Vii Sentence Examples
O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Saints, vii.
Later he took holy orders, held two livings, and became master of the rolls in 1494, while Henry VII.
He was named as one of the counsellors to assist the queen, but, fearing to incur the king's displeasure and using his favourite phrase ira principis mors est, he gave her very little help; and he signed the letter to Clement VII.
In this his diplomatic ability was conspicuously evident, and it was also largely owing to his influence that Cardinal Chiaramonte was elected as Pius VII.
By his will he directed that all the presents he had received should be sold, and the proceeds applied to the completion of Thorwaldsen's monument of Pius VII.
These provisions were later strengthened by Clement VII.
His bull of the 1st of July 1519, which regulated the discipline of the Polish Church, was later transformed into a concordat by Clement VII.
The Wittelsbachs gave three kings to Germany, Louis IV.,' Rupert and Charles VII.
The first in date and importance is that of 1801, concluded for France between Napoleon, First Consul, and Pius VII.
It is impossible to designate as a concordat the concessions which were wrested by violence from Pius VII.
AdvertisementMeanwhile the king had formed an alliance with Henry VII.
Strabo p. 428; Herodotus vii.
See Acta Sanct., vii.
Holdich, the award was rendered by King Edward VII.
This great navigator had already won renown in the service of Henry VII.
AdvertisementLiniers was viceroy on the arrival of the news of the crowning of Joseph Bonaparte as king of Spain, but as a Frenchman he was distrusted and was deposed by the adherents of Ferdinand VII.
Before these alterations the relations between the state and the Roman Catholic communion, by far the largest and most important in France, were chiefly regulated by the provisions of the Concordat of 1801, concluded between the first consul, Bonaparte, and Pope Pius VII.
After his accession to the throne William spent some time at the court of the English king, Henry II.; then, quarrelling with Henry, he arranged in 1168 the first definite treaty of alliance between France and Scotland, and with Louis VII.
He was one of the original members of the Order of Merit, instituted in connexion with the coronation of King Edward VII.
When Richmond secured the crown as Henry VII.
AdvertisementThe fact that parliament continued to meet fairly often so long as Morton lived, and was only summoned once by Henry VII.
He accompanied Charles VII.
The remaining years of Innocent's life were taken up by a quarrel with the Roman commune, which had set up an independent senate, and one with King Louis VII.
His body was privately buried in the chapel of Henry VII.
Fleming, The Principles of Electric Wave Telegraphy (London, 1906), chap. vii.; also Cantor Lectures on Hertzian wave telegraphy, Lecture iv., Journ.
AdvertisementCharles then entered the port of Genoa, and on the 5th of November met Clement VII.
There was an alleged original jurisdiction of the pope, which he exercised sometimes by permanent legates, whom Gregory VII.
There is nothing to show that Boleslaus took any part in this struggle, though at this time he was on the best of terms with Gregory VII.
The river is crossed at Stratford by a stone bridge of 14 arches, built by Sir Hugh Clopton in the reign of Henry VII.
The present beautiful choir was built by Dean Balshall (1465-1491), and in the reign of Henry VII.
The legends are in Aramaic characters and Persian (Pahlavi) language; among them occur Artaxerxes, Darius (from a dynast of this name the town Darabjird, "town of Darius," in eastern Persia seems to derive its name), Narses, Tiridates, Manocihr and others; the name Vahuburz seems to be identical with Oborzos, mentioned by Polyaenus vii.
He was elected through the intervention of a representative of the emperor, Count Sicco, who drove out the intruded Franco (afterwards Pope Boniface VII.).
The remaining sessions, vii.
This new entente with Great Britain, cemented by a visit paid by King Edward VII.
In February 1823 his opposition to the proposed expedition into Spain to help Ferdinand VII.
For an account of these see Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, vii.
King Frederick VII.
In Edward II.'s time, the king's forest of the Peak, in Derbyshire, is especially mentioned as infested with wolves, and it was not until the reign of Henry VII.
The silver shilling was first struck in 1504, in the reign of Henry VII.
In George IV.'s reign were issued the so-called "lion shillings," bearing the royal crest, a crowned lion on a crown, a design reverted to in the coinage of Edward VII.
He was commissioned to inquire into the religious condition of the land and to disseminate the teaching of the Law to which he had devoted himself (Ezra vii.).
After his return to Paris, where from 1384 onwards he filled the position of master of the college of Navarre, and took part in a violent campaign against the chancellor of Notre-Dame, he was twice entrusted with a mission to Clement VII.
Marie was the daughter of Louis VII.
Deane, however, died in 1503, and Wolsey became chaplain to Sir Richard Nanfan, deputy of Calais, who apparently recommended him to Henry VII.
But Henry VII.'s accumulations had disappeared; parliament resisted in 1523 the imposition of new taxation; and the attempts to raise forced loans and benevolences in1526-1528created a storm of opposition.
The control of the papacy by Charles V., moreover, made it impossible for Wolsey to succeed in his efforts to obtain from Clement VII.
In accordance with arrangements made by her father, she at once married Prince Louis, the heir to the French crown, and a month later her husband became king of France under the title of Louis VII.
In the 18th century it had two illustrious guests in Peter the Great of Russia and Christian VII.
Where in some towns," says the statute 4th Henry VII.
When Demetrius was taken prisoner by the Parthians, his younger brother Antiochus Vii.
Close to the keep stands the ruined chamber wherein, according to local tradition, Henry VII.
Murat, now acting very warily in the hope of gaining the crown of Spain for himself, refused to recognize this act as binding, still more so the accession of Ferdinand VII.
How little effect this had, however, is shown by the fact that in 1265 Odo, archbishop of Sens, could do no more than prohibit the obscene excesses of the feast, without abolishing the feast itself; that in 1444 the university of Paris, at the request of certain bishops, addressed a letter condemning it to all cathedral chapters; and that King Charles VII.
In 1137 he did homage for Normandy to Louis VII.
An appeal for assn ance, such as was often to be heard again in succeeding centuries, was sent by Michael VII.
Gregory listened to the appeal; he projected - not, indeed, as has often been said, a crusade,' but a great expedition, which should recover ' Tradition credits a pope still earlier than Gregory VII.
From the first the Crusade, however clerical in its conception, was largely secular in its conduct; and thus, somewhat paradoxically, a religious enterprise aided the growth of the secular motive, and contributed to the escape of the laity from that tendency towards a papal theocracy, which was evident in the pontificate of Gregory VII.
Conrad returned to Constantinople in the autumn of 1148, and Louis VII.
Taking a route midway between the eastern route of the crusaders of 1097 and the westerh route of Louis VII.
For the Second Crusade the primary authority in the West is the work of Odo de Deuil, De profectione Ludovici VII regis Francorum in Orientem.
Odo was a monk attached by Suger to Louis VII.
The former is supplemented by the letters of Louis VII.
In a barbarous Latin poem, written in celebration of the conquest of Almeria by Alphonso VII.
He was much involved in the wars between the English and French and was employed by Charles VII.
Basin's principal work is his Historiae de rebus a Carob VII.
Dying in 1275, he was succeeded by his grandson Humphrey VII.
A diagnosis covering all the Ratitae (struthio, rhea, casuarius, dromaeus, apteryx and the allied fossils dinornis and aepyornis) would be as follows - (i) terrestrial birds without keel to the sternum, absolutely flightless; (ii) quadrate bone with a single proximal articulating knob; (iii) coracoid and scapula fused together and forming an open angle; (iv) normally without a pygostyle; (v) with an incisura ischiadica; (vi) rhamphotheca compound; (vii) without apteria or bare spaces in the plumage; (viii) with a complete copulatory organ, moved by skeletal muscles.
The next ten years were spent in France, where he was connected with Georges de la Tremoille, and afterwards entered the household of Pierre de Breze, at that time seneschal of Poitou, by whom he was employed on missions to the duke of Burgundy, in an attempt to establish better relations between Charles VII.
His charter was withdrawn on the accession of Henry VII.
The fathers continued to devote themselves to the subjugation of the Hussites; they also intervened, in rivalry with the pope, in the negotiations between France and England which led only to the treaty of Arras, concluded by Charles VII.
Germany remained neutral; Charles VII.
Similar courtesies were exchanged during the jubilee of 1897, and again in March 1902, when Edward VII.
He was the only Scotsman who had been named to that high office by an undisputed right, Cardinal Wardlaw, bishop of Glasgow, having received his appointment from the anti-pope Clement VII.
Her eldest son by this marriage, Edmund, was created earl of Richmond in 1452, and was the father of Henry VII.
As this led to constant disputes, Henry VII.
King Edward VII.
Each successive occupant of the Spanish throne has done something, however slight, to the restoration or adornment of Philip's convent-palace, and Ferdinand VII.
From 1891 to 1903 he was clerk of the closet, first to Queen Victoria and afterwards to King Edward VII.
Bishop Dean (temp. Henry VII.) rebuilt the choir, Bishop Skevyngton (1532) added tower and nave.
A mayor is mentioned in the court roll of 1386-1387, and a charter from Henry VII.
The Château du Milieu (1lth to 15th centuries) comprises the keep, the Pavillon de 1'Horloge and the Grand Logis, in the principal apartment of which the first meeting between Joan of Arc and Charles VII.
Johann Albrecht Widmanstadt lectured upon it in Rome; Clement VII.
By the charter of 1194 the burgesses received licence to hold a fair on the vigil, feast and morrow of the Annunciation, and this with the fair on St James's day was confirmed to them by Henry VII.
See Livy vii.
Whilst Limulus agrees thus closely with Scorpio in regard to the VII?tg VII, The genital operculum.
The praegenital somite, VII PrG, is still present, but has lost its rudimentary appendages; go, the genital operculum, left half; Km, the left pecten; abp 4 to abp 7, the rudimentary appendages of the lung-sacs.
The seventh, VII, is anterior to the genital operculum, op, and is the cavity of the praegenital somite which is more or less completely suppressed in subsequent development, possibly indicated by the area marked VII in fig.
In living Arachnids, excepting the Pantopoda, it is either fused (with loss of its appendages) with the prosoma (Limulus, 1 Scorpio), after embryonic appearance, or is 1 Pocock suggests that the area marked vii.
Having obtained possession of the greater part of the mark, Frederick was invested with it by the German king Henry VII.
There may, also be mentioned many sculptors and architects, such as Lorenzo Maitani, architect of Orvieto cathedral (end of 13th century); Camaino di Crescentino; Tino di Camaino, sculptor of the monument to Henry VII.
Knox, for example, did away with the imposition of hands (M`Crie's Knox, period vii.), though the rite was restored by the Scottish Presbyterian Church in the Second Book of Discipline.
Next to these two books his study, Do Estado das classes servas na Peninsula desde o VII.
Although relegated to a note (vii.), and propounded "Avec la defiance que doit inspirer tout ce qui n'est point un resultat de l'observation ou du calcul," it is plain, from the complacency with which he recurred to it 3 at a later date, that he regarded the speculation with considerable interest.
He made his appearance at Rome more than once, and had no small influence in the election of Alexander VII.
I-II ought undoubtedly to be read in immediate connexion with chap. vii.; it presupposes the alliance of Syria and northern Israel, whose destruction it predicts, though opening a door of hope for a remnant of Israel.
The house is the seat of Lord Saye and Sele, having been in the Fiennes family since the reign of Henry VII.
There was, however, a Guelph reaction in 1264; the city was taken and sacked by Henry VII.
The Chapel Royal, Savoy, near the Strand, was rebuilt by Henry VII.
A club for soldiers, sailors and marines in London, called the Union Jack Club, was opened in Waterloo Road by King Edward VII.
Finance In addition to the provisions that have been mentioned above (Section VII.), the London Government Act 1899 simplified administration in two respects.
The fourth and last empire which, according to Daniel vii.
He pours his most scathing invectives on the Sadducees, who are described in vii.
In 1312 Henry was crowned emperor as Henry VII.
They turned the tables on the pope by engaging Hawkwood, and although the Bretons by order of Cardinal Robert of Geneva (afterwards the anti-pope Clement VII.) committed frightful atrocities in Romagna, their captains were bribed by the republic not to molest its territory.
In 1523 he was created pope as Clement VII.
Paris sided with the duke of Burgundy, and at his instigation Charles VII.
As early as 1504 he had presented his palace (now the Palazzo Giraud-Torlonia) to Henry VII.
Its episcopate in the 10th century still numbered thirty members, but in 1076 the Church could not provide three bishops to consecrate a new member of the episcopate, and for that purpose Gregory VII.
There was a royal palace here until the reign of Henry VII.
The Philistines are defeated at Ebenezer (near Mizpah) through the direct interposition of Yahweh, and Samuel rules peacefully as a theocratic judge (vii).
Wellhausen, however, remarks with justice that the thread is abruptly broken at vii.
The Memoirs of Captain Carleton (1728) were long attributed to Defoe, but the internal evidence is strongly against his authorship. They have been also attributed to Swift, with greater probability VII.
He was appointed librarian of the Vatican by Innocent X., and was sent to Innsbruck by Alexander VII.
Resuming operations in 354, Philip, in spite of temporary checks at the hands of Chares, and the spasmodic opposition of a VII.
The Wednesday market is held under the charter of Henry VII.
A volume entitled Tractatus VII.
Ordinary scryers of fancy pictures are common enough, but scryers capable of apparently supra-normal successes 1 "Philosophie der Geistes," Hegel's Werke, vii.
It is the terminus of the railway, and a coaching station on the famous "Prince of Wales" route (named after King Edward VII.) from Cork to Glengarriff and Killarney.
Werth der Decretalen des falschen Isidorus, 1848), on the primitive history of mankind (Urgeschichte des menschlichen schlechts, 1855), on Hildebrand (Papst Gregorius VII.
The Pauline doctrine of " grace " has been perverted to lasciviousness, as by the heretics whom Polycarp opposes Polyc. vii.), and this doctrine is taught for " hire " (vv.
It was one of the cities of the Pentapolis under the exarchate of Ravenna, the other four being Fano, Pesaro, Senigallia and Rimini, and eventually became a semi-independent republic under the protection of the popes, until Gonzaga took possession of it for Clement Vii.
These preparations being observed, the German outposts got under arms. General von der Goltz, in command of the VII.
Corps succeeded in reaching the plateau between St Hubert and Point du Jour, where the debris of the VII.
Of his three daughters, Alexandra married Edward VII.
One of his grandsons, Charles, became king of Norway as Haakon VII.
The Copenhagen post gave him, as well as some other diplomats, an exceptional opportunity of watching the principal moving powers of European politics from a point of vantage, as the matrimonial alliances of the Danish royal family occasionally brought together in a friendly family circle the widow of Alexander III, Nicholas II and the Prince of Wales who was to become King Edward VII.
His body lay in state at Greenwich and after a public funeral was buried in Henry VII.'s chapel at Westminster Abbey, to be disinterred at the Restoration.
In 1539, urged by Bembo, he visited Venice and delivered a remarkable course of sermons, showing a decided tendency to the doctrine of justification by faith, which appears still more evidently in his Dialogi VII.
Nominated by Clement VII.
In the spring of 1526 Machiavelli was employed by Clement VII.
I sqq., apparently a sequel to vii.
The chronicler's style can be recognized in vii.
His previous departure is perhaps foreshadowed in vii.
These sections are vii.
These are vii.
I are said to be held fast lest they should break in elemental fury on land and sea, are not let loose or referred to in the subsequent narrative, and also from the mention of the 144,000 Israelites of the twelve tribes, to whom no further reference is made; for these can no more be identified with the countless multitudes in vii.
Moreover, the expectation that the saints would rise to share in the blessedness of this kingdom is also found in Judaism, 4 Ezra vii.
We have several good grounds, for regarding vii.
It was so named because a similar rising had recently taken place in Prague, Bohemia, at that time closely associated with France through the house of Luxemburg, kings of Bohemia, and it was caused by the reforms of Charles VII.
Captured by the English in 1418 after a four months' siege, it was recovered by Charles VII.
Markham has argued that the deed was committed by order of Henry VII.
Service in America was unpopular with the soldiers, and there was much discontent in the country with the government of King Ferdinand VII.
Other instances are those laid respectively on Germany in 1102 by Gregory VII.
Opposite the main entrance is a statue of Edward VII.
He died on the 16th of September 1450, and was beatified by Pope Clement VII.
In short, if we recall the characteristics of the Church in the Weft from the times of Constantine to those of Theodoric - its reliance upon the civil power for favours and protection, combined with its assumption of a natural superiority over the civil power and its innate tendency to monarchical unity - it becomes clear that Gregory VII.
His father, Pierre d'Amboise, seigneur de Chaumont, was chamberlain to Charles VII.
This diamond was in 1907 presented by the Transvaal government to Edward VII.
The Paterines in Milan (1045) raised a protest against simony and other abuses of the clergy, and Pope Gregory VII.
The teachers of these new opinions were men of high character and holy lives, who in spite of persecution wandered from place to place, and made many converts from those who were dissatisfied at the want of clerical discipline which followed upon the struggle for temporal supremacy into which the reforming projects of Gregory VII.
Setting out shortly after Christmas, he had a meeting with abbot Hugo of Cluny at Besancon, where he was joined by the young monk Hildebrand, who afterwards became Pope Gregory VII.; arriving in pilgrim garb at Rome in the following February, he was received with much cordiality, and at his consecration assumed the name of Leo IX.
Towards the close of the year 1804 Napoleon entrusted to Fesch the difficult task of securing the presence of Pope Pius VII.
Napoleon was inexorable in his demands, and Pius VII.
The disasters of the years1812-1813brought Napoleon to treat Pius VII.
The queen's second child, the prince of Wales (see Edward Vii.), was born on the 9th of November 1841; and this event "filled the measure of the queen's domestic Birth of happiness," as she said in her speech from the throne the prince at the opening of the session of 1842.
Frederick defeated Albert decisively and in 1314 was formally invested with Thuringia by the emperor Henry VII.
Fabio Chigi, on being made pope (Alexander VII.) in 1655, conferred the Roman patriciate on his family, and created his nephew Agostino prince of Farnese and duke of Ariccia, and the emperor Leopold I.
After the final downfall of Waterloo, she took up her residence at Rome, where Pope Pius VII.
However, it was valid according to American law, and Pope Pius VII.
The council of Constance then deposed him, as a perjurer, an incurable schismatic and a heretic (26th July 1417), After struggling with the popes of Rome, Urban VI., Boniface IX., Innocent VII.
Nevertheless it was raised to the rank of a free borough by Henry VII I.'s charter of 1546, confirmed by Edward VI.
The value of, the Chronicle in its early stages is not great, but this increases when dealing with the reign of Henry VII.
The conduct of France and Germany seemed to warrant this action, for Charles VII.
Juan Miguel de Vives, announced, amid universal acclamation, his resolution to support Ferdinand VII.
He was rector of Scarning, Norf., from 1879 to 1911 and during most of that time he acted as chaplain in ordinary to King Edward VII.
This kind of independence and autonomy lasted unchallenged until the death of Ferdinand VII.
The oldest English standards remaining are those of Henry VII.
He was made a brigadier-general in 1880, on the recommendation of the duc d'Aumale, then commanding the VII.
They elected three Poles successively as generals, taking, however, only the title of vicars, till on the 7th of March 1801 Pius VII.
Other confiscations and exactions followed; and when the rule of Fernando VII.
But in March 1820 the Spanish constitution, repudiated by King Fernando VII.
Eugenius had already, on hearing of the fall of Edessa, addressed a letter to Louis VII.
For modern authorities consult Palacky, Geschichte von Bohmen, vii.
On the death of the latter (7th of June 1861) he resigned office and took command of the VII.
He held successively the suburban sees of Albano and Sabina, also the sees of Cadiz, Maillezais, Arras and Cremona, and was made archbishop of Ravenna, 1524, by Clement VII.
Fitzhugh Lee commanded the VII.
The latest extant works of Tertullian (all after 217) are his controversial writings against the laxity of the Catholics, full of the bitterest attacks, especially upon Calixtus, the bishop of Rome; these are De monogamic, De jejunio, De pudicitia, and De ecstasi Libri VII.
Lastly, pleasure, after having been first defined (Book vii.) as an activity, is treated over again (Book x.) as an end beyond activity, with a warning against confusing activity and pleasure.
Notwithstanding the irregular origin of the steward's court, for which Henry VII.
The Stuart archives, once the property of Cardinal York, were subsequently presented by Pope Pius VII.
He used his family relations with the English court, derived through the marriage of Count Emmanuel Mensdorff-Pouilly (1777-1862) with Queen Victoria's aunt, Princess Sophia of Saxe-Coburg, his friendship with Edward VII.
This Franco took the name of Boniface VII.
Alexander was succeeded by his associate Hildebrand, who took the title of Gregory VII.
In 137 B.C. he, along with his brother Judas, commanded the force which repelled the invasion of Judaea led by Cendebeus, the general of Antiochus VII.
On her death in 1318 he married Beatrice, daughter of the emperor Henry VII.
After attending the diet of Regensburg, he shared the captivity of Clement VII.
The new prime minister came into power practically at the same moment as the king's coronation (see Edward Vii.) and the end of the South African War '(see' Transvaal).
A convalescent home (1872) commemorates the recovery from illness of King Edward VII.
It was still being held in strict subjection by the latter when, towards the end of the i ith century, Hildebrand (Gregory VII.) undertook its enfranchisement and began the war of the investitures (q.v.), from which the papacy was to issue with such an extraordinary renewal of its vitality.
In 1073 Hildebrand was raised to the pontifical throne by the acclamation of the people of Rome, under the name of Gregory VII.
The Work To reform the Church in every grade and purge of Gregory the priesthood in order to shield it from feudal VII.
These conciliatory prelates were sincere supporters of the reformation, and combated simony, the marriage or concubinage of priests, and the immorality of sovereigns with the same conviction as the most ardent followers of Gregory VII.
Yet it should be borne in mind, that, when Clement VII.
More than a score of years after the Barberini had dropped the reins of power Alexander VII.
The chief enemies of nepotism were Alexander VII.
It was in Mesopotamia that a large part of the army of Antiochus VII.
In the course of the 12th and 13th centuries the number of such documents increased very rapidly; that of Toledo especially, granted to the Mozarabic population in 1 101, but greatly enlarged and extended by Alphonso VII.
He removed the interdict which Innocent had employed against Louis VII.
The chief buildings are the theatre, the prefecture, and the cathedral of St Matthew (whose bones were brought from Paestum to Salerno in 954), begun in 1076 by Robert Guiscard and consecrated in 1084 by Gregory VII.
To the class of orders without the titular appellation " knight " belongs the Order of Merit, founded by King Edward VII.
When Joseph Bonaparte became king of Spain in 1808, he deprived the knights of their revenues, which were only partially recovered on the restoration of Ferdinand VII.
During his residence in Kendal, Dalton had contributed solutions of problems and questions on various subjects to the Gentlemen's and Ladies' Diaries, and in 1787 he began to keep a meteorological diary in which during the succeeding fifty-seven VII.
We have to distinguish the part of Ferdinand VII.
King Ferdinand VII.
Matteo Ricci, an Italian by birth, was also an indefatigable missionary in China for twenty-seven years, while the unholy compromise 1 Neander vii.
On the Slottsplads (Palace Square) which faces east, is an equestrian statue of Frederick VII.
This stone was purchased by the Transvaal government in 1907 and presented to King Edward VII.
The arsenal was built by Alexander VII.
It was translated by a person who says that he "came into Egypt in the 38th year of Euergetes the king" (Ptolemy VII.), i.e.
Though free from the grosser vices of his predecessors, a man of taste, and economical without being avaricious, Clement VII.
Hellwig, Die politischen Beziehungen Clement's VII.
At Charles VII.'s death, however, Philip was one of the first to recognize the new king, and accompanied him to Paris.
After Alberts murder, which took place in May 1308, Henry, count of Luzemburg, a brother of Baldwin (1285-1354), the powerful archbishop of Trier, became king as Henry lien VII
After this Maria Theresa, supported by England, made way so rapidly and so triumphantly that Frederick became alarmed for his new possessions; and in 1742 he once more proclaimed war against her, nominally in aid of the emperor, Charles VII.
While it was discussing the subject, a conference of the European powers met in London, and by the protocol of May 28, 1852, settled that Frederick VII.
In 1904 the German attitude towards Great Britain had been in the highest degree conciliatory; the AngloFrench agreement as to Egypt was agreed to at Berlin; a visit of King Edward VII.
German nervousness, which had seen British intrigues everywhere, and suspected in the beneficent activities of King Edward VII.
On the 31st of May 1906 he married Princess Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena Maria Christina of Battenberg, niece of Edward VII.
Angelus had been deposed, imprisoned, and blinded by his VII.
Among the four men suggested by Gregory VII.
To this colony the Society of Charity later added the adjoining colonies of Willemsoord and Kolonie VII.
The Hanseatic League, whose political ascendancy had been shaken by the Union, enraged by Eric's efforts to bring in the Dutch as commercial rivals, as well as by the establishment of the Sound tolls, materially assisted the Holsteiners in their twenty-five years' war with Denmark (1410-35), and Eric VII.
The period of the younger Bernstorff synchronizes with the greater part of the Christian VII., 766 = long reign of Christian VII.
The unionist constitution, devised by Christian VIII., and pro mulgated by his successor, Frederick VII.
It had not, however, received the royal assent when the death of Frederick VII.
In the priestly narrative (P) the plagues assume the form of a trial of skill between Aaron, who acts at Moses' command, and the Egyptian magicians, and thus connect with vii.
His brother, Arthur of Brittany, earl of Richmond (comte de Richemont), was reconciled with the king, and became constable in 1425, with the avowed intention of making peace between Charles VII.
For the movement which was to lead to the deliverance of France from the English invaders, see Joan Of Arc. The siege of Orleans was raised by her efforts on the 8th of May 1429, and two months later Charles VII.
The duke of Bedford died in 1435, and in the same year Philip the Good of Burgundy concluded a treaty with Charles VII.
The Histoire de Charles VII by Jean Chartier, historiographer-royal from 1437, was included in the Grandes Chroniques de Saint-Denis, and was first printed under Chartier's name by Denis Godefroy, together with other contemporary narratives, in 1661.
See Herzog-Hauck's Realencyklopc die, vii.
He never liked Protestantism, and he was prepared for peace with Rome on his own terms. Those terms were impossible of acceptance by a pope in Clement VII.'s position; but before Clement had made up his mind to reject them, Henry had discovered that the papacy was hardly worth conciliating.
The chief buildings are the Carmelite Priory (ruins dating perhaps from the 13th century); a Bluecoat school (1514); a free grammar school (1527); an orphan girl school (funds left by Thomas Howel to the Drapers' Co., in Henry VII.'s reign); the town hall (built in 1572 by Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, enlarged and restored in 1780); an unfinished church (begun by Leicester); a market hall (with arcades or "rows," such as those of Chester or Yarmouth); and the old parish church of St Marcella.
Innocent died on the 7th of January 1655, and was succeeded by Alexander VII.
Doing what they falsely accused James of having done, they sent, or obtained from England leave to send, members of their party to intrigue with Henry VII.
A murder on the borders poisoned Scottish relations with England, and the death of Henry VII.
Abteilung, pp. 216-226 and 440-442; Ludwig Braunfels, Kritischer Versuch fiber den Roman Amadis von Gallien (Leipzig, 1876); Theophilo Braga, Historia das novelas portuguezas de cavalleria (Porto, 1873), Curso de litteratura e arte portugueza (Lisboa, 1881), and Questoes de litteratura e arte portugueza (Lisboa,1885); Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo, Origenes de la novela (Madrid, 1905); Eugene Baret, De l'Amadis de Gaule et de son influence sur les me urs et la litterature au X VI e et au X VII e siecle (Paris, 1873).
He died on the 18th of July, and was buried in Henry VII.'s chapel, in the same grave as his wife.
This section occupies the whole of volume vii.
The necessity of carrying on the government of the country somehow or other had been the chief motive of his adherence to Cromwell rather than any sympathy for a republic or a military dictatorship, and his advice to Cromwell to accept the title of king was doubtless tendered with the object of giving the administration greater stability and of protecting its adherents under the Statute of Henry VII.
He was also the historian of the reigns of Charles VII.
In 1310, in return for his support, Reinald received from the emperor Henry VII.
George's Chapel, Windsor, are the stalls of the Knights of the Garter, in Henry VII.'s Chapel in Westminster Abbey are those of the Knights of the Bath, adorned with the stall plates emblazoned with the arms of the knight occupying the stall, above which is suspended his banner.
See Letters and Papers of Henry VII.
Epinal originated towards the end of the 10th century with the founding of a monastery by Theodoric (Dietrich) I., bishop of Metz, whose successors ruled the town till 1444, when its inhabitants placed themselves under the protection of Kin& Charles VII.
In the old city also are the Plaza Vieja, dating from the middle of the 16th century (with the modern Mercado de Cristina, of 1837 - destroyed 1908), the old stronghold La Fuerza, erected by Hernando de Soto in 1538, once the treasury of the flotas and galleons, and residence of the governors, with its old watch-tower (La Vigia); and the Plaza de Armas, with the palace, the Senate building, a statue of Fernando VII.
The alliance with Savoy was sealed by the marriage of Louis with Charlotte, daughter of Duke Lodovico, in 1452, in spite of the formal prohibition of Charles VII.
His first act was to strike at the faithful ministers of Charles VII.
But the king's shrewdness triumphed before long over his vengeance, and the more serviceable of the officers of Charles VII.
During the time of his administration a famine in Lower Bengal in 1874 was successfully obviated by government relief and public works, though at an enormous cost; the gaekwar of Baroda was dethroned in 1875 for misgovernment and disloyalty, while his dominions were continued to a nominated child of the family; and the prince of Wales (Edward VII.) visited the country in the cold season of 1875-1876.
Johansen and Jurgen Stubberud made a journey to Edward VII.
As an enemy of the papal pretensions he took part in the momentous contest between Pope Gregory VII.
There was a considerable trade in wool and wine, and the building of the dockyards by Henry VII.
She was buried on the south side of Henry VII.'s chapel in Westminster Abbey, in the same tomb as her husband and children.
Museum, 34, 4 8 7-5 26; Edinburgh Rev., October 1835, p. 1; Notes and Queries, vii.
A stone bridge of seven arches, erected in 1789, connecting Kew with Brentford on the other side of the river, was replaced by a bridge of three arches opened by Edward VII.
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt is the cadet branch of the house of Schwarzburg, descended from Albrecht VII.
The rest of the regiment had seen and heard nothing in the mist (they were being heavily shelled), and the VII.
The left-hand column was unmolested by the troops of Buongiovanni's VII.
For some hours previously Cavaciocchi had been calling on the VII.
For his life, see Public Characters(1802);Aikin's General Biography, vii.
The papacy received its full monarchial structure under Hildebrand (Gregory VII.) in the middle of the II th century; its political decline set in suddenly after the pontificate of Boniface VIII.
Of the many calculations set forth in these valuable tables there is only room here to refer to the "afterlifetime" for such countries as it is available, which is quoted in the last column of Table VII.
Accordingly, in 180t he negotiated with Pius VII.
It found what it asked for, when the Jesuits, whom Pius VII.
This " Declaration of the Sovereign " formed the subject of heated debate on the accession of kings Edward VII.
In 1521 Parma was added to his rule, and in 1523 he was appointed viceregent of Romagna by Clement VII.
The Renaissance was virtually closed, so far as it concerned Italy, when Clement VII.
Foreign weavers of cloth were established at Wakefield by Henry VII.; and Leland, writing in the time of Henry VIII., states that its "whole profit standeth by coarse drapery."
Thus, the creation of the standing army in France by Charles VII.
This heavy sentence was 2 Letters and Life, vii.
In March 1622 he presented to Prince Charles his History of Henry VII.; and immediately, with unwearied industry, set to work to complete some portions of his great work.
This does not seem to have been the case, if we may judge from what Bacon says Letters and Life, vii.
See Letters and Life, vii.
The with Plato is the fleeting, transient image of the real thing, and the passage evidently referred to by Bacon is that in the Rep. vii.
Jevons (in An Introduction to the History of Religion, vii.) distinguishes between " things taboo," which have the mystic contagion inherent in them, and " things tabooed," to which the taboo-infection has been transmitted.
While still a girl she was attached to the service of Isabel of Lorraine, queen of Sicily, wife of Rene of Anjou, the brother-in-law of Charles VII.
Her ascendancy dated from the festivals at Nancy in 1444, the first brilliant court of Charles VII.
Recent investigation has exploded this romantic story by simply showing that Charles VII.
A portion of the white metal is calcined to such a degree of oxidation that when fused with the unroasted portion, the reaction between the oxygen in the roasted matte and the sulphur in the raw VII.
On the 20th of September they elected at Fondi the Cardinal Robert of Geneva, who called himself Clement VII.
A full account of the mode in which this traffic was conducted in England is given by Madox in chapter vii.
In 1907 she received the Order of Merit from King Edward VII.
Subsequent kings of Sweden have always given this Charles the title of Charles VII.
The revolt of England's North American colonies, and the events of the French Revolution naturally suggested the idea of a struggle for independence to the Spanish colonists, and the deposition of Ferdinand VII.
St Bernard, as a last resort, begged King Louis VII.
Asagarta); according to Herodotus (vii.
In 1902 Muzaffar-ud-DIn Shah revisited the principal European capitals, and was received by King Edward VII.
She saved Orleans (May 8, 1429), defeated the English at Patay on the 16th of June, had Charles VII.
From this time on the English lost ground steadily, and the treaty of Arras (March 20, 1 435), by which good relations were established between Charles VII.
The quickly repressed revolt of the Praguerie made no break in Charles VII.'s successes.
In 1448 the English were driven from Mans; and in 1 449, while Richemont was capturing Cotentin and Fougeres, Dunois conquered Lower Normandy and Charles VII.
The copies were not spread far, and were soon 1 It was approved by Clement VII.
The chief buildings, apart from the abbey, are the church of St John Baptist, Perpendicular in style, with a fine tower and some 15th-century monuments; St Benedict's, dating from 1493-1524; St John's hospital, founded 1246; and the George Inn, built in the time of Henry VII.
He was buried on the 17th in Henry VII.'s chapel in Westminster Abbey with funeral ceremonies criticized by contemporaries as mean and wanting in respect, but the scantiness of which was probably owing to the fact that he had died a Roman Catholic.
Extremely little is known of his life, but he appears to have been born at Constantinople about 1400 and to have entered the service of the emperor John VII.
French troops had invaded Spain in the interests of Ferdinand VII.
The above Sir Gilbert had fought for Henry VII.
Through the influence of his mother he was chosen to succeed Stephen VII.
The pope was kept a virtual prisoner in the Lateran, where he is said to have died in 935, in which year Leo VII.
See Herodotus vii.
Lightfoot's posthumous fragment (Notes on Epistles of St Paul, 18 95, pp. 2 37-3 0 5) unfortunately breaks off at vii.
At the time of the Delhi Durbar held in January 1903 to celebrate the proclamation of Edward VII.
But the romance of antiquity still lingers around it, and Delhi was selected for the scene of the Imperial Proclamation on the 1st of January 1877, and for the great Durbar held in January 1903 for the proclamation of King Edward VII.
In 1524, the year of the publication of Tiraqueau's book above cited, his friend Geoffroy d'Estissac procured from Clement VII.
He became chaplain to Margaret, countess of Richmond and Derby, and was employed by her to forward the schemes for securing the English throne for her son, Henry of Richmond, afterwards Henry VII.
In 1887 he was presented to a canonry in Bristol cathedral, and he was chaplain-in-ordinary to Queen Victoria and King Edward VII.
He was far from sympathizing with the Burgundians, arid, joining the French army at Reims in 1429, was present at the coronation of Charles VII.
Queen Isabella succeeded to the throne because Ferdinand VII.
At an assembly of the clergy held in Paris in 1398 it was resolved to refuse to recognize the authority of Benedict who succeeded Clement VII.
The young duke Charles of Orleans married the daughter of the Gascon count Bernard VII.
The earliest seal of a sovereign of France to which a counterseal was added was that of Louis VII.
The word is found in Mark vii.
The nature of this segment, which is vII.
Offended, however, by Bedford's refusal to give him a high command, he severed his connexion with the English, and in March 142 5 accepted the constable's sword from King Charles VII.
On the 10th of September 1435, mainly as a result of his diplomacy, was signed the treaty of Arras between Charles VII.
The hundred rate is seldom made, though in some counties it may be made for purposes of main roads and bridges chargeable to the hundred as distinguished from the county at large; (ii.) the borrowing of money; (iii.) the passing of the accounts of, and the discharge of the county treasurer; (iv.) shire halls, county halls, assize courts, the judges' lodgings, lock-up houses, court houses, justices' rooms, police stations and county buildings, works and property; (v.) the licensing under any general act of houses and other places for music or for dancing, and the granting of licences under the Racecourses Licensing Act 1879; (vi.) the provision, enlargement, maintenance and management and visitation of, and other dealing with, asylums for pauper lunatics; (vii.) the establishment and maintenance of, and the contribution to, reformatory and industrial schools; (viii.) bridges and roads repairable with bridges, and any powers vested by the Highways and Locomotives Amendment Act 1878 in the county authority.
St Mary's church, a Gothic building, is mentioned as early as the time of Henry VII.
Berenice, also called Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy X., married as her second husband Alexander II., grandson of Ptolemy VII.
The chair was suppressed by the viceroy in 1808, but again rehabilitated on the restoration of Pius VII.
Loewinson-Lessing has an account of the geology of the district along the military road from Vladikavkaz to Tiflis in the Guide des Excursions du VII' Congrks geol.
Its territory was united to the domain of the crown of France by Charles VII.
After withdrawing to Fondi to reconsider the election, the cardinals finally resolved to regard Urban as an intruder and the Holy See as still vacant, and an almost unanimous vote was given in favour of Robert of Geneva (loth of September 1378), who took the name of Clement VII.
Almeria was captured in 1147 by King Alphonso VII.
This view would enable us to see a reference to Ptolemy in vii.
In 1437 he was made archbishop of Nicaea by John VII.
But it is evident that the local particularism of the Lebanon was adverse to this union, and that even Gregory XIII., who sent the gallium to the patriarch Michael, and Clement VII.
All critical scholars recognize the identity of this second half-week with the "time, times and a half a time" of vii.
In 1189 Floris accompanied Frederick Barbarossa upon the third Crusade, of which he was a VII.
It had been the intention of Dirk VII.
Henry VII.'s Chapel replaces an earlier Lady Chapel, and is the most remarkable building of its period.
Not all the graves are marked, but of those which are the tomb of Henry VII.
As to his sister Margaret, she was married to one of Henry VII.'s Welsh followers, Sir Richard Pole (or Poole), and could give no trouble, so that, when Henry VIII.
On being created cardinal by Innocent VII.
On the other hand, the title of " prince " was borne from the time of Charles VII.
It was not till the reign of Henry VII.
The estate counts among its former owners such famous names as the Botelers; George Neville, archbishop of York; John de Vere, earl of Oxford in Henry VII.'s time; Wolsey in the next reign; Robert Carey, earl of Monmouth, and the duke of Monmouth.
See the Bibliotheque des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus by Father Carlos Sommervogel, tome vii.
The new buildings of Marischal College fronting Broad Street, opened by King Edward VII.
The additions to the buildings opened by King Edward VII.
The pope had this Liber VII.
Baldus was the master of Pierre Roger de Beaufort, who became pope under the title of Gregory XI., and whose immediate successor, Urban VI., summoned Baldus to Rome to assist him by his consultations in 1380 against the anti-pope Clement VII.
The Alexandrians then put his younger brother Ptolemy Vii.
The number is divisible (i) by io if it ends in o; (ii) by 5 if it ends in o or 5; (iii) by 2 if the last digit is even; (iv) by 4 if the number made up of the last two digits is divisible by 4; (v) by 8 if the number made up of the last three digits is divisible by 8; (vi) by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9; (vii) by 3 if the s l um of the digits is divisible by 3; I 3=31 2 9 =32 3 27=33 481 =34 (viii) by II if the difference between the sum of the 1st, 3rd, 5th,.
As the results of his work in this line, we have, besides the Des Pensees de Pascal, 1842, Etudes sur les femmes et la societe du X VII e siècle, 1853.
Ireland was strongly attached to the house of York, and was full of intrigue against King Henry VII.
The facts are ill recorded, but it is safe to presume that intriguers who wished to disturb the government of Henry VII.
He was in that year summoned to Flanders by Margaret, the widowed duchess of Burgundy, and sister of Edward IV., who was the main support of the Yorkist exiles, and who was the enemy of Henry VII.
The Norman Conquest of England was contemporaneous with the supreme influence of the greatest exponent of the theory of ecclesiastical supremacy, the archdeacon Hildebrand, who in 1073 mounted the papal throne as Gregory VII.
In his anger the Burgundian ceased to support Bedford, and would have joined Charles VII.
This quarrel having been appeased, the advance against the territories of Charles VII.
But, despite all that she had done, Charles VII.
The fatal blow was administered by Philip of Burgundy, who, tired of maintaining a failing cause, consented at last to forget his fathers murder, and to be reconciled to Charles VII.
This was a trick which Henry VII.
The battered crown which had fallen from Richards helmet was set on the victors head by Lord Stanley, the chief of the Yorkist peers who had joined his standard, and his army hailed him by the new title of Henry VII.
Did not Sir William Stanley, the best paid of those who betrayed Richard III., afterwards lose his head for a deliberate plot to betray Henry VII.?
The organizing spirits of the early troubles of the reign of Henry VII.
The conspirators seem to have argued that Henry VII.
The cause of York was popular in the Pale, and the Anglo-Irish barons seem to have conceived the notion that Henry VII.
Of this widespread belief the plotters now took advantage; they held that much more could be accomplished with such a claim than by using that of the unfortunate Edward of Clarence, whose chances were so severely handicapped by his being still the prisoner of Henry VII.
Maximilian of Austria also took up his cause, as a happy means of revenging himself on Henry VII.
So precarious was the hold of Henry VII.
Another great commercial advantage secured by Henry VII.
During the first few years of the cardinals ascendancy the elder race of European sovereigns, the kings with whom Henry VII.
Wolsey deprecated this procedure, and application was made to Clement VII.
Germany, followed the lead of Prussia, and the two powers required Denmark to cancel the arrangements which Frederick VII.
On the death of Queen Victoria, the prince of Wales succeeded to the throne, with the title of Edward VII.
The Venetian Calendar had by 1909 been carried well into the I7th century; the Spanish (which includes transcripts from the Habsburg archives at Vienna, Brussels and Simancas) covered only the reigns of Henry VII.
His complacence extending to the new dynasty, Henry VII, made him earl marshal in 1485 and marquess of Berkeley in 1487.
Her father's mother was Margaret Douglas, the daughter of Henry VII.'s daughter, Queen Margaret of Scotland, and the earl of Angus.
He was accompanied into exile by his young protege Hildebrand (afterwards pope as Gregory VII.), and was succeeded by Clement II.
The legislative and statistical and especially the ritualistic parts belonging to P are so detailed and uninteresting that they make no impression on a reader's memory, and P's diffuseness, always undue, reaches a climax in chap. vii.
Beginning with the quarrel between Pope Gregory VII.
His estates suffered under the attainder of his brother, and he was compelled to pay large sums to Henry VII.
Presently Suffolk fell into the hands of Philip, king of Castile, who imprisoned him at Namur, and in 1506 surrendered him to Henry VII.
His son Michael Voislavich annexed the important Zhupaniya of Rashka (Rascia or Rassia), and in 1077 proclaimed himself a king (rex), receiving the crown from Pope Gregory VII.
The De gubernatione, Salvian's greatest work, was published after the capture of Litorius at Toulouse (439), to which he plainly alludes in vii.
Vinet's Chrestomathie francaise (1829), his Etudes sur la litterature francaise au XIX me siècle (1849-51), and his Histoire de la litterature francaise au X VIII me siecle, together with his Etudes sur Pascal, Etudes sur les moralistes aux X VIme ei X VII me siecles, Histoire de la predication parmi les Reformes de France and other kindred works, gave evidence of a wide knowledge of literature, a sober and acute literary judgment and a distinguished faculty of appreciation.
Of Burnet's personal character there are well-known descriptions in chapter vii.
Conspicuous among Henry VII.'s adherents in Ireland were the citizens of Waterford, who, with the men of Clonmel, Callan, Fethard and the Butler connexion generally, were prepared to take the field in his favour.
The remnant of the Roman Catholic aristocracy would have granted it; even Pius VII.
The popular view of Henry VII.'s reign has always been derived from Bacon's History of that king.
Achan's sacrilege, the cause of the repulse at Ai and of the naming of the valley of Achor (vii.), is introduced by vi.
The main investiture struggle with the empire did not take place, however, until Hildebrand became Pope Gregory VII.
Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives de la France (Paris, 1898); Ibach, Der Kampf zwischen Papsttum and Kbnigtum von Gregor VII.
Patriarchs; Acts vii.
It was the ideas of Cluniac monks that freed the Church from feudal supremacy, and in the 11th century produced a Pope Gregory VII.; the spirit of free investigation shown by the heretics of Orleans inspired the rude Breton, Abelard, in the 12th century; and with Gerbert and Fulbert of Chartres the schools first kindled that brilliant light which the university of Paris, organized by Philip Augustus, was to shed over the world from the heights of Sainte-Genevive.
But the cause of greatest weakness to the French party was still Charles VII.
After his victories at Cravant (1423) and Verneuil (1424), the duke of Bedford, appointed regent of the kingdom, had given Charles VII.
Yet the war seemed interminable; until at last Philip of Burgundy, for long embarrassed by his English alliance, decided in 1435 to become reconciled with Charles VII.
Leaving dreams about crusades to the poets, and to a papacy delivered from schism, Charles VII.
His first proceedings had indeed given no We promise of the moderation and prudence afterwards to characterize him; he had succeeded in exasperating all parties; the officials of his father, the well-served, whom he dismissed in favor of inferiors like Jean Balue, Oliver le Daim and Tristan Lermite; the clergy, by abrogating the Pragmatic Sanction; the university of Paris, by his ill-treatment of it; and the nobles, whom he deprived of their hunting rights, among them being those whom Charles VII.
The death of Francis I.s mother, Louise of Savoy (who had been partly instrumental in arranging the peace of Cambrai), the replacement of Montmorency by the bellicose Chabot, and the advent to power of a Burgundian, Granvella, as Charles Vs prime minister, put an end to this double-faced policy, which attacked the Calvinists of France while supporting the Lutherans of Germany; made advances to Clement VII.
When the abdication of Christina of Sweden caused a quarrel between Charles Gustavus of Sweden and John Casimir of Poland, by which the emperor and the elector of Brandenburg hoped to profit, Mazarin (August 15, 1658) leagued the Rhine princes against them; while at the same time the substitution of Pope Alexander VII.
Germany, to stem which Pitt, back in power, appealed once more to an Anglo-Austro-Russian coalition against this new Charlemagne, who was trying to renew the old Empire, who was mastering France, Italy and Germany; who finally on the 2nd of December 1804 placed the imperial crown upon his head, after receiving the iron crown of the Lombard kings, and made Pius VII.
Additional works, begun in 1873 by the company, to extend the old harbour and lengthen the quay by 4000 ft., were opened by King Edward VII.
Josephus refers the legend on which it is based to the time of Ptolemy VII.
There can be no doubt that Ferdinand VII.
Within it the principal object of interest is the apartment in which Matilda, queen of Christian VII.
In 1085 he was deposed by the synod of Mainz, but after the death of Pope Gregory VII.
A Philistine oppression of twenty years ends when Samuel, here the recognized " judge " of Israel, gains a great victory at Ebenezer near Mizpah (vii.).
A member of this house, Thomas White, whilst mayor of Tenby, did signal service to the Lancastrian cause in 1471 by harbouring Jasper Tudor, earl of Pembroke, and his nephew Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond (afterwards King Henry VII.), prior to their escape to France.
His pontificate was signalized by the continuance of the policy of ecclesiastical reform associated with the name of Hildebrand (afterwards Gregory VII.).
Phyllotheca has been recognized in Europe in strata of Palaeozoic age, and Professor Zeiller has discovered a new species - P. Rallii- in Upper Carboniferous rocks in Asia Minor (Map A, VII.), which points to a close agreement between this genus and the well-known Palaeozoic Annularia.
Together with other fiefs, it was bequeathed to Pope Gregory VII.
His epitaph, written by himself, is to be found in Anthologia palatina, vii.
In 1888-1889 Stanley, approaching the Nile region from the west, traced the Semliki to its source in Albert Edward Nyanza, which lake he discovered, naming it after Albert Edward, prince of Wales, afterwards Edward VII.
Beyond its hotels, Glengarriff is only a small village, but the islandstudded harbour, the narrow glen at its head and the surrounding string of mountains, afford most attractive views, and its situation on the "Prince of Wales'" route travelled by King Edward VII.
Malatesta made more than one attempt to win back his city, but always in vain, for his subjects preferred the papal rule, and in 1528 Pope Clement VII.
From the reign of Charles VII onwards Scots archers formed the French king's personal bodyguard.
The clock, of 1902, marks the coronation of King Edward VII.
Since Henry VII did not want to seem inferior to the Holy Roman emperor, he had two hoops made on his crown.
Titus, M. A. (1999) A class VII unconventional myosin is required for phagocytosis.
The purple color of the potassium manganate(VII) is eventually replaced by a dark brown precipitate of manganese(IV) oxide.
However, Henry VII saw both pretenders to the throne off without great difficulty.
The funeral procession of Edward VII, location unknown in London, drawn by naval ratings.
The crowd is gathered to hear the proclamation of King Edward VII.
On June 17, 1497 they were defeated, and Henry VII had showed he could display military prowess when he needed to.
Here perhaps I would look at the triplicity rulers of VII, or even Venus I guess.
In the opinion of his contemporaries, Balde revived the glories of the Augustan age, and Pope Alexander VII.
The extraordinary fame of the foundations here has been inferred from the inscription "VII.
He declared (1486) Henry VII.
Boniface won Naples, which had owed spiritual allegiance to the antipopes Clement VII.
Thalysia, a thanksgiving festival, held in autumn after the harvest in the island of Cos (see Theocritus vii.).
But he had hardly started when the French were defeated in 1528; their ruin was completed in 1529, and Clement VII.
Later on the increasing abandonment of arable husbandry for sheep-farming brought about a less demand for labour, and rural depopulation was accelerated as the peasant was deprived of his grazing-ground by the enclosure of more and more of the waste land .2 From the beginning of the reign of Henry VII.
At first the emperor succeeded in persuading the aged pontiff to sign the preliminaries of an agreement, known as the "Fontainebleau Concordat" (25th of January 1813); but, on its insidious character becoming apparent, Pius VII.
Furthermore, the young of the goatsuckers are 1 Archl y fur Naturgeschichte, vii.
The Château du Milieu (1lth to 15th centuries) comprises the keep, the Pavillon de 1'Horloge and the Grand Logis, in the principal apartment of which the first meeting between Joan of Arc and Charles VII.
He was the author of a diatribe on the courtiers of Charles VII.
Though this factor may be responsible for much, or even the greater part, of primitive " jewelry," yet it does not seem likely that it is the cause of all forms of ornament; much must be attributed to the desire to satisfy an innate aesthetic sense, which is seen in children VII.
However, the excesses committed by the Armagnacs incensed the populace, and John the Fearless, who was ravaging the surrounding districts, re-entered the capital on the 29th of May 1418, in consequence of the treason of Perrinet Leclerc. On the 12th of June Bernard VII.
This prince reigned until 2902, the throne then passing to his son Muhammad VII.
Indeed, as Marti points out (p. 259) the triple division of the book of Micah (i.-iii.; iv., v.; vi., vii.) corresponds with that of the book of Isaiah (i.-xxxix.; xl.-lv.; lvi.-lxvi.) in the character of the three divisions (judgment; coming restoration; prayer for help in adversity) respectively, and in the fact that the first alone gives us pre-exilic writing in the actual words of the prophet to whom the whole book is ascribed.
He also acted as peacemaker between France and England, accompanied the emperor Henry VII.
Halevy, Ecole pratique des hautes etudes (1905), pp. 52 4, and the Chinese parallel in the Mittheilungen of the Berlin Seminar for Oriental Languages (1904), vii.
Despite the benevolent intentions announced to the Spaniards in his proclamation dated Bayonne, 23rd of June 1808, all reconciliation between them and the French was impossible after Napoleon's treatment of their de facto king, Ferdinand VII.
A court of claims sat and a steward was appointed for the coronation of Edward VII.; and during the procession in Westminster Abbey the duke of Marlborough, as steward, carried "St Edward's crown" in front of the bearer of the Bible (the bishop of London), who immediately preceded the king; this function of the steward is of modern origin.
Robert assumed the style of Clement VII.; and thus Christendom was brought face to face with the worst misfortune conceivable - the Great Schism (1378-1417).
But by his second wife, the heiress of Castile, John had left an only daughter, wife of Henry III., king of Castile and Leon, who also left descendants, and from his third but ambiguous union sprang the house of Beaufort, whose doubtful claims to his heirship passed with his great-granddaughter Margaret, by her husband Edmund Tudor, to their son Henry VII.
He remained outside party politics, emerging only in 1909, first to attack Mr Lloyd George's budget in the country as a "revolution," and then - to the general surprise - to condemn the House of Lords in debate for rejecting it; and in 1910 (see Parliament) he appeared once more to be coming to the front, by the resolutions he carried in regard to the remodelling of the Upper Chamber, when the death of King Edward VII.
She nominated Louis of Anjou her heir, but while the latter was recognized by the antipope Clement VII„ Pope Urban VI.
He wrote (1672-1684) a series of controversial letters against Pope Gregory VII.'s doctrine of papal supremacy over princes; a voluminous History of the Remonstrance (1674); Hibernica (1682), a worthless history of Ireland; in 1686 a reply to the Popery of Thomas Barlow (1607-1691), bishop of Lincoln; and other works.
But he admits that " some of the old poems may have been borrowed from tradition, without any intermediary " (ibid.); and when it is considered that the traces of the " cantilenes " are slight, and that the degree in which they inspired the later poetry must be a matter of impression rather than of proof, it does not surprise us to find other scholars (notably Paul Meyer) attaching less importance to them, or even doubting their existence.2 When Leon Gautier shows how history passes into legend, and legend again into romance, we are reminded of the difference 1 Die exegetischen Scholien der Ilias, p. vii.
The information concerning his parentage bears the stamp of genuineness, and disposes of a rival theory based upon a misinterpretation of Idyll vii.
This is why we find in them hardly any documents earlier than the time of Gratian, and also why canonists have 1 See Laurin, Introductio in corpus juris canonici, c. vii.
In spite of this act Richard demanded a further benevolence; but it was Henry VII.
Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes suppose the single element which they respectively postulate to be transformed into the various sorts of matter which they discover in the world around them, thus assuming the non-existence of that which is elemental and the existence of that which is non-elemental]; another, pursued by " restless " persons, whose " road returns upon itself," assumes that a thing " is and is not," " is the same and not the same " [an obvious reference, as Bernays points out in the Rheinisches Museum, vii.
As the results of his work in this line, we have, besides the Des Pensees de Pascal, 1842, Etudes sur les femmes et la societe du X VII e siècle, 1853.
The king himself (see EDWARD VII.), who nobly earned the title of Edward the Peacemaker, played no small part in the domestic and international politics of these years; and contemporary publicists,whohadbecomeaccustomedto Victorian traditions, gradually realized that, within the limits of the constitutional monarchy, there was much more scope for the initiative of a masculine sovereign in public life than had been supposed by the generation which grew up after the death of his father in 1862.
Vinet's Chrestomathie francaise (1829), his Etudes sur la litterature francaise au XIX me siècle (1849-51), and his Histoire de la litterature francaise au X VIII me siecle, together with his Etudes sur Pascal, Etudes sur les moralistes aux X VIme ei X VII me siecles, Histoire de la predication parmi les Reformes de France and other kindred works, gave evidence of a wide knowledge of literature, a sober and acute literary judgment and a distinguished faculty of appreciation.
Her sublime folly turned out to be wiser than their wisdom; in two months, from May to July 1429, she had freed Orleans, destroyed the prestige of the English army at Patay, and dragged the doubting and passive king against his will to be crowned at Reims. All this produced a marvellous revulsion of political feeling throughout France, Charles VII.
The emperor had already made up his mind to place one of his brothers on the Spanish throne; but in order to achieve this it was necessary to cajole the young king Ferdinand VII.
Not just that you went to a certain address but that the address was a movie theater and—based on where you sat and that you ordered tickets online—you saw Episode VII of Star Wars.
The supply platoon provides Class I, II, III (packaged), IV and VII supplies, unclassified maps, and water.
Later, as King Edward VII, he acquired additional tattoos, and even instructed his sons, the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of York (King George V), to obtain tattoos to commemorate their visit to Japan.
The recent movie, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children is a huge hit in Japan and abroad, bringing characters from the fan-favorite Final Fantasy VII to the big screen.
Rumors are also circulating about the possibility of an updated version of Final Fantasy VII for the PlayStation 3.
Types of MPS disorders are MPS I, MPS II, MPS III, MPS IV, MPS VI, MPS VII, and MPS IX.
The gene that causes MPS VII is located on the long arm of chromosome 7.
Although bilingual education has been used in the United States for more than 200 years, the 1968 Title VII amendment to the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) instituted federal grants for bilingual education programs.
Other coagulation disorders include factor XI deficiency (hemophilia C), and factor VII deficiency.
Factor VII is also called serum prothrombin conversion accelerator (SPCA) deficiency.
A deficiency of factor VII, also called serum prothrombin conversion accelerator (SPCA) deficiency, affects one in 500,000 people and is often diagnosed in newborns.
A deficiency of factor VII may cause varying levels of bleeding severity in those affected.
Factor VII deficiency may be treated with prothrombin complex concentrates; as of 2004 factor VII is not licensed in the United States.
There are also Battlestar Galactica Mini-Flyers, with a Cylon Raider and a Mark VII Viper.
He was commissioned by King Edward VII to cut the 3,015 carat Cullinan diamond which later became a part of the British crown jewels.
On December 19, 2003, posted the photo of a ghost dressed in robes standing in the doorway of the Hampton Court Palace, the home of Henry VII.
Chapter VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a legislative action to prevent discrimination by employers and to promote cultural diversity in the workplace.
Both patterns and kits with images of Henry VII and, in some cases, his wives are available commercially, although not in great abundance.
Here, you'll begin your lessons on French I and can continue all the way to French VII, and because this site covers subjects like Computers and the Internet and Camping, you'll literally feel like you're back in school.
This book is known by many fans as Episode VII.