Vases Sentence Examples
The steatite vases with reliefs are of great importance.
Melian vases came in their turn to Crete.
By the sound of it, it was one of his favorite, priceless, Ming vases.
Both at Sevres and Neuchatel Aegean vases have been exhibited since about 1840, the provenience being in the one case Phylakope in Melos, in the other Cephalonia.
Biliotti many fine painted vases of styles which were called later the third and fourth "Mycenaean"; but these, bought by John Ruskin, and presented to the British Museum, excited less attention than they deserved, being supposed to be of some local Asiatic fabric of uncertain date.
Petrie found painted sherds of Cretan style at Kahun in the Fayum, and farther up the Nile, at Tell el-Amarna, chanced on bits of no fewer than Boo Aegean vases in 1889.
Two Aegean vases were found at Sidon in 1885, and many fragments of Aegean and especially Cypriote pottery have been turned up during recent excavations of sites in Philistia by the Palestine Fund.
Vases of all kinds, carved in marble or other stones, cast or beaten in metals or fashioned in clay, the latter in enormous number and variety, richly ornamented with coloured schemes, and sometimes bearing moulded decoration.
Representations of ships are not common, but several have been observed on Aegean gems, gem-sealings and vases.
Actual vases of late Minoan style have been found with remains of Dynasty XVIII., especially in the town of Amenophis IV.
AdvertisementOn early Greek vases he is represented as borne through the air; this is the sun making his way to his place of departure in the west.
These consisted of five vessels, two vases, a bowl and a casket being made of steatite, and the fifth, also a bowl, of crystal.
A cover of one of the vases was found dislodged and lying on the bottom of the stone coffer.
Mr Peppe presented the coffer and vases with specimens of the jewelry to the museum at Calcutta where they still are.
Numbers of statues - among them a series of draped and richlycoloured female figures - masterpieces of painted pottery, only equalled by the Attic vases found in Magna Grecia and Etruria, and numerous bronzes, were among the treasures of art now brought to light.
AdvertisementIn this neighbourhood were found a great number of tombs containing vases of all periods, which furnish a marvellous record of the development of Attic ceramic art.
The former wealth of the town is mainly proved by the discoveries made in its extensive necropolis from 1828 onwards - Greek vases, bronzes and other remains - many of which are now in the Vatican.
Many painted vases, &c., were found; some of the best are in the Museo Civico at Orvietd.
A large number of vases of Greek style were manufactured here and have been found in the neighbourhood.
A few vases of the first period were found, but practically all the tombs explored in 1898 belonged to the fourth period (70050o B.C.) and show the gradual process of Hellenization among the Sicels.
AdvertisementOutside the north gate is a street of tombs, in some of which were found arms, vases and fine mural paintings (now in the Naples Museum).
The dress of the men is well shown upon the Kul Oba and Chertomlyk vases, and upon other Greek works of art made for Scythic use.
Vases and drinking cups were produced of extreme lightness, in the walls of which were embedded patterns rivalling lace-work in fineness and intricacy.
Table-ware and vases rmay be wholly coloured or merely decorated with colour.
Some vases of this character, shown by Emile Galle and Daum Freres of Nancy, possessed considerable beauty.
AdvertisementThe vases of Karl Koepping of Berlin are so fantastic and so fragile that they appear to be creations of the lamp rather than of the furnace.
In Egypt, however, no traces have at present been found of the industry in a rudimentary condition, and the vases which have been classified as " primitive " bear witness to an elaboration of technique far in advance of the experimental period.
The " primitive " vessels which have been found in Egypt are small in size and consist of columnar stibium jars, flattened bottles and amphorae, all decorated with zigzag lines, tiny wide-mouthed vases on feet and minute jugs.
Their craftsmanship is proved by the large cinerary urns, by the jugs with wide, deeply ribbed, scientifically fixed handles, and by vessels and vases as elegant in form and light in weight as any that have been since produced at Murano.
The enamelled Saracenic glasses take the form of flasks, vases, goblets, beakers and mosque lamps.
He was especially successful in making vases and circular dishes of vitro di trina; one of the latter in the Correr collection at Venice, believed to have been made in his glass-house, measures 55 centimetres (nearly 23 in.) in diameter.
The vases made by him are as elegant in form as the best of the Cinquecento period, but may perhaps be distinguished by the superior purity and brilliancy of the glass.
Owing to theAfashion of Dutch and Flemish painters introducing glass vases and drinking-glasses into their paintings of still life, interiors and scenes of conviviality, Holland and Belgium at the present day possess more accurate records of the products of their ancient glass factories than any other countries.
The system of decorating vases and vessels by means of strands of glass trailed upon the surface in knots, zigzags and trellis work, was adopted by the Moors and is characteristic of Roman craftsmanship. Glassmaking was continued at Pinar de la Vidriera and at Al Castril de la Pena into the 17th century.
The royal glass manufactory of La Granja de San Ildefonso was founded about 1725; in the first instance for the manufacture of mirror plates, but subsequently for the production of vases and table-ware in the French style.
Evelyn notes in his Diary a visit in 1673 to the Italian glass-house at Greenwich, " where glass was blown of finer metal than that of Murano," and a visit in 1677 to the duke of Buckingham's glass-works, where they made huge " vases of mettal as cleare, ponderous and thick as chrystal; also looking-glasses far larger and better than any that came from Venice."
In the deepest part of the excavations, however, inscribed clay tablets and fragments of stone vases are still found, though the cuneiform characters upon them are of a very archaic type, and sometimes even retain their primitive pictorial forms.
In a long inscription which he caused to be engraved on hundreds of stone vases dedicated to El-lil of Nippur, he declares that his kingdom extended " from the Lower Sea of the Tigris and Euphrates," or Persian Gulf, to " the Upper Sea " or Mediterranean.
A crystal lens, turned on the lathe, was discovered by Layard at Nimrud along with glass vases bearing the name of Sargon; this will explain the excessive minuteness of some of the writing on the Assyrian tablets, and a lens may also have been used in the observation of the heavens.
Stone as well as clay and glass were employed in the manufacture of vases, and vases of hard stone have been disinterred at Tello similar to those of the early dynastic period of Egypt.
It also affords accommodation to more than 300,000 engravings, over 20,000 drawings, and a large collection of vases.
From this form the transition is simple to the rounded C, which is generally found in the same localities as the pointed form, but is more widely spread, occurring in Arcadia and on Chalcidian vases of the 6th century B.e., in Rhodes and Megara with their colonies in Sicily.
Sacred images were not the only specimens of glyptic art produced in these six centuries; reliquaries, bells, vases, incenseburners, candlesticks, lanterns, decorated arms and armour, and many other objects, showing no less mastery of design and execution, have reached us.
As to the former, the Japanese method does not differ from that seen in the beautiful iron censers and vases inlaid with gold which the Chinese produced from the Snen-tl era (1426-1436).
They no longer devote themselves to the manufacture of sword ornaments, but work rather at vases, censers, statuettes, plaques, boxes and other objects of a serviceable or ornamental nature.
The Seto experts, however, are now making bowls, cups and vases that rank nearly as high as the celebrated Yung-lo totai-ki.
The process was known at an early period, and was employed for the purpose of subsidiary decoration from the close of the 16th century, but not until the 19th century did Japanese experts begin to manufacture the objects known in Europe as enamels; that is to say, vases, plaques, censers, bowls, and so forth, having their surface covered with vitrified pastes applied either in the chain plev or the cloisonn style.
Up to that time there had been little demand for enamels of large dimensions, but when the foreign market called for vases, censers, plaques and such things, no difficulty was found in supplying them.
The thin clumsily-shaped vases of the Kaji school, with their uniformly distributed decoration of diapers, scrolls and arabesques in comparatively dull colors, ceased altogether to be produced, their place being taken by graceful specimens, technically flawless, and carrying designs not only free from stiffness, but also executed in colors at once rich and soft.
Next come the various kinds of inhumation graves, the most important of which are rock-hewn chambers, many of which contain well-preserved paintings of various periods; some show close kinship to archaic Greek art, while others are more recent, and one, the Grotta del Tifone (so called from the typhons, or winged genii of death, represented) in which Latin as well as Etruscan inscriptions appear, belongs perhaps to the middle of the 4th century B.C. Fine sarcophagi from these tombs, some showing traces of painting, are preserved in the municipal museum, and also numerous fine Greek vases, bronzes and other objects.
The excavations brought to light vases and fragments of vases, of nearly every period except the Mycenaean.
There are over fifty of these vases, of multiform shapes.
By the side of the Lechaeum road, near the steps leading to the propylaea, were found in deep diggings thirteen early Geometric vases.
ProtoCorinthian vases also were everywhere strongly represented.
The older amphorae were oval-shaped, such as the vases filled with oil for prizes at the Panathenaic festival, having on one side a figure of Athena, on the other a representation of the contest; the latter were tall and slender, with voluted handles.
Of the Mexican and Central American sculpture and architecture a competent judge says that Yucatan and the southern states of Mexico are not rich in sculptures, apart from architecture; but in the valley of Mexico the human figure, animal forms, fanciful life motives in endless variety, were embodied in masks, yokes, tablets, calendars, cylinders, disks, boxes, vases and ornaments.
Ancient tombs with fragments of vases have also been found, and there are cases which have been used as primitive tombs or dwellings, and a group of some fifty tumuli near Altamura.
The " Resting " (avalravOyEvos) Hercules is, as at Thermopylae and near Himera, the natural tutelar of hot springs in conjunction with his protectress Athena, who is usually depicted attending him on ancient vases.
The sarcophagus and its contents had been removed by early plunderers of the tomb, all that was left being some broken alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal.
Sometimes the badges took the shape of small ampullae, or vases, as in the case of the badges of the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, which were marked with a W and crown.
In his joyous aspect Bes plays the harp or flute, dances, &c. He is figured on mirrors, ointment vases and other articles of the toilet.
The inhabitants are chiefly employed in the manufacture of vases and other ornaments from alabaster, of good quality, found in the vicinity.
Varenus Diphilus, a freedman, a magister herculaneus, were found in situ in 1883, and in 1902 two vases of statues erected by Diphilus, as inscriptions showed, in honour of his patron, and a bas-relief of bearded Hercules entirely draped in a long tunic with a lion's skin on his shoulders.
Among Dr Murray's other official publications are three folio volumes on Terra-cotta Sarcophagi, White Athenian Vases and Designs from Greek Vases.
On painted vases and sarcophagus bas-reliefs he frequently occurs with Aeacus and Rhadamanthus as judges of the under-world and in connexion with the Minotaur and Theseus.
Vases may also be found bearing such relations to one another as to show their unit of volume.
Another defect in the evidence of coins is that, when one variety of the unit of weight was once fixed on for the coinage, there was (barring the depreciation) no departure from it, because of the need of a fixed value, and hence coins do not show the range and character of the real variations of units as do buildings, or vases, or the actual commercial weights.
The hon was the usual small standard; by 8 vases which have contents stated in hons (8, 12, 20, 22, 33, 40) the mean is 29.2
The best data are three stone slabs, each with several standard volumes cut in them (11, 18), and two named vases.
It is supposed that the Panathenaic vases were intended as metretes; this would show a cotyle of 14.4-17.1.
We have the means of comparing the personal appearance of the Mexicans and Central Americans by their portraits on early sculptures, vases, &c.; and, though there does not appear any clear distinction of race-type, the extraordinary back-sloping foreheads of such figures as those of the bas-reliefs of Palenque prove that the custom of flattening the skull in infancy prevailed in Central America to an extent quite beyond any such habit in Mexico.
A trigonon is represented on one of the Athenian red-figured vases from Cameiros in the island of Rhodes, dating from the 5th century B.C., which are preserved in the British, Museum.
A great deal of it was local ware, but there were also imported vases from various Greek sites.
The same subject occurs frequently on-painted Greek vases.
When plants are required to stand in ornamental china pots or vases, it is better, both for the plants and for avoiding risk of breakage, to grow them in ordinary garden pots of a size that will drop into the more valuable vessels.
In the musical contests, a golden crown was given as first prize; in the sports, a garland of leaves from the sacred olive trees of Athena, and vases filled with oil from the same.
Many specimens of these Panathenaic vases have been found; on one side is the figure of Athena, on the other a design showing the nature of the competition in which they were given as prizes.
An interesting farm-house (few examples have been so far discovered in Italy) is that at Boscoreale excavated in 1893-1894, which contained the treasure of one hundred and three silver vases now at the Louvre.
One or two vases are found in each barrow, ornamented with finger-imprints, string decoration, &c. The later period is characterized by the practice of cremation, though the remains are still placed in harrows.
The vases are highly polished and of elegant form, with zigzag decoration.
In the local museum are four Mycenaean vases, one found in the island and another on the adjacent island of Mazzorbo, proving direct intercourse with the Aegean Sea in prehistoric times.
The vases were of the last red figure style, and were mostly imported from Greece or Magna Graecia, while the bronze objects came from Etruria, and the brooches (fibulae) from Gaul.
The second period (150o-l000 B.C.) shows a great increase in the use of bronze, and the introduction of gold and silver, and of imported Mycenaean vases.
The third period (1000-50o B.C.) in its first phase (1000-700) shows a continual increase of the introduction of objects of Greek origin; the pottery is at first imported geometric, and then vases of local imitation appear.
In the second phase (700500 B.C.), sometimes called the fourth period, proto-Corinthian and Attic black figured vases are sometimes, though rarely, found, while local geometric pottery develops considerably.
In some cases a failure to understand his meaning led to curious results; for example, the medieval custom, not uncommon in England, of placing rows of earthenware jars under the floor of the stalls in church choirs, appears to have been an attempt to follow out suggestions raised by Vitruvius as to the advantages of placing bronze vases round the auditorium of theatres.
The intestines were removed and placed in four vases (the burial, so-called Canopic jars) in which they were supposed to enjoy the protection of the four sons of Horus, the man-headed Mesti, the ape-headed Hapi, the jackal Duamutef and the falcon Kebhsenuf.
The flint vase-grinders were used in the early dynasties (110), and also sandstone grinders for hollowing larger vases (III).
The stone vases were at first of cylindrical forms, with a foot, and ears for hanging.
In the second prehistoric civilization barrelshaped vases became usual; and to the former materials were added slate, grey limestone and breccia.
The Dutsides of the vases were entirely wrought by handwork, with the polishing lines crossing diagonally.
In the early dynasties the hard stones were still worked, md the 1st dynasty was the most splendid age for vases, bowls, md dishes of the finest stones.
And a profusion of forms is shown by the moulds and actual examples, for necklaces, decorations, inlay in stone and applied reliefs on vases.
The main use of it was for small vases; these were formed upon a core of sandy paste, which was modelled on a copper rod, the rod being the core for the neck.
Of other medieval glass may be noted the splendid glass vases for lamps, with Arab inscriptions fused in colors on the outsides.
These were used to wind round glass vases, to form lips, handles, &c.; and to twist together for spiral patterns.
The necks of vases were the first part finished with rotation, at the middle and close of the prehistoric age.
Fully turned forms occur in the 1st Dynasty; but as late as the XIIth Dynasty the lower part of small vases is usually trimmed with a knife.
The paintings on the vases show boats driven by oars and sails rudely figured, and the boats bear emblematic standards or ensigns.
The Greek chariot had two wheels, and was made to be drawn by two horses; if a third or, more commonly, two reserve horses were added, they were attached on each side of the main pair by a single trace fastened to the front of the chariot, as may be seen on two prize vases in the British Museum from the Panathenaic games at Athens.
On two Panathenaic prize vases in the British Museum are figures of racing bigae, in which, contrary to the description given above, the driver is seated with his feet resting on a board hanging down in front close to the legs of his horses.
The contents of the tombs have been nearly destroyed by successive plunderers; enough remained to show that rich jewellery was placed on the mummies, a profusion of vases of hard and valuable stones from the royal table service stood about the body, the store-rooms were filled with great jars of wine, perfumed ointment and other supplies, and tablets of ivory and of ebony were engraved with a record of the yearly annals of the reigns.
Other discoveries at Tiryns were a beehive tomb, perfectly preserved and used throughout the classical period, some pottery vases which bear painted inscriptions in characters said to be derived from the Cretan script, and an accidental find of Mycenaean treasure in 1915 by a labourer employed in the agricultural school.
This consisted of bronze swords and vases, gold jewellery with agate and other gems, bracelets, collars, a seal cylinder and two engraved gold rings, one of which, the largest known, bears a religious scene.
They had been plundered and were destroyed to within a metre of the ground, but still contained some pottery and stone vases, bronze blades, seals, and ivory fragments.
Seager's brilliant discoveries at Mokhlos were published (with coloured plates of the Early Minoan stone vases) in 1912.
The burial was richly furnished with barbaric jewellery, a gold comb, a bow-case and some vases decorated with Graeco-Scythian reliefs.
A cemetery at Locri yielded large numbers of poor Greek vases, and some exceptionally fine bronze mirrors.
A few mirrors and some Greek vases were found in Etruria at Vignanello in 1913, and from an Etruscan tomb at Todi in 1915 there were obtained some bronzes and more than 70 redfigure vases.
The explanation of this would seem to lie in the fact that the relics are in most cases the paraphernalia of tombs, the funereal vessels and vases, and iron being considered an impure metal by the ancient Egyptians it was never used in their manufacture of these or for any religious purposes.
The legends on the coins are Greek, and a very large number of Greek vases have been found in the necropolis.
Having laid the founda - tions of a successful business in his admirable domestic pottery - the best the world had ever seen up to that time - he turned his attention to artistic pottery, and the European renaissance of classic art - fostered by the discovery of Pompeii and the recovery of Greek painted vases from the ancient graves in Campania.
They consist of drinking vessels, bowls, vases, ladles and other objects of silver, parcel-gilt, and exquisitely decorated with figures in relief, both cast and repousse.
At Venice fine work in metal, such as salvers and vases, was being produced, of almost Oriental design, and in some cases the work of resident Arab artificers.
Bearing out the evidence of tradition as well as architecture, the numerous finds of individual objects in terra-cotta figurines, vases, bronzes, engraved stones, &c., point to organized civilized life on this site many generations before Mycenae was built, a fortiori before the life as depicted by Homer flourished - nay, before, as tradition has it, under Proetus the walls of Tiryns were erected.
Inscriptions of Lugal-zaggisi and Lugal-kigub-nidudu, kings of Erech and Ur respectively, and of other early pre-Semitic rulers, on door-sockets and stone vases, show the veneration in which the ancient shrine was then held and the importance attached to its possession, as giving a certain stamp of legitimacy.
Before the frame, on iron stands, are placed copper or silver vases, filled with water and covered with flowers.
The remains of a temple, devastated in ancient times (possibly by Dionysius of Syracuse in 384 B.C.), were also discovered, with fragments of Attic vases of the 5th century B.C., which had served as ex votos in it.
Imported vases from the Aegean, of the " Dipylon," " proto-Corinthian " and " Rhodian " fabrics, occur rarely, " and were imitated by the native potters; and early in the 6th century appears the specific influence of Ionia, and still more of Naucratis in the Egyptian delta.
The occasion of the siege of Idalium by Persians (which is commemorated in an important Cypriote inscription) is unknown."' Throughout this period, however, Athens and other Greek states maintained a brisk trade in copper, sending vases and other manufactures in return, and bringing Cyprus at last into full contact with Hellenism.
In his lectures, illustrated from his own collections of coins and vases, he dealt chiefly with Greek and Roman pottery and numismatics.
In his memoir on the so-called Etruscan vases (Dei vasi antichi dipinti volgarmente chiamati Etruschi, 1806) Lanzi rightly perceived their Greek origin and characters.
Corsi, the eminent Italian antiquary, held that fluor-spar was the material of the famous murrhine vases.
The beautiful varieties of porphyry - green, red, striped - which are obtained, often in big monoliths, near Kolyvan, are cut at the imperial stone-cutting factory into vases and other ornaments, familiar in the art galleries and palaces of Europe.
Korra(30s), a game of skill for a long time in great vogue at ancient Greek drinking parties, especially in the 4th and sth centuries B.C. It is frequently alluded to by the classical writers of the period, and not seldom depicted on ancient vases.
The discovery (by Professor Helbig in 1886) of two sets of actual apparatus near Perugia and various representations on vases help to elucidate the somewhat obscure accounts of the method of playing the game contained in the scholia and certain ancient authors who, it must not be forgotten, wrote at a time when the game itself had become obsolete, and cannot therefore be looked to for a trustworthy description of it.
They comprise especially gold work, vases exported from Athens, textiles and specimens of carpentry and marquetry.
Besides varied and beautiful weapons, frequently exhibiting high workmanship, amulets, coronets, diadems of solid gold, and vases of elegant form and ornamentation in gold and bronze are found in the barrows.
Bulic, who had charge of the work and of the museum at Spalato, reported in 1894 that the collection of minor objects comprised "2034 inscriptions, 387 sculptures, 176 architectural pieces, 1548 fragments or objects of terra-cotta and vases, 1243 objects of glass, 3184 of metal, 929 of bone, 122 9 gems, 128 objects from prehistoric times, and 15,000 coins" (Munro, P. 244).
Domenico, &c., the Seminario, and the Prefettura (the latter contains a museum, with a collection of Greek vases, &c.).
A large additional space for exhibits was made in 1904, when the western half of the second floor was added, and the building as now arranged contains the large bronzes and statues on the ground floor; a gallery of Pompeian frescoes in the entresol; the library, picture gallery and small bronzes on the first floor; and the glass, jewelry, arms, papyri, gems, and the unique collection of ItaloGreek vases, on the second floor.
Isabella Gonzaga again begged, in an autograph letter, that she might have a painting by his hand, but her request was put off; he did her, however, one small service by examining and reporting on some jewelled vases, formerly the property of Lorenzo de' Medici, which had been offered her.
Several of the varieties are cut into gems and ornaments, balance weights, pivot supports for delicate instruments, agate mortars, &c.; or used for engraving, for instance, cameos and the elaborately carved crystal vases of ancient and medieval times.
In antiquity Surrentum was famous for its wine (oranges and lemons which are now so much cultivated there not having been introduced into Italy in antiquity), its fish, and its red Campanian vases; the discovery of coins of Massilia, Gaul and the Balearic Islands here indicates the extensive trade which it carried on.
Bas-reliefs and painted vases reproduce the contests of Apollo with Tityus, Marsyas, and Heracles, the slaughter of the daughters of Niobe, and other incidents in his life.
In this case the altar of Apollo at Delphi, upon which on the Greek vases Neoptolemus is frequently represented as taking refuge from Orestes, might be regarded as the pedestal of an invisible image of the god, and as fulfilling the same function as did the base of the actual image of Athene in Troy, towards which Cassandra fled from Ajax.
None of the numerous Greek vases and terra-cottas is quite of the first class, though the collection is important.
Jade, which is very highly valued by the Chinese for making into ornaments, vases, cups, &c., has been extracted from time immemorial, and is still extracted to-day at Khotan.
In later art they approach the model of Artemis, wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the later painted vases their dress is often peculiarly Persian - that is, close-fitting trousers and a high cap called the kidaris.
The latter are hewn perpendicularly in the rock, while the Roman tombs are chambers excavated horizontally._ In the lagoon itself were found a large number of terra cottas, made of local clay, some being masks of both divinities and men (among them grotesques) others representing hands and feet, others various animals, and of amphorae of various sizes and other vases.
Each table will be decorated with small bud vases with our compliments.
Link bud vases 4 Cars Your vintage car is not complete without a pair of these beautiful hand blown glass bud vases.
We offer a range of exclusive handmade gift and glassware from small candleholders and vases to large display pieces.
Contemporary with the vases, Pindaric odes also describe agonistic triumph in terms of desire and its consummation.
They are complemented by a colorful and varied selection of terracotta planters pots, umbrella pots, vases and urns.
Comprising of 1 tray, 2 lidded trinket boxes, 2 vases / trinket pots.
Fill modern translucent plastic colored vases with yellow tulips.
There were bowls, vases, cats, fish and mugs of various sorts.
Well-lit displays feature archeological finds from Kition, including a ceramic collection with alabaster vases, tools, coins and lamps.
The photographs of Athenian vases are the single largest component of Beazley's original archive.
Images found on works such as Athenian red-figure vases and Roman cameos will be the inspiration for Block Printing on to t-shirts.
Geoffrey Swindell, whose many interests range from the beach to science fiction, produces small elaborately finished porcelain vases.
Among his numerous publications the most important were a volume on the bronzes found at Olympia, vast works on ancient gems and Greek vases, and the invaluable Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture (English translation by Eugenie Strong).
Under Pericles Athens also attained her greatest measure of commercial prosperity, and the activity of her traders all over the Levant, the Black Sea and the West, is attested not only by literary authority, but also by numerous Attic coins, vases, &c.
The Nilotic influence visible in the vases, seals and other fabrics of the Early Minoan age, seems to imply a maritime activity on the part of the islanders going - back to the days of the first Egyptian dynasties.
But the "Burnt City" of his second stratum, revealed in 1873, with its fortifications and vases, and a hoard of gold, silver and bronze objects, which the discoverer connected with it, began to arouse a curiosity which was destined presently to spread far outside the narrow circle of scholars.
The richest grave of all was explored at Vaphio in Laconia in 1889, and yielded, besides many gems and miscellaneous goldsmiths' work, two golden goblets chased with scenes of bull-hunting, and certain broken vases painted in a large bold style which remained an enigma till the excavation of Cnossus.
This Makuzu faience, produced by the now justly celebrated Miyagawa ShOzan of Ota (near Yokohama), survives in the form of vases and pots having birds, reptiles, flowers, crustacea and so forth plastered over the surfacespecimens that disgrace the period of their manufacture, and represent probably the worst aberration of Japanese ceramic conception.
In a house, presenting no distinctive features whatsoever, one finds the decorator with a cupboard full of bowls and vases of glazed biscuit, which he adorns, piece by piece, using the simplest conceivable apparatus and a meagi-e supply of pigments.
To his reign must belong the famous quadrilingual alabaster vases from Egypt (on which his name is written in Persian, Susian and Babylonian cuneiform characters and in hieroglyphics), for Artaxerxes II.
The local museum contains a valuable and important collection of objects from the necropolis, including some specially fine bucchero, sepulchral urns of travertine, alabaster and terra-cotta, painted vases, stone cippi with reliefs, &c.
Some sections of the latter, especially those on the connexion between music and architecture, the scale of harmonic proportions, and the Greek use of bronze vases to reverberate and strengthen the actors' voices in the theatre, are now almost wholly unintelligible.
A very large field is also opening for cast-lead work, whether associated with architecture, as in the leaden covered-way over Northumberland Street, in London (see Plate), and the fine rain-water heads of the Birmingham Law Courts (see Plate), or with the revival of the use of metal statuary and vases in gardens.
A few chance finds of vases, inscriptions and coins; of a hoard of silver bowls at Dali (anc. Idalium) 7 in 1851; and of a bronze tablet with Phoenician and Cypriote bilingual inscriptions, 8 also at Dali, and about the same time, had raised questions of great interest as to the art and the language of the ancient inhabitants.
The colour is very variable, and often beautiful, but the mineral is too soft for personal decoration, though it forms a handsome material for vases, &c. In some fluor-spar the colour is disposed in bands, regularly following the contour of the crystal.
So the two went to the dressing-room of the Princess and searched carefully in every corner and among the vases and baskets and ornaments that stood about the pretty boudoir.
So he called together his merry little fairies, and showing them a number of jars and vases filled with gold and precious stones, told them to carry those carefully to the palace of Santa Claus, and give them to him with the compliments of King Frost.
The fairies promised obedience and soon started on their journey, dragging the great glass jars and vases along, as well as they could, and now and then grumbling a little at having such hard work to do, for they were idle fairies, and liked play better than work.
Of course, he soon noticed the brightness of the leaves, and discovered the cause, too, when he caught sight of the broken jars and vases from which the melted treasure was still dropping.
So he called together the merry little fairies of his household and, showing them the jars and vases containing his treasures, he bade them carry them to the palace of Santa Claus as quickly as they could.
The fairies promised obedience, and were off in a twinkling, dragging the heavy jars and vases along after them as well as they could, now and then grumbling a little at having such a hard task, for they were idle fairies and loved to play better than to work.
Such rich treasures must be kept in a safe place, and so she had imagined them stored in jars and vases in one part of the royal palace.
From behind the crystal decanters and fruit vases, the count kept glancing at his wife and her tall cap with its light-blue ribbons, and busily filled his neighbors' glasses, not neglecting his own.
This month we will be making small vessels (vases, pots, etc.) from self-hardening clay.
He set about creating Wine Label Collages of vases filled with flowers.
The photographs of Athenian vases are the single largest component of Beazley 's original archive.
Consider the number of books you have and buy enough bookshelves to hold them or store other items, such as photos, vases or collectibles.
Wall art, vases, vibrant drapes or a classic rug can all be a great starting point for your room's inspiration.
Add a few seasonal blooms to your home with poinsettias and Christmas cactus plants - or place vases of faux flowers throughout your rooms in warm, seasonal colors.
Contemporary style vases filled with colorful silk flowers add texture and vivid pops of color.
Metallic wall accessories are often made from sheet metal that has been bent into a pleasing curved shape such as wall vases and pot racks.
Display them by using glass or clear acrylic jars and vases.
Terra cotta pottery, including urns, bowls and vases are a standard element in Mediterranean style decorating and that includes French country decor.
The traditional arrangement of matching vases or candles on each end of the mantel with a painting hanging above the fireplace makes an excellent choice for many homes.
In traditionally decorated rooms, the mantel could include balanced arrangements of candles, art, antiques and vases.
Add some shiny lacquered boxes and vases on a tabletop or mantle and keep furnishings to a minimum.
Knick-knacks can include chipped china, old vases, porcelain and other vintage items displayed on shelves and sofa tables and in china cabinets.
Just be sure to keep the candles, vases and picture frames up high and out of reach.
You can introduce it in throw pillows, vases, lamp shades and appliances.
Gold accents on vases, pottery, window treatments and even woodwork can create a visually interesting room with lots of depth.
Pots, vases and other accessories in terra cotta colors are a great addition to an old-world Italian kitchen.
Use lamps, vases, or decorative boxes made of shells.
If fussy jars aren't modern enough for you, use three square crystal vases with a corner of each square turned toward the center of the table.
Complete the look with a mismatched number of white flower filled short vases in the center of the table.
Terra cotta pottery, including urns, bowls and vases are a standard element in Mediterranean style decorating and that includes French country décor.
If you want to add a pleasant aroma without burning anything, add some small, decorative vases with scented oil and dried reeds, which will diffuse the scent of the oil into the room.
Use eclectic arrangements of borrowed vases to decorate tables, use a favorite decorative item as a cake topper, or used borrowed baskets to provide homes for things like wedding programs or wedding cards.
Exclusively Weddings has an interesting assortment of fine bridesmaid gifts including Vera Wang vases and picture frames.
Florists will generally allow you to rent vases, pedestals, and dried or silk arrangements.
Leaf shaped favors such as candles, coasters, book marks, wine stoppers and vases.
You can get vases in square or rounded styles.
Using fall and harvest oriented containers instead of predictable glass vases; copper or aluminum pails, dark wicker baskets, and hollowed out gourds are great fall containers for floral arrangements.
Favors by Lisa has bells, vases, napkin rings, coasters, and even sparklers.
Make the centerpiece larger by posing several vases or jars of varying height together.
Next, consider the bedroom, which may include a new bedding set, bathroom towels, and even tiny details such as candles and vases.
The same place you rent the tables may offer centerpieces or centerpiece materials (such as mirrors or vases) for a discounted rate.
Couples should also be careful in their choice of vases or containers if opting for flowers.
Tall or lightweight vases can be knocked over should the wind pick up the beach, so choose heavier containers or add weight to help them keep their stability.
Bud vases wedding favor gifts make a lovely keepsake for your wedding guests.
There are many different styles of bud vases available, meaning that there is bound to be a type that complements every wedding.
Favors such as bud vases are timeless gifts and are perfect for both traditional and contemporary weddings.
Bud vases wedding favor gifts can also be personalized which makes them extra special.
Bud vases were originally designed to hold a single flower bud.
Very ornate or decorative styles of bud vases would detract from a single flower.
Modern bud vases are available in many different styles and are created from a range of materials.
Therefore contemporary styled bud vases are ideal for a modern wedding, whereas classically styled vases are perfect for a traditional event.
This can be as simple as a colored ribbon tied around the vase to match the color of flowers or other wedding decor, or as complex as specially printed ceramic vases.
Glass or crystal bud vases, for instance, can be engraved with a few words such as the name of the bride and groom and the date.
It is also possible to have ceramic vases custom-printed.
Whatever the style chosen, bud vases wedding favor gifts make a lovely keepsake and are likely to be long treasured by those who attend your special day.
Spray paint some simple branches in your wedding colors and place in unique vases for a resourceful centerpiece that is easy and economical.
Tall flowers in thin cylinder vases are one way to create a dramatic effect.
Similar to the vases used for tall flowers, hurricane glasses can be placed over white or silver pillar candles for a simple but elegant look.
Christmas themed weddings will look spectacular with vases filled with round glass ornaments in red and green.
The vases should be 4 inches or more in diameter.
Place clumps of flowers in the vases to get a full look.
It is worth growing for the flower garden and vases in summer, but should be protected in winter by storing under stages, in sheds or cellars.
It may be used in vases and hanging baskets, the pink buds being pretty.
It is an elegant plant for vases, etc. Mediterranean.
In mild winters it begins to flower as early as December, and bears among handsome deep green leaves gracefully drooping tufts of pale green catkins, which, if cut with the twigs, endure a long time in vases, and are welcome in winter.
Both have pretty white flowers pencilled with purple, and are suitable for the rock garden in summer or for drooping over the edges of vases.
The fronds are finely divided, an intensely dark green, from 1 to 2 feet high, and useful for bouquets, or for placing loosely in vases with cut flowers.
P. tobira is a good white flowering shrub in some southern gardens, and is among the plants worth growing in tubs or vases for placing out in the summer.
Working with polymer clay to create picture frames, vases, holiday ornaments and many other types of small, useful objects.
Contact with standing water, such as bird baths, flower vases, or humidifiers, should be prevented.
Clear vases expose the water in the vase to too much light.
Avoid clear vases - While clear vases may be tempting to show off the pebbles or stones you have chosen to add stability to your lucky bamboo, they should be avoided.
Ceramic or porcelain vases are best as they don't allow light through to the water and therefore discourage algae growth.
Bouquets are often given in vases, but can also be an arm bouquet.
Stack candles next to tall vases filled with assorted Christmas ball ornaments.
As an alternative, you could fill the vases with jingle bells.
Tall vases with stick bouquets that have small tea light candle holders hanging from the bouquet.
Kids can create vases, bowls, and plates, all on an easy-to-manage, kid-size machine.
This is a fun project that you can use empty mayonnaise or pickle jars for, or you can buy some inexpensive glass vases for the activity.
You can also find a selection of fuzzy dice, bobble heads, air-fresheners, flower car vases, decals, travel mugs, and crystal license plate frames.
Etching on glass can create a beautiful yet unobtrusive pattern on items such as mirrors and vases.
Many people have all of the linens, flower vases, and other accessories that they need.
Centerpieces could be vases filled with golf balls.
Tie napkins with raffia, and place fresh fall flowers in vases.
Place them in vases throughout the party areas.
Tie the bouquets with wide colored ribbon, and then display them in vases for the party.
A large number of votive terra-cotta figures, vases and lamps were found in the course of the excavations.
Imported vases of the second half of the 5th century B.C. prove the existence of trade with Greece at that period; and the town was famous in Aristotle's day for a special breed of fowls.
Their general purport is shown in many cases by pictorial figures relating to various objects which appear on them - such as chariots and horses, ingots and metal vases, arms and implements, stores of corn, &c., flocks and herds.
In a deposit at Kahun, belonging to Early the XIIth Dynasty, c. 2000 B.C., were already found E relations imported polychrome vases of " Middle Minoan " with fabric. In the same way the important part played by Egypt.
The ceiling of that of Orchomenos, and the painted vases and gold cups from the Vaphio tomb by Sparta, with their marvellous reliefs showing scenes of bull-hunting, represent the late palace style at Cnossus in its final development.
Some of these objects, such as certain forms of swords and vases, seem to be of local fabric, but derived from originals going back to the beginning of the Late Minoan age.
Among the more interesting relics found were ivory figures of Egyptian or strongly Egyptianizing fabric. On an adjacent hill were the remains of what seems to have been in later times a temple of the Dictaean Zeus, and from the occurrence of rich deposits of Minoan vases and sacrificial remains at a lower level, the religious tradition represented by the later temple seems to go back to prehistoric times.
A wide range in space was proved by the identification of the Inselsteine and the Ialysus vases with the new style, and a wide range in time by collation of the earlier Theraean and Hissarlik discoveries.
It should be compared with stone work in Crete, especially the steatite vases with reliefs found at Hagia Triada.
An inscription ran round one of the steatite vases just below the lid.
The drawing room had crystal cylinder vases strategically placed all around, filled with large parrot tulips of every shade.
But the contents of early tombs and dwellings and indications supplied by such objects as stone vases and seal-stones show that the Cretans had already attained to a considerable degree of culture, and had opened out communication with the Nile valley in the time of the earliest Egyptian dynasties.
To these may be added the industrial museum, the cabinet of coins, the museum of natural history, the collection of majolica vases in the new palace, and the Wurttemberg museum of antiquities.
There are no ruins of any importance on the site of either Ialysus or Camirus, but excavations at the latter place have produced valuable and interesting results in the way of ancient vases and other antiquities, which are now in the British Museum.
The script also recurs on walls in the shape of graffiti, and on vases, sometimes ink-written; and from the number of seals originally attached to perishable documents it is probable that parchment or some similar material was also used.
These ancient indications of a Minoan connexion with Sicily have now received interesting confirmation in the numerous discoveries, principally due to the recent excavations of P. Orsi, of arms and painted vases of Late Minoan fabric in Bronze Age tombs of the provinces of Syracuse and Girgenti (Agrigentum) belonging to the late Bronze Age.
He travelled in Italy, and perhaps in Greece also, collecting antique statues, reliefs, vases, &c., forming the largest collection then extant of such works, making drawings from them himself, and throwing open his stores for others to study from, and then undertaking works on commission for which his pupils no less than himself were" made available.
Late Minoan art in its finest aspect is best illustrated by the animated ivory figures, wall paintings, and gesso duro reliefs at Cnossus, by the painted stucco designs at Hagia Triada, and the steatite vases found on the same site with zones in reliefs exhibiting life-like scenes of warriors, toreadors, gladiators, wrestlers and pugilists, and of a festal throng perhaps representing a kind of " harvest home."