Varies Sentence Examples
The rainfall, which varies between 39 and 47 in.
Its weight varies from 48 to about 55lb the cubic foot, but in very hard slowly-grown trunks sometimes approaches 60 lb.
The construction varies with the site, obviously with a view to the best use of the ground from a strategic point of view.
By looking at how the genome varies between people with a genetic condition and people without it, we can identify the troublemaking gene.
The proportion varies greatly.
The particular laws are as our points of view, as, to the traveller, a mountain outline varies with every step, and it has an infinite number of profiles, though absolutely but one form.
Our conception of the degree of freedom often varies according to differences in the point of view from which we regard the event, but every human action appears to us as a certain combination of freedom and inevitability.
Fed by the Shari and other rivers, the lake has no outlet and its area varies according to the season.
Carriage-roads have been greatly extended in modern times, although their ratio to area varies in different localities.
The size of parishes varies from province to province, Sicily having larger parishes in virtue of the old Sicilian church laws, and Naples, and some parts of central Italy, having the smallest.
AdvertisementThe suffrage is extended to all citizens over twenty-one years of age who can read and write and have either attained a certain standard of elementary education or are qualified by paying a rent which varies from 6 in communes of 2500 inhabitants to 16 in communes of 15p,ooo inhabitants, or, if peasant farmers, I6s.
The former qualifications for electorship in local government elections have been modified, and it is now sufficient to pay five lire annually in, direct taxes, five lire of certain communal taxes, or a certain rental (which varies according to the population of a commune), instead of being obliged to pay, as previously, at least five lire annually of direct taxes to the state.
The hair varies from a sooty black to dark and light brown and red.
But the causes and conditions of variation have yet to be thoroughly explored; and the importance of natural selection will not be impaired, even if further inquiries should prove that variability is definite, and is determined in certain directions rather than in others, by conditions inherent in that which varies.
The educational course adopted in different countries varies as to the details of the subjects taught.
AdvertisementThe tail varies much in length and shape according to the species; sometimes it is rounded at the end, sometimes more or less acutely pointed, or even terminating in a filament.
The rate of growth of a cell varies gradually throughout its course; it begins slowly, increases to a maximum, and then becomes slower till it stops.
This pad varies much; it is morphologically the homologue of the pair of basiventral elements which by their lateral extension give origin to the corresponding ribs.
Between them arises a median crest, which varies much in extent and composition, and is of considerable taxonomic value.
The portion nearest the log-ship is known as the "stray line"; its length varies from ro to 20 fathoms, but should be sufficient to ensure that the log-ship shall be outside the disturbing element of the ship's wake.
AdvertisementThe width of Liberia inland varies very considerably; it is greatest, about zoo m., from N.E.
The number of antennal segments varies from eleven to two.
In the same species, however, great variation occurs in the development of the mandibles, and the breadth of the head varies correspondingly, the smallest type of male being but little different in appearance from the female.
The chief occupation of approximately seven-eighths of the population of European Russia is agriculture, but its character varies considerably according to the soil, the climate and Agri- the geographical position of the different regions.
Except in hard rock, the top width of a cutting, and therefore the amount of material to be excavated, increases rapidly with the depth; hence if a cutting exceeds a certain depth, which varies with the particular circumstances, it may be more economical, instead of forming the sides at the slope at which the material of which they are composed will stand, to make them nearly vertical and support the soil with a retaining wall, or to bore a tunnel.
AdvertisementIts depth varies, according to the traffic which the line has to bear, from about 6 in.
The cost of building an ordinary two-track elevated railway according to American practice varies from $300,000 to $400,000 a mile, exclusive of equipment, terminals or land damages.
If laid in paving, the price varies between £1108 and £2266 per mile.
The flora of Nevada, although scanty, varies greatly according to its location.
In the central, north-eastern and north-western sections, embracing the counties of Nye, Elko and Humboldt, the average annual rainfall varies from 7 to 8 in.; in the west-central section, at the foot of the Sierra, the average is about 10 in.
This first or cold stage of the paroxysm varies much in length; in temperate climates it lasts from one to two hours, while in tropical and subtropical countries it may be shortened.
Since the intrinsic energy of a substance varies with the conditions under which the substance exists, it is necessary, before proceeding to the practical application of any of the laws mentioned above, accurately to specify the conditions of the initial and final systems, or at least to secure that they shall not vary in the operations considered.
Their shape and size varies greatly and is often of use in classification.
The funnel varies greatly in size and number of its component cells.
It is therefore obviously much thicker than the clitellum in the limicolous forms. The position of the clitellum, which is universal in occurrence, varies much as does the number of component segments.
Their position varies, but is constant for the species, and they are rarely found behind the gonads.
The internal funnel varies in the same way as in the Oligochaeta in the number of cells which form it.
Climate.-Owing in part to the great differences in altitude in different regions of Caucasia and in part to the directions in which the mountain ranges run, and consequently the quarters towards which their slopes face, the climate varies very greatly according to locality.
The general average yields of the corn crops are not fairly comparable one with the other, because they are given by measure and not by weight, whereas the weight per bushel varies considerably.
The county councils also expend sums varying at their own discretion on instruction in dairy-work, poultry-keeping, farriery and veterinary science, horticulture, agricultural experiments, agricultural lectures at various centres, scholarships at, and grants to, agricultural colleges and schools; the whole amount in 1904-1905 reaching £87,472.1 The sum spent by individual counties varies considerably.
The significance of the amount of money involved varies greatly for different trades, and can only be understood by reference to the character and habits of the people concerned.
Clearly, then, the exact meaning of the term varies according to those who use it and those to whom it is applied.
The character of the lake, which has no outlet, varies greatly according to the amount of water brought down by its principal feeder, the Dulei, which enters at its north end, being there a fairly rapid stream so yds.
The number of eggs produced at a time varies enormously according to the species, from about half a dozen, more or less, in some ant-mimicking Attidae or jumping spiders to many hundreds in the larger orbicular-webbed spiders of the family Argyopidae.
The date of cotton-planting varies from March i to June 1, according to situation.
A " straddle " is a speculation on the difference between the prices of nearer and more distant futures, which varies from time to time, or on the difference between the prices of different kinds of cotton.
In its long course it varies greatly both in depth and width, in some parts being only a few feet deep and spreading out to a width of more than a mile, while in other and mountainous portions of its course its channel is narrowed to 300 or 400 ft., and its depth is increased in inverse ratio.
Viscosity increases with density, but oils of the same density often vary greatly; the coefficient of expansion, on the other hand, varies inversely with the density, but bears no simple relation to the change of fluidity of the oil under the influence of heat, this being most marked in oils of paraffin base.
The boiling point, being determined by the character of the constituents of the oil, necessarily varies greatly in different oils, as do the amounts of distillate obtained from them at specified temperatures.
They need not be horizontal, and sometimes have a dip of a few feet per mile, as in the case of the Ohio and Indiana oil fields, where the amount varies from one to ten feet.
The yield of petroleum wells varies within very wide limits, and the relative importance of the different producing districts is also Yield of constantly changing.
A small piece of iron placed in this field tends to move from weak to strong places in the field with a force depending on the strength of the field and the rate at which the field varies.
In fact, he was only consistent in his inconsistency (semper in omnibus varies).
The colour varies somewhat with the chemical composition, being grey or colourless in chlorargyrite, greenish-grey in embolite and bromargyrite, and greenish-yellow to orange-yellow in iodembolite.
We therefore have the fundamental theorem that the angular velocity of the body around the centre of attraction varies inversely as the square of its distance, and is therefore at every point proportional to the gravitation of the sun.
Owing to the configuration of the soil, the climate of Moravia varies more than might be expected in so small an area, so that, while the vine and maize are cultivated successfully in the southern plains, the weather in the mountainous districts is somewhat rigorous.
Farther inland in the level districts and river bottoms it varies from a sandy to a clay loam containing much alluvium.
Each municipal district elects biennially a mayor and a municipal council, the membership of which varies from five to nine according to the population of the district.
These values, however, require modification in certain cases, for discrepancies occur which can be reconciled in some cases by assuming that the atomic value of a polyvalent element varies according to the distribution of its valencies.
Since the atomic heat of the same element varies with its state of aggregation, it must be concluded that some factor taking this into account must be introduced; moreover, the variation of specific heat with temperature introduces another factor.
Thus oxygen varies according as whether it is linked to hydrogen (hydroxylic oxygen), to two atoms of carbon (ether oxygen), or to one carbon atom (carbonyl oxygen); similarly, carbon varies according as whether it is singly, doubly, or trebly bound to carbon atoms.
The size of the animals varies greatly, from forms a few millimetres in length to Gigantorhynchus gigas, which measures from 10 to 65 cms. The adults live in great numbers in the alimentary canal of some vertebrate, usually fish, the larvae are as a rule encysted in the body cavity of some invertebrate, most often an insect or crustacean, more rarely a small fish.
The flowers are generally regular; the form of the corolla varies widely.
It varies in colour from black through grey to reddish brown and white.
The colour varies much, ranging according to the strains, from black-and-white through orange-and-white and liver-and-white to pure white, whilst black, white, liver, and red or yellow self-coloured setters are common.
The colour varies, but shades of tawny-red and white are more frequent than in Newfoundlands.
The thickness varies from five to sixteen feet.
Their colour varies from the Arab hue to black, and curiously enough the most regular features are to be found among the darkest groups.
The size of the crofts varies greatly.
The line of demarcation between these colours is not distinct, washes or splashes of grey encroaching upon the white on the sides, and varies somewhat in different individuals.
It was transformed long since into a fixed amount per head of the animals taxed, which amount varies according to the region in which the tax is levied, the highest tariff being in the sanjak of Jerusalem (72 piastres) and the lowest in the Yemen (1 piastre).
Clement varies in his statement how Plato got his wisdom or his fragments of the Reason.
The city varies considerably in width, and occupies a total area of about 45 sq.
The climate of Cambodia, like that of Cochin China, which it closely resembles, varies with the monsoons.
Therefore the inflow waxes and wanes from season to season throughout the year, but it also varies in the same season in different years.
The proportion varies with the temperature.
Many peaks of the ranges in this section have an altitude of 11,000 to 13,000 ft., and the elevation of the passes leading over the ranges varies between 7000 and io,000 ft.
The fruit varies much in size, colour and quality under cultivation.
In the case of substances like ammonia and acetic acid, where the dissociation is very small, I - a is nearly equal to unity, and only varies slowly with dilution.
For cells in which the electromotive force varies with temperature, the full equation given by Gibbs and Helmholtz has also been confirmed experimentally.
These are generally ensigns of dignity; their form and use varies in different Churches, and they often represent special privileges conferred by the popes, e.g.
The specific rotation also varies with the concentration; this is due to the dissociation of complex molecules into simpler ones, a view confirmed by cryoscopic measurements.
The efficacy of heat or of an acid, an alkali or other agent in promoting coagulation depends on the character of the latex, and varies with that obtained from different plants.
The yield of rubber varies, but it is stated on an average to be Io lb of rubber per tree, and if carefully tapped one tree will yield this amount for many years in succession.
The climate of Upper Austria, which varies according to the altitude, is on the whole moderate; it is somewhat severe in the north, but is mild in Salzkammergut.
The price of mica varies very considerably according to the size, transparency and quality of the sheets.
The form of the deltidium varies in different genera.
The flow of the Thames varies greatly, according to the season of the year.
In general the climate, which varies with the configuration of the surface, is moderate and healthy, although subject to rapid changes of temperature.
Coulomb, who by using very long and thin magnets, so arranged that the action of their distant poles was negligible, succeeded in establishing the law, which has since been confirmed by more accurate methods, that the force of attraction or repulsion exerted between two magnetic poles varies inversely as the square of the distance between them.
At a point whose distance from the axis of the wire is r the tangential magnetic force is H = 21r /a 2 (39) it therefore varies directly as the distance from the axis, where it is zero.'
Hence may be deduced an explanation of the fact that, while the susceptibility of all known diamagnetics (except bismuth and antimony) is independent of the temperature, that of paramagnetics varies inversely as the absolute temperature, in accordance with the law of Curie.
Coulomb, 2 however, by using long and thin steel rods, symmetrically magnetized, and so arranged that disturbing influences became negligibly small, was enabled to deduce from his experiments with reasonable certainty the law that the force of attraction or repulsion between two poles varies inversely as the square of the distance between them.
In medieval France the significance of the title of count varied with the power of those who bore it; in modern France it varies with its historical associations.
As for the papal countships, which are still freely bestowed on those of all nations whom the Holy See wishes to reward, their prestige naturally varies with the religious complexion of the country in which the titles are borne.
The solubility of the various alums in water varies greatly, sodium alum being readily soluble in water, whilst caesium and rubidium alums are only sparingly soluble.
Besides these, the flora of the Paraguay basin varies widely from that of the inland plateau, and that of the Brazilian Guiana region is essentially distinct from the Amazon.
The capitals are remarkable, inasmuch as the necking immediately below the echinus is decorated with a band of leaves, the arrangement of which varies in different cases.
Hungary has a continental climate cold in winter, hot in summer - but owing to the physical configuration of the country it varies considerably.
The particular problem - a heap (hau) and its seventh makes 19 - is solved as we should now solve a simple equation; but Ahmes varies his methods in other similar problems. This discovery carries the invention of algebra back to about 1700 B.C., if not earlier.
The mean brightness varies as z3 (or as r3), and the integral found by multiplying it by zdz and integrating between o and co converges.
The mean brightness varies as .51; and the integral f J02(z)zdz is not convergent.
By means of this expression we may trace the locus of a band of given order as b varies.
It varies in thickness from 500 ft.
The effect of overwork upon an organ or tissue varies in accordance with (a) the particular organ or tissue concerned, (b) the amount of nourishment conveyed to it, and (c) the power of assimilation possessed by its cells.
It varies with the increase of the intracapillary or decrease of the extracapillary pressure, and is also in part regulated by the greater or lesser permeability of the vessel-walls.
Between Basel and Strassburg the depth of water is sometimes not more than 3 ft.; between Strassburg and Mainz it varies from 5 to 25 ft.; while below Mainz it is never less than 9 or To ft.
Above Mannheim the depth of the stream is always less than 5 ft., and generally varies between that figure and 4 ft.
In coal mining the market demand varies in different seasons, and surface storage is sometimes necessary to permit regular work at the mines.
On the other hand in the case of uncertain and irregular deposits, the value of which varies between very wide limits, as, for example - in most metal mines and especially mines of gold and silver - a very large number of samples must be taken - sometimes not more than two or three feet apart - in order that the average value of the ore may be known within reasonable limits of error.
His style varies grea ly; at times, as in i.
The temperature varies almost as much as the rainfall.
The rainfall in the hills varies very considerably, but seems to range from about 60 in.
The value varies enormously according to colour, which should be a particular shade of dark green.
The amount exported varies considerably.
In the next stage of the process, the glass is raised to a high temperature in order to render it sufficiently fluid to allow of the complete elimination of these bubbles; the actual temperature required varies with the chemical composition of the glass, a bright red heat sufficing for the most fusible glasses, while with others the utmost capacity of the best furnaces is required to attain the necessary temperature.
Perhaps all metals are crystalline, only the degree of visibility of the crystalline arrangement is very different in different metals, and even in the same metal varies according to the slowness of solidification and other circumstances.
This varies in metals from 594 (lithium) to 22.48 (osmium), and in one and the same species is a function of temperature and of previous physical and mechanical treatment.
The value of sugar-canes at a given plantation or central factory would at first sight appear to vary directly as the amount of saccharine contained in the juice expressed from them varies, Sugar-canes.
The value of fresh bagasse, or as it is often called " green " bagasse, as fuel varies with the kind of canes from which it comes, with their treatment in the mill, and with the skill used in firing; but it may be stated broadly that I lb of fresh bagasse will produce from I a lb to 24 lb of steam, according to the conditions.
The increase in the output for a given time obtained by the use of the Krajewski crusher has been estimated at 20 to 25% and varies with the quality of the canes; while the yield of juice or extraction is increased by I or 2%.
Truth varies infinitely under circumstances whose relative weight cannot be accurately gauged.
The amount of moisture retained depends mainly upon the absorbability of the soil, and as it depends largely on capillary action it varies with the coarseness or fineness of the pores of the soil, being greater for soils which consist of fine particles.
This operation requires experienced judgment to decide when it should be done; the number of leaves to be left varies with the variety and vigour of the plant, the nature of the soil, climate, seasons and particular use for which the crop'is intended.
The twist of the horns varies to a great extent locally, the spiral being most open and corkscrew-like in the typical Astor animal, and closest and most screw-like in the race (C. falconeri jerdoni) inhabiting the Suleiman and adjacent ranges.
The population, which varies from 2000 to 6000, is chiefly composed of Kurds.
The nature of the breeding-place varies greatly according to the species, and while many of the mosquitoes that infest houses will breed even in the smallest accidental accumulation of water such as may have collected in a discarded bottle or tin, the larvae of other species less closely associated with man are found in natural pools or ditches, at the margins of slow-moving streams, in collections of water in hollow trees and bamboo-stumps, or even in the water-receptacles of certain plants.
The pure salt is dissolved in hot water and decomposed with ammonia to produce a slightly ammoniacal hydrated oxide; this, when ignited in platinum, leaves pure TiO 2 in the form of brownish lumps, the specific gravity of which varies from 3.9 to 4.25, according to the temperature at which it was kept in igniting.
The mode of heating varies with the substance to be distilled.
The rainfall varies greatly, but the mean is about 90 in.
The body, which varies in length from a few millimetres to a couple of feet, is usually oval and flattened.
The height of the mountain varies from time to time within limits of several hundred feet, according to the effects of successive eruptions, but averages about 4000 ft.
A noticeable feature of the story is the uncertainty as to the hero's parentage; the mother is always a lady of rank, a queen in her own right, or sister of kings (as a rule of the Grail kings); but the father's rank varies, he is never a king, more often merely a valiant knight, and in no instance does he appear to be of equal rank with his wife.
The colour varies from earthy brown to blackish, and the greater part of the body is thinly covered with hair, and the ears and tail are fringed.
The poison is a clear, pale-yellow fluid which reacts acid, and contains about 30% of solids, but this varies according to the state of concentration.
Its coloration varies from pale golden brown to black; the scales are smooth and shiny.
It varies in colour, but a black mark on the head like an inverted V remains nearly always visible.
Coulomb proved that this mechanical force varies inversely as the square of the distance between the centres of the spheres.
The electric density on the sphere being uniform, the quantities of electricity on these areas are proportional to the areas, and if the electric force varies inversely as the square of the distance, the forces exerted by these two surface charges at the point in question are proportional to the solid angle of the little cone.
Hence the electric force E in the interspace 1dRccor the potential V at any point in the interspace is given by varies inversely E = as - the distance distance =A/R from or V the - axis.
Though all yield fur of serviceable quality, the commercial value varies immensely, not only according to the species from which it is obtained, but according to individual variation, depending upon age, sex, season, and other circumstances.
He remarks that ” the law according to which the motive power of heat varies at different points of the thermometric scale is intimately connected with that of the variations of the specific heats of gases at different temperatures - a law which experiment has not yet made known to us with sufficient exactness."
The simplest assumption which suffices to express the small deviations of gases and vapours from the ideal state at moderate pressures is that the coefficient a in the expression for the capillary pressure varies inversely as some power of the absolute temperature.
In the limiting case of a long fine tube, the bore of which varies in such a manner that U is constant, the state of the substance along a line of flow may be represented by the line of constant total heat, d(E+pv) = o; but in the case of a porous plug or small throttling aperture, the steps of the process cannot be followed, though the final state is the same.
The specific gravity of cast gold varies from 18.29 to 19.37, and by compression between dies the specific gravity may be raised from 19.37 to 19.41; by annealing, however, the previous density is to some extent recovered, as it is then found to be 19.40.
The Japanese use for ornament an alloy of gold and silver, the standard of which varies from 350 to 500, the colour of the precious metal being developed by " pickling " in a mixture of plum-juice, vinegar and copper sulphate.
Matthiessen observed that the density of alloys, the composition of which varies from AuAg 6 to Au 6 Ag, is greater than that calculated from the densities of the constituent metals.
The incline of the sluice varies with the conformation of the ground and the tenacity of the stuff to be washed, from 1 in 16 to I in 8.
In the Transvaal the operation occupies 32 to 4 days for fine sands, and up to 14 days for coarse sands; the quantity of cyanide per ton of tailings varies from 0.26 to 0.28 lb, for electrolytic precipitation, and o 5 lb for zinc precipitation.
The development of its scutes and spines varies exceedingly, and specimens may be found without any lateral scutes and with short spines, others with only a few scutes and moderately sized spines, and again others which possess a complete row of scutes from the head to the caudal fin, and in which the fin-spines are twice as long and strong as in other varieties.
The total length of the Carpathians is over Boo m., and their width varies between 7 and 230 m., the greatest width of the Carpathians corresponding with its highest altitude.
Besides these variations in the number of ridges or plates of which each tooth is composed, the thickness of the enamel varies so much as to have given rise to a distinction between a " thick-plated " and a " thin-plated " variety - the latter being most prevalent among specimens from the Arctic regions.
The climate of Bhutan varies according to the difference of elevation.
The regular tides are hardly perceptible, but, under the influence of barometric pressure and wind, the sea-level occasionally varies as much as ft.
The action of water on this solution produces a crystalline precipitate of basic nitrate, probably Bi(OH)2N03, though it varies with the amount of water employed.
Behind the digestive stomach are situated, as usual, intestine and rectum, and the number of kidney (Malpighian) tubes varies from only six to over a hundred, being usually great.
The prey is sometimes stung in the neighbourhood of the nerve ganglia, so that it is paralysed but not killed, the grub of the fossorial wasp devouring its victim alive; but this instinct varies in perfection, and in many cases the larva flourishes equally whether its prey be killed or not.
If the bead of density dl be at the distance l l above the crystal, and that of d 2 at l 2 below, it is obvious that if the density of the column varies uniformly, then the density of the test crystal is (d1l2-+d211)/(ll+l2).
The head varies greatly in shape, and the feelers have usually but few segments - often only four or five.
The proportion of calcium carbonate varies greatly according to the amount of foraminifera and other calcareous organisms which it contains.
In all areometer work it is necessary to ascertain the temperature of the water sample under examination with great exactness, as the volume of the areometer as well as the specific gravity of the water varies with temperature.
According to the investigations of Svante Arrhenius the osmotic pressure in atmospheres may be obtained by simply multiplying the temp rature of freezing (r) by the factor -12.08, and it varies with temperature (t) according to the law which holds good for gaseous pressure.
It varies not only to a marked degree with temperature, but also with the degree of pressure.
In those localities, however, it is not the same water which varies in temperature with the season, but the water of different warm and cold currents which periodically occupy the same locality as they advance and retreat.
The value varies with the price of silver.
It varies in colour from a light brown in the newest lignites to a pure black, often with a bluish or yellowish tint in the more compact anthracite of the older formations.
As the amount of ash varies very considerably in different coals, and stands in no relation to the proportion of the other constituents, it is necessary in forming a chemical classification to compute the results of analysis after deduction of the ash and hygroscopic water.
The amount of water present in freshly raised coals varies very considerably.
The thickness of coal seams varies in Great Britain from a mere film to 35 or 40 ft.; but in the south of France and in India masses of coal are known up to 200 ft.
The thickness varies according to the pressure expected, but may be taken at from 4 to i 2 in.
The capacity of the trams varies with the size of the workings and the shaft.
The size of the grate varies with the requirements of the ventilation, but from 6 to io ft.
The inflammability of coal dust varies with different coals, but none can be said to be entirely free from risk.
The number of platforms or decks varies considerably; in small mines only a single one may be used, but in the larger modern pits two-, threeor even four-decked cages are used.
Except in the Sologne, the soil is generally fertile, but varies considerably in different localities.
In the Great Plains region and in the TransPecos Province the rivers have cut deep canyons, and the character of the longer rivers in their upper courses varies from mere rivulets late in summer to swift and powerful streams during spring freshets.
The alluvial soil, composed of what has been washed from other soils, together with decayed vegetable matter, covers about 6% of the surface of the state and is found in the river bottoms, of greatest extent in that of the Missouri; it varies much in fertility.
The character of the vegetation varies with and depends on moisture, temperature and soil.
The amount which falls, chiefly at night, varies from 30 in.
The vote varies from year to year, and it is not unusual for a certain number of municipalities to change from " licence " to " no licence," and vice versa.
Ozone occurs, in an amount supposed to be associated with the development of atmospheric electricity (lightning, &c.); this amount varies with the seasons, being a maximum in spring, and decreasing through summer and autumn to a minimum in winter.
Similarly, analytical plane geometry deals with the curve described by a point moving in a particular way, while analytical plane mensuration deals with the figure generated by an ordinate moving so that its length varies in a particular manner depending on its position.
Since h = H/m, the inaccuracy in taking C I as the area varies as I /m2.
The proportion of rejected gold coin varies with the quality of the bullion, and frequently exceeds to %.
The breadth of the river varies from 110 yds.
But this limit varies greatly with different individuals and with age for the same individual.
The law that, caeteris paribus, n varies inversely as the thickness may be tested by forming a string of four lengths of the single thread used before, and consequently of double the thickness of the latter, when, for the same length and tension, the compound thread will exhibit double the number of ventral segments presented by the single thread.
Its meaning varies (a) according to the various definitions of deity, and especially (b) according as it is (i.) deliberately adopted by a thinker as a description of his own theological standpoint, or (ii.) applied by one set of thinkers to their opponents.
The temperature of the lake varies greatly, in a manner resembling that of the sea, and many connect its origin with a sea of the Miocene period, the waters of which are said to have covered the Hungarian plain.
The climate is generally dry, although less so on the mountains and in the Flathead river basin than on the Great Plains, and is subject to sudden changes and to great extremes of temperature; but the temperature varies more than the amount of precipitation.
Its colour varies with the liturgical colour of the day, or of the function at which it is worn.
Two spheres intersect in a plane, and the equation to a system of spheres which intersect in a common circle is x 2 + y 2 + z 2 +2Ax -fD = o, in which A varies from sphere to sphere, and D is constant for all the spheres, the plane yz being the plane of intersection, and the axis of x the line of centres.
At their end is fixed a blade of cast iron from two to eight times the diameter of the shaft of the pile; the pitch of the screw varies from one-half to one-fourth of the external diameter of the blade.
From some known examples, C varies from 1500 to 1800 for iron braced parallel or bowstring girders, and from 1200 to 1500 for similar girders of steel.
But very great accuracy in drawing this curve is unnecessary, because the rolling stock of railways varies so much that the precise magnitude and distribution of the loads which will pass over a bridge cannot be known.
Hence the total cost of that part of the bridge which varies with the span adopted is C = (n-i)P-FnaP = LP// - P +Lal.
The degree of historic claim which these various writings have to rank as the works' of Apostolic Fathers varies greatly on any definition of "apostolic."
The thickness of the formation varies from 15 to 80 ft., but most commonly it is from 25 to 40 ft.
The number of nurses supported by each branch varies.
It varies from an average of 29 to 49 in.
On the other hand the resistance of the shunt coil absorbs energy which generally varies from i to 3 watts and is a loss either to the consumer or to the supply company, according to the manner in which the shunt coil is connected.
The lowest of these plains is the valley of the Red river, and this valley extends along the eastern edge of the state and varies in width from 25 to 70 m.
The islands of the archipelago nearly all present bold and picturesque profiles against the horizon, and at the same time the character of the scenery varies from island to island and even from district to district.
Of great length, the Arka-tagh, which is a mountain-system rather than a range, varies greatly in configuration in different parts, sometimes exhibiting a sharply defined main crest, with several lower flanking ranges, and sometimes consisting of numerous parallel crests of nearly uniform altitude.
The soil varies greatly according to the district, being in some cases a rich loam, in others a chalky marl, and elsewhere showing a coating of peat.
If v varies with respect to locality, or if there is a velocity of convection (p,q,r) variable with respect to direction and position, and analytical expression of the relation (ii) assumes a more complex form; we thus derive the most general equations of electrodynamic propagation for matter treated as continuous, anyhow distributed and moving in any manner.
The cost of new buildings varies too much to make any individual figures useful.
Quantities can be learned from experience, and from watching individual cases; frequency varies within very wide limits, from reptiles which at most may feed once a week and fast for long periods, to the smaller insectivorous birds which require to be fed every two or three hours, and which in the winter dark of northern latitudes must be lighted up once or twice in the night to have the opportunity of feeding.
Assuming, however, that the agreement is close enough for practical requirement, the conbustion of the cordite may be considered complete at this stage P, and in the subsequent expansion it is assumed that the gas obeys an adiabatic law in which the pressure varies inversely as some mtn power of the volume.
Charcoal varies considerably in its properties, depending upon the particular variety of wood from which it is prepared, and also upon the process used in its manufacture.
The frontal organ varies in form and apparently in function, and is sometimes absent.
Father Simon in his Histoire critique du Vieux Testament (1682) also argues that the Pentateuch is the work of more than one author, and makes an important advance towards a systematic analysis of the separate elements by observing that the style varies, being sometimes very curt and sometimes very copious " although the variety of the matter does not require it."
On the other hand, if 1 were disproved, 4 would immediately fall through, and the strength of 5 would be weakened (as it would also by the disproof of 2), because the argument for the date of many Psalms is derived from religious ideas and the significance of these varies greatly according as the Priestly Code is held to be early or late.
The average depth varies from 1500 to 2500 fathoms, and from this level innumerable volcanic ridges and peaks rise almost or quite to the surface, their summits for the most part occupied by atolls and reefs of coral formation, while interspersed with these are depressions, mostly of small area, among which the deepest soundings recorded have been obtained.
Moreover usage varies slightly as regards the limits of the three main divisions, but the accompanying table shows the most usual classification, naming the principal groups within each, and distributing them according to the powers to which they are subject.
When the founding of the Round Table is ascribed to Merlin it is generally in close connexion with the Grail legend, forming the last of a series of three, founded in honour of the Trinity - the first being the table of the Last Supper, the second that of the Grail, established by Joseph of Arimathea, The number of knights whom the table will seat varies; it might seat twelve or fifty or a hundred and fifty; nowhere, save in Layamon, do we find a practically unlimited power of accommodation.
According to the very varied habits, their external appearance varies within wide limits, there being amongst the 300 species, with 50 genera, arboreal, terrestrial, burrowing and semi-aquatic forms, and even one semi-marine kind.
As a monetary weight it seems to have spread, perhaps entirely, in consequence, of the Persian dominion; it varies from 174.
In the Hellenic coinage it varies (18) from a maximum of 200 at Pharae to 192, usual full weight; this unit occupied (17) all central Greece, Peloponnesus and most of the islands.
As to the different employments of capital, the quantity of productive labour put in motion by an equal amount varies extremely according as that amount is employed - (i) in the improvement of lands, mines or fisheries, (2) in manufactures, (3) in wholesale or (4) retail trade.
The size of leopards varies greatly, the head and body usually measuring from 31 to 42 ft.
The groundcolour of the fur varies from a pale fawn to a rufous buff, graduating in the Indian race into pure white on the under-parts and inside of the limbs.
The number of these select members is small in comparison with the whole Society; the exact proportion varies from time to time, the present tendency being to increase the number.
The precipitation varies widely, that of the western side of the northern plateau (Chihuahua and Durango) being about 39 in., that of the Valley of Mexico about 25 in., and that of the whole republic 59 in.
Newspapers and periodicals, whose educational value varies widely, numbered 459 in 1904, of which 439 were in Spanish and 12 in English.
Thickness of skin, masking the muscles, has been thought the cause of a peculiar heaviness in the outlines of body and face; the complexion varies from yellow-brown to chocolate (about 40 to 43 in the anthropological scale); eyes black; straight coarse glossy black hair; beard and moustache scanty.
The relative size of the crop to the trophi varies greatly; it is small where the trophi are well developed and complex, as well as in Bdelloidea; but in Flosculariaceae it is large, and so it is in Asplanchnaceae.
Its length (inclusive of the flagellum) varies from 40-60 while its greatest width (including the undulating-membrane) is from 8-30, u; in the very wide individuals breadth is gained more or less at the expense of length.
The colour varies from dirty white to dark-brown, but when pure-bred is never black, which indicates eastern blood.
The colour varies from white or grey to black, but is frequently fawn, with a dark line down the spine and another across the shoulders.
The hair varies in length, and is coarse and of different colours according to the individual.
The ground colour of the jaguar varies greatly, ranging from white to black, the rosette markings in the extremes being but faintly visible.
The size varies, the total length of a very large specimen measuring 6 ft.
The mountains condense the moisture brought by the west winds, and the yearly amount of rain varies from So to 120 in.
Electrostatic voltmeters are based on the principle that when two conductors are at different potentials they attract one another with a force which varies as the square of the potential difference (P. D.) between them.
The largest holding tenable by one person under this act was fixed at 50 caballerias, or 5625 acres; the price varies from £40 to £80 per caballeria of 1122 acres.
The thickness of the system varies from point to point, being greatest in the Appalachian Mountains, and much less in the interior.
Geologically the anthracite and bituminous coals mainly belong to the same formation, the Carboniferous, and this is especially true of the better qualities; though it is stated by the United States Geological Survey that the geQlogic age of the coal beds ranges from Carboniferous in the Appalachian and Mississippi Valley provinces to Miocene (Tertiary) on the Pacific coast, and that the quality of the coal varies only to a very uncertain degree with the geologic age.
The method of amending the constitution varies in detail from state to state, but that most usual is for the legislature to propose amendments, often by a prescribed majority, and for these amendments to be voted on by the people.
The county is to be found in every state of the Union, but its importance varies inversely with the position held in the system of local government by that smaller and older organism, the town.
The hairy covering of the body varies under different conditions of climate, but when best developed, as in the European wild boar, consists of long stiff bristles, abundant on the back and sides, and of a close softer curling under-coat.
Analytically, the Cartesian equation to a coaxal system can be written in the form x 2 + y 2 + tax k 2 = o, where a varies from member to member, while k is a constant.
The St Lawrence varies only a few feet in the year and always has pellucid bluish-green water, while the Mississippi, whose tributaries begin only a short distance south of the Great Lakes, varies 40 f t.
One cannot even describe the climate of a single province, like Ontario or British Columbia, as a unit, as it varies so greatly in different parts.
In New Brunswick the western flora begins to appear as well as immigrants from the south, while in the next eastern province, Quebec, the flora varies considerably.
So in various parts of the mountainous country of British Columbia, the flora varies according to climatic conditions.
The land in this vast area varies in virginal fertility, but the best soils are very rich in the constituents of plant food.
Its total length is loo m., and its breadth varies from 36 m.
In price it varies from 6 or 12 dollars to the enormous sum of 300 or 400 dollars an ounce.
The colour of the normal sapphire varies from the palest blue to deep indigo, the most esteemed tint being that of the blue cornflower.
In all these cases the beginning of the day varies with the seasons at all places not under the equator.
The Civil Year Is That Which Is Employed In Chronology, And Varies Among Different Nations, Both In Respect Of The Season At Which It Commences And Of Its Subdivisions.
The ovary is an organ which in shape and size somewhat resembles a large almond, though its appearance varies considerably in different individuals, and at different times of life.
The quality varies much, as well as the =colour and density; an Italian sample in the museum at Kew (of a very dark red tint) weighs about 241 lb to the cub.
Bitters are usually sold under the name of the substance which has been used to give them the predominant flavour, such as orange, angostura or peach bitters, &c. The alcoholic strength of bitters varies, but is generally in the neighbourhood of 40% of alcohol.
The dental formula varies from 1, c. $, 3 (total 28) in the hares and rabbits to i.
There are generally nineteen dorso-lumbar vertebrae (thirteen thoracic and six lumbar), the form of which varies in different genera; in the cursorial and leaping species the lumbar transverse processes are generally very long, and in the hares there are large compressed inferior spines, or hypapophyses.
The femur varies considerably in form, but generally has a welldefined third trochanter.
The fur varies exceedingly in character, - in some, like the chinchillas and hares, being fine and soft, while in others it is more or less replaced by spines on the upper surface, as in spiny rats and porcupines; these spines in several genera, as Xerus, Acomys, Platacanthomys, Echinothrix, Loncheres and Echinomys, being flattened.
The average annual rainfall is about 23.5 in.; but this varies greatly in different districts.
As the outer flossy threads and the inner vests are not reelable, it is difficult to estimate the total length of thread produced by the silkworm, but the portion reeled varies in length and thickness, according to the condition and robustness of the cocoon, in some breeds giving a result as low as Soo metres, and in others 900 to 1200 metres.
In the United States of America the law relating to the lending of money on usury varies in the different states.
This legal rate varies from 5% in Louisiana to 8% in Wyoming; in the Eastern states it is generally 6%.
In colour the skin varies from a black-brown to a copperish hue, but the darker are the most common shades.
The course of the Alabama is tortuous; its width varies from 200 to 300 yds., its depth from 3 to 7 ft.; its length by the United States Survey is 312 m., by steamboat measurement, 420 m.
The number of those who are qualified to vote, but do not avail themselves of the right, varies greatly in the different states and according to the interest taken in the election.
The amount of a candidate's contribution varies greatly, according to the office sought, the state in which he lives, and his private wealth.
The number of dormitories varies according to the size of the hall, and in the larger ones pillars support the roof on all three sides, forming a sort of cloister running round the hall.
There remain, therefore, the three suffixes -co-, -no-, and -ti-, and it will be seen from the table that the relative frequency of these suffixes in different dialect-areas varies very greatly.
By mistake they printed from a poor copy and not from the original, from which their German text varies at over 450 places.
The fact that the moment of inertia of the magnet varies witli the temperature must, however, be taken into account.
Their designs are derived from Roman or Frankish coins, especially the former, and their weight varies from about Do to 21 grains, though the very light coins are rare.
But the last-mentioned type varies greatly, from rude and almost plain disks of bronze to magnificent gold specimens studded with gems. No.
In ordinary years the number varies from 7000 to 10,000; but every twelfth year, when the festival of Kumbhmela is celebrated, the concourse of persons is said to be 50,000.
The climate necessarily varies widely with the altitude.
The general export of yarn varies according to influences such as tariff charges, spinning and manufacturing development in the importing countries and the price of cotton.
Similarly, the necessity for referring matters to the pope in person, for his approval or ratification of the decisions arrived at, varies greatly according to the 'department and the nature of the business.
The climate of Tibet varies so greatly over the enormous area and different altitudes of the country that no two travellers agree precisely in their records.
The weights and measures in use are practically those of China; the dry measures, the most commonly employed, are the bre or bo of about four pints and the bchal of twenty bo; the capacity of the bo varies according to localities.
But it varies much in form and scaling, and some most aberrant varieties have been fixed by artificial selection, the principal being the king-carp or mirror-carp, in which the scales are enlarged and reduced in number, forming more or less regular longitudinal series on the sides, and the leather-carp, in which the scales have all but disappeared, the fish being covered with a thick, leathery skin.
Its hardness is rather above 5, and its specific gravity varies from 3.5 to 4.
In the south and west the surface gradually slopes down in undulating terraces towards the Adriatic. The Quieto in the west and the Arsa in the east, neither navigable, are the principal streams. The climate of Istria, although it varies with the varieties of surface, is on the whole warm and dry.
The yearly value of its trade varies from about £70,000 to £80,000.
Its strength varies within very wide limits according to the quality and proportions of the constituents, and the skill shown in mixing and placing them.
Only very general remarks can be made on the subject of cost, as this item varies greatly in different situations and with the market price of the materials used.
The likeness presented varies considerably in degree from a general resemblance to several species, such as is seen in the Salticid spider (Peckhamia picata) of North America,to a close similarity to particular species.
Bottom-Heat.----The " optimum " temperature, or that best suited to promote the general activity of roots, and indeed of all vegetable organs, necessarily varies very much with the nature of the plant, and the circumstances in which it is placed, and is ascertained by practical experience.
The degree of fertility varies greatly according to external conditions, the structural and functional arrangements just alluded to, and other causes which may roughly be called constitutional.
The temperature necessary varies according to the nature and source of the seed.
The time required for germination in the most favourable circumstances varies very greatly, even in the same species, and in seeds taken from one pod.
It suits many of the esculent crops, as onions, beans, cabbages, carrots, beet-root, asparagus, &c.; the quantity applied varies from 5 to to bushels per acre.
The colour of the fruit varies from green to deep purple, the size from that of a small cherry to that of a hen's egg; the form is oblong acute or obtuse at both ends, or globular; the stones or kernels vary in like manner; and the flavour, season of ripening and duration are all subject to variation.
In size it varies from a shrubby plant to a tree of from 30 to 40 ft.
Owing to the unsuitability of the foundations, Dutch dikes are usually marked by a great width, which at the crown varies between 13 and 26 ft.
The number of councillors varies according to the population between 7 and 45.
Its colour varies from brilliant bluish-grey to deep red.
Its colour varies from light brown to black.
Its colour varies from yellowish-brown to grey.
For the acid variety of this process, which does not remove sulphur, this most harmful element must be held below a limit which is always low, though it varies somewhat with the use to which the steel is to be put.
The conditions under which it is impracticable are (I) when the piece has either an extremely large or an extremely small cross section, and (2) when its cross section varies materially in different parts of its length.
It has also been shown that when different salts of the amine are used, their catalytic influence varies in amount and is almost proportional to their degree of ionization in aqueous solution.
The annual collection of fur skins varies considerably in quantity according to the demand and to the good or had climatic conditions of the season; and it is impossible to give a complete record, as many skins are used in the country of their origin or exported direct to merchants.
The colour varies according to the district of origin, from a blue grey to yellow with reddish tones.
The propositions of mathematics seem to be independent of this or that special fact of experience, and to remain unchanged even when the concrete matter of experience varies.
The number of seasons for which the leaves last varies in different plants; every season some of the older leaves fall, while new ones are regularly produced.
The total power developed is 600 H.P., and though the load factor varies very greatly in this case, the differential type of governor used secures perfect control of the running of the wheels.
The climate varies considerably with the configuration of the surface.
The petiole varies in length, being usually shorter than the lamina, but sometimes much longer.
In different species of the same genus the phyllotaxis frequently varies.
The period of defoliation varies in different countries according to the nature of their climate.
A different type of problem is presented in those cases in which the temperature at each point varies with the time, as is the case near the surface of the soil with variations in the external conditions between day and night or summer and winter.
The emissivity really depends on every variety of condition, such as the size, shape and position of the surface, as well as on its nature; it varies with the rate of cooling, as well as with the temperature excess, and it is generally so difficult to calculate, or to treat in any simple manner, that it forms the greatest source of uncertainty in all experimental investigations in which it occurs.
If the effects depended merely on the velocity of translation of the molecules, both conductivity and viscosity should increase directly as the square root of the absolute temperature; but the mean free path also varies in a manner which cannot be predicted by theory and which appears to be different for different gases (Rayleigh, Proc. R.S., January 1896).
Experiments by the capillary tube method have shown that the viscosity varies more nearly as 0 1, but indicate that the rate of increase diminishes at high temperatures.
The climate of Aveyron varies from extreme rigour in the mountains to mildness in the sheltered valleys; the south wind is sometimes of great violence.
Some of them inhabit forests and others the more open country; but setting aside size (which in this group varies from that of a quail to that of a large common fowl) there is an unmistakable uniformity of appearance among them as a whole, so that almost anybody having seen one species of the group would always recognize another.
Extract varies from 26 to 40 per cent., and is no guide to quality.
The finest teas are produced at high elevations in Darjeeling and Ceylon and in the plains of Assam, but the quality from individual estates varies much from season to season, and even from week to week.
Amongst causes of variation in the quantity of water needed will be its quality and temperature and rate of flow, the climate, the season, the soil, the subsoil, the artificial drainage, the slope, the aspect and the crop. In actual practice the amount of water varies from 300 gallons per acre in the hour to no less than 28,000 gallons.
Towns.The constitution of the towns (Stadieverfassung) varies more greatly in the several states than that of the rural communes.
The climate of Ontario varies greatly, as might be expected from its wide range in latitude and the relationships of the Great Lakes to the southern peninsula of the province.
The structure of his sentences varies a good deal according to the dignity of the subject.
In the southern hemisphere there is comparatively little inhabited land in high latitudes and observational data are few; thus little is known as to how the frequency varies with latitude and longitude.
The phase angle, however, varies so much as to suggest that the term mainly represents local causes or observational uncertainties.
In auroral displays the brightness often varies greatly over the illuminated area and changes rapidly.
The number of muscles varies from one (Onchnesoma and Tylosoma) to four, the latter being very common.
No glands open into the alimentary canal, but a diverticulum, which varies enormously in size, opens into the rectum.
That a lady of this name existed in the early part of the 11th century is certain, as evidenced by several ancient documents, such as the Stow charter, the Spalding charter and the Domesday survey, though the spelling of the name varies considerably.
This God varies his commands at pleasure, prescribes one law for the Christians, another for the Jews, and a third for the Moslems; nay, he even changes his instructions to the Moslems when it pleases him.
In form the landscape varies little and is not remarkable; in color its qualities are always splendid, and under a general uniformity show a continual variety.
This deposit varies in thickness, as a rule, from 55 to 70 ft., at which depth it is underlain by a series of coarse and fine yellow quartz sands, with occasional pebbles, or even banks of gravel, while here and there thin beds of clay occur.
The atmospheric pressure varies between a maximum in January and a minimum in July, the mean difference being about 029 in.
The style varies much at different periods.
The position of the embryo in relation to the endosperm varies, sometimes it is internal, sometimes external, but the significance of this has not yet been established.
The date of composition, which varies in the different copies from 552 to 582 A.H., must be fixed in 574 o r 575 (1178-1179 A.D.).
The time varies for the unboiled salts from twelve hours to three or four weeks, the larger crystals being allowed a longer time to form, and the smaller ones being formed more quickly.
Now such testing, though it varies greatly in different departments of knowledge, is always effected by the consequences to which the claim leads when acted on.
The order of the commandments relating to murder, adultery and stealing varies in the Vatican text of the Septuagint, viz.
In this connexion Pfeffer points out that the penetrating power .of light into a clear sea varies for light of different colours.
The output of these kilns varies from 200 to 400 tons per kiln per week according to their size and the nature of the raw materials burned; as against 30 tons per week for an ordinary chamber kiln.
The composition of Portland cement varies within comparatively narrow limits, and for given raw materials the variations are tending = to become smaller as regularity and skill in manufacture Compost increase.
Every organism is an individual, its different parts, organs and functions being associated in a degree of intimacy that varies, but that corresponds roughly with the integration of the individual and its place in the ascending scales of animal or vegetable life.
One aspect of organic individuality is the correlation of variations, the fact that when one part varies, other parts vary more or less simultaneously.
The length of the Thuringian chain is 70 m., and its breadth varies from 6 to 22 m.
Its level varies with the obstructions formed by ice, falling as much as 28 ft.
The colour of the wood of the different growths of northern pine varies considerably, the generu1 characteristics being a light reddish yellow colour.
It thrives best in dry soils, and in height varies from 4 or 5 to 12, 15 or, in exceptional cases, as much as between 20 and 30 ft.
Land varies in value according to the amount of water available, but as a rule commands an extraordinarily high price.
The form varies, but in all the characteristic feature is that the minister tells the people what to pray for.
The body of water thus formed, Superior and Allouez bays, varies in width from to 14 m., and is 91 m.
It varies greatly in width.
Its standpoint, too, varies, the phases being now northern or wider Israelite, now half -Edomite or Judaean, and now anti-Samarian.
It varies much in colour, but it may be described as usually brown or blackish, with more or less numerous yellow spots, sometimes arranged in transverse bands.
The tongue is bifid at the tip in a few genera; usually it is pointed and varies greatly in length, being comparatively short in Andrena, long in the humble-bees(Bombus), and longest in Euglossa, a tropical American genus of solitary bees.
One of the purposes of the expedition was to discover whether the rate of combustion of a candle varies with the density of the atmosphere in which it is burnt, a question which was answered in the negative.
The colour of the grain varies greatly, being generally white, yellow, mottled red, or less commonly red.
In Bengal the area varies from 36 to 40 million acres according to the season.
The rainfall varies greatly in different parts of the island.
The ravine, formed by the Rummel, through erosion of the limestone, varies greatly in width - at its narrowest part the cliffs are only 15 ft.
The climate in different parts of the colony varies greatly.
Also, the period varies somewhat; the maxima occur sometimes early and sometimes late as compared with the mean period, but the difference is never more than forty days.
Actually we know that the intrinsic brightness varies very greatly, so that each increase of telescopic power not The table, which is based on over 130,000 stars, shows that along the galactic circle the stars are scattered nearly three times more thickly than at the north and south poles of the Galaxy.
In the United States the policy varies between the two extremes of making prisoners self-supporting and of leaving them in idleness so that the whole weight of expense falls upon the state.
Its specific gravity varies according to the method employed for its preparation, the extreme values being 8.279 and 9.25.
Owing to the variation in the value of the dielectric constant of glass with the temperature and with the frequency of the applied electromotive force, and also owing to electric glow discharge from the edges of the tin foil coatings, the capacity of an ordinary Leyden jar is not an absolutely fixed quantity, but its numerical value varies somewhat with the method by which it is measured, and with the other circumstances above mentioned.
Adopting this definition, without restriction to the case of an ideal vapour or to saturation-pressure, the rate of variation of the total heat with temperature (dH/dO) at constant pressure is equal to S under all conditions, whether S is constant, or varies both with p and 0.
It is interesting to remark that the simple result found in equation (25) (according to which the effect of the deviation of the vapour from the ideal state is represented by the addition of the term (c-b)/V to the expression for log p) is independent of the assumption that c varies inversely as the n th power of 9, and is true generally provided that c-b is a function of the temperature only and is independent of the pressure.
The total stand in 1900 was estimated by the United States census as 75,000,000,000 ft., and the ordinary stand per acre varies from 25,000 to 150,000 ft., averaging probably 60,000 ft.
The colour varies from cedar colour to mahogany.
The number of the members of the governing body proper varies from twelve to a hundred, and its functions were both judicial and administrative.
The treatment in such latter cases necessarily varies, since the symptom itself may be remedial, but in ordinary cases depends on the removal of the cause of irritation by the use of aperients, various sedatives being also prescribed.
Precipitation varies in different areas from 8 to 20 in., the average for the state being 12.5 in.
The quality of the oil varies in a remarkable way according to the depth.
The depth in the main entrance varies from 10 to 17 fathoms, and vessels drawing 20 ft.
It is clear, from the extreme variations in the severity of the illness, that the resisting power of individuals varies greatly.
The path by which the bacillus enters the body varies.
The illness varies within the widest limits, and exhibits all gradations of severity, from a mere indisposition, which may pass almost unnoticed, to an extreme violence, only equalled by the most violent forms of cholera.
It varies somewhat in consistency, being sometimes soft, elastic and sticky; often closely resembling india-rubber; and occasionally hard and brittle.
The tension is constant, and the pressure per unit length varies as the curvature.
In relation to the theory of suspension bridges the case where the weight of any portion of the chain varies as its horizontal projection is of interest.
Hence w, the weight per foot, varies as T, and we may write T =wX, where A is a constant length.
Thus the unit of velocity is that of a point describing the unit of length in the unit of time; it may be denoted by LTi, this symbol indicating that the magnitude of the unit in question varies directly as the unit of length and inversely as the unit of time.
As a final example we may note the arrangement, often employed in physical measurements, where a body performs small oscillations about a vertical axis through its mass-centre G, under the influence of a couple whose moment varies as the angle of rotation from the equilibrium position.
Since w varies as p, it follows that OH is constant, and the tangent plane at J is therefore fixed in space.
It varies from three to twelve for various materials and structures.
If the effort varies by insensible gradations, the energy exerted is the integral or limit towards which that sum approaches continually as the divisions of the path are made smaller and more numerous, and is expressed by JPds.
If there is the slightest displacement of the centre o gravity of the system from the axis of revolution a force acts on th shaft tending to deflect it, and varies as the deflexion and as th square of the speed.
The slender pleon has always six distinct segments, the sixth carrying two-branched uropods, the preceding five armed with no pleopods in the female, whereas in the male the number of pairs varies from five to none.
The yield of oil from different classes of seed varies, but from 23 to 28% of the weight of the seed operated on should be obtained.
From the more accurate statistics available it appears that the excess of male births varies amongst different races and also at different times in the same community.
But mind is always dependent upon the body, and varies with its changing constitution.
Its total length is about 1200 m., and its breadth varies from about 250 m.
The proportion of sugar present in the juice of ripe grapes varies considerably according to the type of grape, the locality and the harvest.
In temperate climates it varies as a rule between 15 and 20%, but in the case of hot climates or where the grapes are treated in a special manner, it may rise as high as 35% and more.
The most suitable temperature for fermentation varies according to the type of wine.
The normal proportion of glycerin varies between 7 and 14 parts for every 100 parts of alcohol in the wine, but even these limits are frequently not reached or exceeded.
The soil varies very considerably in its character, and it is due to these variations that so many different types of wine are produced in this district.
The soil varies considerably in nature, but consists mostly of gravel, quartz, limestone and sand on the surface, and of clay and alios beneath.
The quality of the wines naturally varies considerably with the vintage; but it is almost invariably the case that the wines of successful vintages will contain practically the same relative proportions of their various constituents, although the absolute amounts present of these constituents may differ widely.
The output of the classed growths varies considerably according to the vintage, but is on the average, owing to the great care exercised in the vineyards, greater than that of the lower-grade areas.
The sugar varies considerably according to the vintage, but as a rule amounts to from 7% to 15%.
The second of these essays (De La nature de l'air) contains the statement of the law that the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure, which, though very generally called by the name of Mariotte, had been discovered in 1660 by Robert Boyle.
Telephones have an enormous extension both in the towns and between the different towns of southern Finland; the cost of the yearly subscription varies from 40 to 60 marks,' and is only Io marks in the smaller towns.
English and American writers are less definite in their employment of the term, which varies with the convenience of the author.
Another of his great investigations was the determination of the law according to which electric force varies with the distance.
Starting from the fact that if an electrified globe, placed within two hemispheres which fit over it without touching, is brought in contact with these hemispheres, it gives up the whole of its charge to them - in other words, that the charge on an electrified body is wholly on the surface - he was able to deduce by most ingenious reasoning the law that electric force varies inversely as the square of the distance.
Coulomb has made his name for ever famous by his invention and application of his torsion balance to the experimental verification of the fundamental law of electric attraction, in which, however, he was anticipated by Cavendish, namely, that the force of attraction between two small electrified spherical bodies varies as the product of their charges and inversely as the square of the distance of their centres.
He ascertained the distribution of electricity among several spheres (whether equal or unequal) placed in contact in a straight line; and he measured the distribution of 2 In 1878 Clerk Maxwell repeated Cavendish's experiments with improved apparatus and the employment of a Kelvin quadrant electrometer as a means of detecting the absence of charge on the inner conductor after it had been connected to the outer case, and was thus able to show that if the law of electric attraction varies inversely as the nth power of the distance, then the exponent n must have a value of 2 t Isua.
The doctrine of the kinds of fallacies or general classes of errors into which the human mind is prone to fall, appears in many of the works written before the Novum Organum, and the treatment of them varies in some respects.
The figures given show how immensely the river varies in volume, and the greatness of the changes which are constantly going on in the channel and on its banks.
The plant in which the operations are conducted varies in different countries.
The other items of cost are labour, the quantity of which depends on the mechanical appliances provided for handling the converter shells and inserting the lining; and the blast, which in barrel-shaped converters is low and in vertical converters is high, and which varies therefore from 3 to is lb to the square inch.
The benefits to be derived from the above process, however, cannot be great, for the bundles are usually taken direct to the pools and streams. The period necessary for the completion of the retting process varies according to the temperature and to the properties of the water, and may occupy from two days to a month.
The crop naturally depends upon the quality of the soil, and upon the attention which the fibre has received in its various stages; the yield per acre varies in different districts.
About 1 to 14 gallons of oil is the usual amount given per bale of 400 lb of jute, while the quantity of water per bale varies from 3 to 7 gallons.
The draft in the first drawing varies from three to five, while that in the second drawing is usually five to seven.
The higher organization - which the volunteers (q.v.) and yeomanry (q.v.) never possessed - varies only slightly from that in vogue in the regular army.
The conditions of enlistment and reserve in the territorial force are a four years' engagement (former yeomen and volunteers being however allowed to extend for one year at a time if they desire to do so), within each year a consecutive training in camp of 14-18 days and a number of "drills" (attendances at company and battalion parades) that varies with the branch and the year of service.
If this distance is varied until the attracted disk comes into a definite sighted position as seen by observing the end of the index through the lens, then since the force f is constant, being due to the torque applied by the wire for a definite angle of twist, it follows that the difference of potential of the two plates varies as their distance.
If v is very large compared with the mean value of the potentials of the two quadrants, as it usually is, then the above expression indicates that the couple varies as the difference of the potentials between the quadrants.
Of the total land area of Sweden only about is arable or meadow land, but the percentage varies greatly in different parts, as will be understood from a recollection of the main physical divisions.
For example, the condition for achromatism (4) for two thin lenses in contact is fulfilled in only one part of the spectrum, since do /dn 1 varies within the spectrum.
In the neighbourhood of 550 pu the tangent to the curve is parallel to the axis of wave-lengths; and the focal length varies least over a fairly large range of colour, therefore in this neighbourhood the colour union is at its best.
The payment for tuition varies from fourpence or fivepence to tenpence a month for each child.
There is also a kind of irregular revenue derived from public requisitions presents, fines, confiscations, &c., nowadays not producing much, The land tax, which varies according to localities, is paid in money and kind, and should amount on an average to about 25% of the yield of the soil.
The revenue from Crown lands consists of a certain proportion of the produce, and also varies much according to localities.
All countries agree in taking a yearly period, but the actual date of commencement varies.
The pay of the police is principally provided from fiscal sources and varies in an ascending scale from 1125 marks and lodging allowance for the lowest class of constable.
The virulence of infective diseases varies in different epidemics, and at different times in the same epidemic. It had been noted that many infective diseases did not attack an individual a second time, the first attack appearing to protect from subsequent ones.
It varies in intensity, being often of the most agonizing character, or less severe and more of a tingling kind.
Its extreme length is 31 m., and its breadth varies from about 20 m.
The composition of the tubers evidently varies according to season, soils, manuring, the variety grown, &c., but the figures cited will give a sufficiently accurate idea of it.
In cultivation the potato varies very greatly not only as to the season of its growth but also as to productiveness, the vigour and luxuriance of its foliage, the presence or relative absence of hairs, the form of the leaves, the size and colour of the flowers, &c. The tubers vary greatly in size, form and colour; gardeners divide them into rounded forms and long forms or "kidneys," and there are of course varieties intermediate in form.
Whilst the Little Karroo is divided by a chain of hills which run across it from east to west, and varies in altitude from 1000 to 2000 ft., the Great Karroo has more the aspect of a vast plain and has a level of from 2000 to 3000 ft.
The connexion with Europe on the north-west, with China on the north-east, with Africa on the south-west, and with the Malayan region on the south-east is manifest; and the greater or less prevalence of the European and Eastern forms varies according to more western or eastern position on the chain.
The estimated population, which includes a large number of Jews, varies from 6000 to 12,000.
In fact, the quantity 41rp 2 K, which we may call with van der Waals the molecular pressure, is so great for most liquids (5000 atmospheres for water), that in the parts near the surface, where the molecular pressure varies rapidly, we may expect considerable variation of density, even when we take into account the smallness of the compressibility of liquids.
Dynamical Similarity Requires That T/Gva 2 Be Constant; Or, If G Be Supposed To Be So, That A' Varies As T/V.
If Tate'S Law Be True, That Ceteris Paribus M Varies As A, It Follows From (I) That F Is Constant.
Although throughout a certain range the surface-tension varies rapidly with the degree of contamination, it is remarkable that, as was first fully indicated by Miss Pockels,the earlier stages of contamination have little or no effect upon surface-tension.
From (3) it appears that the time in which a disturbance is multiplied in a given ratio varies, not as d, but as d z.
Again, when the fluid is changed, the time varies as p 2 T -.
The time of vibration is of course itself a function of the nature of the fluid and of the size of the drop. By the method of dimensions alone it may be seen that the time of infinitely small vibrations varies directly as the square root of the mass of the sphere and inversely as the square root of the capillary tension; and it may be proved that its expression is - V C?
In front of the body the relative velocity of the fluid and the body varies from V where the fluid is at rest, to zero at the cutwater on the front surface of the body.
The rainfall varies between 13 and 20 in.
The proportion of perfectly clear days in the year varies at different points from a half to two-thirds; of the rest not more than half are without brilliant sunshine part of the day.
The mesquite varies in size from a tangled thorny shrub to a spreading tree as much as 3 ft.
The evidence to hand shows that on heights and in open country, especially in the north, there may be few or even no Schizomycetes detected in the air, and even in towns their distribution varies greatly; sometimes they appear to exist in minute clouds, as it were, with interspaces devoid of any, but in laboratories and closed spaces where their cultivation has been promoted Lhe air may be considerably laden with them Of course the distribution of bodies so light and small is easily influenced by movements, rain, wind, changes of temperature, &c. As parasites, certain Schizomycetes inhabit and prey upon the organs of man and animals in varying degrees, and the conditions for their growth and distribution are then very complex.
Such filaments are not always of the same diameter throughout, and their segmentation varies considerably.
The result of the entrance of a virulent bacterium into the tissues of an animal is not a disease with hard and fast characters, but varies greatly with circumstances.
Susceptibility, as is well recognized, varies much under natural conditions in different species, in different races of the same species, and amongst individuals of the same race.
It also varies with the period of life, young subjects being more susceptible to certain diseases, e.g.
The blood serum has a direct bactericidal action on certain bacteria, as tested outside the body, and this also varies in different animals.
In the course above the rapids the channel varies very greatly in nature and depth, and it is not infrequently interrupted by shallows.
The costume of both sexes is very peculiar both in cut and colour, but varies considerably in different districts.
Their number varies from ten to a hundred; and it is uncertain whether the honour is inherent in the abbacy of certain of the greatest cloisters, or whether the Dalai Lama exercises the right of choosing them.
Bohemia has a continental, generally healthy climate, which varies much in different parts of the country.
The rainfall varies also according to the districts, the rainy season being the summer.
The soil of south-west and south-east Michigan is for the most part a dark clay loam or muck; in the north central part of the lower peninsula it is a light sandy loam, along the Huron shore it is heavy with blue clay, in the mining districts of the north-west the rocks are usually either barren or very thinly covered; and elsewhere in the state the soil is generally rich in a variety of mineral elements, and varies chiefly in the proportions of vegetable loam, sand or gravel, and clay.
A large space around the greatly developed callosities on the buttocks, as well as the upper part of the insides of the thighs, is naked and of a crimson colour, shading off on the sides to lilac or blue, which, depending upon injection of the superficial blood-vessels, varies in intensity according to the condition of the animal - increasing under excitement, fading during sickness, and disappearing after death.
The juice yields about one-fourth of its weight of opium, and the percentage of morphia varies according to the variety of poppy used, the purple one giving the best results.
The apparatus for drying ore and salt varies greatly, drying-floors, dry-kilns and continuous mechanical reverberatory furnaces with stationary and revolving hearths being used.
This latter portion of the river's course is tortuous, but in spite of this, and although the depth varies from only 7 to 20 ft., and in places at low water does not exceed 4 ft., it is nevertheless navigated by vessels up to 180 tons burden and proposals have been made to embank and dredge it so as to increase this depth to 8 ft.
The tableland varies greatly in elevation, but nowhere does it fall below 1500 ft., and in places it reaches an average of 5000 ft.
The value of gold won varies from year to year, but from 1894 to 1906 in only two years did it fall below £I,000,000.
The Broken Hill silver lode is the largest as yet discovered; it varies in width from 10 ft.
The body is usually small; in shape it varies very much.
The immense family of the Curculionidae includes members which differ greatly from one another in size, colour, and appearance; even the rostrum, the most striking common characteristic, varies greatly.
Its history does not run parallel with the scientific side, but rather varies in inverse ratio with scientific activity.
From Yorkshire to the flat indented sea-coast north of the Thames estuary, east of the Pennines and the slight hills indicated as the Northampton uplands, and in part demarcated southward by the East Anglian ridge in Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, the land, although divided between a succession of river-systems, varies so little in level as to be capable of consideration as a single plain.
The formation of the coast varies from low, shifting banks of shingle or sand to majestic cliffs, and its character in different localities has been foreshadowed in the previous consideration of the hill-systems and lowlands.
As for the test of communicancy, it is untrustworthy because the insistence on communion as the pledge of membership varies with the different denominations and even with different sections of opinion within those denominations.
In height it varies from about s000 ft, close to the bases of the mountain systems to less than 3000 f t.
The population of the town is greatly mixed, and, having a large element of nomads in it, varies much from time to time.
During 42 months about 44% of the precipitation is in the form of snow; but the snow-fall varies from about 60 in.
It varies in altitude from 5000 to io,000 ft.
The rainfall varies from about 30 in.
The specific gravity of selenium is 4.8; the specific heat varies from 0.0716 to 0.1147, depending upon the particular form.
The level varies with the season, and also from year to year, the maximum variation, covering a cycle of years, being about 5 ft.
If, in addition to this horizontal stratification, the atmosphere varies similarly in vertical planes, then the object would be magnified both horizontally and vertically.
The climate varies from the snowy regions of the Himalayas to the tropical vapour-bath of the delta and the burning winds of Behar.
The rainfall varies from 37 in.
The surrounding country varies in character from mountains to rolling prairie.
The theory refers to radiation homogeneous at all points within a single closed boundary maintained at uniform temperature; in the actual case we have a double boundary, one the sun's surface, and the other infinitely remote, or say, non-existent, and at zero temperature; and it is assumed that the density of radiation in the free space varies inversely as the squares of the distance from the sun.
The external form of the polyp varies greatly in different cases.
The coast region varies in width from a few miles to as many as fifty, being narrowest on the south-east side.
Besides these pans there are in the interior plateaus many shallow pools or vleis whose extent varies according to the dryness or moisture of the climate.
The climate varies considerably with the altitude, the highest peaks being covered with snow for the greater part of the year, while the valleys running N.E.
The time for the formation of an efficient surface films varies, according to the quality of the raw water, from a few hours to a few days.
Whale-oil varies in colour from a bright honey yellow to a dark brown, according to the condition of the blubber from which it has been extracted.
The object aimed at varies very much with different machines.
On the western slope of the Cascades it varies from 50 in.
The magnitude of the unbalanced force, for a mass of w pounds at a radius of r feet and a velocity of v feet per second, is expressed by wv 2 /gr lb; and, since the force varies as the square of the velocity, it is necessary carefully to balance a pulley running at a high speed to prevent injurious vibrations.
The political administration of the native states is under the superintendence of British agents placed at the principal native courts; their position varies in different states according to the relations in which the principalities stand with the paramount power.
The climate greatly varies according to the seasons of the year.
The method is to form quantities into groups, and these again into larger groups; but the number of groups making one of the next largest groups varies as we proceed along the scale.
The Old Testament conception of the altar varies with the stage of religious development.
The character of this talisman or relic varies greatly, as will be seen from the following summary.
Its value, however, varies; the earlier volumes are not so full as the later, the documents are not so well calendared, and some classes are excluded from earlier, which appear in the later, volumes.
In mammals with two sets of teeth the number of those of the permanent series preceded by milk-teeth varies greatly, being sometimes, as in marsupials and some rodents, as few as one on each side of each jaw, and in other cases including the larger portion of the series.