Visions Sentence Examples
These visions are totally verifiable in current time.
Someone touched her, and visions flared across her mind.
I may be the person who's having the visions but I can't do it alone.
Her visions are limited as to time or location and she has no idea when they might disappear.
From her visions, neither of them was capable of any measure of kindness.
While she couldn't shake the sense of doom that followed her from the visions, she felt more normal, less afraid, at the thought that she'd be rejoining the rest of humanity for a shopping trip with the girls, even if only for a morning.
His visions were more than just his death; they were the first-person experience of the torturing and killing of many, many others, as if she were mutilating others.
None of us admitted to the possibility that the visions were real visits to the past.
She still didn't understand the depth of her talents or how to control the visions, and being alone and away from her mate made some days unbearable.
Visions slammed into her, each one as vivid as the next, the sights, smells, sounds.
AdvertisementShe would never give this man the visions he wanted!
So there's no concern these visions may stop completely?
I've seen a lot of places and people in these visions but never anyone I knew.
As I understand it, the so-called visions were perpetrated with the assistance of a second person, now dead.
Jake didn't follow her as she strode into the airport and checked in, careful not to brush up against anyone for fear of the jarring visions.
AdvertisementSofia sagged, crippled by the burning visions.
Jilian grabbed her again, and she grated her teeth against the visions, staggering as she tried to keep upright.
She stared at the embroidered tablecloth, tormented by the scent of food she couldn't eat and the visions of death and betrayal that left an acrid taste in her mouth.
His book might almost be called the "Visions of Peter Bartholomew and others," and it is written in the plain matter-of-fact manner of Defoe's narratives.
This was the first of many visions.
AdvertisementYet, in spite of all corruption, ideas of the intelligent development of the subject lands, visions of the Hellenic king, as the Greek thinkers had come to picture him, haunted the Macedonian rulers, and perhaps fitfully, in the intervals of war or carousal, prompted some degree of action.
He experienced within himself the inward call to seek the amelioration of mankind and their deliverance from ruin, and regarded this inner impulse, intensified as it was by long, contemplative solitude and by visions, as being the call addressed to him by God Himself.
The patient consulting the god sleeps in the Abaton, sees certain visions, and, as a result, comes forth cured the next morning.
During this time he became subject to religious emotion and beheld visions which encouraged him to effect his escape.
If Isaiah had had those bright visions, they would have affected him more.
AdvertisementIn the fourth book he discusses the Epicurean doctrine of the images, which are cast from all bodies, and which act either on the senses or immediately on the mind, in dreams or waking visions, as affording the explanation of the belief in the continued existence of the spirits of the departed.
The form of apocalyptic is a literary form; for we cannot suppose that the writers experienced the voluminous and detailed visions we find in their books.
On the other hand the reality of the visions is to some extent guaranteed by the writer's intense earnestness and by his manifest belief in the divine origin of his message.
But the difficulty of regarding the visions as actual experiences, or as in any sense actual, is intensified, when full account is taken of the artifices of the writer; for the major part of his visions consists of what is to him really past history dressed up in the guise of prediction.
Are we not here obliged to assume that the visions are a literary invention and nothing more ?
However we may explain the inconsistency, we are precluded by the moral earnestness of the writer from assuming the visions to be pure inventions.
Visions are vouchsafed only to those who to prayer have added fasting.
His book is divided into three parts containing visions, commands, similitudes.
It gave rise to the numerous precariae verbo regis, of the Church records, and to the condemnation of Charles Martel in the visions of the clergy to worse difficulties in the future life than he had overcome in this.
The first section is a preface containing exhortation in general terms. The main section is the second, containing a series of night visions, the significant features of which are pointed out by an angel who stands by the prophet and answers his questions.
The series of visions has now reached its close, returning to its starting-point in i.
The visions hardly veil the thought, and the mode of expression is usually simple, except in the Messianic passages, where the tortuousness and obscurity are perhaps intentional.
He was educated at the monastery of Reichenau, near Constance, where he had for his teachers Tatto and Wettin, to whose visions he devotes one of his poems. Then he went on to Fulda, where he studied for some time under Hrabanus Maurus before returning to Reichenau, of which monastery he was made abbot in 838.
The relation here indicated between the Shepherd's instruction and the initial message of one definitive repentance, open to those believers who have already "broken" their "seal" of baptism by deadly sins, as announced in Visions i.-iv.
A highly sensitive and imaginative child, she very early began to practise asceticism and see visions, and at the age of seven solemnly dedicated her virginity to Christ.
Convinced of being divinely inspired, he had begun to see visions, and discovered in the Apocalypse symbols of the heavenly vengeance about to overtake this sin-laden people.
Fra Silvestro on the contrary gave way at mere sight of the rack, and this seer of heavenly visions owned himself and his master guilty of every crime laid to their charge.
Before his illumination he had been instructed by dreams, and enjoyed extraordinary visions, and heard mysterious conversations.
After this the main effort of his life was to realize visions of beauty suggested by classic myth and history.
In addition to the presentation of revived memories, and of "objectivation of ideas or images consciously or unconsciously in the mind of the percipient," there occur "visions, possibly telepathic or clairvoyant, implying acquirement of knowledge by supra-normal means."
This does not mean that visions and significant dreams may not have been of frequent occurrence in Montanistic circles.'
The artist must indeed start with imaginative types, revealed to him in visions or borrowed from current myths.
The visions are not for John's personal benefit, but for transmission to the church at large, i.
It is noteworthy that in the earlier visions it was Christ who spoke to the seer.
Here and in the later visions, especially those drawn from foreign sources, it is an angel.
Ezekiel gives elaborate discriptions of cherubim 19; and in one of his visions he sees seven angels execute the judgment of God upon Jerusalem.
Somewhat later, in the visions of Zechariah, angels play a great part; they are sometimes spoken of as " men," sometimes as mal'akh, and the Mal'akh Yahweh seems to hold a certain primacy among them.21 Satan also appears to prosecute (so to speak) the High Priest before the divine tribunal.
Tregelles wrote Heads of Hebrew Grammar (1852), translated Gesenius's Hebrew Lexicon, and was the author of a little work on the Jansenists (1851) and of various works in exposition of his special eschatological views (Remarks on the Prophetic Visions of Daniel, 1852,1852, new ed., 1864).
Thus both are hortatory writings, the one argumentative in form, the other prophetic, after the manner of later Old Testament prophets whose messages came in visions and similitudes.
That prophecy was generally given in visions, dreams and obscure sentences is true only of an early period.
Amos still has frequent visions cf a more or less enigmatic character, as Micaiah had, but there is little trace of this in the great prophets after him.
Since the visions of Bernadette Soubirous, their authentication by a commission of enquiry appointed by the bishop of Tarbes, and the authorization by the pope of the cult of Our Lady of Lourdes, the quarter on the left bank of the Gave has sprung up and it is estimated that 600,000 pilgrims annually visit the town.
It may be seen, generally in animal form, in visions or by persons of second sight, but to see one's own fylgia is a sign of impending death.
What visions beyond there may be, what larger hopes,what ultimate harmonies, if such there are in store, will come in God's good time; it is not for us to anticipate them, or lift the veil where God has left it down" (The Christian View of God and the World, 18 93, p. 397).
The reign of Gallienus (260-268) would suit the tone of its references to the Roman emperor (Waitz, P. 74), and also any polemic against the Neoplatonic philosophy of revelation by visions and dreams which it may contain.
Filled with his religious ideas and visions, he might well fancy he heard the angel bidding him recite what was said to him.
Here and there Mahomet speaks of visions, and appears even to see angels before him in bodily form.
Faunus also revealed the secrets of the future by strange sounds from the woods, or by visions communicated to those who slept within his precincts in the skin of sacrificed lambs; he was then called Fatuus, and with him was associated his wife or daughter Fatua.
He justified the most arbitrary and extravagant measures by the authority of visions from heaven, as others have done in similar circumstances.
The brilliancy and fair light scale of his tints is constantly remarkable, combined with a free use of gilding; this conduces materially to that celestial character which so pre-eminently distinguishes his pictured visions of the divine persons, the hierarchy of heaven and the glory of the redeemed.
Her writings, containing an account of her life and of her visions and opinions, were collected by her disciple, Pierre Poiret (19 vols., Amsterdam, 1679-1686), who also published her life (2 vols., 1679).
In his Lux in tenebris he published the visions of Kotterus, Dabricius and Christina Poniatovia.
We are too apt to take for granted that the men of the middle ages were immersed in meditations on the other world, and that their = intellectual exercises were confined to abstractions of the / schools, hallucinations of the fancy, allegories, visions.
Man and the actual universe kept on reasserting their rights and claims, announcing their goodliness and delightfulness, in one way or another; but they were always being thrust back again into Cimmerian regions of abstractions, fictions, visions, spectral hopes and fears, in the midst of which the intellect somnambulistically moved upon an unknown way.
Humanism implied the rejection of those visions of a future and imagined state of souls as the only absolute reality, which had fascinated the imagination of the middle ages.
Passing over the visions and exhumations of the first half of the 12th century, we come to the singular revelations of St Elizabeth of Schdnau.
A faster writes down his visions and revelations for a whole season.
St Bridget, or Birgitta (1303-1373), an historical figure of extraordinary interest, has left her name attached to several important religious works, in particular to a collection of Uppenbarelser (" Revelations "), in which her visions and ecstatic meditations are recorded, and a version, the first into Swedish, of the five books of Moses.
He liked books and quiet corners all his days, he says; and so, when conviction of sin and visions of God's grace came to him in the medieval fashion of a dream of the anger and forgiveness of the Virgin, Florentius told him that a monk's life would suit him best, advised him to join the Augustinian order, and sent him to Zwolle to the new convent of Mount St Agnes, where his brother John was prior.
Very striking is the description, like that given six centuries later by Marco Polo, of the quasi-supernatural horrors that beset the lonely traveller in the wilderness - the visions of armies and banners; and the manner in which they are dissipated singularly recalls passages in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.
The strongest influences in his development about this time were the liberating philosophy of Coleridge, the mystical visions of Swedenborg, the intimate poetry of Wordsworth, and the stimulating essays of Carlyle.
To illustrate this, he makes use on the one hand (i.-vi.) of carefully chosen narratives, somewhat loosely connected it is true, but all treating substantially the same subject, - the physical triumph of God's servant over his unbelieving enemies; and on the other hand (vii.-xii.), he introduces certain prophetic visions illustrative of God's favour towards the same servant, Daniel.
So carefully is this record of the visions arranged that the first two chapters of the second part of the book (vii.-viii.) were no doubt purposely made to appear in a symbolic form, in order that in the last two revelations (xi.-xii.), which were couched in such direct language as to be intelligible even to the modern student of history, the author might obtain the effect of a climax.
Subjectively, though not objectively, these visions may be supposed to have appeared to Gotama.
After a long trial, carried out with elaborate formality and great unfairness, the unhappy Joan was found guilty of proclaiming as divine visions what were delusions of the evil one, or of her own vain imagination, and when she persisted in maintaining their reality she was declared a relapsed heretic, and burnt at Rouen on the 30th of May 1431.
Henry was able to deal roughly with such manifestations as Elizabeth Bartons visions, and in the autumn of 1534 to obtain from parliament the Act of Supremacy TheActof which transferred to him the juridical, though not the Suprem- spiritual, powers of the pope.
Tylor - to the effect that it originated in the desire of the primitive man to bring on at will certain abnormal nervous conditions favourable to the seeing of those visions and the dreaming of those dreams which are supposed to give the soul direct access to the objective realities of the spiritual world.
If it be true that knowledge lies only in the agreement or disagreement of ideas, the visions of an enthusiast and the reasonings of a sober man will be equally certain.
The shock threw her into a trance, and these trances, accompanied by visions, recurred frequently in the subsequent part of her life.
The visions grew more and more vivid.
Her visions continued, and, by command of her ecclesiastical superiors, she wrote her autobiography containing a full account of these experiences, though she was far from basing any claim to holiness upon them.
The honour was doubtless largely due to her asceticism and mystic visions.
Being essentially a man of order, he loathed, as he said, all demagogic action, Jacobinism and visions of liberty, which he desired only for himself.
Although an enemy of idealogues, in his foreign policy Napoleon was haunted by grandiose visions.
His friends were informed, and he was sent to a private lunatic asylum at St Albans, where he remained for eighteen months under the charge of Dr Nathaniel Cotton, the author of Visions.
Francis Bacon abuses the astrologers of his day no less than the alchemists, but he does so because he has visions of a reformed astrology and a reformed alchemy.
Like the history of the founder of the Achaemenian empire, that of Ardashir has from the beginning been overgrown with legends; like Cyrus he is the son of a shepherd, his future greatness is predicted by dreams and visions, and by the calculations of astronomers he becomes a servant at the court of King Artabanus and then flies to Persia and begins the rebellion; he fights with the great dragon, the enemy of god, &c. A Pahlavi text, which contains this legend, has been translated by Noldeke (Geschichte des Artachshir i Papakan, 1879).
While to the rest of us, questioned if Howie's visions recorded real life events and if so, how to prove veracity of the vision, Quinn, the scientist wanted only to know why.
First off, Howie discovered he can speak aloud while he's having his visions.
The visions in her head were dark and brutal, the memories of a man enslaved by the sadistic Black God for thousands of years.
The in-between place where Jake's drugs put her were filled with horrifying visions of Cody and other strangers dying while Dr. Czerno screamed at her to return to him in his inhuman computer voice.
The last thing she needed was more of the gruesome visions!
D touched her, and the visions fled as if at his command.
I'm … Claire shook her hand, and the visions that protruded into her thoughts floored her.
Czerno trailed a finger down the side of her face, his chilling smile and the onslaught of visions making her gasp.
Czerno snatched Sofia and dragged her close, the visions making her stagger.
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
Visions of Czerno and home videos from Darian morphed into a grotesque nightmare that made her body shake, even as she tried to push the dream from her thoughts.
The erotic visions in her head made heat bloom in her lower belly and the fire of desire spread in her blood.
The brief touch filled Gabe's thoughts with a lifetime of visions.
But visions of gigantic piles of BB sized oats continued to plague his brain as he donned his coat and gloves to clear the steps and walk-ways of the overnight snow.
Her head spun from the visions she'd been having since Ireland, and she'd fought with herself for days before coming to the conclusion she'd have to break one of her Oracle vows.
The project culminated in a workshop on "Future Visions for Resource Use" in March 2013.
Peter Scoones to Speak at Visions Top underwater cameraman Peter Scoones will be a presenter at Visions in the Sea.
The result is a wonderfully eclectic mix of visions of Brian May.
Sometimes my visions of my future seemed grandiose, and therefore I judged them to be ridiculous.
Edinburgh and Gleneagles are fast becoming a massive jamboree for competing world visions.
Alan Garner's visions and bouts of divine madness continue to hold us enthralled.
Kapila claims to be recapturing the visions of the ancient Vedic seers.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of computer games danced in their heads.
Only by making better use of the radio spectrum can the visions be achieved.
In the subsequent passage, the immediacy of the visions is supplanted by the vision of a future day.
It's home to Donnie Darko, a brilliant but troubled teenager, plagued by terrifying visions which he alone knows the meaning of.
Evelyn has visions, which are rather tiresome, to do with her past life.
We see ourselves as articulating the visions and the hopes and dreams of the ordinary people of our continent.
Pam Stuyvesant is an epileptic haunted by strange sensual visions.
Stolypin had not ventured to alter the electoral law without parliamentary consent, but with the aid of a complaisant Senate the pro- The visions of the existing law were interpreted in a restrictive second sense for the purpose of influencing the elections.
The second class of phenomena, which we may call the automatic, consists in table-tilting and turning with contact; writing, drawing, &c., through the medium's hand; convulsive movements and involuntary dancing; entrancement, trancespeaking, and personation by the medium of deceased persons attributed to temporary "possession" (q.v.); seeing spirits and visions and hearing phantom voices.
In vain did he seek to dazzle the tsar by assembling about him the vassal kings and princes of Germany; in vain did he exercise all the intellectual gifts which had captivated the tsar at Tilsit; in vain did he conjure up visions of the future conquest of the Orient; external display, diplomatic finesse, varied by one or two outbursts of calculated violence - all was useless.
Though people might disbelieve in his visions, they feared to ridicule them in his presence.
It is doubtful how far Ezekiel's account of the cherubim and Isaiah's account of the seraphim are to be taken as descriptions of actual beings; they are probably figurative, or else subjective visions.
Famished persons are liable to morbid excite ment, and fall into imaginative ecstasies, in the course of which they see visions and spectres, converse with gods and angels, and are the recipients of supernatural revelations.
He used prayer and fasting to deliver himself from evil enchantment; and when he saw ecstatic and mystical visions promising him the Lord's help and great usefulness in the Lord's work, he feared that these revelations might be of diabolic origin.
Filmmakers such as James Cameron and George Lucas used to talk about putting off film projects to wait for the computer technology to catch up to their visions.
The global DD movement also develops various types of strategy, hopefully resulting in the realization of these visions.
Sitting Bull was not only a chief, he was also regarded as a mystic and seer of visions.
The android returned to Horton, only to discover that he had visions of becoming rich by displaying the Flashlight like a sideshow freak.
Special Features Basic Beliefs offers a succinct introduction to the church, including founder Joseph Smith 's personal account of his visions.
It 's home to Donnie Darko, a brilliant but troubled teenager, plagued by terrifying visions which he alone knows the meaning of.
Many believe that their dreams are actually vatic visions of their future.
Venture capital people require a small number of big hits, and they are drawn to visions.
A synergy exists between two co-founders with similar visions but different talents-a synergy that you can't approximate on your own.
An image of baby conjures up visions of rattles, baby toys, books, and blankets.
Home Visions has an excellent range covering all budgets.
Home Visions serves up page after page of deluxe and comfy armchairs.
Walgreens allows makeup lovers to shop online for mascara from such popular cosmetics companies as Almay, Uptown Visions, Max Factor, Milani and Revlon.
The rich images created in the poems stem from remarkably simple language, creating vivid visions that conjure a palpable experience.
I'd never heard of bamboo as a building product -- at least not in North America -- and had visions of stalky green plants.
Since visions of the country often include flowers and lots of greenery, creating this type of décor is easy with the help of some well-chosen pieces you may already have.
Visions of art galleries and opera houses skitter across my brain as I stare into the bathroom mirror.
You can choose 4 Zodiac Star Sign, Visions Spiritual, or Theta Waves The Laws Of Attraction.
Visions of romantic music in the background, the perfect setting, a beautiful sunset, and a moonlit kiss to seal the deal dance in their heads.
While most women do have visions of the perfect marriage proposal, today's women also have much more in mind than the perfect marriage proposal.
If visions of warm sand and crystal clear waters fill your head, then a Fiji honeymoon might just be perfect for you and your sweetie.
However, in contrast to visions of fondant flowers and flawless swirls of frosting, men tend to err more on the side of humor and personalized cakes.
Find a baker and decorator who are enthusiastic about what you want and will carry your visions of taste and presentation through all the way to your wedding day.
There are also programs just for adolescents, such as Visions Teens.
Check out some craft books to get creative ideas for cupcakes, then make your visions into edible art!
There are so many different designers churning out their individual visions of baby boy tees that most parents choose to select their infant's clothes based on cost and convenience more than anything else.
Having visions of George Michael in his "Faith" music video?
If visions of the Old West flash through your mind when you think of the ideal outerwear, then men's western jackets are the way to go.
Vixen Visions offers a daring number in gold.
While the term “shorts” conjures visions of shorts that fall to mid-thigh or shorter, bike shorts in plus sizes are available in varying lengths including capri-lengths for those who don’t want to show off their legs.
A dream of Walt's before his death in the 1960s, the Florida property was purchased and visions were being put to paper by the man himself right up to his untimely passing.
He will occasionally have visions of locations of objects, hidden doors, bonus items etc. Use this to your advantage.
Who is Laguna and why does Squall see visions of him?
What did Neversoft, Vicarious Visions, Budcat Creations, Activision, and RedOctane bring to the stage for this latest home-based concert?
Created by Vicarious Visions, this version of the game differs slightly from the other versions of the game.
Exclusive to the Vicarious Visions Spider-Man game are two villains from the franchise.
Sim kids can get Pixie Dust by playing with the "Visions of Sugarplums" toy box.
The journey to discover the truth about Torque's past will not be easy, as you explore the city filled with vicious creatures, dangerous slums, and ghostly visions.
Monaco's See Visions technology eliminates blind spots.
The Zero to Three New Visions for Parents Work Group.
The Golden Gate Bridge history incorporates the visions of entrepreneurs and engineers with the visions of citizens in six counties, to create a transportation link that would meet the needs of a growing population.
If you have visions of scary-Grandpa shorts that cover half the torso, you don't need to worry.
When some women hear the words "plus sized swimsuits" they immediately see visions of staid black or navy one piece swimsuits, and then think boring!
Whether or not you dare to go this bare yourself, our micro bikini gallery is here to show you visions of what could be.
When you think of calcium rich foods, visions of cool ice cream, creamy yogurt and tall glasses of milk come to mind.
Or, add the "Visions of Sugarplums" musical tree outside one of the shops.
When people think of Santa's wife, most conjure up visions of a pleasantly plump woman dressed in a red velvet gown and black Victorian boots.
We are given visions and vignettes as satiating and stirring as the act itself.
Naturally the term "pocketbook" itself may bring to mind visions of pockets, which are wonderful for organization.
Home Visions sells desks in such fun colors as red, green, orange, sky blue, and pink.
The Easter holiday conjures up visions of bunnies, chicks, eggs, lilies, and children's Easter outfits.
He is haunted by strange visions and a five-note musical sequence that eventually becomes clear when the close encounter of the first and second kind becomes the third kind.
Watch your violet aura for signs that it is turning more lavender to indicate imagination, visions or dreams.
When considering prophetic visions of the future, it is difficult to ignore his prophecies.
These visions are typically very vivid in detail and can be very unsettling if you aren't aware that you have psychic abilities.
The townspeople could have been receiving psychic visions of the bridge collapse or some kind of warning or messenger in the form of the Mothman.
With visions of Rocky Balboa dancing in your head (cue music), you head to your local athletic shoe store, sweatband in tow, only to be greeted with rows upon rows of daunting athletic footwear.
In the 2008-2009 television season, Grey's Anatomy challenged fans when they brought the character Denny Duquette back in Izzie Stevens visions.
Her visions of Denny were a symptom, not a jump the shark moment.
For many souls, butterflies represent deep emotion, personal change or visions of a more perfect human race.
Your craving will be rewarded and your visions for visceral beauty brought into fruition, given homage amid the breathtaking background of majestic mountains descending gracefully into oceanic utopia.
Visions of fabulous Mexico beach vacations have long been inspiring tourists to visit Los Cabos, but the local dining has always been exceptional.
Duos sometimes play just as a pair and sometimes have backing bands, but two heads are better than one when complementary musical visions collide.
Another great website filled with a variety of customizable party invitations is Ira's Peripheral Visions.
When most people think of spring break, visions of college students and wild parties come to mind.
Haunted History takes the paranormal scene to the past by narrating some weird visions and appearances of famous people and legendary characters in American History.
Some teams worked well together, but some butted heads the whole time as they tried to mesh their visions.
Some of the contestants struggled to maintain their creative visions.
On the show, brides and grooms with grandiose wedding visions try to pull off their ritzy affairs on limited budgets.
The episodes start with the couple detailing their wedding visions, whether the bride and groom are on the same page or they each have individual lists of their wedding must-haves.
Commander Benjamin Sisko enters the wormhole in the first episode and is greeted by visions of strange beings.
The Dementors, flawlessly designed and perfectly animated, are the most beautifully horrifying visions on the screen and will put a chill in the spine of anyone who sees them.
Director Tim Burton, famous for his twisted visions and dark interpretations, takes the helm to introduce Batman to a new generation of fans in his own eerie fashion.
Over-the-top is a reoccurring theme in Batman and Robin and the only vision in this movie seems to be visions of dollar signs.
Through the years, Roslin's struggles with breast cancer and herbal remedies caused her to see visions.
Much of the art work that you find will most likely include adult oriented or erotic visions.
Sam Witwicky is off to college, but the first few days of his freshman year is interrupted by strange visions of odd symbols.
While she is a confident leader, her stoic characterization is cast in a new light when Laura Roslin sees visions that lead her to believe she will be the one to lead the humans to a new home on a planet called Earth.
Then to make matters worse, Kara has recurring visions of a swirling shape-something that has followed her throughout her life.
Perhaps something that happened to Howie in there and his past is resurrecting these visions!
Quinn reacted as we'd grown to expect but Howie's visions became our afternoon project.
Do you think the earlier visions were the same time period?
No matter how life-like they are, they have to be visions your mind is creating, as mundane they seem to be.
We spent our remaining time in New Hampshire with no mention of his visions.
After leaving the town, we drove around the surrounding countryside in hopes Howie my spot one of the scenes of his other visions.
I don't disagree and God knows I have no more idea what's causing these visions but they're ruling his life right now.
It's too bad he's convinced it's your tests that cause the visions.
That proves it isn't the plants or location that are the cause of your visions.
As much progress as we've made, we still haven't proved his visions represent real happenings.
When the visions are decades ago, that's one thing.
Our visions continued to keep us awake long into the night.
I was the only one to see those visions.
Sofi gazed at her, visions from Jonny's future swirling in her thoughts.
She fled, staggering as she bumped into more people and more visions flashed.
The measure was taken to give him unfettered access to her visions.
No visions pierced her thoughts.
He touched her arm to pull her free, and she jerked as dark visions crossed her thoughts.
She wrenched away from both men and pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes, trying to stop the visions.
What if he was the only person on the planet that could ever touch her again because of her wacky visions?
At his touch, her visions quieted.
The visions were less invasive than those from others, like background music at a department store.
I'm … Claire shook her hand, and the visions that protruded into her thoughts floored her.
She resisted the urge to move away from him, chilled by the visions of his work as Damian's executioner.
He sensed the visions in her head, not surprised to see his own black memories playing on the screens on the back of her eyelids along with a dark nightmare of a man in a corner crying.
He'd been as gentle with her as he'd known how, and still she suffered under the weight of the visions.
She'd seen what he was capable of in his visions.
She staggered back, the visions cementing in her mind, overwhelming her.
She sobbed, absorbing the black visions spilling through his mind.
She was his only relief, and the visions threatened to consume her.
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
He harbored visions of the injured redhead out in the hinterland digging a grave for her recently murdered victim.
They leapt from the pages to create visions before him that then swirled and turned back into words.
Each spoke to him as he swam, filling his head with visions as they told him their stories.
From the visions he showed her, he was capable of things she'd never dreamed of.
Visions of her sister.s death fresh in her mind, she changed into warm clothes and her running shoes, tucked the perfume bottle into a pocket, then sat on the edge of the bed.
There's plenty of computer web sites that explain all about them dreams and visions and spirits.
I have all these visions in my head.
Her visions were all over the place this night, and she wasn't sure what she'd initially thought was the right path would actually turn out well.
The two visions that haunted her since she was a child were forefront in her mind.
Soon after he took up a role of his own, having visions and a gift of prophecy.
If I could have foreseen what a stir my writings would make, I think I should have jealously guarded the privacy of this sanctuary where, till then, I perhaps was the only soul who had fed the artist's visions and the poet's dreams. But I had no such anticipation; I never gave it a thought.
As a child she had already believed herself to have visions; these now became more frequent, and her records of these "revelations," which were tanslated into Latin by Matthias, canon of Linkoping, and by her confessor, Peter, prior of Alvastra, obtained a great vogue during the middle ages.
As his over-sanguine visions of a new order of things to be ushered in by political change disappeared, he began to direct his thoughts to religious subjects.
Unless these ideals are mocking visions, man has a right to expect the continuance of his life for its completion.
But, while he continues demented, he cannot judge of the visions which he sees or the words which he utters....
Even before this we hear of the prophetic visions of Hildegard of Bingen (a contemporary of St Bernard) and Elizabeth of SchOnau.
More dimly still visions of what the first bird may have been like could be reasonably entertained; and, passing even to a higher antiquity, the reptilian parent whence all birds have sprung was brought within reach of man's consciousness.
Again, the army was morally weakened by a haunting dread of treason, and some of the chiefs, Ney for example, took the field with disturbing visions of the consequences of their late betrayal of the Bourbon cause, in case of Napoleon's defeat.
In some twentieth-century science fiction visions of the future, humans created friendly robot sidekicks with data storage capacity and computational speed the human brain lacked.
We embarked on these car projects with grandiose visions, many as unrealistic as they were ingenious.
It was to see my native village in the light of the Middle Ages, and our Concord was turned into a Rhine stream, and visions of knights and castles passed before me.
Likewise, her visions of happy, healthy and successful were based on her assumption that you are heterosexual.