Verses Sentence Examples
I am teaching her little rhymes and verses, too.
His verses were so indifferent.
Some of the verses are apparently from the author, some from editors.
The first book opens with a few verses, in which Boetius describes how his sorrows had brought him to a premature old age.
Six years after his death Georges de Scudery edited his work with a Tombeau (copy of obituary verses), and a challenge in the preface to any one who might be offended by the editor's eulogy of the poet.
Being intended for the Hotri's use, both these works treat exclusively of the hymns and verses recited by that priest and his assistants, either in the form of connected litanies or in detached verses invoking the deities to whom oblations are made, or uttered in response to the.
His literary talent, though mainly employed in journalism, was also shown in a little volume of verses, Poems of a Life (1884).
I also recited "Laus Deo," and as I spoke the concluding verses, he placed in my hands a statue of a slave from whose crouching figure the fetters were falling, even as they fell from Peter's limbs when the angel led him forth out of prison.
Yes, these verses Nicholas wrote himself and I copied some others, and she found them on my table and said she'd show them to Mamma, and that I was ungrateful, and that Mamma would never allow him to marry me, but that he'll marry Julie.
On the salver lay some verses composed and printed in the hero's honor.
AdvertisementRead them... said her mother, thoughtfully, referring to some verses Prince Andrew had written in Natasha's album.
But the author himself took the verses and began reading them aloud.
He filled the girls' albums with verses and music, and having at last sent Dolokhov the whole forty-three thousand rubles and received his receipt, he left at the end of November, without taking leave of any of his acquaintances, to overtake his regiment which was already in Poland.
He published his first volume of verses, A Voz de Propheta, in 1832, and two years later another entitled A Harpa do Crente.
Other relics belonging to this period are the oath which John Hunyady took when elected governor of Hungary (1446); a few verses sung by the children of Pest at the coronation of his son Matthias (1458); 1 An example of this work, printed on vellum in Gothic letter (Augsburg, 1488), and formerly belonging to the library of Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, may be seen in the British Museum.
AdvertisementAnother pleasing lyric poet of this period was Ladislaus Amade, the naturalness and genuine sentiment of whose lightly running verses are suggestive of the love songs of Italian authors.
Among the most noteworthy works of Bared are the Uj mertekre vett kulomb versek (Kassa, 1777), comprising hexameter verses, Horatian odes, distichs, epistles and epigrams; the Paraszti Majorsag (Kassa, 1779-1780), an hexameter version of Vaniere's Praedium rusticum; and an abridged version of "Paradise Lost," contained in the Koltemenyes munkaji (Komarom, 1802).
Then it was Voltaire's turn to be disgusted with an occupation he had undertaken himself - the occupation of "buckwashing" the king's French verses.
Schefer's objections, is warranted both by the astronomical details and by the metrical requirements of the respective verses.
On these and other grounds verses 7, 8, 14-20, 24-27, 30, 31 should be removed from their present context.
AdvertisementEach gild numbered various classes of members, ranging from beginners, or Schiller (corresponding to trade-apprentices), and Schulfreunde (who were equivalent to Gesellen or journeymen), to Meister, a Meister being a poet who was not merely able to write new verses to existing melodies but had himself invented a new melody.
This in its simplest form gave rise to the rajaz verses, where each half-line ends in the same rhyme and consists of three feet of the measure - u -.
The first was a Christian of the tribe of Taghlib, whose Christianity enabled him to write many verses which would have been impossible to a professing Moslem.
Thus government, war, friendship, morality, piety, eloquence, are some of the titles under which Ibn Qutaiba groups his stories and verses in the `Uyun ul Akhbar.
Mahomet's life before he appeared as a prophet and the story of his ancestors are indeed mixed with many fables illustrated by spurious verses.
AdvertisementThere is a story - based, however, on no good evidence - that Walaf rid devoted himself so closely to letters as to neglect the duties of his office, owing to which he was expelled from his house; but, from his own verses, it seems that the real cause of his flight to Spires was that, notwithstanding the fact that he had been tutor to Charles the Bald, he espoused the side of his elder brother Lothair on the death cf Louis the Pious in 840.
At the time he sent it to Grimald Walafrid had, as he himself tells us, hardly passed his eighteenth year, and he begs his correspondent to revise his verses, because, "as it is not lawful for a monk to hide anything from his abbot," he fears he may be beaten with deserved stripes.
He contributed verses from time to time to Tait's Magazine and to the Sheffield and Rotherham Independent.
Even as a boy he had intense pleasure in reading St Thomas Aquinas and the Arab commentators of Aristotle, was skilled in the subtleties of the schools, wrote verses, studied music and design, and, avoiding society, loved solitary rambles on the banks of the Po.
The paronomasia makes the verses difficult, and in i.
Such a thought can hardly be Micah's, even if we resort to the violent harmonistic process of imagining that two quite distinct sieges, separated by a renewal of the theocracy, are spoken of in consecutive verses.
He was past eighty when he published the collection of new verses entitled Demeter and other Poems (1889), which appeared almost simultaneously with the death of Browning, an event which left Tennyson a solitary figure indeed in poetic literature.
Even before he went to Konigsberg he had begun to compose verses, and at the age of twenty he took up the pen as a chief occupation.
Mr Hawtrey, afterwards headmaster, commended a copy of his Latin verses, and " sent him up for good "; and this experience first led the young student to associate intellectual work with the ideas of ambition and success.
Having completed his university course at Upsala, in 1710, Swedenborg undertook a European tour, visiting England, Holland, France and Germany, studying especially natural philosophy and writing Latin verses, a collection of which he published in 1710.
He seems to have been interested in the poetic diction of Milton and Thomson, and a few of his verses are remotely inspired by Shakespeare and Gray.
There he wrote the best known of all his verses, the pathetic Jeune captive, a poem at once of enchantment and of despair.
Heredia himself reverted to the judgment of Sainte-Beuve to the effect that Chenier was the first to make modern verses, and he adds, "I do not know in the French language a more exquisite fragment than the three hundred verses of the Bucoliques."
It was also used by a class of bards or itinerant soothsayers known by the name of vates, of whom the most famous was one Marcius, and in the "Fescennine verses," as sung at harvest-homes and weddings, which gave expression to the coarse gaiety of the people and to their strong tendency to personal raillery and satiric comment.
Here, then, is direct evidence that the Aegean peoples of the Mycenaean Age knew how to write, and it is no longer necessary to assume that the verses of the Iliad were dependent on mere verbal transmission for any such period 'as has been supposed.
Jacques Bernoulli wrote elegant verses in Latin, German and French; but although these were held in high estimation in his own time, it is on his mathematical works that his fame now rests.
Against the date assigned to the opening verses of this chapter modern scholars can make no objection, but, if this be the date of the entire work, then many passages in it are hopelessly inexplicable; for the latter just as certainly demand a date subsequent to A.D.
The verses at the end are not much more than a repetition of the verses that are found at the beginning.
He belonged to the party of Oldenbarneveldt and Grotius, and brought down the displeasure of the government by a copy of Latin verses in honour of their friend Hoogerbeets.
In a paper on a " Proposed New Version of the Bible " he paraphrased a few verses of the first chapter of Job, making them a satiric attack on royal government; but the version may well rank with these hoaxes, and even modern writers have been taken in by it, regarding it as a serious proposal for a " modernized " version and decrying it as poor taste.
The earlier biographies of Garrick are by Arthur Murphy (2 vols., 1801) and by the bookseller Tom Davies (2 vols., 4th ed., 1805), the latter a work of some merit, but occasionally inaccurate and confused as to dates; and a searching if not altogether sympathetic survey of his verses is furnished by Joseph Knight's valuable Life (1894).
From Cambridge he wrote some Latin satiric verses 1 in defence of the universities and the English Church against Andrew Melville, a Scottish Presbyterian minister.
Etienne's division into verses was retained in the inner margin, but the text was divided into paragraphs.
He read the poets less for their verses than for such scholia as supplied historical notices.
This book is worthy of note on account of the quaint and sarcastic humour of its numerous acrostic verses.
The last twelve verses were added later still, probably early in the 2nd century, probably to take the place of the ending which had been lost, or which was regarded as defective.
The number of poems in one or other of these two metres is very great, and includes verses on almost every theme.
For instance, there are no bilinf or legendary poems, such as are found among the Russians, although many passages in the ancient chroniclers from their poetical colouring seem to be borrowed from old songs or legends, and the first verses of some of these compositions have been preserved.
His friend Slowacki answered them in some taunting verses, and this led to a quarrel between the poets.
The Westminster Greek Grammar presented Latin verses to Queen Elizabeth.
It is also necessary to add that there is one small scrap of papyrus of the 3rd century containing a few verses of the 4th Gospel.
A fourth edition (in 16mo) published at Geneva in 1551 is remarkable for giving the division of the text into verses which has since been generally adopted.
Dass lived here in quietude, with something of the honours and responsibilities of a bishop, brought up his family in a God-fearing way, and wrote endless reams of verses.
This is clearly shown a few verses farther down, where we see that there were already in Samuel's time people known as nebhiim, but that they were not seers.
That this is so appears most clearly in the fact that with Amos the prophecy of restoration appears only in a few verses at the end of his book, and in the still more instructive fact that neither he nor Hosea attempts to explain how the restoration which they accept as a postulate of faith is to be historically realized.
Wellhausen, Nowack, Marti and Harper, as well as others, have denied the genuineness of the concluding verses in Amos, viz.
Later he went to Bagdad, where he wrote verses in praise of the caliph Motawakkil and of the members of his court.
Of more historical interest are the two books Contra Symmachum, of 658 and 1131 hexameter verses respectively, the first attacking the pagan gods, the second directed against the petition of Symmachus to the emperor for the restoration of the altar and statue of Victory which Gratian had cast down.
HiS SOn, Robert Treat Paine (1773-1811), who was christened Thomas but in 1801 took the name of his father and of an elder brother who died without issue in 1794,was a poet of some repute, but his verses have long been forgotten.
It was the first Bible which had the text divided into " verses and sections according to the best editions in other languages."
Like this earlier publication, it had the division of the chapters into verses, and a marginal commentary which proved a great attraction to the Puritans.
The text of the Revised Version is printed in paragraphs, the old division of books into chapters and verses being retained for convenience of reference.
But it was not till 1857 that he wrote his first poem in Catalan - a copy of verses to the Virgin of Montserrat.
He Fell Short Of Being A Truly Great Poet, Inasmuch As Great Poetry Must, Which His Does Not, Touch Life At Many Points, But His Verses Are Marked By The Qualities That Belonged To The Man Sincerity, Purity, Seriousness.
It Is No Longer A Living Spirit Among The People At Large; But In Secluded Villages And " Back Concessions " One Can Still Hear Some Charming Melodies As Old And Pure As The Verses To Which They Are Sung, And Even A Few Quaint Survivals Of Gregorian Tunes.
Even where, as in the Vedas, the sacred books of India, there is proof that the work has been transmitted without change through many centuries, the existence of unintelligible passages and unmetrical verses shows that here too there is work for textual criticism to perform, though in the opinion of most scholars it should be confined to the restoration of such forms as would be unconsciously and inevitably corrupted through changes of pronunciation and the like.
Specimens of Fowler's verses were published in 1803 by John Leyden in his Scottish Descriptive Poems. Fowler contributed a prefatory sonnet to James VI.'s Furies; and James, in return, commended, in verse, Fowler's Triumphs.
In medieval and modern times album denotes a book of blank pages in which verses, autographs, sketches, photographs and the like are collected.
Very few of the frescoes have been identified, but two are illustrations of stories in Arya Sura's Jataka Maid, as appears from verses in Buddhist Sanskrit painted beneath them.
He also wrote many letters, verses and epitaphs, including those of Duke Arichis and of many members of the Carolingian family.
A year later the family returned to Moscow, where Hertzen passed his youth - remaining there, after completing his studies at the university, till 1834, when he was arrested and tried on a charge of having assisted, with some other youths, at a festival during which verses by Sokolovsky, of a nature uncomplimentary to the emperor, were sung.
At Moffat he met John Home, the author of Douglas, for whom he recited some Gaelic verses from memory.
Grotius vied with the Latinists of his day in the composition of Latin verses.
The fact that they copied the form in which the heathen revelations were conveyed (Greek hexameter verses) and the Homeric language is evidence of a degree of external Hellenization, which is an important fact in the history of post-exilic Judaism.
On the 10th a silver casket containing letters and French verses, miscalled sonnets, in the handwriting of the queen, was taken from the person of a servant who had been sent by Bothwell to bring it from Edinburgh to Dunbar.
It is to him we owe the commentaries on seven of the shorter canonical books, consisting almost entirely of verses, and also the commentary on the Netti, perhaps the oldest Pali work outside the canon.
On returning to the church, two or four singers enter first and close the doors, then, turning towards the procession outside, sing the first two verses of the hymn "Gloria, laus et honor," those outside repeating them, and so on till the hymn is finished.
It consists of three parts and contains about goon rhyming verses.
For four years before 1830 Andre van Hasselt had been publishing his verses in the Sentinelle des Pays-Bas, and from 1829 onwards he was an ardent romanticist.
But Thorfinn Karlsefni found no abundance of "vinber," in fact one of his followers composed some verses to express his disappointment on this score.
Still more curious, and almost peculiar to Pompeii, are the numerous writings painted upon the walls, which have generally a semipublic character, such as recommendations of candidates for municipal offices, advertisements, &c., and the scratched inscriptions (graffiti), which are generally the mere expression of individual impulse and feeling, frequently amatory, and not uncommonly conveyed in rude and imperfect verses.
One other posthumous production also (besides the tract on Heresy before mentioned) may be referred to this, if not, as Aubrey suggests, an earlier time - the two thousand and odd elagiac verses in which he gave his 1 The De medio animarum statu of Thomas White, a heterodox Catholic priest, who contested the natural immortality of the soul.
We have also for the Norman conquest the halting hexameters of William of Apulia, and for the German conquest the lively and partial verses of Peter of Eboli.'
His first literary efforts were Latin verses in praise of Ignatius Loyola (1613) and the Virgin Mary (1618); but he is best known as a writer on casuistry.
They were also ridiculed in witty verses by Moliere, Boileau and La Fontaine, and gradually the name Escobar came to be used in France as a synonym for a person who is adroit in making the rules of morality harmonize with his own interests.
It included also a number of forgeries, circulated under the names of famous Greek authors, verses fathered upon Aeschylus or Sophocles, or books like the false Hecataeus, or above all the pretended prophecies of ancient Sibyls in epic verse.
Sometimes, however, he did suppress whole sections or verses, enjoining his followers to efface or forget them, and declaring them to be " abrogated."
A very remarkable case is that of the two verses in liii., when he had recognized three heathen goddesses as exalted beings, possessing influence with God.
Of the seven verses of the sura no less than five (verses 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) have an extremely suspicious relationship with the stereotyped formulae of Jewish and Christian liturgies.
The additional headings found in our texts (the name of the suras, the number of verses, &c.) were not in the original codices, and form no integral part of the Koran.
These earliest expositions dealt more with the sense and connexion of whole verses than with the separate words.
There are works on the spelling and right pronunciation of the Koran, works on the beauty of its language, on the number of its verses, words and letters, &c.; nay, there are even works which would nowadays be called " historical and critical introductions."
Under the immediate direction of Steffens, Ohlenschldger began an entirely new poetic style, and destroyed all his earlier verses.
Educated at Westminster school and at Trinity College, Cambridge, he began his literary career by some satirical verses on Bath society published in 1777, and Poetical Tales, by "Sir Gregory Gander," in 1778.
These verses must be assigned to E, for in xvii.
Nobody can now read his verses, but his prose writings have a certain calm simplicity and dignity, without, however, giving evidence of the splendid mental qualities which he revealed in practical life.
The famous Hirsch trial, and Voltaire's vanity and caprice, greatly lowered him in the esteem of the king, who, on his side, irritated his guest by often requiring him to correct bad verses, and by making him the object of rude banter.
Ballades in Blue China (1880, enlarged edition, 1888), Ballads and Verses Vain (1884), selected by Mr Austin Dobson; Rhymes a la Mode (1884), Grass of Parnassus (1888), Ban and Arriere Ban (1894), New Collected Rhymes (1905).
The rules of grammar are read out in the memorial verses of the Ajrumiya, and the teacher adds an exposition, generally read from a printed commentary.
Other sayings and verses, most of them ascribed, not to the Buddha, but to the disciples themselves, were put into a supplementary Nikaya.
They are memorial sentences or verses intended to be learnt by heart.
Many hundreds of the short suttas and verses in these two collections are found, word for word, in the dialogues.
Parallel with this evolution, so to say, of the suttas, the short statements of doctrine, in prose, ran the treatment of the verses.
Verses were helpful to the memory.
When particularly happy in literary finish, or peculiarly rich in religious feeling, such verses were not lost.
The oldest verses are all lyrics, expressions either of emotion, or of some deep saying, some pregnant thought.
There are altogether 423 verses, gathered from various older sources, and strung together without any other internal connexion than that they relate more or less to the same subject.
Where the verses deal with thoseideas that are common to Christians and Buddhists, the versions are easily intelligible, and some of the stanzas appeal very strongly to the Western sense of religious beauty.
In all these distinctively Buddhist verses the existing translations (of which Professor Max Miller's is the best known, and Dr Karl Neumann's the best) are inadequate and sometimes quite erroneous.
The connexion in which they were spoken is often apparent in the more ancient books from which these verses have been taken, and has been preserved in the commentary on the work itself.
Another interesting collection is the Jataka book, a set of verses supposed to have been uttered by the Buddha in some of his previous births.
The older one contains still a good deal of prose, the gist of it being often repeated in the verses.
In the fifth Sibylline book, which, with the exception of verses 1-51, was mainly composed by a Jewish writer at the close of the first century, the return of Nero plays a great part.
He learned the letters from the transcription of a few verses in the Star of the Messiah of Petrus Niger, and, with a subsequent hint or two from Reuchlin, who also lent him the grammar of Moses Kimhi, made his way through the Bible for himself with the help of Jerome's Latin.
In the narrower circle of his friends his birthdays were the signal for congratulatory verses.
The burning of widows on their husbands' funeral-pile was unknown, and the verses in the Veda which the Brahmans afterwards distorted into a sanction for the practice have the very opposite meaning.
One with verses relating to the battle of Actium is believed to belong to a poem of Rabirius.
It seems that he wrote verses at this period, but, to judge from a quotation of Tallemant des Reaux, they must have been very bad ones.
His patron died when Malherbe was on a visit in his native province, and for a time he had no particular employment, though by some servile verses he obtained a considerable gift of money from Henry III., whom he afterwards libelled.
He was a fluent versifier, and would write 50o verses in one night.
Against the accusation of being a drinker of wine he himself protested in verses which he recited when he sent the army against Ibn Zobair.
In his presence young Vergniaud on one occasion recited some verses of his own composition.
From his youth he stored up in his memory the sacred words of the Koran, the traditions of the Prophet, the verses of the old poets and the stories of the ancient wars of the Arabs.
On the whole, however, there is a disposition to look at the book more objectively and to follow up the hints as to its aim given by the author in his opening verses.
In keeping with this, verses 26-28 of chapter xxviii.
But verses 30, 31 are an appended observation.
He also investigated the oxygen compounds of phosphorus and nitrogen, and was ' The names of the musical instruments in those verses of the Book of Daniel have formed the basis of a controversy as to the authenticity of the book.
His use of the " obelus " to distinguish spurious verses, which made so large a part of his fame in antiquity, has rather told against him with modern scholars.'
It is chiefly interesting as a proof of the confusion in which the text must have been before the Alexandrian times; for it is impossible to understand the readiness of Aristarchus to suspect the genuineness of verses unless the state of the copies had pointed to the existence of numerous interpolations.
There is no proof that he was the author of any of these poems, but from expressions in the poems of Sir David Lindsay, who was on terms of intimacy with him, it appears that occasionally he wrote verses.
The best verses, Pontano's elegies, Politian's hexameters, were in like manner Latin; public orations upon ceremonial occasions were delivered in the Latin tongue; correspondence, official and familiar, was carried on in the same language; even the fabliaux received, in Poggio's Facetiae.
English youths who spend their time at Eton between athletic sports and Latin verses, and who take an Ireland with a first class in "Greats" at Oxford, are pursuing the same course of physical and mental discipline as the princes of Gonzaga or Montefeltro in the 15th century.
He was passionately attached to his wife and children; and, while his friend Beccadelli signed the licentious verses of Hermaphroditus, his own Muse celebrated in liberal but loyal strains the pleasures of conjugal affection, the charm of infancy and the sorrows of a husband and a father in the loss of those he loved.
He found himself uttering "verses which he had never heard."
When Cadmon awoke he remembered the verses that he had sung and added to them others.
It was formerly maintained by some scholars that the extant Old English verses are not Baeda's original, but a mere retranslation from his Latin prose version.
Even on the assumption that the existing verses are a retranslation, it would still be certain that they differ very slightly from what the original must have been.
The so-called Cadmon poems are contained 1 It is a significant fact that the Alfredian version, instead of translating this sentence, introduces the verses with the words, "This is the order of the words."
On the Restoration he contributed some Hebrew verses to the Academiae Cantabrigiensis lc'orpa, a congratulatory volume addressed to the king.
He invented a system of shorthand (2nd ed., with a copy of verses by Joseph Priestley) .
Theories of inspiration lurk behind the rich vocabulary of Greek prophecy; the seer is g v9Eos, 0€6X7prros, OEOirvcvoTOS, Oc040prtros, and Bakis and Musaeus give their names to sacred verses.
The tribal poets were supposed to have " seen " the heavenly originals; elaborate arguments were devised to explain how the names of particular objects like rivers and mountains could have existed in the Eternal; while the grounds of belief in the infallibility of the sacred verses were enforced with the double weight of philosophy and tradition.
There is much uncertainty as to the meaning of the name, and as to the time when it became attached to a particular species of nonsense verses.
He mentions the uproar of the victors in the Temple; the dismantling of the walls; the exile of king and princes (verses i-9).
Passers-by jeered at the fallen city; and all her enemies triumphed over her (verses 10-17).
Sion is urged to cry to the Lord in protest against His pitiless work (verses 18-22).
Perhaps aim's, verses 2, 17.
Verses II, 19 (dearth of food), 20 (danger in the field, starvation in the house) agree curiously with Neh.
They have a decided love of poetry, and exhibit great facility in improvising verses and poems on all occasions, and they sing, everywhere, from morning to night.
He wrote an eulogistic life of the duke, the earlier and concluding parts of which are lost; and Ordericus Vitalis, who gives a short biography of him in his Historia ecclesiastica, says that he also wrote verses.
Another ecclesiastic, the bishop of Skara, Jesper Svedberg (1653-1735), wrote sacred verses, but is better remembered as the father of Swedenborg.
Peter Lagerldf (1648-1699) cultivated a pastoral vein in his ingenious lyrics Elisandra and Lycillis; he was professor of poetry, that is to say, of the art of writing Latin verses, at Upsala.
Verses 15-17 are the indirect abstract of the speech's argument, but in verses 18-21 the apostle, carried away by the thought and barrier of the moment as he dictates to his amanuensis, forgets the original situation.
The most accomplished minstrels of his time were Mlnst,aels Mahommed FarklSdi (or FarSlSwI); Abfl l-Abbks of 10th of BokhSrg, a writer of very tender verses; Abu Century.
We may also mention Cupido Cruciatus, Cupid on the cross; Technopaegion, a literary trifle consisting of a collection of verses ending in monosyllables; Eclogarum Liber, on astronomical and astrological subjects; Epistolae, including letters to Paulinus and Symmachus; lastly, Praefatiunculae, three poetical epistles, one to the emperor Theodosius.
Encouraged by their success, he devoted himself diligently to this kind of composition, but refrained for a long time from either publicly reciting or publishing his verses.
The verses of Diniz, essentially a love poet, are conventional in tone and form, but he can write pretty ballads and pastorals when he allows himself to be natural.
Pedro of Portugal, son of the prince of that name already referred to, has left some verses marked by.
The epic achievements of the Portuguese in that century, the discoveries and the wars in Africa, hardly find an echo, even in the verses of those who had taken part in them.
Instead, an atmosphere of artificiality surrounds these productions, and the verses that reveal genuine poetical feeling are very few.
Ribeiro and Falcao, the introducers of the bucolic style, put new life into the old forms, and by their eclogues in redondilhas, breathing the deepest and most genuine feeling in verses of perfect harmony, they gave models which subsequent writers worked by but could never equal.
Simplicity, spontaneity and harmony distinguished his earlier verses, which are also his best, and their author belongs to no school but stands alone.
Verses 7-13, on the other hand, form a suitable continuation of iv., though probably they are secondary in character.
It is hardly doubtful that the verses are derived from a different source to that of their immediate context, possibly the same as v.
The connexion between these verses and the following is extremely harsh, and since vv.
Verses 12-15 relate to the portions of the mealand peace-offerings which fell to the lot of the priests, and connect, therefore, with chap. ix.; possibly they have been wrongly transferred from that chapter.
A similar character must be assigned to the remaining verses of chap. xiv., with the exception of the colophon in v.
Verses 25, 26 apparently formed the conclusion of a law on clean and unclean animals similar to that of chap. xi., and very probably mark the place where H's regulations on that subject originally stood.
There are numerous French and Latin letters, his Apologie, a promising fragment of comic prose narrative, and a large collection of occasional verses, odes, elegies, stanzas, &c.
This work, which deals with the history of France from 1300 to 1316, contains 7918 verses, and is valuable as that of a writer who had a personal knowledge of many of the events which he relates.
Aristotle has left some verses from an invocation to Arete (Virtue), commemorating the worth of Hermeas, who had been seized by Persian treachery and put to death.
In the concluding verses of the Gospel, where the original Marcan parallel is wanting, the evangelist may still have followed in part that document while making additions as before.
He exchanged verses with his kinsman, the poet Charles of Orleans.
As is shown by his verses and sometimes by his prose, his mind was highly imaginative; the poet Coleridge declared that if he "had not been the first chemist, he would have been the first poet 1 Davy's will directed that this service, after Lady Davy's death, should pass to his brother, Dr John Davy, on whose decease, if he had no heirs who could make use of it, it was to be melted and sold, the proceeds going to the Royal Society" to found a medal to be given annually for the most important discovery in chemistry anywhere made in Europe or Anglo-America."The silver produced £736, and the interest on that sum is expended on the Davy medal, which was awarded for the first time in 1877, to Bunsen and Kirchhoff for their discovery of spectrum analysis.
But there is no inconsistency between the two verses.
Up to the present time its verses are used as amulets; it is employed in the lamentations for the dead; it has been frequently edited and made the basis for other poems, and new poems have been made by interpolating four or six lines after each line of the original.
Hermippus, in the 3rd century B.C., affirmed that Zoroaster, the founder of the doctrine of the Magi, was the author of twenty books, each containing ioo,000 verses.
It is true that " there are (in the LXX.) many omissions of words, sentences, verses and whole passages, in fact, that altogether about 2700 words are wanting, or the eighth part of the Massoretic text " (Bleek).
In some respects it helps to fill up a gap in the canonical text between verses 23 and 24 of chapter iii.
Thirty-three verses ascribed to Ananda are preserved in a collection of lyrics by the principal male and female members of the order (Thera Gatha, 1017-1050).
After the Directions he writes little beyond occasional verses, not seldom indecent and commonly trivial.
An exception must be made in the case of the delightful Hamilton's Bawn, and still more of the verses on his own death (1731), one of the most powerful and also one of the saddest of his poems. In The Legion Club of 1736 he composed the fiercest of all his verse satires.
The only procession formerly prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer is that in the order of the burial of the dead, where the rubric directs that "the priest and clerks meeting the corpse at the entrance of the churchyard, and going before it, either into the church, or towards the grave, shall say, or sing" certain verses of Scripture.
The attempt (by Clemen and Beer) to place the TenWeeks Apocalypse before 167, because it makes no reference to the Maccabees, is not successful; for where the history of mankind from Adam to the final judgment is despatched in sixteen verses, such an omission need cause little embarrassment, and still less if the author is the determined foe of the Maccabees, whom he would probably have stigmatized as apostates, if he had mentioned them at all, just as he similarly brands all the Sadducean priesthood that preceded them to the time of the captivity.
Periander was reckoned one of the seven sages of Greece, and was the reputed author of a collection of maxims (T7roOi Kac) in 2000 verses.
Vacarescu described the history of the Ottoman empire from the beginning to 1791, interpolating doggerel verses.
Aaron wrote the Passion, in 10,000 verses (1802; often reprinted); the lyrical romances of Piram Tisbe (1808) and Sofronim si Hdriti (1821); and the humorous Leonat .i Dorofata, a satire on bad women and on drunken husbands, now a chapbook.
It is called riganiafa (1812) and consists of 12 songs and of many thousand verses.
In 1634 also, having been selected as the composer of a Latin elegy to Richelieu on the occasion of the cardinal visiting Rouen, he was introduced to the subject of his verses, and was soon after enrolled among the "five poets."
He lived for ten years after the appearance of Surena, but was almost silent save for the publication, in 1676, of some beautiful verses thanking Louis XIV.
Racine is said to have assured his son that Corneille made verses "cent fois plus beaux" than his own, but that his own greater popularity was owing to the fact that he took some trouble to make himself personally agreeable.
One of the heroines rescues herself from a ravisher by blinding him with a hair-pin, and as she escapes the seducer apostrophizes the blood which trickles from his eye, and the weapon which has wounded it, in a speech forty verses long.
It is remarkable not only for its many splendid verses and for the nobility of its sentiment, but from the fact that not one of its characters lacks interest, a commendation not generally to be bestowed on its author's work.
Three verses quoted by Menage are all we possess.
In the former verses Esau is destroyed by his allies, and they occupy his territory, but in the latter he perishes with the other heathen in the day of universal retribution, he disappears before the victorious advance of Israel, and the southern Judaeans occupy his land.'
The theme in its main outlines is a popular one in biblical prophecy, but when these 53 verses are carefully examined and compared with prophetical thought elsewhere, several difficult problems arise, an adequate solution of which cannot as yet be offered.
Then trouble came upon him; complaints were made to the fathers of the alleged licentiousness of his verses, the real cause of complaint being the ridicule which Vert Vert seemed to throw upon the whole race of nuns and the anti-clerical tendency of the other poems. An example, it was urged, must be made; Gresset was expelled the order.
The very first verses in the book startle the reader by their exaggerations, e.g.
Of 270 verses, 107 are not to be found in the Hebrew text.
That ascribed to Mordecai has the verses Isaiah lix.
Read together verses I b, 2a, 12-15 and 25-34, omitting 32b, i.e.
Read together verses Ia, 2b-7, 19-24.
Read together verses 8-11 and 16 and 17.
His education was necessarily narrow; yet he was learned in his way, wrote verses, and even began a history of his own times.
There are also fragments of poems in Half's Saga, Asmund KappaBana's Saga, in the Latin verses of Saxo, and the Shield Lays (Ragnarsdrapa) by Bragi, &c., of this school, which closes with the Sun-Song, a powerful Christian Dantesque poem, recalling some of the early compositions of the Irish Church, and with the 12th-century Lay of Ragnar, Lay of Starkad, The Proverb Song (Havamal) and Krakumal, to which we may add those singular Gloss-poems, the Pulur, which also belong to the Western Isles.
There is some of Sturla's poetry in his Islendinga Saga, and verses of Snorri occur in the Grammatical Treatise on figures of speech, &c., of Olaf, which contains about one hundred and forty quotations from various authors, and was written about 1250.
It has been overworked by a later editor, c. 1300, who inserted many spurious verses.
Leo explains "political" as implying that the verses are "scorta et meretrices, quod omnibus sunt obsequiosae et peculiares, et servitutem publicam serviunt."
He also began to write poetry, and printed many of his verses in the Dorset County Chronicle.
A poem of some 600 "political" verses, written during his imprisonment on a charge of slandering a neighbour and containing an appeal to the emperor Manuel, is still extant.
When representations were made to the king as to the impropriety of his conduct, he referred the matter to his adviser, Fothud, who was also a cleric. Fothud pronounced that the clergy should be exempted, and three verses purporting to be his decision are still extant.
Between D and P there are no verbal parallels; but in the historical resumes JE is followed closely, whole clauses and even verses being copied practically verbatim.
If either premise is particular, the conclusion must be particular .3 2 The following mnemonic hexameter verses are generally given (first apparently in Aldrich's Artis logicae rudimenta) to aid in remembering these moods.
In a few verses the "wrestling" ('-b -k) of Jacob (ya'agob) is associated with the Jabbok ()labboq); his "striving" explains his name Israel; at Peniel he sees "the face of God," and when touched on his vulnerable spot - the hollow of the thigh - he is lamed, hence "the children of Israel eat not the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh unto this day" (xxxii.
He inherited his father's literary tastes, and published Stray Verses in 1890, besides other miscellaneous literary work.
Arabian philosophy, at the outset of its career in the 9th century, was able without difficulty to take possession of those resources for speculative thought which the Latins had barely achieved at the close of the 12th century by the slow process of rediscovering the Aristotelian logic from the commentaries and verses of Boetius.
The Lehnin Prophecy (Lehninsche Weissagung, Vaticinium Lehninense), a poem in loo Leonine verses, reputed to be from the pen of a monk, Hermann of Lehnin, who lived about the year 1300, made its appearance about 1690 and caused much controversy.
During three years he was a member of the Nonsense Club with his two schoolfellows from Westminster, Churchill and Lloyd, and he wrote sundry verses in magazines and translated two books of Voltaire's Henriade.
In 1 779 he made his first appearance as an author by the Olney Hymns, written in conjunction with Newton, Cowper's verses being indicated by a " C."
Tulsi Das followed her, and endeavoured to induce her to return to him, but in vain; she reproached him (in verses which have been preserved) with want of faith in Rama, and so moved him that he renounced the world, and entered upon an ascetic life, much of which was spent in wandering as a preacher of the necessity of a loving faith in Rama.
Its verses are everywhere, in this region, popular proverbs; an apt quotation from them by a stranger has an immediate effect in producing interest and confidence in the hearers.
In June 1833 he left Palermo for Marseilles in an orange boat, which was becalmed in the Strait of Bonifacio, and here he wrote the verses, "Lead, kindly Light," which later became popular as a hymn.
Claude Adrien was trained for a financial career, but he occupied his spare time with writing verses.
His principal work was A History of the Romans under the Empire, in seven volumes, which came out between 1850 and 1862; but he wrote several smaller historical works, and published sermons, lectures and Latin verses.
She was of noble birth and seems to have attracted Sigismondo's notice as early as 1438, for at the age of twenty he produced verses of some merit in praise of her charms. She was indeed widely celebrated for her beauty and intellect, culture, firmness and prudence; and even Pope Pius II.
The leading poets of the court dedicated to her a collection of verses entitled Isottaei, styled her their mistress and the chosen of Apollo.
Her marriage with Malatesta did not take place until 1456; but of the ardent affection that had long bound them together there are stronger proofs than the lover's juvenile verses, or than even the children Isotta had borne to him.
But in the second set of verses, both lots and wine are an absolute abomination and the work of Satan.
These verses are all abrogated by other verses which call for war.
Yea, he will at once avenge them of their enemies. ***** The following eight verses describe the apocalyptic battle waged by God himself.
Do you know what the Aaronic benediction and blessing is in Numbers chapter 6 and verses 23 through to 27?
I hear the clink of them at the end of every cadence of the Bible verses ' .
I'm afraid I am not conversant with the verses you have quoted, perhaps you could explain your position.
The context is absolutely critical to properly interpreting Bible verses.
Verse 16 deals with the righteous dead in general; verses 13 and 14 with the particular individuals whose death they were mourning.
These two verses seem to be the central plank as the two witnesses prophesy doom.
Tallis always sets the first polyphonic verse or pair of verses in compound duple meter and the others in simple duple meter and the others in simple duple.
Let me say right away, before we enter into these verses, that the Bible does not aspire or teach false ecumenism.
The song is structured with tranquil quiet verses and an upbeat chorus that combine to make a very Genesis like mini epic.
The first six verses of this chapter contain an epistle sent by Jesus Christ to the church of Sardis.
Beyond the opening verses, much of the first nine chapters contains exhortation or instruction.
Which of verses 15 and 16 do you find more extraordinary?
He usually divided his poems into verses of four hemistiches, with the second and fourth hemistich of each verse having the same rhymes.
One of these guarded treasures was a volume of grossly indecent verses by Voltaire, addressed to Frederick the Great.
Ganesha's seed mantra is Gam, and verses 7 - 9 of the Ganesha Upanishad comprise a simple meditation upon it.
In verses 1-2 the people bless the priests and Levites, and in the verse 3 the latter reply.
Ali read the proclamation of dispensation [probably the first 30 or 40 verses of Sura 9] on the day of Arafah.
We may even suspect that these verses were written by a scribe of a later age for the position they now occupy.
Some wonder what these verses actually mean and some wonder if they have committed this unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Verses 6, 7. " And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, and overlay THEM with brass.
Verses 9 to 11 -- they neatly summarize the book of Judges.
In verses twelve to seventeen we have a wonderful picture of communion with the king.
Dr. Tholuck had published some verses of a religious character, which had given umbrage to some sect or other.
Robert and Norman followed it up with by singing few verses of the great poet himself.
Notes reading these verses might lead us to wonder whether Samuel was looking for approval or reassurance.
It's easy to pull a couple of Bible verses to say just about anything.
The Latin verses explain the theology of their prophecies.
This helps pupils to avoid looking for the ' correct ' meaning of biblical verses and so risk an over-literal interpretation.
The basis of ashtanga yoga is the Yoga sutras (Sanskrit Verses) of Patanjali.
Rienzi was the hero of one of the finest of Petrarch's odes, Spirit() gentil, and also of some beautiful verses by Lord Byron.
As a young abate he had followed the fashion of writing verses, and to the end he remained a notable patron of the arts and sciences, music being his main passion.
But a better idea of Moratin's talent is afforded by his anacreontic verses and by his Carta histOrica sobre el origen y progresos de las fiestas de toros en Espana.
Whilst the two last priests have assigned to them special liturgical collections of the texts to be used by them, the Samaveda-samhita and Yajurveda-samhita respectively, the Hotri has to deal entirely with hymns and verses taken from the Rigveda-samhita, of which they would, however, form only a comparatively small portion.
Of his relations with his brother-authors little is known; it was natural that he should exchange complimentary verses with James Shirley, and that he should join in the chorus of laments over the death of Ben Jonson.
But he is best known as the author of the //Mot, three books of sarcastic hexameter verses, written against the Greek philosophers.
The sultan ordered his treasurer, Khojah Hasan Maimandi, to pay to Firdousi a thousand gold pieces for every thousand verses; but the poet preferred allowing the sum to accumulate till the whole was 1 A sort of cuirass.
These are - "The Fate of Caesar," "Verses upon Inveraray," "Epistle to the Earl of Eglintoun," "Prologue on the Birthday of the Prince of Wales, 1759" and several "Epigrams," which are printed in vol.
In verses 9, 19 the manifest corruptions may be explicable from a Semitic background.
Consequently we find an extraordinary development of strophic forms corresponding to the many new "tones" which every Meistersinger regarded it as his duty to invent - tones which bore the most remarkable and often ridiculous names, such as Gestreif tsaf ranblumleinweis, Fettdachsweis, Vielfrassweis, geblilmte Paradiesweis, &c. The verses were adapted to the musical strophes by a merely mechanical counting of syllables, regardless of rhythm or sense.
Many have to be recovered from grammars, dictionaries, &c., where single lines or groups of lines are quoted to illustrate the proper use of words, phrases or idioms. Moreover, many a reciter was not content to declaim the genuine verses of ancient poets, but interpolated some of his own composition, and the change of religion introduced by Islam led to the mutilation of many verses to suit the doctrines of the new creed.1 The language of the poems, as of all the best Arabian literature, was that of the desert Arabs of central Arabia; and to use it aright was the ambition of poets and scholars even in the Abbasid period.
But in Ibn Ishaq's day these fables were generally accepted as history - for many of them had been first related by contemporaries of Mahomet - and no one certainly thought it blameworthy to put pious verses in the mouth of the Prophet's forefathers, though, according to the Fihrist (p. 92), Ibn Ishaq was duped by others with regard to the poems he quotes.
They included Memoirs of the civil wars after the death of Caesar, used by Suetonius and Plutarch; bucolic poems in Greek; translations of Greek speeches; occasional satirical and erotic verses; essays on the minutiae of grammar.
The earlier verses, 2-11, do not amount to much beyond a repetition of what is found in.
In the Nirat poetry, a favourite form of verse, both are often used, a stanza in Klong serving as a sort of argument at the head of a set of verses in Kap. This Nirat poetry takes the form of narrative addressed by a traveller to his lady-love, of a journey in which every object and circumstance serves but to remind the wanderer of some virtue or beauty of his correspondent.
There are quatrains in the Rubdiyat of Omar Khayyam and pessimistic verses in Ecclesiastes which might have been uttered by Aristippus ("Then commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing than to eat and to drink and to be merry; for that shall abide with him of his labour the days of his life which God giveth him under the sun").
In the annals of precocious genius there is no greater prodigy on record than Hugo Grotius, who was able to make good Latin verses at nine, was ripe for the university at twelve, and at fifteen edited the encyclopaedic work of Martianus Capella.
Like many other predominantly religious characters, he had no appreciation of poetic beauty; and if we may believe one anecdote related of him, at a time when every one made verses, he affected ignorance of the most elementary rules of prosody.
The suras of the third Meccan period, which form a fairly large part of our present Koran, are almost entirely prosaic. Some of the revelations are of considerable extent, and the single verses also are much longer than in the older suras.
Transposing verses 5, 6, and correcting their text, we see that the Jod stanza (verses 3, 4) precedes the Lamed (verses 6, 5), Caph having disappeared between them.
Contrast its frequency afterwards, when ground of hope is found in the Divine pity and purpose (verses 22-40), and when the contrite nation turns to its God in prayer (verses 55-66).
Some amends may have been made to him by the commission which he received next year to write verses for the Triomphes poetiques de Louis XIII.
He cou'd imagine admirable situations, and he could write verses of incomparable grandeur - verses that reverberate again and again in the memory, but he could not, with the patient docility of Racine, labour at proportioning the action of a tragedy strictly, at maintaining a uniform rate of interest in the course of the plot and of excellence in the fashion of the verse.
Owing to his father's profession he was called in derision "the doctor," and George Canning, who wrote satirical verses at his expense, referred to him on one occasion as "happy Britain's guardian gander."
Beginning with the sagas of the west, most perfect in style and form, the earliest in subject is that of Gold-Thori (c. 930), whose adventurous career it relates; Hensa-porissaga tells of the burning of Blund-Ketil, a noble chief, an event which led to Thord Gelli's reforms next year (c. 964); Gislasaga (960-980) tells of the career and death of that ill-fated outlaw; it is beautifully written, and the verses by the editor (13th century) are good and appropriate; Hord's Saga (980) is the life of a band of outlaws on Whalesfirth, and especially of their leader Hord.
We must picture him as a professional storyteller equipped with a mass of miscellaneous reading, a fluent power of narration, and a ready faculty for quoting, or at a push improvising, verses.
At the same time he cultivated literature, entertaining poets and writers both at the Luxembourg and at his château of Brunoy (see Dubois-Corneau, Le Comte de Provence a Brunoy, 2909), and gaining a reputation for wit by his verses and mots in the salon of the charming and witty comtesse de Balbi, one of Madame's ladies, who had become his mistress, 4 and till 1793 exerted considerable influence over him.
Perhaps you would like to read those funny verses.
Al Mansur loved poetry and was fond of hearing poets repeat their own verses.
He is the author of some commendable verses.
Sonya was sitting close to Nicholas who was copying out some verses for her, the first he had ever written.
Someone obligingly took the dish from Bagration (or he would, it seemed, have held it till evening and have gone in to dinner with it) and drew his attention to the verses.
Everyone rose, feeling that dinner was more important than verses, and Bagration, again preceding all the rest, went in to dinner.
What are those verses?
Kutuzov smilingly nodded his head to the rhythm of the verses.
In part 3, p. 72, he says The recitation of some verses is abrogated tho their provisions are retained.
He began quietly reciting verses in Arabic, pausing occasionally to spit lightly on the boy 's head.
In it Watt argues for the historicity of the satanic verses.
Perhaps our 21st century sensibilities are stopping us see what these verses actually teach us about God.
Verses 6, 7. And thou shalt make staves for the altar, staves of shittim wood, and overlay THEM with brass.
He was a man of prayer and he made, in verses 4 to 9, a supplication for divine power.
The first song rolled through the verses with Neil 's softly spoken, understated vocals.
Notes Reading these verses might lead us to wonder whether Samuel was looking for approval or reassurance.
It 's easy to pull a couple of bible verses to say just about anything.
In the relevant verses of the Koran, there is a significant difference between the People of the Book and the idolaters.
There are notes on only nine of the verses of these two chapters.
Police later said they had found a van containing detonators along with an Arabic language tape with verses from the Koran.
Around the edge of the front of the card, write out one of the verses from the rhyme.
Given the diversity and quality of care verses the budget of each individual family this constructs the stage for a difficult evaluation.
They also offer guidelines pertaining to verses and other important information that should be placed on the card.
One of the first things to consider is the option of renting a tank verses buying one.
In particular, they often reference the Bible's verses which speak of debt.
Some people make the claim that no lender can be "Christian" since there are verses in the Bible that caution against debt in general.
Biblical Verses'''-Instead of pictures, consider displaying favorite Bible verses.
Throws-Purchase throws that feature biblical scenes and/or verses.
The more complicated the technique and the higher the concentration of the chemicals, the more likely the tooth whitening product will be applied in a dentist office verses at home.
Teen Verses From the Edge!, edited by Karen Tom, features poetry from female teen visitors to
From delicately screened verses of scripture to clever plays on words, there are dozens of Christian teen clothing options for today's teen to look unique and be proud of their faith.
Some verses of the Bible can be a bit esoteric, meaning difficult to understand or hidden.
Ask them questions like what parts the Bible are their favorite (be sure to ask why!), what verses have helped them through difficult times and the role they think youths should have with the Bible.
Instead of reading verse after verse, consider living the verses.
On a smaller level, look into ways to incorporate powerful verses into your everyday life and report back to the group at your next meeting.
There are many graduation verses that teens can use for numerous reasons.
Graduation verses are commonly short poems meant to describe the graduation process or highlight thoughts related to it.
Whatever your intention for wanting a few graduation verses, there are numerous out there as well as the potential to write your own to really highlight what you're looking for.
While you can use graduation verses already written by someone else, they are also good to use for inspiration in writing your own.
In addition to catering perfectly to the feelings you are looking to describe, writing your own verses for graduation can personalize the experience.
Verse It is a great site that offers a variety of verses for many different occasions.
Check out the samples below, some of which also include African wedding invitation verses.
Check out the following sample wedding invitation verses!
Because families are so diverse, there are several Websites that offer their customers a choice of how the wedding invitation verses should be worded.
A book of quotations or verses from their religious book that centers on romance, love, and faith is excellent for newlyweds just starting out.
Couples who share the same faith as you may appreciate hearing some of your favorite wedding card verses that are inspired by your particular religion.