Vary Sentence Examples
The seams vary in thickness.
Opinions vary widely; no one really knows.
Even at the same place thunderstorms vary greatly in intensity and duration.
The statistics of civil proceedings vary considerably from province to province.
If the shape of the equipotential surfaces near it is influenced by trees, shrubs or grass, their influence will vary throughout the year.
These vary in form, but essentially they consist of a stem of porcelain, coarse earthenware, glass or other non-conducting substance, protected by an overhanging roof or screen.
Recorders vary in details of construction, but all have the same object, namely, to record the intervals during which the current is applied to the line.
The taxes thus vary considerably in different towns.
The arches vary from 51 to 79 ft.
Soon after, she began to vary her steps from large to small, and little mincing steps were "very small."
AdvertisementThe native costumes also vary considerably.
The threads vary in size in different plants.
Prices vary greatly, depending on the restaurant selected.
Wages vary greatly in different parts of Italy, according to the cost of the necessaries of life, the degree of development of working-class needs and the state of working-class organization, which in some places has succeeded in increasing the rates of pay.
The cost of a pier will not vary materially with the span adopted.
AdvertisementThus editions tended to vary with the historical views of editors.
The restaurant staff traditionally prepares food with a lighter touch, and its menus vary from season to season.
The method to be adopted will vary with the thickness and character of the deposit, with its inclination, and to some extent with the character of the enclosing rocks, the depth below the surface, and other conditions.
Turning now to its usual trade values in Greece (44), the mean of 113 gives 67.15; but they vary more than the Egyptian examples, having a sub-variety both above and below the main body, which itself exactly coincides with the Egyptian weights.
A very considerable body of knowledge relating to this subject already exists, but further work on experimental lines is urgently required to enable us to understand the actual economy of plants growing under different conditions of life and the true relation of the hereditary anatomical characters which form the subject matter of systematic anatomy to those which vary according to the conditions in which the individual plant is placed.
AdvertisementA similar comparison for the several sections of Great Britain, as set forth in Table VI., shows that to England belong about 95% of the wheat area, over 80% of the barley area, over 60% of the oats area, and over 70% of the potato area, and these proportions do not vary much from year to year.
The German immigration, of which so much has been written for political ends, has been greatly over-estimated; trustworthy estimates in 1906 made the German contingent in the population vary from 350,000 to 500,000.
The value of sugar-canes at a given plantation or central factory would at first sight appear to vary directly as the amount of saccharine contained in the juice expressed from them varies, Sugar-canes.
Osiers or willows when tied for market vary locally in girth.
Trypanosomes vary greatly with regard to size; even in one and the same species this variation is often noticeable, especially under.
AdvertisementThe number and classification of these departments vary widely in the different cities.
These laws vary greatly in their details from state to state, but they all aim at enabling the voters to exercise a free and unfettered voice in the selection of their candidates, and they have created a regular system of elections of candidates preliminary to the election of office-holders from among the candidates.
The caudal vertebrae vary from a rudimentary condition in the guinea-pig to a great size in the jumping-hare and prehensile-tailed porcupines.
According to race, &c., they vary considerably in size and weight, but on an average they measure from an inch to an inch and a half in length, and from half an inch to an inch in diameter.
The Solomon islanders are of Melanesian (Papuan) stock, though in different parts of the group they vary considerably in their physical characteristics, in some islands approaching the pure Papuan, in some showing Polynesian crossings and in others resembling the Malays.
But this argument is not conclusive, for though the total number of hydrogen molecules is fixed when the gas is enclosed, yet the number of luminous molecules may vary with the condition.
The form and habits of the group vary widely.
These are about thirty in number, excavated in the south side of the precipitous bank of the ravine, and vary from 3 5 to 110 ft.
Wundt, however, having satisfied himself of the power of mere logical thought beyond experience, goes on to further apply his hypothesis, and supposes that, in dealing with the physical world, logical thinking having added to experience the " supplementary notion " of causality as the connexion of appearances which vary together, adds also the " supplementary notion " of substance as substratum of the connected appearances.
This arrangement is not very convenient, as it is difficult to protect the mirror from accidental displacement, so that the angle between the geometrical and magnetic axes may vary.
The spear-heads which have been found in graves vary considerably in both form and size.
Specimens vary considerably in size and colour, but the usual length is about 5 in., and the soft fur yellowish-brown, marked with spots of dark brown and black.
Their numbers vary in the different scriptures, usually thrice seven or thrice sixty.
These instruments they have from us, and made by our artists, and they do not in the least vary from ours, except that the characters are Arabic. The Arabs are the most skilful navigators of all the Asiatics or Africans; but neither they nor the Indians make use of charts, and they do not much want them; some they have, but they are copied from ours, for they are altogether ignorant of perspective."
The cases of nouns are indicated by suffixes, which vary their initials according to the final of the nouns.
When the relative quantities of the components can vary continuously within certain limits, the substance is either a solution or a mixture.
These teeth, adapted to various requirements, vary according to the genus, being conical, hooked, spoon-shaped, molariform, &c.
A common way of doing this is first to choose a proportion of sand to cement, which will probably vary from i to i up to 4 to i.
The dates which have been selected vary from 1344 (given by Froissart, but almost certainly mistaken) to 1351.
The badges of the two branches vary slightly in detail, more particularly in the attachment of fire-stones (fusils or furisons) and steels by which the fleece is attached to the ribbon of the collar.
The French bauxites are of fairly constant composition, containing usually from 58 to 70% of alumina, 3 to 15% of foreign matter, and 27% made up of silica, iron oxide and water in proportions that vary with the colour and the situation of the beds.
The amount of water required, and the times when it should be applied, vary greatly according to the kind of plant and the object for which it is grown, the season, the supply of heat and light, and numerous other conditions, the influence of which is to be learnt by experience only.
The manner and the time in which pruning should be accomplished, and its extent, vary with the plant, the objects of the operation, i.e.
They should not be nearer than, say, 50 yds., and may vary from that to ioo or 150 yds.
In all the various forms of cordons, in horizontal training, and in fan and half-fan training, the pruning of the main branches when the form of the tree is worked out will vary in accordance with the kind of fruit under treatment.
The colour of the fruit varies from green to deep purple, the size from that of a small cherry to that of a hen's egg; the form is oblong acute or obtuse at both ends, or globular; the stones or kernels vary in like manner; and the flavour, season of ripening and duration are all subject to variation.
The openings of the auricles into the ventricle vary in different forms. In many of the lower forms (Lepidopleuridae, Mopalidae, Ischnochitonidae) the opening on each side is single and anterior.
The men vary in height from 5 ft.
In these solid solutions, as in aqueous ones, the ratios in which the different chemical substances are present are not fixed or definite, but vary from case to case, not per saltum as between definite chemical compounds, but by infinitesimal steps.
The obstacle is that, owing to unavoidable irregularities in the blast-furnace process, the siliconand sulphur-content of the cast iron vary to a degree and with an abruptness which are inconvenient for any conversion process and intolerable for the Bessemer process.
Pieces which vary materially in cross section from point to point in their length cannot well be made by rolling, because the cross section of the piece as it emerges from the rolls is necessarily that of the aperture between the rolls from which it is emerging, and this aperture is naturally of constant size because the rolls are cylindrical.
Of course, by making the rolls eccentric, and by varying, the depth and shape of the different parts of a given groove cut in their surface, the cross section of the piece made in this groove may vary somewhat from point to point.
Kangaroo.-The sizes vary considerably, some being huge, others quite small.
The colours of the under wools of river otters vary, some being very dark, others almost yellow.
The colours vary from pale grey brown to a rich black, and many have even or uneven sprinkling of white or silvery-white hairs.
The holdings of the peasant families vary generally from 8 to 13 acres, the minimum in Russia being 16 to 22 acres.
The usual colour of the adult is yellowish-brown, but it may vary from a deep red or chestnut brown to an almost silvery grey.
Pursuing the investigations of Laplace, he demonstrated with greater rigour the stability of the solar system, and calculated the limits within which the eccentricities and inclinations of the planetary orbits vary.
The forms assumed by leaves vary much, not only in different plants, but in the same plant.
These vary in different plants, but in each species they follow a regular law.
In the steady state, the product kdO/dx must be constant, or the gradient must vary inversely as the conductivity, if the latter is a function of 0 or x.
In any case results deduced from the annual wave must be expected to vary in different years according to the distribution of the rainfall, as the values represent averages depending chiefly on the diffusion of heat by percolating water.
For this reason observations at different depths in the same locality often give very concordant results for the same period, as the total percolation and the average rate are necessarily nearly the same for the various strata, although the actual degree of wetness of each may vary considerably.
From a comparison of this work with that of Lorenz, it is evident that the values of the conductivity vary widely with the purity of the material, and cannot be safely applied to other specimens than those for which they were found.
Conductivity and viscosity in a gas should vary in a similar manner since each depends on diffusion in a similar way.
The intervals of planting vary, but 42 ft.
These vary from village ponds to lakes 14 or 15 m.
Some rivers vary much in their discharge at different seasons.
The design of any piece of catchwork will vary with local conditions, but generally it may be stated that it consists in putting each conduit save the first to the double use of a feeder or distributor and of a drain or collector.
The season of its rise and its fall, and the height attained by its waters during the highest flood and at lowest Nile vary to a comparatively small extent.
These oblong areas vary from 60,000 to 1500 or 2000 acres in extent.
The laws as to the constitution and powers of the rural communes vary much in the different states.
The lists vary greatly in different versions, but the above seems the most reasonable selection of readings to be made.
The relative frequency in the two positions seems to vary with the hour, the type of aurora, probably with the season of the year, and possibly with the position of the year in the sun-spot cycle.
The conditions, however, as regards pressure and temperature under which the hypothetical discharges take place must vary greatly in different auroras, or even sometimes in different parts of the same aurora.
The relations between the four vary very greatly in different parts, and the neglect of this consideration has led to much error and confusion.
Into these basinswhich vary in area from 600 to 5o,ooo acreswater is led by shallow canals when the Nile is in flood.
In the 1st Dynasty the large tombstones of the kings are of bold work, but the smaller stones of private graves vary much in the style, many being very coarse.
Completely "useless" knowledge becomes impossible, though the uses of knowledge may still vary greatly in character, in directness, and in the extent and force of their appeal to different minds.
A curious adaptation seems to occur in certain floating forms, in the presence of a gas-vacuole, which may be made to vary its volume with varying pressure.
The forms which grow away from the substratum vary greatly in external configuration.
Klebs has, however, recently canvassed the conclusions of both these investigators; and as the result of his own observations declares that algae, so far from being as polymorphic as they have been described, vary only within relatively narrow limits, and present on the whole as great fixity as the higher plants.
The occurrence of characteristic algae at different levels constituting the zones to which reference has already been made, is probably in part an expression of the fact that different species vary in the capacity to resist desiccation from exposure.
These cylinders vary from 60 to iso ft.
Since alite is a solid solution and, although an individual mineral, is not a chemical unit, the proportion of tricalcium silicate to tricalcium aluminate in a given specimen of alite will vary; but, whatever the proportions, each of these substances will react in its characteristic manner according to the equations given above.
The lakes vary in size from mere pools to sheets of water several square miles in area.
The cliffs vary in character according to the nature of the rock.
There is nearly twice as much wind from the south-west as from the north-east, but the proportions vary greatly in different months.
Living organisms vary, that is to say, no two individuals are exactly alike; the death-rate and the multiplication-rate are to a certain extent selective, that is to say, on the average, in the long run, they favour certain variations and oppress other variations.
The struggle would be most acute between individuals and varieties of the same species, with the result that "any being, if it vary however slightly, in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex and somewhat varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus be naturally selected."
One aspect of organic individuality is the correlation of variations, the fact that when one part varies, other parts vary more or less simultaneously.
When beetles, or medusae, or cats vary, the range of possible variation is limited and determined by the beetle, medusa or cat constitution, and any possible further differentiation or specialization must be in a sense at least orthogenetic - that is to say, a continuation of the line along which the ancestors of the individual in question have been forced.
Packs of foxhounds vary, from large establishments in the "Shires," the meets of which are attended by hundreds of horsemen, some of whom keep large stables of hunters in constant work - for though a man at Melton, for instance, may see a great deal of sport with half-a-dozen well-seasoned animals, the number is not sufficient if he is anxious to be at all times well mounted - to small kennels in the north of England, where the field follow on foot.
The expenses to the individual naturally vary so much that no figures can be given.
But it is always tending to vary as to the degree of importance attached to some particular one of the details, as to the size and complexity of the particular groups in which each detail ought to be observed.
Their traditions on the condition of the dead vary considerably in different groups; yet there is a general agreement upon main points.
The courses vary in height from 1 to 3 ft., and some blocks are as long as 121 ft.
It should be borne in mind that in census years, when comparison can be made, the two sets of statistics often vary considerably.
The numerous tests of the strength of timber which have been made by various authorities from time to time vary so much, both as regards the conditions under which they were carried out and the results obtained, that T; ?;berh great discretion is required in using them for any practical purpose.
There are no materials used in manufacture of which the craftsman is able to vary the composition and physical qualities so extensively as the metals and their alloys.
They vary similarly in shape and size of ears, colour of the grain, which may be white, yellow, purple, striped, &c., and also in physical characters and chemical composition.
Working days, again, vary in different ports, and the custom of the port will decide in each case what are working days.
In England the period of the civil day may also vary under different statutes.
The system of partitioning, and also the nomenclature, vary in the different provinces; but generally it may be said that the subdivision or tahsil is the ultimate unit of administration.
The details vary in the different provinces; but, broadly speaking, a settlement may be described as the ascertainment of the agricultural capacity of the land.
With these facts before him, he proceeds to assess the government demand upon the land according to certain general principles, which may vary in the several provinces.
Details vary in the different provinces, but the general plan of administration is the same.
In 1908 the total length of railways open in India was 30,578, m., which carried 330 million passengers and 64 million tons of goods, and yielded a net profit exceeding 4 Facilities for irrigation (q.v.) vary widely, and irrigation works differ both in extent and in character.
The most level portions of the coast districts are the north and north-east, all the rest being broken by hills, which vary from 500 to 2700 ft.
The birds of prey, 45 species, of which 22 are peculiar to the group, vary in size from a tiny falcon not larger than a sparrow (Microhierax), to an immense monkey-catching eagle (Pithecophaga gefferyi, Grant), which is strong enough to seize monkeys as they leap from tree to tree.
They are brown, red or yellow in colour; the pores also vary in colour from pure white to brown, red, yellow or green, and are from one or two lines to nearly an inch long.
Many of these stars seem to vary quite irregularly; the changes of magnitude do not recur in any orderly way.
Stars of the class to which the Algol type of variables belongs will appear to us to vary only in the exceptional case when the plane of the orbit passes so near our sun that one body appears to pass over the other and so causes an eclipse.
The phenomena of long-period variables show that the surface brilliancy may vary very greatly, even in the same star.
The motions of individual stars, it is true, vary widely, but if the mean motion of a number of stars is considered this tendency is always to be found.
Regarded as a linear velocity, the parallactic motion is the same for all stars, being exactly equal and opposite to the solar motion; but its amount, as measured by the corresponding angular displacement of the star, is inversely proportional to the distance of the star from the earth, and foreshortening causes it to vary as the sine of the angular distance from the apex.
Estimates of this distance vary, but it may probably be put at more than three thousand light years (parallax less than o ooi ").
An army - the accounts about the number vary from 4000 to 20,000 - was equipped in all haste and put under the command of Moslim b.
Accounts vary between 33 and 39.
As his son Moawiya who succeeded him was certainly adult (the accounts vary between 17 and 23), the latter date seems to be preferable.
The physical properties of a heterogeneous body (provided they vary continuously from point to point) are known to depend, in the neighbourhood of any one point of the body, on a quadric function of the co-ordinates with reference to that point.
An immense mass of material has been collected on the subject of vapour-pressures and densities, the greater part of which will be found in Winkelmann's Handbook, in Landolt's and Bornstein's Tables, and in similar compendiums. The results vary greatly in accuracy, and are frequently vitiated by errors of temperature measurement, by chemical impurities and surface condensation, or by peculiarities of the empirical formulae employed in smoothing the observations; but it would not be within the scope of the present article to discuss these details.
On the desert the same plant will vary in different years from 4 in.
It forms golden cubes which are unattacked by alkalis or by any acid except hydrofluoric. It appears to be a mixture of which the components vary with the materials and methods used in its production (Philipp, Ber., 1882, 15, p. 499).
Revenue and expenditure vary considerably, but neither often falls below £300,000 or rises above £500,000.
It does not differ from them in its clinical features more than epidemics of other diseases are apt to vary at different times, or more than can be accounted for by difference of handling.
Some features are naturally more important or more interesting to us than others; by their relative simplicity and evident constancy they have the first hold on our attention, whilst those which are apparently accidental and vary from one occasion to another are ignored, or postponed for later examination.
The precise value of X will vary with the nature and condition of the surfaces in contact.
The value of G will in general vary with the position of 0, and will vanish when 0 lies on the line of action of the single resultant.
Finally, we may refer to the catenary of uniform strength, where the cross-section of the wire (or cable) is supposed to vary as the tension.
Units of this kind are called absolute on account of their fundamental and invariable character as contrasted with gravitational units, which (as we shall see presently) vary somewhat with the locality at which the measurements are supposed to be made.
Ihe number which expresses a physical quantity of any particular kind will of course vary inversely as the magnitude of the corresponding unit.
If this is the case, the apsidal angle must evidently be commensurable with -ir, and since it cannot vary discontinuously the apsidal angle in a nearly circular orbit must be constant.
The force must therefore vary as a power of the distance, and n must be less than 3.
This is subject tc the same relations as a couple in statics; it may be represented by a vector which will, however, in general vary with the position of 0.
The resulting Z+R equations are not as a rule easy of application, owing to the fact that the moments and products of inertia A, B, C, F, G, H are not constants but vary in conse- 0 quence of the changing orientation of the body with respect to the co-ordinate axes.
The speed-cones are either continuous cones or conoids, as A, B, whose velocity ratio can be varied gradually while they are in motion by shifting the belt, or sets of pulleys whose radii vary by steps, as C, D, in which case the velocity ratio can be changed by shifting the belt from one pair of pulleys to another.
An eccentric may be made capable of having its eccentricity altered by means of an adjusting screw, so as to vary the extent of the reciprocating motion which it communicates.
Regarding the evidence on which these sweeping results are founded, opinions will vary.
The pictures that we have of Culdee life in the 12th century vary considerably.
The age-constitution of a community does indeed vary, and to a considerable extent, in course of time, but the changes are usually gradual, and often spread over a generation or more.
Thus, all other considerations being set aside, mortality tends to vary inversely with the proportion of the population at the healthy period 5 to 25.
Exact statistics of the membership of the Churches of the Oriental rite are almost impossible to obtain; the numbers of their adherents, moreover, are apt to vary suddenly with the shifting currents of political forces in the East, for political factors have always played a considerable part in these movements towards reunion or the reverse.
On the other hand, of course, the vagaries of the temperate climate of northern Europe frequently lead to a partial or complete failure of the vintage, whereas the wines produced in relatively hot countries, although they undoubtedly vary in quality from year to year, are rarely, if ever, total failures.
The alcohol in naturally fermented wines may vary between 7 and 16%, although these are not the outside limits.
The acidity may vary between 0.3 and 1% according to circumstances.
The total solid matter or " extract," as it is called, will vary between 1.5 and 3.5% for dry wines, and the mineral matter or ash generally amounts to about one-tenth of the " extract."
The prices of the wines also are subject to great fluctuation, but in fair years will vary, according to class and quality, from;IO to 30 per hogshead for the better growths.
These isothermal lines will be found to vary frommonth to month over the two hemispheres, or over local areas, during summer and winter, and their position is modified by continental or oceanic conditions.
These numbers vary from 318 to 400 species in Lapland, from 508 to 651 in Karelia, and attain 752 species for Finland proper; while the total for all Finland attains 1132 species.
In order continuously to attain this end, the revenue must be flexible, or, as is often said, elastic enough to vary in response to pressure.
By this means the flax is kept at a uniform temperature with great certainty, since even should the heat of the air vary considerably through neglect, the water in the vat only by slow degrees follows such fluctuations.
The literary criticisms, generally distinguished by keen and independent judgment, and t e excerpts, vary considerably in length.
The sounds of t and d are more dental than in English, though they vary; the voiced spirants are very soft; the voiceless nasals are aspirated, thus is similar to Eng.
But for finely printed works this preparation is essential; the actual results vary with the operator, both as regards quality and, what is very important to the employer, in the length of time taken.
This is done by the usual trial impression sheet, and, as blocks are found to vary much in height and are generally low as compared with type, this deficiency has to be remedied by underlaying the blocks so that they are brought to the height of the type, or a shade higher.
Estimates have been made which vary from 60,000 to 100, 000.
The methods of working vary according to the nature of the ores treated and local circumstances.
Bradford is still the great spinning and manufacturing centre for alpacas, large quantities of yarns and cloths being exported annually to the continent and to the United States, although the quantities naturally vary in accordance with the fashions in vogue, the typical "alpaca-fabric" being a very characteristic "dress-fabric."
The fibre is decidedly inferior to flax and hemp in strength and tenacity; and, owing to a peculiarity in its microscopic structure, by which the walls of the separate cells composing the fibre vary much in thickness at different points, the single strands of fibre are of unequal strength.
The markings vary much in different individuals, and even on the two sides of the same individual.
The production of this staple is carried on generally under the same conditions as in Bengal; but the times of sowing and reaping and the names given to the several crops vary much in different parts of the province.
To enable the authorities to deal with these conditions, the secretary of state for war may without special legislation vary the terms of enlistment, not only in general but also for the various arms and branches.
If the quadrants were near together there were certain limits between which the potential of the needle might vary without producing more than a small change in the deflection corresponding with the fixed potential difference of the quadrants.
If the object point be infinitely distant, all rays received by the first member of the system are parallel, and their intersections, after traversing the system, vary according to their " perpendicular height of incidence," i.e.
The nature of the reproduction consists in the rays proceeding from a point 0 being united in another point 0'; in general, this will not be the case, for E', vary if, 77 be constant, but x, y variable.
The timber is used in Spanish dockyards, but opinions vary as to its quality.
Some of the larger craft, which are called baglah, and vary from 50 to 300 tons, carry merchandise to and from Bombay, the Malabal Coast, Zanzibar, &C.; while the smaller vessels, called Oagarah, and mostly under 20 tons, are employed in the coasting trade and the pearl-fisheries on the Arabian coast.
A foreign subject implicated in a criminal suit cannot be pursued or molested in any way unless there exist full proofs of his having taken part in the crime imputed to him, and should he be duly convicted of the crime, he is handed over to his legation, which either sends him back to his own country to undergo the punishment established by law, or, according to more recent usage, punishes him in Persia by fine, imprisonment, &c. In this respect the powers of the foreign representatives in Persia, now numbering ten (Great Britain, Russia, France, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Germany, United States of America, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands) vary considerably, some having the power of condemning a criminal to death, while others cannot do more than fine and imprison for short periods.
In Switzerland, which is sometimes classed with Belgium as among the least-policed states of Europe, the laws of the cantons vary.
The commission charged with the delimitation of constituencies is permitted to vary the quota as much as 15% either way.
Where, as in some parts of northern Germany, the potato is grown for the purpose of manufacturing spirit great attention is necessarily paid to the quantitative analysis of the starchy and saccharine matters, which are found to vary much in particular varieties, irrespective of the conditions under which they are grown.
In cultivation the potato varies very greatly not only as to the season of its growth but also as to productiveness, the vigour and luxuriance of its foliage, the presence or relative absence of hairs, the form of the leaves, the size and colour of the flowers, &c. The tubers vary greatly in size, form and colour; gardeners divide them into rounded forms and long forms or "kidneys," and there are of course varieties intermediate in form.
The names of the gates vary, but four are constant - the Proetides, Electrae, Neistae or Neitae, and Homoloides; Pausanias gives the others as Ogygiae, Hypsistae, Crenaeae.
The degree of independence enjoyed by the various districts of Baluchistan may be said to vary in direct proportion to their.
It should be noted that the thermometrical conditions of Tibet vary considerably from those of the Himalaya.
Once assume that every character and property of a particular thing is determined solely by the tension in it of a current of Pneuma, and (since that which causes currents in the thing cannot be absolutely the same with the thing itself) Pneuma, though present in all things, must be asserted to vary indefinitely in quantity and intensity.
Lesser ranges, which are included in the Beirene system and vary in height from 2000 to 4000 ft., are the Mesas, between the rivers Coa and Zezere; the Guardunha and Moradal, separating the Zezere from the Ponsul and Ocreza, tributaries of the Tagus; the Serra do Aire, and various ridges which stretch south-westward as far as the mountains of Cintra (q.v.).
Estimates of area vary widely and have been considerably confused by repeated losses of territory in boundary disputes with neighbouring states, and no figures can be given which may not be changed to some extent by further revisions.
As the powers and duties of consuls vary with the particular commercial interests they have to protect, and the civilization of the state in whose territory they reside, instead of abstract definition, we summarize the provisions on this subject of the British Merchant Shipping Acts.
Hence if V is the volume of a mass M of liquid bounded by a surface whose area is S, the integral M = f f f pdx dydz, (I) where the integration is to be extended throughout the volume V, may be divided into two parts by considering separately the thin shell or skin extending from the outer surface to a depth within which the density and other properties of the liquid vary with the depth, and the interior portion of the liquid within which its properties are constant.
In this assertion we think he was mathematically wrong, though in his own hypothesis that the density does actually vary, he was probably right.
The early writers on capillary action supposed that the diminution of capillary action was due simply to the change of density corresponding to the rise of temperature, and, therefore, assuming the surface-tension to vary as the square of the (37)?(f) =eP f (38) density, they deduced its variations from the observed dilatation of the liquid by heat.
If we make CR=z, and suppose z to vary, the shape of the bubble of course remaining the same, the values of y and of a will change, but the other quantities will be constant.
Similarly, the diameters of flat or spheroidal colonies may vary from a few times to many hundred times that of the individual cells, the divisions of which have produced the colony.
The cilia may be present during a short period only in the life of a Schizomycete, and their number may vary according to the medium on which the organism is growing.
Characteristic forms may be assumed by the young zoogloea of different species, - spherical, ovoid, reticular, filamentous, fruiticose, lamellar, &c., - but these vary considerably as the mass increases or comes in contact with others.
None of these systems, which are chiefly due to the medical bacteriologists, has maintained its position, owing to the difficulty of applying the characters and to the fact that such properties are physiological and liable to great fluctuations in culture, because a given organism may vary greatly in such respects according to its degree of vitality at the time, its age, the mode of nutrition observed; or, at any rate, the strictest rules should be followed in accepting the evidence adduced to render the union of any forms probable.
The methods vary much in detail, though in each case the endeavour is to colour the bacteria as deeply, and the tissues as faintly, as possible.
Whether bacteria will be destroyed or not after they have been ingested by the leucocytes will depend upon the digestive powers of the latter, and these probably vary in different species of animals.
The forms for the special services were more strictly imposed, but liberty was also given to vary some of the prayers in them.
Certain letters, however, vary in pronunciation, and are distinguished by diacritical marks, a device orginated by J ohn Huss.
Opinions, indeed, vary on the doxology.
The flowers are usually of a purplish colour, but are sometimes white, and the seeds, like the petals, vary in tint from dark violet to white.
The pieces vary in size from about 2 oz.
In all Turkey opium the pieces vary much in size.
The pieces vary from 4 lb to 1 z lb in weight.
These vary from 12 to 18 in.
The tentacles vary in number from four, the primitive I.
The relative proportions of these three divisions vary considerably, and the extreme abbreviation of the mid-gut found in the common crayfish (Astacus) is by no means typical of the class.
The details of the early embryonic stages vary considerably within the limits of the class.
The angles made by the kite-like surfaces with the horizon should vary according to circumstances.
The highways of England, the old coaching roads, are among the best in the world, being generally of a beautiful smoothness and well maintained; they vary, naturally, in different districts, but in many even the local roads are superior to some main roads in other countries.
It can, however, be shown that the obliquity cannot vary more than two or three degrees within a million of years of our epoch.
The relation of height to breadth may also furnish a valuable test; but it is acknowledged by all experienced craniologists, that the shape of the skull may vary so much within the same tribe, and even the same family, that it must be used with extreme caution, and if possible only in conjunction with other criteria of race.
The method is thus that of selecting as the standard the most numerous group, on both sides of which the groups decrease in number as they vary in type.
In Ochlandra they vary from seven to thirty, and in Gigantochloa they are monadelphous.
The only countries where the order plays a distinctly subordinate part are some extra-tropical regions of the southern hemisphere, Australia, the Cape, Chili, &c. The proportion of graminaceous species to the whole phanerogamic flora in different countries is found to vary from nearly 4th in the Arctic regions to about 2 nth at the Cape; in the British Isles it is about y2th.
In it the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Deus in Adjutorium, &c., are followed by five psalms and five antiphons, after which come the "little chapter," the hymn and the verse, which vary according to the season, the Magnificat and its antiphon, and the appropriate collect.
Trees or shrubs; leaves vary considerably in size and form.
On the other hand, the consumption by the income tax paying classes of customs and excise articles must vary indefinitely amongst themselves, according to personal habits, size of families, and even their geographical distribution.
In size they vary between wide limits, from minute sparkling points encrusting rock surfaces and often so thickly clustered together as to produce a drusy effect, to large single crystals measuring a yard in length and diameter and weighing half a ton.
It here resembles a long lake, overshadowed by precipitous mountains, which vary from moo to 2000 ft.
The dates assigned to this event vary from 1299, given by Urechia, to 1342, given by the monastic chronicle of Putna..
The elevations of the crest in Missouri (the highest portion of the uplift is in Arkansas) vary from 1100 to 1600 ft.
The results vary between 1.89 and 2.22, and the variation appears to be solar, not terrestrial.
Above the lowland plains the seasons vary in character according to geographical position and elevation.
The statistics of the pilgrimage cannot be given with certainty and vary much from year to year.
As the density of the heaviest rocks is only 3, that of a masonry dam must be below 3, and in practice such works if well constructed vary from 2.2 to 2.6.
One such assumption is that, if the dam is well built, the intensity of vertical pressure will (neglecting local irregularities) vary nearly uniformly from face to face along any horizontal plane.
That period will vary, according to the condition of the water, from eight or ten days to four weeks.
Upon the original installa - tion of the system in any town, the rate of leakage and consequent total supply to the different districts is found;to vary greatly, and in some districts it is usually many times as great per head as in others.
Pipes vary in bore from z in.
The springs in general are very accurate and uniform in their extension, and are very permanent when fairly well used; but their indications are apt to vary from fatigue of the springs if they are kept extended by a weight for a long time.
Their indications also vary with the temperature, so that for good work it is advisable that spring balances should be frequently checked with standard weights.
There are a great number of methods of applying the regenerative principle which vary only in detail.
Its modes and motives vary considerably according to climate, race, civilization and other circumstances; but it would be difficult to name any religious system of any description in which it is wholly unrecognized.
The theory underlying this may vary.
The spores produced in each sporangium vary from very many to a single one in the case of some heterosporous forms. These latter bear spores of two kinds, microspores and megaspores, in separate sporangia.
The binding force of moral rules becomes evanescent if we admit, with Hutcheson, that the " sense " of them may properly vary from man to man as the palate does; and it seems only another way of putting Hume's doctrine, that reason is not concerned with the ends of action, to say that the mere existence of a moral sentiment is in itself no reason for obeying it.
The majority of them change their courses very often, and vary greatly in volume; frequently they are impetuous torrents, forming numerous waterfalls.
The stature and features of the Serbs vary in different regions; but the northern peasantry are generally fairer and shorter than the mountaineers of the south.
What we do know is that these bodies vary widely in size.
It follows that, if we go on computing the elements a, b, c, d from the actual values of x, y, x' and y', at each moment when the planet is subject to the attraction of another body, they will no longer be invariable, but will slowly vary from day to day and year to year.
The reason for taking the elements as the variables is that they vary very slowly, a property which facilitates their determination, since the variations may be treated as small quantities, of which the squares and products may be neglected in a first solution.
These effects vary with the rate of motion, which they consequently serve to measure; and they are produced indifferently by movements of the spectator or of the light-source.
Those still remaining vary in size from 5 to 20 ft.
On the eastern side the plains vary from to to 50 m.
Among bronze remains the copper is found to vary from 67 to 95%.
These vary in quality with the civilization of the races in which they are current, but the same ideas which we proceed to state pervade all cosmogonical myths, savage and civilized.
Realgar occurs native in orange prisms of specific gravity 3.5; it is prepared artificially by fusing together arsenic and sulphur, but the resulting products vary somewhat in composition; it is readily fusible and sublimes unchanged, and burns on heating in a current of oxygen, forming arsenic trioxide and sulphur dioxide.
The soils vary considerably, according to the geological formations; ten or twelve different kinds may be found in going across the country from east to west.
And so by coming into connexion with different reals the "self-preservations" of A will vary accordingly, A remaining the same through all; just as, by way of illustration, hydrogen remains the same in water and in ammonia, or as the same line may be now a normal and now a tangent.
The beautiful (KaX6v) is to be carefully distinguished from the allied conceptions of the useful and the pleasant, which vary with time, place and person; whereas beauty is predicated absolutely and involuntarily by all who have attained the right standpoint.
This is a plate made of two equal wedges of quartz, that can be moved over one another so as to vary its thickness, and are cut so that the faces of the plate are parallel to the optic axis, which in the first wedge is perpendicular and in the second is parallel to the refracting edge.
We have also in any case the relations (41) (42) (43) of the current, C, for any given pair of metals, was found to vary directly as the difference of temperature, t-t', between the hot and cold junctions, and inversely as the resistance, R, of the circuit.
The methods of handling bees vary in different countries, this being in a great measure accounted for by the number of hives kept.
In the system that passes under the name of Ptolemy, Saturn is associated with grey, Jupiter with white, Mars with red, Venus with yellow, while Mercury, occupying a peculiar place in Greek as it did in Babylonian astrology (where it was at one time designated as the planet par excellence), was supposed to vary its colour according to changing circumstances.
The ambulatory appendages vary in number.
Dissecting stands vary as to portability, the size of the stand, and the manner in which the arm-rests are arranged.
The stamens vary in number from one to many hundreds.
Stamens vary in length as regards the corolla.
Stamens also vary in their relative lengths.
Pollen-grains vary from a o 0 - to o-y of an inch or less in diameter.
There are also rounded portions of the membrane or pores visible in the pollengrain; these vary in number from one to fifty, and through one FIG.
They vary in length from some twelve thousand lines to about a hundred.
The parishes proper vary to a great degree both in size and population.
Oils and fats must, therefore, not be looked upon as definite chemical individuals, but as representatives of natural species which vary, although within certain narrow limits, according to the climate and soil in which the plants which produce them are grown, or, in the case of animal fats, according to the climate, the race, the age of the animal, and especially the food, and also the idiosyncrasy of the individual animal.
The specific gravities of oils and fats vary between the limits of o-910 and 0.975.
A few of the blubber oils, like dolphin jaw and porpoise jaw oils (used for lubricating typewriting machines), have exceedingly high saponification values ` owing to their containing volatile fatty acids with a small number of carbon atoms. Notable also are coco-nut and palm-nut oils, the saponification numbers of which vary from 240 to 260, and especially butter-fat, which has a saponification value of about 227.
The female inflorescences vary considerably in organization; in some species the axis of the spike bears solitary ovules, each accompanied by a few bracts, while in others the lateral appendages are catkins, each containing from two to several ovules.
Or, rather, we should perhaps say that ancient floras suggest recent dispersal from the place of origin, and less time in which to vary and become modified by the loss of different groups in the two continents.
Individual otters vary in size.
Locally their destructive and irritating effects vary a good deal, but even when very dilute they all have a marked poisonous action on bacteria, white blood corpuscles, yeast and similar organisms. After absorption most of them exercise a depressing effect upon the nervous system, and are capable of reducing high temperature.
Some of them affect only certain portions of the nervous system, others have a much wider range of action; they may act in either case as stimulants or as depressants, and hence the symptoms produced by them vary very greatly.
The active principles of these vary a good deal in chemical composition, but they are all non-nitrogenous neutral bodies.
As might be inferred from the differences they exhibit in other respects, clay rocks vary greatly in their chemical composition.
The valley areas vary in height from 600 ft.
If the contact springs can be moved round the disk so as to vary the instant of contact, we can plot out the value of the observed instantaneous voltage of the machine or circuit in a wavy curve, showing the wave form of the electromotive force of the alternator.
The extant portraits of Alexander vary greatly, and it is impossible to determine which among them go back to Lysippus.
The effects of its absorption, whether it be swallowed or smoked, vary within wide limits in different individuals and races.
So great is this variation as to be inexplicable except on the view that the nature and proportions of the active principles vary greatly in different specimens.
The proportion of iconographic questions will vary enormously according to the nature of the museums's holdings.
It can vary from mild discomfort to excruciating agony.
The routes vary from short ambles to more energetic hill climbs in the Forest.
Diffusion rates vary between nutrients (nitrate ammonium phosphate ).
The number of larvae needed to treat an aphid infestation will vary on the number of aphid infestation will vary on the number of aphids present.
Spasms vary in severity and frequency, but may be strong enough to cause fractures and tendon avulsions.
Prices for local area hot air balloon flights vary in each region.
For SDSL products, the maximum upload bandwidth will vary depending on the Service ordered.
The shape of the plates, vary between acorn barnacle species so providing a good means of identification.
Mark the sax bevels for every rigger position (they often vary from side to side and along the boat ).
The different types of models developed to derive risk estimates from animal bioassays were considered to vary greatly in their predictions.
As for making burritos AT HOME, rules and regulations will vary slightly from place to place, possibly from town to town.
A. Local flowers for the bridal bouquet and grooms buttonhole vary from season to season.
To fulfill these callings, the form of local church life will need to vary at different times and in different places.
Visual outcome can still vary markedly however, particularly in the child with unilateral cataract.
These small ' cup ' fungi, as they are known, vary from just 0.5mm across to several centimeters.
Availability of NHS chiropodists does vary in different areas but lupus patients should be able to have NHS chiropody or podiatry regardless of age.
Types of clauses 63.3 The wording of the clause in a contract will vary considerably.
Reasons for demand vary, from necessity to wish to live on an easy commute, to proximity to good schools.
Although different models of the lensatic compass vary somewhat in the details of their use, the principles are the same.
The systems that I examine vary from simple melts of diblock copolymer to block copolymers with elaborate architectures.
These vary from a brushcutter, hedgetrimmer, pruner, edger, strimmer, soil cultivator and power sweep.
The amount of alcohol that can cause liver damage seems to vary widely between individuals.
Numbers vary dependent on whether there is a race on that day.
The algorithms that generate uniform random deviates vary widely.
The actions required to create and use the alternative dumpsite vary according to the version of UnixWare.
Elective modules The list of elective modules The list of elective modules may vary from year to year.
However, these effects on liking did not vary with differences in negative emotionality (neuroticism ).
The activation energy was also shown by the above to vary with the environment.
Group maximums vary from 22 on our overland expeditions in Africa to 10 for some of our European walks.
Our list of cottages for rent vary from converted farmhouses.. .
They vary in length and are black and sticky when fresh and smell slightly fishy.
The three course lunch dishes vary from roast red leg partridge to pan fried foie gras.
Avoid the use of frost-free freezers, which vary enormously in temperature during the frequent automatic defrosting cycles.
The pearl-bordered fritillary 's body is densely covered in hairs, which vary in color from brown to beige.
The back can vary from almost black to olive green in color, graduating to a creamy or white belly.
It vents hot air maintaining case temps and also has hi and low speed settings to vary between barely audible and silent.
The stimulus for muscle fiber hypertrophy may vary between muscle groups, depending on their activity pattern.
Even connections that appear identical may vary in size, even as little as 1mm.
There are usually 7 to 8 larval instars, but the number may vary from 5 to 16.
Look at the way the solubility products vary from silver chloride to silver iodide.
They may vary and seem very different, but they are not irreconcilable.
These skills or approaches are not itemized or specified here since they will vary from topic to topic and period.
Recent examples of its work vary from land registration to offenses of fraud, and from housing law to double jeopardy.
The optimum heading will vary depending on your geomagnetic latitude.
The amount of loss will vary with the charging method and fast or trickle charging will often incur extra loss.
For single magnetic bipoles it is shown how the open magnetic flux can vary depending on the initial tilt angle of the bipole.
Also, the measurement of serum markers may vary between laboratories.
The co-occurrence matrix itself also appears to vary between the surfaces with the rougher surface producing the more disperse matrix.
Power ratings can vary from a few kilowatts to several megawatts.
Griffiths, S. W. (1997) Preferences for familiar fish do not vary with predation risk in the European minnow.
Types of incidents vary from the extremely serious to the apparently minor.
From this point I am able to quote from the journal which I kept in order to vary the monotony of the long sea-voyage.
The movement problems vary from barely noticeable to extremely severe.
Note that as it is in low-earth orbit the sighting details vary quite considerably across the UK.
My prices vary from £ 30 to £ 70 per quarter ounce, depending on quality.
The charges on authorized overdrafts & loans - these vary from bank to bank.
Does polyphenol oxidase activity vary with the age of the material?
Braille readers vary in ability even more than their sighted peers.
Its topics vary from whether it is permissible to kill a tyrant to whether it is permissible to kill a tyrant to whether it is permissible to tell off-color jokes at dinner parties.
The animation allows the user to select from a number of fluorescence photomicrographs and vary the amount of astigmatism in the optical system.