Variable Sentence Examples
It is a matter of common observation that the blue of the sky is highly variable.
Similarly the substance we call wine is undeniably variable in composition.
Ordinary observation of the landscape shows that there is another part, highly variable from day to day, and due to suspended matter, much of which is fine enough to scatter light of blue quality.
The 12-hour term is much less variable, especially as regards its phase angle; its amplitude shows distinct maxima near the equinoxes.
The quantity obtained from each fir is very variable, depending on the vigour of the tree, and greatly lessens after it has been subjected to the operation for some years.
Almost simultaneously with Berliner, Edison conceived the idea of using a variable resistance transmitter.
The resistance caused by the wind is very variable, and in extreme cases may double the resistance found from the formulae.
The court consists of a president, one or more vice-presidents and a variable number of judges.
A general result could not be obtained, even from a large number of experiments, because the resistance round curves depends upon so many variable factors.
The nest-building habit is similarly variable.
AdvertisementHughes, while engaged in experiments upon a Bell telephone in an electric circuit, discovered that a peculiar noise was produced whenever two hard electrodes, such as two wires, were - drawn across each other, or were made to touch each other with a variable degree of firmness.
When an organ is stated to be variable, the biometricist demands statistics to show the range of the variations and the mode of their distribution.
Barren Island was last in eruption in 1803, but there is still a thin column of steam from a sulphur bed at the top and a variable hot spring at the point where the last outburst of lava flowed into the sea.
The value of is variable, but is between 7 and 8, and for approximate calculations may be taken equal to unity.
The interest rate is a variable rate, which means it can change over time as interest rates fluctuate.
AdvertisementOwing to the variable illumination of the selenium thus produced, the resistance of the latter, and therefore the intensity of the current sent through the line to the receiving station by the battery, will be altered accordingly.
The winds are variable and seldom violent, except along the coast during the sub-tropical storms of late summer and early autumn.
In the forcing-houses, from the variable state of the weather, considerable vigilance is required in giving air.
There are about twenty species, but the number cannot be very accurately defined - several, usually regarded as distinct, being probably merely variable forms of the same type, and the ease with which the trees intercross has led to the appearance of many hybrids.
It has a regular APR of 9.99 percent, variable, and an introductory offer of zero percent for 12 months on balance transfers and six months on purchases.
AdvertisementThe interest rate is the prime rate plus 6.5 percent variable.
The flowers are variable in size and color, some measuring as much as 9 and 10 inches across.
The kinds from the Mediterranean are classed as three species, but they vary so much from seed and are so closely connected by intermediate forms as to be better treated as one variable kind.
It is a variable plant, spread over nearly half the world, the hardiest forms coming from Chili, New Zealand, and Tasmania.
Elaeagnus Hortensis - A somewhat variable plant with a wide geographical distribution, is cultivated in many countries for the sake of its fruit.
AdvertisementAn annual stately and showy with large flowers, the foliage grey-green, flowers variable in form and color, rank in smell and useless for cutting, but of good effect when grouped boldly.
It is a large shrub, 8 to 10 or more feet high, variable in foliage, and with flowers densely crowded in globose heads peduncled in the axils of the uppermost leaves, and which vary in color from pink to pale lilac, with an orange throat.
But the bulk of the work consists of problems leading to indeterminate equations of the second degree, and these universally take the form that one or two (and never more) linear or quadratic functions of one variable x are to be made rational square numbers by finding a suitable value for x.
The winds are more variable, and the seasons are more sharply defined.
In colour also the thallus externally is very variable.
Stars whose brightness fluctuates are called variable stars.
Along both the Coast Range and the Sierra considerable rainfall is certain, although, owing to the slight snow accumulations of the former, its streams are decidedly variable.
After that, it is a 19.8 percent variable APR on all purchases.
The Secured MasterCard gives you a 19.8 percent variable APR and a $24 annual fee.
The introductory period is for six billing cycles, after which the variable APR ranges between 12.99 percent and 22.99 percent based on creditworthiness.
Interest rates start at 19.8 percent variable.
Two of the popular massage options are the dual variable speed massage and the wave massage.
It's variable so it's smart to check with your local utility companies and some knowledgeable installers.
A vertical axis turbine works well for areas with that have variable wind speeds.
The results of such ingenuity translate into sharper shots despite variable light sources and improved overall color balance in the final product.
In variable conditions under high speeds, a ski that is too short can lead to serious fore/aft balances problems, which can cause excessive forward and backward weight shifting.
Let It Ring requires eighteen plus characters and a variable male-female chorus of at least sixteen.
It is a variable plant, but mostly reaches 12 to 18 inches in height, with pale green leaves, deeply cut, and hairy.
It has roundish tubers of variable size, those of mature growth being about as large as an orange and of a dark color.
They are rather variable as far as size and color go, but are generally quite hairy and closely resemble the honeybee.
Pools and drains support a variable open water flora and the swamp vegetation is dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis).
The introductory offer is zero percent APR for nine months followed by a 19.8 percent variable rate.
It offers the same rewards benefits and introductory APR offer, and it has a variable interest rate with no transfer fee.
After the introductory offer, the variable APR is 11.9 percent.
Because each variable shows a different function of how well the school performs for its students, the above criteria should be important to incoming students.
Whether you are going to college for the first time or returning as an adult, the largest variable you need to tackle is discovering the degree that works not only for your career, but for you personally.
These collars are worn in place of a regular collar and, on your signal, typically deliver a variable amount of static electricity or other type of electronic stimulation via metal discs located on the inside of the collar to your dog.
Arctotis Acaulis - a variable dwarf species; the flowers are large, attractive, and of a deep rich orange.
R. Alaternus is a stout evergreen from the Mediterranean region, with small rounded leaves of firm texture, and variable as to habit, but often straggling.
There are upwards of thirty kinds, differing more in leaf than in their flowers, which are mostly white, though sometimes purple and very variable in size.
It is variable under cultivation, and the numerous forms now grown, many without names, are all worthy of attention.
Globe-flower (Trollius Europaeus) - Grows about 15 inches high, has lemon-yellow flowers, and is an extremely variable plant, so much so that almost every locality has its particular form.
It is very variable, and rupicola, minutiflorus, and scaberulus are well-known variations.
It is very variable, and there are about a dozen named varieties.
Vitis Flexuosa - A variable species from China and Japan, with small rounded leaves, toothed at the edges, and a velvet surface, remaining fresh till late in November.
Vitis Sinessis - Allied to V. armata, but differs from it in its variable leaves, which, at first simple, pass gradually to the compound form as the shoots lengthen.
The flowers, of 4 to 6 inches across, float upon the water amid rounded leaves of bright green, very variable as to size, and reddish while young.
The leaf is often like that of the Elm, only smoother, more glossy, and with more rounded teeth; but this character is so variable that leaves like Elm, Beech, and Hornbeam may often be found on the same branch.
One of the reasons why kitchens can be notoriously difficult to price out is due to the many variable components.
And because the weather can be variable that time of year, a dress that includes a matching wrap, such as a bolero or cardigan, is ideal.
Variable annuities offer more risk but potentially higher payouts.
Interest sensitive whole life insurance provides a variable rate of interest on the cash value portion of the insurance policy.
Well-fitting CPAP masks are critical for property delivery of the air from a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), BiLevel or VPAP (Variable Positive Airway Pressure) or an APAP (Automatic Positive Airway Pressure) machine.
The prognosis for children with MPS I H/S is variable with some individuals dying during childhood, while others live to adulthood.
The life expectancy in MPS III is also variable.
This condition is also variable; individuals may have a mild or severe form of the disorder.
It is also highly variable, but symptoms are generally similar to those seen in individuals with Hurler syndrome.
In the few individuals described with this condition, the symptoms are variable.
The life expectancy in MPS III and MPS IV is also variable, depending on the severity of the disorder.
Children with defined lesions in language areas on either side of the brain have initial but quite variable language delays.
Individuals with this condition have developmental delay, variable levels of mental retardation, and behavioral and emotional difficulties.
Beta thalassemia causes variable anemia that can range from moderate to severe, depending in part on the exact genetic change underlying the disease.
The prognosis for people with these types of OI is quite variable, depending on the severity of the disorder and the number and severity of the fractures and bony deformities.
The long-term prognosis is extremely variable.
It is the most variable of the muscular dystrophies, and there are as of 2004 several different forms of the disease recognized.
Though the progression of symptoms may parallel that of DMD, the symptoms are usually milder, and the course more variable.
The course of the other muscular dystrophies is more variable; expected life spans and degrees of disability are hard to predict but may be related to age of onset and initial symptoms.
Kelvin ampere balances are made in two types - (i) a variable weight type suitable for obtaining the ampere value of any current within their range; and (2) a fixed weight type intended to indicate when a current which can be varied at pleasure has a certain fixed value.
Yellow Soap consists of a mixture of any hard fatty soap with a variable proportion - up to 40% or more - of resin soap. That substance by itself has a tenacious gluey consistence, and its intermixture in excess renders the resulting compound soft and greasy.
Between them the general theory of the complex variable, and of the various "infinite" processes of mathematical analysis, was established, while other mathematicians, such as Poncelet, Steiner, Lobatschewsky and von Staudt, were founding modern geometry, and Gauss inaugurated the differential geometry of surfaces.
He must always be read, whether lovingly or interestedly, for he has all the variable charm, the strange saturninity, the contradictions, austerities and delightful surprises, of Nature herself.
The proboscis-pores are highly variable, and frequently only one is present, that on the left side; sometimes the pore-canals of the proboscis unite to open by a common median orifice, and sometimes their communication with the probosciscoelom appears to be occluded, and finally the pore-canals may be quite vestigial.
In one family, the Ptychoderidae, the medullary tube of the collar is connected at intermediate points with the epidermis by means of a variable number of unpaired outgrowths from its dorsal wall, generally containing an axial lumen derived from and in continuity with the central canal.
They occur in the branchial region, and also extend to a variable distance behind it.
He receives both the wild rubber containing variable quantities of impurity and the purer plantation rubber, the latter, however, in much smaller amount.
The micas are extremely complex and variable in composition.
We can prove that if the three equations be satisfied by a system of values of the variable, the same system will also satisfy the Jacobian or functional determinant.
Suppose the switches to be adjusted so that the effective number of turns in the variable coil is loo; the magnetizing forces in the two coils will then be equal, and if the test rod is of the same quality as the standard, the flow of induction will be confined entirely to the iron circuit, the two yokes will be at the same magnetic potential, and the compass needle will not be affected.
It was during this period that he first formed those ideas on the theory of functions of a complex variable which led to most of his great discoveries.
The crop is a variable one, the export in 1905 having been 198,226 hectolitres, while that of 1906 was 96,770 hectolitres.
Motion is obtained from a continuous-current generator driven by an alternating motor with a very heavy fly-wheel, a combination known as the Ilgner transformer, which runs continuously with a constant draught on the generating station, the extremely variable demand of the winding engine during the acceleration period being met by the energy stored in the fly-wheel, which runs at a very high speed.
He first brought the revolutions of our satellite within the domain of Kepler's laws, pointing out that her apparent irregularities could be completely accounted for by supposing her to move in an ellipse with a variable eccentricity and directly rotatory major axis, of which the earth occupied one focus.
The Great Plains are under correspondingly unfavourable conditions, for their scanty rainfall is of very variable amount.
Teeth variable in number, owing to the suppression in some forms of an upper incisor and one or more premolars.
The winter storms often sweep a little to the north of southern Ontario, so that what falls as snow in the north is rain in the south, giving a much more variable winter, often with too little snow for sleighing.
The physical characteristics of these nomadic armies were very variable, since they continually increased their numbers by slaves, women and soldiers of fortune drawn from all the surrounding races.
By precipitation of nickel salts with solutions of the alkaline carbonates, basic carbonates of variable composition are obtained.
The climate of the coast district is hot, moist and unhealthy, with a season of heavy rain lasting from May to November, during which time variable winds, calms and tornadoes succeed one another.
The climate of the Alto Douro is very variable.
The dams or ponds in which the operation is conducted are of variable size, and usually between 4 and 5 ft.
The coins of the Greek dynasts and autonomous towns are struck on a variable standard with a stater of 170 to 180 grs.
For example, the maximum channel conductance should be a RANGE variable, since it can be different at different points on a neuron.
Thirdly, and most significantly, a variable temperature liquid nitrogen cryostat has been successfully commissioned.
The shape of the leaf is however, most variable even upon the same tree, some being entire and others deeply lobed, while there are varieties with leaves crisped, variegated, and variously cut.
They are so variable in habit, size, shape, and color that any number of varieties could be selected from them.
The species is, indeed, a most variable one, having flowers of a brick-red, rich crimson, or sometimes greenish color.
As the color of the blossoms is so variable, the plant is known as S. variabilis, and its varieties have Latin names according to their tints.
Europe. Of all Scillas, S. bifolia is the most variable, and most of the garden forms are better than the type.
The common Sun Rose (H. vulgare) is variable in color, and from it have sprung the many varieties.
In each mission, certain resources are available, with variable land sizes and terrains.
The climate is widely variable, encompassing both high rainfall and arid dessert, while soils are silty loam.
Although the time between ingestion and symptoms is somewhat variable for allergic reactions (IgE-mediated), the vast majority occur within minutes.
Reduction in lifespan from FA complications is also quite variable.
Variable immunodeficiency resulting in increased vulnerability to infections.
Because of its variable symptoms, A-T is often misdiagnosed as a form of cerebral palsy or as slow development.
However, the course of the disease can be quite variable, and it is difficult to predict the outcome for any given individual as A-T varies considerably from patient to patient.
The symptoms of CP and their severity are variable.
Because of the diversity of types of mental disorders influenced by psychosocial factors, and the complexity of diagnosis and treatment, the prognosis for psychosocial disorders is highly variable.
Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a primary immunodeficiency with onset of symptoms typically occurring in the second or third decade of life.
Regular medical observation, treatment of symptoms, and appropriate immune system boosting usually produces a good result in children with common variable immunodeficiency.
It's important to have a spending plan in place for variable expenses like this.
Make sure to keep all receipts, so you can really determine variable expenses and see where your money goes.
Locking in a low fixed interest rate with consolidation can be a much better deal than variable interest rates on different bills, particularly if interest rates are rising.
This is especially true for student consolidation loans, which are offered by the federal government to help graduates combine all their variable loans into one fixed rate.
Now consider a propositional function Fx in which the variable argument x is itself a propositional function.
A similar theory holds for relations which arise from the consideration of propositional functions with two or more variable arguments.
It is already certain that some commercial rubbers contain a variable proportion of a substance of the nature of caoutchouc, but having different properties.
Apart altogether from the facts that this investigation is still in its infancy and that the conditions of experiment are insufficiently understood, its ultimate success is rendered highly problematical by the essential fact that real scientific results can be achieved only by data recorded in connexion with a perfectly nortnal subject; a conscious or interested subject introduces variable factors which are probably incalculable.
In all such measurements a correction should be made in respect of the demagnetizing force due to the joint, and unless the fit is very accurate the demagnetizing action will be variable.
Laplace published in 1779 the method of generating functions, the foundation of his theory of probabilities, and the first part of his Theorie analytique is devoted to the exposition of its principles, which in their simplest form consist in treating the successive values of any function as the coefficients in the expansion of another function with reference to a different variable.
There are also cases in which graphics and mensuration are used jointly; a variable numerical quantity is represented by a graph, and the principles of mensuration are then applied to determine related numerical quantities.
When the original light is white, the presence of some components and the absence of others will usually give rise to coloured effects, variable with the precise circumstances of the case.
The function of a lens in forming an image is to compensate by its variable thickness the differences of phase which would otherwise exist between secondary waves arriving at the focal point from various parts of the aperture.
It is present in variable amounts in limestones of all kinds, although its white ness may there be masked by the presence of iron oxide and other coloured substances.
S i milarly soils can be improved by applying to them marl, a substance consisting of a mixture of clay with variable proportions of lime.
Zinc carbonate, ZnCO 3, occurs in nature as the mineral calamine (q.v.), but has never been prepared artificially, basic carbonates, ZnCO 3 .xZn(OH) 2, where x is variable, being obtained by precipitating a solution of the sulphate or chloride with sodium carbonate.
On distilling such a mixture under constant pressure, a mixture of the two components (of variable composition) will come over until there remains in the distilling flask the mixture of minimum vapour pressure.
The cercaria is just visible to the naked eye and has an oval or discoidal body and usually a long tail of variable form.
He grew less than ever willing to come forward and face the world; his health became "variable and his spirits indifferent."
The fruits are larger than those of the American kind, variable in shape, but have similar properties.
The two condensers to be compared are connected in the branches of a Wheatstone's Bridge and the other two arms R deter- completed with variable resistance boxes.
The Maltese Islands consist largely of Tertiary Limestone, with somewhat variable beds of Crystalline Sandstone, Greensand and Marl or Blue Clay.
Among these were the exponential calculus, and the curve called by him the linea brachistochrona, or line of swiftest descent, which he was the first to determine, pointing out at the same time the relation which this curve bears to the path described by a ray of light passing through strata of variable density.
Two typical forms are in use; in one a liquid is prepared in which the crystal freely swims, the density of the liquid being ascertained by the pycnometer or other methods; in the other a liquid of variable density, the so-called "diffusion column," is prepared, and observation is made of the level at which the particle comes to rest.
These are hollow glass beads of variable density; they may be prepared by melting off pieces of very thin capillary tubing, and determining the density in each case by the method just previously described.
In the adult there is a pair of such glands opening ventrally on the hindmost thoracic segment, or at the base of the abdomen; but in the young insect the glands are situated dorsally and open to the exterior on a variable number of the abdominal terga.
But the method is not available if the separation is to be measured by screws; it is found, in that case, that the direction of the final motion of turning of the screw must always be such as to produce motion of the segment against gravity, otherwise the " loss of time " is apt to be variable.
Forchhammer, however, pointed out that this method gave inexact and variable results, as in the act of.
Coal is an amorphous substance of variable composition, and therefore cannot be as strictly defined as a crystallized or definite mineral can.
Cannel coals are generally variable in quality, being liable to change into shales or black-band ironstones within very short horizontal limits.
This system presents the greatest advantages in point of economy of driving power, especially where the gradients are variable, but is expensive in first cost, and is not well suited for curves, and branch roads cannot be worked continuously, as a fresh set of pulleys worked by bevel gearing is required for each branch.
The heating at the surfaces, the variations in their smoothness, and the variations of the lubrication make continuously variable, and necessitate frequent adjustment of W or of the nuts.
Sifakas are very variable in colouring, but always show a large amount of white.
This number is, however, very variable, and often not Stonecrop (Sedum acre) slightly reduced.
The winds are very variable; the average number of rainy and snowy days is 146 at Riga (rainfall 24.1 in.).
He used a tube of variable length and determined the length resounding to a given fork, (1) when the closed end was the first node, (2) when it was the second node.
When Clerk Maxwell pointed out the way to the common origin of optical and electrical phenomena, these equations naturally came to repose on an electric basis, the connexion having been first definitely exhibited by FitzGerald in 1878; and according as the independent variable was one or other of the vectors which represent electric force, magnetic force or electric polarity, they took the form appropriate to one or other of the elastic theories above mentioned.
If v varies with respect to locality, or if there is a velocity of convection (p,q,r) variable with respect to direction and position, and analytical expression of the relation (ii) assumes a more complex form; we thus derive the most general equations of electrodynamic propagation for matter treated as continuous, anyhow distributed and moving in any manner.
The principal causes of variation in the individual are age, period of lactation, nature and amount of food, state of health, and treatment, such as frequency of milking, &c. The following table indicates the The average quantity of milk yielded by variable, both in individuals and breeds.
The soils of the Piedmont Plateau east of Parr's Ridge are, like the underlying rocks, exceptionally variable in composition, texture and colour.
The ends of this wire are connected to one or more secondary cells of constant electromotive force, a variable resistance being interposed so as to regulate the current flowing through the fine wire.
Liver of sulphur or hepar sulphuris, a medicine known to the alchemists, is a mixture of various polysulphides with the sulphate and thiosulphate, in variable proportions, obtained by gently heating the carbonate with sulphur in covered vessels.
The Branchiopoda have a very variable number of body-segments, with or without a shield, simple or bivalved, and some of the postoral appendages normally branchial.
This " leaf-footed " suborder has the appendages which follow the second maxillae variable in number, but all foliaceous and branchial.
The variable first maxillae are seldom pediform, their function being concerned chiefly with nutrition, sensation and respiration.
The Ascidicolidae have variable characters, showing a gradual adaptation to parasitic life in Tunicates.
Part of this rejoins the North Equatorial Current, and part probably forms the variable Mexican Current, which follows the coasts of Mexico and California close to the land.
The soil in the valleys is volcanic and fertile, but the gradual utilization of natural timber increases the liability to drought, as there are no streams. The climate is variable and rainy.
In Syria it was about 0.728, but variable; in eastern Asia Minor more like the Persian, being 0.732 (25).
The absence of colour changes in variable stars or in the appearance of new stars is further evidence of the same fact.
The precipitation in southern Saskatchewan and Alberta is much more variable than farther east and north, so that in some seasons crops have been a failure through drought, but large areas are now being brought under irrigation to avoid such losses.
In the Limnephilidae the maxillary palp is three-segmented in the male, the larvae are variable in habit, many forming cases of snail-shells.
Towards the end of his life he adopted the view that the elements have been formed by some process of condensation from one primordial substance of extremely small atomic weight, and he expressed the conviction that atomic weights within narrow limits are variable and modified according to the physical conditions in which a compound is formed.
Beliefs regarding the gods and life after death were self-contradictory and variable, but none interfered with the custom of preserving the body.
In the squirrels and porcupines the tibia and fibula are distinct, but in rats and hares they are united, often high up. The hind foot is more variable than the front one, the digits varying in number from five, as in squirrels and rats, to four, as in hares, or even three, as in the capybara, viscacha and agouti.
The climate in the low-lying districts near the coast is moist and foggy, in the plains mild, on the Harz mountains severe and variable.
The permanent committee of the Paris International Congress of 1900, which was held for the purpose of unification of the numerotage of counts, unanimously decided - (a) With reference to cotton, silk and other textiles spun from fibres, that they should be based on a fixed weight and variable length, the unit being one metre to one gramme.
A spectroscope may be compared to a mechanical harmonic analyser which when fed with an irregular function of one variable represented by a curve supplies us with the sine curves into which the original function may be resolved.
There is some reason to believe that this complicated and variable apparatus is used for stabbing the body of another animal and that beginning as a weapon for catching prey it has become modified for hypodermic impregnation and only gradually adapted for insertion into the bursa copulatrix.
This view involves the denial of force as a cause, and the assertion that all we know about force is that the acceleration of one mass depends on that of another, as in mathematics a function depends on a variable; and that even Newton's third law of motion is merely a description of the fact that two material points determine in one another, without reciprocally causing, opposite accelerations.
The chief uncertainty in declination observations, at any rate at a fixed observatory, lies in the variable torsion of the silk suspension, as it is found that, although the fibre may be entirely freed from torsion before beginning the declination observations, yet at the conclusion of these observations a considerable amount of torsion may have appeared.
For this reason some observers use a thin strip of phosphor bronze to suspend the magnet, considering that the absence of a variable torsion more than compensates for the increased difficulty in handling the more fragile metallic suspension.
It was, however, a variable unit, for the Kentish shilling contained twenty sceattas (pence), while the Mercian contained only four.
The sums paid for members of the other classes were more variable; for the freedman, however, they were always lower, and for the noble higher, sometimes apparently three or four times as high.
It is also provided with an azimuth circle or mirror and a shadow pin or style placed in the centre of the glass cover, by either of which the variable angle between the compass north and true north, called the "total error," or variation and deviation combined, can be observed.
In representing on a diagram the phenomena of equilibrium in a two-component system we require a third axis along which p to plot the composition of a variable phase.
It is usual to take three axes at right angles to each other to represent pressure, temperature and the composition of the variable phase..
Beyond variable quantities of moisture and traces of carbonic acid, hydrogen, ammonia, &c., the only constituents recognized were nitrogen and oxygen.
Tears, dejection and passionate expressions of a despair "wishing only for death," bore fitful and variable witness to her first sense of a heavier yoke than yet had galled her spirit and her pride.
The length of the period during which seeds remain dormant after their formation is very variable.
Most bulbs do so naturally to a limited but variable extent; when more rapid increase is wanted the heart is destroyed, and this induces the formation of a larger number of offsets.
It consists, indeed, mainly of iron-pyrites, with a notable but variable proportion of copper, sometimes with silver and gold, and not infrequently associated with lead and zinc sulphides.
As we pass up the scale of plant life we find them becoming more and more variable.
The most important methods may be classified roughly under three heads - (I) Steady Flow, (2) Variable Flow, (3) Electrical.
Since both k and c are generally variable with the temperature, and the mode of variation of either is often unknown, the results of these methods are generally less certain with regard to the actual Carves showing Cie farzalaon of Temperature wilki FIG.
If h also is zero, it becomes the equation of variable flow in the soil.
In the electrical method, observations of the variable flow are useful for finding the value of c for the specimen, but are not otherwise required.
Even were the objects of irrigation always identical, the conditions under which it is carried on are so variable as to preclude calculations of quantity.
These, as shown in the figure, are composed of a variable number of vertical triangular prisms, in contact with one another by two (or one) of their angles.
In that region the Silurian rocks have been invaded by large bosses of granite and have undergone a variable amount of metamorphism which has in some places altered them into hard crystalline schists.
It is well known that some races and some organs in plants and animals are extremely variable, and that others are much less variable, and further, that whilst some of these differences may be due to intrinsic causes, others can be modified by experiment.
Many of the species are very variable and have been differentiated into races or varieties.
The method of lagging the calorimeter with cotton-wool or other non-conductors, which is often recommended, diminishes the loss of heat considerably, but renders it very uncertain and variable, and should never be used in work of precision.
Of the periodic variable stars, the lengths of the periods range from 3 hours 12 minutes, which is the shortest yet determined, to 61o days, the longest.
This was the first variable star to be discovered, having been noticed in 1596 by David Fabricius, who thought it was a new star (a Nova).
The minima likewise are variable, but only slightly so.
Stars having this type of spectrum are always variable, and a large proportion of the more recently discovered long-period variables have been detected through their characteristic spectrum.
Another variable, R Normae 1 is of interest as having a pronounced double maximum in each period.
In both cases the rise to a maximum is more rapid than the decline to a minimum, and in fact some of the minor peculiarities of the sunspot curve are closely imitated by the light-curves of variable stars.
On the other hand, the variations in the light of the sun must be very small compared with the enormous fluctuations in the light of variable stars.
Moreover, the solar period (II years) is far outside the limits of the periods of 1 Variable stars (except those sufficiently bright to have received special names) are denoted by the capital letters R to Z followed by the name of the constellation.
The variable star Lyrae, which is typical of another class, was also discovered by Goodricke in 1784.
Ellipsoidal, pear-shaped or hour-glassshaped stars would all give rise to the phenomena of a short-period variable, and doubtless examples of these intermediate forms exist.
The explosion theory regards the outburst as similar to the outbreak of activity of a longperiod variable.
There is one unique star, which is of special interest as occupying rather an intermediate position between a nova and a long-period variable.
These systems appear as a connecting link between short-period variable stars on the one hand and telescopic double stars on the other.
The following works of reference and catalogues deal with special branches of the subject; for variable stars, Chandler's ” Third Catalogue," Astronomical Journ.
Before the end of the war Mexican laws not incompatible with United States laws were by international law supposed to be in force; but nobody knew what they were, and the uncertainties of vague and variable alcalde jurisdictions were increased when Americans began to be alcaldes and grafted English common-law principles, like the jury, on Californian practices.
The large wombat of the mainland is variable in colour, some individuals being pale yellowish brown, others dark grey and some black.
The greatest variability in temperature conditions in the state occurs in the Blue Ridge, Newer Appalachian Provinces, where the most rugged and variable topography is likewise found.
The crystalline rocks of the Piedmont area are covered with residual soils of variable composition and moderate fertility.
Evidently the quadratic moment for a variable plane through 0 will have a stationary value when, and only when, the plane coincides with a principal plane of (26).
From the purely kinematic point of view, the t of our formulae may be any continuous independent variable, suggested (it may be) by some physical process.
When the velocity ratio is variable, the line of contact will shift its position in the plane C1OC2, and the wheels will be cones, with eccentric or irregular bases.
We give the name bread to a substance containing variable proportions of flour and water.
It is a matter of common observation that the blue of the sky is highly variable, even on days that are free fromaclouds.
The results of his observations of nebulae are contained in two catalogues published in the Astronomische Beobachtungen der Grossherzoglichen Sternwarte zu Mannheim, 1st and 2nd parts (1862 and 1875), and those of his variable star observations appeared in the Jahresberichte des Mannheimer Vereins fur Naturkunde, Nos.
In most birds the tendon is split into several portions, one of which is often attached to the outer side of the ulna, below the elbow joint, while others are in variable but characteristic ways connected with similar slips of the propatagialis longus.
It is found that the number of atoms of a given element, of chlorine, for example, which unite with an atom of each of the other elements is very variable.
The colour is very variable, and often beautiful, but the mineral is too soft for personal decoration, though it forms a handsome material for vases, &c. In some fluor-spar the colour is disposed in bands, regularly following the contour of the crystal.
Hartwig in 1885, and subsequently spectroscopically examined by many observers; R Andromedae, a regularly variable star; and the Andromedids, a meteoric swarm, associated with Biela's comet, and having their radiant in this constellation (see Meteor).
Convalescence is, however, generally slow, and recovery may be imperfect - the disease continuing in a chronic form, which may exist for a variable length of time, giving rise to much suffering, and not unfrequently leading to an ultimately fatal result.
The progress of this survey was marked by a number of important discoveries of " new " and variable stars and of spectroscopic binaries, mainly through the acumen of Mrs Williamina Paton Fleming of Harvard College in scrutinizing the negatives forming the data for the great catalogue.
The Poisson Distribution Recall what we meant by a random variable.
To implement read-only variables, command will have to restore the old value of the variable.
In addition, the Avon 210 engines were fitted with a fully variable reheat system.
The deal between Siemens and D&M will be extended this year to include variable speed drives, focusing on retrofit applications.
Bafflingly variable entrance fees from free (Fri lunch, Sun pm) to £ 2.50 (Fri or Sat eve).
No. The scholarships scheme applies only to students who will be paying the new variable or flexible fees from 2007/08.
Variable tipping height by means of a scissor lift.
This dashboard / console mounted variable controller will allow you to adjust and increase the fuel flow into your Rolls royce silver seraph engine.
The second, the Variable Margins experiment, looked at the effect of the width of set-aside margins.
The setter function is called when the value is set to the variable.
To discover this we'll use a special shell variable which is already supplied for us.
Resin slates not made in a press can often be more variable than clay tiles due to the wet nature of the process.
This can be achieved by setting the environment variable classpath to specify where Java tools should look for the classes.
The substitution variable " $ others " shows where to put the list of other contributors.
Splendid, Variable and Beautiful Sunbirds were all present as were Cardinal, Gray and Fine-spotted Woodpeckers.
Morning saw more Variable Sunbirds, plus Speke 's Weavers in the trees.
Existing theories of abstract syntax are inadequate; we will develop improved algebraic theories, covering variable binding and structured types.
Base template oopsbase.tmpl The first line declares a delimiter variable called " sep ", used to separate multiple link items.
These techniques are direct far-field, near-field scanning, variable aperture in the far-field, and transverse offset.
This circuit has a level control and peak display indicator, a variable trigger threshold and trigger indication.
Most of the mice inoculated with highly variable BHK-21 cells developed malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT).
The burners have variable geometry combustion heads, allowing for greater turndown capability and flexibility in installing the burners on different applications.
The variable interest rate is calculated based on adding 3 percent to the Prime Rate.
It has a variable rate that is based on the Wall Street Journal Prime rate.
The variable interest rate starts at 14.50 percent.
Amortization schedules are not an efficient tool for tracking variable rate mortgages, but they work very well for fixed interest rates.
You may obtain fixed and variable rate loans with interest rates around 4 percent, depending on the offerings of financial institutions.
As there are many types of owner-financed contracts with variable terms, conditions, and even ambiguities, it behooves a buyer to understand all aspects of a transaction of this type before signing on the dotted line.
However, most interest-only mortgages have variable terms.
Several models are available, including selections for those who want to occasionally make homemade juice through heavy duty speed extractors with variable speeds and powerful 1000 watt processing.
The pitcher is made from strong poly carbonate plastic and is capable to withstand anything the eight variable speeds can throw at it.
There are variable features such as the settings for cooling and fan speeds, similar to the ones you'd find in a window unit.
A digital readout is also featured on the base and it displays the time and the variable speed settings which range from one to eight.
This is a strong blender that easily purees, blends and chops through anything with its variable speed control.
With its variable speed, blending is easily controlled and the unit even has a turbo button for a blast of power when you need it most.
It also features push button controls, variable speeds and an easy-to-read digital readout.
Dehumidification is controlled by a dehumidistat that features a variable on and off switch.
The Power Pro also has variable settings that allow you to adjust the steam direction whenever needed.
Celiac sprue symptoms are highly variable and can closely mimic symptoms of many common digestive disorders.
High Sierra calls their Variable bag a "virtual office on wheels".
The word "free'" has a variable meaning for each website.
The potting soil must be the same, the water must be the same, the size of the pot must be the same, etc. The only thing that is different in the course of the project or experiment is the independent variable.
The independent variable is the part of the project that is tested or changed.
In this case, the independent variable would be adding or not adding the plant food.
It needs to have several parts including a control and a variable.
Experiments can be difficult to set up--most students struggle with identifying both a control and a variable.
A budget also estimates spending for groceries, clothing, gifts, entertainment, and other variable discretionary expenses.
The most controversial aspect of the debt snowball approach is that it does not consider the possibility of variable interest rates on different types of accounts.
The variable lacing system provides support and a custom fit.
The dual nature of the Gemini has led astrologers to ascribe such traits as mercurial and restless to Geminis, as well as two faces and variable personalities.
Like the knots themselves, Celtic knot tattoos are infinitely variable and allow for complete self-expression.
The only variable with this type of package is that Apple Vacations selects your hotel for you.
Variable volume - the clocks feature the option to adjust the volume.
Medical research indicates stress as one of the primary causes of disease along with other variable factors.
Interest rates can be fixed or variable and negotiated with the lender.
Fixed or variable rates are negotiated between the borrower and the lender subject to SBA maximums, pegged to the prime rate.
Variable rates can be pegged to either the lowest prime rate or the SBA optional peg rate, a weighted average of rates the fed pays for, calculated quarterly and published in the "Federal Register."
The only variable is related to how much or how little anxiety you are going to deal with as the deadline approaches.
Create one or two paragraphs that highlight fixed and variable costs you anticipate; how long will it take for your business to break even; how many months before you anticipate seeing positive cash flow?
The 2001 model featured improved variable valve technology to help cut emissions.
While pricing is an important consideration when choosing someone to help with your spring cleaning, it is not the only variable that you should consider.
Like all other companies, the websites of bead stores are incredibly variable in quality.
As your fitness level improves, you can tackle more challenging walks by covering more distance or walking in areas with variable terrain.
Some companies even make variable resistance dumbbells, which allow you to adjust the weight of a single dumbbell by pressing a few buttons.
Unlike free weights and machine weights, resistance bands provide variable resistance throughout the exercise, with light resistance at the start and end of each exercise, and greater resistance as the band stretches to its limits.
Plans include whole life insurance, variable life insurance, universal life insurance, and term life insurance.
While universal life policies are usually restricted to investments of bonds or mortgage investments, a variable life policy may include stocks.
These include different variations using variable terms, premiums or interest rates.
A variable annual percentage rate is necessary for individuals who do not pay off their costs within the allotted timeframe, or if the minimum payment is not made on time.
Those who do not meet the terms of the promotion may need to pay the variable APR on certain costs.
Fixed and Variable Annuities - The annuities offered by IDS can help you build a retirement portfolio that offers deferred tax benefits.
Use the Find an Advisor feature by entering your zip code to locate an independent broker who works with IDS who can help you set up either a fixed or variable annuity.
Instead of high variable interest rates, this program features low interest rates that do not fluctuate wildly.
It may be fixed or variable depending on the type of policy that you choose.
Understand the hidden costs of variable annuities when deciding upon this type of investment.
A variable annuity is a financial product that is purchased by an individual from an insurance company.
It is best that any person interested in variable annuities speak with a financial adviser in order to obtain more details on this investment option.
Variable annuities offer people the option of receiving payments throughout their life.
The accumulation phase does reveal some hidden costs of variable annuities, such as fees that may be charged as a result of changing your portfolio options.
The second phase of a variable annuity is the payout phase.
There are a number of hidden costs of variable annuities that should be noted before deciding to make an investment of this sort.
One of the biggest disadvantages to the variable annuity is the IRS annuity penalty.
In addition, loss of capital is always a possibility when including equities in a variable annuity, as there is the risk that such products will not perform well in the market.
Management and administrative fees are also prevalent when you purchase variable annuities.
Individuals should make sure to speak to someone in detail about their options and any fees when considering variable annuities as an investment option.
Annuities are available in two specific traits, which include fixed and variable rate.
Variable rate annuities, on the other hand, are popular for those who want to earn money quickly.
You can simply select the variable that you would like to retrieve in regards to the return on the annuity.
These particular types of calculators can help you to determine the regular payout amount for an immediate annuity or the final payout for both variable and fixed annuities.
You should know that you can choose between immediate income payments versus deferred ones, fixed or variable payment amounts, and more.
Metlife offers variable, income, and fixed annuities to its customers.
Variable annuities are similar to indexed annuities in that the returns and growth is set up to track the stock market.
However, with variable annuities, returns aren't only tied to fixed indexes like the S&P 500.
Those, in combination with the insurance company management fees, usually make variable annuities unaffordable to older investors.
Instead of retirement vehicles, variable annuities are often utilized by business owners in order to insure against liability and business losses.
At the same time, the funds start accumulating a fixed or variable interest rate, depending on which type of account the investor chooses.
Another feature to consider about these helmets is the fixed shade or the variable shade.
This option is also less expensive than a variable shade, in most situations.On the other hand, most welders move from place to place and will use a variety of materials in the process.
If this is describes how you weld, it is a good idea to choose a variable shade because it provides you with that extra layer of protection and comfort.
For example, to set a "dimension variable" one would first use the code "Dim" (stating that a dimension variable is coming) and then naming the variable itself (something intuitive to the designer, such as "simpleVar").
Once a variable is declared (you don't need to declare the data type, VBScript only has one type) you have to do something with it.
That puts the string This Message is being written using VBScript into the variable, but we still need to do something with it.
You can find a list of these at the reserved variable page on
Variable bit rate helps the music play more smoothly; the service offers 128k stereo streaming via their site.
Whether the content being displayed is from a stored variable or the result of another function, a string function is necessary to display this information.
A PHP array is a variable that stores several values within a single variable.
On this and other accounts the coloration of the sky is highly variable.
Over this primary is wound a secondary circuit of five to ten turns which has one end connected to the earth through a variable inductance coil and the other end to an antenna.
The posterior, so-called processus Zygomaticus is very variable; in many Galli it encloses a foramen by distally joining the orbital process.
Between these, resting vertically upon the rostrum, appears the vomer; very variable in shape and size, often reduced to a mere trace, as in the Galli, or even absent, broken up into a pair of tiny splints in Pici.
The pectineal process is variable; it may grow entirely from the pubis, or both pubis and ilium partake of its formation, or lastly its pubic portion may be lost and the process is entirely formed by the ilium.
The carabid larva is an active well-armoured grub with the legs and cerci variable in length.
The coefficient of friction is a variable quantity depending upon the state of the rails, but is usually taken to be This is the fundamental equation between the forces acting, however the torque may be applied.
The lead is variable in the Stephenson link motion, whilst in the Walschaert and the Joy gears it is constant.
The possession of a variable number of excretory tubes (Malpighian tubes), which are developed as outgrowths of the hind-gut and pour their excretion into the intestine,is also a distinctive character of the Hexapoda.
On either side a variable amount of convex area is occupied by the compound eye; in many insects of acute sense and accurate flight these eyes are very large and sub-globular, almost meeting on the middle line of the head.
But that view which admits a life of God that is not benumbed in an unchangeable sameness will be able to understand his eternal co-working as a variable quantity, the transforming influence of which comes forth at particular moments and attests that the course of nature is not shut up within itself.
The following table gives a comparative view of the specific heats and the ratio for molecules of variable atomic content.
In this group the incisors and canines are very variable in number and form; the lower canine being separated by only a short gap from the outer incisor (when present), but by a long one from the first premolar, which is in contact with the second.
Under the general heading "Analysis" occur the subheadings "Foundations of Analysis," with the topics theory of functions of real variables, series and other infinite processes, principles and elements of the differential and of the integral calculus, definite integrals, and calculus of variations; "Theory of Functions of Complex Variables," with the topics functions of one variable and of several variables; "Algebraic Functions and their Integrals," with the topics algebraic functions of one and of several variables, elliptic functions and single theta functions, Abelian integrals; "Other Special Functions," with the topics Euler's, Legendre's, Bessel's and automorphic functions; "Differential Equations," with the topics existence theorems, methods of solution, general theory; "Differential Forms and Differential Invariants," with the topics differential forms, including Pfaffians, transformation of differential forms, including tangential (or contact) transformations, differential invariants; "Analytical Methods connected with Physical Subjects," with the topics harmonic analysis, Fourier's series, the differential equations of applied mathematics, Dirichlet's problem; "Difference Equations and Functional Equations," with the topics recurring series, solution of equations of finite differences and functional equations.
Thus by fixing one variable we fix the state of the whole system.
The apothecia, though of the normal fungal type and usually disk-shaped, are somewhat more variable, and since the Morphologie and Biologie der Pilze, Mycetozoen und 1 The thalline margin (margo thallinus) is the projecting edge of a special layer of thallus, the amphithecium, round the actual apothecium; the proper margin (margo proprius) is the projecting edge of the apothecium itself.
For example, in a one-dimensional system such as a string or a bar, we have one dependent variable, and two independent variables x and t.
If the range of the independent variable or variables is unlimited, the value of in is at our disposal, and the solution gives us the laws of wave-propagation (see WAVE).
When a continuous motion produces a reciprocating motion, or vice versa, or when a reciprocating motion produces a motion not reciprocating at the same instant, the directional relation is said to be variable.
If the velocity ratio is to be variable, as in s Williss Class B, the figures of the wheels are a pair of rolling curves, subject to the condition that the distance between their poles (which are the centres of rotation) shall be constant.
Veitchii, a more recent introduction (1868) from Japan, has smaller leaves very variable in shape; it clings readily to stone or brick work by means of suckers at the ends of the branched tendrils.
It works in conjunction with the disk and scroll, the cones, or the expanding pulley, to impart an intermittingly variable speed to the bobbin (each layer of the bobbin has its own particular speed which is constant for the full traverse, but each change of direction of the builder is accompanied by a quick change of speed to the bobbin).
The builder, which receives its motion from the disk and scroll, from the cones, or from the expanding pulley, has also an intermittingly variable speed.
The climate is mild, but moist and variable.
The sea-fisheries, which are prosecuted principally in the calm waters within the skargard, are a variable source of wealth.
The nature of the reproduction consists in the rays proceeding from a point 0 being united in another point 0'; in general, this will not be the case, for E', vary if, 77 be constant, but x, y variable.
The Scotch fir is a very variable tree, and certain varieties have acquired a higher reputation for the qualities of their timber than others; among those most prized by foresters is the one called the Braemar pine, the remaining fragments of the great wood in the Braemar district being chiefly composed of this kind; it is mainly distinguished by its shorter and more glaucous leaves and ovoid cones with blunt recurved spines, and especially by the early horizontal growth of its ultimately drooping boughs; of all varieties this is the most picturesque.
This God he could not discover in the Old Testament; on the contrary, he saw there the revelation of a just, stern, jealous, wrathful and variable God, who requires from his servants blind obedience, fear and outward righteousness.
Resolving horizontally we find T (COS 02 - COS 01)+2gp (y22-3/12) =0, whence cos 02 = COS gpy12 - gpy22, 2T 2 T or if we suppose P 1 fixed and P2 variable, we may write cos constant - Zgpy2/T.
Even when used in conjunction with purely morphological characters, these physiological properties are too variable to aid us in the discrimination of species and genera, and are apt to break down at critical periods.
The current is extremely variable, from 2 m.
Sagittae is a short period variable, period 8.38 days, range in magnitude 5.6 to 6.4.
Yerli opium is of good quality, variable in size and shape; the surface is usually rough with Rumex capsules.
The minerals embolite, megabromite and microbromite, occurring in Chile, are variable mixtures of the chloride and bromide.
This area is not constant, as the water is very shallow at the margins, and the relation between supply from precipitation, &c., and loss by evaporation is variable, there being an annual difference in the height of the water of 15-18 in.
The winds are variable; at no season of the year is it usual for them to blow from the same direction for many days in succession.
Whether these local phases of a single variable type are best denominated races or species, must be largely a matter of individual opinion.
The South American kinds contain a variable admixture of inferior barks, and the cultivated Indian barks comprise, under the respective names of yellow, pale, and red barks, a number of varieties.
In buildings to be used as offices, hotels, apartments, &c., it is usual in establishing the loads for the purpose of computation to assume that the columns carrying the roof and the upper storey will be called upon to sustain the full dead load due to material and the maximum computed variable load, but it is customary' to reduce the variable loads at the rate of about 5% storey by storey towards the base, until a minimum of about 20% of the entire variable load is reached, for it is evidently impossible that the building can be loaded by a densely-packed moving crowd in all of its storeys simultaneously.
In the case of factories and buildings used for storage purposes the maximum variable load which can be imposed for any serious length of time on each floor must be used without reduction in computing the loads of the lower column, and proper allowances must be made for vibrating loads.
In very short girders the shear must be computed, and in long girders the deflexion, particularly the flexure from the variable load, since a flexure of more than of the length is liable to crack the plastering of the ceilings carried by the girders.
The political problems of the time interested him greatly, and his writings include two able letters to Sir Robert Peel, one dealing with the Variable Standard of Value, the other with the Increase of Pauperism (Oxford, 1819).
During April and November the winds are variable.
Owing, however, to the very variable permeability of the strata, the tributaries of the Thames, when separately gauged in dry seasons, yield the most divergent results.
Of the total quantity of rainfall a very variable proportion is rapidly absorbed or re-evaporated.
We do not always know the least resistance which it is safe to give to a retaining wall subject to the pressure of earth, or conversely, the maximum resistance to side-thrust which natural or embanked earth will afford, because we wisely neglect the important but very variable element of adhesion between the particles.
In determining the dimensions of corresponding drums of cone pulleys it is evident that for a crossed belt the sum of the radii of each pair remains a constant, since the angle a is constant, while for an open belt a is variable and the values of the radii are then obtained by solving the equations r 1 = l/ir - c(a sin a + cos a) + 2c sin a, r 2 = l/7r - c(a sin a +cos_a) - lc sin a.
A bud is given off from the sicula at a variable distance along its length.
Histologically, the perisarc or test in the Graptoloidea appears to be composed of three layers, a middle layer of variable structure,.
The colour is variable.
The crop is very variable, according to seasons and prospective markets; ranging e.g.
In further illustration of the Pluekerian dual generation of a curve, we may consider the question of the envelope of a variable curve.
At any one of the m 2 -26 - 3K points the variable curve and the consecutive curve have tangents distinct from yet infinitesimally near to each other, and each of these two tangents is also infinitesimally near to one of the n 2 -2T-3t common tangents of the two curves; whence, attending only to the variable curve, and considering the consecutive curve as coming into actual coincidence with it, the n 2 -2T-3c common tangents are the tangents to the variable curve at the m 2 -26-3K points respectively, and the envelope is at the same time generated by the m 2 -26-3K points, and enveloped by the n2-2T-3c tangents; we have thus a dual generation of the envelope, which only differs from Pliicker's dual generation, in that in place of a single point and tangent we have the group of m2-26-3K points and n 2 -2T-3c tangents.
The parameter which determines the variable curve may be given as a point upon a given curve, or say as a parametric point; that is, to the different positions of the parametric point on the given curve correspond the different variable curves, and the nature of the envelope will thus depend on that of the given curve; we have thus the envelope as a derivative curve of the given curve.
Many well-known derivative curves present themselves in this manner; thus the variable curve may be the normal (or line at right angles to the tangent) at any point of the given curve; the intersection of the consecutive normals is the centre of curvature; and we have the evolute as at once the locus of the centre of curvature and the envelope of the normal.
Considerations such as these have been used for determining the series of values of the independent variable, and the irrational functions thereof in the theory of Abelian integrals, but the theory seems to be worthy of further investigation.
Many mammals have a longer hairy coat in winter, which is shed as summer comes on; and some few, which inhabit countries covered in winter with snow, as the Arctic fox, variable hare and ermine, undergo a complete change of colour in the two seasons, being white in winter and grey or brown in summer.
Ferrum redactum, reduced iron, a powder containing at least 75% of metallic iron and a variable amount of oxide.
The Fast of the Nativity lasts for twenty-eight days before Christmas; that of the Apostles for a variable number of days from the Feast of the Ascension; and that of the Virgin for fifteen days before the Assumption.
In mathematics, the term " infinite " denotes the result of increasing a variable without limit; similarly, the term " infinitesimal," meaning indefinitely small, denotes the result of diminishing the value of a variable without limit, with the reservation that it never becomes actually zero.
The rate of motion is slightly variable from century to century owing to the secular motion of the plane of the ecliptic. Its period, with the present rate of motion, would be about 26,000 years, but the actual period is slightly indeterminate from the cause just mentioned.
The gneiss is mostly grey, but occasionally pinkish, its essential constituents (felspar and quartz) being almost always associated with dark mica (biotite) and hornblende in variable quantity.
Emotions and volitions, he holds, are not directly self-preservations of the soul, as our presentations are, but variable states of such presentations resulting from their interaction when above the threshold of consciousness.
But at any stage the actual constituents of this "complexion" are variable; the concrete presentation of Self is never twice the same.
In the British Isles, though the conditions are variable enough, they are less extreme, and, fortunately for those engaged in the pursuit, only one size of frame is acknowledged by the great majority of bee-keepers, viz.
Astronomers were only then beginning to study variable and periodic stars, and disturbances in that part of the heavens, which had till then, on the authority of Aristotle, been regarded as incorruptible, combined with the troubles of the times, must have given a new stimulus to belief in the signs in heaven.
That experiments, founded on the study of his nature and properties, which have from time to time been made to improve the breed, and bring the different varieties to the perfection in which we now find them, have succeeded, is best confirmed by the high estimation in which the horses of Great Britain are held in all parts of the civilized world; and it is not too much to assert that, although the cold, humid and variable nature of their climate is by no means favourable to the production of these animals in their very best form, Englishmen have by great care, and by sedulous attention to breeding, high feeding and good grooming, with consequent development of muscle, brougnt them to the highest state of perfection of which their nature is capable.
The number of legs tends to be variable whenever it exceeds 19 praegenital pairs; when the number is less than that it is usually, though not always, constant.
A variable number of posterior legs of the males anterior to the genital opening with one or two large papillae carrying the openings of the crural glands; well-developed coxal organs present on most of the legs.
The number of legs usually if not always variable in the same species; the usual number is 28 to 32 pairs, but in some species 40 to 43 pairs are found.
This expensive method was simplified in 1837 by Andrew Ross by making the upper and lower portion of the objective variable by means of a so-called correction-collar, and so giving the objective a corresponding under-correction according, to the thickness of the glass cover.
The longitudinal course of the vascular bundles and their relation to the leaves in Calamarieae generally followed the Equisetum type, though more variable and sometimes more complex.
The rainy season accompanied by variable winds sets in at the end of November, and lasts for about six months.
Its eccentric orbit makes it take on a variable role in history.
They were able to emulate the behavior by creating a form-level variable to track the control.
You can infer which variable affects which outcome.
A risk propensity variable indicates an agent's inclination to carry out investments.
We could, therefore, abstract the variable from the feature in the adverb phrase rather than the adverb phrase rather than the adverb.
The system contains only algebraic equations and o.d.e.s with a single independent variable (normally time ).
Observe the prototype in line 4 where the second variable has an ampersand in front of the variable name.
The geometric mean of a continuous variable is calculated by taking the antilog of the mean of the logged original values.
The site includes information about freediving disciplines including constant weight, variable weight, free immersion, no-limits, static apnea and dynamic apnea.
Daily variable demands on electricity and cooling can be balanced to achieve a relatively constant demand for power and thermal output around-the-clock.
Individually self-interested behavior can then be modeled as empirically variable, not axiomatic.
The plumage is very variable, including red beret, tweed jacket and an orange proboscis.
The comma instructs Prolog to evaluate the second clause with these same variable bindings.
However, eosinophilic bronchitis differs from asthma in that there is no variable airflow obstruction or airway hyperresponsiveness in the former condition.
Careful rotational heather burning by the gamekeeper maintains a mosaic of heather of variable age.
More signifcantly, the chassis received a myriad of upgrades, which included variable rate damping and improved bushing, among the many tweaks.
Diagnosis Osteoid Osteoma of the Spine Discussion The nidus may be radiolucent or may contain calcifications with variable surrounding sclerotic reaction.
In Morgan's refinement calculus it appears with respect to initial variable values.
Cepheid (variable)is a sort of star known as a cepheid variable.
But what are we to say about the rudimentary and variable vertebrae of the terminal portion of the tail, forming the os coccyx?
In 2000, Olympus introduced the worldâs first variable flexibility colonoscope.
Variable sized online interval coloring with bandwidth We consider online coloring of intervals with bandwidth in a setting where colors have variable capacities.
Component parts of a simple variable mica compensator for polarizing microscopes.
A continuous variable is one where the information is on a continuous variable is one where the information is on a continuous scale, for example height in cm or blood loss in ml.
On other native plants in California the symptoms are quite variable but are usually associated with leaf spotting and branch dieback.
The next best discriminator was a fixation disparity variable.
This variable is set automatically by the xterm terminal emulator.
Print a summary of tilde escapes, paged through the command specified by the PAGER variable.
Cases were deaths known to occur in a hospice and the exposure variable was Asian ethnicity, based on the patient's name.
The climate variable is based on three levels of potential evapotranspiration (ET ), which are represented by three sites in eastern Colorado.
A variable quantity is involved in biliary excretion in unknown forms.
Human genetic studies are impeded by inconsistent loss of genetic material, variable expressivity, and decreased penetrance.
They have no reversible valve gear or variable cutoff.
An exclusive touch is provided by the variable section aluminum handlebar.
We refer to this alteration of echogenicity of cavernous hepatic hemangioma as a " variable echo sign " .
Hessian element for the variable specified is set to this number.
However, areas were variable and some areas appeared hostile to adoption.
The problem is that a variable name is an XML QName, which can include hyphens.
These variations result in spatially variable surface roughness patterns which are detectable on SAR imagery.
Method of changing the independent variable not relevant to the problem under investigation.
If the first character of parameter is an exclamation point, a level of variable indirection is introduced.
Mean daily intake averaged over 6 days was main outcome variable.
They were able to incorporate their variable tilt counterbalance in a smaller package by using easily interchangeable springs.
High quality pre-amp with variable gain control and band pass filters to minimize interference.
The area occupied by the spokes is very irregular, being marked out by the supports of the branch, which are infinitely variable.
Whenever the -machine interprets as a construct for parallelism, it creates a new state with its own initial continuation variable k and store.
Some variable declarations and lex definitions might be needed in more than one lex source file.
The time it takes a flea to complete this life cycle is extremely variable.
Variable universal life insurance lasts for your whole life and has options included to help you make money on your life insurance.
A ' port knocking ' daemon monitors firewall logs, which can have variable levels of detail.
The open waters of the lough hold a range of aquatic plants, whilst a variable swamp fringe can be found surrounding the lough.
We'll then put a value into a variable called multiplier.
Statistical analysis multivariate analyzes were done by Poisson regression with mortality as the dependent variable.
By contrast, a woman with a heteroplasmic mtDNA mutation, may transmit a variable amount of mutated mtDNA to her children.
Note however that the FZC orbitals must precede the orbitals permitted variable occupancy in the active list.
If these measures fail, there are surgical operations which can be tried - but alas the results are variable.
The concept has been further developed to create variable voltage levels that can be measured using an oscilloscope.
The sample in the variable par the child was can take to.
A better understanding of the factors that underlie variable penetrance in mutation carriers is needed to augment our ability to counsel individual women.
And i can be a univariate polynomial over F, then the result is a polynomial in the same variable.
Explain the purpose of variable pitch and constant-speed propellers.
Incidentally we have decided against a variable pitch propeller.
A variable bound by a universal quantifier can be replaced with a name for some individual in the domain.
One can formalize this by using restricted quantifiers, which incorporate a restriction on the domain over which the variable in question ranges.
It is restricted to consideration of a single random variable and covers fundamental concepts.
Each of the elements has a variable reactance which must be altered to produce the desired performance.
A variable resistor very flowed in a manual box.
The laser-etched reticle is evenly illuminated by a red LED, with illumination variable from bright to faint.
Therefore, in spite of the variable proportions of each component, our results confirm that the synovial sarcoma is of monoclonal origin.
The effectiveness of these is probably variable, and there is little scientific evidence of their effectiveness.
The variable pitch of the screw flights uniformly draws material from the hopper and resists segregation of the product.
Road traffic noise is variable and the frequency spectrum itself is not ideal for masking speech.
Nature is variable because the heavenly spheres vary their state, and therefore human beings vary in their qualities.
A quick spool release thumb bar and variable braking system comes as standard, as do star drag and aluminum spool.
The resulting vector, stored in the variable bad, contains the subscripts of the elements of data that are less than zero.
The wall-posts were driven through the clay floors into the timber substructure for a variable depth down to 2 ft. 6 in.
Each reduction rule contributes to the final summation formula by a numerical factor or by an additional summation variable.
Splendid, Variable and beautiful sunbirds were all present as were Cardinal, Gray and Fine-spotted Woodpeckers.
Morning saw more variable sunbirds, plus Speke's Weavers in the trees.
Properties of antibodies 1. Antibody structure; variable and constant domains; isotypes; immunoglobulin gene superfamily.
There is therefore a need to understand the range of each variable for which linearity might be a reasonable supposition.
It is a perennial with an extensive rhizome system and forms a sward rather than tussocks but is very variable in habit.
For the time being, RE syllabuses will remain in the hands of those very variable local bodies, the SACREs.