Vide Sentence Examples
Watch our vide report on the day 's racing.
Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley's comparison of the church and chamber pitches of Orlando Gibbons (vide Ellis's lecture) clearly shows the minor third in Great Britain in the first half of the 17th century.
Section 47 of the act gives the tenant the same rights to compensation as if his holding had been a holding under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1908 (vide supra).
When peculiars were abolished (vide infra) the dean of Arches disappeared, and his title, in the 19th century, was erroneously given to the official principal.
In Italy the church of the Archangel on Mt Gargano was one of the most ancient centres of the pilgrimage, being visited even by the monk Bernard (vide supra).
For infinitely distant objects the radius of the chromatic disk of confusion is proportional to the linear aperture, and independent of the focal length (vide supra," Monochromatic Aberration of the Axis Point "); and since this disk becomes the less harmful with an increasing image of a given object, or with increasing focal length, it follows that the deterioration of the image is proportional to the ratio of the aperture to the focal length, i.e.
Until the beginning of the 17th century the Byzantine tradition that in all matters outside the sphere of dogma the ecclesiastical is subordinate to the civil power had been observed in Russia; but the traditional conceptions had been to some extent undermined during the reign of Michael, when the metropolitan Philaret, who was the tsar's father (vide supra), became patriarch and was associated with his son in the government on a footing of equality.
Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley (vide Ellis's lecture) regarded the French ton de chapelle as being about a minor third below the Diapason Normal, a' 435, and said that most of the untouched organs in the French cathedrals were at this low pitch.
The prohibition of papal interference was enforced if necessary by the appel comme d'abus (vide supra).
At the same time President Kruger revived the project of obtaining a seaport for the state, one of the objects of Boer ambitions since 1860 (vide supra).
AdvertisementThe export of coal in that year was 74,000 tons, and copper ore 937 tons (vide supra, § Minerals).
In most cases, two thin lenses are combined, one of which has just so strong a positive aberration (" under-correction," vide supra) as the other a negative; the first must be a positive lens and the second a negative lens; the powers, however, may differ, so that the desired effect of the lens is maintained.
The work of Metchnikoff, dating from about 1884, has proved of high importance, his theory of phagocytosis (vide infra) having given a great stimulus to research, and having also contributed to important advances.
Brieger, chiefly concerned ptomaines (vide infra), but no great advance resulted.
This litany has often been confused with the litania major, introduced at Rome in J98 (vide supra), but is quite distinct from it.'
AdvertisementBetween the years last mentioned-1866-1888 - the colony had suffered from the retrograde policy adopted by parliament in respect to the West African Settlements (vide Report of the Select Committee of 1865).
This information is sometimes used by a window manager to pro- vide some sort of header identifying the window.
It would be very wrong, however, to look only at these bare statistics quod vide school exam results and league tables.
It is even said by some who have examined the original (vide infra) that the text and alterations show a progressively freethinking attitude, side by side with a growing tendency to conceal it by ambiguity and innuendo.
In 1647 he published his Nouvelles experiences sur le vide, and in the next year the famous experiment with the barometer on the Puy de Dome was carried out for him by his brother-in-law Perier, and repeated on a smaller scale by himself at Paris, to which place by the end of 1647 he and his sister Jacqueline had removed, to be followed shortly by their father.
AdvertisementThere is also a vide variety of bistros, cafes and bars both in the town and in the immediate Strathearn area.
The Sous Vide Supreme is a unique kitchen small appliance that brings the sous vide method of cooking to your own kitchen.
So much so, that the next morning, we dropped by the restaurant to inquire how it was cooked and were told it was prepared sous vide.
The method has recently gained momentum among experimental home chefs, though there has not been an easy set up to cook sous vide at home, given the expensive equipment costs (upwards of several thousand dollars).
The product is a sleek all-in-one solution, delivering the same temperature precision as commercial equipment, but at a much lower price - bringing sous vide to home chefs everywhere!
AdvertisementAny type of meat - including beef, lamb, game, pork and chicken - is ideal for sous vide.
The key to sous vide cooking is maintaining the same water temperature throughout the entire cooking process, as a difference of only one degree can change appearance, flavor and texture.
The precise temperature control is why proper equipment designed just for cooking sous vide is necessary for good results.
The highest office in connexion with the Cinque Ports is that of the lord warden, who also acts as governor of Dover Castle, and has a maritime jurisdiction (vide infra) as admiral of the ports.
Clerks were punishable only in the court Christian, except in cases of grave crimes such as murder, mutilation (Fournier, p. 72), and cases called " royal cases " (vide infra).
It was there that they placed the scene of the sufferings of Prometheus (vide Aeschylus, Prometheus Vinctus), and there, in the land of Colchis, which corresponds to the valley of the Rion, that they sent the Argonauts to fetch the golden fleece.
Dumas and Polydore Boullay (2806-2835) in their " etherin theory " (vide infra).
The first cause of variation may be at present ignored; its significance will become apparent when we consider dispersion (vide infra).
Practically any vessel may serve as a receiver - test tube, flask, beaker, &c. If noxious vapours come over, it is necessary to have an air-tight connexion between the condenser and receiver, and to pro vide the latter with an outlet tube leading to an absorption column or other contrivance in which the vapours are taken up. If the substances operated upon decompose when heated in air, as, for example, the zinc alkyls which inflame, the air within the apparatus is replaced by some inert gas, e.g.
In the immediate neighbourhood of the modern Tlemcen are numerous remains of the fortifications of Agadir (vide infra), and the minaret of the mosque, a beautiful tower dating Sidi from the 13th century, the lower part of which is built Medin.
More detail concerning skull, scales and teeth will be found in the diagnostic descriptions of the various families (vide infra); for further anatomical information the reader is referred to the article Reptiles (Anatomy).
This suggests a possible relationship to Eremascus, which can only doubtfully be placed in the Ascomycetes (vide supra).
Such a serum may accordingly within certain limits be used for differentiating this organism from others closely allied to it (vide infra).
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