Virtual Sentence Examples
In fact, it was a virtual revelation.
She had been a virtual prisoner in the cabin since she had seen the snake on the porch.
It was a virtual act of abdication.
At the end of 1905, however, about 37 had been certainly recognized, besides some outlying cases of indeterminate type, in which continuous occultations by two bright stars, revolving in virtual contact, are doubtfully supposed to be in progress.
When Charles Martel became the virtual ruler of the Frankish realm he brought the Bavarians into strict dependence, and deposed two dukes successively for contumacy.
Then all the people repented except the men of Judah, who were not to be conciliated without a virtual admission of prerogative of kinship to the king.
He started the car again and drove through a series of tunnels and intersections, a virtual underground street grid, before arriving at a large garage filled with gleaming cars.
A war which became general, as any limited action might, would only result in the virtual destruction of mankind.
Instead of trying to keep a video game virtual pet, try any of the free online virtual pets.
The effect of this pronouncement was great, and it alarmed the Afrikanders, who at this time viewed with apprehension the virtual resumption by Cecil Rhodes of his leadership of the Progressive (British) party at the Cape.
AdvertisementThis platform has continued to be developed into a more fully featured virtual learning environment (VLE ).
Conversely, we can show that if the, virtual work of the extraneous forces be zero for every infinitesimal displacement of the body as rigid, these forces must be in equilibrium.
Plan3D is an online virtual room design program that allows you to virtually design either one room at a time or an entire house.
There's something simple in just being able to chose one kind of animal for your free online virtual pet.
Virtual Kitty is similar to Virtual Puppy, except with cats.
AdvertisementBefore the passage of the state prohibition law Waycross secured virtual prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors by requiring a large liquor license fee ($20,000 in 1883, increased to $30,000 in 1892).
The right to construct all railways in Armenia and north-eastern Asia Minor has been conceded to Russia, and the Germans have a virtual monopoly of the central plateau.
The factor (P+P) cos 0h sin 0 is called the vIrtual coefficient of the two screws which define the types of the wrench and twist, respectively.
This is (in part) the celebrated principle of virtual velocities, now often described as the principle of virtual work, enunciated by John Bernoulli (1667-1748).
The word virtual is used because the displacements in question are not regarded as actually taking place, the body being in fact at rest.
AdvertisementEach such reaction consists of two equal and oppositeforces, both of which may contribute to the equation of virtual work.
For example, in the case of a particle lying on a smooth curve, or on a smooth surface, if it be displaced along the curve, or on the surface, the virtual work of the normal component of the pressure may be ignored, since it is of the second order.
For the virtual work of two equal anc opposite forces will cancel in any displacement which is commor to the two surfaces; whilst, if one surface be fixed, the displace ment of that point of the rolling surface which was in contact with the other is of the second order.
We are thus able tc imagine a great variety of mechanical systems to which tht principle of virtual work can be applied without any regard tc the internal stresses, provided the hypothetical displacements be such that none of the connections of the system are violated.
If the system be subject to gravity, the corresponding part of the virtual work can be calculated from the displacement of the centre of gravity.
AdvertisementAn important conclusion is that in any displacement of a system of bodies in equilibrium, such that the virtual work of all forces except gravity may be ignored, the depth of the centre of gravity is stationary.
Thither, in virtual banishment, Juvenal was sent as prefect by Domitian.
These animated avatars move and react to players inputs within an online virtual environment.
Dermot seems to be taking a breather in his virtual House of Commons.
Students have a Grammar Reference in the virtual classroom, which can help them to carry out these tasks.
Virtual unknown rated on them within was due at rontgen rays.
A local exchange trading system facilitates indirect reciprocity within a community by providing a virtual currency to measure people's contributions.
Important If the virtual directories are not re-created after 15 minutes, restart your computer.
Keep a list either virtual or paper of vendors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and other retailers you want to consider or have signed contracts with for goods or services.
When you have selected an item, its color and size, you will generally be prompted to add the item to your virtual shopping cart.
This article highlights a few of the more popular sites, so pull on your waders and get your feet wet in the virtual hunting world.
Despite the different pets you can take care of in these free online games, there is one thing in common that you must do that is universal to all the free online virtual pets.
Risk - Toss the virtual dice and take over continents in a bid for world domination.
Just think of the USA Online Shopping Mall as a virtual mall that you don't walk in, but you click through.
When you adopt a cyber pet you are getting an electronic animal that needs to sleep, eat and go to the bathroom, but all in a virtual sense.
You can open a pet store, interact in auctions, take part in adventures, read, write stories and play games, all while discovering the history of the virtual world.
The next time your child asks for a pony you can give them a virtual one.
Virtual pets replicate the fun and challenge of pet ownership without the responsibility of caring for a living animal.
The virtual centres 0,-,, O,i are at the respective axes of the wheels r and 1, and the centre O,-i divides the line through these two points externally in the ratio of the train of wheels.
He soon became prominent as one of the leaders of the Democratic party in the state, and for many years was a member of the so-called "Albany Regency," a group of Democrats who between about 1820 and 1850 exercised a virtual control over their party in New York, dictating nominations and appointments and distributing patronage.
These high offices rendered Guicciardini the virtual master of the papal states beyond the Apennines, during a period of great bewilderment and difficulty.
But its virtual independence was established in the 7th century, when a line of tyrants arose and initiated an anti-Dorian policy.
Tyrrell's criticism of this document appeared in The Times on the 30th of September and the 1st of October, and led to his virtual excommunication from the Church.
On the night of the 9th, however, Colonel Stewart retreated toward Charleston, abandoning 1000 stand of arms. The battle has been classed as a tactical victory for the British and a strategical victory for the Americans, terminating a campaign which left General Greene in virtual possession of the Carolinas, the British thereafter confining themselves to Charleston.
In 877 Photius became patriarch again, and there was a virtual though not a formal breach with Rome.
Nor was the virtual abolition of the cortes seriously felt at first, owing to the excellent internal administration of Pedro II.
After some weeks' negotiation, in the course of which the firmness and moderation of "the Great Commoner," as he had come to be called, contrasted favourably with the characteristic tortuosities of the crafty peer, matters were settled on such a basis that, while Newcastle was the nominal, Pitt was the virtual head of the government.
The pope was kept a virtual prisoner in the Lateran, where he is said to have died in 935, in which year Leo VII.
A good deal of morphine is exported to Japan from Europe, and generally passes into China by way of Manchuria, where Japanese products have a virtual monopoly.
The late Sir Benjamin Baker, F.R.S., suggested that the stresses might be measured by experiments with elastic models, and among others, experiments were carried out by Messrs Wilson and Gore a with indiarubber models of plane sections of dams (including the foundations) who applied forces to represent the gravity and water pressures in such a manner that the virtual density of the rubber was increased many times without interfering with the proper ratio between gravity and water pressure, and by this means the strains produced were of sufficient magnitude to be easily measured.
He was besides director of the Normal School and virtual head of the university, and from 1840 a member of the Institute (Academy of the Moral and Political Sciences).
In his election speeches Gladstone had insisted on the necessity of the country returning a Liberal majority which could act independently of the Irish vote; and the result of the general election had left the Irish the virtual arbiters of the political situation.
He rested this sovereignty on virtual mutual contract on the part of the people themselves to be so governed.
Ever since the elections virtual freedom of the press and freedom of speech had prevailed in Paris.
The act of Queen Anne (1712), which protects the "Episcopal Communion," marks its virtual incorporation as a distinct society.
Calvin was also involved in a protracted and somewhat vexing dispute with the Lutherans respecting the Lord's Supper, which ended in the separation of the evangelical party into the two great sections of Lutherans and Reformed, - the former holding that in the eucharist the body and blood of Christ are objectively and consubstaritially present, and so are actually partaken of by the communicants, and the latter that there is only a virtual presence of the body and blood of Christ, and consequently only a spiritual participation thereof through faith.
All hostages held by the over-king from the Northmen and Irish of Leth Moga were to be given up to Brian, which was a virtual surrender of all his rights over the southern half of Ireland; while Brian on his part recognized Maelsechlainn as sole king of Leth Cuinn.
After Blore Heath Richard was attainted by the Lancastrian parliament, and returned to Dublin, where the colonial parliament acknowledged him and assumed virtual independence.
It had become evident, in the meantime, to numberless Englishmen that the exclusion of the Irish members would mean virtual separation.
The most striking proof of the virtual unity of the inhabitants of Madagascar is that substantially but one language is spoken over the whole country.
About that time, the Hova in the central province of Imerina began to assert their own position under two warlike and energetic chieftains, Andrianimpoina and his son Radama; they threw off the Sakalava authority, and after several wars obtained a nominal allegiance from them; they also conquered the surrounding tribes, and so made themselves virtual kings of Madagascar.
Ranavalona II., her predecessor and her successor were successively married to the prime minister, Rainilaiarivony, a man of great ability and sagacity, who, by his position as husband and chief adviser of the sovereign, became virtual ruler of the country.
The peace of Sainte Menehould, four years after the death of Henry IV., was a virtual abdication of the monarchy (May 1614); it was time for a move in the other direction.
Although written in the style of the historical books of the old Testament, the work is characterized by a religious reticence which avoids even the use of the divine name, and by the virtual absence of the Messianic hope.
He gave the first satisfactory demonstration of equilibrium on an inclined plane, reducing it to the level by a sound and ingenious train of reasoning; while, by establishing the theory of "virtual velocities," he laid down the fundamental principle which, in the opinion of Lagrange, contains the general expression of the laws of equilibrium.
In his Discorso intorno alle cose the stanno su l'acqua, published in 1612, he used the principle of virtual velocities to demonstrate the more important theorems of hydrostatics, deducing from it the equilibrium of fluid in a siphon, and proved against the Aristotelians that the floating of solid bodies in a liquid depends not upon their form, but upon their specific gravities relative to such liquid.
This was a virtual renewal of the Family Compact of 1761, but with terms far more di;advantageous to Spain.
A simple microscope consists of a single positive lens, or of a lens combination acting as a single lens, placed between the eye and the object so that it presents a virtual and enlarged image.
E=plane focused for; 01 *, 02 * =projections of 0102 on E; Z= centre of projection; P P1=a virtual image of real diaphragm P'P 1 ' with regard to the preceding part of the objective is the entrance pupil.
Being repeatedly elected podesta for lengthy terms of office, he at last became the virtual master of Rimini.
He studied her face for a moment, probably finding it a virtual roadmap.
How did a proclamation from a virtual stranger hurt her more than anything anyone else had ever said?
For those who are thinking the whole "virtual invitation" is too drastic a change, I suggest a compromise.
It explores the aftermath of a virtual apocalypse caused by a disease Hitler sends against London after realizing he has lost the war.
She is currently writing up her thesis on the feasibility of using virtual reality to treat amblyopia.
The screensaver allows you to have up to 100 tropical fish swimming in the virtual aquarium at the same time.
The steady progress in eliminating nuclear arsenals had come to a virtual halt.
Suddenly, real-world businesses from banks to record labels are creating a virtual presence that can appeal to players ' in-game avatars.
If you like our Virtual Museum please bookmark the site and tell your friends.
Links to our virtual bookstore are now emphasized on the left hand navigation bar - viewable in browsers that support frames.
Other feature refinements include added output busses, with up to 8 stereo outputs now available within the virtual mixer of the host application.
Jeremy Paxman's back and talks to Michael Portillo a bit more, with Lord Falconer and Shirley Williams remaining virtual bystanders.
Open University - is the ' virtual campus ' .
We will show how motion capture is done using state of the art virtual reality equipment.
The silence, the virtual absence of many of Tyson's fellow castaways I found suggestive and eloquent.
The model is applied in evaluation of a remote virtual cathode system for use with the display using thermionic filament cathodes.
The focus is on UK street sport and denim fashions and on-site facilities will include Chill-Out bars interactive information stations and virtual catwalks.
Music, pornography, art, James Bond movies and heroin are all in their different ways forms of virtual strawberry cheesecake.
Each of these root classes can simulate a virtual circuit.
The dominant feature of ERPANET will be the provision of a virtual clearinghouse and knowledge base on state-of-the-art developments in digital preservation.
This was rendered at 5 frames per second, which would enable a clinician to interactively navigate the virtual colon on a desktop PC.
One of the most impressive features of the game is the superb virtual cockpit.
Welcome to our virtual Coliseum, for only the bravest of the brave.
Then there's Chris Brooke at the virtual portico or roofed colonnade.
Similar ideas are relatively commonplace in CBL and in the virtual laboratories of the natural and physical sciences.
Linux provides up to 64 virtual consoles, although the Rescue floppy only uses a few of them.
The ancient world was a virtual cornucopia of myths of gods and heroes.
It examined the effects of a two hour immersion in an interactive virtual environment, using salivary cortisol and heart rate measures.
The phrase " virtual reality, " coined by Jaron Lanier (3 ), is more generic than the term cyberspace.
Using this configuration, end users connect to a virtual desktop on the company's application servers, which all run VNC server.
Normally, you might say that it's a virtual call, so Square ' s destructor will be called.
Let's be honest, short course sheep dips, whether actual or virtual, are actually more of a chore than a delight.
To assemble their varied talents into teams real or virtual, of long or short duration.
Click Here Further Details Texas Virtual Clinic Information on common digestive problems including dysphagia (difficulty swallowing ), heartburn, anorexia.
To determine the efficacy of the virtual reality in reducing anxiety, the present study was conducted.
It's a virtual encyclopedia of facts about life in Roman times at your finger tips!
The virtual learning environment must be approached by learners equipped with far more than a belief in serendipity.
These, we came to realize, were the building blocks of creating a simple virtual ethnography.
This will enable exhibitors and delegates to conduct virtual meetings with clients and colleagues back at the office.
Italian Life Under fascism Virtual exhibition exploring the nature of Italian fascism in the early twentieth century.
Catapult small felines through an archway - or alternatively batter them into small pieces on the wall Sheep Shooter Your own virtual Cumbria.
But in 1985 his first serious critical and commercial flop, Revolution, sent him into virtual exile for four years.
The oceans, unfortunately for the creatures that live therein, are a virtual free-for-all.
The next step will be the development of virtual museums, with a most interesting example nearing fruition.
We cringe, knowing that the BBC would never be so gauche as to use such an outdated phrase as " virtual reality " .
Click Here Further Details Virtual FlyLab Virtual FlyLab allows you play the role of a research geneticist.
Among its virtual worlds are the Land of Oz and a model of Yellowstone National Park, complete with spouting geysers and wandering moose.
I didn't want to escape the disability ghetto only to lock myself into a virtual ghetto.
The final virtual space is a vast underground hangar containing a floating field of numbers, all of which are estimates of Iraqi casualties.
Virtual DJ from eJay and I can't find how to use a headphone or an external mixer.
The security forces continued to enjoy virtual impunity for past human rights violation.
This is why she enjoys going into virtual reality, she can't keep away from it because she suddenly becomes incandescent.
What are the stakes in drawing out the mutual interrelation of material and virtual?
A virtual company is formed when a team of experts work together with a lone inventor to bring an invention to market.
The site has some really cool stuff (check out the shirt ironer and virtual keyboard ).
Once people get on the slippery slope of conformity, there comes a virtual avalanche of consent, which is absolutely irresistible.
Do You virtual ISP Dare To Ask Jeeves about shield up?
Current museum projects include investigating the contents or a New Kingdom canopic jar through CT scanning and the creation of a virtual museum.
Heptagon has also produced a device that uses a semiconductor laser to project a ' virtual keyboard ' on to a surface.
The actual surrounding landscape may also be included in these virtual models.
Virtual images are often used, for example, in magnifying lenses, where the image must be viable from different angles.
Years of uncertainty about the redevelopment helped to put the city's retail market into a state of virtual limbo.
Although it is still in beta, MorphOS provides limited AmigaOS emulation through a virtual emulation and limited hardware access.
In each case the intermediate language can be run - by interpretation or just-in-time compilation - on an appropriate ' virtual machine ' .
In just a few short years, the state has been transformed from a golfing desert to a virtual golfing Mecca.
Indeed, both real and virtual communities can be better understood in relation to a discussion of technological mediation.
At lower energies the color singlet exchange of virtual mesons, called reggeons, contribute to the fall of the cross-section with increasing energy.
Consequently, the virtual city is being used as an interface metaphor to information and services on the WWW.
Bridgnorth boats had a virtual monopoly on the carriage of coal.
Amazing Stuff designers can create a virtual multimedia challenge to travel through.
The Virtual Nematode uses 3-D animations and virtual reality environments as visual teaching aids for several concepts in plant parasitic nematology.
The company made its name with the creation of virtual newsreader Ananova.
From virtual obscurity, PMS or PMT has become one of the most talked about twentieth-century diseases.
Its attractions include the second largest oceanarium in the world, a Virtual Reality Pavilion, and the Vasco da Gama Tower.
They allow an individual using the web to adopt a persona with which they can then interact with other avatars in a virtual world.
Once you've determined your setting, you'll want to decide on your virtual persona.
Dissociation of virtual photons in events with a leading proton at HERA.
The memory provides a plurality of addressable virtual communication links.
For more information about Best Buy, visit the virtual pressroom at
If the PC has only 4Mb ram, the virtual memory file should be at least 8Mb and preferably over 12Mb.
The purpose of this paper to is to provide critical reflection on two aspects associated with the use of the virtual classroom.
You can leave a remembrance for him on The Virtual Wall.
You can interact with your friends there (who would be in other virtual reality booths, which may be geographically remote ).
Up to now little research has been conducted to tackle the issue of real-time rendering of numerous virtual humans.
To order your own Northumberland tartan scarf or shawl, please visit the Northumberland " Virtual " Gift Shop.
Virtual visitors will be able to see hundreds of artifacts from the wreck littering the seabed.
The members of the European ' virtual class ' must create their own distinctive self-identity.
Virtual northern data was collected for all three of the H. glycines serine proteinases in addition to that of G. pallida.
We host each Virtual Private server on a powerful dedicated server.
Server virtualisation is a technology which would give us virtual server virtualisation is a technology which would give us virtual servers to achieve the same desired goal whilst reducing the number of physical servers.
This site shows the design of a virtual cruise ship.
We hope our virtual shopping mall and the shops and services you view give you the best possible online shopping experience.
Caltech have a Virtual Planetary Laboratory aimed at reproducing possible spectral signatures to help the Terrestrial Planet Finder program.
You are browsing the most advanced virtual sex simulator in the world!
In January, the Anonymous Digital Coalition issued a plan for virtual sit-ins on five web sites of Mexico City financial corporations.
The paper will raise the issue of the electronic or virtual skilling in the craft community sector.
What is a Virtual Assistant worth... From wage slave to home alone From wage slave to home alone.
The elite class deceived the working serfs and kept them in virtual slavery.
If I was more of a musical snob or NME hack I'd laugh at this and give it a virtual kicking.
Thatâs my intention with this blog; I kinda consider it a combination of a diary, a report, and a virtual soapbox.
The ` new system ', however consisted of minimizing the contact of fellow prisoners so that they lived in virtual solitary confinement.
Members in Group 1 saw the Virtual Reality Suite and designed a spaceship, Group 2 designed their own computer game.
This month's Cycle Forum revealed a virtual standstill for major cycling projects by the Council.
By simply checking boxes you can create your own virtual storefront with Magellan's products!
These are based on the physico-chemical properties, identification of active substructures, or virtual docking to the target's binding site.
Reasons for upgrading the kernel may include a better virtual memory subsystem, or important security fixes.
This will include open discussions, moderated by editors, with topics suggested by users and virtual letter pages for the journals.
With its international collaborators, his team has used supercomputers to create the first virtual organ, the virtual heart.
Topical areas covered by this virtual journal include experimental and theoretical study of new materials, new cuprates, and organic superconductors.
By sending in photographs we will create fully textured three dimensional models within the virtual environment.
With the CD still in the drive you can click on a virtual folder to generate image thumbnails.
In fact, virtual togetherness has many variations, not all of them living up to the value-laden name of community.
The Oxford virtual Science Walk A virtual walking tour of sites in Oxford with historic scientific associations.
You will now see the virtual trackball at the bottom of the list of transform tools.
We can see masculine transcendentalism at work in Wired magazine, or in all of the hype around artificial intelligence or virtual reality.
To move a window from one virtual desktop to another, fix it, switch desktop, then unfix it.
The guru is more than happy to help, you orchestrate several virtual classroom sessions and send out the flying guru blog URL.
Can I limit the bandwidth usage of the Virtual sites?
You need ' Brick for Windows ', a stress-relieving 29KB freeware utility that places a virtual brick in your Start Bar.
His kinsman, Eric became virtual viceroy of Northumbria.
Virtual hosting services Intuitively, sites which provide virtual hosting services Intuitively, sites which provide virtual hosting services should have very loose internal linkage.
The students will be expected to undertake learning tasks between classes and to participate in computer based virtual learning environment (WebCT ).
If a function is declared as virtual in the base class, it is virtual in the base class, it is virtual in all the derived classes.
Dr. Parsons, also a psychologist, has previously used virtual reality to observe the behaviors of children with autism.
This Guide to Good Practice concentrates on accessible desk-top virtual reality which may be distributed and viewed on-line via the World Wide Web.
Play virtual volleyball, enter the eye of a tornado, or be the star of your own tv show.
The children found the virtual walk-through of the tomb quite easy to use.
In this way links create a complex virtual web of connections which allow you to move within and between web pages and web sites.
Webcast of these events - you're welcome to join our virtual audience!
The SDC is pleased to be hosting a live Webcast of these events - you're welcome to join our virtual audience!
One is simulating wind and wind resistance and airflow dynamics on proposed vehicle designs, with virtual wind tunnels rapidly becoming a reality.
It includes a virtual environment, ' CAVE ', a fully immersive virtual environment, and a number of virtual workbenches.
During the pope's absence in Paris, at the coronation of Napoleon, Consalvi remained as virtual sovereign in Rome; and his regency was rendered remarkable by a great inundation, caused by the overflow of the Tiber, during which he exposed himself with heroic humanity for the preservation of the sufferers.
The virtual outcome of the contest carried on by Rome since the year 726 with Byzantium and Pavia was to place the popes in the position held by the Greek exarch, and to confirm the limitation of the Lombard kingdom.
There is not only the heavy toll in life and health exacted from Europeans, but the virtual closing of enormous tracts of productive country which would otherwise afford scope for British enterprise.
An indispensable preliminary was the virtual elimination of oxygen-absorption in the earth's atmosphere, and his bold project of establishing an observatory on the top of Mont Blanc was prompted by a perception of the advantages to be gained by reducing the thickness of air through which observations have to be made.
After the flight of the usurper Alexius, and when the blind Isaac, whose claims the crusaders were defending, had been taken by the Greeks from prison a;nd placed on the throne, Villehardouin, with Montmorency and two Venetians, formed the embassy sent to arrange terms. He was again similarly distinguished when it became necessary to remonstrate with Alexius, the blind man's son and virtual successor, on the nonkeeping of the terms. Indeed Villehardouin's talents as a diplomatist seem to have been held in very high esteem, for later, when the Latin empire had become a fact, he was charged with the delicate business of mediating between the emperor Baldwin and Boniface, marquis of Montferrat, in which task he had at least partial success.
He is famous for his invasion of Abyssinia, of which country he was virtual master for several years.
When, on the failure of negotiations, war broke out, Elphinstone, though a civilian, acted as virtual aide-de-camp to General Wellesley.
The dismemberment of the empire continued fast in these years, and the caliph was compelled to recognize the virtual independence of the governors Ya`qub the Saffarid (see Saffarids and Persia, History, § B) in Seistan, and Ahmad b.
Virtual Puppeteers is now in further development with Futurelab support.
If the PC has only 4Mb RAM, the virtual memory file should be at least 8Mb and preferably over 12Mb.
This turned out to require quite a number of eyeballs being digitally realigned to ensure they really did follow the virtual action.
Virtual reality can now be found on your PC.
Unfortunately the prospect of selling virtual West Cornwall holidays lies firmly in the realm of science fiction.
Such experiments require accurate real-time tracking of the observer 's head in order to render the virtual scene.
A local exchange trading system facilitates indirect reciprocity within a community by providing a virtual currency to measure people 's contributions.
If you would like to see a simulation of libration that really brings it to life then I recommend downloading Virtual Moon Atlas.
You can interact with your friends there (who would be in other virtual reality booths, which may be geographically remote).
We now play with atoms at our will in scanning tunneling microscopes linked to immersive virtual reality systems.
We host each Virtual Private Server on a powerful dedicated server.
Server virtualisation is a technology which would give us virtual servers to achieve the same desired goal whilst reducing the number of physical servers.
You are browsing the most advanced virtual sex simulator in the world !
Do not fish in areas where lost fish are a virtual certainty (i.e. excessively snaggy swims).
If I was more of a musical snob or NME hack I 'd laugh at this and give it a virtual kicking.
Browse a gallery of virtual snowflake designs or create a masterpiece of your own.
This month 's Cycle Forum revealed a virtual standstill for major cycling projects by the Council.
By simply checking boxes you can create your own virtual storefront with Magellan 's products !
These are based on the physico-chemical properties, identification of active substructures, or virtual docking to the target 's binding site.
Also check on free disk space for the virtual memory swap file.
This system gives quite a wide range of friction control down to virtual zero drag and operates on both pan and tilt axis.
The Oxford Virtual Science Walk A virtual walking tour of sites in Oxford with historic scientific associations.
Prague is a virtual treasure trove of historical monuments and impressive buildings and is an ideal short break destination.
Take a virtual tour to see how you can save energy in your home.
All the participants ' images are shown in the virtual environment.
In tests, we have found the virtual machine runs at a reasonable speed.
Virtual hosting services Intuitively, sites which provide virtual hosting services should have very loose internal linkage.
The students will be expected to undertake learning tasks between classes and to participate in computer based virtual learning environment (WebCT).
This platform has continued to be developed into a more fully featured virtual learning environment (VLE).
If a function is declared as virtual in the base class, it is virtual in all the derived classes.
The SDC is pleased to be hosting a live webcast of these events - you 're welcome to join our virtual audience !
We focused on creating a viable, virtual company and discovered many practices that made working virtually productive and rewarding.
Part of the problem is simply that your baby is a virtual stranger to you.
Instead, take a virtual tour of various sailboat themes and designs to help you decide just what kind of look you are searching for.
Nicki's Diapers brings together several diaper brands and several sales under one virtual roof.
Another nice characteristic of the site is that all the figures that toddlers interact with are children; it's like a virtual children's world.
Virtual Gallery of Origamic Architecture is another site with a gallery of completed projects.
Some may even offer virtual tours of the location and surrounding area.
You can see it in action, watch a virtual demo, and view it from all angles.
Yahoo Shopping is a gigantic mall with some guidance content organizing the virtual stores and their latest promotions.
If you are still wary about trading stocks, even penny stocks, you can practice and get use to how Options House works by using their Virtual Trading simulator.
You use virtual dollars to buy and sell stocks.
Instead of a standard buzzer, it is also possible to set the virtual alarm clock to play music from your iTunes playlist.
Both devices also allow you to "check out" books from virtual libraries.
The site also has a Virtual Library Card feature that remembers the books you like and the languages you speak.
A prepaid phone card, which is also commonly called a "virtual" calling card, is a service that can be purchased in advance of its use.
A different virtual account number is used for each merchant, guaranteeing that even if someone did gain access to your information from one website, they would not be able to use it elsewhere.
Virtual prepaid cards can be a safer way to complete transactions when you're shopping online.
To get a virtual card you can visit a website that sells cards, just make sure you avoid online card scams.
Although the cards are a different type than the standard virtual card, the ways to avoid scams offered in this article are the same techniques you should use when purchasing virtual prepaid cards.
Once you have purchased a virtual card a message is sent to your email account.
If you know you're going to need to make an online purchase with a virtual card make sure to get your card at least three days in advance.
Virtual cards were designed for internet shoppers but many can now be used for phone purchases.
There are not virtual cards available for real live store purchases; not yet anyway.
A virtual card eliminates this risk because your actual personal information isn't out there to hack.
If a hacker does for whatever reason steal virtual information it's less out of your pocket and also these cards tend to expire quickly so the hacker hasn't found a great deal.
Virtual prepaid cards create a way for people with no other accounts to shop online.
As mentioned above there are virtual card scams to beware of - that is certainly a big con.
For safety reasons you shouldn't keep your stored information about your virtual card on your computer - such as in your email account.
Finally, whether you're using virtual or real cards for your online shopping, always make sure to look for hacker safe sites.
Internet purchases have gone high tech with the virtual Visa debit card.
A virtual Visa debit card is just that, it is virtual.
Use the virtual card to make online purchases.
If a virtual Visa debit card sounds like your kind of debit card, keep a few things in mind before you purchase one.
Virtual cards are used for Internet purchase only - This is a great feature if you make a lot of Internet purchases.
Steer clear of individuals selling virtual Visa cards - You don't know how they got the cards or why they are selling them.
Think about it this way, this person is selling you a virtual card and sending you a card number and verification code.
Really, the only major perk to the card being "virtual" is that it is not likely that the card will be lost or stolen since you are not carrying it around in your wallet.
That being said, your virtual card number can be stolen in cyberspace.
Consumers have the option of buying a plastic card in a store or a virtual card online.
Virtual card information is sent to the consumer online at the time of purchase.
There are tons of dummy websites out there posing as the real thing, except they're virtual flytraps for peoples' passwords and social security numbers.
This should include shopping carts, which allow customers to place items in their virtual shopping cart to purchase.
This includes virtual terminal, merchant accounts, echeck services, point of sale swipers, recurring billing options and other features.
A virtual wallet is, as it sounds, not a tangible wallet.
Many virtual wallets can be downloaded to your smart phone.
A virtual wallet runs in the background whenever you use your computer.
Sometimes, you may hear the term "wallet in the clouds" being tossed around simultaneously with a virtual wallet.
With a virtual wallet, your information is stored on your computer.
In contrast, a "wallet in the clouds" is a virtual wallet in which your information is on the provider's server.
However, virtual wallets also increase the chances for your personal information to be stolen.
The concept of a virtual wallet is still developing, but many companies claim that their products will be up and running before the end of 2011.
In fact, many companies claim that virtual wallets will be commonly used as soon as 2013.
Using a virtual wallet may allow you to make online purchases faster.
Another handy designing tool that Thomasville offers on its website is the virtual room planner.
Scheduling virtual employee, client, and training meetings can play an important role in reducing the expense and environmental impact of driving or flying to face-to-face meetings.
It is a virtual medicine chest which can be used to treat numerous ailments.
Design one room or the whole home; regardless of how you go about it, virtual room planning helps take some of the stress out of the interior design process.
The company has a beautiful website, which showcases some of their most stunning projects in a fun, virtual catalog.
Online learning of all kinds has really taken off in past years as major universities and trade schools alike have awakened to the potential offered by virtual classrooms.
Where can I design a virtual bedroom is a common question for people who have been bitten by the redecorating bug.
If you're stumped for ideas to get you started on your virtual bedroom design project, LTK Interior Design has plenty of resources to get you started.
Knowing where you can design a virtual bedroom largely depends on your individual computer skill, as well as the extent of your project.
Browse paint brand websites using the virtual color design tools.
Virtual color palettes are also a great way to get a feel for the latest trends in color.
This feature allows you to choose from any one of the Glidden colors and then apply it to a virtual room.
Even if you officially decided it is time for a home makeover, virtual decorating programs are fun to play around with and may just inspire you to dip your toes into new home decoration waters.
Some are hosted by furniture or home accessory stores who want to give you a chance to play around with their products in your virtual rooms.
Experiment in a virtual room first to see what should be on your shopping list.
When you plug your room dimensions and the table dimensions into a virtual design tool, you can see just how much space it is really going to take up before you buy it.
Are you ready to try out some virtual room decorator programs for yourself?
The virtual room program at iVillage is a complete blank slate that you can design from the floor up.
Virtual Room Designer - On Virtual Room Designer, you can opt to try out different styles in bathrooms, foyers, dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms.
Sketch-Up - This Google based program comes in a free edition and professional edition and is one of the most precise and elaborate virtual design programs around.
Have you used a virtual decorating program that helped you create the perfect room?
You'll also want room for your virtual storage equipment where you'll keep notes and links to your favorite stores.
You can then use the Glidden Team Colors Visualizer to select your team colors and paint your virtual room.
The tool will then create a virtual floor plan where you can add different types of cabinets and position them where you want.
With virtual room design, you can design a complete room with every detail imaginable, including flooring options, furnishings, lighting, colors, textures and more.
All you need is a good virtual design program, a computer and a creative imagination.
Virtual interior design programs are available online.
You should start with a free online designing program so you can familiarize yourself with how virtual design works.
With Virtual Room Designer, you get to pick what type of room you would like to design, such as a kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom or foyer.
After trying some of the free online virtual design programs, you may want to purchase one if you plan on doing future home renovations.
Room Design Online is a custom virtual interior design program that allows you to choose from a variety of different decorating styles.
Virtual room design is a great way to "try on" paint colors, flooring, cabinets, furniture layouts, window treatments and more.
The 3-D imaging in this tool is sophisticated and the appliance options - all models and brands available in Lowe's stores - make the virtual kitchen look as realistic as possible, which is the tool's biggest asset.
The Lowe's Virtual Room Designer is compatible with PCs running XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows7, or Macs running OS X 10.5 or higher.
Virtual horse racing is getting popular in some areas.
This is a game where you buy a virtual horse, train it on a simulated race track and race against other owners for prize money.
There are a wide variety of online casinos that allow you to explore the experience before deciding which one provides the virtual ambiance you are looking for.
Instead, there's a teacher available to email, other people taking the classes in a virtual classroom consisting of some combination of live chat and forum activity, and even testing.
Not only do you have more options for shopping around on the Internet, you also have access to thousands of virtual coupons that make a good deal even better.
These little gems are based off of the famous Tamagotchi pets, portable little virtual pets that existed on your key ring.
So you have decided that you want a virtual pet but are not exactly sure where to look or which one is right for you.
There are virtual animals you can download to live on your desktop and others that live online, taking up residence on your website or MySpace page.
Bunny Hero Labs creates virtual pets that people generally use as an interactive widget on their MySpace or FaceBook page.