Verbatim Sentence Examples
Most of the matter is taken verbatim from the note-book of one of his students.
She had seen the movie so many times that she could quote it verbatim along with the characters.
It would be wise to write down the notes verbatim as they will be helpful for the test.
Conversation was copied verbatim.
The journalist had the task of recording what was said in the interview verbatim so that the information used was completely accurate.
Transcripts include verbatim communication featured on the show and differ from scripts in that they reflect any ad-libs or changes actors or actresses make during a specific scene.
Jessi was perplexed by the verbatim repetition of Laurencio.
Plagiarism consists of substantial or verbatim quotation from an unacknowledged source.
To regain control, put the title in double quotes then put anything that you want printed verbatim in curly brackets.
He makes no mention of the Great De- claration, but as in several places he makes Simon speak in the first person, the inference is that he is quoting from it, though perhaps not verbatim.
AdvertisementThe extracts are verbatim, except for my possible typos.
The even younger stenographer sat to his rear, ready to take down everything verbatim.
There was no need of having the book before us; - Coleridge had read it in the morning, and in the evening he would repeat whole pages verbatim."
She also proofread the 2.20 version of this document, much of which remains verbatim.
Verbatim speech-to-text reporters use a phonetic keyboard to provide a real-time transcript of the meeting on a computer monitor or projected onto a screen.
AdvertisementAt a previous workplace, employers perpetrated verbal sexual harassment and repeated verbatim things said at my home and accommodation.
The delay varies from one to three seconds for verbatim phonetic machine shorthand, to around five seconds for edited input using qwerty.
What follows is a near verbatim transcript of those tapes.
Nearly all the pieces were taken from the Bannatyne MS., though they are by no means verbatim copies.
What is the importance of transcribing an interview verbatim?
AdvertisementWe see that very frequently mainstream media news sources are retweeted verbatim, and circulate in Twitter-space.
Between D and P there are no verbal parallels; but in the historical resumes JE is followed closely, whole clauses and even verses being copied practically verbatim.
He quoted from memory, verbatim, Annie's final passage.
All he does is trot out verbatim reports from a newspaper which will never be considered unbiased.
Common errors LaTeX gets cross-references wrong Start of line goes awry Why doesn't verbatim work within.. .
AdvertisementJordanes professes to have had the work of Cassiodorus in his hands for but three days, and to reproduce the sense not the words; but his book, short as it is, evidently contains long verbatim extracts from the earlier author, and it may be suspected that the story of the triduana lectio and the apology quamvis verba non recolo, possibly even the friendly invitation of Castalius, are mere blinds to cover his own entire want of originality.
This is taken verbatim from Lilye's contribution to the Brevis Institutio, originally composed by Colet, Erasmus and Lilye for St Paul's School (1527), and ultimately adopted as the Eton Latin Grammar.
Paulus, sharpened by Schelling's apparent success, led to the surreptitious publication of a verbatim report of the lectures on the philosophy of revelation, and, as Schelling did not succeed in obtaining legal condemnation and suppression of this piracy, he in 1845 ceased the delivery of any public courses.
The two volumes of his speeches, as edited by James Redpath, were fortunately made from verbatim reports, and they wisely enclose in parentheses those indications of favour or dissent from the audience which transformed so many of his speeches into exhibitions of gladiatorial skill.
It is transcribed verbatim from The Hastings & St Leonards News, 12 November 1851.
Ask your child to describe his daddy to you and write his words verbatim on his daddy's or grandpa's scrapbook page.
Here we have in all probability a verbatim extract from Cassiodorus, who (possibly resting on Ablabius) interwove with his narrative large portions of the Gothic sagas.
When we remember that only about one-tenth of the True Word is really lost and that about three-quarters of what we have is verbatim text, it would be ungracious to carp at the method.
These speeches were generally not recorded by the stenographer; the Sla y s protected themselves against this by gradually getting it accepted that polyglot stenographers should be appointed, that their speeches should be translated, and that they should be added as appendices to the parliamentary reports in the correct national language; finally it was resolved (June 1917) that all speeches should be reported verbatim in the parliamentary reports, in the language in which they were delivered.
Common errors LaTeX gets cross-references wrong Start of line goes awry Why does n't verbatim work within...
Whether you use these free wedding vows verbatim or as inspiration for a customized ceremony, these samples can help you to say what you are feeling in your heart.
True tales can be spun into campfire tales by the creative storyteller or simply retold verbatim to an eager crowd.
These transcripts feature verbatim communication between the show's hosts' and their guests.
Don't try to copy a sample plan verbatim, since it won't be a perfect fit for your own unique business concept.
This she did by repeating to me as far as possible, verbatim, what she heard, and by showing me how I could take part in the conversation.
Try to remember that although wedding speeches require preparation, they shouldn't be pendantic.Type out your speech if you need to, but try not to read it verbatim.
If you plan to send more than one personal card and want to copy verses verbatim, then lyrics or verses that were written and published before 1923 are the best choice.
At the same time he does not quote the chronicler Marcellinus, from whom he has copied verbatim the history of the deposition of Augustulus.