Viewed Sentence Examples
In this connexion he divided the communication of experience from one person to another into two categories - the narrative or historical and the descriptive or geographical; both history and geography being viewed as descriptions, the former a description in order of time, the latter a description in order of space.
The deviation is of importance in the movement of air, of ocean currents, and to some extent of rivers.3 In popular usage the words " physical geography " have come to mean geography viewed from a particular standpoint rather than any special department of the subject.
Man's mental faculties are viewed as related to his organization, and as developed under the pressure of the necessities of life.3 Kant.
The Royal Geographical Society, which was founded in London in 1830, comes third on the list; but it may be viewed as a direct result of the earlier African Association founded in 1788.
Prayer in the latter sense is a characteristic feature of the higher religions, and we might even say that Christianity or Mahommedanism, ritually viewed, is in its inmost essence a service of prayer.
Nature and mind (which are the two sides, or polar directions, of the one absolute) are each viewed as an activity advancing by an uninterrupted succession of stages.
Physical geography he viewed as a summary of nature, the basis not only of history but also of " all the other possible geographies," of which he enumerates five, viz.
The world was henceforth viewed as a very large place stretching far on every side beyond the Midland or Mediterranean Sea, and the land journey of Alexander resulted in a voyage of discovery in the outer ocean from the mouth of the Indus to that of the Tigris, thus opening direct intercourse between Grecian and Hindu civilization.
Viewed analytically in its developed nature, magic is a wonder-working recognized as such, the core of the mystery consisting in the supposed transformation of suggested idea into accomplished fact by means of that suggestion itself.
The granite block from which she is said to have viewed the combat is still called the Queen's Chair or the Maiden Stone.
AdvertisementViewed broadly, the Russian empire may be said to occupy the territories to the N.W.
Viewed from rising ground, the landscape presents a pleasing variety of cornfield and forest, while the horizon is broken by the bell-towers of the numerous villages strung along the banks of the streams.
Of course, mostly she had viewed him as a parent, not a person.
Viewed from the walls Peking looks like a city of gardens.
But the details and success of the reforms, when viewed in the light of the testimony of contemporary prophets, are uncertain.
AdvertisementPresumably, the other rooms too offered calendar-quality scenes, but Dean never viewed them.
After the two men called it a night and Fred returned to his guesthouse lodging, Dean sat outside his tent lingering under more stars than he had ever viewed in his life.
The image of a normal reseau-square, as viewed in the microscope, shall exactly coincide with the square formed by the fixed webs - that is to say, the image of the sides of a normal reseau-square shall measure exactly io screw-revolutions.
In this way the scale can be viewed by a microscope of much higher magnifying power than can be employed for the photographed spectrum.
This deed, however, was viewed with far different feelings in Paris and by the partisans of the League, the murderer being regarded as a martyr and extolled by Pope Sixtus V., while even his canonization was discussed.
AdvertisementWhen Mr Eyre viewed the country from Mount Deception in 1840, looking between Lake Torrens and the lake which now bears his own name, the refraction of light from the glittering crust of salt that covers a large space of stony or sandy ground produced an appearance of water.
He viewed the "innovations in religion" with abhorrence.
Leib nitz's Monadology - which has little influence on his theism - may be viewed as a strong recoil from Spinoza's all-swallowing substance.
Viewed as a whole, the flora of the forest region is to be regarded as European-Siberian; and, though certain species disappear towards the E., while new ones make their appearance, it maintains, on the whole, the same features throughout from Poland to Kamchatka.
Donnie viewed the encounter with mild curiosity while Gladys remained in her chair, pudgy legs elevated, looking totally petrified.
AdvertisementThe preparations for the expedition, openly made, were viewed by Cavour with mixed feelings.
In 1891 nearly two million pilgrims viewed the coat, and eleven miraculous cures were claimed.
Recent American railway development, viewed in its larger aspects, has thus been characterized by what may be described as the rediscovery of the Pacific coast.
More original, perhaps, is the argument in the immediately preceding work, The Destiny of Man, viewed in the Light of his Origin (1884), which is, in substance, that physical evolution is a demonstrated fact; that intellectual force is a later, higher and more potent thing than bodily strength; and that, finally, in most men and some "lower animals" there is developed a new idea of the advantageous, a moral and non-selfish line of thought and procedure, which in itself so transcends the physical that it cannot be identified with it or be measured by its standards, and may or must be enduring, or at its best immortal.
So viewed, Congregationalism is essentially a " high church" theory, as distinct from a high clerical one.
Viewed from the end of platform 2, the remains of the yard and trailing crossover can once more be seen.
To some extent, we have this in the form of high taxes on cigarettes, which are seen to have negative externalities, and a home interest deduction on income taxes, as home ownership is viewed as having positive social good.
The system was revised in the 1830s because it was viewed as discouraging work by interfering with the laws of supply and demand relating to labor.
Germany viewed the Russian mobilization as an act of war and therefore declared war on Russia.
It all happened because of military pacts in which an attack on one party was viewed as an attack on all.
Viewed as a whole, the eastern half of this region, comprising Persia, Afghanistan and Baluchistan, is poor and unproductive.
In short, we have a somewhat heterogeneous assemblage of tropical, temperate and alpine plants, as has been already briefly indicated, of which, however, the tropical are so far dominant as to give their character to the flora viewed as a whole.
Bathsheba's influence added a new element of danger to the usual jealousies of the harem, and two of David's sons perished in vain attempts to claim the throne, which she appears to have viewed as the rightful inheritance of her own child.
An intermediate step between Anu viewed as the local deity of Erech (or some other centre), Bel as the god of Nippur, and Ea as the god of Eridu is represented by the prominence which each one of the centres associated with the three deities in question must have acquired, and which led to each one absorbing the qualities of other gods so as to give them a controlling position in an organized pantheon.
Viewed as a candidate for ministerial office, he might be regarded as a failure in parliament, but there can be no doubt that his career there greatly extended his influence.
But the history of the Crusades must be viewed rather as a chapter in the history of civilization in the West itself, than as an extension of Western dominion or religion to the East.
As the female counterpart of the Phoenician Baal (viewed as a sun-god), and on the testimony of late writers (Lucian, Herodian) that she was represented with horns, the place-name AshterothKarnaim in Gilead ("Ashteroth of the horns") has been considered ample proof in favour of the theory.
Here we shall treat the latter subjects in more detail, viewed from the standpoint of the chemist.
But these cases, when properly understood and calmly viewed, do not carry conviction against the epistle.
The introduction of an ordered system and discipline was, naturally, viewed with some suspicion by people taught to believe that the inward light of each individual man was the only true guide for his conduct.
Lambert (who was assassinated by Arabs, June 1859) had the support of his government, which viewed with alarm the establishment (1857) of the British on Perim Island, at the entrance to the Red Sea.
The islands, though seldom visited by foreigners, are for the most part highly interesting and picturesque, notwithstanding their somewhat barren appearance when viewed from the sea; many of them bear traces of the feudal rule of Venetian families in the middle ages, and their inhabitants in general may be regarded as presenting the best type of the Greek race.
The upper-parts are dark grey or nearly black according to the light in which they are viewed and the state of moisture or otherwise of the skin; the under-parts pure white.
The effect of this pronouncement was great, and it alarmed the Afrikanders, who at this time viewed with apprehension the virtual resumption by Cecil Rhodes of his leadership of the Progressive (British) party at the Cape.
As viewed from Banavie on the Caledonian Canal, it has the appearance of two great masses, one higher than the other, and though its bulk is impressive, its outline is much less striking than that of many other Highland hills.
Thus rational mechanics, based on the Newtonian Laws, viewed as mathematics is independent of its supposed application, and hydrodynamics remains a coherent and respected science though it is extremely improbable that any perfect fluid exists in the physical world.
Turkey's progress in the path of reform was viewed with some uneasiness in Russia, the cardinal principle of whose policy since 1829 had been to maintain her own influence at Constantinople by keeping the Otto- Policy man government weak.
He believed that Christ instructed men before he came into the world, and he therefore viewed heathenism with kindly eye.
The general theory of the resultant of k homogeneous equations in k variables presents no further difficulties when viewed in this manner.
Dinizulu protested his loyalty to the British, nor was it likely that he viewed with approval the action of Bambaata, a comparatively unimportant and meddlesome chief.
The rapid growth of the Indian population from about 1890 caused much disquiet among the majority of the white inhabitants, who viewed with especial anxiety the activities 1 The causes, both local and general, are set forth in a despatch by the governor of the 21st of June 1906 and printed in the Blue Book, Cd.
Moreover the High Command viewed with alarm the growth of " Septembrist " doctrine among the troops - i.e.
A comparison with the method of a material pointer, attached to the parts whose rotation is under observation, and viewed through a microscope, is of interest.
He described also the complicated patterns seen when a point of light is viewed through two superposed gratings, whose lines cross one another perpendicularly or obliquely.
In observing the bands he received them at first upon a screen of finely ground glass, upon which a magnifying lens was focused; but it soon appeared that the ground glass could be dispensed with, the diffraction pattern being viewed in the same way as the image formed by the object-glass of a telescope is viewed through the eye-piece.
In 1789 Klaproth isolated from pitchblende a yellow oxide which he viewed as the oxide of a new metal, which he named uranium, after the newly discovered planet of Herschel.
The drop will consequently be more intensely illuminated when viewed along these directions of minimum deviation, and since it is these rays with which we are primarily concerned, we shall proceed to the determination of these directions.
The third and fourth bows are situated between the observer and the sun, and hence, to be viewed, the observer must face the sun.
The Fathers of the 4th century, and notably the Cappadocian Fathers, provide us with a quantity of evidence on this subject, which leaves no doubt as to the practice of the invocation of saints, nor of the complete approval with which it was viewed.
Both houses of parliament, who viewed this union with abhorrence, now passed the Test Act, forbidding Catholics to hold office.
Damasus, to whom they appealed for help, was unable to be of much service to them, the more so because that episcopal group, viewed askance by St Athanasius and his successor Peter, was incessantly combated at the papal court by the inveterate hatred of Alexandria.
Usibepu, having created a formidable force of well-armed and trained warriors, and being left in independence on the borders of Cetywayo's territory, viewed with displeasure the re-installation of his former king, and Cetywayo was desirous of humbling his relative.
He had viewed proposals to abandon the campaign with alarm; but after visiting the peninsula he realized that evacuation was the only justifiable course, and he reported to that effect.
Kolbe had an important share in the great development of chemical theory that occurred about the middle of the 19th century, especially in regard to the constitution of organic compounds, which he viewed as derivatives of inorganic ones, formed from the latter - in some cases directly - by simple processes of substitution.
Huge caves, of which the most noted are the Farm Caves, occur in the hills near Moulmein, and they too are full of relics of their ancient use as temples, though now they are chiefly visited in connexion with the bats, whose flight viewed from a distance, as they issue from the caves, resembles a cloud of smoke.
Flint glass particularly, which appeared quite satisfactory when viewed in small pieces, was found to be so far from homogeneous as to be useless for lens construction.
In 1847 he was made tutor of his college, and in 1853 he delivered the Bampton lectures, his subject being "The Atoning Work of Christ viewed in Relation to some Ancient Theories."
Kohler (Kohut Memorial Volume, 18 97, pp. 264-338) has given good grounds for regarding the whole work, with the exception of some interpolations, as "one of the most remarkable productions of the pre-Christian era, explicable only when viewed in the light of Hasidean practice."
At one end of it paper was stretched, and at the other a convex lens was fitted in a hole, the image being viewed through an aperture at the top of the box.
The image was viewed through a large hole in the side.
In an earlier form the image is thrown upon a vertical thin paper screen and viewed through a hole in the back of the camera.
Further, while on the one side the institution of the monarchy is subsequently regarded as hostile to the preeminence of Yahweh, Samuel's connexion with the history of David belongs to a relatively late stage in the history of the written traditions where events are viewed from a specifically Judaean aspect.
In the Metaphysical state, for volition is substituted abstract force residing in the object, yet existing independently of the object; the phenomena are viewed as if apart from the bodies manifesting them; and the properties of each substance have attributed to them an existence distinct from that substance.
The social organization must be viewed and explored as a whole.
The houses being mostly built of a white conglomerate stone of shells and coral which forms the peninsula, gives the city when viewed from a distance a clean and handsome appearance, but on closer inspection the streets are found to be very narrow, irregular, ill-paved and filthy.
Man is viewed as a part of nature, and all his widely differing forms of development as strictly natural processes.
By some it was developed into a complete philosophy of the world, in which matter itself is viewed as the lowest emanation from the absolute.
In certain theories known as doctrines of emanation, only mental existence is referred to the absolute source, while matter is viewed as eternal and distinct from the divine nature.
In general the main elevations of the two ranges form pairs lying opposite one another; the forms of both ranges are monotonous, but the colouring is splendid, especially when viewed from a distance; when seen close at hand only a few valleys with perennial streams offer pictures of landscape beauty, their rich green contrasting pleasantly with the bare brown and yellow mountain sides.
The coast is for the most part abrupt and rocky, often leaving room for only a narrow path along the shore, and when viewed from the sea it does not suggest the extent of country lying between its cliffs and the lofty summits behind.
He has been viewed as a chieftain of the Amorites, as the head of a great Semitic migration from Mesopotamia; or, since Ur and Haran were seats of Moon-worship, he has been identified with a moon-god.
Viewed from the sea, the top of one wall just appearing above the next produces a barren effect; but the aspect of the land from a hill in early spring is a beautiful contrast of luxuriant verdure.
But, considering the fulness of the contemporary Egyptian records of the XIXth dynasty that are already known, it becomes increasingly doubtful whether the Hebrews in Egypt played so important a part in history, when viewed from the Egyptian standpoint, as their own records had seemed to imply.
Professor Mahaffy has pointed out that many other events in Greek history are viewed by us in somewhat perverted perspective because the great writers of Greece were Athenians rather than Spartans or Thebans.
Even conservative students of the Bible urge that its historical passages must be viewed precisely in the light of any other historical writings of antiquity; and the fact that the oldest Hebrew manuscript dates only from the 8th century A.D., and therefore of necessity brings to us the message of antiquity through the fallible medium of many generations of copyists, is far more clearly kept in mind than it formerly was.
Like geography, oceanography may be viewed in two different ways, and is conveniently divided into general oceanography, which deals with phenomena common to the whole ocean, and special oceanography, which has to do with the individual characteristics of the various divisions of the ocean.
Viewed from the floor of the ocean the continental block would thus appear as a great plateau rising to a height of 14,360 ft.
Radiolarian ooze was recognized as a distinct deposit and named by Sir ' John Murray on the " Challenger " expedition, but it may be viewed as red clay with an exceptionally large proportion of siliceous organic remains, especially those of the radiolarians which form part of the pelagic plankton.
Geologists are agreed that littoral and hemipelagic deposits similar to those now forming are to be found in all geological systems, but the existence in the rocks of eupelagic deposits and especially of the abysmal red clay, though viewed by some as probable, is totally denied by others.
On the contrary, as a thousand passages in the earlier apologists attest, they viewed the pagan mysteries with horror and detestation.
Unfortunately, most matters could be viewed from both a secular and religious standpoint; and even in purely secular affairs the claims of the pope to at least indirect control were practically unlimited.
For example, George of Saxony viewed Aleander, the pope's nuncio, with almost as much suspicion as he did Luther himself.
These opinions were subversive of the system of the medieval church, and were naturally viewed with great disfavour by its officials; but it cannot fairly be said that they have much in common with the opinions of the Reformers of the 16th century.
Its height, 12,349 ft., is especially impressive when viewed from the sea off the west coast.
There was one opening in its disk, and through this was viewed the pendulum of a clock beating seconds.
Then the first flash in the new position is viewed by the 8Nth passage of the opening, and the second flash in the original position of the first is viewed when the pendulum has made exactly N beats and by the (8 N + i)th passage of the hole.
To show its intermittent character its reflection is viewed in a revolving mirror.
The flame appears to lengthen, but if the reflection is viewed in a vertical mirror revolving about a vertical axis or in Koenig's cube of mirrors, it is seen that the flame is really intermittent, jumping up and down once with each vibration, sometimes apparently going within the jet tube at its lowest point.
When the flames are viewed in a revolving mirror and the pipes are blown, each image of one flame lies between two images of the other.
Rozhestvenski had, moreover, numerous store-ships, colliers, &c. Nevertheless, the Japanese viewed his approach with considerable anxiety, and braced themselves for a final struggle.
The general impression of Solomon's position in history is in fact seriously disturbed when the composite writings are closely viewed.
Detection and Estimation.-Most calcium compounds, especially when moistened with hydrochloric acid, impart an orange-red colour to a Bunsen flame, which when viewed through green glass appears to be finch-green; this distinguishes it in the presence of strontium, whose crimson coloration is apt to mask the orange-red calcium flame (when viewed through green glass the strontium flame appears to be a very faint yellow).
But as each successive range, proceeding south, represents a higher step in the terraced ascent from the desert of Gobi to the plateau of Tibet, the ranges when viewed from the north frequently appear like veritable upstanding mountain ranges, and this appearance is accentuated by the general steepness of the ascent; whereas, when viewed on the other hand from the south, these several ranges, owing to their long and gentle slope in that direction, have the appearance of comparatively gentle swellings of the earth's service rather than of well-defined mountain ranges.
It is sufficient to remark here that the presentation of the sacrifice of the mass came to be viewed as the essential priestly office, so that the Christian presbyter really was a sacerdos in the antique sense.
Beneath the guidance of a dynasty of princes which, curiously enough, was supplied by the least civilized portion of this congeries of nationalities,, the nascent republic gradually grew into a power which subjugated its former oppressors and, viewed externally, seemed to bear upon it the promise of empire.
One naturally infers from this that the "cherub" was sometimes viewed as a bird.
If the refractive index is, for instance, the same for both in the case of green light, and a source of white light is viewed through the mixture, the green component will be completely transmitted, while the other colours are more or less scattered by multiple reflections and refractions at the surfaces of the powdered substance.
With Goethe, who viewed with interest and appreciation the poetical fashion of treating fact characteristic of the Naturphilosophie, he continued on excellent terms, while on the other hand he was repelled by Schiller's less expansive disposition, and failed altogether to understand the lofty ethical idealism that animated his work.
This reconstruction of its meaning seems to have been the peculiar revelation of the Lord to Paul, who viewed Christ's crucifixion and death as an atoning sacrifice, liberating by its grace mankind from bonds of sin which the law, far from snapping, only made more sensible and grievous.
Viewed from the coast, the volcanic cones seem to rise directly from the central heights of the Sierra Madre, above which they tower; but in reality their bases are, as a rule, farther south.
A given straight line being viewed as equal in length to the circumference of a circle, he sought to find the diameter of the circle.
C, Ideal pericardium and neph- i, Pore leading from the glandu ridium viewed laterally.
Thus the Psalms were necessarily viewed as prophetic; and meantime, in accordance with the common Hebrew representation of ideal things as existing in heaven, the true king remains hidden with God.
As viewed from the east the city stands out boldly against the Alps.
The monasteries, which are all fortified, generally consist of large quadrangles enclosing churches; standing amid rich foliage, they present a wonderfully picturesque appearance, especially when viewed from the sea.
When the slit is narrow light is lost through diffraction unless the angular aperture of this condensing lens, as viewed from the slit, is considerably greater than that of the collimator lens.
If a short length of platinum wire be inserted vertically into a lighted Bunsen burner the luminous line may be used as a slit and viewed directly through a prism.
The bands often appear in groups, and such spectra containing groups of bands when viewed through small spectroscopes sometimes give the appearance of the flutings of columns.
The scale telescope contains a graduated scale which is illuminated by a small burner; the scale is viewed by reflection from the prism face opposite the first refracting face.
Her husband, however, who viewed these proceedings with disfavour, banished her friends, took her children from her, threw her into prison,, and eventually made her abandon at any rate the outward forms of Calvinism.
During the next session he acted vigorously in opposition, but his conduct was always viewed with distrust by his new associates, and his attacks on the ministry of Lord North grew less and less animated in proportion to its apparent fixity of tenure.
He now compared the spiritual and bodily sides of a man to the concave and convex sides of a circle, as inner and outer sides of the same process, which is psychical as viewed from within and physical as viewed from without.
At the same time Fechner would not have us suppose that the two sides are equal; according to him, the psychical, being the psychophysical as viewed from within, is real, the physical, being the psychophysical viewed from without, is apparent; so in oneself, though nervous process and psychical process are the same, it is the psychical which is the reality of which the nervous is mere appearance; and so everywhere, spirit is the reality, body the appearance of spirit to spirit.
He vacillated a great deal about our mode of perceiving the external world; but his final view (edition of Reid's works, note D*) consisted in supposing that (1) sensation is an apprehension of secondary qualities purely as affections of the organism viewed as ego; (2) perception in general is an apprehension of primary qualities as relations of sensations in the organism viewed as non-ego; while (3) a special perception of a so-called " secundo-primary " quality consists in " the consciousness of a resisting something external to our organism."
One of the most conspicuous features of Bonn, viewed from the river, is the pilgrimage (monastic) church of Kreuzberg (1627), behind and above Poppelsdorf; it has a flight of 28 steps, which pilgrims used to ascend on their knees.
For a time the Roman propaganda in England, which drew to itself High Churchmen like Newman and Manning, was viewed with apprehension; but though the Roman Catholic Church has grown greatly in influence in the country, the number of its adherents, in proportion to the growth of population, has not very greatly increased.
Owing to these circumstances, the rise and further development of the Kulturkampf were viewed in Jesuit and Vatican circles with feelings of the utmost complacency.
But in Germany, as also in France, the waves of anti-Infallibility were rolling so high, that the further development of events was viewed with no small concern.
The appointment of Franchi as secretary of state was a bid for peace that was viewed by the Irreconcilables with ill-disguised vexation.
It was thence applied to denote any luminous ring, such as that viewed around the sun or moon, or portrayed about the heads of saints.
He also viewed the xxi.
In Tahiti, Madagascar and other fields this society has largely taken over work begun by the London Society, whose operations were viewed with suspicion by the French government.
Berkeley had already, in the Querist, attacked the mercan t i le theory of the nature of national wealth and the functions of money, and Locke had, in a partial manner, shown that political economy could with advantage be viewed in relation to the modern system of critical philosophy.
Viewed with suspicion by the Russian government, the Polish towns received no self-government like the villages.
The fact that the Icelandic sagas concerning Vinland are not contemporaneous written records has caused them to be viewed by many with suspicion; hence such a significant allusion as that by Adam of Bremen is not to be overlooked.
When viewed from a distance, especially from the river, the city, with its medieval towers and buildings, the whole surmounted by the majestic cathedral, is picturesque and imposing.
Thus, in the first decade of the 20th century a great advance had been made in the way in which the whole problem was being viewed in America, though the very immensity of the problem of bringing the Federal power to bear on operations on so vast a scale, involving the limitation of private land speculation in important areas, still presented political difficulties of considerable magnitude.
The details of this contest, of his relations with the caliph Ma'mun, and of his many travels - including a journey to Egypt, on which he viewed with admiration the great Egyptian monuments, - are to be found in the Ecclesiastical Chronicle of Barhebraeus.
Thus locally many different gods e to be viewed as the creators of the world.
But if the facts of the religion, broadly viewed, never underwent a change, the interpretation of those facts did so in no small degree.
To the present writer it seems that Meyers chronology provides a convenient working theory, but involves such an improbability in regard to the interval between the XIIth and the XVIIIth Dynasties that the interpretation of the Sothic date on which it is founded must be viewed with suspicion until clear facts are found to corroborate it.
The khedive, moreover, markedly abstained from any association with the agitation of the Nationalists, who viewed with disfavour his highnesss personal friendship with Sir Eldon Gorst.
It is curious, as showing the light in which his claims were viewed by his.
As few scholars will now claim priority for the text of Deuteronomy, this division may be viewed as exploded.
If such a system of precepts was ever viewed as the basis of the covenant with Israel, it must belong to a far earlier stage of religious development than that of Ex.
In such cases as Lemanea, the terminal cells of the lateral branches form a superficial layer which has all the appearance of a parenchyma when viewed from the surface.
Viewed from near at hand a mountain may seem to tower above the surrounding country, but from a distance it will be seen not to rise much above the general uniformity of elevation.
When the otter "vents" or comes to the surface to breathe, his muzzle only appears above water, and when he is viewed or traced by the mud he stirs up, or by air bubbles, the hounds are laid on.
When he is viewed an attempt is made to spear him by any of the field who may be within distance; if their spears miss, the owners must wade to recover them.
She too, like Assur, was viewed as a war deity, and to such an extent was this the case that at times it would appear that she, rather than Assur, presided over the fortunes of the Assyrian armies.
Yet, in its characteristic religion and legislation there are essential spiritual and ethical peculiarities which give it a uniqueness and a permanent value, the reality of which becomes more impressive when the Old Testament is viewed, not merely from a Christian or a Jewish teleology, but in the light of ancient, medieval and modern Palestine.
When the whole body of evidence is viewed comprehensively, it would seem that there was some movement northwards of semi-Edomite blood, tradition and literature, the date of which may be placed during the internal disorganization of Palestine, and presumably in the 6th century.
The history of the past is viewed from rather different positions which, on the whole, are subsequent to the relatively recent changes that gave birth to new organizations in Samaria and Judah.
Yet, wonderful as the Old Testament has ever seemed to past generations, it becomes far more profound a phenomenon when it is viewed, not in its own perspective of the unity of history - from the time of Adam, but in the history of Palestine and of the old Oriental area.
But doubt may be thrown on this traditional account owing to the further statement that the image of the weathercock so viewed was seen turned upside down.
The eye-pieces or oculars through which, in case of visual observations, the primary images formed by the objective are viewed, are of quite secondary importance as regards definition in the central portion of the field of view.
This is such a practical drawback that the separation is generally 4ths or $ths of the theoretical, and then the primary image viewed by the eye piece may be rather outside the field-lens, which is a great practical advantage, especially when a reticule has to be mounted in the primary focal plane, although the edge of the field is not quite achromatic under these conditions.
The image formed at P is viewed through the eye-piece at E, which may be of the Huygenian or Ramsden type.
If then the objective tube is directed to any star, the convergent beam from the object-glass is received by the plane mirror from which it is reflected upwards along the polar axis and viewed through the hollow upper pivot.
Also, if the axis is made to revolve at half the apparent diurnal motion of the stars, the image of the celestial sphere, viewed by reflection from such a moving mirror, will appear at rest at every point - hence the name coelostat applied to the apparatus.
Viewed from the river it makes a somewhat gloomy, though picturesque, impression, with its parish church (a basilica dating from the 12th century, with four towers), the round watch-tower on the Rhine, old walls in places 15 ft.
P of one and the same element seen in diverse settings to conscious realization, with the result that it is viewed as a single truth of which the terms compared are now accepted as the differences.
From the judgment viewed as hypothetical we pass by affirmation of the antecedent or denial of the consequent to inference.
They viewed with displeasure and foreboding the fall of Iturbide's empire and the creation of the republic. They were not treasonable, but talked much, refusing allegiance to the new government; and as they controlled the resources of the colony and the good will of the Indians, they felt their strength against the local authority; besides, they were its constant benefactors.
Over such an extensive area there is, of course, great variety in the climatic character of different districts, especially when viewed in relation to health.
The company's acquisition of territory was viewed with considerable dissatisfaction by many of the natives, and this found expression in frequent acts of violence.
Acts, from its very scope, was least likely to be viewed as sacrosanct as regards its text.
Any divergence or collapse of the gold-leaf can be viewed by a microscope through an aperture in the side of the case.
In Manetho, however, he occupied the place of the second Senwosri (formerly read Usertesen) of the XIIth Dynasty, and his name is now usually viewed as a corruption of Senwosri.
In this respect, the veneration shown to serpents and monkeys has, however, to be viewed in a somewhat different light, as having a mythical background; whilst quite a special significance attaches to the sacred character assigned to the cow by all classes of Hindus, even those who are not prepared to admit the claim of the Brahman to the exalted position of the earthly god usually conceded to him.
It is the note of every great religious reformer, Moses, Buddha, Paul, Mani, Mahomet, St Francis, Luther, to enlighten and direct it to higher aims, substituting a true personal holiness for a ritual purity or taboo, which at the best was viewed as a kind of physical condition and contagion, inherent as well in things and animals as in man.
Viewed broadly, the financial resources of the earlier Empire were obtained from (1) the public land alike of the state and the Princeps; (2) the monopolies, principally of minerals; (3) the land tax; (4) the customs; (5) the taxes on inheritances, on sales and on the purchase of slaves (vectigalia).
The most famous of the systematic exponents of evolutional utilitarianism is, of course, Herbert Spencer, in whose Data of Ethics (1819) the facts of morality are viewed in relation with his vast conception of the total process of cosmic evolution.
He shows how morality can be viewed physically, as evolving from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity; biologically, as evolving from a less to a more complete performance of vital functions, so that the perfectly moral man is one whose life is physiologically perfect and therefore perfectly pleasant; psychologically, as evolving from a.
Viewed as a whole they have the characteristics of other Palestinian literature, the merits and defects of other oriental works.
In virtue of the mystic identity between the cosmic phenomena and sacrifice, Rita may be also viewed as the principle of the cultus; and from that sphere it passes into conduct and acquires the meaning of morality and is equated with what is " true."
The pope (Paul II.) viewed these proceedings with suspicion, as savouring of paganism, heresy and republicanism.
The middle belt is gently undulating; viewed from rare eminences the landscape over the boundless forests resembles a dark green sea, through which the great rivers flow straight between steep, flat-topped banks, with long quiet reaches broken by occasional rapids.
The Jansenist Church is, however, intensely conservative, and viewed with extreme disapproval the departures made by the German Old Catholics from Catholic tradition, notably in the matter of clerical celibacy.
A fine crypt, along with remains of the prior's lodging, refectory and chapel, may still be viewed, as the priory was purchased by private subscription and handed over to the municipality in 1896.
The phenomena of style have to be viewed in a broad light.
This includes Gorin's Dome, which is viewed from a point midway in its side, and also from its top, the cave.
Viewed as a whole, Portuguese administration has been carried on under difficulties which have rendered it costly and inefficient, the home government being compelled to contribute a large annual subsidy towards its maintenance.
In 1870 the duke of Saldanha, the last survivor of the turbulent statesmen of Queen Maria's reign, threatened an appeal to arms if the king would not dismiss his minister, the duke of Louie, an advanced Radical and freemason, whose influence, dating from the reign of Pedro V., was viewed with disfavour by Saldanha, as well as by more conservative politicians.
If in addition to all this we bear in mind that in his later books the historian's horizon is confined to the city and patriarchate of Constantinople, that he was exceedingly ill informed on all that related to Rome and the West, that in order to fill out his pages he has introduced narratives of the most unimportant description, that in not a few instances he has evinced his credulity (although when compared with the majority of his contemporaries he is still entitled to be called critical), it becomes sufficiently clear that his History, viewed as a whole and as a literary production, can at best take only a secondary place.
The heavy losses sustained by the Indians during that outbreak, and their dislike and distrust of the colonial Spaniard, account for the comparative indifference with which they viewed the rise and progress of the 1814 colonial revolt against Spain, which gave the South American states their independence.
Viewed as a whole, `Ali Riza's forces, scattered as they inevitably were through the need of holding territory, were reasonably well distributed, in that, though the Turks were in the ensemble inferior in the ratio of I to 21, their handicap on the decisive battlefield reduced itself to the ratio of t to about II-.
He likewise expands at great length a theory of the origin of the Catholic Church much like that sketched by Toland, but assumes that Paul and his party, latterly at least, were distinctly hostile to the Judaical party of their fellow-believers in Jesus as the Messias, while the college of the original twelve apostles and their adherents viewed Paul and his followers with suspicion and disfavour.
Serious as these defects in Livy's method appear if viewed in the light of modern criticism, it is probable that they were easily pardoned, if indeed they were ever discovered, by his contemporaries.
Viewed in this light Petrarch anticipated the Italian Renaissance in its weakness - that philosophical superficiality, that tendency to ornate rhetoric, that preoccupation with stylistic trifles, that want of profound conviction and stern sincerity, which stamp its minor literary products with the note of mediocrity.
The reading of the Vendidad in this case may, when viewed according to the original intention, be taken as corresponding in some sense to the sermon, while that of the Yasna and Vispered may be said to answer to the hymns and prayers of Christian worship.
The work, which is certainly not a forgery, but only a consolatory political pamphlet, is just as powerful, viewed according to the author's evident intention, as a consolation to God's people in their dire distress at the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, as if it were, what an ancient but mistaken tradition had made it, really an accurate account of events which took place at the close of the Babylonian period.'
The object is really viewed through a horizontally stratified medium consisting of a central sheet of maximum refractive index, overand under-laid by sheets of decreasing refractive power.
It has a station on the Great Western Railway on the east side of the river, and when viewed from this point the town presents an imposing appearance with its castle-keep and its many ancient buildings.
Without, viewed from the open Parliament Square to the north, the beautiful proportions of the building are readily realized, but it is somewhat dwarfed by the absence of a central tower and by the vast adjacent pile of the Houses of Parliament.
When exposed to the air a stick of phosphorus undergoes slow combustion, which is revealed by a greenish-white phosphorescence when the stick is viewed in the dark.
At the outbreak of the Revolution he viewed it with favour, but was soon disgusted at the violence of its methods.
Hence when the photosphere is viewed through it an absorption spectrum is shown, but when it can be viewed separately a bright line spectrum appears.
Several estimates have been made which agree well together; whether direct use is made of known parallaxes, or comparison is made with binaries of well-determined orbits of the same spectral type as the sun, in which therefore it may be assumed there is the same relation between mass and brilliancy (Gore), the result is found that the sun's magnitude is - 26.5, or the sun is Io n times as brilliant as a first magnitude star; it would follow that the sun viewed from a Centauri would appear as of magnitude 0.7, and from a star of average distance which has a parallax certainly less than o 1 ", it would be at least fainter than the fifth magnitude, or, say, upon the border-line for naked-eye visibility.
It is not surprising that Bell should have viewed his results with exultation.
The font was viewed as the womb of the virgin mother church, who was in some congregations, for example, in the early churches of Gaul, no abstraction, but a divine aeon watching over and sympathizing with the children of her womb, the recipient even of hymns of praise and humble supplications.
Heart and love are viewed, not physiologically, but in their moral connexion.
It must be added that this devotion was strongly opposed, not only by the Jansenists, but by others within the Church, under the mistaken idea that the Heart of Christ was viewed in it as separate from the rest of His Being.
Marduk is viewed as the son of Ea.
There is every reason to assume, therefore, that the cult of Marduk existed already at this early period, though it must always be borne in mind that, until the days of Khammurabi, his jurisdiction was limited to the city of which he was the patron and that he was viewed solely as a solar deity.
Among its chief features are the Virgin Martyrs' Memorial, representing in white marble a guardian angel and the figures of Margaret M`Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson, who were drowned by the rising tide in Wigtown Bay for their fidelity to the Covenant (1685);(1685); the large pyramid to the memory of the Covenanters, and the Ladies' Rock, from which ladies viewed the jousts in the Valley.
For Christ is viewed as bringing redemption - a conception of importance in many religions, but in none so important as in Christianity.
Theology is viewed as essentially a branch of church administration.
At the same time, when viewed from the exterior, the main dome rises large, bold and commanding, with nothing of the squat appearance that mars the dome of St Sophia, with nothing of the petty prettiness of the little domes perched on the drums of the later Byzantine churches.
How much or how little judgment shows in that calculation, when viewed in the light of later days, we do not discuss.
A centre of his cult in Assyria was in Harran, where, because of the predominating character of the moon-cult, he is viewed as the son of the moongod Sin.
The fire-god is also viewed as the patron of the arts and the god of civilization in general, because of the natural association of all human progress with the discovery and use of fire.
A, Prothallus viewed from the lower surface; ar, archegonia; an, antheridia; rh, rhizoids (much enlarged).
The exercise of wisdom was now viewed as the pure life of that particle of divine substance which was in very truth the " god within him "; the reason whose supremacy he maintained was the reason of Zeus, and of all gods and reasonable men, no less than his own; its realization in any one individual was thus the common good of all rational beings as such; " the sage could not stretch out a finger rightly without thereby benefiting all other sages," - nay, it might even be said that he was " as useful to Zeus as Zeus to him."
The Reformation which Luther initiated may be viewed on several sides, even if we consider only its ethical principles and effects.
If the problem is viewed from a synthetic point of view, the stages of its solution are as follows.
A continuous shifting of the standpoint was in large measure substituted for the displacements of the objects viewed, which thus acquired a regularity and consistency heretofore lacking to them.
The strong political position secured to the French Protestants by the edict of Nantes was very objectionable, not only to the ardent Roman Catholics, but also to more moderate persons, and the payments made to their ministers by the state were viewed with increasing dislike.
Other sun-deities, as Ninib and Nergal, the patron deities of important centres, retained their independent existence as certain phases of the sun, Ninib becoming the sun-god of the morning and of the spring time, and Nergal the sun-god of the noon and of the summer solstice, while Shamash was viewed as the sun-god in general.
Still less can it be appreciated in all its large wisdom and sustained self-mastery if it is viewed merely as a duel between the ablest champion and the craftiest enemy of Greek freedom.
Consequently, the parallels between Joshua and Jacob (see Steuernagel's Commentary, p. 150) are more significant when the occupation of central Palestine, already implied in the book of Joshua, is viewed in the light of Gen.
This extension of Sparta's territory was viewed with apprehension by her neighbours in the Peloponnese.
In its present form Genesis is an indispensable portion of the biblical history, and consequently its literary growth cannot be viewed apart from that of the books which follow.
In the accompanying cut we have endeavoured to portray this map. The projection adopted is a perspective of the hemisphere as viewed from a point at the distance of one diameter from the surface, and situated on the production of.
The dissection is viewed from the ventral side, and the lips (L) have been cut through in the middle line behind and pulled outwards so as to expose the jaws (j), which have been turned outwards, and the tongue (T) bearing a median row of chitinous teeth, which branches behind into two.
Since all conics derived from a circular cone appear circular when viewed from the apex, they conceived the treatment of the conic sections as projections of a circle.
In this case the eye is always directed so that the part of the image which is wished to be viewed exactly falls upon the most sensitive portion of the retina, viz.
The image viewed through the eyepiece appears then to the observer under the angle w", and as with the single microscope tan w" = I /f 2 ' (4) where f' 2 is the image-side focal length of the eyepiece.
If this object be viewed by the objective, so that at least the diffraction spectra of 1st order pass the finer divisions, then the corresponding diffraction phenomenon in the back focal plane of the objective has the appearance shown in fig.
With weak systems no auxiliary microscope is necessary, the eyepiece being removed and the scale viewed directly in the tube.
The representation of the remote past in Samuel must be viewed, therefore, in the light of that age when, after a series of vital internal and external vicissitudes in Judah and Benjamin, Judaism established itself in opposition to rival sects and renounced the Samaritans who had inherited the traditions of their land.
The attractiveness of the petal is often due wholly or in part to surface markings; thus the cuticle of the petal of a pelargonium, when viewed with a z or 4-in.
Up to the stage indicated by the Dissertation he had been attempting, in various ways, to unite two radically divergent modes of explaining cognition - that which would account for the content of experience by reference to affection from things without us, and that which viewed the intellect itself as somehow furnished with the means of pure, rational cognition.
Knowledge is regarded as a mechanical product, part furnished by the subject, part given to the subject, and is thus viewed as mechanically divisible into a priori and a posteriori, into pure and empirical, necessary and contingent.
Morever, the manner in which space and time had been treated made it possible for him to regard these as contingent forms, necessary for intelligences like ours, but not to be viewed as absolutely necessary.
In this article only those instruments will be considered in which solid objects or objects in space are viewed; reference should be made to the article Stereoscope for the instruments in which plane representations are offered to both eyes.
But his first duty was to Sweden; and, naturally and rightly, he viewed the whole business from a predominantly Swedish point of view.
I mean, did the scene Howie viewed really happen or is it just some wild construction of a vivid imagination.
Her eyes were warm with tears and her heart racing from the unexpected confrontation with the distressed ex-deity who viewed her as expendable less than a week before.
He'd loved and hated her his whole life, a beautiful woman with neither mercy nor honor, who viewed mortals and Immortals alike as toys.
Accustomed to the thought of dying, she viewed the option of living as …weird.
He'd enjoyed himself that night, more so than ever before, because he let go of the side of himself that viewed sex as either a test by a dictatorial goddess or a necessary release for pent up frustration.
He was a pacifist, though, and viewed his position on the Council as balancing out the outwardly aggressive predators.
That they'd ally with the dishonorable Yirkin was his fault; his affront at taking Kiera from them was enough for them to overcome their distaste at dealing with the Yirkin, whom they viewed as even less civilized than the Anshan.
Memon viewed Tiyan as his next easy conquest, a meek kingdom that would fall without a fight.
The poor and sickly viewed Tiyan as a kingdom of refuge, where magical waters prevented sickness and death to any who drank from them.
Xander remembered her older and realized he had always viewed Eden through the eyes of the child who embarked on a journey with the Oracle obsessed with destroying the last Grey God.
To abdicate from responsibility by doing nothing can be viewed as a sin.
Many academics appeared complacent about the ongoing bombing of Afghanistan, while others viewed it with cheerful approval.
But ever since the coup fiasco, the CIA and the State Department have viewed him with undisguised contempt.
The result was viewed as contentious in some quarters.
Schools often reflect, and sometimes reinforce, societal perceptions of young people who are viewed as different.
Chaos and complexity can both be viewed as a theory of formal social systems.
However these were not viewed with universal approbation at the time.
Freeview is viewed via your normal tv Ariel, which is not a digital signal.
But hopping is still viewed with nostalgia by those who spent their childhood pulling bines in the fresh air.
The self-alignment of crystallites manifests itself as patterns of optical birefringence when the liquids are viewed between crossed polars.
But the whole problem has to be viewed in the context of increasingly bitter club versus country divide.
The luxury of hand-painted silk fabric creates beautiful artwork, and when viewed at different angles, gives a unique brilliance of color.
These files can be downloaded and viewed in the UCSC genome browser (Mouse March 2005 ).
This was picked up on by Radio 1. This must be viewed as the usual bullshit for which the Sun is rightly infamous!
The dog's waist is the area behind the rib cage viewed from the top.
Viewed from this include data on davies campus is.
Is a third cha Ching thanks is being viewed of the customization.
The correlation coefficient between adjacent pairs of axes can be viewed by clicking an axis with the right mouse button.
We viewed the breeding colony on Tresco from close quarters on 12th.
The newspapers at that time were quite complimentary, they viewed him as an oddball who might just have come up with something good.
When viewed from above, the fading effect should be symmetrical, having no clear demarcation.
Hitler was generally distrustful of the Army which he viewed as socially conservative and ideologically too tame.
Its basis, however, when viewed under the microscope, is generally quite earthy; but sometimes it exhibits a decidedly crystalline structure.
So local ecumenism is alive in many places but the National Instruments are still viewed in many quarters with suspicion and doubt.
Edward bach and often viewed as.
The site offers various fact sheets on veterinary entomology plus video-clips that can be viewed online.
The force profile of a rower using the ergometer was viewed by use of an oscilloscope attached to the signal from the amplifier.
In the middle of the day the miniature eyebrights open up and are ideally viewed through a magnifying glass.
The text can be viewed online or downloaded using the free askSam Viewer or the askSam free-form database (Windows PCs only ).
The site is better viewed with Internet Explorer rather than Netscape, which suffers from some occasional visual glitches.
Indeed, Kant could be viewed as the intellectual godfather of cognitive science.
Bernstein also viewed working class children as being unable to defer gratification.
Any breach of such confidentiality will be viewed with the utmost gravity.
That the adjudicator could be a complete ignoramus about the job might be viewed as a downside.
There are various angles from which the apparent incongruity could be viewed.
Wherever relevant, details of company insolvency can be viewed without charge.
Viewing is recommended alternatively internal photos may be viewed at any Your Move office nationwide.
The plumage is dark brown with a wonderful blend of orange / red double lacing viewed from the front.
The stables are able to be viewed by the public - although the game larder awaits works that will enable it to be viewed.
Montanism is viewed as a reaction to the alleged growing moral laxity and formalism in the Church.
All such works were viewed seated at floor level on tatami mats.
The Cove at Stanton marks the minor southern midsummer setting as viewed from the northeast circle.
On the other hand, I viewed British culture to be diverse, multicultural and modern with influences from many countries.
The head viewed face on resembles a triangle tapering in straight lines to a fine muzzle.
All Usdaw press releases can be viewed at our online newsroom.
These systems came to be viewed as excessively onerous for departments and institutions.
Much of the work of my group at Leeds can be viewed as the construction of a formal ontology of space and space-time.
Nevertheless they sufficed to attract the eye, when the whole petiole was viewed as a transparent object beneath the microscope.
The article is best viewed in a screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels or higher.
Thus IT can be viewed as a reinforcement of existing power structures rather than an apocalyptic scythe.
This explanation was viewed rather skeptically, and we wondered if the cliff had become rather more precipitous due to subsequent quarrying.
The prescription previously viewed is an example of an outpatient prescription.
This could be viewed as cross-cutting almost all the others, but there are two areas where it is especially prominent.
And what about how they're always mysteriously shadowy, viewed from the back, and have deep commanding voices?
Translates into ' Tilt - twist ' in twisting multiple somersaults and easily visible viewed from the short end of the trampoline.
More images from the SEA sidescan sonar sweep can be viewed in our Photo Gallery.
Good news could come between 9th and 12th tho when what has been viewed as entirely speculative starts to ' deliver the goods ' .
These features are characteristic of polymer spherulites viewed with cross-polarised light.
But they also have criticisms of these countries and cannot be viewed as simple stooges.
Viewed in that light, Paterson's sudden departure from the Bank seems less surprising.
A particle viewed down, for example, the three-fold symmetry axis can be readily identified by the three-fold symmetry of the projection.
English tabloid The Sun has published three pictures which can be viewed by clicking here.
The armorial offender in Scotland is accordingly viewed with the same stern and unromantic outlook which meets any other culprit caught evading national taxation.
Indeed during the episodes, fully 3-D playbacks of earlier events were triggered and viewed in the worlds.
They explore how to create images that will be viewed in two dimensions, but actually look three-dimensional.
Designs were applied to models, which were then viewed on a rotating turntable through a periscope.
Hick feels that all religions are manmade views of the utterly transcendent and otherwise unknowable God, and should be viewed as such.
These stakeholder schemes are now viewed by most as an almost unmitigated disaster.
This Guide to Good Practice concentrates on accessible desk-top virtual reality which may be distributed and viewed on-line via the World Wide Web.
Some young people are " diverted " to an adult psychiatric ward, which is viewed by most to be inappropriate.
The resultant waveform is stored in AV to be viewed.
Webcast event can be viewed via the PROactive website.
Details of this year's competition winners can be viewed HERE.
For example, Joshua 12 is viewed as a list of those kings whose holdings were successfully wrested from them.
One drawback to this form of instrument is that the two webs cannot be viewed simultaneously, and therefore the observer must rely on the steadiness of rate of the clockwork and uniformity in the conditions of refraction whilst the eye is moved from one eyepiece to the other.
Suppose now the solar spectrogram to be viewed in the focus of Or, and the converging rays to be reflected by the prisms Pr and P, i till an image is formed in the focus of the eyepiece at the point where the axis of the eyepiece intersects From Zeitschr.
If the stellar spectrograph is viewed in the focus of 0 2 and the converging rays are reflected by the prism P2 to P4, no image would be seen in the eyepiece, for the rays would pass out directly through the parallel glass plate which is formed by the cementing together of the prisms P 3 and P 4.
Moreover, the luxury with which they surrounded themselves, and the restaurant which they had annexed to their club, seemed to mock the misery of the half-starved proletariat, and added to the suspicion with which they were viewed, especially after the popular triumphs of the 20th of June and the 10th of August 1792 (see French Revolution).
Conscious life is viewed as conditioned by physical (organic and more especially nervous) processes, and as evolving itself in close correlation with organic evolution.
Heraclitus conceives of the incessant process of flux in which all things are involved as consisting of two sides or moments - generation and decay - which are regarded as a confluence of opposite streams. In thus making transition or change, viewed as the identity of existence and non-existence, the leading idea of his system, Heraclitus anticipated in some measure Hegel's peculiar doctrine of evolution as a dialectic process.'
Viewed as a question in probabilities, we calculate the chance that five hundred bodies revolving round the sun shall all be moving in the same direction.
But the thread of the history is broken, and apart from an allusion to the favour shown to the captive Jehoiachin (with which the books of Jeremiah and Kings conclude), there is a gap in the records, and subsequent events are viewed from a new standpoint (§ 20).
The Judaean view pervades the present sources, and whilst its David and Solomon ruled over a united land, the separation under Jeroboam is viewed as one of calf-worshipping northern tribes from Jerusalem with its one central temple and the legitimate priesthood of the Zadokites.
The process finds its normal development in later and non-biblical literature; but one can recognize earlier, cruder and less distinctive stages, and, as surely as writings reflect the mentality of an author or of his age, the peculiar characteristics of the extant sources, viewed in the light of a comprehensive survey of Palestinian and surrounding culture, demand a reasonable explanation.
This, however, is not generally retained in one plane, and the spire projects, little by little, on the side which was originally left, but finally becomes right (in dextral forms, with a clockwise direction, if viewed from the side of the spire; but counter-clockwise in sinistral forms).
Sodium gives an intense and persistent yellow flame; lithium gives a carmine coloration, and may be identified in the presence of sodium by viewing through a cobalt glass or indigo prism; from potassium it may be distinguished by its redder colour; barium gives a yellowishgreen flame, which appears bluish-green when viewed through green glass; strontium gives a crimson flame which appears purple or rose when viewed through blue glass; calcium gives an orange-red colour which appears finch-green through green glass; indium gives a characteristic bluish-violet flame; copper gives an intense emerald-green coloration.
This, however, was not enough for the Florentine democracy, who viewed with alarm the increasing power and arrogance of the grandi, who in spite of their exclusion from many offices were still influential and constituted independent clans within the state.
The bombardment of the forts at Alexandria and the occupation of Egypt in 1882 were viewed with great disfavour by the bulk of the Liberal party, and were but little congenial to Gladstone himself.
Political, commercial and matrimonial alliances inevitably left their mark upon national religion, and the introduction of foreign cults which ensued is characteristically viewed as an apostasy from Yahweh of which he was guilty in his old age.
As regards Papias's Exposition, which Lightfoot describes as "among the earliest forerunners of commentaries, partly explanatory, partly illustrative, on portions of the New Testament," we need here only remark that, whatever its exact form may have been - as to which the extant fragments still leave room for doubt - it was in conception expository of the historic meaning of Christ's more ambiguous Sayings, viewed in the light of definitely ascertained apostolic traditions bearing on the subject.
The ceaseless activity of the Black Country is most readily realized when it is traversed, or viewed from such an elevation as Dudley Castle Hill, at night, when the glare of furnaces appears in every direction.
Huxley viewed them as equivalent to and on a level with the larvae of Echinoderms, and of such other trocho phore larvae as resem-???,, ally adopted.
The open protection it accorded to the Old Catholic movement contributed in no small measure to estrange those influential elements which, whilst favouring the suppression of Ultramontane tendencies, desired no schism in the Church, and viewed with horror the idea of a National Church in Bismarck's sense (see OLD Catholics).
The ignorant fanaticism of the multitude viewed speculative studies with deep dislike and distrust, and deemed any one a Zendik (infidel) who did not rest content with the natural science of the Koran.
Like paper blockades (see Blockade) and fictitious occupations of territory, such premature proclamations are viewed by international jurists as not being jure gentiuna.
In 1798 he joined Jefferson in opposing the Alien and Sedition Laws, and Madison himself wrote the resolutions of the Virginia legislature declaring that it viewed "the powers of the Federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them."
It was probably also during this period that the female element was first definitely admitted to a prominent place amongst the divine objects of sectarian worship, in the shape of the wives of the principal gods viewed as their sakti, or female energy, theoretically identified with the Maya, or cosmic Illusion, of the idealistic Vedanta, and the Prakriti, or plastic matter, of the materialistic Sankhya philosophy, as the primary source of mundane things.
In spite of all their bravery, they succumbed to the Greek phalanx, when once the generalship of a Miltiades or a Pausanias had brought matters to a hand to hand conflict; and it was with justice that the GrecksAeschylus, for instance viewed their battles against the Persian as a contest between spear and bow.
Thus, when a strong light is viewed through a solution of chlorophyll, the light seen is a brilliant green if the thickness is small, but a deep blood-red for thicker layers.
Israelite historians viewed these events as a great religious revolution inspired by Elijah and initiated by Elisha, as the overthrow of the worship of Baal, and as a retribution for the cruel murder of Naboth the Jezreelite (see Jezebel).
These latter terms, though concrete in so far as they denote the persons or things which are known by them (see Denotation), have also an abstract sense when viewed connotatively, i.e.
This document viewed clinical supervision as a method of providing continued education by grasping the quintessence of nursing practice.
The Documents List You may not want to reveal what documents or image files you 've viewed recently.
Female rotifer trapped by the fungus The rotifer is being viewed from ' above ' and her tail is pointing into the screen.
Acute pain may be viewed as a benign self-limiting condition, a side effect of disease or the treatment thereof.
He viewed the solitary wave as a self-sufficient dynamic entity, a " thing " displaying many properties of a particle.
Transsexuality might be viewed as a trope for the relationship between scientific and medical worlds, and all sexed identities.
And what about how they 're always mysteriously shadowy, viewed from the back, and have deep commanding voices?
Literacy is viewed as ideological, related to power, and embedded in a sociocultural context.
Translates into ' Tilt - Twist ' in twisting multiple somersaults and easily visible viewed from the short end of the trampoline.
Good news could come between 9th and 12th tho when what has been viewed as entirely speculative starts to ' deliver the goods '.
The dust and spiral arms of normal spiral galaxies, like our own Milky Way, appear flat when viewed edge-on.
Early station wagons, however, evolved from trucks and were viewed as Commercial Vehicles, not consumer automobiles.
For printed media this can be overcome by producing two separate colored images that can be viewed with a stereoscopic viewer.
These huge figures and shapes, carved into the stony desert are best viewed from the air.
Humboldt compares some of the stony beds, when viewed from a distance, to strata of a schistose sandstone.
This is a world in which the colonizer enjoys privilege while the colonized live in subhuman conditions and are viewed as a mass.
Both number theory and tabla playing may be viewed as the study of patterns, Bhargava told Peterson.
There 's also a new teaser poster which can be viewed by clicking here.
Data from the web can be stored and viewed in text format from the Memo Pad.
The earlier plan of investing the allies of Rome with the transmarine possessions that she acquired was no longer viewed with favor.
The head when viewed anteriorly is narrowly trapezoid in shape.
The current conditions can be quickly viewed by holding your mouse pointer over the Weather Watcher system tray icon.
This may be viewed as a version of the NATO-5 concept of an ad hoc working group or enhanced troika talks.
Viewed in this way, however, Chisholm 's proposal seems to have an unfortunate consequence.
And young adult Chinese are often viewed as uninterested in political activity.
The recordings from the custody suites cannot be viewed by using a standard videotape recorder.
These figures are therefore only an indication and should be viewed with some skepticism.
The webcast event can be viewed via the PROactive website.
Details of this year 's competition winners can be viewed HERE.
Coupled with Garner 's remarks, the planning document can be viewed as a worrisome sign of American " we know best " hubris.
Photographs of the zeolite minerals found at some of these sites can be viewed on the Skye mineral gallery pages.
After transferring to a new church, Anne's previous church viewed her as an apostate.
The large hill looked like a small bulge in the land when viewed from a distance.
Because of the way Edith spoke to her coworkers, they viewed her as condescending.
The decline in amphibian populations since the 1980s is viewed as a significant threat to biodiversity.
Every parent of a preemie learns that growth and development cannot be viewed as a competition.
Although a cake is quickly eaten, sheet cakes for baby showers will be in pictures that are viewed for many years into the future.
Each photo is individually viewed, and selections are made without discrimination to age, race, or gender.
An entire chapter of the Freakonomics book explores so-called high-end and low-end names and how they affect how people are viewed in society based on their names.
Some opals will display a color effect only when viewed from one particular direction - this type of opal is less desirable and should be inexpensive.
Shape refers to a diamond's ability to return and scatter light when viewed from above.
Inclusions are visible to a trained professional's eye when a diamond is viewed at a 10x magnification.
Also know that most video and DVD rental stores sell used DVDs, where they're commonly known as "previously viewed" DVDs.
Specialized portfolios can come with non-glare and non-reflective folders so that the artwork can be viewed properly.
It's simply viewed as such because it's flagship titles, such as the Mario games, are family friendly, offering a gaming experience that anyone of any age could enjoy.
Color and picture is very sharp, and can be viewed from just about any angle without a problem.
All stars that are named can be viewed online using the site's robotically controlled telescope.
Certain screen sizes are optimally viewed from particular distances.
Plasma TVs are best viewed in lower lighting.
Some routers allow the USB port to accept USB flash drives and portable hard drives, the contents of which can then be viewed over the network by other computers.
In many cases, educators and parents viewed comic books with a bit of disdain, dismissing the format and content as a waste of time.
Specific consumer comments can be viewed by an Internet search of "Salute Visa.
Family values can be viewed as the structure of a solid family unit.
Wood samples and color options viewed in person can also help give you a good idea of what the table will actually look like when it arrives.
While solar is positively viewed by the public as an alternative energy source, there were concerns over the feasibility of solar power becoming widely used.
While water pollution solutions may seem like too little, too late when viewed in the light of major oil spills and floating plastic bag islands they are necessary to prevent these problems from growing worse.
It is viewed as a natural antidepressant and an alternative to traditional anxiety medications.
In terms of cultural values and customs, people were trying to shake off what they viewed as the excesses of the Romantics of the 18th century, and society as a whole became significantly more conservative, and in many ways, repressive.
Warm colors, such as gold, orange, red or yellow contract visually when viewed, making a space seem smaller.
Warm colors, such as red, gold, yellow and orange contract when viewed, making a room seem smaller.
This is why warm colors are generally viewed as "cozy".
These whimsical window decorations are perfect for seasonal, holiday or celebratory home decorating and can be viewed inside and out.
While often viewed as a women's solution to daily cosmetic application, permanent makeup for men is becoming an increasingly popular practice amongst men of all types.
Scholarships will often be found as part of a company's community relations page since they're viewed as a way to give back to the community.
Because hunting is a topic that splits society, hunting games can also be viewed as controversial.
These cameras provide instant gratification for the user because the photos can be viewed on LCD screens, uploaded to the Internet and printed at photo kiosks just about anywhere.
Users can share their images by creating multimedia slide shows that can be viewed in iTunes or Apple devices and by posting them to Facebook, Flickr, and other image hosting websites.
Viewed by many as the ultimate gourmet food, caviar is also one of the most expensive upscale treats.
Baked goods don't have to be avoided entirely, but they should be viewed as an occasional snack.
Would you prefer short tutorials that can be viewed in less than 15 minutes or are longer lessons a better option?
The symptoms of stress can also be viewed through the lens of one's mental state.
When viewed through the lens of these factors, it's very easy to see why low self-esteem plays a role.
In a world where fashion trends can be viewed with a click of a mouse, is it any wonder that fashion has gone global?
Many people that don't finish high school regret it at some time in their life because they know that a GED isn't viewed as the same thing.
You may be wondering why a GED isn't viewed just the same as completing high school since it tests you on information you would have learned.
Since its release in the late 1990s, the song has spurred a litany of knock-offs that can be viewed on YouTube and other Internet sites.
Along with the controversial cash bars and dollar dances, a money tree is traditionally viewed to be a ploy for cash by a money-grubbing couple.
The following merchants offer a variety of beautiful dresses that can be viewed in their online catalogs.
Valium addiction is viewed and taken as seriously as addiction to any illicit or illegal drug.
His arrest was a major image-breaker, as Gibson had previously been viewed as a nice guy and a family man.
Her booking photo can be viewed at, with details of her booking sheet logging the skinny celebrity at 5'1" and 85 pounds.
A sneak peek of the commercial can be viewed at the Nationwide web site on January 29, before it airs during the Super Bowl on February 4.
Three different trailers for the film can be viewed at the Official Bee Movie site.
The dark-haired beauty gets "Bettyfied" for her on-screen persona, but the real Ferrera is a glamorous and naturally beautiful woman who is viewed by many as a positive role model for young Latinas and other young women around the world.
The tape, entitled Kim Kardashian Superstar was never distributed via DVD, but can be viewed on the Internet for a fee.
Any time a female celebrity is viewed as attractive, tongues start to wag as to what her true weight is, natural hair color is, and if she's had any plastic surgery.
If you're looking for celebrity photos that are a little on the racy side, be forewarned that many websites with these pictures contain extremely adult material and should not be viewed when children are present.
She's still viewed by many as the ultimate domestic goddess, whose catch phrase "It's a good thing" seems to be apt when you consider how she's managed to maintain her name and brand.
Created on the auspices of the popular celebrity magazine of the same name, People not only carries news and gossip, but is also viewed as a style guide to the stars.
The wedding of Prince William to Catherine Middleton in April 2011 was viewed by an estimated global audience of 300 million with over 24 million viewing it locally in Great Britain.
While not viewed so much today as a unique form of dressing, overalls still remain a popular choice among parents for their children, particularly for their tough construction and their appearance.
Gap is usually considered the middle-of-the-line of the three brands, with Banana Republic being the most expensive and the highest quality of clothing and Old Navy often viewed as a less expensive or bargain brand.
They were viewed as an essential part of a female's daily attire and were much more elaborate than the common slips worn today.
The actual show was first viewed in 2006 when Miley was just 12 years old.
Of course, socks have certainly evolved since then, and today they are viewed as a necessary item of clothing, particularly during certain times of the year or with particular outfits.
Everett Community College has a tiered tuition system that can be viewed here.
The "Garden Isle" is home to the gorgeous Na Pali Coastline, which can only be viewed by air or water.
This is paramount, so that the contest is viewed as fair and there is not a conflict of interest.
Puppy training, also referred to as "Puppy Kindergarten", is viewed by most dog training schools as an essential part of any pup's social development.
Anyone who has ever viewed an episode of Animal Precinct has seen the wide range of acts that abusive behavior toward animals can cover.
Welshes present a square appearance when viewed from the side.
A sample of the skin cells from around the nail can be viewed under a microscope to determine the presence of fungi.
Crate style training is usually a quicker and more effective means of litter box training a dog, although it's sometimes viewed as a harsher method.
They continue during the summer and autumn, and have a pleasing effect in the distance, as they suggest Snowdrops at first, and are quite as pretty when closely viewed.
These items can't be viewed or purchased by non-members, so you really are getting an exclusive deal by taking advantage of them.
Due to his interpretations of how his new religion viewed pop music, the former Cat Stevens left his life in the musical spotlight behind.
When you search for a song here, you're presented with a list of different formats in which the song can be viewed.
The sheet music can be printed or viewed online in many cases.
A warm color can be gold, yellow, orange or red, and when viewed it will contract or come toward you visually.
Cool tones, such as blue or gray, recede and move away when viewed.
This is because warm colors contract visually when they are viewed, making rooms feel cozy and inviting.
These slabs can be cut, edged and finished like a natural stone counter, and can be viewed at the same stone yards as granite.
Alternatively, sales representatives can supply the most recent catalogs to interested buyers to browse at their leisure. lia sophia catalogs can also be viewed online, however an order must be placed with an adivsor.
The Celtic cross was viewed as a symbol of power, an amulet that fortified the wearer to meet whatever may come.
Internally Flawless - This diamond is almost perfect but has some blemishes visible on the surface of the stone when viewed under 10x magnification.
Over the years, people viewed moonstone as a solid ray of moonlight, a love charm or a talisman for healing.
The Montebello Collections Prayer Cross is a lovely sterling silver and crystal necklace that features a unique center stone that, when viewed, reveals the entire Lord's prayer.
Traditionally, American Indian tribes viewed turquoise as a sacred stone and used it in various ceremonies and religious rites.
The Greeks viewed opals as symbols of perfection.
The idea of genetically modifying organisms is viewed by some as "playing God" in the sense that scientists take an already perfect organism, such as an apple, and then alter it to make it what they want to make it.
A 2003 report published by the Food Policy Institute and the Friends of the Earth found that the term genetic modification was viewed negatively by consumers.
Organic items tend to be more expensive due to the specialty ingredients that go into them as well as the fact that they are viewed as a luxury item.
Because hats can be viewed as a one-size-fits-all accessory, it may be difficult to locate hats made specifically for larger heads.
Shopping for size 20 cocktail dresses or larger sizes is easier than ever because many plus size designers offer selections that can be viewed in online catalogs.
Even if you wear your hot pants out in public, they're generally viewed as a lingerie piece, which is why you'll have more luck finding them by shopping in the intimates section of stores.
Any change in the way plus size fashion models are viewed and thus embraced by and employed in the fashion industry must come about on a much broader scale - at a philosophical level on a magnitude that is global in reach.
Hopefully, with the support of parents, school will once again be viewed as a safe place of learning.
It was considered unseemly for a married woman's hair to be viewed in all its glory by anyone other than her husband.
Designed to feel lightweight, the lens itself is set two inches from the eye, helping to allow for more distance between you and the object being viewed (this setting might help in terms of comfort).
Most people who sport this look are viewed as incredibly confident, sometimes sexy, and maybe even just a little bit dangerous.
A Pirates 4-D show can also be viewed in the English hamlet of Banbury Cross.
Online coaster and theme park fan sites also may archive POV videos that can be viewed online or downloaded.
Just because it is widely viewed as the most family friendly of the home video game consoles doesn't mean that you can't partake in a few Nintendo Wii game cheats.
In a somewhat baffling move, the board changed the rating for all of the versions of the game (it is available for the PC, Playstation 2 and Xbox) even though the sex scene could only be viewed in the computer version.
An Extra Features section where unlocked items found in the game can be viewed.
The game also offers bonus comic galleries that can be viewed once you find them during your adventures.
Representative pieces of Cool Stuff's collection may be viewed and purchased online.
The firm's impressive collection can be viewed online, however purchases cannot be made via the website.
From there, the pictures can viewed or saved.
Upon visiting the page, you'll see the editors' favorites right away, as well as the most viewed phones.
Similarly, the Nexus One is widely viewed as the Google Phone.
While the mobile Windows Phone 7 operating system is largely viewed as brand new, MIcrosoft is not at all new to the smartphone industry.
To better view the heart and blood vessels, contrast material (dye) is injected through the catheter and viewed and recorded on an x-ray video as it moves through the heart.
This chemical accumulates in the areas of cancer or infection, allowing them to be viewed with a special camera.
The study concluded that rather than viewing adolescent vegetarianism as a phase or fad, the diet could be viewed as a healthy alternative to the traditional American meat-based diet.
These factors influence how parents treat children and how each child is viewed by the other siblings.
Under appropriate laboratory conditions, salmonella can be grown and then viewed under a microscope for identification.