries, which include iron-founding and the making of horse-shoe nails, roofing material and bricks.
Cleethorpes is greatly favoured by visitors from the midland counties, Lancashire and Yorkshire.
Rimini attracts numerous visitors for the sea-bathing at Porta Marina.
I didn't want the smell to draw any unwanted visitors.
Ikira, in our time, an Oracle greeted all visitors to the king's palace to assess their loyalties to her king.
There was valet parking for residents and visitors, and her car was – by far – the oldest and cheapest among those in the drive.
The system analyzesthe behavior of visitors to the website.
Visitors can appreciate the beauty of the opera house.
Ancient Mexican civilizations left a dazzling legacy for modern museum visitors.
The meeting culminates with the exhibition, which has now been seen by 25,000 visitors from the UK and Europe.
Too many sites rely on visitors' burning curiosity to explore and figure it out.
The languages reflect the linguistic diversity of the visitors to each location.
Some give the opportunity for visitors to exchange ideas.
Many of these Wildlife Reserves are long established, consequently some of the wildlife have become quite accustomed to visitors.
The inn is justly popular with locals and visitors alike for its hospitality, well-kept ales and great food.
It is ideal for first-time visitors to the Alps, particularly family groups with children, and for aspiring alpinists.
Visitors to the MirandaNet website will be able to follow the progress of this ACTIVboard project by following the link to Promethean ambassadors.
Practical experience forms part of the course and was initially gained by working alongside midwives and health visitors in the HOTS drop-in antenatal clinic.
The visitors must be at VIP level, CEO, ministerial, chief archivist or deputy level.
It organizes exhibitions, visual, performing and participatory articipatory arts activities to inspire staff, patients and visitors to the hospital.
We do not automatically assume that all our visitors will come by car.
Sadly, our deckchair attendant has nodded off and currently isn't counting visitors - too much sun in Sutton this week!
In the newer part of town visitors will find the usual seaside attractions including some relaxing gardens.
June may bring elegant visitors such as spoonbill, whilst the breeding birds include avocet, bittern and bearded tit.
Visitors to Zimbabwe should exercise caution at all times and remain aware of recent developments in the country.
Early morning visitors can enjoy bacon baguettes - afternoon visitors a traditional cream tea.
A Jack Russell terrier tolerated the visitors, provided he was kept busy racing after a thrown tennis ball.
This year visitors can also see some of the best bartenders in the world take part in a series of live competitions.
Visitors can view the apartments, halls and terraces of the harem, and see the lavish royal bedchamber and Imperial Hall.
There may be certain times when your visitors are asked to leave the bedside and wait in the waiting room.
There was no advertising blitz at the bustling train station to welcome visitors to the ' home of NAC ' .
The 1000m long boardwalk allows visitors to visit the Fen at any time of year.
Should the larger festivals reward regular visitors with some kind of priority booking system, or should they be free for alls?
Many visitors bookmark the site, and e-mails to MKHA members express pleasure and appreciation at the work done by so many volunteers.
I have just had butterfly visitors to my white buddleia only this week, up till then it was covered in bumble bees!
Visitors begin their tour in the reconstructed cruck house which houses the museum's collection of domestic bygones.
She was converted to hold 68 beds, although in non-epidemic times, her fore cabin was used by staff and visitors.
During the 1950s and 1960s it enjoyed enormous cachet among visitors from North West England, the Borders, Wales and Ireland.
However, that moment provided the wake-up call Crystal Palace needed, who soon turned up the heat on the visitors.
We are running an ongoing publicity campaign asking site visitors to stop feeding bread to the ducks.
There is a visitors ' car park off of Ferrers Lane.
Upstairs the Visitors Room, with it's Black Watch tartan carpet, is a vast cavern for stylish lounging.
In fact, the 'everyone ' often includes only the magic circle of current members visitors simply go away frustrated.
It does something clever with Google maps to create a map where visitors to your site are logged.
From the start of the last century right into the new Millenium, sailing cobles have brought interest to visitors to the harbor.
Play began with a corner to Reading and Cardiff were caught cold as Ivar Ingimarsson nodded the visitors ahead in the 39th minute.
In addition, visitors to Lundy benefit greatly from the maintenance carried out by these dedicated conservationists.
But Boanas will have been disappointed not to keep a clean sheet when the visitors netted a consolation with four minutes remaining.
The visitors somehow contrived to lose 20 wickets in a day at a ground where the pitches are renowned for being batsmen friendly.
Also, at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park visitors can see corncrakes being bred in preparation for release into the English countryside.
There are opportunities for visitors to get hands on experience as well - with chances to shoot a crossbow under supervision.
With its gently shelving beaches and a warm air currents, the Algarve has drawn visitors to its sun-drenched shores for years.
Independent custody visitors have no right to see the detainee's medical records, even where these are attached to the custody visitors have no right to see the detainee's medical records, even where these are attached to the custody record.
All the services are in Chinese, but visitors are welcome 9am-5pm daily (00 86 21 6322 5069 ).
First impressions New York City, scarred yet defiant, is the starting point for many British visitors to the East Coast.
During the two years of conversion to organic production the farm hosted more than 400 visitors attending many demonstration and educational events.
A LOCAL BEAUTY SPOT WITH 75,000 VISITORS EACH YEAR The coastal denes of Durham are an important wildlife habitat.
The visitors ' center houses a museum, which accurately depicts the life of the prisoners (left ).
The simple and secure website has already been tried and tested by budding designers, from infants to arts students and foreign visitors.
Visitors will be greeted at a reception desk close to the front doors.
With the detainee's consent, visitors may notify the duty officer that the detainee's consent, visitors may notify the duty officer that the detainee wishes to make a complaint.
Trees are somewhat sparse, but visitors will find the small greens difficult to reach in par figures.
Visitors with a nervous disposition can view the results of the meditation from a safe distance on a monitor.
The relevant documentation will be made available to visitors.
The central part of the old village is used for communal areas, including a hostel dorm for visitors, and a small school.
Walks, hiking trails and jeep excursions enable visitors to explore marshes and wetlands, coastal dunes, isolated mountain peaks and Atlantic beaches.
The scheme might in fact end up harming the local economy by reducing the number of tourist visitors.
The College has trained staff present that are able to use an evacuation chair for the safe egress of disabled visitors during an emergency.
We also now have resident little egrets, these birds were unusual summer visitors from southern Europe until recent years.
If you're looking for a truly electrifying day out, why not visit First Hydro's Electric Mountain Visitors Center.
Many visitors from the UK like to visit the massive wine emporiums and stock up before heading home.
Visitors to forested areas should seek medical advice about immunization against tick borne encephalitis.
The work will enhance the enjoyment of our visitors.
Over the course of two thousand years it has generated a story which now enraptures millions of visitors every year.
Safely ensconced in a loop of the River Severn, eleventh century visitors could only access the town through the castle.
Visitors from northern England and Scotland were richly entertained with indoor concerts, outdoor band music and, of course, the music hall.
The city welcomes visitors with wide esplanades paved in russet marble, which stroll to courtly squares graced with artistic buildings.
One continuing exasperation for American visitors is that the people wilfully persist in speaking French, tho many will speak English if shouted at.
The first hardly applies to the Ben because with 70,000 visitors a year it offers no social exclusivity.
He is the man who organizes the exhibitions which attract the visitors who bring in the money which keeps the Academy going.
Boakes and her team aim to attract 200 exhibitors and around 20,000 visitors to the Excel debut.
Visitors will be among the first to hear about the fully restored facade, which once again reflects Adam's original design.
Later this month over 200,000 visitors are expected to descend on the trade exhibition fairground in Frankfurt to attend the 27th Achema.
Most visitors will want to explore the fells that surround the valley.
In addition, the access gates are locked to keep out unwanted visitors, and the columns have rubber fenders to prevent scrapes.
Travel Spain Visitors guide to Spain, including useful maps, main attractions, and Spanish fiestas.
Visitors to the site - Searchers are shown all events that interest them within 40 miles, prominent events appear first.
Four of us spent an afternoon collecting flotsam and debris left by visitors, but we made very little impact!
Many visitors, however, will be most familiar with the lighthouse foghorn which sounds every fifteen seconds during periods of poor visibility.
Visitors leave footprints to the relevant parts of the site, thats the visitor you want on the right.
It seemed to sum up the visitors ' defensive frailty.
Many of the guests are TV stars in the US, which adds a frisson for American site visitors.
Visitors were served a rather frugal fare in the Cistercian guesthall.
The site is now managed by Heritage of Ireland and the recently restored gatehouse now houses an exhibition and visitors center.
Delicious with plenty visitors easy river blue gill speckled walked here in.
During a one-hour tour visitors learn about the history of the sewers before donning plastic gloves and hard hats to explore underground.
Visitors can also see the rare breeds of chickens, cows, pigs and pygmy goats stocked.
Over the years both staff and visitors have reported unusual goings-on, particularly in the chemist and attic areas.
To the visitors it is all golden; for the hosts, it has another side.
Visitors to gorilla Island can also learn about the Zoo's conservation work to protect gorillas in the wild.
Visitors will get an unprecedented view of the racing from specially erected grandstands around the dock.
Some visitors come in the hope of finding a guarantor to put money down for accommodation.
English Heritage also produces a free guide for visitors with disabilities.
Western visitors will generally receive a handshake on meeting someone.
The 29 residents and visitors donned union flag hats and enjoyed a party at the housing scheme in Barley Croft.
Superb work from Academy keeper Hugh Belgrave gave the visitors a 5 wicket haul with a fine reaction stumping from Robinson's bowling.
The quality museums here offer visitors the opportunity to learn about the town's archeological heritage.
At once highbrow and lowbrow, it has a way of adapting its identity to fulfill the desires of its visitors.
Visitors to the Mills can still see hosiery being made, have a coffee and admire the display of old photographs of Wirksworth.
Visitors arriving from other parts of Korea may also touch down at Gimpo Airport, the city's domestic air transportation hub.
The habitat provides a natural home for an adult male blue iguana which can be seen by visitors.
Access Mobility impaired visitors can access the mill from the back entrance through the double red gates.
Both sides had their chances but the visitors looked more incisive in attack.
Long term visitors must be formally inducted into the department.
Hopefully, next year the cafes will be better prepared to handle the influx of visitors Keith.
Carl Hey, 72, and Steve Cole, 31, rebuilt the innings with gritty determination moving the visitors to 157.
Andy Hewitt, 48, Steve Walsh, 51, and Steve Comer, 33, played the major innings for the visitors.
Having been isolated by its island location from contact with humanity, the dodo greeted the new visitors with a child-like innocence.
Terms and Conditions Ownership and Copyright Aurum Ecology respects the intellectual property of others, and we request our visitors to do the same.
We were also able to show visitors to the stand children's books with braille on clear plastic sheets interleaved between the print pages.
Based in the UK, ConceptCar is a totally international site with visitors from all four corners of the world.
A key feature of this service is the use of costumed interpreters who interact with school pupils and general visitors.
Visitors stay in a ranch in the rainforest overlooking a volcanic lagoon.
West virginia on closed to cruise Lawrence river st visitors.
Above all, this airy interior design gives visitors a real sense of the stylish interior layout of the Scott.
Occupiers ' liability is regulated by the Occupiers Liability Acts 1957 (visitors) and 1984 (trespassers ).
Alternatively, visitors are welcome to visit the library itself at Walton Hall.
Car hire can be arranged by Hawk's Nest, but I hitched a lift with some other visitors.
Disable visitors will have full access to the vehicle through a hydraulic lift located at the rear staircase.
The number of students and a constant stream of visitors from all over the world make the city lively throughout the year.
A consumer panel of visitors with sight loss worked with Museum staff in developing these services.
Barracuda were frequent visitors but we also caught jacks, snapper, grouper and king mackerel.
Monday-Friday the slopes are deserted and international visitors enjoy the magnificence in solitude.