Vesicle Sentence Examples
M, The water - pore, leading by the stone - canal stc to the waterring, from which hangs a Polian vesicle pb.
The statocysts present in general the structure of either a knob or a closed vesicle, composed of (I) indifferent supporting epithelium; (2) sensory, so-called auditory epithelium of slender cells, each.
Bergh (for Lumbricus and Criodrilus), whose figures show a derivation of the entire nephridium from mesoblast, and an absence of any connexion between successive nephridia by any continuous band, epiblastic or mesoblastic. A midway position is taken up by Wilson, who asserts the mesoblastic formation of the funnel, but also asserts the presence of a continuous band of epiblast from which certainly the terminal vesicle of the nephridium, and doubtfully the glandular part of the tube is derived.
Each testis communicates by means of an efferent duct with a common collecting duct of its side of the body, which opens on to the exterior by means of a protrusible penis, and to which is sometimes appended a seminal vesicle.
In the New Britain species the egg is still smaller (I mm.), and there is a large trophic vesicle.
Biochem Soc Trans (In Press) Smillie KJ, Cousin MA (2005) Role of dynamin I phosphorylation in synaptic vesicle endocytosis.
The cutaneous form begins as a papule at the entry site that progresses over several days to a vesicle and then ulcerates.
The white dot is probably a lipid vesicle that has not unrolled.
The plasma membrane envelopes the particle and buds off to form an intracellular vesicle, the phagosome.
The vacuole may then become a secretory vesicle that moves to the plasma membrane, where the contents can be discharged from the cell.
AdvertisementThis binding site is the synaptic vesicle protein 2A, believed to be involved in vesicle protein 2A, believed to be involved in vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter exocytosis.
The inner wall of the vesicle (region of closure) is frequently thickened to form a so-called " sensecushion," apparently a ganglionic offshoot from the sub-umbral nerve - ring.
Externally, the nephridium opens by a vesicle, as in many Oligochaetes whose lumen is intercellular.
The blood, which is a non-corpuscular fluid, is propelled forwards by the contractile dorsal vessel and collected into the central bloodsinus; this lies over the stomochord, and is surrounded on three sides by a closed vesicle, with contractile walls, called the pericardium (Herzblase).
The accessory generative glands are the two vesiculae seminales, with the median third vesicle, or uterus masculinus, lying between them, the single bilobed prostate, and a pair of globular Cowper's glands.
AdvertisementWe are currently examining the effect of loss and gain of Wnt function in synaptic vesicle recycling using FM dyes.
This binding site is the synaptic vesicle protein 2A, believed to be involved in vesicle fusion and neurotransmitter exocytosis.
Our aim is to use these virus-host cell interactions to investigate fundamental aspects of cell biology, such as vesicle transport and secretion.
It is therefore, likely that defects in synaptic vesicle trafficking may be associated with specific sub-forms of schizophrenia.
Impetigo tends to develop in areas of the skin that have already been damaged through some other mechanism (a cut or scrape, burn, insect bite, or vesicle from chickenpox).
AdvertisementThe first sign of bullous impetigo is a large bump on the skin with a clear, fluid-filled top (a vesicle).
This type of impetigo involves the formation of a small vesicle surrounded by a circle of reddened skin.
It contains a closed vesicle regarded by Schepotieff as a right probosciscavity and in any case representing the pericardium of Balangolossus, the glomerulus of which is also probably represented.
In birds, this stalk consists entirely of blood-vessels, which in the adult enclose no terminal vesicle, and fuse with the membranous linings of the skull.
The eye is always a closed vesicle, and the internal cornea is extensive.
AdvertisementIn accordance with this view there would be also some probability in favour of regarding the collar nerve-tube of the Enteropneusta as the equivalent of the cerebral vesicle only of Amphioxus and the Ascidian tadpole, and also of the primary forebrain of vertebrates.
The escape of the insect takes place on the spontaneous bursting of the walls of the vesicle, probably when, after viviparous (thelytokous) reproduction for several generations, male winged insects are developed.
In 1835 he communicated to the Munich academy of sciences his researches on the physiology of generation and development, including the famous discovery of the germinal vesicle of the human ovum.
By the pulsation of the pericardial vesicle (best observed in the larva) the blood is driven into the glomerulus, from which it issues by efferent vessels which effect a junction with the ventral (sub-intestinal) vessel in the trunk.
The outer single layer of cells which constitutes the surface of the vesicle is the ectoderm or epiblast.
The nephridia of the first three pairs of legs are smaller than the rest, consisting only of a vesicle and duct.
Next the pit closes up to form a vesicle with a pore, and so gives rise to the pneumatophore.
Posterior superior iliac spine Ureter Great sciatic notch Vas deferens; Spine of ischium Vas deferens Seminal vesicle Bladder wall Levator ani Prostate 9, ?
A considerable portion of the rectum and the upper part of the right seminal vesicle have been taken away.
In Fucus vesiculosus they arise in lateral pairs; in Ascophyllum they are single and median; in Macrocystis one vesicle arises at the base of each thallus segment; in Sargassum and Halidrys the vesicles arise on special branches.
The coelom is represented as surrounded by a thick black line, except in the part which forms the internal vesicle of the nephridium.
The essential difference between these two kinds of eye appears to be that the Chaetopod eye (in its higher developments) is a vesicle enclosing the lens, whereas the Arthropod eye is a pit or series of pits into which the heavy chitinous cuticle dips and enlarges knobwise as a lens.
The process carrying the otolith outer side of a or concretion hk, formed by endoderm cells, is tentacle, two enclosed by an upgrowth forming the " vesicle," nerves run round which is not yet quite closed in at the top. the base of the (After Hertwig.) tentacle to it.