Verbal Sentence Examples
He gave verbal abuse to people for no good reason.
If Crawford "refreshed his memory by the letter," he exposed himself, and the entire case, by copying whole passages, often with few verbal changes.
They were verbal descriptors of the nutrient content of foods.
Something about his flippant answer made her think he would be a master at verbal fencing.
Whatever they discussed, Romas's brother was getting more pissed; his grip on her tightened until she gave a verbal, "Let me go!"
She looked at him curiously, and he rolled his shoulders back, prepping himself physically for the verbal discussion to come.
On the 25th an interview took place, in which Ibrahim gave a verbal engagement not to act against the Greeks, pending orders from the sultan.
If one especial peculiarity can be singled out, it is the extreme restraint and simplicity of the verbal treatment.
You will have first class verbal and written communication skills and the ability to manage and develop multiple accounts.
This is just verbal camouflage behind which private shareholders are still dipping their ever-larger ladles into an increasing stream of tax revenues.
AdvertisementThe boss gave a verbal warning for coming to work dressed in a tee shirt.
The English doctrine that a verbal lease may be specifically enforced if there has been part performance by the person seeking the remedy has been fully adopted in nearly all the American states.
Get them to put verbal promises in writing.
She tossed out the verbal bait and waited for him to strike.
One of Fred's nameless cohorts buttonholed Dean as he stepped from his vehicle, and by the time he extricated himself from her verbal grasp, the blonde was lost in the crowd at the park.
AdvertisementThe grey eyes were beseeching, but Katie couldn't manage anything verbal let alone a lie to placate the driver.
The word is the English representative of the substantive common to Teutonic languages, as "dead" is of the adjective, and "die" of the verb; the ultimate origin is the pre-Teutonic verbal stem dau-; cf.
Such verbal resemblances as exist between Coptic and Semitic are largely due to late exchanges with Semitic neighbors.
Though mainly examples of verbal quibbling, they serve to show the difficulties of language and of explaining the relations of sense-given impressions.
Lord Derby consented to a new convention, from which any verbal reference to suzerainty was excluded; and the South African republic was made independent, subject only to the condition, that it should conclude no treaties with foreign powers without the approval of the crown.
AdvertisementHe unfolds the relations between verbal signs and the several sorts of ideas; words being the means for enabling us to treat ideas as typical, abstract and general.
Topics covered include anaphora and verbal anaphora, discourse influences and thematic roles, and the processing of causality information.
Language The most common understanding of literary archaism in English is that of verbal archaism.
Clive eats pub curry SIR CLIVE has added fisticuffs to his already formidable verbal arsenal of offensive weapons against business rivals.
However, credible verbal assurance that the animal is providing a service to assist with a disability will suffice should an inquiry be made.
AdvertisementThat doesn't prevent his chief trait being verbal exactitude.
Please adhere to all posted signs or verbal instructions at these locations to avoid being detained or causing unwarranted trouble to the sites involved.
Chapter Eight presents an analysis of the extensive verbal morphology.
When I moved to secondary school I became even taller, and the abuse became purely verbal.
It does not need clear mental (or verbal) pronunciation.
Very young children who lack the verbal skills to describe the frightening dream may require more reassurances that they are safe and more time in the comforting presence of a parent or caretaker before they are ready to return to bed.
Rarely is there music accompaniment to this part of the lesson, and even verbal instruction is sparse.
Verbal abuse often causes as much damage to the victim emotionally as hitting or pushing.
Forms of bullying include; physical abuse, verbal abuse, and being excluded from social events or activities or written abuse, such as cyber bullying.
There are other things to do when you want to know how to tell if someone is lying, such as looking for verbal clues, nervousness, asking a person to repeat his story and watching for inconsistencies.
Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton have had a bumpy history, with an on-again/off-again friendship that has had some ugly verbal exchanges.
This latest verbal assault comes just days after Lindsay Lohan told Oprah that she is not the "party girl" that the media makes her out to be.
Nobel prize-winning Irish poet Seamus Heaney has praised Eminem for his "verbal energy" and efforts to increase public interest in poetry.
Connor entered a recovery program to deal with her addictions, and Trump got into a verbal battle with talk-show host Rosie O'Donnell for his decision.
Verbal celebrity slips are like bad weather.
Goldberg said she plans on just being herself, even though she is replacing Rosie O'Donnell, who was known for her verbal outbursts on the show.
Heidi Montag, star of MTV's The Hills, has been making headlines lately for her verbal war with costar Lauren Conrad.
Mix a few strong, opinionated women together, throw in some politics and add a dash of war and you have the makings of a daytime talk show verbal smack-down.
Both parties had been very public with their grievances about the other and the reports escalated into an all-out verbal war.
As a result of their verbal tirades, the couple has been labeled homophobes and racists.
There are also some oops moments Aniston has experienced that were verbal in nature.
For just a small snapshot of student achievement at the college, the current range of SAT verbal and math scores for enrolled freshmen is 700 to 790 out of 800 possible points.
Most degree programs focus heavily on communication techniques of all sorts, from verbal interaction to written discourse, to best prepare students for future opportunities.
Step one is to personally work with your dog to teach him the verbal commands you intend to use and what he needs to do to comply.
Tone stimulation is an audio reinforcement that can be used in place of a verbal command.
By delivering a small static shock to your dog, they can be used to deter unacceptable behaviors such as nuisance barking or to reinforce your verbal commands.
The GPS is programmed with the destination prior to the trip and gives the driver verbal directions on how to get where he wants to go.
This encourages verbal communication and provides a wonderful gift to family members while the residents still retain some degree of memory.
Follow all posted instructions as well as verbal directions from lifeguards at all times.
Another study found that after a group of gamers played a first person shooter, opponents would often be aggressive towards each other during and for a period after playing the game with emotional and verbal abuse.
With that verbal curb stomp out of the way, I think it's safe to say that if they make another Area 51 in the same vein, it would have great potential if only they spent more time making it unique to counteract its audio/graphic handicap.
You are sometimes required to make a choice on what type of verbal response the Bard will give in certain situations.
Your time in Nintendogs will be divided by caring for your dogs (feeding, bathing, walking), goofing off (throwing soccer balls, using the bubble blower), training them with verbal commands, and entering them into competitions.
During the training phase, there are also verbal instructions that enhance your play as well.
Everyone attending is given one free verbal appraisal, with additional items appraised for a nominal fee.
While the child's IQ may be in the normal range, he or she can have trouble with verbal and abstract reasoning skills and may lag behind classmates, and consequently feel as if he/she does not "fit in."
The tests are verbal and/or written and are administered in both hospital and outpatient settings.
Physical, as opposed to verbal, fights usually peak before the age of five.
In addition, he or she will interview the parents or other caregivers or have them fill out a list indicating the child's verbal skills.
Boys exhibit more physical and verbal aggression, whereas antisocial behavior in girls is more indirect and relational, involving harmful social manipulation of others.
Physical aggression is expressed at the earliest stages of development, then direct verbal threats, and, last, indirect strategies for manipulating the existing social structure.
Vocabulary size is one of the primary components of standardized tests of verbal intelligence, and it grows slowly in retarded children.
While reasoning and verbal explanations may be appropriate for the older child, children younger than 18 months are typically unable to comprehend the reasons for punishment.
The two types typically used with children are verbal reprimands and punishment involving physical pain, as in corporal punishment.
It is also important to realize that there are many intermediate steps between being mute and being verbal.
Infants and toddlers are not likely to understand verbal explanations, but they have a strong parental attachment and need affection to ease fears.
Consisting of questions and short tasks arranged from easy to difficult, the Stanford-Binet measures a wide variety of verbal and nonverbal skills.
Verbal intelligence, the component most often associated with academic success, implies the ability to think in abstract terms using either words or mathematical symbols.
The test's strong emphasis on memory and lesser attention to verbal expression are intended to offset cultural disparities between black and white children.
Wechsler intelligence scales-A test that measures verbal and non-verbal intelligence.
These areas are covered by ten subtests that include activities measuring both verbal and non-verbal intelligence.
Activities include verbal absurdities, picture absurdities, verbal analogies, form patterns, procedural knowledge, sentence and word memory, position and direction, early reasoning, and quantitative reasoning.
Scoring for the Stanford-Binet generates a verbal IQ score (VIQ), a non-verbal IQ score (NIQ), and a full-scale IQ (FSIQ).
Most children have acquired good verbal communication by the age of three.
Emotional abuse usually expresses itself in verbal attacks involving rejection, scapegoating, belittlement, and so forth.
Studies of abused children's intellectual performance find lower scores in both verbal and math and visual-spatial areas.
Rewards such as hugs and kisses, verbal praise, stickers, stars, or favorite treats can be used when the child uses the potty or tells a parent he or she has to use it.
They have not acquired the verbal skills necessary to adequately express their emotions or even, in many situations, to make themselves understood.
Children's receptive communication skills are more advanced than their verbal communication skills.
They understand more than people often expect, based on their verbal skills.
Because infants' conception of verbal language is limited, their impressions are based on tone and quality of voice.
Verbal communication extends beyond words.
Gay bashing-Physical or verbal violence directed against homosexuals.
Verbal communication is also limited, but they can respond to comforting and can learn to recognize, smile, and interact with caregivers and others, and acquire such skills as rolling over and self-feeding.
Psychological tests are written, visual, or verbal evaluations administered to assess the cognitive and emotional functioning of children and adults.
They come in a variety of formats, including written, verbal, and computer administered.
Language development is enriched by verbal interactions with other children and adults.
Interviews or verbal questionnaires for personality assessment may be structured with a specific series of questions or be unstructured, allowing the subject to direct the discussion.
Using a 15-point scale, professionals evaluate a child's relationship to people, body use, adaptation to change, listening response, and verbal communication.
Sibling rivalry is antagonism between brothers and/or sisters that results in physical fighting, verbal hostility, teasing, or bullying.
Verbal toddlers may express their disgust with the new sibling by asking, "Isn't it time to send him back?"
Preschool children are more verbal than toddlers, and much of their hostility toward siblings takes the form of name calling, verbal abuse, and teasing.
Hostility can take the form of physical or verbal fighting, invading each other's privacy, or destroying each other's possessions.
These include financial troubles, sexual abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, physical and verbal abuse, and intolerance of deviant behavior.
Verbal learning disability is often associated with speech and language problems in preschool children.
Children with Asperger disorder are often clumsy; their neuropsychological profiles display significantly stronger verbal skills than nonverbal abilities.
Nearly twice as much bullying goes on in grades two to four as in grades six to eight, and, as bullies grow older, they tend to use less physical abuse and more verbal abuse.
While bullying is often verbal threats and harassment, it can get out of control and turn into violence, including the use of weapons.
Report all verbal or physical threats against a child to school authorities and insist they take action.
A series of written and verbal tests are then given to the child to evaluate his or her cognitive and intellectual functioning.
Commonly used tests include the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III), the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery, the Peabody Individual Achievement Test-Revised (PIAT-R) and the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT).
The most distinctive feature of the Wechsler tests is their division into a verbal section and a nonverbal (or performance) section, with separate scores available for each subsection.
All of the Wechsler scales are divided into six verbal and five performance subtests.
For all of the Wechsler scales (which also include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, or WAIS), separate verbal and performance scores, as well as a total score, are computed.
Studies have shown that children with very active fantasies tend to have personality traits that contribute to creativity-originality, spontaneity, verbal fluency, and a higher degree of flexibility in adapting to new situations.
Verbal ability often becomes an area of strength for children with PWS.
At this point the sections are performed with feedback from the teacher, sometimes verbal ("Get your koshi down!") and sometimes a simple adjustment to the tilt of the head or the hands.
Usually there are verbal or musical cues when a variation is about to be done.
Sites such as have many video examples accompanying music snippets, but their "printed" dance steps are simply verbal instructions meant to supplement and explain the videos.
These verbal explanations were often subject to interpretation.
The origins of the I Ching can be traced back over 3,000 years to the Zhou dynasty in China, and its verbal traditions are probably far older than that.
If you're looking to wear your hair long, it is best to bring a picture from a magazine to your stylist as verbal descriptions are often unreliable.
In fact, for some students, the field of poetry is the equivalent of a verbal calculus.
The complete Spanish curriculum that includes all five grade levels will not fulfill a child's academic language requirements, but it will produce a student that is both functionally literate and verbal in Spanish.
The study found the average verbal SAT score was 666, or about 160 points more than the national average.
He offers instructional video demonstrations as well as verbal descriptions of what he is creating.
Depending on the game, kids also utilize math skills, verbal communication, healthy competitive spirit and best of all, they're having fun!
Spaces indicate what a player must do to the other, which can be something physical or verbal.
You can use such skills to make your partner's daily happenings come alive with clever verbal renderings or deep insights into the human condition.
Either of these two possibilities may show up in your verbal and nonverbal communication with the opposite sex.
When 50% of communication is non-verbal and based on body language and another 35% is on the tone of our voice; that leaves very little verbal communication to convince a guy you are not intimidated to talk with him.
We had a great conversation and he showed nonverbal and verbal signs of interest.
The most recent communication was his lack of a verbal response to reassuring you that he shared your feeling about wanting more and was therefore going to end his relationship with his current partner.
The more we get to know someone the better we understand the other person's verbal and non-verbal communication.
What you really need to do, though, is make it verbal.
These encounters may then escalate to phone conversations where teasing and verbal interactions can heighten awareness.
However, abuse comes in other forms such as emotional, verbal and sexual.
Yelling at you or speaking down to you is verbal abuse.
If your union with your significant other is free from emotional, verbal, and physical abuse, you are on the path to having a healthy relationship.
You have put me through heck with all of your verbal threats and insults.
Expect to find anything from simple verbal requests to e-mail messages and even printed notes.
The notice may follow a verbal engagement announcement to family and friends.
Still, all relationships take work, and the communication and deeper levels of understanding waiting to be tapped here far outweigh the occasional verbal misstep.
This can be a huge turn-on for him, and he'll see the verbal fireworks as a sign that the "chase" is on!
It is important to use the Internet in conjunction with other verbal, hands-on activities that reinforce social skills and teamwork.
While verbal games work for memory reinforcement, reading is a visual activity, so some preschool alphabet games need a little physical preparation.
The concept includes watching whole series, answering comprehension questions and composing essays based on the verbal and non-verbal cues the situational shows employ.
You should then receive both written and verbal aftercare explanations so you thoroughly understand how to keep your piercing clean and free from infection.
While pictures help a verbal description of a pose, seeing someone get into and out of a pose can be very helpful for getting the pose right.
Since autism is a spectrum, it encompasses a wide range of functioning levels and disorders ranging from non-verbal, low-functioning autism to the highly verbal Asperger's Syndrome.
The most positive behavioral changes have included an increase in appetite, improved bowel function, and improved social skills, including increased eye contact, verbal skills, and social interaction.
Common threads in the various conditions that fall under the autism spectrum disorder umbrella include significant impairments in the areas of communication, both verbal and non-verbal, and deficits in social interaction skills.
These include significant impairments in verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction skills, along restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.
Self help, language, verbal, and social skills begin to fade away, with children often regressing into severe autistic symptoms.
Movement also can stimulate the language centers of the brain, so these types of toys can help in enhancing those verbal and communication skills as well.
When their verbal development does not progress, they show difficulty with pretend-play and are abnormally stressed by a change in routine.
Children may exhibit a particular interest in the alphabet and words but they are unable to interpret verbal nuances like sarcasm and figurative language.
Did those questions include family history, medical issues, psychological problems, environmental issues, genetic screening, auditory and speech screening, neurological consultations, verbal and physical skills, and living conditions?
Since movement stimulate the verbal centers of the brain, outdoor play can be very helpful in enhancing communication skills.
Verbal Behavior Intervention - Often used in collaboration with ABA, this method of treatment deals with the function of language and methods of communication.
Often this is a combination of therapies (such as verbal behavior intervention combined with applied behavior analysis).
This includes verbal and nonverbal communication.
Provide written and verbal instructions to autistic children who can read.
Using visual supports can help you communicate with a child who is not comfortable following verbal instruction or does not speak.
These issues vary in the degree of severity and may interfere with how an autistic person understands verbal speech or a neurotypical (nonautistic) person's emotional responses to common social situations.
They may have trouble participating in a two-way conversation because of limited verbal ability or, if verbal, problems understanding social cues, appropriate social responses and the emotional reaction of others.
Selecting toys that encourage verbal communication, body language, and facial expressions can help your child learn more than one way to express her emotions, desires, and fears.
Just as you need to learn to hold a pencil before you can write, autistic children need to be taught very basic social skills such as how to say hello, or even play with another child without any verbal interaction.
Having trouble understanding and following verbal directions.
Jericho's curriculum incorporates Verbal and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to provide students with individualized and comprehensive instruction.
Sometimes even if you've paid off an account on time, especially those you've reached a verbal agreement on, unscrupulous creditors will list them negatively or toss them to a collection agency.
When you notify your supervisor or company's HR department that you are leaving your position, you need to turn in a formal resignation letter along with any verbal notification that you provide.
He had excellent verbal communication skills, organized, prompt, and impressed clients.
However, because of the unique nature of the product, it is difficult to give a verbal description of the stretches.
Rebound Therapy is a British organization that uses rebounding as means of therapy for children with verbal and motor learning disabilities.
No matter your goal, whether it's to become more fluent in your verbal skills, or to achieve a degree in French, know that there are several options, all of which offer the convenience of learning from the comfort of home.
State that you allow any emergency medical personnel, doctor, nurse, hospital or clinic to provide treatment for your child in the event of injury or illness without first obtaining your written or verbal consent.
Forever tied together with Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G. was first friends with the West Coast rapper, then, following a falling out, a verbal enemy.
It's done completely unassisted by the other member of the team except through verbal advice and support.
Verbal sexual references increased 373% from the time the study began in 2001 to the time it was published in 2002.
This swap was also packed with drama as Perrin traded verbal jabs with her host family on race, social justice and politics.
What started out as a verbal argument ends up with Giudice chasing Staub out of the building and the police being called.
The humor is exclusively verbal, and is a kind of low-key irony that the reader will either love or hate on first exposure.
Some people react very strongly to a person who uses the phrase "Double-you tee eff?" in a verbal conversation, because it does stand for an expletive.
Howie remained silent during verbal our exchange, looking form one of us to the other, content to let us orchestrate the production.
Howie, according to his morning coffee verbal sermons was enthralled with his property, especially his inherited garden, started by the previous tenant and lovingly cared for by him.
Her voice was sharp enough to parry his verbal onslaught.
Her verbal slap stunned him.
Even apart from the impossibility of conceiving a whole of relations which are relations and nothing else (this objection is perhaps largely verbal), no explanation is given of the fact (obvious in experience) that the spiritual entities of which the Universe is composed appear material.
The letting may be either written or verbal.
They display, in a rather irregular style and with some oddities of dialect and phrase, extraordinary narrative skill and a high degree of ability in that special art of the 17th century - the drawing of verbal portraits or characters.
But no mere copyist or verbal translator could have attained that result.
Besides the divine element, proper names as a rule in the Babylonian-Assyrian periods had a verbal form attached and a third element representing an object.
It is not the purpose of this note to set forth the principles underlying the formation of proper names among the Babylonians and Assyrians, but it may not be out of place to indicate that by the side of such full names, containing three elements (or even more), we have already at an early period the reduction of these elements to two through the combination of the name of a deity with a verbal form merely, or through the omission of the name of the deity.
We feel its presence in his earliest notable work, The Rationale of Religious Enquiry, 1836; and may there see the rigour with which it applied audacious logic to narrow premisses, the tenacity with which it clung to a limited literal supernaturalism which it had no philosophy to justify, and so could not believe without historical and verbal authority.
It was ably argued by Sir George Cornewall Lewis, in connexion with his inquiries into early Roman history, that a verbal tradition is not transmitted from one generation to another in anything like an authentic form for a longer period than about a century.
Here, then, is direct evidence that the Aegean peoples of the Mycenaean Age knew how to write, and it is no longer necessary to assume that the verses of the Iliad were dependent on mere verbal transmission for any such period 'as has been supposed.
According to de Silva, Elizabeth said that she did not believe in the Letters, and that Lethington, who wrote to Cecil on the 21st of June, and sent a verbal message by the bearer, "had behaved badly in the matter," - whether that of the letters, or in general.
The verbal identities can only be explained in one of the following ways.
He sets his face against innovation in such matters as the accepted authorship of canonical writings, verbal inspiration, and the treatment of persons and events in the Old Testament as types of the New.
This amounted to an attack on the verbal inspiration of Scripture.
The remains of Lucilius extend to about eleven hundred, mostly unconnected lines, most of them preserved by late grammarians, as illustrative of peculiar verbal usages.
The chief faults of the book are obscurity, verbal conceits and a forced ingenuity which shows itself in grotesque puns, odd metres and occasional want of taste.
Merely verbal change in these formulae made without prejudicing the sense does not invalidate the sacrament.
Since the tribes practised far more in-breeding than out-breeding, the tendency was toward forming not only verbal linguistic groups, but biological varieties; the weaker the tribe, the fewer the captures, the greater the isolation and harder the conditions - producing dolichocephaly, dwarfism and other retrogressive characteristics.
When this attempt to master the cross-roads had ended in failure, Ney received a verbal message from the emperor, enjoining him that, whatever happened at Quatre Bras, D'Erlon must be allowed to carry out the movement ordered by the emperor.
That the lost source of the Chronicles was not independent of these works appears probable both from the nature of the case and from the close and often verbal parallelism between many sections of the two Biblical narratives.
Although (as in England apart from the Arbitration Act 1889) there is nothing to prevent, a verbal reference, submissions are generally not merely written but are effected by deed.
In accordance with the Enabling Act, which received the President's approval on the 22nd of February 1889, a convention met at Sioux Falls on the 4th of the following July and re-adopted, with some slight verbal changes, the constitution of 1885.
There is a want of depth in Christian experience, in the power of realizing relative spiritual values in the light of the master principle involved in the distinctively Christian consciousness, such as could raise Clement above a verbal eclecticism, rather than comprehensiveness, in the use of Apostolic language.
Released on parole, he bore a verbal message from Lord Howe to the Continental Congress, which led to the fruitless conference on Staten Island.
Eminently truthful, he could not understand that some verbal insincerities are necessary to social life.
It is the age of historical and literary, as well as verbal, criticism.
Milton, in his Tractate on Education (1644), advances further on Bacon's lines, protesting against the length of time spent on instruction in language, denouncing merely verbal knowledge, and recommending the study of a large number of classical authors for the sake of their subject appointed to consider the studies and examinations of the university, their report of November 1904 on the Previous Examination was fully discussed, and the speeches published in the Reporter for December 17, 1904.
The movement had its effect on the schools by discouraging the old classical routine of verbal imitation, and giving a new prominence to Greek and to German.
Even this verbal flaw would be obviated if Giesbrecht could prove his tentative hypothesis, that the Gymnoplea may have lost a pre-genital segment of the abdomen, and the Podoplea may have lost the last segment of the thorax.
The later scholastic Protestant doctrine of verbal infallibility necessarily encouraged critical reaction and proved a widely extended retarding force far down into the 10th century.
Under Vitelleschi, the next general, the Society celebrated its first centenary on the 25th of September 1639, the hundredth anniversary of the verbal approbation given to the scheme by Paul III.
Mercati, Studi e testi (Rome, 1901) to be the proces verbal of an actual discussion held under Justinian at Constantinople in 527.
This was an early conception, and in early times the order in question was simply verbal; thus some letters patent of Henry III.
His critical principles are explained in the preface, where he dwells on the necessity of starting as much as possible from trustworthy contemporary sources, or at least from those nearest to antiquity - the touchstone by which verbal traditions can be tested being contemporary poems. He inclines to rationalism, rejecting the marvellous and recasting legends containing it in a more historical spirit; but he makes an exception in the accounts of the introduction of Christianity into Norway and of the national saint St Olaf.
There were other slight changes of a verbal kind, involving no doctrinal or political significance and which therefore need not be described here.
It had no pretensions to verbal accuracy, and the coarseness of the language was modified to suit European taste, but the narrative was adequately rendered.
Though the Scottish Churches Bill, the Unemployed Bill and the Aliens Bill were passed, a complete fiasco occurred over the redistribution proposals, which pleased nobody and had to be withdrawn owing to a blunder as to procedure; and though on the 17th of July a meeting of the party at the foreign office resulted in verbal assurances of loyalty, only two days later the government was caught in a minority of four on the estimates for the Irish Land Commission.
It is, of course, the verbal bargain that binds, and large transactions are commonly completed without witnesses, though before the contract or memorandum of sale passes the fluctuations of the market may have made the bargain, to one side or the other, a very bad one.
Thus, in Sumerian we find such forms as numunnib-bi, " he speaks not to him," where the negative prefix nu and the verbal prefix mun are in harmony, but in dissimilation to the infix nib, " to him," and to the root bi, " speak," which are also in harmony.
For example, an indeterminative vowel, a, e, i or u, may be prefixed to any root to form an abstract; thus, from me, " speak," we get e-me, " speech"; from ra, " to go," we get a-ra, " the act of going," &c. In connexion with the very complicated Sumerian verbal system 2 it will be sufficient to note here the practice of infixing the verbal object which is, of course, absolutely alien to Semitic. This phenomenon appears also in Basque and in many North American languages.
For in the latter case we possess, according to Hume, no standard of equivalence other than that supplied by immediate observation, and consequently transition from one premise to another by way of reasoning must be, in geometrical matters, a purely verbal process.
Another manuscript that tells the same story, with only verbal variations, is found in No.
He now attacked more in detail but not more happily than before Wallis's great work, while hardly attempting any further defence of his own positions; also he repelled with some force and dignity the insults that had been heaped upon him, and fought the verbal points, but could not leave the field without making political insinuations against his adversary, quite irrelevant in themselves and only noteworthy as evidence of his own resignation to Cromwell's rule.
The thrusts were easily and nimbly parried by Wallis in a reply (Hobbiani puncti dispunctio, 1657) occupied mainly with the verbal questions.
These Articles, enbodying the more important terms, were included with slight verbal alterations in the treaty of peace signed at Prague on the 23rd of August.
The draft code of civil procedure, which was published in December 1872, introduced many important reforms, especially by substituting public and verbal procedure for the older German system, under which the proceedings were almost entirely carried on by written documents.
This article relates to the Western Cathars, as they appear (1) in the Cathar Ritual written in Provencal and preserved in a 13th -century MS. in Lyons, published by Cledat, Paris, 1888; (2) in Bernard Gui's Practica inquisitionis haereticae pravitatis, edited by Canon C. Douais, Paris, 1886; and (3) in the proces verbal of the inquisitors' reports.
Each parliament elected a committee to consider them, and the 'two committees carried on long negotiations by notes supplemented by verbal discussions.
No verbal formula can really enclose the life of a people or an age, but we can best understand the significant ^ of the old Greek cities and the life they developed, when, looking at the history of mankind as a whole, we see the part played by reason, active and critical, in breaking down the barriers by which custom hinders movement, in guiding movement to definite ends, in dissipating groundless beliefs and leading onwards to fresh scientific conquests - when we see this and then take note that among the ancient Greeks such an activity of reason began in an entirely novel degree and that its activity in Europe ever since is due to their impulsion.
Although in theory he was an upholder of verbal inspiration, he did not push the doctrine to its extreme consequences; his practical good sense did not take these things so strictly as the theologians of later centuries.
The Moslems themselves have observed that the tyranny of the rhyme often makes itself apparent in derangement of the order of words, and in the choice of verbal forms which would not otherwise have been employed; e.g.
The verbal spells were always accompanied by some manual performance, the tying of magical knots or the preparation of an amulet.
Owing to the very imperfect notation of sound in the writing, the highly important subject, of the verbal roots and verbal forms was perhaps the obscurest branch of Egyptian grammar when Sethe first attacked it in 1895.
The latter acquired the Semitic language imperfectly from their conquerors; they expressed the verbal conjugations by periphrases, mispronounced the consonants, and so changed greatly, the appearance of the vocabulary, which also would certainly contain a large proportion of native nonSemitic roots.
Masculine and feminine nouns of instrument or material are formed from verbal roots by prefixing m; e.g.
The accompanying simple figure indicates better than any verbal description the topography of the main groups of foci in the motor field of a manlike ape (chimpanzee).
The tape recording is a verbal excerpt from the play.
He himself attached great importance to his studies in this kind; his learned friends expected him to give their results to the world; which accordingly, though having little natural gift or felicity in verbal expression, he laboured strenuously to do.
The first step of the Scottish noblesse (mainly men of Norman names), after Alexander's death, was to send a secret verbal message to Edward of England.
Darnley had retired to his father's house at Glasgow, where he fell ill of small-pox, and, on the 14th of January 1567 Mary, from Holyrood, offered to visit him, though he had replied by a verbal insult to a former offer of a visit from Stirling.
Balhaldie carried to James in Rome an invitation for Prince Charles to go to France, a verbal invitation, which James reluctantly accepted.
The anticipations of Darwin were little more than formal and verbal.
But apart from this, there is proof of the high antiquity of the college, which was said to have been older than Rome itself, in the verbal forms of the song with which, down to late times, a part of the ceremonies was accompanied, and which is still preserved.
Besides pamphlets on the Catholic and slavery questions, as well as several fugitive jeux d'esprit, and a number of unsigned articles in the Analytical Review, Geddes also published a free metrical version of Select Satires of Horace (1779), and a verbal rendering of the First Book of the Iliad of Homer (1792).
It contains also a most curious commentary on Desportes, in which Malherbe's minute and carping style of verbal criticism is displayed on the great scale.
Aristotle had fallen into the paradox of resolving a mental act into verbal elements.
A proposition is the consequent verbal expression of such a belief, and consists in asserting that the thing as signified by the subject is (or is not) determined as signified by the predicate.
The difference then is in verbal expression, way of putting, inflexion."
The consideration that mere double negation leaves us precisely where we were and not upon a higher plane where the dominant concept is richer, is, of course, fatal only to certain verbal expressions of Hegel's intent.
There is perhaps no serious misrepresentation involved in regarding a key-thought of this type, though not necessarily expressed in those verbal forms, as pervading such logic of the present as coheres with a philosophy of the absolute conceived from a point of view that is intellectualist throughout.
Though in many respects a Chaucerian pastiche, it not rarely equals its model in verbal and metrical felicity.
All have verbal directive particles.
They did not dream of verbal fidelity; even when they had more exact reports before them, they preferred to mould a speaker's thoughts to their own methods of presentation.
Verbal adjectives, caredig, " loved," caradwy, " lovable."
The earliest allusion to the epistle 11 is the notice of its inclusion in Marcion's canon, but almost verbal echoes of iii.
But this is clearly only a verbal solution.
In point of detail, it is now impossible to draw a sharp distinction between that which they found surviving ready to their hand and that which they themselves added, or to define how far they reproduced the traditional fragments with verbal fidelity or indulged in revision and remoulding.
In the drawing of character, in the invention of felicitous phrase, in the contrivance of verbal music, he is deficient.
The use of cases and genders, the construction of verbs and prepositions, and the verbal forms exhibit striking irregularities.
Editio princeps (Milan, 1475); Casaubon (1603) showed great critical ability in his notes, but for want of a good MS. left the restoration of the text to Salmasius (1620), whose notes are a most remarkable monument of erudition, combined with acuteness in verbal criticism and general vigour of intellect.
The two former are lost, and most scholars deny the authenticity of the Tabula on the ground of material and verbal anachronisms. They attribute it either to Cebes of Cyzicus (above) or to an anonymous author, of the ist century A.D., who assumed the character of Cebes of Thebes.
But the attempt to conceive what it is leads me into mere verbal subtleties.
In his purely theological works Agobard was strictly orthodox, except that he denied the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures.
Such foresight had its reward, the more because it was buttressed during the debates of the Convention by the same readiness in debate, the same clear recognition of essentials, the same natural disposition towards compromise on details, and the same quickness in producing verbal formulae, as Smuts had already shown in the Transvaal Parliament.
The aversion to them which he expressed showed thus early an innate disposition to rebel against empty verbal reasoning.
He is typically English in his reverence for facts, whether facts of sense or of living consciousness, in his aversion from abstract speculation and verbal reasoning, in his suspicion of mysticism, in his calm reasonableness, and in his ready submission to truth, even when truth was incapable of being fully reduced to system by man.
At the outset, the position of each body, considered as a material particle, is defined by reference to a system of co-ordinate axes, and not by any verbal description.
In grammatical structure there is considerable resemblance between these dialects, but the verbal differences have become great.
Almost any word may be made into a verb by using with it a verbal particle.
The difference in the verbal particles in the different languages is very great.
Their speech nevertheless is very full in many of its verbal and other forms, while it also exhibits some curious deficiencies.
Between D and P there are no verbal parallels; but in the historical resumes JE is followed closely, whole clauses and even verses being copied practically verbatim.
This series was a comprehensive edition of the Latin classics in about sixty volumes, and each work was accompanied by a Latin commentary, ordo verborum, and verbal index.
At the same time it was given to be understood that the new theory of the solar system might be held ex hypothesi, and the trivial verbal alterations introduced into the Polish astonomer's book in 1620, when the work of revision was completed by Cardinal Gaetani, confirmed this interpretation.
He was clumsy at expressing verbal emotion and physical emotion was beyond him, but his eyes.
There was no verbal reply—only a returning wave of her light.
Effie bubbled over with verbal celebration at the beautiful snow, so much prettier than Boston's slop, while peeking out of every window, and collaring each passing guest to share her unabashed enthusiasm at each limited vista.
Sarah found her self control quickly, and could retract her fangs of her own accord, though Jackson still required verbal cues, and at times physical restraint from Gabriel to stop feeding.
So, it's not verbal; but, it is intelligent and demanding in ways which will appeal to even the most stick-in-the-mud adventurer.
Some pupils and staff might face threats or verbal abuse on their way to school.
Throughout history there has always been some form of verbal acrobatics or jousting involving rhymes within the Afro-American community.
Introduction Children are remarkably adept at learning new verbal information.
Is it an adverb, modifying the verbal adjective?
The infinitive often functions as a verbal noun, and as such can be the complement of another verb. infix see affix.
Here someone generates an afflictive bodily formation, an afflictive bodily formation, an afflictive verbal formation, an afflictive mental formation.. .
The fall-out from a no-holds barred " kill your opponent " verbal altercation can last for decades.
My own brothers recalled similar brief verbal anecdotes to my own.
What is the relationship between developmental verbal dyspraxia and childhood apraxia of speech?
Learn about the importance of verbal reasoning, technical aptitude, mechanical aptitude and math aptitude.
Only a fraction of our total brain capacity is dedicated to verbal communication.
The neural correlates of the verbal component of working memory.
You will have to travel a very long way to find a Major-General with more verbal dexterity than Tony Jay.
Expect to find a helping of verbal diarrhea here every visit, to brighten up your day.
Language Some games specifically disallow players to use any verbal communication between actors - touchline coaching is specifically ruled out in many games.
If you went to this show, you would be a bit disgruntled if some of this verbal didn't happen.
Mothers tended to decrease their verbal encouragement with their one-year-old boys at a critical developmental stage of receptive language skills.
A man does not hear, as in the smart novels, these gems of verbal felicity dropped between diplomatists at dinner.
You will of course be able to demonstrate strong commercial acumen, entrepreneurial flare and have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Using verbal fluency to disguise a lack of comprehension.
After a little clumsy verbal foreplay, he asked to kiss me.
Gestures are helpful to boys, who are often later verbal communicators and may need to alleviate physical frustration and stress.
Even the latest episodes contain priceless visual and verbal gags to rival the best that has gone before.
I read the rest and it is more verbal gymnastics.
Crucially, preoperative patients who show more activity in the right hippocampus than the left have less damage to verbal memory after surgery.
The next main section of the paper gives an overview of English verbal inflection.
In this sense, we can have no objection to verbal or plenary inspiration.
I've actually enjoyed your verbal jousts with Paul; I've never once questioned you or demanded any evidence.
I do enjoy having a few little verbal jousts and you're very good at tempting me into indiscretion.
Verbal memory tasks that activate the medial left temporal lobe have been implemented 63.
The copper's nark, for example, has long enjoyed the protection of the criminal courts and the old verbal " who grassed?
For verbal tests, start reading a good quality newspaper or magazine with editorial articles to improve your command of language.
A third way for coaches to help build confidence is through verbal persuasion.
Our advice, save yourself the agony of anymore verbal assaults from this pretentious poseur.
It was the verbal equivalent of a Norman Wisdom comedy pratfall.
If you are awarded the research prize you will be expected to deliver a verbal presentation at the Winter meeting of the Society.
My question, I think centers around whether Evans thinks that a purely verbal proclamation is enough?
Animal rights extremists used psychological warfare, verbal abuse, criminal acts and very offensive propaganda in their quest to close our business.
In the final activity, students are asked to invent the perfect verbal put-down.
Each volume in the Pocketfuls series is picked by a different python and includes their best visual and verbal gags.
The primacy of experiential veracity over analysis, of observation over exegesis, facilitates self-expression for persons with limited verbal reasoning.
At a previous workplace, employers perpetrated verbal sexual harassment and repeated verbatim things said at my home and accommodation.
Your verbal slip-ups that make a strange sort of sense.
The best door supervisors have better verbal than physical skills.
It was a typical piece of political and verbal swordplay by Ecclestone at a time when he is renegotiating F1's contract with Indianapolis.
Sparrow is a larger than life character, with his verbal tics, erratic movements and funny, mincing walk.
He also lived through Henry VIII's extension of the treason act in 1535 to include verbal treason.
This can range from verbal banter, including insults, jokes and comments with sexual or racist undertones, to unwelcome physical abuse.
Thus, every verbal utterance has at least two " meanings " .
Early in our acquaintance we had several verbal battles, in which, I need hardly say, I was easily vanquished.
I nearly had to give her a verbal warning for coming to work dressed in an England shirt.
But although the conservative party was successful in inducing successive general assemblies to lay repeatedly stronger stress on the verbal inerrancy of Holy Scripture and to make belief in such inerrancy a requisite of teachers in theological seminaries and of candidates for the ministry, there was in other matters an increasing liberal tendency.
Lamarck, while affirming the verbal proposition that animals form a single series, was forced by his vast acquaintance with the details of zoology to limit the assertion to such a series as may be formed out of the abstractions constituted by the common characters of each group.'
It remains to add that throughout we must carefully distinguish in theory, however hard this may be to do in practice, between legitimate ritual understood as such, whether integral to prayer, such as its verbal forms, or accessory, such as gestures, postures, incense, oil or what not, and the formalism of religious decay, such as generally betrays itself by its meaninglessness, by its gibberish phrases, sing-song intonation and so forth.
The supposition that the name originally contained the notion of permanent or eternal being, and was derived from the verbal root signifying " to be," involves too abstract a conception to be probable, though it is based on Ex.
Subsequently, whether from the fact that such bold speculations were obnoxious to the general sense of propriety in Elea, or from the inferiority of its leaders, the school degenerated into verbal disputes as to the possibility of motion, and similar academic trifling.
But people whose love of literature is more independent find it hard to take Wagner's poetry and prose seriously, unless they have already measured him by his music. He effected no reform in literature; his meticulous adherence to the archaic alliteration of the Nibelungenlied is not allied with any sense of beauty in verbal sound or verse-rhythm; and his ways of expressing emotion in language consist chiefly in the piling-up of superlatives.