Veterans Sentence Examples
The veterans of the Army of the Tennessee, led by Gen.
Finally, on the 1st of June 1485, at the head of 8000 veterans, he made his triumphal entry into Vienna, which he henceforth made his capital.
Veterans of the Civil War have privileges in the administration of the state service.
Afterwards the Romans established a colony of Batavian veterans, the castra batava here.
Arretium took the part of Marius against Sulla, and the latter settled some of his veterans there as colonists.
Quot what i hospitality veterans in it's the energy.
The whole armed force was destroyed by Metellus after the defeat of the Achaeans at Scarpheia, and many of the remaining inhabitants forsook the city; but after the battle of Actium Augustus restored the ancient name Aroe, introduced a military colony of veterans from the 10th and 12th legions (not, as is usually said, the 22nd), and bestowed the rights of coloni on the inhabitants of Rhypae and.
Settlements of Italian veterans or of Spanish soldiers who had served for Rome were made at Hispalis (Seville) and at Carteia near Gibraltar, and a beginning was made of a Romanized provincial population, though in a somewhat half-hearted way.
Their violence prevented "the pasha," as they called him, from attending the convention summoned to Warsaw on the death of Bathory; but at the subsequent election diet, which met at Warsaw on the 9th of July 1587, he appeared at the head of 6000 veterans and intrenched himself with his partisans in what was called "the Black Camp" in contradistinction to "the General Camp" of the Zborowski.
In 1595 Zamoyski, in his capacity of commanderin-chief, at the head of S000 veterans dethroned the anti-Polish hospodar of Moldavia and installed in his stead a Catholic convert, George Mohila.
AdvertisementThe veterans have been particularly vehement about the hypocrisy of the government.
Veterans taking part in these schemes are also entitled to a veterans ' lapel badge.
A small cadre of experienced veterans aided in the training of the regiment.
When the original three-year enlistment expired, only forty veterans from the original regiment reenlisted.
War veterans reacted with outrage last night as remembrance parades were targeted by health and safety killjoys.
AdvertisementThe stolen laptop of a government worker could lead to 26 million war veterans having their identity stolen.
To have respected the wishes of the veterans, is, of course, highly laudable.
I was so thrilled to win the qualifier, as the standard of veterans was fabulous and we can't wait to go to Olympia.
The most interesting use of the medium are the taped reminiscences from Korean war veterans.
Subscription to The British Veterans Recognition Card is an annually renewable membership offering a number of benefits.
AdvertisementHowever, we are not solely an organization for veterans and their families but welcome all seafarers.
The government of East Timor is predominantly made up of veterans of the country's national liberation struggle.
And it was particularly moving to see the truckloads of veterans parading through Red Square past old allies - and former enemies.
Those who had begun the campaign as raw often untried troops ended as seasoned veterans, who had learned their lessons the hard way.
Many of the exhibits have been donated by D-day veterans - both Allied and German - adding a very personal dimension to the displays.
AdvertisementThese veteran rockers are also becoming veteran rockers are also becoming veterans at this event.
For example, a combat veteran may choose to stay home on veteran's day and avoid parades, veterans, and other reminders.
Appearing at the elective diet of 1674 at the head of 6000 veterans he overawed every other competitor, and despite the persistent opposition of the Lithuanians was elected king on the 21st of May.
After the battle of Actium, Augustus settled veterans from various of his legions in this territory, Ateste being thenceforth spoken of as a colony.
Augustus placed a colony of veterans here.
Matthias was the elect of the Hungarian people, gratefully mindful of his father's services to the state and inimical to all foreign candidates; and though an influential section of the magnates, headed by the palatine Laszlo Garai and the voivode of Transylvania, Miklos Ujlaki, who had been concerned in the judicial murder of Matthias's brother Laszlo, and hated the Hunyadis as semi-foreign upstarts, were fiercely opposed to Matthias's election, they were not strong enough to resist the manifest wish of the nation, supported as it was by Matthias's uncle Mihaly Szilagyi at the head of 15,000 veterans.
The whole atmosphere of society was one of rapine and corruption, and only on the frontier a few self-sacrificing patriots like the ban-bishop, Peter Biriszlo, the last of Matthias's veterans, and his successor the saintly Pal Tomori, archbishop of Kalocsa, showed, in their ceaseless war against the predatory Turkish bands, that the ancient Magyar valour was not yet wholly extinct.
At this time the Colombian auxiliary army was cantoned in Peru, and the third division, stationed at Lima, consisting of veteran troops under Lara and Sands, became distrustful of Bolivar's designs on the freedom of the republic. Accordingly, in about six weeks after the adoption of Bolivar's new constitution, a counter-revolution in the government of Peru was effected by this body of dissatisfied veterans, and the Peruvians, availing themselves of the opportunity, abjured the Bolivian code, deposed the council appointed by the liberator, and proceeded to organize a provisional government for themselves.
Decisive factors for success were the enthusiasm of individual teachers, or individual veterans who were particularly skillful at engaging young people.
The government of East Timor is predominantly made up of veterans of the country 's national liberation struggle.
The Veterans Affairs data theft could ultimately cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
The veterans have been particularly vehement about the hypocrisy of successive British governments.
They were, every one of them, veterans of the greatest war the world had ever seen.
New members who had joined as a result of the anti-war movement came together with veterans of past struggles.
Many of the exhibits have been donated by D-Day veterans - both Allied and German - adding a very personal dimension to the displays.
These veteran rockers are also becoming veterans at this event.
For example, a combat veteran may choose to stay home on veteran 's day and avoid parades, veterans, and other reminders.
Quot what i hospitality veterans in it 's the energy.
The National Archives include America's founding documents and veterans' service records.
Please have an attitude of reverence towards the veterans and honor their sacrifice.
Moms who are breastfeeding veterans already understand the importance of choosing a good nursing bra, and newbies to the world of breastfeeding soon learn that fit and support are essential nursing bra features.
Active military members, military veterans and students also qualify for a discount.
A similar program is run through the Veterans Administration.
Veterans can contact the VA and find out about options such as home equity loans and loans against their life insurance policies.
By refinancing an existing mortgage, veterans or soldiers are often able to get some of their home equity back as cash that can be applied to pay down your debt.
Known for providing photo editing capabilities that rival expensive image editors, GIMP makes it easy for beginners and veterans alike to make their ordinary photos look professional.
Two of them have won the award previously, and the other two may have been new to the race but stood on their own amongst the veterans in the group.
Iowa Central provides students with several financing opportunities, including scholarships, federal loans, and veterans' benefits for qualified applicants.
The term "GI Bill" refers to any Department of Veterans Affairs education benefit that is available to active duty personnel, veterans, and members of Selected Reserve and National Guard Armed Forces and their families.
Small Business Administration for the 50+ Entrepreneur is a nonprofit association with alot of resources, including the Veterans Business Outreach Program, Women's Business Center, and much more.
If you qualify for veterans' benefits from the Veterans' Administration (VA), calculating your military retirement pay becomes even more complex.
To assure that you receive maximum pay benefits and fully understand how the benefits are calculated, you may wish to work with a veterans' advocacy group, such as Disabled American Veterans.
Military personnel, veterans and residents of both Georgia and Florida can get great discounts to these parks.
CoCo Kes also offers day pass discounts for active duty military personnel and veterans.
Some veterans to the series may find this edition a little dry, as there are no quests or missions to complete.
Hardcore shmup fans and veterans of games like Ikaruga and Einhander will find themselves blowing through this one like there's no tomorrow.
If you've had the chance to read our Chuzzle review, you'll know that this title is familiar enough for veterans of the match-three genre, but it is also different enough to create a novel experience.
Okay, only Dance Dance Revolution veterans (and geeks) will get that joke.
For veterans of Dance Dance Revolution, there are some of you old favorites as well as remixes of some of the good songs of previous Dance Dance Revolution games.
The gameplay is simple enough for beginners, yet robust enough for veterans.
Gran Turismo 4 has a lot to offer, but veterans may find most of the game a rehash of gameplay from the first three.
The Guitar Hero 5 cheats offer all sorts of interesting enhancements and modifications for both beginners and veterans of the genre.
For the Veterans, the true fun comes in Battle Mode where you try to make your opponent lose by "attacking" them to make it harder to hit the arrows.
Veterans of previous Civ games will find two additional civilizations to play from, more than three times the amount of buildings, 10 new leaders and a host of new resources, specialists, technologies, units, and wonders.
Veterans of Splinter Cell should easily shelve this game in 4 hours or under.
This game is far from just a port of the original; enough new features have been added to give toughened veterans a strong reason to pick this one up.
The tiny changes will come as a huge surprise to veterans, so be sure to take a good stroll through the game to see what's new.
The three new playable characters, 30 new stars and slight terrain changes make much of the game an entirely new experience for veterans.
The overall progression is surprisingly well-balanced and caters to both veterans and beginners alike.
The game reminds veterans of the series of many fond memories from as far back as the NES.
Many veterans of the Final Fantasy franchise are all too familiar with guides of this type.
Veterans of Puzzle Bobble (sometimes known as Bust-A-Move) should feel right at home with Zuma.
In 1922, the Veterans of Foreign Wars started making and selling artificial poppies.
Today, besides veterans, many notables are buried at Arlington, including U.S. presidents, Supreme Court justices, U.S. senators, and civilians who were honored for their work and dedication to their country.
With 624 acres, it is the second largest national cemetery in the United States, with more than 300,000 military veterans and notable civilians buried there, some dating as far back as the Revolutionary War.
Substitute compilations have been attempted, including the use of the Supplemental Schedule for Union veterans and their widows.
In 1890 the census included The Special Schedule of Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Part of the Union veterans schedule, however, has also been destroyed.
The Veterans Administration has a program that provides a headstone for those who served in the military.
A grateful citizenry often honors its veterans by statues and memorials.
Pensions were granted to veterans who had served in the war.
Sometimes the government granted land grants to veterans instead of monetary pensions.
There are also national memorials, such as the Vietnam Wall, which is inscribed with all the names of those who perished during that war.Tombstones are another memorial for veterans.
The Veterans Administration (VA) furnishes a tombstone for veterans.
While citizens appreciate the service of their fellow countrymen during times of conflict, the descendents of the veterans hold this service sacred.
The National Archives veterans records is the mother lode of military documentation for genealogists.
Historically, the United States government has honored the service of its veterans by granting pensions to former service members and their widows.
For Civil War pensions, NARA has pension applications for Union veterans only.
The most popular of the National Archives veterans records is probably the military service records.
Beginners and veterans alike will benefit from the weekly mailings and the interactive forum.
Visitors who are new to the industry, as well as industry veterans, can browse the available jobs and post their resumes.
In addition to the job listings, USA Jobs includes specialized sections for job seekers with disabilities, veterans, senior executives and students.
For example, you can read on why you may want to work for the U.S. Government and find out what kinds of jobs are available for individuals with disabilities, veterans and students.
The Executive Branch offers jobs in the U.S. Marshals Service, Department of Justice, the Secret Service and Veterans Health.
The website for this program includes job listings and resources for recent hires adjusting to civilian life, plus links to the U.S. Veterans Administration website.
Veterans Administration loans are among the most popular and widely utilized benefits available to members of the United States military and veterans.
Military veterans with war and peacetime service experience are eligible to apply for VA loans, assuming their service discharge was honorable.
Additionally, surviving spouses of veterans who died during service or as a result of a service-related disability may be eligible.
Veterans and other potentially eligible individuals may request a certificate of eligibility by submitting Form 26-1880 along with proof of military service to the VA eligibility center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Assuming that sufficient data are available in the Veterans Administration's records regarding a particular individuals service history, this can be the fastest and most efficient means of establishing eligibility.
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can also be helpful to borrowers.
Lenders approved by FHA or those authorized Department of Veterans Affairs to originate loans qualify.
Separated families with children to support, the families of military personnel and veterans, and even elderly couples may apply for low income housing as long as they meet the HUD requirements.
You may also find repossessed Veterans Affairs homes for sale.
The only exception to this would be mortgage loans guaranteed by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Financial aid is available for some programs and in some instances Veterans educational benefits may be used to offset or cover the cost of the classes needed to qualify for licensing.
The Department of Veterans Affairs does not set these interest rates, even though these loans are guaranteed through the VA.
One of the most attractive benefits available to eligible veterans and active duty members is the mortgage guarantee program offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
If you have not yet done so, be sure to also visit the official website for the Department of Veterans Affairs to find out about the eligibility requirements and limits pertaining to VA loans.
Veterans may also qualify for special financing.
Some women's dressing rules are long-gone, but we continue to hear them repeated by fashion veterans and in vintage magazines.
The furniture will go to help veterans and their families.
Vietnam Veterans of America accepts donations of household goods.
However, there are charities that seek to remedy this problem, such as Veteran's Lodging, Inc or the New England Center for Homeless Veterans.
In addition to helping Veterans who are homeless, there are also other charities that provide support for American veterans in general.
The Purple Heart Cars service foundation provides a long list of services to veterans across the country including the following.
She lectured extensively on her war experiences in the hopes of encouraging people to support nursing, care for wounded veterans, and disaster relief.
When you make Purple Heart clothing donations, you are helping to fund services for veterans and their families through The Military Order of the Purple Heart.
The Military Order of the Purple Heart, commonly referred to as the Purple Heart Charity, serves all veterans and their families, not just those that received the Purple Heart.
Participating in, sponsoring and supporting rehabilitation programs for veterans with disabilities and handicaps including amputees, the blind and paraplegics.
Servicing veterans living in remote areas through outreach programs.
Funding for the veterans' services comes from donations made to the organization.
These items are not given directly to the veterans.
Purple Heart clothing donations are a wonderful way to recycle usable clothing while helping raise money for much needed services for veterans and their families.
Vietnam Veterans of America accepts donations of household goods, including furniture.
They include free towing and your donation will benefit wounded and disabled veterans.
The bogus commercials purporting to be in support of the various actresses nominated, which were classic political-style 'attack' ads a la the 'Swiftboat Veterans for Truth', were funny stuff.
In short, a TSP is a retirement savings program for individuals who are, or have been, employed by the U.S. government, or are veterans of the military.
Veterans Day freebies provide a way for companies to show their appreciation to the brave men and women who were willing to serve and sacrifice to protect their country.
In the United States, Veterans Day is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11.
In the 1970s, Veterans Day was briefly celebrated on the fourth Monday of October.
The types of Veterans Day freebies available will vary by year, but typically include free food, free entertainment, and discounts off various store purchases.
Everyone loves free food, so it's not surprisingly that restaurant freebies are a very popular Veterans Day offering.
The best way to find out about restaurant freebies relating to Veterans Day is to simply review the local newspaper or check out restaurant websites.
Veterans Day promotions tend to be heavily advertised in the weeks proceeding the holiday.
Depending upon corporate policies, some locations may be choosing to opt out of Veterans Day promotions.
It is also a good idea to allow extra time for your trip when taking advantage of Veterans Day offers.
Depending upon where you live, you may be able to enjoy a free family outing on Veterans Day.
Many zoos and museums across the United States offer free admission to veterans to recognize the importance of military service.
Although they're not technically traditional Veterans Day freebies, retail stores often provide special discounts for veterans that you can use to save money on any large purchases you were planning.
In 2003, facing a budgetary crisis, DOOL killed off several veterans including Alice Horton (Reid) and Maggie Horton (Rogers).
Eventually all nine veterans were rehired with new contracts and the fans were told it was a hoax.
What about the tipoff that many veterans would die in the 2003 Days of Our Lives serial murder storyline?
Shock and horror met the idea that actress Frances Reid would be let go and then the bigger scoop came when fans learned that all of the veterans would be returning.
I appreciate the veterans - if for no other reason than their ability not to be written off the show.
Sticking with the veterans, Jeanne Cooper (Katherine) is clearly the matriarch of Y&R.
Days of Our Lives veterans Drake Hogestyn (John Black) and Deidre Hall (Marlena Evans) were among the highest paid soap stars.
Some claimed that ABC reconsidered ditching some its long-time veterans in favor of younger performers, while others speculated that Barr had a change of heart.
Many veterans returned in the final months of filming to help tie off old plotlines and stories, a difficult task considering the longevity of the soap opera and the nature of the soap opera itself.
The actress resisted the pay cut that show runners were introducing for many veterans in an effort to curb costs.
The writers were forced to write her character out. 2009 was a difficult year for many of the show's veterans as contract disputes with Jess Walton and Eric Braeden resulted in near losses of other long-running characters.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, is located on the National Mall in Washington DC, not far from the Lincoln Memorial.
Initially, the Wall was controversial, with some veterans feeling the wall was too modern and lacked the elements of a traditional war monument.
The Wall was dedicated in November, 1982 and marked by a march to the site by thousands of Vietnam War veterans.
These agents are generally industry veterans and adept at making arrangements for 10 to 1000s travelers at one time.
The agency also offers specialized programs for women business owners, minorities, veterans, international trade and rural development.
Special efforts are made to service minority members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups, veterans, women and the disabled.
You can also honor members of the squad who are veterans with special pins placed on the letter. is a huge website that acts as a portal for federal employees, job seekers, retirees, veterans, HR professionals, and other individuals and agencies.
In the late 1940s, the United States government initiated a life insurance program that was specifically designed to guarantee veterans universal life insurance services and coverage.
Veterans of the First and Second World Wars, as well as the Korean War can also take advantage of the group life insurance benefits, which were not readily available at the time that they were in active service.
The Veterans Group Life Insurance program (VGLI) - created for retired members of the U.S. military forces.
Veterans universal life insurance offers cost-effective coverage that is available to all veterans and their families.
This health care plan is also available to spouses of disabled veterans and may cover dependents of servicemen and women.
Membership is open to armed forces veterans, active duty personnel, and other military affiliates along with their family members.
In fact, some contestants have appeared on six or seven seasons of this show, making them the definitive veterans of the group.
The new season premiered on April 8, 2009, and follows veterans from MTV's The Real World, Road Rules and the Fresh Meat challenge as they duke it out in Auckland, New Zealand.
It has been around for more than 60 years and employs about 250 professionals, most of them veterans from the shop's early days in Brooklyn.
Led by a green lieutenant, played by William Hope, the grunts themselves are veterans of a plethora of encounters with 'xenomorphs'.
Bale does an excellent job, though, much better than George Clooney, but with such seasoned veterans on screen with him, he had quite a lot of talent to stand up against.
These venerable veterans were joined by Qui-Gon Jinn (Obi Wan's instructor), Mace Windu, Padme Amidala, Jar Jar Binks and Senator Palpatine - the future Emperor.
Honor Guard units exist in active branches of the military and other public safety departments, as well as veterans' groups.
Some owners pass these down from generation to generation to honor veterans.
Many web designers like to use patriotic web page backgrounds for a variety of reasons, including websites for veterans, national holidays or just to show support for their own country.
In an unassuming metal building, some of the best steaks around are prepared and grilled to perfection by veterans for veterans and their customers.
He lost his father prematurely; and after the battle of Philippi and the return of Octavian to Rome, Propertius, like Virgil and Horace, was deprived of his, estate to provide land for the veterans, but, unlike them, he had no patrons at court, and he was reduced from opulence to comparative indigence.
It was occasioned by the discharge of the Macedonian veterans, and only the personal magnetism of Alexander and his threat to entrust himself altogether to the Orientals availed to quell it.
The triumviri settled some of their veterans here, whence it appears as Colonia Julia Felix Classica Suessa.
And this result he achieved with men of less than two years' service, men, too, more heavily equipped and worse mounted than the veterans of the Grande Armee.
Here he was attacked by a body of Spanish veterans under an experienced leader, Sancho d'Avila, and speedily routed.
The country was flooded with Jesuits and friars, whose arguments were reinforced by quartering troops, veterans of the Indian wars in Mexico, on the refractory inhabitants.
He landed in Africa with a small band of veterans, and Firmus, to avoid being taken prisoner, committed suicide.
In superintending the distribution of the Mantuan territory amongst the veterans, he used his influence to save from confiscation the property of the poet Virgil.
Piedmont was organized in six departments on the model of those of France, and a number of French veterans were settled by Napoleon in and near the fortress of Alessandria.
The French system of taxation was maintained because it brought in ampler revenues; but feudalism, the antiquated legislation and bureaucracy were revived, and all the officers and officials still living who had served the state before the Revolution, many of them now in their dotage, were restored to their posts; only nobles were eligible for the higher government appointments; all who had served under the French administration were dismissed pr reduced in rank, and in the army beardless scions of the aristocracy were placed over the, heads of war-worn veterans who had commanded regiments in Spain and Russia.
But on Sulla's advance at the head of his 40,000 veterans many of them lost heart and deserted their leaders, while the Italians themselves, whom he confirmed in their new privileges, were won over to his side.
Augustus is said to have conducted here a colony of veterans,' but the place never had any great importance, and the lagoons behind it made it unhealthy, though the construction of the Via Domitiana through it must have made it a posting station.
The more important expenditures are for public schools, state departments, educational and charitable institutions and pensions for Confederate veterans.
A movement begun by the Confederate Veterans Association in October 1889 resulted in the establishment in 1890 of a home for disabled veterans at Raleigh; this became a state institution in 1891.
The ancient town, Arelate, was an important place at the time of the invasion of Julius Caesar, who made it a settlement for his veterans.
Though Howe was now nearly seventy, and had been trained in the old school, he displayed an originality not usual with veterans, and not excelled by any of his successors in the war, not even by Nelson, since they had his example to follow and were served by more highly trained squadrons than his.
As he foresaw, the shrinkage of the great empire into the realm of old France caused infinite disgust, a feeling fed every day by stories of the tactless way in which the Bourbon princes treated veterans of the Grand Army.
When the war was over and these cessions had been made a great number of war veterans wished an opportunity to repair their broken fortunes in the West, and Congress, hopeful of receiving a large revenue from the sale of lands here, passed an ordinance on the 20th of May 1785 by which the present national system of land-surveys into townships 6 In.
The need of financial retrenchment led to his opposing the proposal that war veterans should receive a cash bonus.
Three miles south-east of the city is a (state) soldiers' home, for aged, infirm and disabled Confederate veterans.
He entered into an agreement with C. Marius, and in order to gain the favour of his soldiers proposed that each of his veterans should receive an allotment of Ioo jugera of land in Africa.
Marius, on his return to Rome after his victory over the Cimbri, finding himself isolated in the senate, entered into a compact with Saturninus and his ally C. Servilius Glaucia, and the three formed a kind of triumvirate, supported by the veterans of Marius and the needy rabble.
It was proposed that all the land north of the Padus (Po) lately in possession of the Cimbri, including that of the independent Celtic tribes which had been temporarily occupied by them, should be held available for distribution among the veterans of Marius.
The bills (leges Appuleiae) were finally passed by the aid of the Marian veterans.
Timur's army is said to have numbered 200,000, Bayezid's force to have amounted to about half that figure, mostly seasoned veterans.
Perhaps no battle better exemplifies the inherent strength of the emperor's strategy, and in none was his grasp of the battlefield more brilliantly displayed, for, as he fully recognized, " These Prussians have at last learnt something - they are no longer the wooden toys of Frederick the Great," and, on the other hand, the relative inferiority of his own men as compared with his veterans of Austerlitz called for far more individual effort than on any previous day.
Cirta (Constantine) and Bulla Regia (Hammam Darraj), its chief towns, received coloniae of soldiers and veterans, as well as Theveste (Tebessa) and Thamugas (Timgad).
The nucleus of the new army he found in the Czech mercenaries, seasoned veterans who readily transferred their services to the best payer.
This masterly winter-campaign first revealed Gdrgei's military genius, and the discipline of that terrible month of marching and counter-marching had hardened his recruits into veterans whom his country regarded with pride and his country's enemies with respect.
It probably acquired municipal rights in 90 B.C., but Augustus, owing to the fact that it did not support him, assigned a part of its territory to his veterans in 41 B.C., and henceforth it is once more called colonia.
It was never made a colonia, though veterans of the Praetorian guard and of the eighth (Augusta) and ninth legions were settled there by Vespasian, who belonged to a Reatine family and was born in the neighbourhood.
At an early age he accompanied his father, Colonel (afterwards Lieutenant-General) Edward Wolfe, one of Marlborough's veterans, to the Carthagena expedition, and in 1741 his ardent desire for a military career was gratified by his appointment to an ensigncy.
At the end of June 1657, at the head of 8000 seasoned veterans, he broke up from Bromberg in Prussia and reached the borders of Holstein on the 18th of July.
He loved to display his acquaintance with the career of distinguished veterans, and to talk with them of their battles and their wounds.
It is mentioned in the war of 41 B.C., and received a colony of veterans under the triumviri (Colonia coniuncta Julia Sutrina).
A statute of 1899, authorized by a constitutional amendment of 1897, instituted a system of pensions for Confederate veterans.
Of his 156 guns, 78 belonged to the British artillery; but of his 67,600 men only 29,800 were British or King's German Legion troops, whereas all Napoleon's were Frenchmen and veterans.
The veterans did the work magnificently with the bayonet, ousted the Prussians from the place, and drove them back 600 yards beyond it.
It has a Carnegie library, and is the seat of an Evangelical Lutheran theological seminary (1865), of Lutheran homes for the aged and orphan, of the Milwaukee county hospital for the insane, of the Milwaukee sanatorium for nervous diseases, and of the north-western branch of the national soldiers' home, which has grounds covering 385 acres and with main building and barracks affording quarters for over 2000 disabled veterans, and has a hospital, a theatre, and a library of 15,000 volumes.
Augustus divided its lands among his veterans, but did not plant a colony here.
During the war between Marius and Sulla it withstood the latter's troops for two years in 82-80 B.C. As a result of its resistance Sulla carried a law for the confiscation of the land of those inhabitants of Volaterrae who had had the privileges of Roman citizenship. This, however, does not seem to have been carried out until Caesar as dictator divided some of the territory of Volaterrae among his veterans.
The ruthless determination of the superior leaders had been answered splendidly by the devotion of the troops, but the men of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg were mostly dead or wounded, and the recruits attracted by bounties or compelled by the "draft," which had at last been enforced in the North, proved far inferior soldiers to the gallant veterans whom they replaced.
A few days after this battle (called Peach Tree Creek) took place the battle of Atlanta, which was fiercely contested by the veterans of both sides, and in which McPherson, one of the best generals in the Union army, was killed.
An army of 160,000 Turkish veterans led by Sultan Osman in person advanced from Adrianople towards the Polish frontier, but Chodkiewicz crossed the Dnieper in September 1621 and entrenched himself in the fortress of Khotin right in the path of the Ottoman advance.
Caesar, however, overrode all opposition, mustering Pompey's veterans pey to drive his colleague from the forum.
Pompey was satisfied by the ratification of his acts in Asia, and by the assignment of the Campanian state domains to his veterans, the capitalists (with whose interests Crassus was identified) had their bargain for the farming of the Asiatic revenues cancelled, Ptolemy Auletes received the confirmation of his title to the throne of Egypt (for a consideration amounting to i,50o,000), and a fresh act was passed for preventing extortion by provincial governors.
The colonists were in many cases veterans who had served under Caesar, in others members of the city proletariat.
The common soldiers were promoted for acts of daring, and the children of chiefs were regularly trained to war, and initiated by being sent into battle with veterans, with whose aid the youth took his first prisoner, but his future rise depended on how many captives he took unaided in fight with warlike enemies; by such feats he gained the dignity of wearing coloured blankets, tassels and lip-jewels, and reached such military titles as that of " guiding eagle."
With Lincoln's surrender of nearly all the continental soldiers in the south, a new force had to be supplied to meet the British veterans.
The latter founded a colony of veterans and built a new harbour, the projecting moles of which are still extant.
To fix their European soldiery upon the new soil was an obvious necessity for the Macedonian chiefs who had set up kingdoms among the barbarians, and the lots of the veterans (except in Egypt) were naturally attached to various urban centres.
It appears to have suffered at the hands of Rome in the Social War, and Sulla expelled some of the inhabitants from their lands to make room for his veterans, but some of the latter were soon driven out in their turn by the former occupiers.
Both the veterans, who soon wasted what they had acquired, and the dispossessed cultivators joined the partisans of Catiline, and Manlius, one of his supporters, made his headquarters at Faesulae.
Under an act approved on the 25th of March 1903 a state board of charities and corrections, - consisting of six members, not more than three being of the same political party, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, and holding office for twelve years, two retiring at the end of each quadrennium, - investigates, examines, and makes " reports upon the charitable, correctional and penal institutions of the state," excepting the Veterans' Home at Yountville, Napa county, and the Woman's Relief Corps Home at Evergreen, Santa Clara county.
By this time Mehemet Ali was the possessor of a powerful fleet and of an army of veterans disciplined and drilled by European officers.
Early advanced against it with 12,000 veterans, defeated General Lew Wallace with about 3500 men at Monocacy Bridge on the 6th, and on the 11th appeared before the fortifications, which were at the time defended by only a few thousand raw troops; the city was saved by the timely arrival of some of Grant's veterans.
He surrounded himself with a bodyguard of Caesar's veterans, and forced the senate to transfer to him the province of Cisalpine Gaul, which was then administered by Decimus Junius Brutus, one of the conspirators.
Antony proceeded to Greece, and thence to Asia Minor, to procure money for his veterans and complete the subjugation of the eastern provinces.
He proposed an agrarian law in favour of the people and Caesar's veterans, and took part in the operations at Mutina (43).
Later, observing the bitter feelings that had been evoked by the distribution of land among the veterans of Caesar, Antonius and Fulvia changed their attitude, and stood forward as the defenders of those who had suffered from its operation.
The Macedonian veterans were then disbanded, and the Persians taken into his army.
In order to protect his conquests Alexander had founded several cities in Bactria, Sogdiana and India, in which he settled his veterans.
A dethroned sultan of Morocco, named Mulai Ahmad (Mahommed XI.), offered to acknowledge Portuguese suzerainty if he were restored to the throne by Portuguese arms, and Sebastian eagerly accepted these terms. The flower of his army was in Asia and his treasury was empty; but he contrived to extort funds from the " New Christians," and collected a force of some 18,000 men, chiefly untrained lads, wornout veterans, and foreign free-lances.
Catiline now resolved upon open war; preparations were set on foot throughout Italy, especially in Etruria, where the standard of revolt was raised by the centurion C. Manlius (or Mallius), one of Sulla's veterans.
His campaign there is the finest proof of his genius as a general, although he was repeatedly defeated by the English under Wellington, for his soldiers were but raw conscripts, while those of Wellington were the veterans of many campaigns.
It has two Roman Catholic Churches and a Lutheran Church, a fine medieval inspired town-hall, two interesting old gates, remains of its former environing walls and cloister, several public monuments, including one to the veterans of the Napoleonic wars, and a museum.
The senate refused to ratify the arrangements he made in Asia or to provide money and lands for distribution amongst his veterans.
The board has also power of visitation and inspection over the Wisconsin Veterans' Home at Waupaca, founded in 1887 by the state department of the Grand Army of the Republic. In the state's treatment of the insane, chronic cases are separated and sent to the county asylums. The labour of convicts in the state prison is leased; until 1878 the state itself supervised manufacturing in the prison; then for twenty-five years the convicts were employed in making shoes for a Chicago firm; and since 1903 the state has received 65 cents a day for the labour of each convict, and at least 300 convicts are employed in the manufacture of socks and stockings, from which in1906-1908(two years) the income to the state was $156,890.
You may contact the Veterans Agency direct or our own Head Office or the merchant mariners for help in applying for the badge.
A tense battle between the RN and Veterans tho saw the RN team take the winners podium.
Tho some veterans thought that a little presumptuous, Jurek felt calm and confident.
Last November she became the first transsexual to march in the annual Remembrance Day parade at the Cenotaph when she accompanied fellow Falklands veterans.
I saw him give the cross to one of the veterans....