Vigorously Sentence Examples
Three of the boys nodded vigorously in agreement.
Blood pulsed vigorously into her neck.
The war now continued vigorously by sea and land.
The English attacked the island in 1678, 1702, 1703 and 1743; and in 1797 an English force attempted to reduce San Juan, but was repulsed by the strong fortifications vigorously manned by resident volunteers.
Young Donnie vigorously shook his head no.
The invasion scheme was vigorously pushed after the 3rd of March 1801.
She rubbed the kid vigorously until it bleated a complaint.
Catulus vigorously opposed this, and a temporary compromise was effected.
She began working on her lap top vigorously.
She wiped her eyes vigorously.
AdvertisementShe shook her head vigorously.
When the war began he wished to prosecute it vigorously; but the stories of misery and mismanagement from the seat of war deprived the ministry of public favour.
Secular education has been vigorously opposed by strict churchmen, and efforts have been made to maintain separate schools under church control.
Dean strained for a glimpse of the yellow jacket he had pursued so vigorously but either he had missed the rider or the biker had shed the jacket to the warmth of the valley.
In 1837 he wrote for the Atlas a series of articles vigorously opposing the annexation of Texas.
AdvertisementFlamsteed denounced the production as surreptitious; he committed to the flames three hundred copies, of which he obtained possession through the favour of Sir Robert Walpole; and, in defiance of bodily infirmities, vigorously prosecuted his designs for the entire and adequate publication of the materials he continued to accumulate.
The government was thus in a position vigorously to pursue its religious policy.
I know that this idea will be vigorously combated by those who conduct schools for the deaf.
The theory has been vigorously opposed, notably by Semon (op. cit.), who saw in the holothurians a nearer approach to the ancestral form than was furnished by any calyculate echinoderm, and by the Sarasins, who derived the echinoids from the holothurians through forms with flexible tests (Echinothuridae, which, however, are now known to be specialized in this respect).
But the primate contended very vigorously for the right to be tried before his peers, and since the king could get no subsidies from his parliament till he acknowledged the justice of this claim, he was forced to concede it.
AdvertisementThough generally an inoffensive animal, when attacked it can defend itself vigorously and effectively with its sabre-like anterior claws.
The convention adjourned to Baltimore, where the Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky and Maryland delegations left it, and where Douglas was nominated for the presidency by the Northern Democrats; he campaigned vigorously but hopelessly, boldly attacking disunion, and in the election, though he received a popular vote of 1,376,957, he received an electoral vote of only 12 - Lincoln receiving 180.
Mackerel was a relatively unimportant catch until about 1821, and since then has been an important but unstable return; halibut fishing has been vigorously pursued since about 1836 and herring since about 1856.
This scheme brought him into conflict with more than one privileged corporation, but in particular with his own chapter, who vigorously disputed his claim to exercise the right of visitation over their community.
The battle of Sacile, where he fought against the Austrian army of the Archduke John, did not yield proofs of military talent on the part of Eugene or of Macdonald; but on the retreat of the enemy into Austrian territory (owing to the disasters of their main army on the Danube) Eugene's forces pressed them vigorously and finally won an important victory at Raab in the heart of the Austrian empire.
AdvertisementIn 1864 he vigorously opposed the scheme of confederation, on the ground that it would prove fatal to the distinctive position held by the French Canadians.
He taught and wrote vigorously against the Arians and other heretics, and although just after his death (373) the emperor Valens banished the orthodox from Edessa, they returned on the emperor's death in 378.
The nails were heavy duty and we drove them vigorously and in abundance until our arms gave out!
Grows vigorously in Britain, with straight culms that can change to a dull yellow green with age; and glossy green leaves.
Whisk vigorously each time so that the soya milk does n't curdle.
In particular he has been vigorously defended by the highly respected American monk, Blessed Seraphim Rose.
Many archeologists vigorously deny that cannibalism has ever been normal practice in Britain or elsewhere, in prehistory or at any more recent period.
German Shepherd Dog puppies kept confined during growth developed less severe hip dysplasia than their littermates which were allowed to exercise vigorously.
A few streets are busy through-routes, yet a vigorously enforced traffic scheme ensures that the majority enjoy a quiet life.
Because these plans are linked with major environmental impacts, they are being vigorously opposed by environmentalists.
We will continue vigorously with our blitz program to bring rod license evasion down.
Remove the cap from the mouthpiece and shake the inhaler vigorously.
Conclusion Any attempt to ban further weapons systems will be vigorously opposed by the military establishments of more nations than the United States alone.
Tiarella cordifolia Vigorously spreading, hairy green leaves and dainty panicles or white flowers.
On the one hand, we found that redaction criticism proper, which seeks to vigorously differentiate redaction from tradition, is fundamentally bankrupt.
However English Heritage has vigorously refuted these claims and I can now report that the application has been turned down.
British pharmaceutical companies - which vigorously resist disclosure of safety data in the UK - regularly use the American Freedom of Information Act.
She is a very easy going little girl, is an absolute sweetie & loves to be rubbed vigorously!
Using a balloon whisk or fork, whisk the mixture vigorously to break up ice crystals.
In 1873 he drew nearer the Conservatives, after which he was never again successful as a parliamentary candidate, though he maintained his principles vigorously in the press.
They possessed in Cyprus a kingdom, in which they had vindicated for themselves a stronger hold over their feudatories than the kings of Jerusalem had ever enjoyed, and in which trading centres like Famagusta flourished vigorously; and they used the resources of their kingdom, in conjunction with the Hospitallers of Rhodes, to check the progress of the Mahommedans.
On his release he vigorously supported Windischgratz, who was in command of the troops, in the restoration of order, but thereby lost his popularity and was superseded.
Thus one reform led to another; but Peter was not dismayed by the magnitude of the task, and worked vigorously in all departments with a sublime disregard for the clamour of reactionary opponents and for the feelings and prejudices of his subjects in general.
In this enviable retreat, it is no wonder that a year should have been suffered to roll round before he vigorously resumed his great work - and with many men it would never have been resumed in such a paradise.
The Pacification of Birks had been wrung from the king; and the Scots, seeing that he was preparing for the " Second Bishops' War," took the initiative, and pressed into England so vigorously that Charles had again to yield everything.
General Winder's arbitrary exercise of his power was, however, resented so vigorously by the citizens that on the 19th of April the Confederate Congress materially modified the law under which he received these powers from the president.
He vigorously supported the Compromise Measures in 1850, and continued to act with the Whigs of the North until they, in 1852, nominated General Winfield Scott for the presidency without Scott's endorsement of the Compromise.
True it is that there were not wanting other men in these islands whose common sense refused to accept the metaphorical doctrine and the mystical jargon of the Quinarians, but so strenuously and persistently had the Laster asserted their infallibility, and so vigorously had they assailed any who ventured to doubt it, that most peaceable ornithologists found it best to bend to the furious blast, and in some sort to acquiesce at least in the phraseology of the self-styled interpreters of Creative Will.
This view was vigorously assailed as leading to atheism by Berkeley in his Alciphron (Dialogue iv.), and a great part of the Divine Analogy is occupied with a defence against that criticism.
Moreover, the development of its coal-mines and agriculture was vigorously prosecuted, and in 1910 it was found possible to abolish both the Income Tax and Land Tax and yet have a surplus in revenue.
But the number of state-aided elementary schools is continually increasing, as the spread of the Magyar language to the other races through the medium of the elementary schools is one of the principal concerns of the Hungarian government, and is vigorously pursued.'
Vigorously seconding the efforts of Henry to curtail the power of the house of Habsburg, he spent health and money ungrudgingly in this service, and continued his labours until the king's murder in 1610.
Not only did he write pamphlets as usual on the project, and vigorously recommend it in The Review, but in October 1706 he was sent on a political mission to Scotland by Sidney Godolphin, to whom Harley had recommended him.
Thus a shoot will grow more vigorously whilst waving in the air than when nailed close to the wall; consequently a weak shoot should be left free, whilst its stronger antagonist should be restrained; and a luxuriant shoot may be retarded for some time by having its tender extremity pinched off to allow a weaker shoot to overtake it.
He was warmly welcomed by Louis XV., and ere long he was again vigorously intriguing in Paris, and even in Madrid.
As foreign minister he was cautious and circumspect, but when war was necessary he prosecuted it vigorously and left nothing to chance.
Moreover, Great Britain and Russia very properly insisted that Charles John's first duty was to the anti-Napoleonic coalition, the former power vigorously objecting to the expenditure of her subsidies on the nefarious Norwegian adventure before the common enemy had been crushed.
He took an active share in the Oregon controversy, asserting his unalterable determination, in spite of President Polk's faltering from the declaration of his party's platform, not to " yield up one inch " of the territory to Great Britain, and advocating its occupation by a military force; indeed he consistently regarded Great Britain as the natural and foremost rival of the United States, the interests of the two nations, he thought, being always opposed, and few senators fought more vigorously the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty or Great Britain's reassertion of the right of search on the high seas.
Councilor Hussey urged that this be pursued vigorously in view of the benefits of the linkage between Sioux Falls, Strabane and mainland Europe.
He used study evidence to rebut vigorously, myths surrounding the use of dialysis in older patients.
Very small losses were found under a vigorously growing Italian ryegrass ley.
Slouching even further back, he nods almost vigorously.
As the bird has short stubby wings it has to flap them so vigorously that they become almost invisible.
Or maybe it had been swatted down, vigorously.
She is a very easy going little girl, is an absolute sweetie & loves to be rubbed vigorously !
Your baby is becoming much more adept at eating quickly and vigorously.
Can you adjust the water temperature and the spinning speed to wash delicate clothing gently and heavily soiled clothing vigorously?
She'll then lick the kitten vigorously to clean it and stimulate breathing.
If your cat likes to vigorously dig in the litter box and kicks the litter around a lot, you may find litter crystals in his eyes.
Add vodka and vermouth and shake vigorously for just a moment or two.
Shake vigorously, and then pour into a Martini glass.
Shake everything together vigorously with ice, and strain the drink into a Martini glass.
Place the ingredients into a shaker, and shake them together vigorously with ice for at least five seconds.
Place ingredients in a shaker, and shake vigorously until frost forms on the outside.
Place ingredients, except for the cherry and orange, in a shaker and shake vigorously until frosty.
Vigorously mix all ingredients in a martini/cocktail shaker and strain the beverage into a rocks or stemmed glass.
Shake vigorously and strain into a highball glass filled with ice.
Shake vigorously and strain the drink into a stemmed cocktail glass.
Once you have mixed your oils, shake vigorously to blend.
It took more rubbing than I am comfortable with; I believe the delicate skin around the eyes should be treated gently, and rubbing vigorously just doesn't fit in!
You don't want to spend minutes at a time rubbing your eyes vigorously, after all.
To create a rough, flaky effect, rub the latex vigorously when it is dry wherever you want the holes and flakiness to appear.
You will need to vigorously brush your boot against the rear binding of your skis.
The tension you feel inside will outlet itself into the ball as you squeeze or vigorously move it around your hand or throwing it back and forth.
With the latest allegations, you can bet Paul McCartney won't take this lying down, with his lawyers saying, "ur client will be defending these allegations vigorously and appropriately."
To dust a plush toy, shake vigorously in an open area and then brush the coat to restore its original shape.
Today, I came home from work to find her licking even more vigorously.
Convolvulus Sylvaticus - No plant forms more beautiful and delicate curtains of foliage and flowers than this, which grows vigorously in any soil.
All the L. elegans group are perfectly hardy; they grow vigorously in almost any soil, but prefer a deep loamy one with an admixture of peat.
A good kind with fern-like foliage is T. aquilegifolium, which is about 4 feet high, and grows vigorously in any soil.
Cornuti (the common Milk-weed)-also known as A. syriaca-grows vigorously to a height of 4 feet, and bears umbels of deep purple fragrant flowers, of which bees seem to be fond.
This winter vine does grow vigorously in zones 6 through 10 and will root wherever it comes into contact with soil.
Clematis are actually fairly tough plants, and if you prune them too vigorously, they're apt to forgive your mistake and still flower the following year.
For instance, check out what happens when you move a row of Chuzzles back and forth vigorously.
The strap had a tendency to break if the Wii Remote was used vigorously.
Though brushing and flossing are important, neither should be performed too vigorously.
A person with CF is likely to cough more frequently and more vigorously as the lungs attempt to clean themselves out.
They should be taught how to wash their hands vigorously, covering both the front and back of each hand with soap and rinsing thoroughly under running water.
The syndrome results from injuries caused by someone vigorously shaking an infant, usually for five to 20 seconds, which causes brain damage.
Shaken baby syndrome-Injuries caused by someone vigorously shaking an infant, usually for five to twenty seconds, which causes brain damage.
When an infant is vigorously shaken by the arms, legs, shoulders, or chest, the whiplash motion repeatedly jars the baby's brain with tremendous force, causing internal damage and bleeding.
Young children should be encouraged not to stratch their skin too vigorously.
Friction. Rubbing the skin vigorously or exposure to constant friction from backpacks or tight collars can worsen acne.
Infants may react immediately and vigorously to strangers, especially if approached suddenly or picked up by someone unfamiliar.
Try not to scrub or rub hair vigorously when drying - this can cause breakage or unwanted tangles.
Blot wet hair with a towel - be careful not to rub vigorously or you'll be stuck with a head full of tangles!
It's easy to hop out of the shower and start combing wet locks vigorously, but keep in mind aggressive brushing on wet or damp hair will cause breakage and flyaway ends.
Once out the shower, do not rub your hair vigorously with a towel.
Work out a budget to where you attack your debt vigorously.
Although evidence was mounting that high doses of vitamin C did not help cancer patients, Pauling vigorously denied other researchers' work and insisted that his original findings were correct.
The FTC and FDA both vigorously pursued coral calcium supplement claims in recent years, going after makers and marketers that claimed coral calcium cures cancer and many other diseases.
At a certain moment, after having stopped trying so vigorously, it just happens.
Use the blackboard eraser to vigorously rub all the chalk off of the classroom blackboard, often resulting in a huge chalk dust cloud.
Use a scrub brush, dip it into the solutions, and scrub vigorously to remove the mold.
Stir vigorously until "trace" occurs, which is when the soap that falls off your spoon kind of dents the surface and it has the consistency of thin pudding.
Stirring vigorously could introduce air bubbles.
Don't stir too much or too vigorously, because you don't want air bubbles in your soap.
This time, while you move your hips, punch the air in front of you vigorously to include your arms.
While this program can help you to get into shape, you do not need to exercise this vigorously on a daily basis in order to improve your heath.
When you exercise vigorously, your body responds by releasing endorphins.
If you have not exercised vigorously for some time, it is best to approach jogging slowly.
Birch Tree vigorously defended the copyright for the song, usually charging a minimum of $10,000 for use - often much more.
Be careful not to scrub your face too vigorously or disturb existing pimples.
Try washing only the fingertips, and always dry the hands very thoroughly after washing, taking care not to rub vigorously.
She began to rock vigorously.
They possessed in Cyprus a kingdom, in which they had vindicated for themselves a stronger hold over their feudatories than the kings of Jerusalem had ever enjoyed, and in which trading centres like Famagusta flourished vigorously.
All these facts show how vigorously the early hopes of the future maintained themselves in the West.
In this year he was also a member of a committee to consider Lord North's offer of conciliation, which he vigorously opposed.
Each year, however, the output of " plantation " rubber will show a considerable increase, and it is to be expected that ultimately this will form the chief source of supply, unless unforeseen circumstances should arise to interfere with the development of the plantation industry, which has been vigorously started chiefly with European capital in the tropical possessions of Great Britain, France and Germany.
In this way, however, though the distinctions drawn may still be comparatively vague, there existed in the schools a Peripatetic tradition to set over against the Neoplatonic influence of John the Scot, and amongst the earliest remains of Scholastic thought we find this tradition asserting itself somewhat vigorously.
He wrote and spoke vigorously against Welsh disestablishment (1893); and in the following year, under his guidance, the existing agencies for Church defence were consolidated.
From her establishments at Moulins and Chantelle in the Bourbonnais she continued henceforth vigorously to defend the Bourbon cause against the royal family.
It decomposes water at ordinary temperature with evolution of hydrogen but without production of silicon hydride, whilst cold hydrochloric acid attacks it vigorously with evolution of hydrogen and spontaneously inflammable silicon hydride.
Bestuzhev had previously rejected with scorn the proposals of the French government to mediate between Russia and Sweden on the basis of a territorial surrender on the part of the former; and he conducted the war so vigorously that by the end of 1742 Sweden lay at the mercy of the empress.
He continued the struggle vigorously with Frederick's son and successor, Conrad IV., who in 1252 descended into Italy, reduced the rebellious cities and claimed the imperial crown.
Indeed, he vigorously attacked rationalism, as distinguished from the rational principle, charging it with being unscientific inasmuch as it ignored the historical significance of Christianity, shut its eyes to individuality and failed to give religious feeling its due.
When after the end of the war the question of financial readjustment came up, he vigorously opposed Secretary Hugh McCulloch's policy of retiring the legal tenders, and urged a different plan for effecting the resumption of specie payments.
This was due in the first place to the lack of adequate railway communication with the interior of Austria, to the loss of part of the Levant trade through the development of the Oriental railway system, to the diversion of traffic towards the Italian and German ports, and finally to the growing rivalry of the neighbouring port of Fiume, whose interests were vigorously promoted by the Hungarian government.
But the subject is now being vigorously studied, and, apart from its importance as a branch of descriptive chemistry, it is throwing light, and promises to throw more, on obscure parts of chemical theory.
Rub the sheet of ebonite vigorously with warm flannel and lay it rubbed side downwards on the top of the tray.
He vigorously promoted the bill in the House of Commons and opposed granting supplies till it should pass.
It shows the influence of Arminian theology against Calvinism, which was vigorously upheld in the Quin-particular formula, put forward by the synod of Dort in 1619 to uphold the five points of Calvinism, after heated discussion, in which English delegates took part, of the problems of divine omniscience and human free-will.
He never held office again, but he was very active in support of the causes which he had at heart, such as tariff reform, and woman suffrage; he was a keen critic of Lord Haldane's army reforms, and threw himself vigorously into the " die-hard " campaign of 1911.
Some time afterwards he was appointed a canon of the collegiate church, and at first contended vigorously for the scholastic theology as against the doctrines of the Reformers.
As a delegate to the Continental Congress, from 1774 to 1781, Samuel Adams continued vigorously to oppose any concession to the British government; strove for harmony among the several colonies in the common cause; served on numerous committees, among them that to prepare a plan of confederation; and signed the Declaration of Independence.
Protestantism was then vigorously stamped out.
Polycarp lived to see the rise of the Marcionite and Valentinian sects and vigorously opposed them.
The work thus begun by Ptolemy Soter was carried on vigorously by his descendants, in particular by his two immediate successors, Ptolemy Philadelphus and Ptolemy Euergetes.
At the Vatican council he vigorously maintained the rights of the bishops, and strongly opposed the dogma of papal infallibility, against which he voted as inopportune.
This classification of the members into those who were in full communion and those who belonged only to the " Half Way Covenant " was vigorously attacked by Jonathan Edwards, but it was not abolished until the early years of the 19th century.
The loss of Harvard College compelled the provision of new seminaries, and missionary work both home and foreign was vigorously carried on.
On the other hand, he vigorously attacked David Strauss.
C. Burkitt's The Gospel History (1906) vigorously sketches the book's dominant characteristics and true function.
Yet the air within the pipes is vibrating more vigorously than ever, but in opposite phases in the two pipes.
Kuroki's left, near the river, vigorously attacked a hill called Manjuyama which formed part of the line of defence of the XVII.
He reformed the administration of the state canals, making the Canal Commission non-partisan; he introduced the merit system into many of the subordinate offices of the state; and he vigorously urged the passage of and signed the Ford Franchise Act (1899), taxing corporation franchises.
Blaine in 1884, when he had vigorously opposed his nomination in the convention on moral grounds.
The reply to this criticism is that Mr Blaine was the choice of the majority of the party, and that while Mr Roosevelt felt free to fight within the party vigorously for reform, he did not feel that the nomination justified a schism like that which occurred in the Democratic party over the free silver issue in 1896 - a schism which remained afterwards a hopeless weakness in that party.
Bathsheba, relying upon David's promise that Solomon should succeed him, vigorously advanced her son's claims with the support of Zadok the priest, the military officer Benaiah, and David's bodyguard; Adonijah, for his part, had David's old priest Abiathar, the commander Joab, and the men of Judah.
That Sidney approved of the trial, though not of the sentence, there can, however, be little doubt, for in Copenhagen he publicly and vigorously expressed his concurrence.
Old forms became too narrow, and vigorously growing national literatures appeared side by side with the universal Latin literature.
The second alternative was accepted, largely and low because Austria did not vigorously support the South tariff, German states, and in 1865 the Zollverein as a whole 186x' concluded a commercial treaty with France, bringing about important reductions of duty.
He was already blind and too feeble to walk, when Cineas, the minister of Pyrrhus, visited him, but so vigorously did he oppose every concession that all the eloquence of Cineas was in vain, and the Romans forgot past misfortunes in the inspiration of Claudius's.
He also vigorously criticized the official arrangements for observing the transits of Venus of 1874 and 1882.
This was at first vigorously opposed, not least by Bismarck himself; but its convenience soon became evident, it was increasingly put into practice, and was so well based that later reformers have only needed to follow the lines laid down by Puttkammer.
He prosecuted the war against France vigorously and in a "short time had rallied to his standard all the tribes of western Algeria.
The cessation of the war brought increased popularity to the Democratic administration, and the Hartford Convention was vigorously attacked throughout the country.
The first great dispute between proprietor and people after the restoration of 1715 was with regard to the extension of the English statutes to Maryland, the popular branch of the legislature vigorously contending that all such statutes except those expressly excluded extended to the province, and the lord proprietor contending that only those in which the dominions were expressly mentioned were in force there.
Cattle-breeding is vigorously prosecuted in Hissar and the highlands generally.
He was among the first distinctively American writers, and protested vigorously against intellectual thraldom to the mother-country.
An isolated attack on Charleston, South Carolina, had been made by Sir Henry Clinton and Sir Peter Parker as early as June 1776, but this was foiled by the spirited resistance of General William Moultrie; after 1778 the southern attempts, stimulated in part by the activity of the French in the West Indies, were vigorously sustained.
The Koszta Affair (1853) gave the government an opportunity vigorously to assert the protection it would afford those in the process of becoming its naturalized citizens.
Its interests were economically insignificant until the beginning of the 18th century when the rich deposits of copper and tin began to be vigorously worked at Dolcoath.
It was a time of government on martinet principles, under which all freedom of thought and all private initiative were as far as possible suppressed vigorously by the administration.
During the next session he acted vigorously in opposition, but his conduct was always viewed with distrust by his new associates, and his attacks on the ministry of Lord North grew less and less animated in proportion to its apparent fixity of tenure.
If, as seems probable from the circumstances of his ordination, he was a semi-Arian and a follower of Eusebius in 341, at a later period of his life he departed from this position, and vigorously opposed the teaching of his former leader.
The story has been attacked more vigorously than any other portion of the Fourth Gospel, mainly on two grounds, (i.) the fact that, in spite of its striking character, it is omitted by the Synoptists, and (ii.) its unique significance.
Yet when there appeared a prospect that the king would show her favour, the intrigue was vigorously pushed by the French ambassador, Colbert de Croissy, aided by the secretary of state, Lord Arlington, and his wife.
So vigorously did she enter into this policy that, when the French forces advanced to the Pyrenees, she placed herself at the head of one division of the Spanish army.
Operations were pushed on vigorously during the war, and a special Act of Parliament was passed in 1915 to facilitate the provision of dwelling-houses for Admiralty employees.
The expedition was carried out between the 19th and 29th of August 1814, and was well organized and vigorously executed.'
This non-Semitic system, which is found, in many instances, on alternate lines with a regular Semitic translation, in other cases in opposite columns to a Semitic rendering, and again without any Semitic equivalent at all, has been held by one school, founded and still vigorously defended by the distinguished French Assyriologist, Joseph Halevy, to be nothing more than a priestly system of cryptography based, of course, on the then current Semitic speech.
He vigorously opposed the tariff of 1832, was a member of the South Carolina Nullification Convention of November 1832, and reported the ordinance of nullification passed by that body on the 24th of November.
Leopold died during the progress of this war, but it was vigorously continued by his son Joseph I.
These were included in the law of the empire, and the work was vigorously continued.
The generation which was so vigorously demanding national rights had themselves all been brought up under the old system in German schools, but this had not implanted in them a desire to become German.
To this relatively conservative bill, which substituted in many instances ad valorem for specific duties, and was intended by its author to be a revenue as well as a protective measure, were added many amendments which made the bill more strongly protectionist, and in some cases were vigorously opposed by Morrill.
The new denominations vigorously attacked the methods and immunities of the established church, whose clergy had grown lukewarm in zeal and lax in morals.
Vaughan also became proprietor of the Tablet, and used its columns vigorously for propagandist purposes.
From the close of the war until his death he vigorously opposed the Reconstruction Acts.
As it overswelled the revenue, in 1832 he vigorously favoured reducing tariff rates on all articles not competing with American products.
He directed the first revision of the text of the Vulgate, begun in 1236 by the Dominicans; this first "correctorium," vigorously criticized by Roger Bacon, was revised in 1248 and in 1256, and forms the base of the celebrated Correctorium Bibliae Sorbonicum.
The empress vigorously protested, and the fleet was withdrawn, but on the 6th of August Catherine acceded to the anti-English Austro-Spanish league.
The Hudson's Bay Company has great interest in Edmonton, but is vigorously opposed by a strong French firm, Revillon Freres of Paris.
The conspiracy was discovered and vigorously suppressed.
On the side of the Academy they were vigorously attacked by Per Adam Wallmark (1777-1858), to whom they replied in a satire which was the joint work of several of the romanticists, Markall's Sleepless Nights.
Measures were, however, promptly taken for succouring the people, who had been driven from their homes, and the task of restoration was vigorously taken in hand.
Even the revocation of the edict of Nantes and the dragonnades have been laid to her charge, but recent investigations have tended to show that in spite of ardent Catholicism, she at least opposed, if not very vigorously, the cruelties of the dragonnades, although she was pleased with the conversions they procured.
In his royal style he assumed the designation Mazdayasnian (Mcusiwval), and the firecult was everywhere vigorously disseminated.
The town at first strove vigorously to maintain its independence of them, and to this end invoked the aid of the bishop of Halberstadt.
An epigram of Martial, written at the time when Juvenal was most vigorously employed in their composition, speaks of him as settled in Rome.
In January 1361 building work at Windsor was vigorously resumed, and again the sheriffs were ordered to contribute their quotas of 40 freestone masons and 40 cementarii to Wykeham's charge.
Conditions of a contaminated surface may easily be distinguished, upon all of which camphor fragments spin vigorously.
In this review and in his numerous books he vigorously upheld the orthodox faith against the Dutch "modern theology" movement.
Some years later he had occasion vigorously to denounce the system of cashiering officers for political differences, but with characteristic loftiness of spirit he disdained to make any reference to his own case.
When next year the question of general warrants was raised in connexion with the case of Wilkes, Pitt vigorously maintained their illegality, thus defending at once the privileges of Parliament and the freedom of the press.
The Spartans, who were then invading Attica, withdrew their forces and attacked them vigorously by sea and land, but were repulsed, and the Athenians were enabled by the arrival and victory of their fleet to blockade on the island of Sphacteria a body of 420 Spartiates with their attendant helots.
Shaftesbury vigorously protests against the notion of a wholly transcendent God.
On the next day Cicero attacked Catiline so vigorously in the senate (in his first Catilinarian oration) that he fled to his army in Etruria.
This act, which was opposed by Julius Caesar and advocated by Cato Uticensis (and, indirectly, by Cicero), was afterwards vigorously attacked as a violation of the constitution, on the ground that the senate had no power of life and death over a Roman citizen.
He vigorously attacked the royal decree, which he declared to be contrary to the promises made by King Maximilian.
He was a delegate in 1861 to the Peace Congress, but after the actual outbreak of hostilities he insisted that the war should be prosecuted vigorously.
The titration is complete when the blue colour is so faint that it is almost imperceptible after the flask has been vigorously shaken.
Japan was compelled to give up her conquests on the Chinese mainland, so as not to interfere with the future action of Russia in Manchuria, and the financial and other schemes for increasing Russian influence in that part of the world were vigorously supported.
His family had suffered greatly at the hands of Frederick I., and he now took up vigorously his predecessor's quarrels with the emperor, including the standing dispute about the territories of the Countess Matilda.
Nevertheless, the court found the address so voted inadmissible; whereupon, on Dcak's motion, the Hungarian diet drew up a second address vigorously defending the rights of the nation, and solemnly protesting against the usurpations of the Austrian government.
The seal and whale fisheries, once vigorously prosecuted, are extinct, but the fishing-fleets for the home waters and the Newfoundland grounds are considerable.
It was about this time that the Pennine Hills, the Lake District mountain mass, and the Mendip Hills were being most vigorously uplifted, while the granite masses of Cornwall and Devon wore perhaps being injected into the Carboniferous and Devonian rocks.
Even those politicians least disposed to criticize the actions of the king protested vigorously against the provisions concerning the Fondation.
At an early stage of development a large cell makes its appearance in the central region of the nucellus; this increases in size and eventually forms three cells; the lowest of these grows vigorously and constitutes the megaspore (embryo-sac),which ultimately absorbs the greater part of the nucellus.
After the body of a spermatozoid has coalesced with the egg-nucleus the latter divides repeatedly and forms a mass of tissue which grows more vigorously in the lower part of the fertilized ovum, and extends upwards towards the apex of the ovum as a peripheral layer of parenchyma surrounding a central space.
Called to the Irish bar in 1822, he vigorously administered the Insurrection Act in Limerick for two years, effectually restoring order in the district.
As a Democrat he served in 1836 and in1840-1843in the Illinois House of Representatives, and in1843-1851and in1859-1861was a representative in Congress, where in his first term he vigorously opposed the Wilmot proviso, but in' his second term was a strong Unionist and introduced the resolution of the 15th of July 1861, pledging money and men to the national government.
At this time, too (1819), its fortunes were vigorously fostered by Mountstuart Elphinstone, and in 1838 the population had risen to 236,000.
Indeed, it may be remarked that he, like many other penitents who, in general terms, acknowledge themselves to have been the worst of mankind, fired up, and stood vigorously on his defence, whenever any particular charge was brought against him by others.
In the sessions and discussions of the council he could take no part; but in unofficial conferences he took sides vigorously, according to his own evidence, against the Arians, and was certainly not without influence.
After the Civil War he vigorously opposed the Congressional plan of reconstructing the late Confederate states, and himself drafted the message of President Johnson, vetoing the Reconstruction Act of the 2nd of March 1867.
The opening up of backward districts by railways was vigorously pursued, and in other ways great efforts were made to assist agriculture.
Yet he still watched affairs as a great party leader should, and from time to time figured vigorously in debate.
Moreover, Bonaparte vigorously intervened on his behalf, and is even said to have made Tandy's release a condition of signing the treaty of Amiens.
This has been vigorously opposed by the local oil oligarchs.
Leading American jeans companies have worked vigorously throughout the years to capitalize on the casual wear trend, and the long-established Levi Strauss had a winner indeed with Dockers denim shorts.
The salesman nodded vigorously.
The power of the Bosnian nobles, though shaken by their defeat, remained unbroken; and they resisted vigorously when their kapetanates were abolished in 1837; and again when a measure of equality before the law was conceded to the Christians in 1839.
In north German politics he interfered vigorously to protect his brotherin-law the Margrave Louis of Brandenburg against the lords of Mecklenburg and the dukes of Pomerania, with such success that the emperor, Charles IV., at the conference of Bautzen, was reconciled to the Brandenburger and allowed Valdemar an annual charge of 16,000 silver marks on the city of Lubeck (1349) Some years later Valdemar seriously thought of reviving the ancient claims of Denmark upon England, and entered into negotiations with the French king, John, who in his distress looked to this descendant of the ancient Vikings for help. A matrimonial alliance between the two crowns was even discussed, and Valdemar offered, for the huge sum of 600,000 gulden, to transport 12,000 men to England.
He was again a member of the chamber from 1819 to 1824, and vigorously opposed the exceptional legislation which the second administration of Richelieu passed under the influence of the ultra-Royalists.
The amir in Sicily, Ja`far ibn Ahmad, received strict orders to act vigorously against the eastern towns.
During his great reform agitation Bright had vigorously supported Cobden in the negotiations for the treaty of commerce with France, and had taken, with his usual vehemence, the side of the North in the discussions in England on the American Civil War.
The turning of attention towards the knee interferes with the jerk; hence the device of directing the person to perform vigorously some movement, which does not involve the muscles of the lower limb, at the moment when the light blow is dealt upon the tendon.
They lower the external activities of the cells, but do they not at the same time lower the internal, reparative, assimilative activity of the cell that in natural sleep goes vigorously forward preparing the system for the next day's drain on energy?
I) began an intrigue with Moab, Edom, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon, which the prophet Jeremiah vigorously denounced (Jer.
During the Nationalist and Dreyfus agitations he fought vigorously on behalf of the Republican government and when the coalition known as the "Bloc " was formed he took his place as a Radical leader.
The sport has never been so vigorously pursued as it was at the beginning of the 20th century, 19 packs of staghounds being kept in England and 4 in Ireland, over 170 packs of foxhounds in England, ro in Scotland and 23 in Ireland, with packs of harriers and beagles too numerous to be counted.
On the death of Stephen, Zolkiewski vigorously supported the policy of Zamoyski, and took an active part in the battle of Byczyna, when the Austrian archduke Maximilian was defeated by the Polish chancellor.
He sat with the Socialist Radicals, and vigorously supported the Combes ministry.
It is said that it had a considerable population at that time, and that the natives resisted the invaders so vigorously that it cost six months to reduce them.
Again, in Winckelmann and seine Zeit (1805) Goethe vigorously defended the classical ideals of which Winckelmann had been the founder.
He graduated as Doctor of the Holy Scripture, took the Wittenberg doctor's oath to defend the evangelical truth vigorously (viriliter), became a member of the Wittenberg Senate, and three weeks later succeeded Staupitz as professor of theology.
The production of works in gold and silver was also carried on vigorously in Germany.
After the death of Alcubierre (1780) the last-named was appointed director-in-chief of the excavations; but from that time the investigations at Herculaneum were intermitted, and the researches at Pompeii were vigorously carried on.
Gay-Lussac, it is said, was nettled at the idea of a foreigner making such a discovery in Paris, and vigorously took up the study of the new substance, the result being the elaborate "Memoire sur 1'iode," which appeared in the Ann.
As early as the second year of the reign of Hisham, `Anbasa, the governor of Spain, crossed the Pyrenees, and pushed on military operations vigorously.
Under the direction of Prince Ito (q.v.) the work of reform was vigorously prosecuted.
He himself moved to Ariminum to be nearer the seat of war, recruiting was vigorously carried on in Rome and Italy, and legions were summoned from Moesia, and even from Asia.
He vigorously opposed the action of Bishop Welldon, then metropolitan of Calcutta, in excluding Scottish chaplains and troops from the use of garrison churches in India because these had received episcopal consecration.
He suppressed, sternly and vigorously, emeutes in Paris in 1831 and 1832, 1834 and 1839.
In 1866 and 1870 he vigorously supported Prussia against Austria, and Germany against France.
At the request of a number of great personages in Lorraine he composed in 860 his De divortio Lotharii et Teutbergae, in which he vigorously attacked, both from the moral and the legal standpoints, the condemnation pronounced against the queen by the synod of Aix-la-Chapelle (February 860).
The war of 1870-7r found Boudin impecunious but great, for then there had well begun the series of freshly and vigorously conceived canvases and panels, which record the impressions of a precursor of the Impressionists in presence of the Channel waters, and of those autumn skies, or skies of summer, now radiant, now uncertain, which hung over the small ports and the rocky or chalk-cliff coasts, over the watering-places, Trouville, Dieppe, and over those larger harbours, with port and avant-port and bassin, of Dunkirk, of Havre.
Now you approve of the character and paper, I will push on the edition vigorously.
In 1428 Archbishop Chichele confessed that the Lollards seemed as numerous as ever, and that their literary and preaching work went on as vigorously as before.
In 1188 the town was visited by Archbishop Baldwin on his way from Cardigan to Strata-Florida Abbey, and the Crusade was vigorously preached at this spot.
The teachings of Buddhism are vigorously attacked, whilst the author tries to draw a parallel between Christianity and the teachings of the Chinese literati."
Frontenac, bold and fearless, sent a defiant answer to the hostile admiral, and handled so vigorously the forces he had collected as completely to repulse the enemy, who in their hasty retreat left behind a few pieces of artillery on the Beauport shore.
This method obtains when yeast is vigorously fermenting a saccharine solution.
In 1836 he was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives after a campaign in which he was vigorously opposed because he had attacked the doctrine of nullification, and because he had opposed all extra-legal steps against the abolitionists.
It was finally arranged by the allies that their envoys at Paris should fix the date for the assembling of a peace congress, and that, in the meantime, the war against Prussia should be vigorously prosecuted.
During his residence in Maryland he vigorously opposed the "vestry act," by which the powers and emoluments of the Maryland pastors were greatly diminished.
As editor of the Omaha World-Herald he then championed the cause of bimetallism in the press as vigorously as he had in Congress and on the platform, his articles being widely quoted and discussed.
But the city was vigorously besieged by the Brazilians by land, and finally the Portuguese were obliged to re-embark on the 2nd of July 1823.
Meanwhile Siena was vigorously besieged, and its inhabitants, sacrificing everything for their beloved city, maintained a most heroic defence.
Stansfeld was vigorously defended by Bright and Forster, and his explanation was accepted as quite satisfactory by Palmerston.
In June 1835 Airy was appointed Astronomer Royal in succession to John Pond, and thus commenced that long career of wisely directed and vigorously sustained industry at the national observatory which, even more perhaps than his investigations in abstract science or theoretical astronomy, constitutes his chief title to fame.
He was, moreover, an Imperialist and a Colonial Federationist at a time when Liberalism was tied and bound to the Manchester traditions; and, to the consternation of, the official wire-pullers, he vigorously supported Disraeli's foreign policy, and in 1881 opposed the Gladstonian settlement with the Boers.
Evidently then the Spanish dockyards and warships (when vigorously organized) were to count for much in the schemes for assuring complete supremacy in the Mediterranean and the ultimate overthrow of the British and Turkish empires, which he then had closely at heart.
A large number of specimens of a species are usually found together, since their only mode of spreading is during the ciliated larval stage, which although it swims vigorously can only cover a few millimetres an hour; still it may be carried some little distance by currents.
Pope Leo had indeed, in a letter to the Franciscan ministergeneral (November 1898), and in an encyclical to the French clergy (September 1899), vigorously emphasized the traditionalist principles of his encyclical Providentissimus of 1893; he had even, much to his prompt regret, signed the unfortunate decree of the Roman Inquisition, January 1897, prohibiting all doubt as to the authenticity of the "Three Heavenly Witnesses" passage, John v.
After serving in the Maryland convention which ratified for that state the Federal Constitution, and there vigorously opposing ratification, though afterwards he was an ardent Federalist, he became in 1791 chief judge of the Maryland general court, which position he resigned in 1796 for that of an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
The thumb went to her mouth and she started sucking it vigorously as she eyed the newcomer suspiciously.
His strongest denunciation is directed against the religious practices of the time in Judea - the worship of the Canaanite local deities (the Baals), the Phoenician Tammuz, and the sun and other Babylonian and Assyrian gods (vi., viii., xvi., xxiii.); he maintained vigorously the prophetic struggle for the sole worship of Yahweh.
Accordingly he set himself vigorously to the task of framing and enforcing regulations for the admission and conduct of members of the university, and also of establishing lectureships.
Before he could pass the river with safety it was necessary to subdue certain fortresses, one of which was for several days vigorously defended by the governor, Yussuf Kothual, a Kharizmian.
He then retired to Frauenburg, and vigorously attended to his capitular duties.
Though vigorously sought after by the Inquisition he eluded its agents for many years until in 1397 he was seized in Vienna, and burned at the stake as a heretic, together with two of his followers, John and James.
He vigorously restored Roman Catholicism in his diocese, made no difficulty about submitting to the papal jurisdiction which he had forsworn, and in 1555 began the persecution to which he owes his fame.
Cromwell, without naming himself an adherent of any denomination, fought vigorously for Independency as a policy.
The only telescope erected in the establishment when he took it in charge was the transit instrument, and to this he vigorously devoted himself.
Lavoisier appears to have assumed that the composition of every chemical compound was constant, and the same opinion was the basis of much experimental inquiry at the hands of Joseph Louis Proust during 1801 to 1809, who vigorously combated the doctrine of Claude Louis Berthollet (Essai de statique chimique, 1803), viz.
In 1790 he was elected to the United States senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of William Grayson, and although in this body he vigorously opposed Washington's administration, Washington on the 27th of May 1 794 nominated him as minister to France.
Under Odenathus Palmyra had extended her sway over Syria and Arabia, perhaps also over Armenia, Cilicia and Cappadocia; but now the troops of Zenobia, numbering it is said 70,000, proceeded to occupy Egypt; the Romans under Probus resisted vigorously but without avail, and by the beginning of A.D.
Meanwhile in the Transvaal, concurrently with the change of prime minister and high commissioner, the administrator, Colonel Lanyon, began vigorously to enforce taxation among the Boers.
On the 10th of October the Dundee brigade vigorously and successfully attacked Talana Hill, and drove back Lukas Meyer, but this success was dearly bought.
General Orero, successor of Baldissera, pushed offensive action more vigorously, and on the 26th of January 1890 entered Adowa, a city considerably to the south of the Marchan imprudent step which aroused Meneleks suspicions, and had hurriedly to be retraced.
The Pacification of Birks had been wrung from the king; and the Scots, seeing that he was preparing for the "Second Bishops' War," took the initiative, and pressed into England so vigorously that Charles had again to yield everything.
The disunion between the Mahommedans of northern Syria and the Fatimites of Egypt, and the political disintegration of the former, were both favourable to the success of the Franks; but they had nevertheless to maintain their ground vigorously both in the north and the south against almost incessant attacks.
Yaroslav, surnamed the Great, a man of commanding personality, was the last grand-prince who upheld vigorously the old system.
When he succeeded in forming it to suit her, she patted him on his woolly head so vigorously that I thought some of his slips were intentional.
The cells in which the fungoid organism is vigorously flourishing are exceedingly active, showing large size, brilliant nuclei, protoplasm and vacuole, all of which give signs of iptense metabolic activity.