Versatile Sentence Examples
Galen was one of the most versatile and accomplished writers of his age.
A summary of so versatile a genius is impossible.
People are highly versatile, great at learning new things, naturally curious, and naturally enjoy new things.
His genius was unusually rich and versatile; his artistic conscience always alert and sober.
Today we have the Internet and all its associated technologies, vastly more versatile, almost infinite in possibility.
The human mind is so wonderful and so versatile.
The Lives are not in the true sense biographical, but rather picturesque impressions of leading representatives of an attitude of mind full of curiosity, alert and versatile, but lacking scientific method, preferring the external excellence of style and manner to the solid achievements of serious writing.
The same year was one of special importance in the prodigiously versatile activities of Leonardo da Vinci.
Versatile, lighthearted, boastful and pleasure-loving, he contrasts with the nobler and more intellectual character of Averroes.
His diary reveals a tender and devout private life which has been overlooked by those who have only considered the versatile facility and persuasive expediency that marked the successful public career of the bishop, and earned!
AdvertisementThe filaments elongate rapidly at flowering-time, and the lightly versatile anthers empty an abundance of finely granular smooth pollen through a longitudinal slit.
Although salads are such a popular and versatile dish, they are often packed in disposable plastic containers, meaning that while the salad is good for us, the container is bad for the environment.
Equally distinguishedin natural science,philosophy and the administration of civic affairs, he takes a high place among the versatile savants of the ancient Greek world.
He was reputed to be the most versatile and accomplished statesman of his age, and almost alone among his Scottish contemporaries he placed his country above the claims of either the Roman Catholic or the Protestant religions.
Gotland Ponies are versatile -- they make pleasant rides for children and are at the same time fast trotters.
AdvertisementThey are hypogynous, and have long and very delicate filaments, and large, linear or oblong two-celled anthers, dorsifixed and ultimately very versatile, deeply indented at each end, and commonly exserted and pendulous.
The range of the macro facility, which extends down to 1cm, also makes the camera very versatile.
As a journalist, poet, critic and historian, he soon made a reputation as one of the ablest and most versatile writers of the day.
Landmark - Pavilion The Pavilion is an incredibly versatile room capable of seating up to 200 people.
Whatever may be the truth about these stories, Heraclides seems to have been a versatile and prolific writer on philosophy, mathematics, music, grammar, physics, history and rhetoric. Many of the works attributed to him, however, are probably by one or more persons of the same name.
AdvertisementAccordingly, he was ready to meet the needs of his day to an extent and in a manner which even the versatile Jesuits, who much desired to enlist him in their company, did not rival; and, though an Italian priest and head of a new religious order, his genius was entirely unmonastic and unmedieval; he was the active promoter of vernacular services, frequent and popular preaching, unconventional prayer, and unsystematized, albeit fervent, private devotion.
Digital SLR cameras are undeniably versatile.
Had Petrarch been born at the close of the 15th instead of at the opening of the 14th century there is no doubt that his Latinity would have been as pure, as versatile, and as pointed as that of the witty stylist of Rotterdam.
Brosnan was IMO an extremely versatile Bond, surpassed only by Connery.
Fashionable and popular, it is the most versatile of metals used in jewelry.
AdvertisementThe versatile straps on the three-way backpacks allow you to switch from backpack to shoulder bag or carry it by hand.
Polyactic acid, or Polylactide, is a versatile polymer made from lactic acid.
Intended primarily for use with 5-12 year olds, the versatile songbook comes with backing tracks on either a CD or cassette.
Heiner is extraordinarily versatile, and this basic attitude resonates with a younger generation of musicians.
An exceptionally versatile artist with a wide-ranging repertoire, he has carved out a formidable international reputation.
Tablet PCs, with huge advantages in usability and ergonomics, are becoming more versatile.
Versatile rig and very easy to use once you get to grips with the menu system.
Let 12 burgers sizzle away on George Foremans versatile Double Champion indoor/outdoor grill - NOW WITH FREE STAND !
Soundproofing Not all of the investigations were planned in advance, as the equipment is so versatile and easy to use.
The instrumentation and sound is unlike any other band with Howard Werth 's distinctive, versatile vocals and nylon strung guitar.
Sheet cakes for baby showers can be a versatile dessert choice for both large and small parties.
The most versatile clothes dryers have several temperature settings.
Buttons are a very versatile scrapbooking embellishment.
This could be considered the most versatile option.
A full list of the games released by EA reveals just how versatile and productive the video game company is.
Their brief was to create a vehicle more spacious, versatile and economical than the traditional North American station wagon.
They are a wonderfully versatile pair adapting themselves to a kicking or running game with equal facility.
Advanced shooters working with SLR cameras should not be without this versatile filter that does wonders for landscape and outdoor shots.
Although Tiffany formal dresses are targeted at the prom market, the styles are varied and versatile enough that teens can wear these dresses for a wide range of occasions.
You'll also find an amazingly versatile shirt dress and perforated jelly flats.
Completely versatile and basic, a sweater vest is timeless.
Sweaters are a great addition to any wardrobe, because they are versatile and come in many different colors, styles and fabrics.
Footwear is versatile with cargo shorts, as well.
Recipes for vodka drinks are extremely versatile.
Since grenadine has been around so long and is so versatile, grenadine has been a popular additive to alcoholic drinks for many years.
Best Buy gift cards can be used for purchases in store or online, making them a versatile gift.
These versatile furniture pieces are very functional and practical.
A jelly cabinet is a versatile piece of furniture that can serve many used and can be moved to almost any room of your home.
This $5.00 design from BuildEazy actually folds into two separate garden benches to offer more versatile backyard seating.
This versatile set comes with everything you could possibly need for a tween's or teenager's room.
A futon is a very versatile piece of furniture for this design because it can be used as a couch during the day and pulled out for a fourth bed at night.
Plans that include both measurements can be versatile, but they may also be a hassle to use.
Bookshelves are one of the most versatile and designer friendly pieces of furniture available.
They're incredibly versatile and can be used in entryways, next to sofas, as bedside tables, and just about anywhere else.
Designed to hold a maximum weight of 250 pounds, the free plans for this versatile twin size loft bed are available on Disney Family Fun.
This versatile chair has 49 different locking positions and features a Coactive tilt mechanism that enables the seat and back to move in sync.
This versatile style table has a remarkable finish on the tabletop featuring the distinctive penshell and snakestone surface.
The chair offers users the ability to sit, lie down, or stand while exercising, making it an even more versatile piece of equipment.
Solar power roof tiles are continually evolving to become more versatile and attractive, so that they are not just on the roof, they also become a seamless part of the roof.
One of the most versatile types of alternative energy is solar power energy.
Salads are also extremely versatile and make a great alternative to sandwiches for a packed lunch.
Versatile and adaptable, contemporary track lighting is functional, stylish and practical.
Track lighting is versatile and comes in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and shapes.
This is a very versatile color to use in your kitchen you can select from a large pallet of hues for green paints.
Because it is so versatile this material can be used for backsplashes, shower walls, floors and countertops.
There is no end to the great things you can do with this versatile paint.
They provide a variety of versatile coatings, which are perfect not only for the everyday consumer/homeowner but also contractors, interior designers and architects alike.
U-shaped - This layout is the most versatile and efficient of all kitchen layouts.
Create a versatile, fun space that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike.
Some tables convert from billiard to ping pong, while others are more versatile and allow for air hockey, foosball, cards and more.
Mirror wall tiles are versatile, functional and inexpensive.
The Estate line offers a wide variety of styles including modern transitional to traditional, while Modern Age offers versatile patterns in colors such as beige, deep brown, rust and light blue accents.
Some of the versatile products you can purchase are made from solid pieces of stone such as bathroom vanities, stylish washstands, and kitchen sinks.
Stone is versatile enough to also be used outdoors for courtyards, patios, porches, pool surrounds, driveways, and walkways.
Sometimes simpler modern mirrors can make up a more versatile decor scheme.
An extremely versatile and wearable fragrance, it transitions from a casual day environment to the evenings easily.
Established in Toronto, Canada by make up artist and photographer Frank Toskan and businessman Frank Angelo, MAC cosmetics brought reliable and versatile cosmetics to fashion photo shoots worldwide.
Pink is a versatile color that allows gals to go glam without going overboard.
The SofTap® hand method of makeup application is not only gentle, it's versatile.
Since the product is so versatile and so flattering, I probably would buy it again, even though I had misgivings at first.
The light, airy powder is one of the most versatile cosmetic products available.
Almost all cosmetic manufacturers offer this versatile product in their lineups.
It's also more versatile when paired with other colors, and can look both casual and dressy, depending on its design.
With its intense (yet incredibly natural) pigment, versatile color selection and multitude of uses, it practically saves the day when I don't have time to complete a full face of makeup.
There are a handful of similar products available on the market today, but perhaps none is as versatile as this.
Even better, it's more versatile than the everyday blush; this product can really be used just about anywhere on the face!
Bobbi Brown's eye shadow is truly versatile, ultra-wearable and incredibly chic.
Don't be fooled by the fact that this versatile product is only available in four color selections.
If ever there was a versatile product destined to please everyone from makeup fanatics to relative newcomers to our colorful world, it's the Stila palette.
For me, the allure of these versatile lip pencils was not so much in the names but in the rainbow of colors.
The color is flattering and versatile enough to wear year round.
It's enduring, available in a versatile choice of colors and, at $12, is quite reasonably priced.
Its luxuriously fresh combo equates to being versatile enough for daytime wear.
The result is a very wearable, versatile shade.
This versatile product is touted as a dual shadow and liner, and it's quite efficient in playing up the eyes and creating a head-turning look.
Perfect for day or night, this versatile gloss works on all skin colors and is the most popular shade in the Lip Injection line.
With the versatile and feminine shades available, there's a color that will plump and flatter every skin tone.
Disadvantages notwithstanding, this is truly a great and versatile product.
This ups the product's chances of being more versatile, too.
In my book, because this product is so versatile, it's a keeper!
This versatile palette is as engaging to look at as it is to use, and that's saying something considering it only contains a handful of eye shadows!
It is available in 10 versatile colors designed to blend or complement any Lipsense lipstick shade you choose.
The foolproof formula provides the precision of a liquid eyeliner, minus the smudge factor in a versatile dark chocolate shade.
The deep, matte chocolate brown color of Dipdown is versatile enough that it can be used as either a daytime eyeliner or for a slightly more dramatic look for evening.
Although a perfect eyeliner for everyday neutral eyes, MAC Fluidline in Dipdown can also work in a variety of other ways, making a versatile addition to any woman's makeup collection.
If you're new to the line of MAC makeup, or simply want to get the most bang for your hard-earned buck, a makeup kit is often the best way to sample a line and a variety of colors and versatile products.
This device is versatile, working on iPads and iPhones, as well as many other smartphone and tablet devices.
Flavored oils and vinegars are a delicious, easy and versatile.
Chicken is a popular dinner ingredients because it cooks fast, is versatile, and, with a lemon chicken recipe, it can also have a fabulous, bright flavor.
These programs are more expensive, but also more versatile, as you will be able to use them for applications other than scrapbooking.
Chipboard is a versatile supply that can be used on a variety of layouts.
There's a good reason eyelets are such a popular scrapbook supply-they're amazingly versatile.
From creative titles to unique page embellishments, the Cricut is so versatile you can use it on almost every page you create.
This means that scrapbooking templates are versatile and can be used in a variety of different ways.
This material is so versatile that you're only limited by your imagination.
Similar to other font cartridges offered by Provo Craft, the Disney alphabet font can be cut in silhouette, shadow, charm, tag, and normal shapes which make this a versatile font to use on Disney vacation scrapbooks.
Learning how and why to embellish this versatile medium can add dimension to your scrapbook.
Your choices are practically limitless when it comes to finding ways to use the versatile paper shapes in your scrapbook.
If you find a scrapbook tool you'd like to use for a project, but don't think it's versatile enough to be a wise purchase, see if you can borrow the item from your local scrapbook store.
In addition, the paper is extremely versatile.
What's more, they are extremely versatile.
Like the E99, it is a versatile ski that provides excellent control.
Today, K2 continues to be one of the world's most innovative and versatile ski gear companies.
They are comfortable, warm and versatile, not to mention cute.
You'll have to look through a lot of wardrobes to find a piece of teen girls' clothing more useful and versatile than a cami.
This skirt comes in a versatile camel shade, has a side zipper closure, and button tab patch pockets.
Invest in some versatile pieces you can wear year round, like tanks or khakis.
For all the others, it's better to stick with looks that are versatile and that can be worn through the day.
Jeans are incredibly versatile, and because you can pair them with just about any top, you know you'll get a ton of fashion mileage out of them.
These products provide an excellent alternative to meat and are extremely versatile.
While the words "killer tofu" are used to describe a number of different items related to the versatile food, the most popular references are to a health scare and a song.
You can also look for the Weight Watchers cookbook, titled Versatile Vegetarian, for 150 more veggie-friendly recipes that fit the plan.
Generally, they take less time to cook than meat, and since any vegetable can be prepared at the grill, they're also quite versatile.
Salad may be the most versatile vegetarian dish on the planet.
Additionally, the apple is one of the most versatile of all fruits for cooking and baking.
Below are a few of the most interesting facts about the tasty and versatile pineapple.
One way to devise a tasty vegan meal plan is to rely upon staples that are versatile enough to play a main role in multiple meals.
This makes them more versatile for after the wedding, too.
A tiara is a versatile wedding accessory for many hair styles, but other hair pieces include head bands, snoods, combs, clips, pins, and bun wraps.
Double headbands are an extremely versatile option for almost any wedding hairstyle.
Versatile and captivating, silver favors go with any wedding colors and look beautiful on reception tables.
Glen in Cardinal by Bello Uomo-A wing-tip collar and convertible cuffs make this plain-front shirt versatile.
While wedding cupcakes are versatile and useful, they may not be suitable for everyone.
Wedding programs are one of the most versatile and useful pieces of wedding stationery and play a very important part during the day.
Not only does a beach dress simply differ from the traditional bridesmaid dress, it also stands to be a bit more versatile for women of various sizes.
This is practical for the setting, the weather, and even for longevity's sake, because shorter, airy styles tend to be fairly versatile.
The menu is as versatile as one could possibly expect, and includes a little bit of everything over the course of the evening.
Yet you also want to have a versatile wedding guest outfit that can be worn several times.
These dresses have classic, versatile shapes that lend themselves to ever-changing trends, like asymmetrical cuts, cascading ruffles, and belted waistlines.
It's also the better choice for detailed decorations and ornate designs because it's more versatile than buttercream.
September is a popular month for weddings and a versatile one for wedding palettes.
A turquoise wedding cake is a beautiful, elegant, and versatile dessert choice because it's suitable for any time of year and so many different wedding styles.
Shower curtains, on the other hand, are a versatile way to add color and style to your bath and keep your floor dry.
Asian inspired bedding is versatile and can work in any number of bedrooms.
Needless to say, floor pillows are quite versatile - as decorative or simple as they are, they have other advantages that extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal.
Denim is versatile in appearance and can give a teenager's room a contemporary casual look.
After all, animal prints are quite classic, and the traditional zebra print colors are extremely versatile.
Its doughy consistency means that it is a lot like modeling clay, so it's more versatile than other frostings, and it can be used to mold and shape intricate decorations and embellishments.
Toppers are extremely versatile and well suited to decorators of all ability levels, since they can be simple or complicated.
From Edward Scissorhands to Pirates of the Caribbean, this versatile actor has also proven to be one of the greatest acting talents around.
From playing a young tomboy in Panic Room, to the lead romantic role in the Twilight series, Kristen has proven herself to be one of the most versatile young actresses working today.
Western shirts are so versatile in their style, that even the pickiest dresser can find something that suits her.
While this option is very personal to the baby, it makes the bag less versatile if the parents have a second child.
Capri's can be paired with button-up blouses or t-shirts and cute flats that are both stylish and versatile.
The versatile belted raincoat also features a double-breasted font, which includes hidden snaps and a detachable hood.
The best part about T shirts is that they are inexpensive and versatile, meaning girls have plenty of options.
What makes girls' capri leggings so versatile is the length; instead of coming all the way down the leg, these stop mid-calf.
Capri leggings are so versatile and available in so many different colors and patterns, it's worth buying at least a couple of pair every year.
For the most versatile option, a white boy's dress shirt goes well with anything.
Polo tops are associated with preppy wear, but even kids who don't consider themselves preppies can enjoy slipping into one of these versatile shirts.
The black skirt is ideal for both school and more formal occasions-such as church services or a wedding, which makes it extremely versatile and handy in a clothing pinch.
Look instead for skirts that are as versatile in their wearing power as they are in style.
Jean jackets are versatile and easy to accessorize, although most boys probably don't care.
Parents and children alike may discover how versatile and classy khaki pants can be.
Most Valentine's Day sweaters are a little more versatile than a Christmas sweater and can be worn throughout the sweater season.
Jacket dresses are versatile, classy and give even tiny tots a refined look.
If you select a versatile option, your daughter may even be able to use the dress for other fancy non-holiday occasions.
This brand is so versatile that you should be able to find something for every member of the family.
Whether you buy new or used, go for a versatile style in a color that goes with virtually everything in order to make your life just a little bit easier.
Christmas ties are some of the most versatile ties for your son's wardrobe.
Choosing a versatile style will allow you to avoid the cost of buying multiple winter jackets.
With an array of tops, child overalls are more than versatile; they are a parent's dream.
If you like the sailor style of dress because of the apron and bow, but want a more versatile dress, choose baby pink or light blue.
A versatile white sweater is an excellent wardrobe essential for pairing with a sailor dress.
Healthcare administration is a versatile major and typically includes classes in marketing, ethics, human resources, and management in addition to healthcare-specific topics.
Sea Voyager is a versatile, 175-foot cruise ship that takes advantage of its small size to sail to locations that larger ships cannot reach.
The online reverse auction concept is versatile because it combines the pricing power of competition with one-on-one service from expert cruise specialists all in one convenient place.
Kong dog toys are durable and versatile, so they are a great choice for your pet.
Combining these two popular breeds yields a lovable and versatile dog, with the best traits of both.
While strawberries have certain cultural requirements, they are a versatile, easy-to-grow plant.
They are such a cute and versatile addition to any garden, are easy to grow and have a long bloom time and, in some climates, winter color as well.
You can find so may uses for herbs in your home, you may find yourself running out of places to grow these versatile plants.
Strawberries are extremely versatile and grow well either in the ground or in containers.
The electric guitar is an incredibly versatile instrument and can create a wide array of sounds.
This is a highly versatile amp that, in the hands of an experienced guitar player, can achieve just about any tone that you're looking for.
Fluorescent lights are much more versatile and commonly used than most people think.
Flexible track lights provide a versatile lighting choice which includes accent or task lighting for any room in the house.
Track lights are versatile and an ideal solution for those hard to fit, unsymmetrical spaces.
By their versatile nature, track lights can be used to highlight things like artwork, emphasize architectural details, or can be used to add to the overall décor.
Restaurants and museums easily come to mind but these versatile lights also allow homeowners to redecorate easily as often as they like.
Use solar lighting to make your patio more versatile.
It is also the most versatile of railing materials, and can fit almost any architectural style if properly cut and prepared.
Vinyl sheet flooring is one of the least expensive and versatile flooring materials on the market.
Versatile and elegantly simple, Hampton Bay outdoor lighting post and path lights can add dimension to a walkway and create a focal point when included in a flowerbed or near an entry.
Armstrong ceiling tile is available in a number of attractive and versatile styles to suit your needs.
If you have the ceiling height to work with, this is a versatile solution because it will make accessing your fixtures a breeze.
This line is extremely versatile and can be configured into a variety of patterns and border designs.
This type of flooring is incredibly versatile and appropriate for almost any room.
The free shed plans below offer some versatile building options.
Gem stones are often included in the jewelry, and due to the versatile gold coloring, a wide range of gems work beautifully.
There are only a few places around the world where these bracelets can be purchased, creating a strong demand for this versatile piece of jewelry.
Silver is an extremely versatile material in terms of style, as it compliments almost any type of stone.
Sterling silver is a popular metal rings due to both its versatile nature and its durability.
Beautiful and versatile, a 16 round diamonds pendant looks fantastic whether it's worn to the office, for a night on the town, or even for every day.
Pearls make a wonderful gift as they are so versatile.
A high fashion silver necklace is a fantastic addition to any jewelry collection, and its versatile nature promises a wealth of options when it comes to staying style.
Bracelets are an extremely versatile item of jewelry.
Gold can be dressed up or down making it an extremely versatile metal.
Wire - wire earring trees are attractive and versatile.
Peridot is often found cut into beads and this can make a lovely and versatile gift.
They interlock in different ways and with different designs and this is what makes them such a versatile and attractive form of friendship jewelry.
The I am Blessed necklace is a versatile piece of jewelry that can be worn by women and men of all ages.
Mother's bracelets are a very versatile form of jewelry and they make great gifts.
Pearl jewelry is an extremely versatile choice and the wide range of styles and prices means that this can be a great choice if you are looking for a special gift for your wife.
Earrings featuring bicycles are surprisingly versatile and make unusual and thoughtful gifts.
The versatile designs appeal to both men and women of all ages and walks of life.
This solitary pendant-like style is very elegant, and yet is versatile enough to be worn wth casual and dressy clothing.
This classic look of black and white can be a versatile addition when accessorizing, and the combination might even become a favorite in your jewelry collection.
This versatile style is perfect for kids who might want to clip the locket on a variety of jewelry and personal accessories.
Girls of all ages love locket charms because they're versatile and can be interchanged with other bracelets, necklaces, and various objects.
They are also a great gift choice that is versatile enough to fit many women's style.
This style shows off the beauty of the pearl and makes it very versatile.
This investment-worthy item can be a wise gift choice or a versatile accessory purchase for any woman.
Collectors will be happy to know some of the most versatile selections of ring box designs are among vintage pieces.
Today the opal is still prized as one of the most beautiful and versatile gemstones and is worn for both fashion and symbolism.
A truly versatile and classic piece, a brown paisley tuxedo vest is sure to take you to your next destination in style.
Point collars are dressier and very versatile.
Black shirts look more trendy and modern and can be a versatile addition to any man's wardrobe.
You can wear them with a short-sleeve button-up shirt in plain or tropical colors, or pair them with polo tops or tees; the choice is yours with these versatile offerings.
However, they are versatile ties with colors that err on the neutral side and low-key patterns.
This shorter version of the raincoat is comfortable, practical and versatile.
Concerns, like it might be too warm if it wasn't freezing out, were soon alleviated, as the suit was found to be versatile and to adjust for various temperatures.
It's symmetrical, which makes it more versatile than the four-in-hand knot.
It's average in size and versatile enough to go with most collars.
A mesh tank is a versatile article of clothing that will fit right in with your existing workout apparel.
It will be versatile and timeless, pairing well with everything from rugged denim and boots to dress slacks and shiny shoes.
Though a loud men's shirt is hardly as versatile as, say, a crisp dress shirt, the market is still saturated with options aplenty.
It has the ability to pull together even the most casual outfits - think jeans and casual sweaters - and is one of the most versatile types of outerwear.
If you get a pair in stretch fabric, you'll find that your denim becomes even more versatile.
Stretch jeans are much more versatile than you might imagine, so perhaps it's time to get shopping.
Men's sport coats are highly versatile and sophisticated.
It is a must for any man to own since it is a versatile jacket that will go well with just about anything.
They are comfortable, less likely to ride up and more versatile.
Men's flannel pajamas are versatile, taking you from chilly fall nights to cold winter ones in the luxurious comfort of cotton.
Since they are so versatile, doing your shopping at a specialty store will be highly beneficial and take the guesswork out of getting dressed.
No man should be without one of the most versatile, comfortable articles of clothing.
Men favored them for the same reasons as athletes, and the shirts were versatile enough to wear with nearly everything.
These promise to be some of the most worn, versatile pants in your wardrobe, so it's well worth the time and effort to find a pair that fits you perfectly.
If you're interested in adding to your wardrobe and you want extremely versatile pieces, men's polo shirts are one way to go.
These wardrobe basics are essential to any man's closet, simply because they are so versatile.
These are more versatile than vibrant hues and will work well everywhere from the office to a dinner date.
A dress shirt is one of the most sensible, classy and versatile garments a man can add to his wardrobe.
They are among the most versatile of items and can be worn with a wide range of clothing.
Though it is versatile enough to wear year round (save for the coldest periods of winter), it is especially helpful during spring and fall.
A waterproof jacket is one of the most versatile garments a man will own.
This makes it one of the most versatile items you are likely to own.
Polo shirts are a versatile item that can be worn with a range of fashions.
Ideal for men of all shapes and sizes, this versatile shirt goes with nearly any casual bottom and is a great alternative to a more dressed down T-shirt.
With the right purchase, you will enjoy years of wear from this most versatile piece.
Suit styles range from the classic three-button to the more versatile three-piece suit.
Cargo shorts just may be one of the most versatile summer staples that a man can own.
Clothes made for summer tend to be lightweight and versatile.
Have fun with mixing and matching a few new items with ones you currently own to create a summer wardrobe that is versatile, fun and reflects your own individual style!
Damask is a versatile home decorating fabric that can be used for draperies, table cloths, or other home decor.
It is just as versatile as conventional wine, but better for the planet.
The clothes are nice enough for school, but versatile enough for play and made in Oregon.
Powdered organic soy milk is a versatile food product and a great alternative to organic powdered dairy milk.
Futons are an extremely versatile piece of furniture.
Nelson Sauvignon Blanc - Gooseberry, passion fruit and lime give this versatile wine an exotic flavor.
The key to making fleece work for your wardrobe is to purchase versatile styles for different occasions.
One of the more versatile varieties of bras for curvy women is the convertible bra plus size style.
Since the kimono is such a comfortable, versatile piece of clothing, it's a sound style investment.
The fabric is flattering to curves, the styles are versatile and the trends are seemingly endless.
Skirts are one of the more versatile styles for linen fabrics.
Take advantage of the versatile nature of this fabric and enjoy mixing and matching plus size linen skirts with the other fabulous pieces in your closet.
A plus size sleeveless knit long dress can be a very versatile part of a casual wardrobe.
It's not quite the little black dress, but it's almost just as versatile.
You can have the best of both worlds with this versatile, easy-wear staple, and it doesn't have to be limited to just indoor use or as a coverup for swimwear.
A rayon t-shirt is very versatile because it looks equally good with jeans or a business suit.
While the little black dress has an iconic place in a woman's wardrobe, there is no reason not to invest in a versatile white dress that can be worn for many day and evening events.
Depending on your choice of top and footwear, these versatile skirts go easily from a relaxed, casual look to a dressier one.
This eclectic batik blazer is extremely versatile because of the myriad colors that comprise the pattern of the textile.
Even though they aren't the most versatile items of clothing you may ever own, chances are good that you could use a pair (or a collection!).
They are versatile and can be worn to a business meeting and later on the same night to a club or out to dinner.
Peasant tops are versatile and can be worn by just about all plus size women.
If you are looking to expand your horizons in this department, start out by purchasing a few versatile, sexy pieces that can spruce up not only your self-esteem, but your love life as well.
Classic colors like black, brown, navy and off-white are extremely versatile.
Fortunately, there are plenty of options in seasonal clothing and this includes the very versatile vest.
One of the best aspects of a vest is that it's versatile.
A sweater shrug is a versatile piece that can be worn with existing items in your closet.
It is a versatile bra offering five fabulous wearing options.
People often think of a nice cozy bathrobe during the winter, but summer bathrobes for plus size women provide a comfortable and versatile addition to your wardrobe.
From plush jackets to sweeping capes and zippered hoodies to versatile vests, women's plus size fleece outerwear is fashionable, functional and flattering.
As you plan what you will wear this summer, be sure to consider these versatile, stylish and fun shorts as one of the base pieces of your wardrobe.
The plus size exercise Capri can be a versatile wardrobe staple that you wear for far more than fitness.
Cotton - A versatile natural fabric that is a very popular choice for casual style pants.
They are extremely versatile and can be worn for many occasions.
Women's long plus size shorts are extremely versatile.
A plus sized tankini is a wonderfully versatile swimwear option for full figured women.
It provides the coverage of a one-piece swimsuit, but is much more versatile.
It's versatile, flattering and available in so many designs and styles, you should be able to find at least one that helps you have a great summer.
A versatile wardrobe basic with sleek classic lines, the black tank style dress looks fabulous alone or paired with a stylish hand painted black floral cocoon jacket.
Plus size tea length formals reach anywhere between the ankle and knee and are a versatile plus to any wardrobe.
A-line - The most versatile style formal dress, the graceful looking A-line flatters all body types.
A plus size leather jacket makes a versatile addition to the full-figure woman's wardrobe.
Leather has come a long way from that stereotypical mindset and offers more versatile styles than that hard edge look.
Once you find a pair or two of swim shorts that you like, they make a versatile addition to your bathing suit wardrobe.
It is the only boutique of its kind in Dallas, and the selection is vast and versatile.
Available in a range of colors and designs, tube tops can be a versatile part of a fashionable spring and summer.
Shop for these versatile tops year-round and save them for when the weather warms up.
When it comes to versatile pieces of clothing, tube tops are a wonderful item to have on hand.
Unlike short shorts which can show a lot of thigh (an area many women don't consider their best asset) or capri pants, Bermuda shorts are a versatile length that flatter just about any woman.
A plus size denim jumpsuit can be a versatile and chic garment that best flatters hourglass shapes.
Perhaps nothing is as timeless as a versatile skinny belt.
White shirts are incredibly versatile and can be dressed up or down.
Opt for a dark blue or black wash; both are slimming and very versatile.
These versatile sets can be worn as casual wear or even to the office if you accessorize properly.
Plus size Capris sets make a versatile addition to any wardrobe.
Short, long, solid or patterned, sun dresses are a versatile summer staple.
A versatile black dress is timeless and enduring.
Versatile and comfortable, cotton camisoles are ideal for layering, keeping cool on a hot day or adding a stylish touch to a simple outfit.
It's as essential and useful as a T-shirt or a cardigan, and since it's so versatile it can be worn year round.
Versatile and perfect to wear year round, plus size barn jackets are essential for women who enjoy spending time outdoors.
Not only does it boast a versatile color, it's also guaranteed to add some spice to your look!
Though it's nice to think that all garments are perfectly versatile, there is definitely a time and place for most types of lingerie.
These shirts have endless possibilities and are a versatile item to have in your wardrobe.
Cocktail dresses, of course, are quite versatile, and aren't necessarily relegated solely to those extra-special events.
You'll want something that will last you for years, and a cute, versatile little black dress is always a wise investment piece.
That's because this garment is so versatile that it tends to work in a myriad of situations.