Very-well Sentence Examples
She is very well educated.
You two got along very well.
This is a game your predecessor played very well.
This … game, you do very well at it.
Jackson had hoped to make plans with Elisabeth, but he couldn't very well ask her over and say, "Don't mind the steel shutters on all the windows."
It's not going very well.
They agree very well with experiment, and require us to suppose that the vibrations are perpendicular to the plane of polarization.
It is most picturesquely situated in the valley under the rocky ridge on which are still the very well preserved remains of the castle of Godfrey of Bouillon, the leader of the first crusade.
On the farther side of the eastern ravine stands a smaller but very well proportioned structure, the church of St Eugenius, the patron saint of Trebizond, now the Yeni Djuma djami, or New Friday mosque.
Yes, it's all very well for you.
AdvertisementIn fact, maybe he didn't know her very well.
Ellis used this indication to have an organ pipe made which with one-sixteenth diameter and a wind-pressure of 34 in., at one-fourth Schlick's length, gave f' 301.6, from which he derived a just major third of a' 377, which would compare very well with an old Greek a'.
Considering the time at which he wrote, Reis seems to have understood very well the nature of the vibrations he had to reproduce, but he failed to comprehend how they could be reproduced by electricity.
In Gymnosperms, where vessels and fibres are absent, the late summer wood is composed of radially narrow thick-walled tracheids, the wood of the succeeding spring being wide-celled and thin-walled, so that the limit of the years growth is very well marked.
David's daring spirit might very well lead him to visit his wife even after his first flight.
AdvertisementA limited area (not more than 1150 acres) of the Black Sea coast between Sukhum-kaleh and Batum is planted with the tea-shrub, which succeeds very well.
These special qualities are its fineness, strength, elasticity and great natural twist, which combined enable it to make very fine, strong yarns, suited to the manufacture of the better qualities of hosiery, for mixing with silk and wool, for making lace, &c. It also mercerizes very well.
He goes so far as to say that "the writings of ancient men, who were the founders of the sect" referred to by Philo, may very well have been the Gospels and Epistles (which were not yet written).
She corresponded with Garrick, Dr Blair and Principal Robertson; and when in Edinburgh, where she was very well received, she arranged to entrust the education of her son to Principal Robertson.
His title of" the Catholic " itself may very well have been the invention of later chronicles.
AdvertisementIts boundaries are not very well defined, but it may be said in general to have been north of the territory of Gilead.
The results, nevertheless, agree very well with those for annealed wrought iron obtained by other methods.
In short, the English reformers knew very well that the ordinal and communion office which they drew up could not satisfy the requirements of medieval theology.
His Orphelin de la Chine, performed at Paris in 1755, was very well received; the notorious La Pucelle appeared in the same year.
He did not make himself a slave to his visitors, but reserved much time for work and for his immense correspondence, which had for a long time once more included Frederick, the two getting on very well when they were not in contact.
AdvertisementMicah may very well have lived into Manasseh's reign, but the title in i.
As the district was full of traders, Subura may very well be an imported word, but the form with C must either go back to a period before the disappearance of g before v or must come from some other Italic dialect.
The state is very well supplied with charitable and reformatory institutions, in which noteworthy methods have been employed with success.
To compare this with the previous table, tp _ (A+B)/A = r +P. Except when the limiting stresses are of opposite sign, the two tables agree very well.
This third time he was not punished, but sent to sea, and turned out very well.
Five shillings a day, he says, served him and two men very well for meat, drink and firing.
Then, taking (2/3)rds of the cubit, or (1/6)th of the orguia, as a foot, the Greeks arrived at their foot of 12.14; this, though very well known in literature, is but rarely found, and then generally in the form of the cubit, in monumental measures.
Meanwhile he became very well known in Liberal society, and he had begun the celebrated.
If it be, as may very well be the case, the text will probably suffer.
Romulus Is Said To Have Divided The Year Into Ten Months Only, Including In All 304 Days, And It Is Not Very Well Known How The Remaining Days Were Disposed Of.
It was very well received.
In short, Americans were hospitably received and very well treated by the government and the people; despite some formalities and ostensible surveillance there was no oppression whatever.
But even those who had migrated into a town with their lords' consent could not very well for long continue in serfdom.
In general, however, these are older forms, which must have existed in Ionic at one time, and may very well have belonged to the Ionic of Homer's time.
This was formerly called Himbersyssel or Himmerland, forms which may very well preserve their name, especially as the name Charydes, mentioned next to them in the Monumentum Ancyranum, appears to survive in the modern Hardeland.
In a state of nature, every recurring severe winter or otherwise unfavourable season weeds out those individuals of tender constitution or imperfect structure which may have got on very well during favourable years, and it is thus that the adaptation of the species to the climate in which it has to exist is kept up. Under domestication the same thing occurs by what C. Darwin has termed "unconscious selection."
It sometimes answers very well in persons troubled with flatulence, since meat does not give rise to the same amount of gas in the intestines as carbohydrates.
King Alfred and the chronicler ZEthelweard identified this place with the district which is now called Angel in the province of Schleswig (Slesvig), though it may then have been of greater extent, and this identification agrees very well with the indications given by Bede.
Further, the jet may be very well observed directly, if the illumination is properly managed.
The squadron was not very well manned, and Byng was in particular much aggrieved because his marines were landed to make room for the soldiers who were to reinforce the garrison, and he feared that if he met a French squadron after he had lost them he would be dangerously undermanned.
It has been inferred from this incident that the Langobardi had already moved southwards, but the force mentioned may very well have been sent from the old home of the tribe, as the various Suevic peoples seem generally to have preserved some form of political union.
His progressive sympathies, illustrated by his proposals to reform the monasteries and the calendar, to modify the four long fasts and to treat for union (especially with the Old Catholics), were not very well received, and in 1905 an attempt was made to depose him.
For simplicity of calculation Rankine chose logarithmic curves for both the inner and outer faces, and they fit very well with the conditions.
But the Tell and Winkelried stories stand in a very different position when looked at in the dry light of history, for, while in the former case imaginary and impossible men (bearing now and then a real historical name) do imaginary and impossible deeds at a very uncertain period, in the latter we have some solid ground to rest on, and Winkelried's act might very well have been performed, though, as yet, the amount of genuine and early evidence in support of it is very far from being sufficient.
This furnace is also very well adapted for impure acids, unsuitable for platinum or platinum-gold stills on account of the crusts forming at the bottom of the retorts; and it is more and more coming into use both in Great Britain and on the Continent.
The road southwards to Ghazni and Kandahar was always naturally excellent and has probably needed little engineering, but the general principle of road-making in support of a military advance has always been consistently maintained, and the expeditions of Kabul troops to Kafiristan have been supported by a very well graded and substantially constructed road up the Kunar valley from Jalalabad to Asmar, and onwards to the Bashgol valley of Kafiristan.
The Egyptian inscriptions show that Cambyses officially adopted the titles and the costume of the Pharaohs, although we may very well believe that he did not conceal his contempt for the customs and the religion of the Egyptians.
The B&S alto trombone is a high quality budget alto which has been very well received.
Amy lee can obviously sing live very very well.
It may very well be that others who are supposed to lead you are too authoritarian.
We are looking for an experienced cashier to work at a very well established, large retail outlet.
The piece was beautifully choreographed, the characters were very well portrayed & engaged the audience with humor & charm.
Sometimes collections of columns work very well - others seem a little clunky.
A cello was put to good use, working effectively with the bass guitar and neatly finished off with some very well played congas.
A very well equiped three bedroom character cottage in a peaceful village setting with stunning views over open cornfields.
It is very well furnished and has ample crockery and cutlery.
Bob actively coaches many of the Cricket teams at the club and is a very well respected elder statesman.
This approach has worked very well for other types of molecules studied in frog embryos.
As well as near perfect graphics emulation, sound emulation is also included, and works very well indeed.
I took to it very well and got pretty fluent on it straight away.
On a very foggy morning, the Dons started very well!
Henman does very well to block a passing shot, but Grosjean responds with a frankly outrageous cross-court forehand to break serve.
The Velcro closure features both self adjustment webbing and a self adjusting internal gusset and fits a variety of foot shapes very well.
A very good hooker who did very well in every aspect of forward play.
The characters really seem to show voice inflection very well.
As this cover fits very well it must have required a quite violent shock to remove it.
In the plateau there are in reality two terraces - a higher and a lower, both very well defined in Transbaikalia and in Mongolia.
He knew very well that the theologians of his church almost without exception held that the handing over of the paten and chalice with the words, " Receive power of offering sacrifice," &c., were the essential matter and form of ordination to the priesthood; indeed he published the decree of Eugenius IV.
The Real Error Is Indeed More Than Double Of This, And Amounts To A Day In 128 Years; But In The Time Of Caesar The Length Of The Year Was An Astronomical Element Not Very Well Determined.
Moreover, there is no real opposition between monism and dualism, for there can very well be one kind of being, without being all body or all soul; and as a matter of fact, Aristotelian realism is both a monism of substance and a dualism of body and soul.
But they may very well have been developed independently in Germany and in England from their common source in Hume.
If so the normal dimensions of the acre may very well have been quite different.
But as Pythagoras himself came from Samos, and his doctrines have a decidedly Oriental tinge, it may very well be that both he and the Essenes drew from a common source; for there is no need to reject, as is so commonly done, the statements of our authorities as to the antiquity of the Essenes.
Indeed, such may very well have been the case with Frey, the chief god of the North after Thor and Odin.
Whatever may be said as to its historical value, it symbolizes very well the great authority of the Roman Church in the early days of Christianity; an authority which was then administered by the bishops of Rome, and came to be more and more identified with them.
It would not be correct to say that this system or want of system is satisfactory, but the trade manages to rub along very well with it, although inconveniences and disagreements sometimes arise when prices have advanced or declined considerably.
The mountain-finches may be regarded as pointing first to the rock-sparrows (Petronia) and then to the true sparrows (Passer); while the grosbeaks pass into many varied forms and throw out a very well marked form - the bullfinches (Pyrrhula).
A low span, with dwarf side walls, and a lantern ventilator along the ridge, the height in the centre being 9 ft., would be very well adapted for the purpose.
Cherries and the generality of plums succeed very well either on an east or a west aspect.
The clinical influence of digitalis upon the heart is very well defined.
The values obtained in this way for waves having a period of one second and a wave-length of half an inch agreed very well with those obtained in the same cast-iron by Angstrom's method (see below), with waves having a period of i hour and a length of 30 in.
Heaps of stones answer very well for stops in the conductor, particularly immediately below the points of junction with the feeders.
The suras are very edifying for one who is already reconciled to their import, but to us at least they do not seem very well fitted to carry conviction to the minds of unbelievers.
In the first two periods the construction is rough, while in the third the blocks are very well and finely jointed, and the faces smoothed; they are mostly polygonal in form and are much larger (the maximum about io by 6 ft.) than those of the city wall.
The holy city lay in perfect peace and the laws were very well kept because of the piety of Onias the high priest.
The Magyars may very well have gradually spread first to the Don and then beyond it, until in the 9th century they entered Hungary.
The highest pressures recorded for cane-sugar are nearly three times as great as those given by van't Hoff's formula for the gas-pressure, but agree very well with the vapour-pressure theory, as modified by Callendar, provided that we substitute for V in Arrhenius's formula the actual specific volume of the solvent in the solution, and if we also assume that each molecule of sugar in solution combines with 5 molecules of water, as required by the observations on the depression of the freezing-point and the rise of the boiling-point.
This description applies very well to the Iliad, in which Argos and Argives occur on almost every page.
About a year before his death, he is described by Sanson,2 a missionary from the French king Louis XIV., as tall, strong and active, a fine princea little too effeminate for a monarch, with a Roman nose very well proportioned to other parts, very large blue eyes, and a midling mouth, a beard painted black, shavd round, and well turnd, even to his ears.
His conduct in supporting measures, such as the Spanish treaty and the continental subsidies, which he had violently denounced when in opposition, had been much criticized; but within certain limits, not indeed very well defined, inconsistency has never been counted a vice in an English statesman.
To the last the landowners were not disturbed in their economic predominance, and succeeded very well in working their estates by the help of agricultural labourers and farmers.
His title of the Catholic itself may very well have been the invention of later chronicles.
With a fleet given him by Maximilian he attempted to land at Deal, but sailed away to Ireland and, not succeeding very well there either, sailed farther to Scotland, where James IV.
Victims and complainants we treat very well but (and particularly with ETs) we never had any aftercare.
It produces a pale liquor with a slightly astringent taste that works very well with the flowery Bergamot flavor.
I personally prefer the gleaming white carapace of the stormtrooper or snow trooper, very well animated as they run to their doom.
There is a small chandlery, not very well stocked, by the fishing harbor.
It was a beautiful show, very well put together & extremely tightly choreographed.
Surprisingly, step-in crampons can be made to fit on fell-running shoes very well - on occasion.
This property benefits from neutral lounge and spacious kitchen diner with french doors to a secluded and very well maintained rear garden.
They were all very flamboyant women, very well dressed with lots of jewelry.
The materials we use are very glitzy, responds very well to lighting and hence compliments erotic photography.
Jakob was a real hard-liner and if he ever did have a sense of humor, he kept it very well hidden.
The seat and back are very well padded and there is a fully adjustable harness for your child's comfort and safety.
It is very well equipped, providing all the necessary equipment for a self-catering holiday.
It is also richly innervated (supplied with nerves) and very well endowed with sensory receptors.
Both have settled very well together and are now inseparable.
I know very well that this riddle seems insoluble.
I asked the janitor, and he said the house was not very well built and that the beams and wainscoting were shrinking.
They are often in good condition and can be very well mended and becoming very silver once again.
He held the middle of the park very well and gave a very David Batty like performance without the adventure.
Scaring off would-be muggers was all very well but I'd had enough of daffodil fever.
The classic example of misclassification using the BMI is a body builder, with a very well developed musculature.
Those who can type very well can frequently choose a password based on a sequence of keystrokes that feel natural.
Miss Marian walked very well now; her limp was scarcely noticeable.
The combination of the bass lines with the techno and pop nous, works very well indeed.
His holt can very well be passed, his delicious scent may be overrun; but the pure-bred otterhound is equal to all occasions.
The bulk of my kit was carried on front panniers which balanced the bike very well.
This is exactly the sort of brilliant pastiche that fits very well into pantomime.
A nice iMac to replace the main pc would go down very well.
The difficulties in this field caused by a plethora of new criminal justice legislation are very well known.
The new skate ramp has been very well used.
The memorable diaper wearer, now recast Despite being a very well thought out and quite moralistic piece.
I have managed to get some needle removers from NovoNordisk which work very well - give them to the patient after demonstration.
I'm not repentant about it, it's worked out very well for me.
They are a very well established company with a very reputable service.
A little samba rhythm and it's all done very well actually.
The landscape is also very well suited to outdoor activities such as climbing, horse riding, kayaking, cycling and many water sports.
In the first quarter St John's batted very well getting 6 rounders, 3 of which from Becky Perry.
Cushioning, 5 out of 5, very well cushioned shoe for the high mileage runner.
Cannon are all very well for royal salutes, but not to kill people with.
Rubber shads and casting dead bait works very well when fish are differcult to catch.
She is lovely and has settled in very well with us and adores our two children and our old English sheepdog.
They treated us very well with what they had, because as I have said coming off a sunken ship we had nothing.
Thus far, the Ernst & Young ITEM Club has said that the UK has weathered recessionary squalls very well.
The character designs are heavily stylized, which suits the story very well.
This bank has fished very well recently, particularly from the outflows where trotting tactics can work very well.
A large number of plants and animals positively thrive here and are very well adapted to urban life.
This reflects very well on the arrangements for the in-service training of teachers and headteachers in small schools.
A traditional coil or toroidal transformer works very well for whole circuits of low voltage fittings, or for outside use.
Caroline Norton was very well cast as the commanding and totally unflappable Mrs Reece.
A few alternate color tank tops for a girl whose name will remain unwritten seemed to go over very well.
All guests are very well looked after, including vegans, who get their own menu.
The school has a very good, broad and generally well-balanced curriculum that provides very well for pupils of all ages and abilities.
Oh, yes, it's all very well to wink one eye at me; I'd make you wink one eye at me; I'd make you wink both.
Jose Martin was an excellent and sleazy Lescaut, very well matched with Rojo, and Laura Morera's deliciously witty Mistress.
All in all, then, it's a book that starts very well but gets tangled up in its own wormholes.
Instances of what we may term tolerated parasitism, where the host plant seems to accommodate itself very well to the presence of the Fungus, paying the tax it extorts and nevertheless not succumbing but managing to provide itself with sufficient material to go on with, are not rare; and these seem to lead to those cases where the mutual accommodation between host and guest has been carried so far that each derives some benefit from the associationsymbiosis (see FUNGI).
In 1899 the drought became most intense in the autumn after the corn crops had been harvested, but during the chief period, of growth of the root crops; correspondingly the corn crops of that year rank very well amongst the crops of the decade, but the yield of turnips and swedes was the worst on record.
Federalism suited him very well since it left him in command of Vera Cruz.
The language of the Mitanni state, however, was neither Aryan nor Semitic, and may very well be that of the mysterious "Hittite" hieroglyphic inscriptions (see Hittites).
Gardiner, however, undoubtedly did his best to persuade them to save themselves by a course which he conscientiously followed himself; nor does it appear that, when placed on a commission along with a number of other bishops to administer a severe law, he could very well have acted otherwise than he did.
The Austrian artillery fire was very destructive; the transport was admirably organized, and worked very well in spite of the great difficulties of the terrain; the infantry, most of them picked troops, fought with high courage and determination.
I remember you very well.
He said, Henry Longfellow, you have done very well.
The very well documented corn dole of ancient Rome is one of many cases.
The economy makes new machines that replace manual labor because many thousands of people are paid very well to do so.
Of course, I cannot guide the boat very well.
Every one said I spoke very well and intelligibly.
This arrangement worked very well in the languages, but not nearly so well in the Mathematics.
She imitated them very well and pointed to the doll.
But she interrupted me to say she was very sure she could feel my mouth very well.
I know it all very well for Prince Vasili told me himself.
It's all very well for you...
All this might, he thought, turn out very well and amusingly.
We'll manage very well without a doctor.
It's all very well for you, said Natasha, with a responsive smile.
Pierre knew very well what a hieroglyph was, but dared not speak.
The reforming party cordially welcomed and courted him, in the first place because he was reputed to be clever and very well read, and secondly because by liberating his serfs he had obtained the reputation of being a liberal.
The old prince knew very well that he tormented his daughter and that her life was very hard, but he also knew that he could not help tormenting her and that she deserved it.
The same evening that the prince gave his instructions to Alpatych, Dessalles, having asked to see Princess Mary, told her that, as the prince was not very well and was taking no steps to secure his safety, though from Prince Andrew's letter it was evident that to remain at Bald Hills might be dangerous, he respectfully advised her to send a letter by Alpatych to the Provincial Governor at Smolensk, asking him to let her know the state of affairs and the extent of the danger to which Bald Hills was exposed.
It's all very well if you're single.
They all knew very well that the enchanting countess' illness arose from an inconvenience resulting from marrying two husbands at the same time, and that the Italian's cure consisted in removing such inconvenience; but in Anna Pavlovna's presence no one dared to think of this or even appear to know it.
He could do everything, not very well but not badly.
Perhaps he was really sitting on a wagon, but it might very well be that he was not sitting on a wagon but on a terribly high tower from which, if he fell, he would have to fall for a whole day or a whole month, or go on falling and never reach the bottom.
To encourage culture and philanthropy is all very well of course.
The recipe works very well with frozen raspberries too.
It was very well received by a large audience and Julian subsequently spent an hour giving further explanations and taking questions.
I recollect very well reading the first number of T. P. O'Connor 's Star (that was in 1888).
To make it work very well - I redid most of the workforms as well.
I also reflected on the fact that we 're very well served in the Diocese by our Local Radio Stations.
Teachers make regular assessments of the pupils ' progress, and use the information very well to regroup pupils.
I 'm not repentant about it, it 's worked out very well for me.
A little samba rhythm and it 's all done very well actually.
In the first quarter St John 's batted very well getting 6 rounders, 3 of which from Becky Perry.
She is lovely and has settled in very well with us and adores our two children and our old english sheepdog.
I 'm not an investment expert and I 'm wary of simplistic explanations in areas I do n't know very well.
Charlie did very well with driving on the left - even with the single-track roads.
So thank you one skein pal - you chose very well.
Leg spinners have a history of doing very well at Old Trafford.
I also thought the staging of the opera in the Canongate Kirk, which was very imaginative and used the building very well.
She had short blond curls and wore her summery dress very well.
America went down very well and Sky TV televised the whole show.
As we stood outside the hotel a Bat Falcon flew past and we saw all three toucan species very well.
Telling the truth done very well in every area.
The team has an uncapped commission structure which works very well for us.
I really enjoyed watching a very well played game of unicycle hockey.
I thought this worked very well and brought an upbeat ending to the evening.
I upgraded the ram to 2 gig, so will now try battlefield 2. I think it shoudl run very well.
Winter vetches are up in some places, and look very well.
Holycross Spark then whelped here litter to Toms the Best on the 16th and all went well and all 9 pups doing very well.
Oh, yes, it 's all very well to wink one eye at me; I 'd make you wink both.
Jose Martin was an excellent and sleazy Lescaut, very well matched with Rojo, and Laura Morera 's deliciously witty Mistress.
All in all, then, it 's a book that starts very well but gets tangled up in its own wormholes.
You may be a great consultant, but the next few people you hire could very well not be as good as you are, and clients will notice the difference.
Babies who don't bond with their parents or guardians may very well meet the same fate.
Enell is a company with sports bras that accommodate nursing mothers very well.
This is easy if you know them very well.
Kinetic Koffee has a few very well made coffees.
Wool is a great choice for a room that gets a lot of traffic because it wears very well and is easy to clean.
They also withstand weathering from moisture and damp very well with time.
Simple patterns and cuts, especially at the neckline, work very well for formal wear and actually look good with almost any type of dress.
Stencils and adhesives can decorate a frame very well.
Since they're designed for negotiating rapids, they are not meant for steering in a straight line and will not do so very well even in calm waters.
Sometimes, lengths are cut wrong, or the employees found that the material doesn't work very well.
Your cat may not adjust very well to a new home and could act out by spraying and scratching.
She's normally such a hungry cat and eats very well.
I am so frustrated because I love all four of my cats, and they are all treated very well.
Although many pets have eaten Orijen cat food and done very well with it, others have experienced a variety of health problems.
Unfortunately, some vets seem to recommend the brand that provides them the most incentives to sell it in their office, and some of these brands are very well known.
While you are switching your cat to raw food keep a close eye on her for subtle changes that might mean she is constipated or otherwise not handling the new diet very well.
Unlike some other carnivore species, cats cannot digest plant matter very well.
Clay absorbs moisture, and it does so very well.
While sour ppple schnapps may make you think of sour green apples, it works very well with this cocktail recipe.
Are they the only attorney who will work on your case, or will other attorneys in the law firm who may not know you very well also work on your case?
When you think about it, your attorney will be providing you with legal assistance during what could very well be the most stressful time of your life.
If you are very well organized and can explain your situation in a concise way, you may be able to get some advice about the best way to proceed.
Joint legal custody is not going to work out very well if one parent uses the fact that he or she can influence decisions affecting the child as a way to punish the other one.
Choose lumber that's free of knots that might affect the strength of the wood, particularly for support pieces, and sand all pieces very well to avoid splinters.
You may also find that you really like some of the countertop finishes and that they complement your office interior very well.
If the plates, platters, bowls, cups, or cutlery end up buried under a pile of garbage in a landfill, the technology doesn't work very well.
One of the most popular kitchen decorating styles is that of the country kitchen, and patriotic design elements lend themselves very well to this style.
These colors work very well in a number of different decors.
The warm, honey browns of antique farm tables work very well with Tuscan-inspired interiors.
Paint a room that is not very well lit in warm colors such as red, yellow, or orange and watch it come alive!
For instance, track lighting works very well when incorporated into bathroom design.
If it's a vibrant room where friends gather for cooking parties, then a bright and bold color scheme might work very well.
Wood or white plastic shutters also work very well as window treatments in a room decorated with a beach theme.
So, if you like Britney Spears, you may very well like her line of fragrances, even though they're not actually created by her.
Of course, it could also very well be that the products simply don't sell well enough to warrant being produced anymore.
Though the colors in the lip palette are generally on the deeper side, a couple of the shades work very well for daytime wear.
Whatever it might be, it's also true that none of these products have been particularly successful or even very well known.
The site is very well laid out and professional, and it's filled with volumes of very valuable and useful medical information.
The games are made in Flash, but they are recreated very well.
This site has more than just word searches; the word searches they do have are very well done.
CatholiCity is a very well formatted and organized website filled with useful information, providing a very comprehensive reference for anyone looking to find more information about Catholics.
The device also works very well for hands-free viewing of television shows and movies via your iPad.
This is especially important if you are shooting children that you don't know very well.
Angel food cake - a light cake that goes very well with summer fruits.
Pound cake - this heavier cake will hold its shape very well under the weight of your fruit.
Chocolate cake - you might be thinking this sounds weird for a red, white, and blue cake, but devil's food cake goes very well with fruit.
This was nice, but it didn't get the flavors mixed very well.
If you can find enough childproof pill bottles, these containers work very well for storing eyelets, brads, and other very tiny embellishments.
Although each of these stress reduction techniques works very well alone, they are very effective when used in combination with one another.
There are a number of street gangs in operation American, but some are very well known.
I don't think I am dealing with the pressure very well.
There's also a movie that can be purchased if you are looking for a great gift for a tween you don't know very well.
Another part of your brain that helps you reason and judge is called the prefrontal cortex and it isn't functioning very well at this time.
Many bridal stores carry prom dresses and tuxedos that would work very well for a masquerade prom.
Teenage girls who want to become an actress might not always be successful at first, but if a girl has talent and is very dedicated to acting, then she can do very well in television, film and on stage.
This works very well when served on slices of thick vegan toast spread with an olive oil based margarine.
Many soy cheeses have a different consistency than regular cheese, however, and often they don't melt very well.
Invitation catalogues are usually very well organized and are categorized according to invitation theme, paper size, style and paper color.
Hiring a wedding planner who specializes in UK weddings or overseas planning may very well be worth the expense.
Silk flowers can also be a good choice if you're planning an outdoor wedding, because fresh flowers often do not hold up very well in the heat (or cold) you might experience being outside.
Sometimes people you don't know very well feel compelled to give you wedding gifts.
No CD compilations contain bell music for weddings exclusively but there are many collections of hand bell recordings that can work very well.
If your loved one doesn't have a mental disorder and you don't believe it's part of his/her personality, it could very well be a learned response.
There are some people who do not lie very well at all.
While Melanie Brown wasn't a household name, her moniker of Scary Spice was very well known.
Think of it as paper dolls for the Internet age, minus the worries of torn and lost pieces of paper clothing and those teeny-tiny tabs that never seemed to secure the clothes to the cardboard doll very well.
Many of these tales may very well be just that - stories concocted by the tabloid press or half-truths spun around to make said celebrity seem like the world's biggest cheapskate.
It seems that raising a family has suited the young couple very well as you rarely, if ever, see either of them out without their daughter and those old bad habits of Nicole's seem to be a thing of the long forgotten past.
Through most Hollywood divorces end with bitterness, it is widely reported that Willis and Moore still get along very well and that Willis and Kutcher are good friends.
Reports are surfacing that Prejean partied down with Amanda Lepore, a very well know gay transsexual.
She did very well on the show, outlasting most of the other celebrity contestants.In fact, she made it right to the finale, before losing out to Shawn Johnson.
Apparently, he proved himself very well to her!
The cosmetic surgery industry is doing very well and doesn't seem to be slowing down.
Regardless of her past, motherhood and the family life seem to suit her very well.
It seems that she behaves badly on set as well and is very well known in the industry as being extremely high maintenance and very difficult to work with.
She was already well-known as a talented guitarist, but her first solo album, Out for Blood, didn't do very well on the charts.
While the film didn't do very well at the box office, it was the first step for Pfeiffer on her way to stardom.
She is wonderful in this and the show is rich, complex, and very well done.
Clothes are very well made and somewhat on the conservative side, but by no means plain.
These shirts sold very well and were rapidly grabbed up by celebrity stylists whose clients would later be seen photographed all over the world wearing colorful Splendid T-shirts.
If there were an award based on knitting, for example (and there may very well be!), it wouldn't be enough for an applicant to simply knit as a hobby.
Depending on your goals, it very well could be.
Zeus is probably feeling a little disconcerted about the change he senses, and this could very well be leading him to act out by marking territory inside the house.
He may very well improve with some TLC and the right kind of veterinary care.
Blend very well until you have everything pureed.
Be sure to towel off your dog very well to prevent him from feeling damp and chilled after the treatment.
Not only will it be rewarding for both of you, it will also give you the confidence of knowing that your dog is very well trained and can go anywhere you go.
Remember, this freezes very well and will keep if you use one of those vacuum bag systems for up to three months in the freezer and up to one week in the refrigerator.
You are very well skilled in this one area.
It should be worked through the coat quickly, avoiding the eye area, and rinsed very well.
For a dog to have flexibility, he needs to be very well trained.
They are great because the dog can hear them very well with no confusion and you don't need to yell (for example, at a fancy hotel).
Remove from oven and cool very, very well.
I have grown them in the most unlikely place of all, a battered wall with earth behind, and they flowered very well.
Bursaria spinosa thrives very well in Devonshire and the West of England, but elsewhere perhaps it would be best to begin with it against a wall.
They are planted as hedges in New Zealand, and are said to withstand clipping very well.
The rock garden is most congenial to it; but it does very well on good level ground, though it is apt to get naked about the base, and may perish on heavy soils.
In moist districts it thrives very well in ordinary moist soil.
Some few cultivators have been successful with M. decurrens; once or twice M. ilicifolia has been grown and flowered very well.
G. jubatum is very well spoken of, but as yet has not been tried much except in favoured spots.
The Venetian Sumach looks very well as a group in a sunny open situation.
It is worth noting that some of the early kinds of European Vine ripen well in some of our warm valleys, all the more so if pruned and trained as in France, but even without that they sometimes fruit very well.
Unlike melons, grape vines need to grow up and over a support, such as a wire or trellis, to allow the fruit to hang free to ripen and pick.Grapes also need very well drained, deep soil.
These versions are very well tabbed and easy to use.
This tour de force was very well received in the music community, and soon Grohl found himself putting together a band to tour with.
You'll notice you're given no indication of how to sing the lyrics or how to strum the chords, so you will either need to know the song very well or have a recording of it handy so you can get the rhythm right.
These are affordable, solid metal locks that will protect your guitar very well.
If you aren't very well versed in this area, consider buying a book to learn more about how to make your home theater look and feel like a commercial movie theater.
While most types of leaves work very well in compost, there are a few types you should avoid using when making your own organic fertilizer.
It holds moisture very well and is sustainable and eco-friendly.
Hanna Anderson creates organic baby clothes that are very well loved by consumers.
Since these stores deal in surplus merchandise rather than a particular brand or label, you could very well find the Lane Bryant label among their ponchos.
First of all, synthetics accept dye very well so garments can be made in the latest colors.
A Victorian dress can work very well for a full-figured woman, as Queen Victoria herself later became.
Once mold has entered a building, though, it very well may return.
If it's dark, they may very well slide in and sit down on the whoopee cushion before realizing that it's there.
These products are available over the counter and said to work very well.
While it may take some time to sort through all the various online shopping sites, in the the end, it may very well be worth it.
If you flood a dimly lit room with infrared light, the human eye will not see the IR light very well because the existing light waves (such as those from the moon outside the window or the light out in the hall) are much brighter.
All in all, this is a very well rounded site, one where the prices are low enough that you just might want to be sure to check it out!
We have expanded our design concepts into some interesting treatments and it is being received very well.
The various collections that Blink eyeglass frames are housed in might very well bear that out.
It's best for people with sensitive skin who like the look of metal frames but have skin that doesn't handle contact with metals very well.
Whether you're a new squash player or an old veteran, using the right eye protection in squash can not only protect you from small injuries, but it could very well even save your vision.
GameSpot is another very well known gaming site, which now offers an entire cheat section for just about every gaming console.
The archives are searchable and very well organized.
It's amazingly simple and works very well.
Fable's somewhat cartoony style works very well.
The website is very well laid-out and it offers tons of unique puzzles to play.
The screen showed off excellent colors, true to Nintendo form and handled very well.
Special effects such as a reddening sky at sunset or a dark cloud bringing rain are very well done.
All of that crazy racing action is back and it could very well become known as one of the best Nintendo Wii games available today.