Vasa-deferentia Sentence Examples
These ducts therefore have not their exact counterparts in the Oligochaeta, unless we are to assume that they collectively are represented by the seminal vesicles of earthworms and the vasa deferentia.
The paired oviducts and vasa deferentia are, as we have seen, mesodermal in origin.
Each opens in a vas deferens which bears three diverticula or vesiculae seminales, and three pairs of cement glands also are found which pour their secretions through a duct into the vasa deferentia.
Ischio-rectal fossa Tuberosity of ischium Gluteus maximus The vesiculae seminales are sac-like diverticula, one on each side, from the lower part of the ampullae of the vasa deferentia.
They pass out through short vasa deferentia with internal ciliated funnels, sometimes an enlargement on their course - the seminal vesicles - and a minute external pore situated on the side of the tail.
The mouth is terminal or subterminal; there is a weak sucking pharynx situated behind the brain, and a long intestine lying along the medio-ventral body-cavity; it ends in a cloaca which receives the vasa deferentia in the male.
The paired testes extend through the greater part of the body and end in two vasa deferentia which unite with the intestine to form a cloaca.
Extraordinary increase in length during the breeding season causes the vasa deferentia in some of the African weaverbirds to protrude, or to bulge out the cloacal walls beyond the vent.
In some bristle-tails and may-flies, the two vasa deferentia open separately, but usually they lead into a sperm-reservoir, whence issues a median C From Miall and Denny, The Cockroach, Lovell Reeve & Co.
Anteriorly their vasa deferentia soon unite into a common duct, which opens into the pouch containing the penes.
AdvertisementWhere the vesiculae join the ampullae of the vasa deferentia the ejaculatory ducts are formed; these are narrow and thin-walled, and run, side by side, through the prostate to open into the floor of the prostatic urethra.
A vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the vasa deferentia of a man are severed and sealed in a manner to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate.