Veteran Sentence Examples
Aleixo de Menezes, a veteran who had served under Albuquerque.
Napoleon was at the head of a veteran army of Frenchmen, who worshipped their leader and were willing to die for France if necessity demanded.
Hardenburgh, a veteran of the war, and for some years was known as Hardenburgh's Corners.
It was left to the veteran explorer, Sturt, to achieve the arduous enterprise of penetrating from the Darling northward to the very centre of the continent.
During the following year his father, Colonel Richard Taylor, a veteran of the War of Independence, migrated to Kentucky, settling near Louisville, and thereafter played an important part in the wars and politics of his adopted state.
Colonel Denfert-Rochereau was, however, a scientific engineer of advanced ideas as well as a veteran soldier of the Crimea and Algeria, and he had been stationed at Belfort for six years.
The Swedish government was in the hands of an untried lad of sixteen; and the fine fleets of Denmark, and the veteran soldiers of Saxony, were on the same side as the myriads of Muscovy.
The regent, Margaret, duchess of Parma, was replaced by the duke of Alva, who entered the Netherlands at the head of a veteran army and at once began to crush all opposition with a merciless hand.
Then he conceived the idea of using the Cossacks, who were deeply attached to him, as a means of chastising the szlachta, and at the same time forcing a war with Turkey, which would make his military genius indispensable to the republic, and enable him if successful to carry out domestic reforms by force of arms. His chief confidant in this still mysterious affair was the veteran grand hetman of the crown, Stanislaw Koniecpolski, who understood the Cossacks better than any man then living, but differed from the king in preferring the conquest of the Crimea to an open war with Turkey.
This is a fighting game for veteran players of the series.
AdvertisementThe Sultan placed his troops under the veteran Mustapha, and his galleys under his youthful relative Piali, he hesitated to make either supreme and ordered them to await the arrival of Dragut with his Algerian allies, before deciding on their final plans.
Twiggs (1790-1862), a veteran of the Mexican War, surrendered the Department of Texas, without resistance, to the Confederate general, Ben McCulloch; for this General Twiggs was dismissed from the United States army, and in May he became a major-general in the Confederate service.
But the interest of such veteran reputations is eclipsed by the more modern school.
Abu Musa was appointed umpire on the part of Ali, and 'Amr-ibn-el-Ass, a veteran diplomatist, on the part of Moawiya.
The defeat of Sir Thomas Kyriel, one of Bedford's veteran captains, at Formigny in 1450, and the taking of Cherbourg, completed the conquest of the 1 Arthur, earl of Richmond, afterwards Arthur III., duke of Brittany.
AdvertisementThe veteran Biot whose acquaintance Pasteur had made, was incredulous.
Nevertheless, Vitellius, the occupant of the throne, had on his side the veteran legions of Gaul and Germany, Rome's best troops.
He is a seasoned veteran who shows a great tenacity for the game.
Prince Louis of Battenberg, a most patriotic and capable sailor, unjustly attacked because of his German origin, tendered his resignation as First Sea Lord, and Mr. Churchill put in his place the indefatigable veteran, Lord Fisher.
Octavian obtained the support of the senate and of Cicero; and the veteran troops of the dictator flocked to his standard.
AdvertisementCabins are inside cruises introduced the veteran regal empress.
Military facilities and Bureau of Veteran Affairs hospitals provide hospitalization, possibly over-flowing into civilian hospitals.
The heart of veteran vendor may qualify for the.
At this time the Colombian auxiliary army was cantoned in Peru, and the third division, stationed at Lima, consisting of veteran troops under Lara and Sands, became distrustful of Bolivar's designs on the freedom of the republic. Accordingly, in about six weeks after the adoption of Bolivar's new constitution, a counter-revolution in the government of Peru was effected by this body of dissatisfied veterans, and the Peruvians, availing themselves of the opportunity, abjured the Bolivian code, deposed the council appointed by the liberator, and proceeded to organize a provisional government for themselves.
For example, a combat veteran may choose to stay home on veteran 's day and avoid parades, veterans, and other reminders.
AdvertisementHe continued to be an inspirational captain and was described as being a " wily veteran " by the Thanet Times during the campaign.
Baby shower hostesses would be wise to accept the help of any veteran cake decorator who is willing to do the shower cake and should not try to decorate a cake for the shower without any previous decorating experience.
Whether you are a veteran breastfeeding mom or you are a first-timer, nursing bras are an essential part of your wardrobe.
Veteran shoppers know that taking a break to munch a quick snack is the best way to keep their energy levels high.
Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned veteran, there's a place for you here at LoveToKnow Interior Design.
Stacey Griffith is a 20-year fitness veteran who trains Brooke at SoulCycle, a premier NYC indoor cycling studio.
Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just learning how to become a freelance photographer, keeping abreast of current technology and trends is important.
While you can create a scrapbook with a few basic supplies, most veteran scrapbookers tend to accumulate lots of small tools, paper scraps, stickers, and other items.
Even if you aren't an immediate family member, you may receive faster service if the National Archives knows of your relationship to the veteran.
You can also take advantage of holidays such as President's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Veteran's Day to teach kids about history.
Roxy struggled with expectations and obligations as a new army wife and made friends with Claudia Joy, a veteran of the army wives who is married to a Colonel.
Mel Gibson visited Jay Leno (as one of his last guests before he signed off for good) to have a friendly chat with the veteran talk show host, when Gibson confirmed that his girlfriend, singer Oksana Grigorieva, is pregnant.
Hotel guests reportedly told police that the veteran actor was in good spirits and he did not behave at all like a man who was thinking about taking his own life.
In January of 2008, the veteran actor was diagnosed with an advanced form of pancreatic cancer.
This Kevin Bacon Biography includes a history of the veteran actor's career.
Over his long career, veteran actor Dennis Hopper has appeared in iconic films such as Rebel Without a Cause, Giant and Cool Hand Luke.
If you are a military veteran you may be eligible for educational assistance programs.
Tim Thompson, a veteran session player and live jazz musician, was awarded second place in the 2008 Fingerstyle Championship and has been featured in magazines like Mel Bay's Guitar Sessions, Wood and Steel, and Just Jazz Guitar.
Veteran - This Canadian variety was developed in 1919 to produce well where there is cold, wet springs.
As an inventor, entrepreneur and business veteran, she has been designing and developing products for over twenty-five years.
Whether you're a new squash player or an old veteran, using the right eye protection in squash can not only protect you from small injuries, but it could very well even save your vision.
When the McNamara family designed the park, they kept many of the veteran trees on the property and added more to create long boulevards of tree-shrouded lanes and more.
If you are a teacher, a veteran, military personnel, AAA member, or Florida resident you should check the official website for additional discount programs.
This is a good game to familiarize yourself with the Armored Core series, but it may not have enough challenge for veteran players since it is strictly arena based and there are no missions to complete.
Just go to Veteran and register any previous Battlefield games.
You pick a rookie offensive star and a veteran defensive star that will be the main characters in your story.
If the fights in this game are not challenging enough for you (to those awesome veteran players), plug into Xbox Live and start playing other people from around the globe.
Whether you are a veteran of the Dragonball series or a newcomer, you should readily enjoy this game.
If you're a veteran of the series (such as myself), you'll notice the game doesn't have the same classic 'feel' as previous titles.
In Metal Gear Solid 4, our erstwhile special-ops hero, Solid Snake, is now a grizzled veteran facing legions of bipedal robots - and doubtlessly, he also is up against a cadre of superpowered bad guys and the usual save-the-world situation.
Namco hasn't changed the button layout since the PSone version so any veteran player can pick this game up and start fighting.
Veteran Splinter Cell gamers know that sound is a critcial indication of someone's presence.
The final piece of Video Games Go Boom focuses on the video games veteran Nintendo.
In recent years, Nintendo has come under heavy attack from veteran gamers for being "too kiddy", "not serious about video games", or "ignorant of their customers' desires".
With the market saturated in sequels, stamped-out clones and other filler titles, even veteran gamers are starting to scratch their heads and wonder what else is out there.
Developers such as the industry veteran Nintendo, realizes that the market must open its arms to a wider audience in order to survive.
The sign of a veteran backpacker is a pack that weighs less than 30 pounds, yet contains all of the essentials.
From children just discovering their potential for creative expression, to the veteran Broadway performer, everyone has learned, or is continuing to learn jazz dance routines.
She then won the following year as well, performing with the perfect match of football veteran Emmitt Smith.
If you're new to the exciting world of line dancing, you might be a little intimidated by seeing the seasoned pros and veteran fans mixing it up on the dance floor.
Illinois, for example has marriages, deaths and Illinois veteran information.
Men were asked if they were either a Union or Confederate veteran of the Civil War.
Each of these rewards involved an application that was completed by the veteran or widow.
These applications offer interesting details on the service history of the veteran, usually including commanding officer and dates of service.
The Department of Veteran Affairs maintains a listing of veteran burials, including those who are buried in a veteran's cemetery and those who received a government headstone.
It was the government's way of showing its appreciation to the veteran.
The applications were completed by the veteran or his widow, which makes the information a primary, first-hand source.
The information contained in the application usually includes the unit and commanding officer for the veteran, his dates of service and his rank.
These records can show you the exact parcel of land granted to a veteran.
These tombstones include the name, rank and war in which the veteran fought.
Lineage societies require each member submit documentation on a ancestor veteran's service.
This documentation is available to researchers who may be able to establish a link to the same ancestor veteran.
Confederate pensions were granted by the Southern state where the veteran lived when he applied for the pension.
Those requesting records must complete a Form SF-180 unless the requester is the veteran or next-of-kin.
When requesting service records by letter for a veteran whose records may have been destroyed, you should include additional information.
If you are a veteran of one of the branches of the armed service or if you are next-of-kin to a deceased veteran, you can now order copies of a personnel file online using the eVetRecs system.
If you are not a living veteran or an immediate family member of a deceased veteran, you can still request a limited personnel file.
If you are a relative of a deceased veteran, be sure to mention this fact on your request form.
The letter must include the complete name of the veteran, the veteran's service number or social security number, the branch of the military, and the dates of service.
The National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) is the official repository for several types of historical veteran information.
Confederate pension applications are maintained by the state where the veteran applied for a pension.
A veteran could apply for a bounty and if approved, would receive a land warrant.
The veteran could use the warrant to apply for a land patent, giving him ownership of a parcel of land.
Land warrants could also be sold or transferred by the veteran to other persons.
Veteran service records after 1912 may be requested through the NPRC.
These records are restricted to the veteran or next of kin.
Veteran records provide a special insight into the lives of our ancestors.
In 1999 my article, "His Burden is Light," was published in Bill and Diana Waring's 50 Veteran Homeshoolers Share.
If you sit among a group of veteran homeschool moms you will often hear that they switched this or that, only to go back to their original choice.
Whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned veteran, there are tips and tricks to getting the supplies you need without spending a small fortune for your classroom.
The United States Department of Veteran's Affairs offers foreclosed homes for sale in a bidding process as well.
However, veteran newsperson Linda Ellerbee has been in talks with Nickelodeon about producing a possible special about teenage love, sex, and parental values.
Leah Remini of King of Queens fame is a veteran actor whose beauty has never gone unnoticed, and that includes when the star is sporting a bikini.
If you serve in the U.S. military or are a veteran, Apple's got your back.
Whether you are new to motorcycling or a veteran rider looking for a new style, you may find a fit in this great brand.
When Suzanne Rogers was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis (a rare muscle disorder) in 1984, she asked for her character (a core veteran of the Horton family) to be diagnosed with the same disease.
Many veteran actors and characters returned for a special tribute to honor the actress and her beloved character.
During the February sweeps of 2007, the character's father Alan Quartermaine (played by Stuart Damon a veteran of more than 20 years) was killed off.
You may be more familiar with another Aniston (Jennifer), but long before her career took off, her father John was a long time soap opera veteran.
He is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and is also fluent in Greek.
Anna Lee - Veteran actress Anna Lee appeared in many classic films of the 40s, 50s and 60s including a role as Sister Margareta in The Sound of Music.
Alf Stewart played by Home and Away veteran Ray Meagher is the patriarch of the Stewart family.
When the show brought in veteran actress Betty White to play Emmy winner Susan Flannery's mother, the fan boards lit up with countless speculation, praise and attention.
Dr. Jim Hansen (played by veteran Mike Farrell) is Sydney's grieving father.
Tony Geary--The soap veteran has been playing Luke Spencer on General Hospital on-and-off since 1978.
Rebecca Budig returned to All My Children in December 2009 following the veteran soap opera's relocation to California from New York.
Producers of General Hospital have used misdirection by sending out false spoilers, particularly when needing to recast a popular character (Carly Corinthos) or bringing back a popular veteran (Rick Springfield, Finola Hughes, Emma Samms).
When veteran Frances Reid wasn't seen for months, fans posted across the Internet looking for any updates on their beloved Alice Horton.
Fans still reel from the near loss of the veteran years ago when many characters were 'murdered' and sent to a fake island.
In May of 2009, AMC soap spoilers lit up various fan websites and news sites with the worry that All My Children would be killing off the iconic Erica Kane played by daytime and AMC veteran Susan Lucci.
Fans were desperately worried about these three veteran characters and actors.
Too often in the past, veteran actors on AMC faced reduced air time to make room for younger, cheaper newcomers; a situation that is bitterly resented by most soap opera fans.
As with many All My Children soap spoilers, the rumored death of a veteran did occur but with a twist.
The death of Stuart is indeed the death of a legacy character, but AMC will not lose any of its veteran actors.
Veteran actress Melody Thomas Scott actually left the show for a time during contract negotiations over a reduction in salary in 2009.
In 2009, Hastings' veteran character Dr. Bob Hughes began experiencing symptoms related to Alzheimer's, leading fans to wonder whether Wagner who turned 90 in 2008 would be featured more prominently in the storylines.
On ABC veteran soaps began to droop in the ratings, but remain very popular with the fans.
Melody Thomas Scott leaving The Young and the Restless may seem beyond belief, but in 2009 the unbelievable occurred when the 30 year veteran left the daytime drama.
Tight economic times and declining viewership seriously impacted soap operas in 2009 with the cancellation of Y&R's sister CBS soap opera Guiding Light, pay cuts, reduced airtime and veteran soap actors leaving long-term roles.
For example, when Young and the Restless veteran actress Melody Thomas Scott left the daytime serial in 2009, many fans wanted a copy of her last show for posperity.
The cast is lead by veteran daytime actors Ray MacDonnell and Susan Lucci, both original members of the cast when the soap opera debuted in 1970.
While the terms were not made public, the new contract will keep the 30-year veteran in Genoa City for at least three more years.
He is a veteran in the entertainment industry having landed roles in film, television and theatre.
She is also a soap opera veteran, having played on Brookside and Coronation Street, as well as on her continual role of Pearl Ladderbanks on Emmerdale.
In the weeks leading up to Braeden's exit, fans remained up in arms about the veteran's loss.
The daughter of veteran actor John Clarke (Mickey Horton), Melinda spent three years from 1987 to 1990 as Faith Taylor.
Veteran actresses Kim Delaney (All My Children, NYPD) and Catherine Bell (JAG) lead the cast, as the show focuses on their characters Claudia Joy Holden and Denise Sherwood respectively.
A long-running veteran of soap operas, Chappell described her surge in popularity with the Otalia storyline as a reflection of the storyline's quest for universal love and acceptance.
Whether you've just gotten your first tattoo or you're a body ink veteran, the following tips will help you maintain your tat for many years to come.
For more involved modifications, the healing process may differ from what you are used to, even if you are a seasoned piercing veteran.
Any honorably discharged veteran is eligible for internment in Arlington, most frequently in the columbarium.
It consists of three parts, the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall, the Three Soldiers statue, and the Vietnam Women's Memorial.
The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial was first conceived in 1978, three years after the Vietnam conflict ended, and was created using over $8.4 million in private donations.
The Rivoli line is the result of a veteran watchmaker partnering up with a mad scientist.
The cotton/polyester blends that Avanti yoga pants are made from are the ideal weight and stretch to satisfy the beginning yogi as well as the seasoned veteran.
If you want the security of a veteran program with simple accounting features Intuit's QuickBooks is a likely choice, but not your only choice.
Some rebates, such as college student or veteran rebates that are included in the sales price of the new car may not be applicable to you.
It's also important to note that veteran team members are not guaranteed a position for the following year.
But there are certain tips and tricks that veteran dieters know.
From Weight Watchers to self-help groups, most veteran dieters recommend keeping a diary or journal of what you ate, how much you ate, when and where you ate.
Now, what is effective for a beginner is probably not quite enough for a veteran lifter, while the efficient weightlifting technique for the veteran almost certainly isn't safe for the beginner.
Danny Elfman, a veteran soundtrack and score composer who has worked on such classics as Batman, Spider Man, Men In Black I & II, and many, many more was enlisted to spruce up the old theme from the original films.
If you're a veteran party thrower, you may be looking for some new ways to spice up your house for this year's Halloween celebration.
The veteran players who thrive in these situations can appear quite intimidating, making more passive contestants quit or simply not return for another season.
Jay Westgard - Westgard is one the youngest drivers on the ice roads, but he has the respect of the veteran drivers.
Eric Dufresne - A 26 year veteran of ice road driving, Dufresne handles most of the dangerous and heavy loads.
Each episode of the show features one girl who is relatively new to the pageant world and one who is a pageant veteran.
Since her time on Survivor, the Oregon based Air Force veteran has returned to TV only once; a one-off special on the TLC network featuring Survivor contestants covered the birth of Towery's daughter.
Picard is created by Patrick Stewart, a veteran of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
An instant success, it included a cast of new and veteran actors that would help to realize George Lucas's vision of a "galaxy far, far away."
War veteran and friend to Bill Adama, Saul Tigh serves as Galactica's executive officer.
It started under the direction of publishing veteran, Horace Gold, as editor in October of 1950.
Patriotic graphics for MySpace can be used to decorate your page for Veteran's Day, Flag Day, Election Day or Fourth of July.
Whether you are simply a fan, a veteran, active duty or a family member, there are many ways to show your support.
Also, the council shoulder emblem, unit numeral, and veteran unit bar should be worn on the left sleeve of the uniform.
All of that being said, part of the joy of design is changing your website to match the themes that you like - for example, the 4th of July or Veteran's Day.
The right to leave the pale is indeed granted to merchants of the first gild, to those possessed of certain educational diplomas, to veteran soldiers and to certain classes of skilled artisans.
Unhappily the exertion of directing so many consecutive performances seems to have been too much for the veteran master's strength, for towards the close of 1882 his health began to decline rapidly.
He was lodged in `the Louvre, received the grant of an income equal to that he had hitherto enjoyed, and, with the title of "veteran pensioner" in lieu of that of "foreign associate" (conferred in 1772), the right of voting at the deliberations of the Academy.
The fall of Sana made a deep impression t Constantinople, every effort was made to hasten out reinforcements, the veteran Ahmad Feizi Pasha was nominated to the supreme command, and Anatolian troops in place of the unreliable Syrian element were detailed.
It was an imposing array of veteran troops, and when their emperor rode along the lines they received him with extraordinary enthusiasm.
The first holder of the office, General Zajonczek (1752-1826), was a veteran who had served Napoleon.
Much against his own judgment, Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, the Federal general-in-chief, a veteran of the second war with England and of the war with Mexico, felt constrained to order an advance against Beauregard, while Patterson was to hold Johnston in check on the Shenandoah.
Enghien brought with him a veteran army, called the "Army of France," Turenne remaining in command of the Army of Weimar.
With the conclusion of the peace of Munster and the death of the veteran stadholder the struggle for predominance in the Union between the Orangefederalist and the Hollander States-rights parties was certain to be renewed.
The only group which stood outside it, in avowed hostility to the whole principle on which the constitution was based, was that of the Social Democrats, the only great party in Germany which, so the veteran.
During the reign of Philadelphus the land gained from the bed of the lake of Moeris was assigned to veteran soldiers; the great armies of the Ptolemies were rewarded or supported by grants of farm lands, and men of Macedonian, Greek and Hellenistic extraction were planted in colonies and garrisons or settled themselves in the villages throughout the country.
Added to this there was still in the background the veteran statesman to whom Liberalism owed an unequalled obligation.
Douglas was succeeded in his earldom by his grandfather, Sir James the Gross, an unwieldy veteran.
At Perth Charles was joined by a skilled soldier, Lord George Murray, brother of the Whig duke of Atholl, a pardoned veteran who had been out in 1715 and 1719.
And to qualify for registration after 1904 one must have paid all state poll taxes assessed against him for the three years immediately preceding his application, unless he is a veteran of the Civil War; and unless physically unable he must "make application in his own handwriting, without aid, suggestion or memorandum, in the presence of the registration officers, stating therein his name, age, date and place of birth, residence and occupation at the time and for two years next preceding, whether he has previously voted, and, if so, the state, county and precinct in which he voted last"; and must answer questions relating to his qualifications.
After two successful voyages, Eudoxus left the Egyptian service, and proceeded to Cadiz with the object of fitting out an expedition for the purpose of African discovery; and we learn from Strabo, who utilized the results of his observations, that the veteran explorer made at least two voyages southward along the coast of Africa.
In 450 Theodosius II., the incapable emperor of the East, died, and his throne was occupied by a veteran soldier named Marcian, who answered the insulting message of Attila in a manlier tone than his predecessor.
Sir Colin Campbell, a veteran soldier whose laurels had been won in many battles from the Peninsula to the Crimea, was despatched from England to take command =of the army in India.
He looks too old for his years, but quite unbroken; the character of a veteran sage has fully imprinted itself on his countenance; the features are grand, clear and deeply lined, the mouth firmly set and almost stern, the eyes strong and intent beneath their bushy eyebrows, the hair flows untrimmed over his shoulders and commingles with a majestic beard.
C. Bratianu, in 1891, his brother Dimitrie was proclaimed chief of the united Liberal party, but he also died in June 1892, and the veteran statesman Dimitrie Sturdza was recognized as the head of the Liberals.
On the same evening that Sturdza tendered his resignation to the king (April 1899) the veteran Conservative statesman Lascar Catargiu suddenly died.
So strongly did Lord Roberts feel on the subject, that he at once made Colonel Brabant, a well-known and respected colonial veteran and member of the House of Assembly, a brigadier-general, and started recruiting loyal colonists in earnest.
The marquis Lafayette, doubly popular as a veteran of the American War and as one of the nobles who heartily upheld the cause of the Assembly, was chosen commandant of the new civic force, thenceforwards known as the National Guard.
The war in La Vendee turned against tion- the insurgents from the time when the veteran garrison my War.
The misgovernment and lack of high statesmanship of the earl of Leicester had caused faction to be rampant in the United Provinces; and on his return to England he left the country without organized forces or experienced generals to oppose an advance of a veteran army under the greatest commander of his time.
It was the first city outside of Italy which obtained such a municipal charter, without the usual implantation of Roman citizens (either poor men needing land or discharged veteran soldiers) from Italy.
The attempt was unsuccessful, and on the 6th of March 1901 a Liberal government, under the veteran Sagasta, was once more in office.
Silvelas Conservative cabinet was succeeded in March 1901 by a Liberal government under the veteran Sagasta, who remained in officesave for two short interludesuntil the 3rd of December 1902.
General William Hull (1753-1825), a veteran of the War of American Independence, governor of Michigan territory in 1805-1812, as commander of the north-western army in 1812 occupied the city.
As brilliantly portrayed by veteran actor George Cole, the man was, of course, Arthur Daley.
Voyager will surpass line's norway had o's Arcadia became veteran regal empress.
Such tactics were familiar to these veteran soldiers, but were embarrassing to an enemy armed with small bucklers and unwieldy weapons.
The exception is on Bleaker Island on the ' Veteran's Tour ' where we stay in self-catering bungalows.
The committee agreed to provide free entry to our next year's race to all veteran series winners in each age category.
Veteran striker Paul Ritchie has moved to Second Division promotion chasers Partick Thistle from Brechin City.
The word ' veteran ' often conjures up an image of the generation who served s.. .
Denzel Washington plays Alonzo, a corrupt veteran cop and partner of the rookie.
Veteran jazz drummer Steve Reid will steal the show on November 18.
Veteran Tommy Reid is also making his seasonal debut, but only qualified eighth.
Veteran bluegrass fiddle player Rickie Simpkins comes to group with a resume that includes the Virginia Squires, and the Tony Rice Unit.
Southampton have signed veteran goalkeeper Kevin Miller on a free.
Many an armchair veteran hailed as a hero felt distinctly less heroic amid the din and stress of action.
Dusty's Story Edward ' Dusty ' Miller is a World War 2 veteran and former internee of a Japanese prisoner of war camp.
Another veteran television journalist, Stephen Claypole, recalls how broadcasters have attempted to assert their freedom in militarily delicate situations.
Veteran Hollywood screenwriter Robin Swicord does a superb job of adapting Arthur Golden's bestselling novel to the big screen.
Veteran actress Rekha who plays her paramour's first wife easily outclasses her in a graceful yet forceful performance.
Listening to Test Match Special recently, I felt a sudden pang of sympathy for TMS's veteran producer Peter Baxter.
Keeping a tight rein on proceedings will be veteran MP the Rt.
First up was a surprise party in Horncastle for veteran punk rocker Nigel, who had no idea what lay in store for him.
The two combined to win womens veteran C double sculls against Monmouth also by an easy verdict.
A veteran commentator recently visited southern Africa, where he met families struck by the virus.
Yet the veteran striker will not be abusing that position when the two men meet today to discuss the next Swansea team.
The veteran actor makes his man of the cloth both admirable and ambiguous - the heart and soul of an unusually thoughtful film.
Many veteran cars use a tiller rather than a wheel for steering, for example, and most operated at a single speed.
But what makes Candy so good in the film is that he stands toe-to-toe with veteran actress O'Hara and doesn't flinch.
All our qualified, veteran translators that work solely into their native languages.
Fiona Crossley traveled up from Yorkshire to take third place & 1st female veteran despite a nasty tumble on the hill.
John also won the pole vault B in which veteran Dave Orchard was second in the A string event.
The 20-year veteran of the technology business is managing director of Wolfson, which supplies silicon chips used in DVD players and digital cameras.
These veteran rockers are also becoming veteran rockers are also becoming veterans at this event.
He survives, like a war veteran, by ' keeping his anger ' .
For example, a combat veteran may choose to stay home on veteran's day and avoid parades, veterans, and other reminders.
However, she was compensated by a prize as 2nd lady veteran over 40.
Chris Hockey Chris is an industry veteran having been involved in the industry for more than 15 years.
Ollie Bridges, another panto veteran, played her son James the Jessie - every inch the country yokel.
Belisarius remained at Constantinople in tranquil retirement until 559, when an incursion of Bulgarian savages spread a panic through the metropolis, and men's eyes were once more turned towards the neglected veteran, who placed himself at the head of a mixed multitude of peasants and soldiers, and repelled the barbarians with his wonted courage and adroitness.
In 1603 they destroyed in a pitched battle a veteran force of Spaniards under Saavedra.
The increased interest which has been shown in the history of all creed-forms since the latter part of the r9th century is due in a great measure to the work of the veteran pioneer, Professor P. Caspari of Christiania, who began the herculean task of classifying the enormous number of creed-forms which have been recovered from obscure pages of early Christian literature.
The veteran expert advised the populating and fortifying of the islands of the Dnieper.
That veteran showed the German visitor the most generous courtesy, and Darer still speaks of him as the best in painting ("der pest im gemell") in spite of his advanced years.
For the benefit of veteran and invalid public school teachers there is a " retirement fund," which owes its origin to voluntary contributions by teachers in active service.
Their rival factions hated each other, but both, especially the faction of Michelangelo, turned bitterly against the veteran newcomer.
That said, the suggestions of the twenty-five-year sales veteran wouldn't stand a chance against Amazon.
Veteran sprint racer Jackson, one of Green Belt MC 's vice-presidents, only missed out on winning his class by 0.3sec.
Irish music industry veteran Dave O'Grady is sanguine about the impact of the internet in making a viable future for artists and independent labels.
Seconds early Neil Tolson had struck a post after veteran Steve Cherry had failed to clear, whilst Gaynor has a screamer inches wide.
But what makes Candy so good in the film is that he stands toe-to-toe with veteran actress O'Hara and does n't flinch.
Performer, songwriter Jim Peterik is a 35-year veteran in the business and author of dozens of top-40 hits....
The veteran Welshman knows Grand Central well, having played in every Tournament of Champions held there.
Veteran midfielder Jo Broadhurst, playing probably her final game for the Addicks, scored what proved to be the decisive goal.
His horse survived but another horse, the veteran campaigner Black Jack, was not so lucky.
The veteran striker and team captain will lead from the front and do so with a customary smile on his face.
These veteran rockers are also becoming veterans at this event.
Stephen Hughes, Marcus Hall and veteran defender Richard Shaw are all doubtful with injuries.
Eldrick Woods was born in Cypress, California, to Earl, a Vietnam veteran, and Kutilda Woods.
Damon had appeared in eleven other films before winning his first Oscar, but it was his role as a heroin addict veteran in 1996's Courage Under Fire that won him the respect and admiration of many powerhouse actors.
At age 11, she played the character Ruthie in Tim Burton's 2003 film Big Fish, alongside veteran actors Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Billy Crudup, Robert Guilliaume and Jessica Lange.
Graziano, a Marine and Iraq war veteran is not expected to recover from his injuries and reportedly will need life long medical care.
In March of 2008, doctors handed down the veteran actor a grim diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of the disease.
That said, if you're already a veteran of the import hit Osu!
The first piece of advice you'll get from any veteran In The Groove dancer is to practice.
If you know a veteran, there is a good chance that they kept a P38 as a souvenir.
Veteran players know how to play against that.
In a country where our core values of freedom and liberty are protected by the sacrifices of these men and women, the fact that a single veteran would be homeless is a travesty.
However, there are charities that seek to remedy this problem, such as Veteran's Lodging, Inc or the New England Center for Homeless Veterans.
Veteran's charities work to alleviate the emotional and financial strain caused by war injuries, cope with the loss of a loved one or support service members while abroad.
Whether you are new to online dating or a veteran user of many dating web sites, consider purchasing a book or visiting your library to improve your chances of finding love online.
He has two other directing jobs upcoming, so it will be interesting to see how he can pull off this sequel with two veteran Underworld actors and one excellent TV actress.
While often more graphic than in the US, a veteran of horror movies will likely be able to see how the posters tie into the American sentiment on the films.
At the time the story was released on the national news, many veteran investigators were already screaming hoax, simply because of the fact that Tom Biscardi was involved.
The students were led by World War II veteran pilot and flight instructor, Commander Lt. Charles Taylor who had recently been assigned to Fort Lauderdale after serving six months at the Key West base in Florida.
For more deals on discount furniture, try yard sales, or charitable organizations such as Goodwill, the Disabled Veteran's Store, and the Salvation Army.
Veteran actors are often phased out for the younger, cheaper actors in many areas.
Whether you're a veteran gym goer, or you're just getting started with a fitness DVD at home, you've probably figured out that you're more likely to stick with a routine that not only shows results, but that's fun to do as well.
Making a list of aerobic exercises can be helpful to the newcomer to fitness, as well as the seasoned veteran.
Whether you are just starting a fitness regimen or are a gym veteran, treadmills offer a comfortable base for a cardio routine.
French Armistice Day, like Veteran's Day in America, falls on November 11th each year.
While there are a number of organizations that also offer life insurance to service members, there is a key difference between the commercial insurance coverage and the coverage offered by the Department of Veteran's Affairs.
The overall look and feel of the collection is actually rather sweet; not what you may expect from someone who is a veteran of men's magazines.
This book makes a handy tool for every song writer, whether you're a veteran or novice, as the resources it lists can open doors into the world of song writing.
The superior quality of the veteran British crews was more than enough to counterbalance a mere superiority in numbers.
The crisis consequent upon -the disaster of Adowa (1st March 1896) enabled Rudini to return to power as premier and minister of the interior in a cabinet formed by the veteran Conservative, General Ricotti.
Affiliated to the territorial force are officers' training corps, cadets, "veteran reserves," and some of the other organizations mentioned below, the Haldane scheme having as its express object the utilization of every sort of contribution to national defence, whether combatant or non-combatant, on a voluntary basis.
Murray Sayle is a veteran foreign correspondent who has been living in Japan.
The veteran spotted Acton off his line but his attempted lob was high, wide and not very handsome.
Voodoo Extreme Veteran site that's a little too manic for my liking.
Her career highlights also include interviewing champion boxer Amir Khan and veteran newsreader Trevor McDonald.
Hugh Rowland - A veteran driver who owns a trucking company that employed several of the other drivers on the show.
In 1866 he was appointed colonel of the 42nd infantry (Veteran Reserve Corps), and in 1869 he was retired with the rank of major-general.
These committees comprise not only real experts, such as retired veteran missionaries, and retired civil and military officers who have been active friends of missions while on foreign service, but also leading clergymen and laymen who, though not personally acquainted with the mission fields, become almost equal experts by continuous attendance and careful study.
The first campaign, however, which he conducted in person was a dismal failure; the Turks followed the Austrian army, disorganized by disease, across the Danube, and though the transference of the command to the veteran marshal Loudon somewhat retrieved the initial disasters, his successes were more than counterbalanced by the alliance, concluded on the 3 1st of January 1790, between Prussia and Turkey.
To be entitled to vote one must be a male citizen of the United States and twenty-one years of age; have been a resident of the state for two years, of the county, city, or town for one year, and of the election precinct for thirty days next preceding the election; have paid, at least six months before the election, all state poll taxes assessed against him for three years next preceding the election, unless he is a veteran of the Civil War; and have registered after the adoption of the constitution (1902).
Trace and Joy Allen Trace Allen is 62 years old and a veteran GB triathlete.
After two successful voyages, Eudoxus, impressed with the idea that Africa was surrounded by ocean on the south, left the Egyptian service, and proceeded to Cadiz and other Mediterranean centres of trade seeking a patron who would finance an expedition for the purpose of African discovery; and we learn from Strabo that the veteran explorer made at least two voyages southward along the coast of Africa.
But Philip's preparations were now complete, and Alva set out from Italy at the head of a force of some io,000 veteran troops, Spaniards and Italians, afterwards increased by a body of Germans, with which, after marching through Burgundy, Lorraine and Luxemburg, he reached the Netherlands (August 8), and made his entry into Brussels a fortnight later.
A petition was presented to him begging him to be a candidate for the presidency, and with some reluctance the veteran leader gave his consent.
A similar instance of the recognition of rising genius by a poet whose own day was past is found in the account given of the visit of Accius to the veteran Pacuvius.
But Philip had now become thoroughly alarmed, and he despatched Alexander Farnese, son of the duchess of Parma, to join his uncle Don John with a veteran force of 20,000 troops.
He followed up his success by entering Dauphine, where he took possession of Embrun and Gap. After another campaign, which was uneventful, the further prosecution of the war was abandoned owing to the defection of the duke of Savoy from the coalition, and Prince Eugene returned to Vienna, where he soon afterwards received the command of the army in Hungary, on the recommendation of the veteran count Riidiger von Starhemberg, the defender of Vienna in 1683.
From the moment when she took her seat at the head of the council board she impressed her veteran counsellors with the conviction of her superior genius.
In 1704 he lost his sight and was constituted a "veteran," a dignity which preserved to him the privileges, while it exempted him from the duties, of an academician.