Verifying Sentence Examples
Search for jobs near where you live, then apply for them online after reading the details of the position and verifying that your skills and experience match up.
He watched her until verifying where she went before returning to the game.
Each day of the cycle has a particular name, and as it is a usual practice, in mentioning dates, to give the name of the day along with that of the moon and the year, this arrangement affords great facilities in verifying the epochs of Chinese chronology.
There will never be any mortgage payments to make, so there is no point in verifying income.
I realize it's late out there but I'm verifying one of your guests.
After verifying that you can do the job, you'll be asked a series of questions about the direct experience you have relating to the duties of the job you're seeking.
Verragio urges anyone questioning the authenticity of a ring to contact the company directly for help verifying authenticity.
She also stresses the importance of verifying everything a potential online match tells you.
Ensure that no one in the office leaves their computers on overnight, and put someone in charge of verifying that shared electronic equipment is turned off when it is appropriate to do so.
This feature is useful for verifying whether a charity is officially registered in the UK.
AdvertisementBe sure you've checked around and received multiple pricing quotes while verifying the credentials of your dermatologist or physician prior to committing to removal.
A descriptive list of the verifying instruments of the Standards Department, London, has been published.
Sylvestre also prepared a new edition of the Psalter as part of his Bible (Belgrad, 1651), verifying the text by reference to the Hebrew and Greek originals.
On the 7th the Tiers Etat sent deputations to exhort the other estates to union, while the clergy sent a deputation to it with the proposal that each estate should name commissioners to discuss the best method of verifying powers.
On the 10th of June Sieyes moved that the Tiers Etat should for the last time invite the First and Second Estates to join in the verification of powers and announce that, whether they did or not, the work of verifying would begin forthwith.
AdvertisementMethod of independent assessment The process focused on verifying the adequacy of existing project plans, know-how and methods of testing.
I don't know what the likelihood of the firm verifying my employment is, but I am concerned.
Chapter 9 Members felt that the section on verifying compliance was too long.
Calder, M. and Miller, A. (2004) An automatic abstraction technique for verifying featured, parameterised systems.
Higher-order logic is now one of the standard formalisms used for verifying digital designs.
AdvertisementThe Spanish notary has a more elevated role than just verifying signatures.
He was the author of a Greek commentary on the Apocalypse, avowedly based upon that of Andrew, his predecessor in the archbishopric. In spite of its author's modest estimate, Arethas's work is by no means a slavish compilation; it contains additions from other sources, and especial care has been taken in verifying the references.
If someone calls you saying they represent your bank and are verifying your card, hang up.
They caught a burglar with a stolen TV that should be returned to someone at your address, but they may have the wrong person -- perhaps she can help work this out by verifying your full name and social security number?
The request form must be downloaded directly from the Innovis website and requires information to assist Innovis in verifying the requestor's identity.
AdvertisementIt is also reported that the company is working on a way of verifying user ages to make sure children under 14 are not allowed to create their own profiles.
Websites have different methods for verifying your age.
Ask for their help in verifying the information and filling in the blanks.
The answers to these questions have aided genealogists in tracking the migration pattern of a family and verifying parentage.
He succeeded a few years afterwards in verifying this remarkable prediction by the experimental demonstration that a current of positive electricity flowing from hot to cold in iron produced an absorption of heat, as though it possessed negative specific heat in the metal iron.
The UN Special Commission was charged with verifying the disarmament.
A message is then sent back to the merchant either verifying or declining the request.
He added that she received a written warning by the California Highway Patrol on January 15, 2007 verifying that her license was indeed suspended.
Verifying accreditation can also help you avoid fraudulent education programs that may cost a student time, money and grief.
Check the background of all researchers, verifying the legitimacy of the company before paying any fees.
Be sure to note any estimated information with a question mark, so at a later date you will know what information needs verifying.
By verifying the information trail, a writer protects their personal and professional integrity.
If you do not take the steps to avoid plagiarism, including verifying your sources and providing reliable and valid work, then it is your prospects as a freelance writer and author that will suffer.
By verifying the content on the search results page and the sites that are linked to from the results, parents and kids can be assured that nothing objectionable will be displayed or linked to.
Not only did Dr. Stevenson work on verifying over 3,000 such cases, but in many cases he even found that many birthmarks almost perfectly correlated to a wound reported on the medical records of the deceased.
An often overlooked resource for verifying past lives is local cemeteries.
To test their suspicions that the show wasn't verifying Snopes's information with other sources, the staffers made up a very impossible "True" legend.
Comparison shopping and verifying every offer will ensure you find the very best deal for a Sea World Orlando getaway.
After verifying the correct placement, round forceps are placed over the mark and the needle is inserted through the end of the forceps.
Whenever you buy luxury watches from any retailer, make sure you are getting an authentic Tissot watch by verifying that the business is listed with the better business bureau, such as through the BBB Online accreditation program.
Of course, you will need to provide adequate documentation verifying the dependent's disability.
Our site editor is devoted to verifying articles as well as bringing you the latest news on your favorite sci fi and fantasy topics.
I can bring you another one of the notes verifying that's where I am when I'm missing work.
Fortunately, the compounds at first examined by the chemists engaged in verifying these laws were comparatively simple, so that the whole numbers referred to above were small.
His share in the gigantic task of verifying the Newtonian theory would alone suffice to immortalize his name.
In his " tesmoynages de nostre imbecillite " he follows in the main the lines of the ancients, and he sums up with a lucid statement of the two great arguments in which the sceptical thought of every age resumes itself - the impossibility of verifying our faculties, and the relativity of all impressions.
The international bureau of weights and measures at Paris was created by a convention signed there in 1875, for the purpose of comparing and verifying weights and measures on the metric system, and preserving their identity for the contracting states.
Cook and William Peterson, set out from the gold-fields of Montana with the express purpose of verifying or refuting the rumours, and they returned full of enthusiasm.
His famous description of Greek fire has a most provoking mixture of circumstantial detail with absence of verifying particulars.
Though he concealed the fact under a show of irritation and contempt, he was evidently in despair that the sole remaining chance of verifying his theory by a huge experiment and proving its soundness to the whole world was slipping away from him.