Variously Sentence Examples
The lessons, as has been seen, are drawn variously from the Bible, the Acts of the Saints and the Fathers of the Church.
From time to time literary societies, variously called academies or arcadias, arose to co-operate in the work of reform.
Noteworthy among the buildings within the ancient citadel is a small tetrastyle temple, variously ascribed to Jupiter and Minerva, the portico supported by six monolithic columns of cippolino, four being in front.
He destroyed the royal palace by fire, an act which has been variously estimated by historians.
The platform is variously constructed.
The motive of the story has been variously regarded as a desire to insist upon the duty of tithe-paying, upon that of almsgiving, and upon that of burying the dead.
His death is variously given between A.D.
His story has been variously interpreted.
According to Spengel, the pair of ganglia near the mouth, variously called labial or cerebral, represent the cerebral pair and pleural pair of a gastropod combined, and the parietosplanchnic pair correspond to the visceral ganglia, the commissure which connects them with the cerebro-pleural representing the visceral commissure.
The spikelets are usually many-flowered and variously arranged in racemes or panicles.
AdvertisementUnder the monarchy, the army was maintained at its normal strength partly by voluntary enlistment and conscription, the chief law regulating it being that of 1887, as variously modified in subsequent years.
The total loss in damage to property has been variously estimated at from $350,000,000 to $500,000,000.
A notable monarch was Kanishka (see India, History) or Kanerkes, whose date is variously fixed at from 58 B.C. to A.D.
Her character, and still more her circumstances, made the pen very unamiably busy with her in her lifetime, the chief of many lampoons being the famous Divorce satirique, variously attributed to Agrippa d'Aubigne, Palma Cayet, and others.
The general colour of the surface is dark grey above and white below, variously marbled and spotted with shades of grey.
AdvertisementSpace runners for facilitating these measurements, variously known as chartometers, curvimeters, opisometers, &c., have been devised in great variety.
Their place of abode is variously placed in the Strophades, the entrance to the under-world, or a cave in Crete.
Nola (Naa) was one of the oldest cities of Campania, variously said to have been founded by the Ausones, the Chalcidians and the Etruscans.
In that year a horde, variously estimated at from two to four thousand souls, with their flocks and their slaves, driven originally from their Central Asian homes by the pressure of Mongol invasion, and who had sought in vain a refuge with the Seljukian sultan Ala-ud-din Kaikobad of Konia, were returning under their chief Suleiman Shah to their native land.
The population of Bagdad is estimated variously from 70,000 to 20o,000; perhaps halfway between may represent approximately the reality.
AdvertisementThe conflict between the two leaders ended in the ostracism of Aristides, at a date variously given between 485 and 482.
In documents of the first half of the 12th century the name is variously spelt as Kairdif, Cairti and Kardid.
But this is not yet perfect, although it has all the form of a perfect insect and is capable of flight; it is what is variously termed a "pseudimago," "sub-imago" or "pro-imago."
It was made of "gopher" wood, which has been variously identified with cypress, pine and cedar.
The seeds are filled with the large embryo, the two cotyledons of which are variously folded.
AdvertisementAthena has been variously described as the pure aether, the storm-cloud, the dawn, the twilight; but there is little evidence that she was regarded as representing any of the physical powers of nature, and it is better to endeavour to form an idea of her character and attributes from a consideration of her cultepithets and ritual.
On the inner surface of both valves several well-defined muscular, vascular and ovarian impressions are observable; they form either indentations of greater or less size and depth, or occur as variously shaped projections.
In addition to these, there exists in the interior of the dorsal valve of some genera a variously modified, thin, calcified, ribbon-shaped skeleton for the support of the ciliated arms, and the form of this ribbon serves as one of the chief generic characters of both recent and extinct forms. This brachial skeleton is more developed in some genera than in others.
The names and number of her children, and the time and place of their death, are variously given.
The closed figure a c d e a is variously called a hysteresis curve or diagram or loop. The area f HdB enclosed by it represents the work done in carrying a cubic centimetre of the iron through the corresponding magnetic cycle; expressed in ergs this work is I HdB.
In order to save arithmetical labour it is convenient to be provided with conversion factors for reducing variously expressed results to the standard form.
On his accession to the throne in 1840 much was expected of a prince so variously gifted and of so amiable a temper, and his first acts did not belie popular hopes.
It has been variously divided into orders by a number of writers.
The date of his death has been variously assigned to 545, 546 and 547.
The only assumption here involved is the evidently legitimate one that, when two systems of variously distributed motion at the lamina are superposed, the corresponding motions in front are superposed also.
He gradually accumulated a fortune, which at his death was variously estimated as from $60,000,000 to $80,000,000.
In Babylonia Naram-Sin in the guise of a god wears the pointed helmet and two great horns distinctive of the deities.3 This relationship between the gods and their human representatives is variously expressed.
The reason is obvious, and the principle could be variously expressed.
The affair is variously known as the "Fries Rebellion," the "Hot-Water Rebellion" - because hot water was used to drive assessors from houses -, and the "Home Tax Rebellion."
Finally, there are the village headmen, assisted in Upper Burma by elders, variously designated according to old custom.
In stature they range from the size of a hare to that of a rhinoceros; and their horns vary in size and shape from the small and simple spikes of the oribi and duiker antlers to the enormous and variously shaped structures borne respectively by buffaloes, wild sheep and kudu and other large antelopes.
The population, which is remarkable for gaiety of clothing, was formerly reckoned at 2,000,000, but is now variously estimated at 300,000, 400,000 or 800,000.
In the 16th-century maps the name is variously rendered St Bernardo, Bernados, Barbudoso, Barnodos and Barnodo.
The origin of the Khazars has been much disputed, and they have been variously regarded as akin to the Georgians, Finno-Ugrians and Turks.
On the whole, the historical evidence indicates that in Spain, when it first became known to the Greeks and Romans there existed many separate and variously civilized tribes connected by at least apparent identity of race, and by similarity (but not identity) of language, and sufficiently distinguished by their general characteristics from Phoenicians, Romans and Celts.
Another series of heroes, forming the central figures of stories variously derived but developed in Europe by the Latin-speaking peoples, may be conveniently grouped under the heading of " romance."
The part she played has been variously judged, and is not yet completely elucidated.
The principal faade of the temple is filled in one, two or three compartments with hinged doors, variously ornamented and folding outwards, sometimes in double folds.
Their numbers are variously estimated at from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand.
This book has been variously judged.
At a later period he was unjustly described as "a scurrilous party writer," which he certainly was not; but, on the other hand, Johnson spoke of his writing "so variously and so well," and put Robinson Crusoe among the only three books that readers wish longer.
How they were drawn forth was variously told.'
In fact, after some fruitless attempts to save his brother, variously related by his biographers, Joseph became aware that Andre's only chance of safety lay in being forgotten by the authorities, and that ill-advised intervention would only hasten the end.
He died at Larissa in Thessaly, his age being variously stated as 85,90, 104 and 109.
Clerk Maxwell demonstrated, however, that all electric charge or electrification of conductors consists simply in the establishment of a physical state in the surrounding insulator or dielectric, which state is variously called electric strain, electric displacement or electric polarization.
His death was variously attributed to disease, the effects of lightning, or a wound received in a campaign against the Huns; but it seems more probable that he was murdered by the soldiers, who were averse from further campaigns against Persia, at the instigation of Arrius Aper, prefect of the praetorian guard.
The old capital, near the centre of the island is variously called Notabile, Citta Vecchia, and Medina, with its suburb Rabat, its population in 1901 was 7515; here are the catacombs and the ancient cathedral of Malta.
The fighting men of the defenders are variously recorded between 6100 and 9121; the roll comprises one English knight, Oliver Starkey.
The spines are variously coloured, white and yellow tints predominating, and from the symmetrical arrangement of the areolae or tufts of spines they are very pretty objects, and are hence frequently kept in drawing-room plant cases.
In the history of Babylonia, the fixed point from which time was reckoned was the era of Nabonassar, 747 B.C. Among the Greeks the reckoning was by Olympiads, the point of departure being the year in which Coroebus was victor in the Olympic Games, 776 B.C. The Roman chronology started from the foundation of the city, the year of which, however, was variously given by different authors.
It was strenuously contended that the case could not well be otherwise, inasmuch as the art of writing must have been quite unknown in Greece until after the alleged age of the traditional Homer, whose date had been variously estimated at from 1000 to Boo B.C. by less sceptical generations.
The number driven out has been variously estimated at 120,000 or at 3,000,000.
The principal group of tribes is called the ChaharAimak, or " four races," the constituent parts of which, however, are variously stated by different authorities both as to strength and nomenclature.
This fact has been variously accounted for by different critics.
The universe, then, is a living cosmos, an infinitely animated system, whose end is the perfect realization of the variously graduated forms. The unity which sunders itself into the multiplicity of things may be called the monas monadum, each thing being a monas or self-existent, living being, a universe in itself.
It has been variously attributed to metamorphism, consequent upon igneous intrusion, earth movements and other kinds of geothermic action, greater or less loss of volatile constituents during the period of coaly transformation, conditioned by differences of permeability in the enclosing rocks, which is greater for sandstones than for argillaceous strata, and other causes; but none of these appears to be applicable over more than limited areas.
Moreover, it had come to be suspected by several scholars that a lost book, variously entitled The Two Ways or The Judgment of Peter, had been freely used in a number of works, of which mention must presently be made.
Agricola in 1546 under the names Wasserkies or Weisserkies and Leberkies, and it has been variously known as white pyrites, hepatic pyrites, lamellar pyrites, radiated pyrites (German Strahlkies) and prismatic pyrites.
The former may contain polyp-persons and medusa-persons, either one kind alone or both kinds combined; the latter will contain only medusa-persons variously modified.
The island was variously identified with America, Scandinavia, the Canaries and even Palestine; ethnologists saw in its inhabitants the ancestors of the Guanchos, the Basques or the ancient Italians; and even in the 17th and 18th centuries the credibility of the whole legend was seriously debated, and sometimes admitted, even by Montaigne, Buffon and Voltaire.
The connexion is variously explained, and efforts have been made to show on which side the dependence is to be found.
Prayer, drawn up probably by Cranmer 1 and Ridley in the time of Edward VI., and variously modified between then (1549) and 1661; (ii.) the meaning of the two sacraments, written on the suggestion of James I.
Thus both invertebrate and vertebrate palaeontologists have reached independently the conclusion that the evolution of groups is not continuously at a uniform rate, but that there are, especially in the beginnings of new phyla or at the time of acquisition of new organs, sudden variations in the rate of evolution which have been termed variously " rhythmic," "pulsating," " efflorescent," "intermittent " and even " explosive " (Deperet).
The circumstances which led to his admission into the apostolic circle are not stated; while the motives by which he was actuated in enabling the Jewish authorities to arrest Jesus without tumult have been variously analysed by scholars.
The expression has been variously interpreted.
They are variously located by ancient authors.
The fourth (perhaps the most important) book of Adam's History, variously entitled Libellus de Situ Daniae et reliquarum quae trans Daniam sunt regionum, Descriptio Insularum Aquilonis, &c., has often been considered, but wrongly, as a separate work.
The Jats are agriculturists variously described as Scythian immigrants and as descendants of Rajputs who immigrated to the Punjab from central India.
East of Tacana, which marks the Mexican frontier, and is variously estimated at 13,976 ft.
The basins have been variously ascribed to glacial erosion, to obstruction of normal outlet valleys by barriers of glacial drift, and to crustal warping in connection with or independent of the presence of the glacial sheet.
From 1859 to 1902 the total yield of this lode was $204,653,040 in silver and $148,145,385 in gold; the average annual yield from 1862 to 1868 was above eleven millions; the maximum yield $36,301,537 in 1877; and the total product to July 1880 was variously estimated at from $304,752,171.54 to $30618125125.
Its origin is obscure, and has been variously connected with a Saxon royal residence (King's town), a family of the name of Chenesi, and the word Caen, meaning wood, from the forest which originally covered the district and was still traceable in Tudor times.
Their historical value has been variously estimated.
Things are substances (oioiam), each of which is separate individual (Xcopu rTOv, TO& TL, Kae' 'KaQTov) and is variously affected as quantified, qualified, related, active, passive and so forth, in categories of things which are attributes (ovy13€07paiTa), different from the category of substance, but real only as predicates belonging to some substance, and are in fact only the substance itself affected (avr6 it€irovObs).
The blue colour in sapphire has been variously referred to the presence of oxides of chromium, iron or titanium, whilst an organic origin has also been suggested.
The zygomatic arch is variously developed, and the position of the jugal is a character for grouping the families.
The liver is divided in the typical manner in all, but the lobes are variously subdivided in different species.
Argyrokastro has been variously identified with the ancient Hadrianopolis and Antigonea.
But, in opposition to Wundt and in common with Schuppe, he believes that experience is (1) experience of the individual, and (2) experience of the race, which is but an extension of individual experience, and is variously called, in the course of the discussion, universal, collective, conceptual, rational experience, consciousness in general, absolute consciousness, intelligence, and even, after Caird, " a perfect intelligence."
This was ambiguous and was interpreted variously.
In France it was variously spelt Queroul, Keroual and Keroel.
The golden age of chivalry has been variously located.
Charles seems to have been a prince of education and letters, a friend of the church, and conscious of the support he could find in the episcopate against his unruly nobles, for he chose his councillors for preference from among the higher clergy, as in the case of Guenelon of Sens, who betrayed him, or of Hincmar of Reims. But his character and his reign have been judged very variously.
Lecideine apothecia, which are not black, but otherwise variously coloured, are termed biatorine.
In other species of the genus, 14 to 17 in number, the bill is mostly particoloured - green, yellow, red, chestnut, blue and black variously combining so as often to form a ready diagnosis; but some of these tints are very fleeting and often leave little or no trace after death.
Thus, for example, there is the " Rock Garden," which should consist of variously grouped masses of large stones, those which are remarkable for being figured by water-wearing, or containing petrifactions or impressions, or showing something of natural stratification, being generally preferred.
Pruitii (variously called coriacea, carnosa, correaefolia), 12 in.
He was variously represented with one, two or (usually) three heads, often with the tail of a snake or with snakes growing from his head or twined round his body.
Iron-pyrites was formerly called marcasite, a word variously written marcasin, marchasite, marchesite, marquesite, &c. The two names are now applied to distinct mineral species.
The total number of Nosairis inhabiting this country is variously estimated at from 120,000 to 150,000.
John Chrysoloras, a relative of the above (variously described as his nephew, brother or son), who, like him, had studied and taught at Constantinople, and had then gone to Italy, shared Manuel's reputation as one of those who spread the influence of Greek letters in the West.
The date of his birth is given variously as 1602 and 1609.
This, we may suppose, was the presiding conception from the first, but the design may have been variously modified in the three or four years of its execution.
Near Campulung are the remains of a Roman camp; and, just beyond the gates, vestiges of a Roman colony, variously identified with Romula, Stepenium and Ulpia Traiana, but now called Gradistea or Jidovi.
The word, of which the formation has been variously explained, is derived from the O.H.Germ.
In the Kharga Oasis the upper portion consists of variously colored unfossiliferous clays with intercalated bands of sandstone containing fossil silicified woods (Nicolia Aegyptiaca and A raucarioxylon Aegypticum).
The aim of the artist-scribe was to arrange his variously aped characters into square groups, and this could be done in great measure by taking advantage of the different ways in which many words could be spelt.
Since Alexandria could neither have been stormed nor starved out by the Arabs, his motives for surrendering it, and with it the whole of Egypt, have been variously interpreted, some supposing him to have been secretly a convert to Islam.
The Fatimite general Jauhar (variously represented as of Greek, Slav and Sicilian origin), who enjoyed the complete confidence of the Fatimite sovereign, was placed at the head of an army of 100,000 menif Oriental numbers are to be trustedand started from Rakkada at the beginning of March 969 with the view of seizing Egypt.
Archaeologists have variously interpreted its original purpose, whether as church door, city gate or palace gate.
The exospore often bears spines or warts, or is variously sculptured, and the character of the markings is often of value for the distinction of genera or higher groups.
His family has been variously conjectured, on the strength of the proper names which its members are stated to have borne, to have been Teutonic or Slavonic. The latter seems the more probable view.
The blue colour, which disappears on heating or dissolving the salt, has been variously ascribed to the presence of sodium subchloride, sodium, sulphur or of a certain compound of iron, or again to the existence of minute cavities with parallel walls.
The number ten is not clearly made out, and the individual precepts are somewhat variously assigned.
This is variously known as the First Battle of Saratoga, the Battle of Freeman's Farm, the First Battle of Bemis Heights or the First Battle of Stillwater.
He is variously styled Byzantinus, Hierosolymitanus (as an inmate of the monastery of St Saba near Jerusalem) and Scholasticus (the first "schoolman," as the introducer of the Aristotelian definitions into theology; according to others, he had been an advocate, a special meaning of the word scholasticus).
The maharaja of Travancore claims descent from Cheraman Perumal, the last Hindu monarch of united Malabar, whose date is variously given from A.D.
His death was variously ascribed "to despair, to poison, and to the divine justice."
These were - (1) the Adil Shahi dynasty, with its capital at Bijapur, founded in 1490 by a Turk; (2) the Kutb Shahi dynasty, with its capital at Golconda, founded in 1512 by a Turkoman adventurer; (3) the Nizam Shahi dynasty, with its capital at Ahmednagar, founded in 1490 by a Brahman renegade; (4) the Imad Shahi dynasty of Berar, with its capital at Ellichpur, founded in 1484 also by a Hindu from Vijayanagar; (5) the Barid Shahi dynasty, with its capital at Bidar, founded about 1492 by one who is variously described as a Turk and a Georgian slave.
The central authority never recovered from the invasion of Nadir Shah in 1 739, who carried off plunder variously estimated at from 8 to 30 millions sterling.
Mahrattas wear fiat red pagris, with a small conical peak variously shaped and placed.
The fruits of Zizyphus do not enter into the composition of the lozenges now known as jujubes which are usually made of gum-arabic, gelatin, &c., and variously flavoured.
The word "monomotapa " is of Bantu origin and has been variously interpreted.
When the act or the character does not correspond with the standard, this want of correspondence may in different relations be variously described.
The atomic weight has been variously given.
The cells inhabited by prisoners (and separate cellular confinement was now very general) were of different dimensions - variously lighted, warmed and ventilated.
The sensory judgment then, which is nothing but a belief that at the moment of sense something sensible exists, is a proof that not all judgment requires conception, or synthesis or analysis of ideas, or decision about the content, or about the validity, of ideas, or reference of an ideal content to reality, as commonly, though variously, supposed in the logic of our day.
Kant's lesson was variously understood.
His sudden withdrawal to Rhodes has been variously explained, but, in part at least, it was probably due to the plain indications which Augustus now gave of his wish that the young Caesars should be regarded as his heirs.
But these doctrines were variously conceived.
These principles are variously worked out in the different churches and variously expressed.
It is this aggregation which we describe variously as birth, death, maturity, decay, and of which the senses give inaccurate reports.
Its name is variously derived from the Gaelic crom, crooked, and bath, bay, or ard, height, meaning either the "crooked bay," or the "bend between the heights" (the high 'rocks, or Sutors, which guard the entrance to the Firth), and gave the title to the earldom of Cromarty.
The theory of Avataras which makes the deity - also variously called Narayana, Purushottama, or Vasudeva - periodically assume some material form in order to rescue the world from some great calamity, is fully developed; the ten universally recognized" descents "being enumerated in the larger poem.
The adherents of each of these churches outnumber their communicants in a ratio which is variously estimated.
Thirdly, we must have a number of instances in which the nature is present in different degrees, either increasing or decreasing in the same subject, or variously present in different subjects.
The coarse-metal is now smelted, with coke and siliceous fluxes (in order to slag off the iron), and the product, consisting of an impure copper sulphide, is variously known as " blue-metal," when more or less iron is still present, " pimplemetal," when free copper and more or less copper oxide is present, or " fine " or " white-metal," which is a fairly pure copper sulphide, containing about 75% of the metal.
The name, variously written Espinoza, De Spinoza, D'Espinoza and Despinoza, probably points to the province of Leon as the previous home of the family; there are no fewer than five townships so called in the neighbourhood of Burgos.
Particular quarters of mercantile cities were assigned to foreign traders and were placed under the jurisdiction of their own magistrates, variously styled syndics, provosts (praepositi), echevins earliest foreign consuls were those established by Genoa, Pisa, Venice and Florence, between 1098 and 1196, in the Levant, at Constantinople, in Palestine, Syria and Egypt.
The book is variously entitled.
His patron or master is variously given as Ja'far ben Yahya, and as Ja'far es-Sadiq; in the Arabic Book of Royalty, professedly written by him, he addresses the last-named as his master.
Egypt has been variously described as a vassal state or as a protectorate.
The revolted soldiery with one accord thronged towards Delhi, and in a short time the city was garrisoned by a rebel army variously estimated at from 50,000 to 70,000 disciplined men.
It lasted for the whole day, and the number of the slain is variously stated at 175,000 and 300,000.
In most cases, however, the palp loses its exopodite and it often disappears altogether, while the coxal segment forms the body of the mandible, with a masticatory edge variously armed with teeth and spines.
As in Arthropoda, the hairs or setae on the surface of the body are important organs of sense and are variously modified for special sensory functions.
His aeroplanes were variously shaped, and were, as a rule, concavo-convex, the convex surface being directed upwards.
Few other regions have so many large lakes so variously ' This condition results from the fact that Maine and the adjacent region were worn down nearly to sea-level by stream erosion, except certain peaks and ridges inland; then the region was elevated and numerous river valleys were cut down below the general erosion surface formed before.
It is known variously as the t -._._ 1 .......
The population is variously estimated at from 14,000,000 to 30,000,000.
This presents itself variously developed from a mere subulate point to an organ several inches in length, and when complete (as in Andropogoneae, Aveneae and Stipeae) consists of two well-marked portions, a lower twisted part and a terminal straight portion, FIG.
The question has been variously answered.
Hence we find Neapolis variously styled - by Horace otiosa Neapolis, by Martial docta Parthenope, by Ovid in otia natam Parthenopen.
The morphology of the female flowers has been variously interpreted by botanists; the peduncle bearing the ovules has been described as homologous with the petiole of a foliage-leaf and as a shoot-structure, the collar-like envelope at the base of the ovules being referred to as a second integument or arillus, or as the representative of a carpel.
The word is variously derived from the Persian padshah, Turkish padishah, equivalent to king or emperor, and from the Turkish bash, in some dialects gash, a head, chief, &c. In old Turkish there was no fixed distinction between b and p. As first used in western Europe the title was written with the initial b.
Whether it is regarded as in any sense possessed, of intelligence and consciousness is a question variously answered.
Subsequently Caleb settled in Kirjath-Arba (Hebron), but the account of the occupation is variously recorded.
It is a vague principle, of which the ethical character depends on the interpretation; and it was variously interpreted in the school of Saint-Simon.
From the first they have been very variously estimated; the Canons, as a rule, more highly than the rest of the work.
Returning to Asia, we find in Ladak, Astor, Afghanistan and the Punjab ranges, a sheep whose local races are variously known as urin, urial and shapo, and whose technical name is 0.
Borne in a whirling chariot, and attended by the daughters of the sun, he reaches a temple sacred to an unnamed goddess (variously identified by the commentators with Nature, Wisdom or Themis), by whom the rest of the poem is spoken.
The teaching of Parmenides variously influenced both his immediate successors and subsequent thinkers.
The proportion of persons in whom number-forms exist has been variously estimated; but there is reason to believe that the forms arise at a very early stage of childhood, and that they did at some time exist in many individuals who have afterwards forgotten them.
Finally Margaropus annulatus, of which there are several geographical races, is the carrier of the germ causing the de tructive cattle-disease variously known as "Texas" or "red water" fever in America, South Africa and Australia.
The very date of his birth is variously stated.
In different groups of mammals the dentition is variously specialized in accordance with the nature of the food on which the members of these groups subsist.
How many these incarnations have been is stated variously; but seventy, one for each period of the world, seems the best-attested number.
The origin of the name Beelzebul is variously explained.
The leaves, which were of simple form and provided with a ligule, were, as the leaf-scars on the stem show, variously arranged.
The gametophyte in Hymenophyllum is flat and variously lobed; that of Trichomanes may be similar, but in other species is filamentous.
From this ancestor Arthropods with heads of varying degrees of complexity have been developed characteristic of the different classes, whilst the parapodia and somites of the body have become variously modified and grouped in these different classes.
The sun and moon and the five planets were, with this end in view, accommodated each with a set of variously revolving spheres, to the total number of 27.
They were variously called aisumnetai, brabeutai, agonarchai, agonodikai, athlothetai (at Athens), eabdouchoi or eabdonomoi (from the rod or sceptre emblematic of their authority), but their functions were generally the same.
Their rocks have been variously held to be Archean, Cambrian and Silurian, and their general trend has undoubtedly been determined by post-Silurian earth-movements.
Here the Ludlow strata are followed by a thick series of barren beds (the Dingle Beds), which have been variously claimed as Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian.
Hence the number of over-kingdoms is given variously in different documents.
Among the upper classes the garments were very costly and variously coloured.
He is variously called Jehoahaz and Azariah.
In point of fact Egyptian religion (conservative though it was) lasted through perhaps five thousand years, was subject to innumerable influences, historical, ethnological, philosophical, and was variously represented by various schools of priests.
The place of her martyrdom is variously given as Heliopolis, as a town of Tuscany, and as Nicomedia, Bithynia, about the year 235.
A good sandy loam is common in the Heath division; a sandy loam with chalk, or a flinty loam on chalk marl, abounds on portions of the Wolds; an argillaceous sand, merging into rich loam, lies on other portions of the Wolds; a black loam and a rich vegetable mould cover most of the Isle of Axholme on the north-west; a well-reclaimed marine marsh, a rich brown loam, and a stiff cold clay variously occupy the low tracts along the Humber, and between the north Wolds and the sea; a peat earth, a deep sandy loam, and a rich soapy blue clay occupy most of the east and south Fens; and an artificial soil, obtained by "warping," occupies considerable low strips of land along the tidal reaches of the rivers.
The period at which the phoenix reappears is very variously stated, some authors giving as much as 1461 or even 7006 years, but 500 years is the period usually named; and Tacitus tells us that the bird was said to have appeared first under Sesostris (Senwosri), then under Amasis (Ahmosi) under Ptolemy III., and once again in A.D.
At the present day Gallego, which is simply Portuguese variously modified and with a development in some respects arrested, is much less important than Catalan, not only because the Spaniards who speak it (i,8oo,ooo) are fewer than the Catalans (3,500,000), but also because, its literary culture having been early abandoned in favor of Castilian, it fell into the vegetative condition of a provincial patois.
Native ponies include those variously known as Welsh, New Forest, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Cumberland and Westmorland, Fell, Highland, Highland Garron, Celtic, Shetland and Connemara.
Specimens were subsequently obtained from other parts of the neotropical region, and from South Africa and Australia, and the animal was variously assigned by the zoologists of the day to the Annelida and Myriapoda.
His death is variously attributed to disease and to poisoning by a woman of his harem.
Ogyges is variously described as a Boeotian autochthon, as the son of Cadmus, or of Poseidon.
They are variously explained by a fancied resemblance to the shapes of clouds, or as spirits of the rushing mountain torrents or winds.
These states and Sokoto itself, known variously as the Sokoto or Fula empire and Hausaland, came (c. 1900-1903) under direct British control, but the native governments are maintained.
The details are variously related, and have undergone legendary embellishment, but the murder of Papinian, which took place under Caracalla's own eyes, was one of the most disgraceful crimes of that tyrant.
It was peopled in ancient times by settlers variously represented as coming from Achaea or Arcadia.
It consists of minute interwoven tubular filaments, and has been variously interpreted as possibly representing the sheaths of a Cyanophycean Alga, and as constituting a Siphoneous thallus of the type of the Codieae.
The name is not used by the natives, and is apparently of foreign origin, but has been variously derived, e.g.
Furnaces are constructed according to many different patterns with varying degrees of complexity in arrangement; but all may be considered as combining three essential parts, namely, the fire-place in which the fuel is consumed, the heated chamber, laboratory, hearth or working bed, as it is variously called, where the heat is applied to the special work for which the furnace is designed, and the apparatus for producing rapid combustion by the supply of air under pressure to the fire.
A visual map is an essentially hierarchical two-dimensional graphical representation that is similar to other common representations variously called idea maps or brain maps.
The relevant passages, variously for high or low voices, were then notated in score on pp.
This lesion is variously known a a seborrhoeic keratosis, basal cell papilloma or seborrhoeic wart.
The word is variously derived from Berberi, i.e.
Hence the region is variously known as the Ridge and Valley Belt, the Great Valley Region, or the Folded Appalachians.
Alexander the Great is one of the instances of the vanity of appealing from contemporary disputes to "the verdict of posterity"; his character and his policy are estimated to-day as variously as ever.
The work has been variously appreciated in subsequent ages, some regarding it as a treasury of wisdom, and others, like Avenzoar, holding it useful only as waste paper.
By Latin writers amber is variously called electrum, sucinum (succinum), and glaesum or glesum.
It consists of (1) the basihyal variously called copula, or corpus linguae, or unpaired middle portion.
Their name is variously derived from the building in Athens called Cynosarges, the earliest home of the school, and from the Greek word for a dog (Ki wv), in contemptuous allusion to the uncouth and aggressive manners adopted by the members of the school.
By the Egyptians this constellation was symbolized as a couple of young kids; the Greeks altered this symbol to two children, variously said to be Castor and Pollux, Hercules and Apollo, or Triptolemus and Iasion; the Arabians used the symbol of a pair of peacocks.
The word Shetland is supposed to be simply a modernized rendering of the Old Norse Hjaltland, of which the meaning is variously given as "high land," "Hjalti's land" - after Hjalti, a man whose name occurs in ancient Norse literature, but of whom little else is known - and "hilt land," in allusion to an imagined, though not too obvious, resemblance in the configuration of the archipelago to the hilt of a sword.
Throughout these regions they are variously known as Ma-Zitu, Ma-Ravi, Wa-Ngoni (Angoni), Matabele (Ame-Ndebeli), Ma-Viti, and Aba-Zanzi.
The flowers, which are rarely found in Britain, are 2 Probably from "cuck," to void excrement; but variously connected with Fr.
The problem of the atonement is the means or condition of the restoration of man to God's favour; this has been variously found (a) in the endurance of punishment; (b) in the payment of compensation for the wrong done, the compensation consisting of sacrifices and other offerings; (c) in the performance of magical or other ritual, the efficacy of the ritual consisting in its being pleasing to or appointed by God, or even in its having a coercive power over the deity; (d) in repentance and amendment of life.
The most fundamental distinction in analysis is that which must be made between homogeny, or true hereditary resemblance, and those multiple forms of adaptive resemblance which are variously known as cases of " analogy," " parallelism," " convergence " and " homoplasy."
By the moderns he has been variously explained as a solar deity; a god of summer; a god of storm; a god of rain, who carries off the rain-giving cloud (the golden fleece) to refresh the earth after a long period of drought.
Variously estimated at from 30,000 to 60,000 men, well armed and organized, they had entrenched themselves at every step behind formidable barricades, and were ready to avail themselves of every advantage that ferocity and despair could suggest to them.
And by bringing variously selected historic units (battles, campaigns, periods of war) into such equations, a series of numbers could be obtained in which certain laws should exist and might be discovered.
They do not recognize it as a power inherent in heroes and rulers, but as the resultant of a multiplicity of variously directed forces.
Farfugium - A vigorous perennial, F. grande having fleshy stems 1 to 2 feet high, and with broad leaves of light green variously streaked, spotted with yellow in one variety, and having white and rose in another.
The shape of the leaf is however, most variable even upon the same tree, some being entire and others deeply lobed, while there are varieties with leaves crisped, variegated, and variously cut.
The incidence of Menkes disease, which primarily affects boys, is variously estimated at one in 50,000 to one in 250,000 persons.
Youth gangs are variously defined in the social science and criminal justice literature.
A person with normal color vision looking at a test item sees a number that is clearly located somewhere in the center of a circle of variously colored dots.
While braids were seen variously as symbols of strength and bravery and nobility, they were also recognized as practical.
Taurus is represented variously by pink, white, or blue, depending on what source you use.One way around this is to choose your tattoo's colors according to your birth stone.
Fairies (variously fairy, faery, fairie or faerie) lived often 'under hill', or in enchanted woods.
Punks, thugs and bandits variously driving and riding motorcycles, dunebuggies and assorted four-wheeled chariots against Mad Max in a Mack truck provide one of the most spectacular and thrilling pursuit sequences ever filmed.
In the beginning of January 1644, however, for reasons which are variously reported by himself and Clarendon, he resigned his governorship and commissions and went over to the parliament.
During this early period was known variously as Ferryhook, Ashley's Ferry and Van der Heyden's Ferry.
His efforts met with great success, and in 1800 he founded what was virtually a new and independent church organization on the Methodist system, of which he became the presiding elder, and eventually (1807) bishop. This church is officially the Evangelical Association, but its adherents have been variously known as "New Methodists."
The name of the town appears variously as Wych Manbank, Wie Malban, Nantwich, Lache Mauban, Wysmanban, Wiens Malbanus, Namptewiche.
Another and somewhat similar example is furnished by what has been variously designated as the " string," toy," " lovers," and " mechanical " telephone.
Each province has a prefect, responsible to and appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, while each of the regions (called variously circondarsi and distretti) has its sub-prefect.
This V has been variously interpreted.
The numbers of Jewish families driven out of the country by Torquemada is variously stated from Mariana's 1,700,000 to the more probable 800,000 of later historians.
The surface of the summit (the highest point is variously stated at 3549, 35 82 and 3850 ft.) is broken into small valleys and hills, and is covered with luxuriant vegetation, its flora including the superb orchid Disa grandiflora and the well-known silver tree.
His birthplace has been variously given as Duns in Berwickshire, Dunum (Down) in Ulster, and Dunstane in Northumberland, but there is not sufficient evidence to settle the question.
The town occupies the site of the ancient Atria, which gave its name to the Adriatic. Its origin is variously ascribed by ancient writers, but it was probably a Venetian, i.e.
The differences between the form of the written history and the conditions which prevailed have impressed themselves variously upon modern writers, and efforts have been made to recover from the Old Testament earlier forms more in accordance with the external evidence.
Male ducts often open on to exterior through a terminal chamber which is variously specialized, and sometimes with a penis.
While the oviducts always open directly on to the exterior, it is the rule for the sperm ducts to open on to the exterior near to or through certain terminal chambers, which have been variously termed atrium and prostate, or spermiducal gland.
Associated with these glands are frequently to be found bundles or pairs of long and variously modified setae which are termed penial setae,to distinguish them from other setae sometimes but not always associated with rather similarglandswhich are found anteriorly to these, and often in the immediate neighbourhood of the spermathecae; the latter are spoken of as genital setae.
As a statesman he has been very variously estimated, but it is generally agreed that a large number of the reforms and ideas of the Revolution were due to him; the ideas did not as a rule originate with him, but it was he who first gave them prominence.
This masterly attack upon Blackstone's praises of the English constitution was variously attributed to Lord Mansfield, Lord Camden and Lord Ashburton.
All fruit and forest trees suffer from these curious insects, which in the female sex always remain apterous and apodal and live attached to the bark, leaf and fruit, hidden beneath variously formed scale-like coverings.
So much is certain, though the precise incidents of the interview are variously told.
A median process, known as the hypopharynx or tongue, arises from the floor of the mouth in front of the labium, and becomes most variously developed or specialized in different insects.
The triple summit of Beacon Hill, of which no trace remains to-day (or possibly a reference to the three hills of the then peninsula, Beacon, Copp's and Fort) led to the adoption of the name Trimountaine for the peninsula,-a name perpetuated variously in present municipal nomenclature as in Tremont; but on the 17th of September 1630, the date adopted for anniversary celebrations, it was ordered that " Trimountaine shall be called Boston," after the borough of that name in Lincolnshire, England, of which several of the leading settlers had formerly been prominent citizens.'
In the same year as Klaproth detected uranium, he also isolated zirconia or zirconium oxide from the mineral variously known as zircon, hyacinth, jacynth and jargoon; but he failed to obtain the metal, this being first accomplished some years later by Berzelius, who decomposed the double potassium zirconium fluoride with potassium.
Poets name variously what is but one."
The principal other plants which bear the name are the wallflower, Cheiranthus Cheiri, called wall-gillyflower in old books; the dame's violet, Hesperis matronalis, called variously the queen's, the rogue's and the winter gillyflower; the ragged-robin, Lychnis Flos-cuculi, called marsh-gillyflower and cuckoo-gillyflower; the waterviolet, Hottonia palustris, called water-gillyflower; and the thrift, Armeria vulgaris, called sea-gillyflower.
The Taj alone is well worth the journey."' The Taj was designed by Ustad Isa, variously described as a Byzantine Turk and a native of Shiraz in Persia.
The first of these has been variously identified with Es-Salt, with Reimun, with Jerash or Gerasa, with er-Remtha, and with *alb ad.
Shkiipetar has been variously interpreted.