Victorians Sentence Examples
The Victorians invented miniature dustpans & brushes to clean up the crumbs between courses; well Crumb Pets are the 21st century fun version.
British Tourist Authority / Country Life M Chatfield, 'Churches the Victorians forgot " .
The Victorians used to enjoy creating silver under the microscope from silver nitrate in solution.
On a more somber note, Victorians used to plant primroses on the graves of small children (Flora Britannica by Richard Mabey ).
Expect wonderful inventions, an affection for the Victorians and a stuffed stoat called Malcolm.
The oriental plant was probably first planted by the Victorians, but has since taken a massive stranglehold.
Teach it through drama - Year 5 As part of Year 5's project on Victorians, there will be a drama workshop in school.
They are a reminder that it is not safe to assume these boards were always moved by the Victorians from beside the altar.
Teach it through Drama - Year 5 As part of Year 5's project on Victorians, there will be a drama workshop in school.
In terms of furniture style, Victorians often looked to either the past or to their colonies.
AdvertisementThe industrial revolution led to a revolution in interior decorating, and for the Victorians, high style was all about the appearance of luxury, whether real or imitation.
One lesson that can be learned from the Victorians is that you don't need a great deal of money to have elaborate style in your own home.
If you love a particular color, don't worry about whether it was popular with the Victorians.
Victorians loved frilly, fussy, gussied up things - a knick-knack in every available space and swirls and curlicues adorning jewelry and decorative items.
French fashion was very much in vogue in the 1830s and the Victorians were happy to copy some of the cuts of men's coats, although not the bright colors.
AdvertisementBecause of the keen interest the Victorians had in the ancient world, this game was considered very sophisticated and stylish.
Victorians were also great fans of carved rings, and many examples of antique carved jewelry can be readily found.
Floral jewelry has been around since pre-historic times, but it was the Victorians who popularized the blossom engagement ring.
With their love of the ornate, the Victorians created flower designs from mixed metals, enamel, diamonds, and other gemstones and precious materials.
Victorians were fascinated with 'modern' technology, and full of optimism, Most of the era's speculative stories dealt with fantastic voyages to fabulous places and returning.
AdvertisementVictorians gained acceptance by following the rules of etiquette.
Victorians published lots of biographies of Jesus which sought to explain the passion narratives in a rational way.
The Victorians had a constant, often agonized awareness of their responsibility for creating the future, and also unparalleled access to the past.
June brought little of, moment, though the Boers scored two minor successes, Kritzinger capturing the village of Jamestown in Cape Colony, and Muller reducing a force of Victorians at Wilmansrust, south of Middelburg.