Vicinity Sentence Examples
In the vicinity are several fine mansions.
When a Bob-White quail continued calling from the vicinity of the pond, she headed that way.
Norfolk is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishopric. The city has a public park of 110 acres and various smaller ones, and in the vicinity are several summer resorts, notably Virginia Beach, Ocean View, Old Point Comfort, Pine Beach and Willoughby Beach.
There are undrained, swampy districts in Campeche, in the vicinity of the Terminos Lagoon, where malarial diseases are prevalent, and the same conditions prevail along the coast where mangrove swamps are found.
Coal deposits exist in the immediate vicinity of the town.
Dean hadn't been in the vicinity of Shipton's fall.
In the vicinity of the towns are extensive lignite mines.
Except in the vicinity of cities and townships, however, little use has been made of the abundant deposits of clay.
In the vicinity of Bogucharovo were large villages belonging to the crown or to owners whose serfs paid quitrent and could work where they pleased.
The iron mills are almost all in the vicinity of Wheeling.
AdvertisementIn the vicinity of Farnham it contains a bed of "coprolites" of considerable extent and 2 to 15 ft.
Extensive coal mines are in the vicinity, and there are manufactures of iron and steel, mill machinery, door and sash factories, etc., as well as several shipbuilding yards.
There are great forests in the vicinity.
Several varieties of water-fowl, especially curlews, pelicans, gulls, ducks, terns, geese and snipe, are found in the vicinity of the lakes.
Something warm and tingly began in the vicinity of her stomach and blood pumped fiercely in her neck.
AdvertisementIn a general way it is supposed that the lands lying between the lower St Paul's river and the Sierra Leone frontier are not much mineralized, except that in the vicinity of river mouths there are indications of bitumen.
But this was only the external condition; the essential significance of the presence of the Emperor and of all these people, from a courtier's point of view (and in an Emperor's vicinity all became courtiers), was clear to everyone.
The climate is cool and bracing, and the products of the vicinity include many of the temperate zone.
The coast in the vicinity of Dives is fringed with small watering-places, those of Cabourg (to the west) and of Beuzeval and Houlgate (to the east) being practically united with it.
Cotton is grown in the vicinity, and is woven by the women into fabrics, which find a ready sale among the pagan tribes of the mountains.
AdvertisementThere are coal mines and excellent farming lands in the vicinity of Lebanon.
The most magnificent of the city mosques is that of Sultan Hasan, standing in the immediate vicinity of the citadel.
Although of early origin, its appearance, like that of other great manufacturing towns of the vicinity, is wholly modern.
Of these the most remarkable is the group between the valleys of the Serchio and the Magra, commonly known as the mountains of Carrara, from the celebrated marble quarries in the vicinity of that city.
In this vicinity was situated, at the time of the Christian era, the Parthian city of Spasini-Charax, which was succeeded by Bahman Ardashir (Bamishir) under the Sassanians, and by Moharzi under the Arabs.
AdvertisementIron, zinc and lead are found in the vicinity, and some coal is mined.
There is a salt lake or lagoon between the Cape Palmas river and the vicinity of the Cavalla.
Coal and iron ore abound in the vicinity, and the city, manufactures iron, steel, tin plate, electrical and telephone supplies, shovels, boilers, leather, flour, brick and tile, salt, furniture and several kinds of vehicles.
Several of the villas in the vicinity of the city are also his work.
The climate of Piura is modified by the lower latitude, and also by the vicinity of the forests of Guayaquil.
Tobacco is produced in the vicinity and sent to other parts of the Montana region.
Several early earthworks are seen in the vicinity, among which the circular camp on Bury Hill, S.W.
In the vicinity are large beds of kaolin, 30 m.
In the immediate vicinity of the city, on the Red river, cotton, sugar, alfalfa and garden vegetables are cultivated; south of the Red river is a peculiarly rich farming country watered by Bayou Rapides and Bayou Boeuf.
The Lower, with its abundant intercalated lavas and tuffs, extends continuously as a broad belt along the northern margin of the Central Plain, reappears in detached tracts along the southern border, is found again on the south side of the Uplands in Berwickshire and the Cheviot Hills, occupies a tract of Lorne (Oban and the vicinity) in Argyllshire, and on the north side of the Highlands underlies most of the low ground on both sides of the Moray Firth, stretches across Caithness and through nearly the whole of the Orkney Islands, and is prolonged into Shetland.
In Church Street and its vicinity still stand several specimens of the i 7th-century style of architecture of eastern Germany.
Among the public buildings are the capitol, the United States government building, a United States mint, and a state orphans' home; in the vicinity are the state prison and a United States government school for Indians.
It is shallow, and the shores in its vicinity are covered with small timber.
In the vicinity are New Hall, an interesting mansion of the 13th century, with a hall of the 16th, used as a boys' school; and Peddimore Hall, a moated mansion of the ancient family of Arden, of which there are slight remains.
The industrial population is employed in large collieries in the vicinity; and here, on the 7th of September 1893, serious riots during a strike resulted in the destruction of some of the colliery works belonging to Lord Masham, and were not quelled without military intervention and some bloodshed.
Many residences in the locality are occupied by those whose business lies in Manchester, who are attracted by the healthy climate and the vicinity of Bowdon Downs and Dunham Massey Woods.
The town is, however, an important wine-market, and the vineyards of the vicinity are the chief source of its prosperity, which is enhanced by its port on the Canal du Midi.
In the vicinity of the rivers Benue, Faro and Kebbi, the people, who are good agriculturists, raise cereals and other crops, while on the plateaus stock-raising forms the chief pursuit of the inhabitants.
Numerous remains have been discovered on the Lindenberg, a hill in the vicinity.
In the vicinity of - Mostaganem are the Dahra mountains, honeycombed with caves.
Clay for the "Baggers," or cases in which the wares are fired, is mined in the vicinity, but the raw materials for the fine grades of pottery are obtained elsewhere.
The city is a trading centre for a prosperous farming region, and coal is mined in the vicinity.
Extensive coal mines exist in the vicinity; and at Gateshead Fell are large quarries for grindstones, which are much esteemed and are exported to all parts of the world.
In the vicinity are the Governor's Mansion, the Supreme Court Building, the State Library, the building of the State Department of Agriculture, housing the State Museum (of geology, mineralogy, agriculture and horticulture, botany, zoology, ethnology, &c.), and the Post Office.
Though situated near the mountainous section of southern Buenos Aires, the immediate vicinity of the city is low and swampy, its water is brackish, and it has been decidedly unhealthy; but a water supply from the Sauce Grande, 50 m.
Roman bricks appear in its fabric, and premise a Roman station in the vicinity.
There are large rolling-mills, and in the vicinity are several large ironfoundries.
In the vicinity is the island Hanko, the most fashionable Norwegian seaside resort.
It is situated in a fine agricultural region; coal is mined in the vicinity; natural gas is obtained in abundance; and the city has various manufactures.
The city has important interests in lumber, besides foundries, machine shops, granite works - there are several granite (notably red granite) quarries in the vicinity - a tannery, and manufactories of shoes and calcined plaster.
In the immediate vicinity are also extensive beds of iron ore, and this combination of mineral wealth has enabled the town to become a competitor with Essen, Oberhausen, Duisburg and Hagen in the products of the iron industry.
Coal from the collieries of the vicinity is largely exported.
Since the Spanish conquest it has been in a state of uninterrupted activity, but no damage has been done, because there are no civilized settlements in its immediate vicinity.
It rises in the Chillo valley in the vicinity of Cayambe, and flows across the northern end of the central plateau, breaking through the Western Cordillera between Cotocachi and Pichincha.
The hills in the vicinity rise to some 900 ft., and among English manufacturing towns Blackburn ranks high in beauty of situation.
Maitland is the centre of the rich agricultural district of the Hunter valley, which produces maize, wheat and other cereals, lucerne, tobacco, fruit and wine; excellent coal also is worked in the vicinity.
The island was subsequently washed away, a new one being formed in the vicinity.
In the vicinity is the royal stud farm of Graditz.
The natives care little for the garden vegetables common to Europe and America, but in the vicinity of Manila and other large centres of population the Chinese grow many of these for consumption by European and American inhabitants.
This measure was really aimed at the political and economic supremacy of the Spanish-born friars, who had by this time acquired 400,000 acres of agricultural land, more than half of it in the vicinity of Manila.
In the vicinity was the house of the Rev. William Hubbard (1621-1704), author of a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England (Boston, 1677) and a general History of New England, published by the Massachusetts Historical Society in 1815.
Repeated air-raids took place in the vicinity and there were several bombardments from the sea, but Richborough itself was never seriously damaged, the low-lying, featureless character of the marshland probably affording its best protection, more especially at night.
In the vicinity (near Forest Row station) is the golf course of the Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club.
Coal and limestone are found in the vicinity, and much live stock is raised, wool and hides being shipped from Chillicothe.
The so-called Ailanthus silk produced by Saturnia cynthia is woven at Lai-yang into a strong fabric; and the manufacture of the peculiar kind of wax obtained from the la-shu or wax-tree insect is largely carried on in the vicinity.
The only roads in the territory are bridle-paths in the immediate vicinity of the company's principal stations.
In the Eschenhagen pattern instrument, in which a single quartz fibre is used for the suspension, two magnets are placed in the vicinity of the suspended magnet and are so arranged that their field partly neutralizes the earth's field; thus the torsion required to hold the magnet with its axis perpendicular to the earth's field is reduced, and the arrangement permits of the sensitiveness being altered by changing the position of the deflecting magnets.
Silk is produced in large quantities in the vicinity of Brusa and Amasia, and mohair from the Angora goat all over the plateau.
Having been strongly fortified by Charles V., the city was in 1525 able to bid defiance to Francis I., who was so disastrously beaten in the vicinity, but two years later the French under Lautrec subjected it to a sack of seven days.
There is a good coal-seam in the vicinity.
The water supply is derived from Lake Kerferd in the vicinity, which is a favourite resort of visitors; the scenery near the town, which lies at an elevation of 1805 ft.
Almost immediately afterwards he was inoculated for smallpox, which was raging in Princeton and vicinity, and, always feeble, he died of the inoculation on the 28th of March 1758.
One man still preserves the horns of the last deer that was killed in this vicinity, and another has told me the particulars of the hunt in which his uncle was engaged.
There are many sulphur and iron springs in the vicinity.
Copra is also produced in considerable quantity, and there is fine timber in the vicinity.
The antiquity of the town is placed beyond doubt by the Roman bridge across the Esk and the Roman remains found in its vicinity.
St Michael's, the parish church, has a striking Perpendicular tower, an arch of carved oak dividing its nave and chancel, a magnificent rood-loft, and a 13th-century monument doubtfully described as the tomb of Bracton, the famous lawyer, whose birthplace, according to local tradition, was Bratton Court in the vicinity.
Tobacco is very extensively cultivated in the vicinity.
In illustration of the very slow diffusion of heat in the solid crust of the earth, and as affording a further indication of the climate of northern Asia, reference may here be made to the frozen soil of Siberia, in the vicinity of Yakutsk.
Its chief industry is the mining of anthracite coal at several collieries in the vicinity; and at Fountain Springs, 1 m.
Brownstone quarried in the vicinity is also an important export.
Sheep-breeding is a considerable industry in the vicinity.
In the vicinity are large deposits of coal, of glass-sand, and of clay suitable for brick and tile.
The poet Thomas Gray, who stayed frequently at Stoke Poges in the vicinity, is enthusiastic concerning the beauty of the Beeches in a letter to Horace Walpole in 1737.
Rose Hall, in the vicinity, is a moated manor of brick, of the 16th century.
Many visitors are attracted by the fishing (especially for tarpon) and shooting in the vicinity, water-fowl being plentiful in the Bay, and deer, quail and wild turkeys being found in the vicinity inland.
Tampa is an important shipping point for naval stores and phosphate rock, for vegetables, citrus fruit and pineapples, raised in the vicinity, and for lumber, cattle and fuller's earth.
This tract he named " Nonesuch," and here he attempted to establish a small body of soldiers who had occupied a less favourable site in the vicinity; but they objected to the change and, being attacked by the Indians, sought the protection of Smith, who made prisoners of their leaders, with the result, apparently, that the settlement was abandoned.
Fine grapes are grown in the vicinity.
Its industries include the manufacture of tiles, pasteboard wares and gardening implements, while there are coal mines in the vicinity.
Tiryns and Hissarlik, other communities of the early race began to arrive at civilization, but were naturally influenced by the more advanced culture of Crete, in proportion to their nearness of vicinity.
Thackeray stayed in the vicinity in youth, his knowledge of the locality appearing in Pendennis.
In this vicinity also are various small islands of limestone formation which are attractive summer resorts.
Ironstone, peat and lime are found in the vicinity.
Fully aware of the danger, he pays his addresses with extreme caution, frequently waiting for hours in her vicinity before venturing to come to close quarters.
The nature of the integument and its hairy clothing in all spiders enables them to be plunged under water and withdrawn perfectly dry, and many species, even as large as the common English house-spider (Tegenaria), are so lightly built that they can run with speed over the surface of standing water, and this faculty has been perfected in genera like Pirata, Dolomedes and Triclaria, which are always found in the vicinity of lakes or on the edges of rivers and streams, readily taking to the water or running down the stems of water plants beneath its surface when pursued.
In the vicinity is the Grove Street Cemetery, in which are the graves of many famous Americans.
They are used on a very large scale in the vicinity of oil mills in southern cities like Memphis, New Orleans, Houston, and Little Rock, from Soo to s000 cattle being often collected in a single yard for this purpose.
It had to meet - or perhaps it would be more true to say, it brought upon itself - the hostility of strong Mahommedan powers in the vicinity.
The constant pressure of Tancred of Antioch and Baldwin de Burgh of Edessa led to a series of retaliations between 11 io and 1115; Edessa was attacked in 1110, 1111, 1112 and 1114; and in 1113 Maudud of Mosul had even penetrated as far as the vicinity of Acre and Jerusalem.
These people inhabit the whole of the Malayan Peninsula to the borders of lower Siam, the islands in the vicinity of the mainland, the shores of Sumatra and some portions of the interior of that island, Sarawak and Brunei in Borneo, and some parts of Dutch Borneo, Batavia and certain districts in Java, and some of the smaller islands of the archipelago.
The principal crop is Bermuda onions; in 1909 it was estimated that 150o acres in the vicinity were devoted to this crop, the average yield per acre being about 20,000 lb.
It is in the Vermilion coal region, and clay for brick and tile is abundant in its vicinity.
It is celebrated for the extensive deposit of rock salt in its vicinity.
Of several interesting mansions in the vicinity one, the Great House, belonged to Cardinal Wolsey, and a former Pengelly House was the residence of Richard Cromwell the Protector after his resignation.
On his second voyage Columbus sighted the island, to which he gave the name San Juan Bautista, and remained in its vicinity from the 17th to the 22nd of November 1493.
Granite and limestone are quarried in the vicinity.
In the vicinity is a cliff or ridge of rock called Teufelsmauer (Devil's wall), from which fine views are obtained across the plain and into the deep gorges of the Harz Mountains.
The region is a good one for general farming, and natural gas and petroleum are found in abundance in the vicinity.
In the vicinity, on the lake-shore, is the government sanatorium.
Alloa Park, the seat of the earl of Mar and Kellie, is in the immediate vicinity, and in its grounds stand the ruins of Alloa Tower, an ancient structure 89 ft.
Good sandstone is quarried in the vicinity.
Among ancient remains in the vicinity may be mentioned Galgberget, the place of execution, with tall stone pillars still standing; and the remarkable stone labyrinth of Trdjeborg.
Springfield is a trading and shipping centre for a prosperous agricultural region, and ships large quantities of bituminous coal from the immediate vicinity.
In the town of Raymond is a large beet sugar manufactory, and in the vicinity great quantities of beets are grown by irrigation.
This, however, is not all, for Mr Osgood points out that a skull discovered many years ago in the vicinity of Fort Gibson, Oklahoma, and then named Ovibos or Bootherium cavifrons, evidently belongs to the same genus.
Coal, oil, natural gas, clay and iron are found in the vicinity, and among the city's manufactures are iron, steel, glass, furniture and pottery.
Other catacombs in the vicinity of the same city are described by Pocock and other travellers, and are figured by Agincourt.
With the moral and ecclesiastical decay of the papacy in the 9th and 10th centuries much of its territorial authority slipped from its grasp; and by the middle of the I ith century its rule was not recognized beyond Rome and the immediate vicinity.
The Sierra de Cobre, a part of the system in the vicinity of Santiago, has a general elevation of about 3000 ft.
The coco-nut palm is most abundant in the vicinity of Baracoa.
The only good highways of any considerable length in 1908 were in the two western provinces and in the vicinity of Santiago.
Near Doboj, on the Bosna, there is a state sugar-refinery, for which beetroot is largely grown in the vicinity.
There is a large vineyard in the vicinity; truckgardening is an important industry in the surrounding country; and Fayetteville is a shipping centre for small fruits and vegetables, especially lettuce, melons and berries.
The vicinity was settled between 1729 and 1747 by Highlanders, the settlement called Cross Creek lying within the present limits of Fayetteville.
There are fertile valleys in the vicinity which provide the city's markets with fruit and vegetables, while the vineyards of Camargo (formerly known as Cinti), in the southern part of the department, supply wine and spirits of excellent quality.
The main body were between Weimar and Apolda during the 12th, and the Saxons duly effected their junction with Hohenlohe in the vicinity of Vierzehnheiligen, whilst the latter had withdrawn his troops all but some outposts from Jena to the plateau about Capellendorf, some 4 m.
Meanwhile the archduke and Hiller, both now unmolested, effected their junction in the vicinity of Wagram, picketing the whole line of the Danube with their outposts and collecting all the boats.
The name of Bower was derived from a queen's residence attached to the ancient royal hunting-lodge in the vicinity.
The last distinctive epithet was derived from the little hamlet in the vicinity which furnished shelter, not only to the workmen, but to the monks of St Jerome who were afterwards to be in possession of the monastery; and the hamlet itself is generally but perhaps erroneously supposed to be indebted for its name to the scoriae or dross of certain old iron mines.
The vicinity of Tunbridge Wells is largely residential.
The town gives its name to the excellent carpets made in the vicinity.
The development of manufacturing industries at Hamburg and its immediate vicinity since 1880, though not so rapid as that of its trade and shipping, has been very remarkable, and more especially has this been the case since the year 1888, when Hamburg joined the German customs union, and the barriers which prevented goods manufactured at Hamburg from entering into other parts of Germany were removed.
Cotton spinning and power-loom weaving are the chief of numerous manufacturing industries, and there are large collieries in the vicinity.
One of the hills in the vicinity is fortified with a great ancient earthwork and ditch.
The municipality owns and operates the water-works (the water-supply being drawn from the Penobscot by the Holly system) and an electric-lighting plant; there is also a large electric plant for generation of electricity for power and for commercial lighting, and in Bangor and the vicinity there were in 1908 about 60 m.
In the vicinity are the ruined castles of Hoch-barr, Grossgeroldseck, Ochsenstein and Greifenstein.
A statue of Rabelais, who was born in the vicinity of the town, stands on the river-quay.
The river brings down from the mountains enough water to supply the town and irrigate a considerable area in its vicinity.
Hamilton is situated in a productive agricultural region, and has a large trade in hops; among its manufactures are canned vegetables, lumber and knit goods, There are several valuable stone quarries in the vicinity.
The vicinity of Trani produces an excellent wine (Moscato di Trani); xxvii.
The first consists of an almost continuous range crossing the northern end of Rio Grande do Sul and following the coast northward to the vicinity of Cape Frio, and thence northward in broken ranges to the vicinity of Cape St Roque, and a second parallel range running from eastern Sao Paulo northeast and north to the eastern margin of the Sao Francisco basin in northern Bahia, where that river turns eastward to the Atlantic. The first of these is generally known as the Serra do Mar, or Coast Range, though it is locally known under many names.
The inland range, which is separated from the Coast Range in the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro by the valley of the Parahyba do Sul river, is known as the Serra da Mantiqueira, and from the point where it turns northward to form the eastern rim of the Sao Francisco basin, as the Serra do Espinhaco.
Bates, who found 7000 species of insects in the vicinity of only one of his collecting places on the Amazon (Ega), of which 550 species were of butterflies.
Sugar plantations were laid out in the vicinity.
In the vicinity are the castles of Murthly, one a modern mansion in the Elizabethan style, erected about 1838 from designs by James Gillespie Graham (1777-1855), and the other the old castle, still occupied, which was occasionally used as a hunting-lodge by the Scottish kings.
Many interesting mansions were and are in the vicinity, amongst them Melville Castle, the seat of the Dundas Melvilles, and Auchendinny, where Henry Mackenzie, author of The Man of Feeling, resided.
Fine white freestone abounds in the immediate vicinity (as at Craigleith, from the vast quarry of which, now passing into disuse, the stone for much of the New Town was obtained) and furnishes excellent building material; while the hard trap rock, with which the stratified sandstones of the Coal formation have been extensively broken up and overlaid, supplies good materials for paving and road-making.
There are quarries of limestone in the vicinity.
In 1852 great destruction was wrought in the town by the bursting of a reservoir in the vicinity.
Meyer's Lake in the vicinity is a summer attraction.
It is mainly a rich residential quarter; the most fashionable part is found in the south, in the vicinity of Cavendish and Portman Squares, but there are numerous fine houses surrounding Regent's Park and in the north-western district of St John's Wood.
The first settlement in this vicinity was made in what is now Half-Moon township about 1680.
It was used as a base by hunters and traders with the interior, and in its vicinity there gathered a number of settlers of European origin, many of them outcasts from Europe or Cape Colony.
The only bright spot, as far as the British were concerned, was to be found in northern Cape Colony, where General French, with two cavalry brigades and details, by his skilful tactics and wonderful activity kept at arm's length a superior force of the enemy in the vicinity of Colesberg, an achievement the more noteworthy since he had pitted against him both De la Rey and De Wet, two of the three men of military genius produced by the war on the Boer side.
Iron is worked in the vicinity, and there are important forges and foundries.
The manufacture of morocco leather goods and the quarrying of the lithographic stone of the vicinity are carried on, and there is trade in cattle, grain, wine, truffles and dressed pork.
In the vicinity are valuable deposits of crinoid limestone, a coarse white building stone which takes a good polish.
Brewing, brickmaking and the manufacture of cement are also carried on, and there are several large powder mills in the vicinity.
Another line in the Lake Maracaibo region is known as the Great La Ceiba, and runs from a point near the lake to the vicinity of Valera and Trujillo.
The best cacau comes from the vicinity of Caracas and is marketed under that name.
Pittston is in the midst of the richest anthracite coal region of the state, and fire-clay also abounds in the vicinity.
Bituminous coal and natural gas are found in the vicinity, and the borough ships coal and lumber, and has various important manufactures.
On reaching the vicinity they leave the blood stream and join in the warfare - many performing their function of phagocytosis (q.v.), others falling victims to the toxins.
The granite quarries in the vicinity constitute the leading industry, the stone for the Liverpool docks and other public works having been obtained from them.
Hollow or Hole-bourne, this name surviving in Holborn; and it was fed by numerous springs (Bagnigge Well, Clerkenwell and others) in this vicinity.
The residential district in this vicinity was known at a later date as Tyburnia.
In the vicinity, also, is the fine building of the Imperial Institute, founded in 1887 as an exhibition to illustrate the resources of all parts of the Empire, as well as an institution for the furtherance of imperial intercourse; though not developed on the scale originally intended.
The Stock Exchange is in Capel Court, and numbers of brokers have their offices in the vicinity of the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England.
The attacks at " S " and " Y " were intended to be subsidiary; but great importance was attached to that at " X " owing to the vicinity of this point to " W."
Hamilton made Imbros his headquarters, and troops also were sometimes collected there owing to its vicinity both to Helles and to Anzac. Within the Dardanelles the battleship " Goliath " had been torpedoed by the Turkish destroyer " Muavenet-i-Milliye " on May 13; on the other hand British submarines were performing invaluable service, diving under the mine-fields, causing havoc amongst enemy craft in the channel itself and higher up, and threatening Ottoman communications with the peninsula.
Nevertheless the whole of the infantry of the ith Division was on shore before dawn, and its leading battalions had driven off the Turkish detachments met with in the immediate vicinity of the points of disembarkation.
Owing to their vicinity to the cove the rest of the Anzac trenches were, however, to be held till a later hour.
There are lignite mines in the vicinity.
It has an important trade in timber, and numerous windmills in the vicinity provide power for oil, cement and paper works, timber-sawing and corn-grinding.
In the vicinity there are a number of sacred caves, among which those of Pandu Lena are the most noteworthy.
About 1818 most of the Indians were expelled from the vicinity, and a settlement was made by the whites.
Several fine mansions are in the vicinity of the town, notably that of Deepdene, contain ing part of a gallery of sculpture collected here by Thomas Hope, the author of Anastasius.
The cochineal insect is found on the cactus which grows in abundance in the vicinity, and the town is known throughout Ecuador for its manufacture of boots and shoes, and for a cordage made from cabuya, the fibre of the agave plant.
Airdrie was a market town in 1695, but owes its prosperity to the great coal and iron beds in its vicinity.
The first settlement on the east side of the Bay of Rio de Janeiro dates from 1671, when a chapel was erected at Praia Grande, in the vicinity of an Indian village.
The church of St John the Baptist, principally Perpendicular, - has in its tower three bells presented by Charles Both this town and the adjacent urban district of Radstock (pop. 3355) have a considerable trade in coal, which is mined in the vicinity.
It was formerly a resort of pilgrims, and Roman coins have been found in the vicinity.
The river furnishes water for irrigating the low fields in the vicinity.
In the vicinity are the troglodyte caverns of Monte Scaglioso, still inhabited by some of the lower classes, and other caves with 13thcentury frescoes.
Swine-breeding is a profitable occupation in the vicinity.
Ottawa has an important trade in grain and live-stock; soft coal and natural gas are found in the vicinity; the manufactures include flour, windmills, wire-fences, furniture, bricks, brooms and foundry products.
On the north and north-west the Aures mountains of Algeria are prolonged into Tunisia, and constitute the mountainous region of the north, which lies between the Majerda river and the sea, and also includes the vicinity of the city of Tunis and the peninsula of the Dakhelat el Mawin, which terminates in Ras Addar (Cape Bon).
They are met with in a long strip of country south of the Majerda, between the Algerian frontier and the sea-coast north of Susa; also inland, to the south-west of Susa, and near Kef; also in another long strip between the vicinity of Sfax on the north and the Jerid on the south.
There are Roman ruins, scarcely known, in the vicinity of Beja and the country of the Mogods (the district behind Cape Serrat).
But the visible remains of Saracenic art in Tunis and its vicinity are of relatively recent date, the few mosques which might offer earlier examples not being open to inspection by Christians.
The professional schools include a school of civil and mining engineering at Lima (created 1876), a military school at Chorrillos under the direction of French instructors, a naval school at Callao, nine episcopal seminaries (one for each diocese), a national agricultural school in the vicinity of Lima (created 1902), and a few commercial schools.
The so-called coast towns are commonly at some distance from the seashore, and their shipping ports are little more than a straggling collection of wretched habitations in the vicinity of the landing-stage and its offices and warehouses.
In,the vicinity of some of the deposits of argentiferous galena are large coal beds, but timber is scarce on the table-lands.
A smelting plant was erected in the vicinity of Cerro de Pasco designed to treat moo tons of ore daily, a railway was built to Oroya to connect with the state line terminating at that point, and a branch line 62 m.
In the case of Ecuador and Colombia a dispute arose in 1894 concerning the ownership of large tracts of uninhabited country in the vicinity of the headwaters of the Amazon and its tributaries.
The surrounding country is well adapted to agriculture, and slate, iron ore, cement rock and limestone are found in the vicinity.
These articles are largely made by the workmen at their own homes and supplied to the depots of the large dealers; there are about 20,000 workers in steel in Solingen and the vicinity.
The mining of iron ore was begun about 1767 in the vicinity of the present Cranston, and much of the metal was used in the making of cannon during the War of Independence, but the supply was soon exhausted.
In the vicinity are some interesting Slavonic remains and the former Benedictine monastery of Ullesheim.
There are numerous raths or encampments in the vicinity and other remains.
Sheep-breeding is important in the vicinity.
The provinces of Hida and Etchiu are bounded on the east by a chain of mountains including, or having in their immediate vicinity, the highest peaks in Japan after Fuji.
In the vicinity of many of these mountain lakes thermal springs, with remarkable curative properties, are to be found.
These have their origin, for the most part, in the China Sea, especially in the vicinity of Luzon.
Even during the 300 years of its conspicuous prosperity as the administrative capital of the Tokugawa shoguns, it had no noted factories, doubtless owing to the absence of any suitable potters clay in the immediate vicinity.
The method pursued was to expose letters and parcels at fixed places in the vicinity of their destination, leaving the addressees to discover for themselves that such things had arrived.
In the vicinity are Empfing, with baths of all kinds and a coldwater cure establishment on the Kneipp system.
A branch of the Sierra Madre extends northward from the vicinity of Salinas, but its elevations are low.
There are also flour mills, breweries, important printing works, vinegar works and, in the vicinity, nursery gardens.
Coal is mined in the vicinity; the city has a large trade with the surrounding agricultural district (whose distinctive product is beans); the Michigan Central railway has car and machine shops here; and the city has many manufacturing establishments.
In the vicinity are the Surrey county asylum and a female convict prison.
Oil wells in the vicinity also furnish an important product for export, and there are iron and salt mines near.
In the vicinity is St Mary's (Anglican) parish hall (1905-1907), the first portion of a large building planned to take the place of "Old" St Mary's Church, the "mother" church of the Rand, built in 1887.
The river valleys in the vicinity produce cotton, pepper, tobacco, rice, Indian corn and fruit.
The city is in the Kansas-Oklahoma oil and gas field, and is surrounded by a fine farming and dairying region, in which special attention is given to the raising of small fruit; oil, gas, cement rock and brick shale are found in the vicinity.
Pop. (1889), 34, 28 4; (5905), 49,817; there is a considerable German element in the vicinity.
The rains descend in floods upon the heights; but in the vicinity of Tasisudon, the capital, they are moderate; there are frequent showers, but nothing that can be compared to the tropical rains of Bengal.
In the immediate vicinity of the city are several points of historic interest and natural beauty.
The city has a fine location, its natural attractiveness and mineral springs in the vicinity combining to make it a summer and health resort.
By its vicinity to the watersheds of the Eurotas and Alpheus, and its command over the main roads from Laconia to Argos and the Isthmus, Tegea likewise was brought into conflict with Sparta.
Grain and fruit are grown in large quantities, and much coal is mined in the vicinity of Kirksville.
The town has trade in grain, iron, mined in the vicinity, and leather.
The story of Dinah may imply some early settlement of tribes in its vicinity (but see Simeon), and the reference in Gen.
There are cork woods and marble quarries in the vicinity, and the valley of the Seybuse and the neighbouring plains are rich in agricultural produce.
In the vicinity the Oneida Community manufactures chains and animal traps.
Those of economic value are kaolin, mined chiefly in the vicinity of Hockessin, New Castle county, the static kaolin product being exceeded in 1903 only by that of Pennsylvania among the states of the United States; granite, used for road-making and rough construction work, found near Wilmington; and brick and tile clays; but the value of their total product in 1902 was less than $500,000.
Polished rocks outside the cavern and pictographs in the vicinity indicate the work of a prehistoric race earlier than the Osage Indians, who were the historic owners previous to the advent of the white man.
The vicinity abounds in coal, but is principally agricultural, and Clinton's chief interest is in trade with it.
The first permanent settlement in the immediate vicinity was made in 1796.
The Texas Cretaceous is notably rich in the fossil remains of an invertebrate fauna and in the vicinity of Waco Cretaceous fossils of vertebrates have been obtained.
Natural gas was discovered in Washington (disambiguation)|Washington county in 1879, but was not commercially used in that vicinity until 1888.
In the vicinity of Fayetteville there are deposits of coal; and the city is in a fine fruit-growing region, apples being the principal crop. Much of the surrounding country is still covered with timber.
Suitable grounds in the vicinity of the barracks, of which Caesar's Camp, the Long Valley and Laffan's Plain are best known, are utilized for company, battalion and brigade training of infantry, while the mounted branches work over a wider area, and the engineers carry out their practices where most convenient.
Large salt-works are carried on in the vicinity, and thousands of fishermen are engaged, mainly between April and July, in catching cuttle-fish.
In the vicinity are the remains of a Roman aqueduct, which formerly spanned the valley.
In the vicinity of Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika, sandstones and shales of Lower Karroo age and yielding seams of coal are considered to owe their position and preservation to being let down by rift faults into hollows of the crystalline rocks.
Elland Hall, though almost rebuilt, retains the recollection of a remarkable family feud between the Ellands and the Beaumonts of Crosland Hall, the site of which may be traced in the vicinity.
Important remains of prehistoric settlements have been found in the vicinity; cf.
The wells of the town are strongly impregnated with salt and alum, and in the vicinity there are several hot springs.
Subsequently the appearance in its vicinity of a white deer carrying a flower in its mouth was deemed so favourable an omen as to more than justify the change of its name to Luh or Deer city.
The mission of Santa Clara was founded in the vicinity in January 1777, and the mission of San Jose, about 12 m.
The town was occupied by the forces of the United States in July 1846; and a skirmish with the natives occurred in its vicinity in January 1847.
Especially has the commonwealth undertaken certain noteworthy enterprises as the agent of the several municipalities in the immediate vicinity of Boston, constituting what is known as the Metropolitan District; as, for example, in bringing water thither from the Nashua River at Clinton, 40 m.
In the vicinity is the Karolinen canal, which cuts off a bend in the Danube between Lauingen and Dillingen.
Among the places of interest in the vicinity is the large Florida ostrich farm.
Market-gardening, especially horticulture, is extensively practised in the vicinity, so that Haarlem is the seat of a large trade in Dutch bulbs, especially hyacinths, tulips, fritillaries, spiraeas and japonicas.
The town retains several picturesque old houses, and in the vicinity, by the river, are the ruins of the 16th century mansion of Cowdray, burnt down in 1793.
There are also traces of the division of the lands in the immediate vicinity of the town into squares by parallel paths (decumani and cardines) at regular intervals of 1111 - Roman feet, postulating as the basis of the division a square with a side of 10,000 Roman feet, divided into 81 smaller squares - an arrangement which could not have existed at Puteoli, and must have arisen elsewhere.
Almost from the date of their taking possession of the Cape of Good Hope and its vicinity, the Netherlands East Indian Company instituted annual returns of population, livestock and agricultural produce.
These are the New England states and a few others in their vicinity or influenced by their example.
In its vicinity is Rydal Mount, for many years the residence of the poet Wordsworth.
The largest nurseries, however, are in the vicinity of Rochester.
But the freedom of trade promoted dangerous relations with the Indians, and an attempt of Kieft to collect a tribute from the Algonquian tribes in the vicinity of Manhattan Island and other indiscretions of this officer provoked Indian hostilities (1641-1645), during which most of the outlying settlements were laid waste.
The parish church, rebuilt in 1808, contains a tablet to Charles James Fox, who resided at St Anne's Hill in the vicinity, and another to Lawrence Tomson, a translator of the New Testament in the 17th century.
Bituminous coal is extensively mined in the vicinity.
The city has a large commerce,and trade by water and rail in coal and grain, which are produced in the vicinity, is of special importance.
Nowhere in California is plant life more varied and beautiful; in the vicinity are walnut, olive, lemon and orange groves.
In the immediate vicinity lies the Apollinaris spring.
The toothed wheel being set in motion, the edge of a card or of a funnel-shaped piece of common notepaper is held against the teeth, when a note will be heard arising from the rapidly succeeding displacements of the air in its vicinity.
Limestone, brownstone and brick-clay also abound in the vicinity; and besides mines and quarries, the city has extensive manufactories of iron, steel, chains, and nuts and bolts.
Benton Harbor has a large trade in fruit (peaches, grapes, pears, cherries, strawberries, raspberries and apples) and other market garden produce raised in the vicinity.
The surface is broken by many clusters of small hills, such as the Fox Ridge in the central part of the state and the Cave Hills in the north-west, and in the vicinity of streams it is much cut up by deep ravines.
West of the Missouri river the drift gives place to a fine soil of sand aid clay, with deposits of alluvium in the vicinity of streams. Though lacking in vegetable mould, these soils are generally capable of producing good crops where the water-supply is sufficient.
The extensive use as building material of cream-coloured brick made in the vicinity gives the city its nickname, "the Cream City."
Gypsum, millstone and paving-stone are quarried in the vicinity.
Some time before this separation a few members of the colony removed to the vicinity of Cloverdale, Sonoma county, California, and here most of the members of the Young Party joined them early in 1884 in forming the Icaria-Speranza Community.
There are steam flour mills, furniture factories and various other small manufactories; but the main economic interest of the city is in brickyards and coal-mines in its immediate vicinity.
After a protracted lawsuit (1897-1898) the Causeway, and certain land in the vicinity, were declared to be private property, and a charge is made for admission.
The town is the seat of a sub-prefect and has a tribunal of first instance; it has trade in phosphates, of which there are workings in the vicinity, and carries on cotton-spinning and the manufacture of leather, paper and sugar.
Altogether Kiev is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia, and the vicinity too is picturesque.
It is in the Illinois coal region, and coal-mining is the most important industry; the city is also a shipping point for hay and grain grown in the vicinity.
Gallo-Roman remains have been discovered in the vicinity of Belfort, but the place is first heard of in the early part of the 13th century, when it was in the possession of the counts of Montbeliard.
Bathurst is the centre of the chief wheat-growing district of New South Wales, while gold, copper and silver are extensively mined in its vicinity.
Thomas Miinzer, one of their leaders, was captured in the vicinity and executed in the town.
There are several ancient mounds in the vicinity.
In the vicinity there are many coal mines, and among the manufactures are bricks, furniture, veneered doors, and shirts.
Much scarcer is the second species, the sand-lizard (Lacerta agilis), which is confined to some localities in the south of England, the New Forest and its vicinity; it does not appear to attain on English soil the same size as on the continent of Europe where it abounds, growing sometimes to a length of 9 in.
In the vicinity are Fachingen, celebrated for its mineral waters, and the majestic castle of Schaumburg belonging to the prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont.
The principal coalfields that have been developed are in the vicinity of Sabinas, Coahuila.
The cotton manufacture is the principal industry; there are also calico printing, dyeing and bleaching works, machinery and iron works, woollen manufactures, and coal mines and quarries in the vicinity.
Monmouth is situated in a good farming region, and cattle, swine and ponies are raised in the vicinity.
Roman remains are to be seen, but the place owes its celebrity to the megalithic monuments in the vicinity, some of which are among the largest extant.
Smelting, brewing and iron-founding are also carried on, as well as the manufacture of portable steam-engines, and iron ore is raised in the vicinity.
The prevailing winds are generally N.W., but in the vicinity of the sea they are S.E.
As a commercial centre Bradford is advantageously placed with regard to both railway communication and connexion with the Humber and with Liverpool by canal, and through the presence in its immediate vicinity of valuable deposits of coal and iron.
Northward lies Clondalkin, with its round tower, marking the site of the important early see of Cluain Dolcain; Glasnevin, with famous botanical gardens; Finglas, with a ruined church of early foundation, and an Irish cross; and Clontarf, a favoured resort on the bay, with its modern castle and many residences of the wealthy classes in the vicinity.
Besides these public establishments for the custody of lunatics, there are in the vicinity of Dublin various private asylums. The principal institution for blind men (and also those afflicted by gout) is Simpson's hospital (1780), founded by a merchant of Dublin; while blind women are maintained at the Molyneux asylum (1815).
There are two thermal springs in the vicinity, and undeveloped mines of sulphur and silver.
The vicinity has yielded numerous Roman remains, and there was a Roman fort in the neighbourhood (now destroyed by the sea), forming part of the coast defence of the Litus Saxonicum in the 4th century.
There are numerous vineyards and olive groves in the vicinity.
Coal is extensively wrought in the vicinity.
The town possesses cotton, corn and paper mills, while in the vicinity there are stone-quarries and lead mines.
The upper part is taken from vicinty of Coalgate, the lower part from the vicinity of Atoka.
The town, or township, of New England is generally a rural community occupying a comparatively small area, and with a population averaging about 3000, hut ranging from 200 in newly-settled, districts or thinly-peopled hilly districts up to 17,000 in the vicinity of large cities and in manufacturing neighborhoods.
We learn many details concerning those in the vicinity of Antioch from Chrysostom's writings.
He was, therefore, appropriately lodged in the immediate vicinity of the refectory and kitchen, and close to the guest-hall.
Kensington Square, however, lying south of High Street in the vicinity of St Mary Abbots church, still preserves some of its picturesque houses, nearly all of which were formerly inhabited by those attached to the court; it numbered among its residents Addison, Talleyrand, John Stuart Mill, and Green the historian.
Here, or in the vicinity, is the site of the unimportant ancient town of Norba.
There are rich copper mines in the vicinity.
Hops of fine quality are grown in the vicinity.
Noltland Castle, in the vicinity, is interesting as having been proposed as the refuge of Queen Mary after her flight from Loch Leven.
In the vicinity is the Wilhelmsheim sanatorium for consumptives.
The oyster fisheries in the vicinity are of considerable importance.
The Carolina colonists had a trading post in its vicinity before the settlement by Oglethorpe.
In the vicinity is Karlshof, a celebrated establishment for the cure of epileptic diseases.
He suffered, however, two defeats in the vicinity, and Nicaea surrendered on the 23rd of June 1097.
The name "Kurile" is derived from the Russian kurit (to smoke), in allusion to the active volcanic character of the group. The dense fogs that envelop these islands, and the violence of the currents in their vicinity, have greatly hindered exploration, so that little is known of their physiography.
The locality is also celebrated for the extensive system of caves in the limestone rocks found in its vicinity, which were described by Humboldt in his Personal Narrative.
Several of the largest and finest sugar estates in the world are situated in the vicinity, including the Soledad (with a botanical experiment station maintained by Harvard University), the Terry and others - most of them connected with the city by good driveways.
In the vicinity of Bromley, Bickley is a similar residential township, Hayes Common is a favourite place of excursion, and at Holwood Hill near Keston are remains of a large encampment known as Caesar's Camp. Bromley was incorporated in 1903, and is governed by a mayor, 6 aldermen and 18 councillors.
In the vicinity there are mineral springs, and the sea-bathing also attracts many visitors in summer.
Natural gas is found in the vicinity.
W., and there are mineral springs in the vicinity - at Rockbridge Baths, io m.
Flour is manufactured in Lexington and lime in the vicinity.
In the vicinity of the city there are several lakes (including Caddo Lake) and springs (including Hynson and Rosborough springs).
In the vicinity large quantities of coal are mined, for which the city is an important shipping point.
There is good shooting (doves, quail, wild turkey and deer) in the vicinity; there are fine golf links and there is a large ranch for breeding and training polo ponies.
The first European settlement, however, was made by a French trading expedition under Jacques Riffault, of Dieppe, in 1 594, who lost two of his three vessels in the vicinity of the island of Maranhao, and left a part of his men on that island when he returned home.
In the vicinity are a monks' well and a ruined chapel of the 16th century.
The prosperity of the town depends on the important works in its vicinity, including powder works, paper mills, and engineering, iron, chemical and cement works.
In the vicinity there are valuable lead, zinc and coal mines, and quarries of Carthage "marble," with which the county court house is built.
Carthage is a jobbing centre for a fruit and grain producing region; live-stock (especially harness horses) is raised in the vicinity; and among the city's manufactures are lime, flour, canned fruits, furniture, bed springs and mattresses, mining and quarrying machinery, ploughs and woollen goods.
There are saw-mills, breweries, brickfields and distilleries in the town, and numerous sugar factories in the vicinity, notably at Millaquin, on the river below the town.
Middleton House, named after him, is one of several fine mansions in the vicinity.
The town was founded in 1870 as a shipping port for the recently discovered silver mines of that vicinity, and belonged to Bolivia until 1879, when it was occupied by a Chilean military force.
Several coal-mines are in the vicinity.
The city is pleasantly situated in an agricultural region, and there are large deposits of cement and of fire-brick clay in the vicinity.
Perez says that the Sarare branch of the Apure has formed a gigantic dam across its own course by prodigious quantities of trees, brush, vines and roots, and thus, impounding its own waters, has cut a new channel to the southward across the lowlands and joined the Arauca, from which the Sarare may be reached in small craft and ascended to the vicinity of Pamplona.
However, the adventure failed; and by the aid of Ladislaus, the castles of the Colonnas in the vicinity of Rome were destroyed.
Coal is mined in the vicinity, and near the city are large market-gardens, the water-melons growing on Muscatine Island (below the city) and sweet potatoes being their most important products.
The deposits of zinc in the vicinity of Beuthen are perhaps the richest in the world, and produce twothirds of the zinc ore of Germany (609.000 tons).
In memory of the victory several monuments have been erected in the town and its vicinity, of which the most noticeable are the bronze statue of the Danish Land Soldier by Bissen (one of Thorvaldsen's pupils), and the great barrow over 50o Danes in the cemetery of the Holy Trinity Church, with a bas-relief by the same sculptor.
In the mountain region and in the vicinity of Lake Erie there is often a fall of several inches of snow during the winter months and the rapid melting of this produces floods on the Delaware, Susquehanna and Ohio rivers and some of their tributaries.
A large portion of the vegetables are grown in the vicinity of Philadelphia or in the vicinity of Pittsburg.
Floriculture is an important industry in Philadelphia and its vicinity.
In 1898 a Dutch missionary in China named Rijnhart started with his wife from the vicinity of Koko Nor, with the intention of reaching Lhasa, but at the upper Mekong, to the east-north-east of the city, he was murdered, and 1898.
The foundation of Kilmallock, however, is attributed to the Geraldines, who had several towns in this vicinity.
Fort Worth lies in the midst of a stock-raising and fertile agricultural region; there is an important stockyard and packing establishment just outside the city; and considerable quantities of cotton are raised in the vicinity.
Canton is situated in a rich agricultural region, for which it is a supply point, and there are large coal-mines in the vicinity.
The valley is a part of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania, fire clay abounds in the vicinity, and .the borough's principal industries are the mining and shipping of coal, and the manufacture of shirts and foundry products.
The first settlement in the vicinity of Aurora was made in 1834.
Then there is the group of serins (Serinus), to which the canary belongs, that one is in doubt whether to refer to the vicinity of the greenfinches or that of the redpolls.
In the vicinity Sea Island cotton, rice, potatoes and other vegetables are raised - the truck industry having become very important; and there are groves of yellow pine and cypress.
Quantities of marble were formerly taken from quarries in the vicinity.
In the vicinity is the beautiful old mansion of Stella, and below it Stellaheugh, to which the victorious Scottish army crossed from Newburn on the Northumberland bank in 1640, after which they occupied Newcastle.
In the ranges which rise above the high plateau in the north-west, in the vicinity of the Stanovoi watershed, gold mines of great richness are worked.
Lying in the vicinity of the capital, the district contributes largely to its food-supply.
In the vicinity of the town are remnants of the monastery of Saul, a foundation ascribed to St Patrick, and of Inch Abbey (1180), founded by Sir John de Courcy.
The Roman Tingis, which stood in the immediate vicinity of the site of Tangier, was of great antiquity; under Augustus it became a free city, and when Otho placed the western half of Mauretania under a procurator, he called it Mauretania Tingitana after its capital Tingis.
Owing to their growth in length at, or rather in the immediate vicinity of, their tips, roots are enabled to traverse long distances by surmounting some obstacles, penetrating others, and insinuating themselves into narrow crevices.
The climate of Bavaria differs greatly according to the character of the region, being cold in the vicinity of Tirol but warm in the plains adjoining the Danube and the Main.
The last are grown chiefly in the vicinity of the Lake of Constance, on the banks of the Main, in the lower part of its course, and in the Palatinate of the Rhine.
In the vicinity, Monk Bretton Priory, a Cluniac foundation of 1157, retains a Perpendicular gatehouse, some Decorated domestic remains, and fragments of the church.
See Victoria County History - Devon; James Davidson, British and Roman Remains in the Vicinity of Axminster (London, 1 &33).
In the vicinity are a great number of prehistoric kurgans or burial-mounds.
The army, then at Kirkliston, was immediately set in motion, and next morning (July 22, 1298) Wallace was brought to battle in the vicinity of Falkirk.
The city ships large quantities of building and flag stones quarried in the vicinity.
In 1614 a small fort was built by the Dutch at the mouth of Rondout Creek, and in 1652 a settlement was established in the vicinity and named Esopus" after the Esopus Indians, who were a subdivision of the Munsee branch of the Delawares, and whose name meant " small river," referring possibly to Rondout Creek.
In 1807 several engagements took place in the vicinity between the French and Russians.
Horsford, in a number of monographs (unfortunately of no historical or scientific value), fixed upon the vicinity of Boston, where now stand a Leif Ericsson statue and Horsford's Norumbega Tower as testimonials to the Norse explorers.
Stone quarried in the vicinity is exported, and the city is near the centre of the Sauk county iron range.
Hon ., who had created for himself a principality in the vicinity of Madam (Ctesiphon).
When, in the year (69 A.H.) 689 Abdalmalik had at last encamped at Botnan Habib in the vicinity of Kinnesrin (Qinnasrin),1 with the purpose of marching against Mus`ab, his cousin `Amr Ashdaq, to whom by the treaty of Jabia, before the battle of Merj Rahit, the succession to Merwan had been promised, took advantage of his absence to lay claim to the supreme power, and to have himself proclaimed caliph by his partisans.
The meeting took place at `Aqr in the vicinity of Babel, and Yazid was completely defeated and fell in the battle.
He reached Sawa in the vicinity of Hamadan, where he died quite exhausted, at the age of eighty-five years.
About the same time Dobais was killed, a prince of the family of the Banu Mazyad, who had founded the Arabian state of Hillah in the vicinity of the ruins of Babel in 1102.
When the claim of the United States to the Oregon territory was being strengthened by occupation, Fremont was sent, at his urgent request, to explore the frontier beyond the Missouri river, and especially the Rocky Mountains in the vicinity of the South Pass, through which the American immigrants travelled.
In the vicinity, on the Schellenberg, the Bavarians and French were defeated by Marlborough and Prince Louis of Baden on the 2nd of July 1704.
They are situated in forests to the north of the Great Lake (Tonle-Sap), the most conspicuous of the remains being the town of Angkor-Thom and the temple of Angkor-Vat, both of which lie on the right bank of the river Siem-Reap, a tributary of Tonle-Sap. Other remains of the same form and character lie scattered about the vicinity on both banks of the river, which is crossed by an ancient stone bridge.
In this vicinity, too, are several yards for building yachts, launches and other boats.
There are recreation grounds for the naval and military forces in the vicinity.
Romar remains have been found in the vicinity, and the ridge of Arcos is honeycombed with rock-hewn chambers, said to be ancient cave-dwellings.
Coal, iron ore, fire clay and limestone abound in the vicinity, and the city has large plants for the manufacture of iron and steel.
No other city in the United States is so exclusively devoted to the manufacture of pottery; in 1908 there were 32 potteries in the city and its immediate vicinity.
Though there are large clay deposits in the vicinity, very little of it can be used for crockery, and most of the clay used in the city's potteries is obtained from other states; some of it is imported from Europe.
It is the shipping point of the Bedford Indiana (oolitic) limestone, which is found in the vicinity and is one of the most valuable and best known building stones in the United States - of this stone were built the capitols of Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Kentucky; the state historical library at Madison, Wisconsin; the art building at St Louis, Missouri; and many other important public buildings.
The total filling up to that time on the streams in this vicinity had been from loo to 250 ft., and many thousand acres of fine farming land were buried under gravel, some 16,000 on the lower Yuba alone.
The soil in its vicinity is rich, producing rice, Indian corn, sugar, pepper, cacao, cotton, abaca, tobacco and copra.
The manufacture of matches is aided by the existence of sulphur workings in the vicinity; and Albacete formerly had an extensive trade in cutlery, from which it was named the Sheffield of Spain.
Government House stands in grounds on the north side of North Terrace, with several other official buildings in the vicinity; but the majority are in King William Street.
It has regular steamboat communication with Rotterdam, Cologne and Arnhem, and steamtramways connect it with the popular resorts of Neerbosch, Beek and Berg - en - Dal in the vicinity.
Erosion buttes and mesas occasionally rise as picturesque monuments above the general level of the plains, and in the vicinity of the mountains the plains strata, elsewhere nearly horizontal, are bent sharply upward and carved by erosion into " hogback " ridges.
It has a fairly good harbour, and excellent cotton and rice are grown in the vicinity and shipped thence.
The present forest lies between the valleys of the Roding and the Lea, and extends southward from Epping to the vicinity of Woodford and Walthamstow, a distance of about 7 m.
Thatched roofs are not now allowed in London or other towns and their vicinity, but if saturated with a solution of lime the thatch is said to be incombustible.
North of Georgetown is Oak Hill Cemetery, and in the vicinity of the Soldiers' Home are Rock Creek, Glenwood, Harmony, Prospect Hill and St Mary's Cemeteries.
The existence of this mineral in the vicinity of Richmond was known as early as 1770, and the mining of it there began in 1775, but it was practically discontinued about the middle of the 19th century.
There are valuable limestone quarries in the vicinity.
The manufacture of ornaments from the jet found in the vicinity forms a considerable industry.
Ithaca is also a farming centre and coal market, and much fruit is grown in the vicinity.
In addition to the wines described above,there are others of a similar nature grown in the vicinity, such as montilla (made in Cordova) and moguer (produced on the right bank of the Guadalquivir).
In the vicinity of Wakefield is Walton Hall, the residence of the famous naturalist Charles Waterton (1782-1865).
In April 1754 he set out with two companies for the Ohio, defeated (28th May) a force of French and Indians at Great Meadows (in the present Fayette county, Pennsylvania), but at Fort Necessity in this vicinity was forced to capitulate (3rd July), though only after a vigorous defence.
Electric power is derived from the Regla Falls, in the vicinity.
The city has a considerable wholesale jobbing trade, and is an important point of shipment for the products of the agricultural country in the vicinity.
Opium in large quantities is produced in its vicinity and forms the staple article of its commerce; and there are, besides, manufactures of black felts, carpets, arms and saddlery.
In the vicinity is the Rosenhdhe, with the mausoleum of the ducal house, with the tomb of the grand-duchess Alice, daughter of Queen.
The Mahrattas are foreigners, and, though rulers of the greater part of Central India, have no true connexion with the soil and are little met with outside cities, the vicinity of courts, and administrative centres.
Chickasaw Bluffs were named from the Chickasaw Indians, who were in possession when white men first came to the vicinity.
During the Civil War the town, from its vicinity to Lathom House and the influence of Lord Derby, adhered staunchly to the king.
Humboldt gives a very graphic account of the combats which are carried on in South America between the gymnoti and the wild horses in the vicinity of Calabozo.
Coal is mined in the vicinity.
The surrounding country is a magnificent livestock and farming region, and in the immediate vicinity are valuable deposits of coal, of limestone, of shale suitable for sewer pipe and of fire clays.
Bituminous coal and natural gas abound in the vicinity, and iron, steel, and tin and terne plate are extensively manufactured in the city, the tin-plate plant being one of the most important in the United States.
For this purpose the tiger will leave its retreat in the dense jungle, proceed to the neighbourhood of a village or gowrie, where cattle feed, and during the night steal on and strike down a bullock, drag it into a secluded place, and then remain near the "murrie" or "kill," for several days, until it has eaten it, when it will proceed in search of a further supply, and, having found good hunting ground in the vicinity of a village or gowrie, continue its ravages, destroying one or two cows or buffaloes a week.
At the broad shipping quay (Skeppsbro) which flanks the palace on the north and east, most of the sea-going steamers lie; and the exchange, custom-house, numerous banks and merchants' offices are in the immediate vicinity.
In its vicinity the praetor's tribunal, removed from the comitium in the 2nd century B.C., held its sittings, which led to the place becoming the haunt of litigants, money-lenders and business people.
The country in the vicinity of the large rivers is flat, and impenetrable from dense tangled jungle, with the exception of some very low-lying tracts which are either permanent marshes or are covered with water during the rains.
It owes its origin almost entirely to the cotton printing and bleaching works of the vicinity, for which there is an abundant supply of excellent water, and contains one of the largest of the Turkey-red dyeing establishments in the Vale of Leven.
Excellent wheat is grown in the vicinity, while another industry is the breeding of cattle.
The scenery in the neighbourhood of Belper, especially to the west, is beautiful; but there are collieries, lead-mines and quarries in the vicinity of the town.
Bloomington's prosperity increased after 1867, when coal was first successfully mined in the vicinity.
In the vicinity there are the most important deposits of zinc and lead in the state, and the city derives its name from the deposits of sulphide of lead (galena), which were the first worked about here; below the galena is a zone of zinc carbonate (or smithsonite) ores, which was the main zone worked between 1860 and 1890; still lower is a zone of blende, or zinc sulphide, now the principal source of the mineral wealth of the region.
The principal centres of the textile industry are Norrkoping in Ostergotland and Boras in Elfsborg Lan, where there are weaving schools; and the industry is spread over Elfsborg Lan and the vicinity of Gothenburg.
Among other industries may be mentioned the earthenware works at Hoganas at the north end of the Sound, the cement works of Lomma in this vicinity, and the pottery works of Rorstrand in, and Gustafsberg near, Stockholm; where beautiful ware is produced.
The surface is made up of extensive plains covered with sand and deposits of alkaline salts, broken by ranges of barren hills having the appearance of spurs from the Andes, and by irregular lateral ranges in the vicinity of the main cordillera enclosing elevated saline plateaus.
When the earthquake occurs on the coast, or beneath the sea in its vicinity, tidal waves are sometimes formed, which cause even greater damage than the earthquake itself.
Sheep-raising has also been inaugurated with some degree of success in the vicinity of the Straits of Magellan.
Since the census of 1895 the population of Punta Arenas has been largely increased by the discovery of gold in the vicinity.
Coal is found also in Valdivia, on the island of Chiloe, and in the vicinity of Punta Arenas on the Straits of Magellan.
On the 13th of January of that year the Chilean forces under command of General Baquedano attacked the entrenched positions of the Peruvians at daybreak in the vicinity of Chorillos, a village some few miles from Lima, and forming the outer line of defence for the capital.
Roman remains have been found in the vicinity; and, the geological formations exhibiting the process of silting up of a former river channel are exposed in the quarries, and contain large mammalian remains.
In the immediate vicinity are the ruins of the Cistercian monastery of Altenzella, or Altzella, founded in 1145, and a noted school of philosophy during the 13th-15th centuries.
As a rule the natural beds occupy most of the suitable space in their own vicinity.
Lynxes and bears were to be found in the same vicinity, and the wild pig was both numerous and destructive.
In the summer of 1852 the shah was attacked, while riding in the vicinity of Teheran, by four Babis, one of whom fired a pistol and slightly wounded him.
In the vicinity of Huaraz are megalithic ruins similar to those of Tiahunaco and Cuzco, showing that the aboriginal empire preceding the Incas extended into northern Peru.
There are numerous coal mines in the vicinity, yielding coal of the finest quality.
In more modern times Jena has been made famous by the defeat inflicted in the vicinity, on the 14th of October 1806, by Napoleon upon the Prussian army under the prince of Hohenlohe (see Napoleonic Campaigns).
Bishop's Island, a bold isolated rock in the vicinity, has remains of an oratory and house ascribed to the recluse St Senan.
Amongst places in the Rhine and its vicinity may be mentioned Kreuznach, Neustadt, Riidesheim and St Goar; on the Lake of Geneva are Montreux and Vevey; and in Tirol Gries and Meran.
A brisk trade is carried on in wood, grain, fruit and wine, all of which are extensively produced in the vicinity.
The vicinity is fertile in corn and wine, and cotton is cultivated.
Both British and Roman remains have been found in the vicinity.
The most interesting point in the vicinity is Roscam, with its round tower, ruined church and other remains.
There are quarries of millstone in the vicinity.
The industries include flax-spinning, rope works, engineering works, and manufactures of linen thread, wincey, flannels and fishing-nets, and there are iron and steel works and coal mines in the vicinity.
Houghton Park, in the vicinity, contains the ruins of Houghton House, built by Mary, countess of Pembroke, in the time of James I.
This time, however, he crosses Pamir, of which he gives a remarkable account, and passes by Kashgar, Khotan (Kustana), and the vicinity of Lop-nor across the desert to Kwa-chow, whence he had made his venturous and lonely plunge into the waste fifteen years before.
On the bank of the Danube outside the town are the remains of the castle of Findelstein; and on the Geiersberg (1243 ft.), in the immediate vicinity, stands another old pilgrimage church.
There is peril also in the vicinity of the deep pits.
In the vicinity are smaller imperial palaces and summer residences of St Petersburg families.
On Alcatraz Island is the United States Prison, and on Goat Island the United States Naval School of the Pacific. The old Spanish " presidio " is now a United States military reservation, and another smaller one, the Fort Mason Government Reservation, is in the vicinity.
The eastern rampart of this great plateau is formed by the Cordillera Oriental, which extends north-west into Peru under the name of Carabaya, and south to the frontier in broken ranges, one of which trends southeast in the vicinity of Sucre.
Of the ranges extending south from the Cordillera Real and branching out between the 18th and 19th parallels, the more prominent are the Frailes which forms the eastern rampart of the great central plateau and which is celebrated for its mineral deposits, the Chichas which runs south from the vicinity of Potosi to the Argentine frontier, and the Livichuco which turns south-east and forms the watershed between the Cachimayo and Pilcomayo.
Inhabiting the southern part of the Bolivian plain are the Chiriguanos, a detached tribe of the Guarani race which drifted westward to the vicinity of the Andes long ago.
The prosperity of the town is largely due to the great slate-quarries of the vicinity, but the distillation of liqueurs from fruit, cable, rope and thread-making, and the manufacture of boots and shoes, umbrellas and parasols are leading industries.
Their own farms and settlements, save in the immediate vicinity of the presidio, were often plundered and abandoned, and such settlement as there was was confined to the Santa Cruz valley.
There were several other strongholds in the vicinity.
The oldest settlement in the vicinity was made by the Hudson's Bay Fur Company on the west side of the Boise river, before 1860; the present city, chartered in 1864, dates from 1863.
Provincetown harbour was possibly visited by Gaspar Cortereal in 1501; Gosnold explored it and its vicinity in 1602, and John Smith was here in 1614.
There are marble quarries in the vicinity, and the town has trade in wine and timber.
There are many fine houses in the vicinity, more than one possessing historical associations.
Potatoes are grown in considerable quantities in the north-west part of the lower peninsula in the vicinity of Grand Traverse Bay as well as throughout the southern portion of the state; the largest crops of beans are grown in the south central part of the lower peninsula, and of peas in the counties bordering on Lake Huron.
Next in value among the mineral products is copper; there are about twenty copper mines in Keweenaw peninsula and its vicinity.
Gypsum is obtained from deposits along the banks of the Grand river in Kent county and in the vicinity of Alabaster along the shore of Lake Huron in Iosco county.
There are medicinal springs in the vicinity.
Oil and natural gas abound in the vicinity; there are oil refineries in the city; and in Boulder county, especially at Nederland, 18 m.
There are undeveloped coal deposits in the vicinity.
In the vicinity are the Chelsea Barracks (not actually in the borough).
Numbers of graves in the vicinity recall the battles which were fought for the possession of this important strategic point.
The original site of Cork seems to have been in the vicinity of the Protestant cathedral; St Finbar's ecclesiastical foundation attracting many students and votaries.
It is frequented as a tourist centre, and several hydropathic establishments and mountain resorts lie in the vicinity.
There are valuable coal mines in Leavenworth and the immediate vicinity.
A settlement was established in this vicinity as early as 1732.
It was named in honour of Thomas Beard, who settled in the vicinity in 1820.
Since 1830 market gardening in New Jersey has become increasingly important, especially in the vicinity of large cities, and has proved more profitable than the growing of cereals.
Spartanburg was founded in 1787, and, although railway communication with Columbia and Charleston was opened in 1859, there was little growth until the establishment of the first cotton mill in the vicinity in 1880; it was chartered as a city in this year.
There are some excellent drives in the vicinity.
Considerable quantities of aluminium are obtained from the kaolin deposits in the vicinity.
Behind the harbour the houses rise picturesquely on gentle wooded slopes, and numerous villas adorn the vicinity.
In the vicinity a battle was fought, on the 9th of October 1806, between the French and the Prussians.
The locality is populous owing to the collieries and lead-smelting works in the vicinity.
The principal quarries, however, are situated in positions most convenient for shipment by water, in the vicinity of Penobscot bay and in Kennebec county, and these have supplied the bulk of the material used in the construction of many prominent buildings and monuments in the United States.
This he abandoned in 1605, but some of his followers were in the vicinity a few years later.
In 1629 they divided their possession, Gorges taking the portion between the Piscataqua and the Kennebec. Numerous grants of land in this vicinity followed within a few years; and in the meantime permanent settlements at York, Saco, Biddeford, Port Elizabeth, Falmouth (now Portland) and Scarborough were established in rapid succession.
Nevada is a trading centre for the surrounding country, and a fine farming and stock-raising region, in which Indian corn, oats, wheat, clover, timothy and blue-grass are grown; coal is mined in the vicinity.
Coal and fireclay abound in the vicinity, the Beaver river furnishes good water power, and the borough has various manufactures.
There are several summer resorts in the vicinity.
In Pittsburg or the immediate vicinity are the more important plants of the United States Steel Corporation, including that of the Carnegie Company.
The march was along the sea-shore, and, the forces of Saladin being in the vicinity, the army moved in such a formation as to be able to give battle at any moment.
An anti-smoke injunction in 1908 closed the furnaces in the immediate vicinity of Salt Lake City.
Salt is obtained by solar evaporation chiefly of the waters of Great Salt Lake and other brine found in that vicinity; at Nephi City, Juab county; near Gunnison, Sanpete county; in Sevier and Millard counties, and at Withee Junction in Weber county.
A large coal traffic is handled here, as there are collieries and foundries in the vicinity.
C. Hovey as a prehistoric quarry, proved to be such by the stag horns and boulder pounders found in its vicinity.
Prosperous villages and handsome villas stud its shores, and it is one of the most frequented summer resorts in the vicinity of Munich.
Large marine engineering works are in the vicinity.
Its spaciousness and free rural aspect, its old graveyards and towering elms, its great university, its cultivated society and its vicinity to humane, substantial, busy Boston, were all attractions for such a man.
In the vicinity are a number of lakes, the waters of which on evaporation yield large quantities of very pure and fine salt, which is the object of an extensive trade with the countries of Central Africa.
From the Memoirs of Hsiian Tsang, we learn that, at the time of his visit in the 7th century, there were in the city, or its vicinity, about a hundred Buddhist convents, with 3000 devotees, and that there was a large number of stupas, and other religious monuments.
There are deposits of clay and limestone in the surrounding country, and cement is manufactured in the vicinity of the city.
In the vicinity of the town are Egglestone Abbey, beautifully situated on the Yorkshire bank of the river, Rokeby Park on the same bank, at the confluence of the Greta, and the massive 14th century castle of Raby to the north-east.
The town carries on limeburning and plaster-manufacture, and there are stone quarries in the vicinity.
There are extensive coal-mines in the vicinity; and the city includes various manufactures.