Vineyards Sentence Examples
The vineyards of Bugey and Revermont yield good wines.
The slopes of the Jura are covered with vineyards.
The vine has been attacked by the Oidium Tuckeri, the Phylloxera vastatrix and the Peronospora viticola, which in rapid succession wrought great havoc in Italian vineyards.
It is estimated that nearly 54,0 00 acres are under vineyards in northern Caucasia and some 278,000 acres in Transcaucasia, the aggregate yield of wine being.
The chief occupation of the inhabitants is the cultivation of the vineyards of the surrounding hills, which produce the red Erlauer wine, one of the best in Hungary.
The prophets address themselves to men living in comfortable abodes with olive-fields and vineyards, suffering from bad seasons and agricultural depression, and though the country is unsettled there is no reference to any active opposition on the part of Samaritans.
There were vineyards and orchards (broli) on land reclaimed from the sea, and lying between the various clusters of houses, which had not yet been consolidated into one continuous city.
The Attic plain, notwithstanding the lightness of the soil, furnished an adequate supply of cereals; olive and fig groves and vineyards were cultivated from the earliest times in the valley of the Cephisus, and pasturage for sheep and goats was abundant.
They also eschewed the luxuries and pursuits of settled life, and lived in tents, refusing to sow grain as well as to plant vineyards.
A considerable trade is carried on in the wine produced in the surrounding vineyards, and other industries are spinning and weaving.
AdvertisementThere are fertile valleys in the vicinity which provide the city's markets with fruit and vegetables, while the vineyards of Camargo (formerly known as Cinti), in the southern part of the department, supply wine and spirits of excellent quality.
Vineyards occupy 2% of the total area and produce a good wine, specially those on the sunny slopes of the Wiener Wald.
In the neighbourhood of this lake are very good vineyards.
Wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize, flax, hemp and tobacco are grown in large quantities, and the products of the vineyards are of a good quality.
This is the most beautiful part of the whole course of the river, abounding in ruined castles, romantic crags and sunny vineyards.
AdvertisementThe low ground between it and the shore, and between the Niagara escarpment and the water on the Canadian shore, is a celebrated fruit growing district, covered with vineyards, peach, apple and pear orchards and fruit farms. The Niagara river is the main feeder of the lake; the other largest rivers emptying into the lake are the Genesee, Oswego and Black from the south side, and the Trent, which discharges into the upper end of the bay of Quinte, a picturesque inlet 70 m.
There are also some vineyards of old date, and much garden cultivation.
In the middle ages, owing to various causes, the better wines of France and Germany could not be obtained in England except at prohibitive prices; but when this state of things ceased, and foreign wine could be imported, the English consumers would no longer tolerate the inferior productions of their own vineyards.
As a preventive to its attacks the copper sulphate sprays and a solution (50%) of iron sulphate have been found very useful, as well as care in planting on well-drained soil that does not lie too low, the disease seldom appearing in dry, well-exposed vineyards.
From Rottenburg downwards its banks are almost everywhere planted with vineyards.
AdvertisementIn some valleys there are expanses of sugar-cane, in others cotton, whilst in others vineyards and olive-yards predominate.
The coast-valleys through which they flow, especially those of Majes and Locumba, are famous for their vineyards, and in the valley of Tambo there are extensive olive plantations.
Cereals are grown in some localities, and there are large vineyards where irrigation is possible, from which excellent wine is made.
At the beginning of the Christian era, and for many previous centuries, no eruption had been known to take place from the mountain, and the volcanic nature of the locality was perhaps not even suspected by the inhabitants who planted their vineyards along its fertile slopes, and built their numerous villages and towns around its base.
From his account and other references in classical authors we gather that in the first century of the Christian era, and probably for hundreds of years before that time, the sides of the mountain were richly cultivated, as they are still, the vineyards being of extraordinary fertility.
AdvertisementNumerous broken granite columns in the gardens and vineyards that surround the town, with the number of ruined houses within the walls, testify to its former importance.
About 19% is arable land, 12% pastures, 5.60% meadows, while 1.06% is occupied by gardens and 1.4% by vineyards which produce wine of a good quality.
The place is surrounded by extensive vineyards and orchards, all well watered by canals led from the river, and producing great quantities of fruit for exportation to Russia.
The pest even crossed the oceans, and appeared in Australia, at Geelong, about 1880; it has since twice broken out in Victoria, and has ravaged the vineyards of South Australia and New South Wales.
Yet no imported vine has ever lived there more than five years, and in 1890 the phylloxera crossed the Rocky Mountains, and seriously damaged the vineyards of California, where it had previously been unknown.
The second plan was largely adopted in Switzerland and on the Rhine, where measures resembling those taken with cattle suspected of anthrax were applied to all diseased vineyards.
The town is surrounded by vineyards and orchards, and has annually a large number of visitors.
Tobacco is also grown, and over 32,000 acres are under vineyards, while gardens extend to some 15,500 acres in Crimea.
Wine is said to have been grown here in the iith century; the Saxon vineyards, chiefly on the banks of the Elbe near Meissen and Dresden, have of late years, owing to the ravages of the phylloxera, become almost extinct.
Its vineyards and potteries are mentioned by Pliny, the latter doing a considerable export trade.
Market gardens, orchards, and vineyards occupy a large proportion of the soil (outside the city), the apparent fertility of which is largely due to the unremitting industry of the inhabitants.
About it Yakub Beg erected a commodious college, mosque and monastery, the whole being surrounded by rich orchards, fruit gardens and vineyards.
The culture of the vine was early undertaken by the colonists, but it was not until vineyards in France were attacked by phylloxera that the export of wine from Algeria became considerable.
Algerian vineyards were also attacked (1883) despite precautionary measures, but in the meantime the worth of their wines had been proved.
Despite bad seasons and ravages of insects, cultivation extended, and in 1895 the vineyards covered 300,000 acres, the produce being 88,000,000 gallons.
The place is mainly celebrated for the beautiful Schloss which crowns a hill overlooking the Rhine valley, and is surrounded by vineyards yielding the famous Johannisberger wine.
The vineyards have been replanted with American stocks.
New Kuchan, and about 1000 remained in the ruined city in order to be near their vineyards and gardens.
There was oppressive taxation, restriction on commerce and manufacture in the interest of Spain, even vineyards having been prohibited; and the courts were very corrupt.
There are numerous vineyards and olive groves in the vicinity.
Wine is made in considerable quantities in the principal vine-growing districts, and in several localities large vineyards have been planted for this purpose.
Good vineyards and market gardens are found in the neighbourhood of Pamiers in the north.
Agriculture, and specially viticulture, is the principal occupation of the population, and the vine is here planted not only in regular vineyards, but is introduced in long lines through the ordinary fields and carried up the hills in terraces locally called ronchi.
The town reached its highest degree of prosperity under Charles IV., who bestowed upon it large tracts of forest, agricultural land and vineyards.
It is kept clean and cool by the waters of the river, which flow through the streets in open channels; and its old fortifications have been replaced by public walks, and, what is more unusual, by vineyards.
A steep slope, vineyards, low stone walls and abatis had all to be surmounted, under a galling fire from the Bavarian musketeers, before the Army of France found itself, breathless and in disorder, in front of the actual entrenchments of the crest.
The vineyards are laboured by the broad heart-shaped hoe.
There are large vineyards in the neighbouring hilly district, and the exportation of grapes is extensively carried on.
Of the total area 33.21% is occupied by forests, 32.09% by pastures, 11.2% by arable land, 9.5% by vineyards, 7.21% by meadows and 3.26%.
In the Roman period it was favoured by Caesar, and took the name of Julia; and, though it suffered severely when the fugitive Dolabella stood his last siege within its walls (43 B.C.), Strabo describes it as a flourishing port, which supplied, from the vineyards on the mountains, the greater part of the wine imported to Alexandria.
The vineyards (in the west especially) yield much red wine (bought "mainly by Rouen, Cette, Trieste and Venice); the currant, introduced about 1859, has gradually come to be the principal source of wealth (the crop averaging 2,500,000 lb); and small quantities of cotton, flax, tobacco, valonia, &c., are also grown.
On a rough estimate we may reckon that, of the space lying between the summits of the Alps and the low country on either side, one-quarter is available for cultivation, of which about one-half may be vineyards and corn-fields, while the remainder produces forage and grass.
Good wine is made in the fertile vineyards of the district, and there is a government experimental station for viticulture.
Immediately to the south and west of Kandahar is a stretch of well-irrigated and highly cultivated country, but the valley of the Arghandab is the most fertile in the district, and, from the luxuriant abundance of its orchards and vineyards, offers the most striking scenes of landscape beauty.
The mountains south of Mainz, which are mostly covered by vineyards, are lower, the Donnersberg, however, raising its head to 2254 ft.
In the south the declivities of the Taunus (2890 ft.) are marked by the occurrence of mineral springs, as at Ems on the Lahn, Nauheim; Homburg, Soden, Wiesbaden, &c., and by the vineyards which produce the best Rhine wines.
Of the total area 47.67% was occupied by land under tiilage, 0.89% by gardens, 1102% by meadow-land, 5-01% by pastures, and 0.25% by vineyards.
In the valley of the Saale and Elbe (near Dresden), and in lower Silesia (between Guben and Grunberg), the number of vineyards is small, and the wines of inferior quality; but along the Rhine from Basel to Coblenz, in Alsace, Baden, the Palatinate and Hesse, and above all in the province of Nassau, the lower slopes of the hills are literally covered with vines.
Besides the large Maximir park and botanical gardens, many of the squares are planted with trees and adorned with statues; while the whole city is surrounded by vineyards and country houses.
Owing to the mildness of its winters, the south-west peninsula is a famous fruit country with many vineyards and orchards of apples, plums and peaches.
The town is, however, an important wine-market, and the vineyards of the vicinity are the chief source of its prosperity, which is enhanced by its port on the Canal du Midi.
Large extents of land along the coasts are therefore exclusively cultivated as vineyards, or as olive, orange, and lemon groves.
Vineyards give an annual gross return of between £II and £13 per acre, and orange and lemon groves between £32 and £48 per acre.
Had not the phylloxera devastated the vineyards during the last decade of the 19th century, the production would be considerably higher; 7,700,000 gallons of olive oil and 2500 million oranges and lemons are also produced, besides the other minor products above referred to.
Marsala wine is a product of the western vineyards situated slightly above sea-level.
The Fayum also possesses extensive vineyards.
The neighbourhood, which is now covered with vineyards, contains remains of many Roman villas, one of which is traditionally attributed to Antoninus Pius.
Of the total area of Transylvania 22.6% is arable land; 16.5% meadows and gardens; 9.5% pastures and 0.5% vineyards; while 37.3% is covered by forests and 13.5% is unproductive soil.
Placed on the high road between Simferopol and Kerch, and in the midst of a country rich in corn land, vineyards and gardens, Karasu-Bazar used to be a chief seat of commercial activity in the Crimea; but it is gradually declining in importance, though still a considerable centre for the export of fruit.
The hills are generally devoid of forests, while those near the towns were formerly covered with vineyards, which produced a good red wine.
The vineyards have been almost completely destroyed by the phylloxera.
In 1853, however, the grape disease attacked the vineyards; and thenceforward the production of cochineal, which had been introduced in 1825, took the place of viticulture so completely that, twenty years later, the exports of cochineal were worth £556,000.
It is, however, rapidly returning to favour, principally under Jewish auspices, and numerous vineyards now exist at different centres.
The trade and industry of Worms are important, and not the least resource of the inhabitants is vine-growing, the most famous vintage being known as Liebfraumilch, grown on vineyards near the Liebfrauenkirche.
It was officially estimated that in the spring of 1904 there were some 227,000 acres of vineyards in the state, of which exactly five-tenths were in wine grapes and four-tenths in raisin grapes.
Bleaching and brewing are also carried on, and the neighbourhood is rich in vineyards and fruit-gardens.
In the Gardens are vineyards and orchards of apple, pear, quince, plum and apricot; the houses of the wealthier inhabitants are imposing, built of a wood-framework on a stone foundation and filled in with sun-dried bricks.
On the other hand, the replanting of some of the French vineyards (after the ravages due to the phylloxera) with American vines, or, as was more generally the case, the grafting of the old French stock on the hardy American roots, resulted, after a time, in many cases, in the production of wines practically indistinguishable from those formerly made.
The great epidemic in the French vineyards in the years 1882 to 1885 led to a reduction of the yield of about 50%.
Many remedies for this disease have been suggested, including total submersion of the vineyards, the use of carbon bisulphide for spraying, and of copper salts, but there appears to be little doubt that a really serious epidemic can only be dealt with by systematic destruction of the vines, followed by replanting with resistant varieties.
This, of course, naturally leads to the production of a wine somewhat different in character to that produced before the epidemic, but this difficulty may be overcome to some extent, as it was in the Bordeaux vineyards, by grafting ancient stock on the roots of new and resistant vines.
This dwarf system of culture gives the Medoc vineyards at a distance the appearance of a sea of small bushes, thereby producing an effect entirely different from, for instance, that seen on the Rhine with its high basket-shaped plants.
The Medoc is divided into a number of communes (such as St Julien, Margaux, Pauillac, &c.), and in these communes are situated the different vineyards from which the actual name of the wine is derived.
The output of the classed growths varies considerably according to the vintage, but is on the average, owing to the great care exercised in the vineyards, greater than that of the lower-grade areas.
As a rule, three wines are made in the principal vineyards in three successive periods.
The production of the Sauternes vineyards is, as a rule, smaller than that of the chief red growths, and in consequence of this, and that the district is a relatively small one, the prices of the finer growths are often very high.
The former consists of the vineyards situated on or in the neighbourhood of the banks of the Marne.
The principal vineyards in the valley, on the right bank of the river, are those at Ay, Dizy, Hautvillers and Mareuil; on the left bank, on the slopes of Epernay and parallel with the river, those at Pierry and Moussy;.
The chief vineyards in the " mountain " district are at Versy, Verzenay, Sillery, Rilly and Bouzy.
The bulk of the wine is made in vineyards belonging to small peasant proprietors, who sell their produce to the great mercantile houses.
The vineyards producing the best wines are situated about half-way up the slopes, those at the top producing somewhat inferior, and those at the foot and in the plain ordinary growths.
Practically all the best vineyards (which are grown on flat terraces on the slopes, and not on the slopes themselves) face south-west and so get the full benefit of the sun's rays.
The commune of Beaune must be regarded as the centre of the Burgundy district, and possesses numerous vineyards of the highest class.
To the north of Beaune lie the famous vineyards of Chambertin, Clos Vougeot, Romanee, Richebourg, Nuits St Georges and Corton; to the south those of Pommard, Volnay, Monthelie and Meursault with its famous white wines.
An interesting feature of the Cote d'Or is the Hospice de Beaune, a celebrated charitable institution and hospital, the revenues of which are principally derived from certain vineyards in Beaune, Corton, Volnay and Pommard.
The wines of these vineyards are sold every year by auction early in November, and the prices they make serve as standards for the valuation of the other growths.
Most of the vineyards in the Jerez district are upon albariza soil, those to the north and north-east are mainly of barros, and those close to the seashore of arenas.
The vineyards are, in fact, situated on artificially made terraces, supported by wallsi on the mountain sides.
There appears to be no predominant and distinct type of vine, such as is the case in other viticultural districts, but a number of varieties, mostly yielding grapes of a medium size are common to the Douro vineyards.
The white port is grown in vineyards which are not quite so favoured as regards position as the red port growths.
This falling away in the taste for Madeira is partly ascribable to fashion and partly to the temporary devastation of the vineyards by the phylloxera in the middle of last century.
The re-establishment of the vineyards and the consequent development of the industry did not, however, lead to a renewal of the trade on the former scale with this country.
The great inequalities observed in the different vintages and the exceptionally fine character of the wines in good years are, generally, due to the same cause, namely, to the geographical position of the vineyards.
The vineyards of the former are said to have been planted originally in the 11th century, but were destroyed during the Thirty Years' War.
The vineyards of these two properties are tended with extraordinary care, and the wines, of which several qualities are made in each case, fetch exceedingly high prices.
Since the recovery of the Hungarian vineyards from the phylloxera considerable efforts have been made to develop an export trade, but so far the wines of Hungary are not generally known in the United Kingdom.
The use of pure culture yeast derived from many of the most famous European vineyards has also done much towards improving the quality.
In the surrounding country there are important vineyards, which are preserved from disease by periodical submersion.
Fruit is also plentiful, and there are many vineyards close by.
Vineyards occupy a considerable area, and the native wines are pure and strong, but not always palatable.
Many tracts, originally rocky and sterile, have been irrigated and converted into vineyards and plantations.
Some said, "We have mortgaged our lands, vineyards and houses, that we might buy corn, because of the dearth."
The rich agricultural district is noted for its vineyards.
One of his principles was never to allow the soldiers to be idle, and to employ them in time of peace on useful works, such as the planting of vineyards in Gaul, Pannonia and other districts.
The situation of the town, lying between lofty hills covered with vineyards and forests, at the spot where the rapid Neckar leaves the gorge and enters the plain of the Rhine, is one of great natural beauty.
It is surrounded on three sides by hills covered with forests and vineyards, and opens to the S.E.
The town is beautifully situated amid gardens, orange groves and vineyards.
The surrounding country is chiefly pastoral, but there is a small area under vineyards, and in addition to grapes some other fruits are produced.
Wurzburg is surrounded by vineyards, which yield some of the best wine in Germany.
Towards the south and south-east a fertile plain, once famous for its orange groves, but now mainly covered by vineyards and farms, stretches to the sea, while to the southwest, across a narrow valley, rises a cluster of low hills, on which is the suburb of Costebelle.
In the neighbourhood are vineyards, which produce the best wine in Istria, and olive gardens, while its hazel-nuts are reputed the finest in the world.
The lower slopes are, wherever possible, planted with vineyards, orchards and chestnut and almond groves.
The vineyards of the Rheingau are specially famous, and.
Vineyards surround the city.
The best white wines came from Cotnar in the Jassy department, but here phylloxera ruined the vineyards.
The people have vineyards and gardens and estates.
Trade is principally in the choice wine of the surrounding vineyards, and in timber and coal.
The village of Burliuk, and the vineyards which bordered the river, were quickly cleared by the British skirmishers, and the line of battle behind them crossed, though with some difficulty.
The first Dutch settlers planted small vineyards, while the cuttings of French vines introduced by the Huguenots about 1688 have given rise to an extensive culture in the southwestern districts of the colony.
The town is surrounded by fine vineyards, some 3 o kinds of grapes being cultivated, and tobacco is grown.
Large quantities of peaches, grapes and small fruits are grown; the islands in the west end have a climate much warmer and more equable than the adjoining mainland, and are practically covered with vineyards.
A succession of gardens bordered the Orontes, and the vineyards were remarkable for their abundant yield of grapes.
Its wellbuilt wooden houses cover the slopes of three hills at the mouth of a gorge filled with fruit gardens and vineyards.
The vineyards of the vicinity produce white wine.
The land through which he had to pass, so far from being a desert, was a land of oil and wine; and when Balaam was riding along a narrow path between two vineyards, the angel of Yahweh would have slain him, had not his ass swerved and saved him.
The environs are occupied by vineyards, gardens and orchards, in which madder, saffron and tobacco, as well as figs, peaches, pears and other fruits, are cultivated.
Oklahoma is already producing large crops of apples, peaches, grapes, water-melons and musk-melons, and many large apple and peach orchards and vineyards have been planted.
The agricultural inquiry of 1895 showed that 94.5% of the country consisted of arable land, gardens, vineyards, meadows, pastures and forests; but much of this area must be set down as mountainous and swampy pasture of poor quality.
The extensive vineyards were much injured by phylloxera towards the close of the 19th century.
It is surrounded by vineyards, from which excellent wine is produced.
The town is of little commercial importance, but the vineyards on the neighbouring hills produce some of the best Walachian wines.
Much of the lower ground is well adapted for agriculture, and yields grain in abundance; the principal fruit grown is the apple, from which cider is made in some districts; hemp, flax and oil are also produced, and mulberries are cultivated for silkworms. The wine trade is active, and the products of the vineyards are in great demand in south-west France and at Passages in Guipuzcoa for mixing with French wines.
From 1880 to 1890 when the French vineyards suffered so much from vanous plagues.
Then the vineyards spread all along the Ebro valley and in the Mediterranean seaboard provinces, as well as in New and Old Castile and Estremadura to such an extent that wine is now produced in all the 49 provinces of the kingdom.
The central plain is highly cultivated, forming an almost continuous stretch of gardens and vineyards, varied here and there with a few patches of cornfields and pasture lands.
The olive press, which was also used in the vineyards for expressing the grape juice, found its way from the south of France to the north, and was employed there for expressing poppy seed and rape seed.
The orchards, gardens, vineyards and fields of Damascus are said to extend over a circuit of at least 60 m.
Jassy itself stands pleasantly amid vineyards and gardens, partly on two hills, partly in the hollow between.
Below, the landscape is a patchwork bedspread of vineyards and red roofed houses.
The area is renowned for its fruit growing, particularly citrus fruits and has many orchards, olive groves and vineyards.
Siena is located in the heart of the olive groves and vineyards of the Chianti countryside.
Floor to ceiling glass doors lead from the reception rooms onto the covered terrace which looks toward the pool, vineyards and Pyrenean foothills.
Here we have the chance to walk in the vineyards & experience the grape harvest followed by a wine tasting session.
Cycling through vineyards, passing wine cellars with great white wine or taking a snack in a little roadside inn!
The very careful vineyards will make good wine as they usually do mais par tout le monde.
Perhaps the drive for clonal diversity on resistant rootstock is due to new vineyard development and the replanting of infected vineyards.
The vineyards continue along the Dordogne valley through St Emilion and Bergerac.
Crystal Peak - A white wine produced by blending grape varietals picked from vineyards in southeastern Australia.
Situated away from the country lane, south facing, the house is surrounded by vineyards.
The well tended vineyards are the source of Armagnac, probably the original brandy of France.
The land is fertile, with the volcanic soil being used to cultivate vineyards and orchards and to raise cattle.
Beyond the village, you ascend through the terraced vineyards to a pass in the limestone ridge.
The Loire and Vienne valleys are perhaps the most characteristically French of all the regions with their chateaux, rolling vineyards and meandering rivers.
There are a number of charming small towns and flourishing vineyards within easy reach.
Picturesque St Emilion is located amidst the lush vineyards of the Dordogne Valley.
It is made exclusively from white Chardonnay grapes from the most renowned vineyards of the Côte des Blancs.
Its award-winning vineyards have earned it the soubriquet of " the Bordeaux of the South Pacific " .
The historic town of Dijon is the capital of the Côte d'Or with its world famous vineyards.
There are extensive views across to the Beaujolais vineyards, just one of the famous vineyards of the region.
This walk takes you from Volterra through the Chianti vineyards and San Gimignano to the Sienese hills and magnificent Siena itself.
Sitting sipping wine on sunlit terraces overlooking field upon field of endless vineyards.
Cycling through vineyards, passing wine cellars with great white wine cellars with great white wine or taking a snack in a little roadside inn!
Vineyards (see WINE).The vine grows generally in France, except in the extreme north and in Normandy and Brittany.
Of the total area only 14.8% is under cultivation, and the crops do not suffice for the needs of the province; forests occupy 44-4%, 1 7.2% are meadows, 15-7% are pastures, and 1.17% of the soil is covered by vineyards.
Some had mortgaged their houses, fields and vineyards to buy corn; others had borrowed to pay the taxes, and had sold their children to their richer brethren to repay the debt.
Lurin and Mala are smaller valleys, but the great vale of Caflete is one green sheet of sugar-cane; and narrow strips of desert separate it from the fertile plain of Chincha, and Chincha from the famous vineyards of Pisco.
But the great stretch of highly irrigated and valuable fruit-growing land, which appears to spread from the walls of Herat east and west as far as the eye can reach, and to sweep to the foot of the hills north and south with an endless array of vineyards and melon-beds, orchards and villages, varied with a brilliant patchwork of poppy growth brightening the width of green wheat-fields with splashes of scarlet and purple - all this is really comprised within a narrow area which does not extend beyond a ten-miles' radius from the city.
From all periods of the world - from medieval piety and stoical pride, Kant and Sophocles, science and art, religion and philosophy - with disdain of mere chronology, Hegel gathers in the vineyards of the human spirit the grapes from which he crushes the wine of thought.
Unlike the products of the different vineyards of most other districts, which are purchased by the merchants and vatted to supply a general wine for commerce, the yield of the principal estates of the Medoc are kept distinct and reach the consumer as the products of a particular growth and of a particular year.
Every district has its vineyards, the finest of which are in the Paiz do Vinho (see Oporto and Wine).
The vineyards that provide the grapes for this wine face south and the yield is limited to a maximum of 50 quintals per hectare.
The Rhineland, with its sweeping vineyards, quaint half-timbered houses and imposing castles, is steeped in legend and history.
Marvel at the diverse scenery - from elegant fairy-tale châteaux to sloping vineyards and troglodyte dwellings in the cliffs.
Its award-winning vineyards have earned it the soubriquet of " the Bordeaux of the South Pacific ".
Most of the world 's vineyards are planted with European vinifera vines that have been grafted onto North American species rootstock.
They are rather made by vineyards to be enjoyed within two years or so of bottling.
The rolling hills, farmhouses, and vineyards of northern Italy have inspired a surge of interest in Tuscany interior design.
This includes the use of limestone, marble, wood and colors found in vineyards, hills and fields.
If you live near a wine-growing region, the local vineyards may offer tours that end with a tasting.
Tastings are not just held at wine stores and vineyards but at restaurants as well.
We went to the winery (Hinnant Family Vineyards) and did a wine tasting.
If cost is an issue, consider purchasing mini bottles of wine, often found at specialty liquor stores or regional vineyards.
While Firestone has been working for the family winery, Firestone Vineyards, he has since announced that he will now begin a career in the hotel industry.
The seasonal sailings depart from Kingston, New York and cruise past million-dollar mansions, historic lighthouses, sleepy villages and bountiful local vineyards.
Shore excursions might include tours to castles, vineyards, famous cathedrals, markets or chateaux.
This itinerary includes tours of medieval, gothic, and renaissance castles, as well as views of terraced vineyards, awe-inspiring countrysides, and old-world towns.
The guided river tours pass by magnificent waterfront mansions, landmark lighthouses, vineyards and orchards.
Orchards and vineyards are popular sights along this sailing.
Some vineyards do it well; some aren't as spectacular.
Located in the Côte de Beaune area of France's Burgundy wine region, the Corton-Charlemagne vineyards sit along a hilltop running between two Burgundian villages, Ladoix-Serrigny and Pernand-Vergelesses.
The vineyards grow primarly Chardonnay grapes, as well small amounts of Aligoté and Pinot Blanc.
The winemaker is Gerry Rowland (known for checking the vineyards at midnight - hence the name).
You will find great reviews as well as information on up and coming vineyards.
It wasn't until David Lett of Eyrie Vineyards in Dundee placed a Pinot Noir in the 1979 Gault-Millau French Wine Olympiades and landed in the top 10 that Oregon found its true calling as a producer of world-class Pinot Noir wines.
All throughout the French countryside, you will see verdant vineyards growing rows and rows of grapes.
During the early 18th century, Carmenere was a major variety in the vineyards of Bordeaux.
Apparently, this wine is a blend of four vineyards in Paso Robles.
Rochioli Vineyards are a stellar producer of wines, most notably Pinot Noir, with their winery located in the Russian River Valley region of Sonoma County.
Sixty-three per cent of their 2005 vintage is from Rochioli's original vines that were planted back in 1959, nine per cent from their sixteen-year-old hillside vineyards, and six per cent from their most recent plantings.
With its balanced acidity, crisp and bright from invigorating fruit, Rochioli Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc can be enjoyed as an aperitif or throw in a Dungeness crab claw to munch on and savor.
Instead, it's from various vineyards around the Tuscan region and it stacks up well to any true Chianti, perhaps better than some.
The event is separated into tastings, seminars, and field trips to vineyards and/or wineries, offering everyone different events depending on your interests.
This Zinfandel from Amador County's Shenandoah Vineyards is not to be confused with any wine you might find from the Shenandoah in Virginia.
Shenandoah Vineyards of California was started by Shirley and Leon Sobon in 1997 in the Shenandoah Valley in California.
Since then he has put the winery on a course to expand and modernize their vineyards and winery.
It's a boutique winery founded by Donald Olson, M.D., and he primarily handcrafts wines from Pinot Noir in small lots from selected vineyards throughout the Willamette Valley and other parts of Oregon.
They expanded their vineyards as well as their family, and it remains a family winery producing typical reds and whites of the region.
This 2002 Sangiovese di Romagna Riserva is made from vineyards around Castel San Pietra and neighboring Imola.
Sauvignon Blanc is an old standby wine from Markham Vineyards.
The winery currently boasts 700 acres on four vineyards located throughout the county.
Joseph Phelps Vineyards may be best known for its flagship wine, Insignia, an expensive red that often receives critical acclaim.
Chardonnays from Acacia Vineyards are no exception, remaining consistently good from vintage to vintage.
Try one of these wines from Acacia Vineyards.
Fortunately, Quivira Vineyards continues to make quality wines.
Columbia Valley is just one of the AVAs in Washington and Oregon where Duck Pond Cellars owns the vineyards from which they source their wine grapes.
Grapes for this Chardonnay comes from two desert-influenced vineyards that makes life tough for the grape.
In search of a new source of wine, the English discovered the Douro Valley, where they planted vineyards.
Unlike other wine regions in the area, the vineyards are spread out and often separated by geography.
It appears the winemaker has also stopped producing under the name Spring Ridge Vineyards as well.
It's not Pauillac, not Graves, not St. Emilion, not Pomerol-it's the Premières Côtes de Bordeaux, a 30-mile strip of vineyards on the steep bank and hills north of the Garonne River.
The Alexander Valley is 100 percent Cabernet Sauvignon with grapes from several vineyards.
If you head out to visit Lynmar, you'll notice the breathtaking views of the Laguna out to the east and the vineyards of Quail Hill heading up toward the winery from the tasting room.
J Vineyards and Winery is a pioneer in the wine scene in the Russian River.
The vineyards are gone now but San Antonio still operates, producing wine at their original spot on Lamar Street near downtown just off of I-5.
As previously stated, there are no vineyards at San Antonio or in the neighborhood.
The winery does have 500 acres of vineyards in Monterey, 16 acres at Rutherford in Napa Valley, and they source grapes from partners in Alexander Valley in Sonoma and from the Central Coast's Santa Maria Valley and Paso Robles.
These are premium Cabernet Sauvignon wines from their Rutherford vineyards.
This line includes the higher-quality reserve wines from Maddalena Vineyards.
Mention California Wine Country and people will conjure up a picture of a state covered with vineyards and bucolic countryside landscapes that beckons wine lovers to visit.
Remember the state is overdosed with diverse climates and geological topography, not all of it conducive to vineyards.
Check out Langtry Estate in Guenoc Valley and named after the "Jersey Lily," Lily Langtry who planted her own vineyards in area back in the late 1800's when she resided here.
Many of the best wineries are in Shenandoah Valley with Renwood, Sobon Estate, and Shenandoah Vineyards being great places for Zinfandel lovers.
There are more than 40,000 acres of vineyards in the Napa Valley AVA, and that doesn't include the surrounding mountain AVAs with wineries stealthily tucked away on the Mayacamas to the west and the Vaca range bounding to the east.
For example, having a street-by-street map insert of St. Helena to help you find Martini House for dinner after spending the afternoon weaving your way down Spring Mountain Road from Pride Mountain Vineyards.
This is due largely to the climate that generally experiences adequate rainfall for the vineyards, long summers and frost rarely, if ever, presents itself.
So, that means that vineyards are picked at night or early morning.
This Syrah is made from 2 very well known vineyards in Napa (Hestan and Page-Nord Vineyards)that other well known wineries produce wine from--such as Siduri and Rosenblum.
Since Hagafen sourced fruit from great vineyards, they made some great wine.
Winemakers may also use the term cuvée if they blend grapes from different vineyards.
Granted the 30 x 5 mile sliver of a valley is tightly packed with vineyards and wineries, but there also has many quaint towns, plenty of attractions, activities and places to visit that have nothing to do with wine.
Keep in mind that some wineries don't have vineyards but make wine anyway, others have vineyards but don't make wine and some offer tours and tastings while others do not.
The maritime influence refreshes the vineyards, effectively moderating the extreme heat of the southern California sun.
Bainbridge Island Winery and Vineyards makes an 8 percent residual sugar wine from the island's fresh strawberries every summer.
Foxen Vineyards - This place is wonderful!
One example of this is Bella Vineyards and Winery in the Dry Creek Valley of Sonoma County-they intended the tasting experience to be in the caves.
In 1970 Bully Hill Vineyards was established.
At that time the church run vineyards were seized and redistributed to families in the area.
The New York State Farm Winery Act of 1976 encouraged other grape growers in the region to add wine grapes to their vineyards once again.
Duck Walk Vineyards - Located in Southampton, New York, this vineyard offers free tours of the estate from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.
Pugliese Vineyards - Make an appointment to tour the estate of this breathtaking winery.
Whether you prefer to go solo or with a group of people, touring Long Island vineyards is a great wine vacation or weekend getaway.
Since then, many wineries and vineyards have opened and flourished along the lake once known to the Iroquois Indians as "canoe landing."
They produce a wide variety of wines under several labels that include Great Western, Pleasant Valley, Seneca Harbor, Autumn Frost and Caywood Vineyards.
Rooster Hill Vineyards - A family owned vineyard located in Penn Yan.
Stever Hill Vineyards - Located in Branchport, Stever Hill is known for their delicious and unusual red, white and sweet wines.
Hunt Country Vineyards - Located in Branchport, Hunt Country Vineyards has produced over 50 gold-medal winning wines since 2006.
Visit the Keuka Lake Wine Trail website for information regarding local Bed and Breakfast establishments, hours of operation for the wineries and vineyards on the trail, as well as maps of the area.
Vineyards all over the world grow Merlot grapes and red wine enjoys popularity even among casual wine drinkers.
While some vineyards use Zinfandel grapes to produce white and blush wines, but this grape is best in its natural red state.
The vineyards at Dugat has some of the oldest vines in Burgundy.
He is well known in the industry for having an incredible knowledge of his vineyards, a knowledge that create some of the best wines in the world.
Train guests can buy a package that includes a freshly prepared lunch or dinner, to be enjoyed as you tour past vineyards and wineries.
Wine tour gift baskets take the recipient on a virtual tour of California wine country and include bottles from vineyards around the region.
Founded in 1997 through a partnership of siblings Barbara, Diane and Fred Hansen, Tremani Vineyards is the latest expansion of the family's contributions to Sonoma County's rich and diverse agricultural district.
In 2001, local winemakers helped Fred produce Tremani Vineyards' first vintage of Pinot Gris.
Reviews of the most recent releases of Tremani Vineyards' 2008 Pinot Noir and 2008 Pinot Gris are pending and should be available online by Spring 2011.
Both grapes thrive in the rich soil and diverse climate of the Russian River Valley where Tremani Vineyards is located, which inspired the winery to produce their own version of Pinot Gris.
Notes indicate that Baron de Brane ordered all his white wine grapes removed and the vineyards replanted with a grape variety called Vidure.
Starting in the 1600s, grape blights and diseases hit many of the wine grapes hard, decimating many of the best vineyards in southern France and throughout Europe.
Those who owned vineyards sought grape varieties resistant to the diseases and chose hardier grapes than the types hit by the diseases.
It's thought that most modern-day Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards are descended from the original vineyard at Chateau Mouton.
The Napa Valley Collection wines are blended using the finest fruit from our estate vineyards throughout Napa Valley.
On the farming side of our operation, all our vineyards have been organic certified by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF).
We are lucky to own vineyards that are not only some of the finest in Napa Valley, but that also reflect the diversity of the valley.
I also like to spend time on Father's Day walking in the vineyards.
The Napa and Sonoma regions, located north of San Francisco, encompass miles of carefully tended vineyards.
Without a doubt, Napa Valley, with its multiple Mondavi vineyards, the ever popular Beringer Vineyard and its variety of Silver Oak wineries is emblematic of the wine country.
This could inspire future outings to vineyards or local landscapes.
Wineries and vineyards are another romantic spot.
This part of the state is a much more natural setting where you can find cattle ranches and vineyards throughout, such as in the famous Napa Valley.
Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy activities in the area like sailing, fishing and touring vineyards.
In the Andean provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, Catamarca and Rioja viticulture attracts much attention, and the area in vineyards in 1901 was 109,546 acres, only 18% of which was outside the four provinces named.
The whole of the surrounding country is covered with vineyards, which (with the entertainment of foreign visitors) occupy the inhabitants.
The area cultivated as vineyards has increased enormously, from about 4,940,000 acres to 9,880,000 acres, or about 14% of the total area of the country.
Vineyards are cultivated by a German colony and large quantities of wine are made.
The vineyards of Hungary, which have suffered greatly by the phylloxera since 1881, show since 1900 a tendency to recover ground, and their area is again slowly increasing.
The grain produce, consisting mainly of wheat, oats, rye and Indian corn, exceeds the consumption, and the vineyards yield an abundant supply of both white and red wines, those of Limoux and the Narbonnais being most highly esteemed.
Wheat is largely produced, and there are vineyards in some localities.
Vineyards and sugar-cane yield crops in the warmer ravines; the sub-tropical valleys are famous for splendid crops of maize; wheat and barley thrive on the mountain slopes; arid at heights from 7000 to 13,000 ft.