Verified Sentence Examples
This prediction is verified by the result of analysis.
Lord Berkeley and Hartley have also verified the theory by direct measurements of the vapour-pressures of the same solutions.
This can be verified by induction.
The results give equations of the same logarithmic form as those obtained in a somewhat different manner in the theory of concentration cells described above, and have been verified by experiment.
It is then verified that, after integration with respect to dS, (6) gives the same disturbance as if the primary wave had been supposed to pass on unbroken.
The fact that a pair of plates which repel one another at a certain distance may attract one another at a smaller distance was deduced by Laplace from theory, and verified by the observations of the abbe Haiiy.
This was amply verified at subsequent eclipses.
Interviews and news items are tracked down and verified.
In Ceylon the average yield per acre was 440 Ib, but there are verified records of 996 lb per acre within the year from an estate of 458 acres.
The theory seems irrefutable just because the act of transference of the people's will cannot be verified, for it never occurred.
AdvertisementThis information is rarely verified to the same extent.
Once you've verified their presence, it's imperative that you continue to discard any trash and keep a clean home.
Thereupon the Newtonian analysis which preceded this synthesis, became forgotten; until at last Mill in his Logic, neglecting the Principia, had the temerity to distort Newton's discovery, which was really a pure example of analytic deduction, into a mere hypothetical deduction; as if the author of the saying " Hypotheses non lingo" started from the hypothesis of a centripetal force to the sun, and thence deductively explained the facts of planetary motion, which reciprocally verified the hypothesis.
However, with nearly one out of four (young to middle aged) Americans permanently inked today, rumor has it the FDA may begin playing a bigger role in providing verified information and protection to consumers.
The serial numbers on the back of the watch can be looked up and the authenticity of the watch can be verified.
AdvertisementFlood the bureaus with several depute letters and some bad stuff will temporarily disappear while information is being verified with a creditor.
But it comes back after the information is verified.
The fix has been verified by John Gibson and there are no interactions between Ilfak's patch and Microsoft's.
Number columns and price lists must be verified and signed off.
Do hand sign the letter and include contact information to ensure that the letter's information can be verified.
AdvertisementFurthermore, since labels are not verified for accuracy, companies can state their product is safe although it has not been tested.
Every bit of information submitted to our site is checked and verified by readers who stop by.
Thousands of user reviews are submitted by consumers, while the verified beauty experts offer valuable skin care advice.
Since it's relatively new, all the long-term effects on health can't be verified.
The real Bill Gates' Twitter account has been verified and he is the "real deal."
AdvertisementIt is best to be careful and use known and verified proxies, and avoid the scammers and phishers that can use that information maliciously.
The small discrepancies found are so easily accounted for by attributing them to experimental errors that, until recently, every chemist would have regarded the law as sufficiently verified.
Their Number For Any Weight W Is The Number Of Ways Of Composing W 3 With The Parts I, 2, And Thus The Generating Function Is Verified.
These observations have been verified and extended by Knott, whose researches have brought to light a large number of additional facts, all of which are in perfect harmony with Maxwell's explanation of the twist.
The explanation of the difference of focus upon the two sides as due to unequal spacing was verified by Cornu upon gratings purposely constructed with an increasing interval.
These observations have been verified in the rabbit, mouse, fowl, guinea-pig and cat by Davidsohn, occasionally in the dog by Lubarsch; and confirmatory observations have also been made by Czerny and Maximoff.
Without the latter, it is difficult to see how the information conveyed by sounds could ever have been verified.
As an application of moving axes, consider the motion of liquid filling the ellipsoidal case 2 y 2 z2 Ti + b1 +- 2 = I; (1) and first suppose the liquid be frozen, and the ellipsoid l3 (4) (I) (6) (9) (I o) (II) (12) (14) = 2 U ¢ 2, (15) rotating about the centre with components of angular velocity, 7 7, f'; then u= - y i +z'i, v = w = -x7 7 +y (2) Now suppose the liquid to be melted, and additional components of angular velocity S21, 522, S23 communicated to the ellipsoidal case; the additional velocity communicated to the liquid will be due to a velocity-function 2224_ - S2 b c 6 a 5 x b2xy, as may be verified by considering one term at a time.
An oblate flattened body, like a disk or plate, has c 2 -c 1 negative, so that the medium steers the body axially; this may be verified by a plate dropped in water, and a leaf or disk or rocket-stick or piece of paper falling in air.
Thus another of the friar's prophecies was verified, and its fulfilment cost him his sole protector.
The carefully recorded prediction was verified by the siege of 1529.
This hypothesis he verified quantitatively by experiments, performed at the end of 1761.
But when the scryers see details of various sorts, which are unknown to the inquirer, but are verified on inquiry, then telepathy perhaps fails to provide an explanation.
The formula is a deduction from a general formula, considered later (§ 58), and may be verified in various ways.
The legitimacy of this assumption, and of the further assumption which enables the area of the new figure to be expressed by an approximate formula instead of by an exact formula, must be verified in every case by reference to the actual differences.
This abstract of the history of Yemen from ancient sources can now be verified and supplemented from inscriptions.
Each of the first few harmonics may be easily obtained by touching the string at the first node of the harmonic required, and bowing at the first loop, and the presence of the nodes and loops may be verified by putting light paper riders of shape A on the string at the nodes and loops.
It has further been verified by Sir Oliver Lodge that even in very narrow spaces the aether is not entrained by its surroundings when they are put into rapid motion.
Humboldt's description of this method of capturing the fish has not, however, been verified by recent travellers.
Verified " Parliamentary Copies " of the imperial standard are placed at the Royal Mint, with the Royal Society, at the Royal Observatory, and in the Westminster Palace.
The probable errors and eccentricities of small micrometer-screws have been carefully investigated to ± 0.00001 inch; but the accuracy of leading screws used in workshops has not been sufficiently verified.
As has already been mentioned, the law is only verified very roughly, if Rydberg's form of equation is taken as correctly representing the series.
An ancient writer states that the rampart was built of regularly laid sods (the same method which had probably been employed by Hadrian), and excavations in 1891-1893 have verified the statement.
Experiments with membranes of copper ferrocyanide have verified this result for solutions of cane-sugar of moderate dilutions.
At the limit of dilution, when the concentration of a solution approaches zero, we have seen that thermodynamical theory, verified by experiment, shows that the osmotic pressure has the same value as the gas pressure of the same number of molecules in the same space.
But for any theory of solution to be tenable, it must at least be consistent with the known thermodynamic relations, verified as those relations are by experiment.
The other features noted in the epistle, their turbulence, drunkenness and greed, all happen to be verified in the pages of ancient writers like Polybius.
Maxwell himself verified this prediction experimentally for viscosity over a wide range of pressure.
In a memoir presented to the Academy in 1777, but not published till 1782, he assigned to dephlogisticated air the name oxygen, or "acidproducer," on the supposition that all acids were formed by its union with a simple, usually non-metallic, body; and having verified this notion for phosphorus, sulphur, charcoal, &c., and even extended it to the vegetable acids, he naturally asked himself what was formed by the combustion of "inflammable air" (hydrogen).
All these facts have been verified and illustrated by the excavations of the American Archaeological Institute and School of Athens, which were carried on from 1892 to 1895.
The formula (13) may be easily verified in the case of the compound pendulum, or of the solid rolling down an incline.
When a machine undergoes alternate acceleration and retardation, so that at certain instants of time, occurring at the end of intervals called periods or cycles, it returns to its original speed, then in each of those periods or cycles the alternate excesses of energy and of work neutralize each other; and at the end of each cycle the principle of the equality of energy and work stated in 87, with all, its consequences, is verified exactly as in the case of machines of uniform speed.
But Seneca's fear lest Nero's sleeping passions should once be roused were fully verified, and he seems to have seen all along where the danger lay, namely in Agrippina's imperious temper and insatiable love of power.
They are then examined by the elders of the tribe, and if events have verified them, he is recognized as a supernaturally gifted being, and rewarded with chieftaincy.
But although the rigorous requirements of science could only be fulfilled by the employment of all these means, yet in their absence it was permissible to draw from the tables and the exclusion a hypothetical conclusion, the truth of which might be verified by the use of the other processes; such an hypothesis is called fantastically the First Vintage (Vindemiatio).
The chronology is exactly verified by the Ptolemaic canon, bI numerous Babylonian and a few Egyptian documents, and by thi evidence of the Greeks.
This was the method of promulgation admitted by the ancient law of France, but the parlements verified the laws before registering them,, i.e.
This assumption, however, does not appear to be verified by the experiments of Brunner and Wolff on the rise of water in tubes at different temperatures.
According to (52) 1.31 = At T 12T Y T 23, (53) a relation not verified by experiment.
This statement can be readily verified by experiment both with natural and artificial wings.
With regard to any offensive trade which has been established or may be consented to in any urban district, if it is verified by the medical officer or any two legally qualified medical practitioners, or by any ten inhabitants of the district, to be a nuisance or injurious to health, the urban district council are required to take proceedings before magistrates with a view to the abatement of the nuisance complained of.
The law of absorption expressed by the formula (2) has been verified by experiments for various solids, liquids and gases.
This translation was based upon the Slavonic original, but the text had been verified and corrected, by comparison with a Calvinistic translation, and had been collated with the Greek.
Newall has verified the presence of cyanogen in the photosphere, and it had previously served to disprove the solar origin of certain oxygen lines.
His discoveries were afterwards verified by Godwin Austen, and ultimately by the Committee of the British Association, whose explorations were carried on under the guidance of Wm.
But little credence was given to Father Roman's statement until it was verified, in 1756, by the Spanish Boundary-line Commission of Yturriaga y Solano.
The Tiers Etat insisted that the deputies of all three estates should have their powers verified in common as the first step towards making them all members of one House.
Next day three cures of Poitou came to have their powers verified.
On the i 5th Sieyes proposed that they should entitle themselves the Assembly of the known and verified representatives of the French nation.
His loans from Chaldaean experts appear, indeed, to have been numerous; but were doubtless independently verified.
This result was verified by his brother, Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), in 1850.
Arago pointed out, by supposing that in passing through the plate the plane of polarization of each monochromatic constituent is rotated by an amount dependent upon the frequency - an explanation that may be at once verified either by using monochromatic light or by analysing the light with a spectroscope, the spectrum in the latter case being traversed by one or more dark bands, according to the thickness of the plate, that pass along the spectrum from end to end as the analyser is rotated.
It was by an experiment of this kind that Quintus Icilius (1853) verified the proportionality of the heat absorbed or generated to the first power of the current.
Renan began to perceive the essential contradiction between the metaphysics which he studied and the faith that he professed, but an appetite for truths that can be verified restrained his scepticism.
If Andre verified there was no tumor, did it matter what she was hiding?
Where personal service has been affected, it should be verified by affidavit.
The Master will then make an order for the sterling equivalent of the judgment expressed in foreign currency as verified by such affidavit.
They had verified that they had destroyed bombs containing anthrax in 1991 by excavating the destruction site.
The out-of-plane behavior should be verified by calculation according to the guidance provided for partition walls.
Doctors at the Aichi Cancer Institute have verified the fact that green tea catechin can inhibit the activity of the AIDS virus.
Centaurus c. Republicans by pressing rare quantitative experiment also verified the.
In cases of suspected or verified antibiotic-associated colitis, discontinuation of linezolid may be warranted.
Information verified and indexed by numbers from the NIR would be easily cross-referenced in any database or set of databases.
More importantly, they gave evidence of safe clinical practice as verified by an external examiner.
Entries must be verified by the club concerned and in the case of crews outside Britain, verified by the relevant national rowing federation.
For accurate results the value of humidity should be verified using a calibrated hygrometer.
Like the other dead polecats it was put in a freezer and then sent off to the Vincent Wildlife Trust who positively verified it.
All ' Add a Link ' submissions are verified manually, so will not show in this section straightaway.
The area of the building is given for guidance purposes only and must be verified by the purchaser's surveyor.
However, despite strong interest in their usage, a lack of fundamental test data and verified structural design guidance is inhibiting uptake.
The law of the conservation of matter, an important element in the atomic theory, has been roughly verified by innumerable analyses, in which, a given weight of a substance having been taken, each ingredient in it is isolated and its weight separately determined; the total weight of the ingredients is always found to be very nearly equal to the weight of the original substance.
It was verified very exactly by Stas's experiments, in which he removed the oxygen from the ternary compound silver iodate and found that the whole of the silver and the iodine remained in combination with each other as silver iodide; his results prove, to one part in ten millions, that the combining ratio of the silver and the iodine is unaltered by the removal of the oxygen.
The actual calculation follows a similar course to that by which Huygens's conception of the resolution of a wave into components corresponding to the various parts of the wave-front is usually verified (see Diffraction Of Light).
As far as pure science goes, the inference from science in favour of materialism has visibly lost much of its plausibility, and Protestant apologists would probably be prepared to accept in advance all verified discoveries as belonging to a different region from that of faith.
Later works by the Jesuits Bartoli, Maffei, de Sousa, Poussines, Menchacha, Leon Pages and others owe much to Torsellino and Lucena, but also incorporate many traditions which can no longer be verified.
The production of tables for so enormous a population as that of the United States through the method of tallying by hand requires a great number of clerks and a long period of time, and when complete cannot be verified except by a repetition of the process.
The probable errors and eccentricities of small micrometer-screws have been carefully investigated to ± 0.00001 inch; but the accuracy of leading screws used in workshops has not been sufficiently verified.
He then explains how he verified the canon, and so found that there were no essential errors in it, although there were a few inaccuracies near the beginning of the quadrant, and he proceeds, " Haec to obiter scire volui, ut quibus to methodis incesseris, quas non dubito et plurimas et ingeniosissimas tibi in promptu esse, eas publici juris fieri, mihi saltem (puto et caeteris) scires fore gratissimum; eoque percepto, tua promissa folio 57, in debitum cecidisse intelligeres."
The etymology of place-names suggests that the original population was Celtic, but this conjecture cannot be verified in any historical records.
You will be given a verification reference number for each set of subcontractors verified in the same telephone call or internet session.
The area of the building is given for guidance purposes only and must be verified by the purchaser 's surveyor.
The Christian doctrine of the triune creator God cannot be verified scientifically, it is a theological idea, not a scientific thesis.
The design was verified using six sigma design of experiments on prototype 4+4 impression two-shot molding.
Under no circumstances should you give out any personal details without having formally verified the identity of the caller.
The variances of the parameter estimates are also equal under these conditions, which can be verified by straightforward calculations.
These results have now been verified experimentally but we should pause for a moment to think about certain problems which remain.
Then again I empirically verified that my theorizing was correct.
Both the NCFE and the NCH bring you this jointly accredited credential in the interests of consolidating hypnotherapy training into an externally verified qualification.
Below you will find information on how to avoid scams along with verified, legal sources to buy drugs online.
This is an verified merchant and they offer free Fed-Ex shipping on all orders within the United States that come to $200.00 or more.
In order to upgrade your ePassporte account to a Select account you must have two verified load methods or an open account with them for at least three months that has been loaded at least five times.
This process can take a couple of payment cycles, so it's important to keep paying your bill until you have verified that the balance transfer has been made.
Never provide sensitive financial information over the phone, including Social Security numbers, PINs or account numbers, unless you placed the call directly to a verified and trusted location.
Instead, the applicant's identity must be verified before the account is active and accessible.
MasterCard and Visa have both tried to combat this type of identity theft by setting up the SecureCode and Verified by Visa programs, respectively.
First, the spouse requesting the divorce must file and serve upon the other spouse a Verified Complaint.
At the Preliminary Conference, the spouses must discuss the issues raised in the Verified Complaint and settle any temporary matters if possible.
This company is also Better Business Bureau verified, and awards students with a certificate of completion once they finish the course.
Most of these companies will not allow refunds or exchanges for misspellings and other mistakes if the customer verified it as correct when initially making the order through the website.
After eligibility is verified, all applications are sent to a selection committee for a "blind review," which means that they only read through the narratives that applicants have written.
These are the traditional claims, but, as with the supposed curing of cancer, they have not been verified in any scientific manner.
Buy with confidence because they are PayPal verified and members of the Better Business Bureau.
Once a senior's income eligibility is verified, and they qualify for low income housing, their rental fee is 30 percent of their income each month.
Proof of residency (verified by zip code) is required for purchasing Southern California resident passes.
Wine sellers then use the score to entice customers to purchase wines with a "verified" quality, and wine buyers seek out wines granted a high score when they are looking for a bottle that is guaranteed to be good.
Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions.
Several subsequent studies have consistently verified Murakami's research.
When the diagnosis has been verified by a health-care professional, accurate information about Bell's palsy can greatly alleviate further fears.
To date, more than 5,000 sacrificial burial sites have been found and verified in China.
Any that do not should be suspect until the information is verified.
Information in the cold lead needs to be researched, verified, and updated.
The qualified lead contains verified information about the prospect.
Someone, usually a lead generation company, has verified that the general information is accurate and meets a set of quality guidelines.
After an application is filled out, the data must be verified and corrected.
Secondly, it should be noted that no income or assets need to be verified in order for a homeowner to qualify for a reverse mortgage.
Keep in mind that a positive home test will still need to be verified by your doctor.
Declared a global pandemic in 2009, H1N1 cases have been noted in more than 205 countries, totaling more than 620,000 verified cases and leading to more than 8,000 deaths.
Participants' ages and backgrounds cannot be verified.
Most important, everyone who joins has their single-parenthood verified, so you can take comfort in knowing that everyone you meet understands what you are going through.
All members are verified before they are allowed to activate their profiles on the site.
Diamonds of all colors can be found in the park, though sixty percent of verified diamonds are white.
From time to time, authentic bags will crop up, but it's important to purchase only from verified sellers whose LV products have been authenticated.
Information from these sessions often yields surprising results, including health problems that might later be verified by a veterinarian.
One of the verified true stories of mistreatment at Waverly involved the use of electroshock therapy that caused loss of speech and even death.
Savalas later contacted her again, and the woman verified that the clothes the Samaritan wore were her husband's burial clothes.
However, most of the results will be related to the person's professional background and the site does caution that the accuracy of the information has not been independently verified.
Food stamp applications are verified on a regular basis and there are hotline numbers in every state for people to report cases of fraud.
The principles of MBT have been verified by the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Calgary.
It's also a good rule of thumb to not believe everything you read until it's been verified.
Once you've verified your phone using the instructions above, you can immediately start receiving updates from people that you're following by enabling phone notifications by texting specific codes to the Twitter phone number.
But when this happened, Cartesianism was no longer either interesting or dangerous; its theories, taught as ascertained and verified truths, were as worthless as the systematic verbiage which preceded them.
Rapidly as the standard of musical translations was improving before this work appeared, no one could have foreseen what has now been abundantly verified, that the Ring can be performed in English without any appreciable loss to Wagner's art.
A south pole would be urged oppositely to the conventional " direction " of the line; hence it follows that a very small magnetic needle, if placed in the field, would tend to set itself along or tangentially to the line of force passing through its centre, as may be approximately verified if the compass be placed among the filings on the cardboard.
Thus for m =2, the spheres are orthogonal, and it can be verified that a13 a2 3 aY3 i f /' = ZU (I - 13 - 7.2 3 + 3) ' (8) where a l, a2, a =a l a 2 /J (a 1 2 +a 2 2) is the radius of the spheres and their circle of intersection, and r 1, r 2, r the distances of a point from their centres.
Don't worry, we've verified all of these ourselves (we probably spend more time playing Wii Sports than we do writing about it).
This can be verified by equating to zero the five coefficients of the Hessian (ab) 2 axb2.
Of the quadratic axe+2bxy+cy2, he discovered the two invariants ac-b 2, a-2b cos w+c, and it may be verified that, if the transformed of the quadratic be AX2=2BXY+CY2, sin w 2 AC -B 2 =) (ac-b2), sin w A-2B cos w'+C = (sin w'1 2(a - 2bcosw+c).
It differs from them in being grounded on exact and verified research.