Valid Sentence Examples
The chapter title poses a valid question.
This formula is valid between speeds of 37 and 77 m.
Though I believe it is no longer considered valid, yet I have kept it ever since as one of my treasures.
This with the extracts from her letters, scattered through the report, is the first valid source of information about Helen Keller.
Come on, I think you've seen enough to convince yourself that I have a valid point when I say it's dangerous to wander in the woods.
On the other hand, they are valid evidence for whatever is necessary to their own explanation, i.e.
But there were valid objections to either course.
On the critical side this teaching is now admittedly valid against the older empiricism, and the cogency of the reasoning by which his constructive theory is supported is generally recognized.
With such salts alone is a valid comparison possible.
This reveals the empiricist temper, and points to an attempted empiricist solution of great problems. Butler holds that more ambitious philosophies are valid, but he shrinks from their use.
AdvertisementAn unbaptized person is also incapable of valid ordination.
If, on the other hand, succession through females was valid, he could trace his descent through his mother from Henry III.
It is not here possible to do more than indicate what appear to be the valid elements in these two conflicting interpretations of the requirements of a true idealism.
Or is it simply a reiteration of his sceptical contrast between phenomena and noumena, and of his confinement of (valid) knowledge to the former?
The sittings of both houses are public, and an absolute majority of the members must be present to make a sitting valid.
AdvertisementReason - under conditions of sensation - created the world of (valid) knowledge; Reason created the practical world of duty.
In other words; whenever philosophy g teaches a doctrine of the Absolute, and regards such doctrine as valid and certain, we have the essence of an ontological or a priori argument.
He became very expensive in his habits, fell at times into difficulties, and had to urge his valid claims upon the marquis's attention.
Subsequently, on the 23rd of May, their marriage was declared valid and that with Catherine null, and in June Anne was crowned with great state in Westminster Abbey.
He argues against the setting up of classic art as an unchanging type, valid for all peoples and all times.
AdvertisementWhenever the name of the three-one God is used, the sacrament is declared valid by whomsoever it may be performed.
Parker's consecration was, however, only made legally valid by the plentitude of the royal supremacy; for the Edwardine Ordinal, which was used, had been repealed by Mary and not re-enacted by the parliament of 1559 Parker owes his fame to circumstances rather than to personal qualifications.
Is a simoniacal ordination valid ?
This is probably apocryphal, but the principle is valid.
Arguments on both sides of the issue bring up valid points both for and against the use of solar power to combat global warming.
AdvertisementAt that time, remove the program from your computer or purchase a valid serial number (license) from Adobe.
Doctor Aaron Temkin Beck developed the Beck Anxiety Inventory to fill the need for a test that would measure anxiety levels with reliable and valid results.
On the 11th of October Italy communicated article 7 of the treaty of Uccialli to the European powers, interpreting it as a valid title to an Italian protectorate over Abyssinia.
Five days later he pronounced the marriage between Henry and Anne - which had been secretly celebrated about the 25th of January 1533 - to be valid.
An award may, however, be set aside where the arbitrator has misconducted himself (an arbitrator may also be removed by the court on the ground of misconduct), or where it is ultra vires, or lacks any of the other requisites - above mentioned - of a valid award, or where the arbitrator has been wilfully deceived by one of the parties, or some such state of things exists.
Scots law as to the requisites of a valid award is practically identical with the law of England.
It may be admitted that, in many cases, the distinction between Ultramontanism and Catholicism cannot be clearly traced; and it is impossible to draw a sharp line of severance between the two, which could be absolutely valid under all circumstances and in relation to all questions.
The only valid reason for preferring women to attend men rather than members of their own sex is the difficulty of obtaining a supply of equally well qualified and satisfactory male nurses.
However, it was valid according to American law, and Pope Pius VII.
The exemption is not valid against a debt created for the purchase money, or against taxes levied on the property, or against mechanics' or labourers' liens for work done or material furnished for improvements, or against a mortgage acknowledged by both husband and wife.
All that is certainly known about the antiquity of the sieu is that they were well established in the 3rd century B.C. Their initial point at the autumnal equinox marked by Kio (Spica Virginis) suits a still later date; and there is no valid evidence that the modern series resulted from the rectification of an older superannuated arrangement, analogous to the Krittika sequence of nakshatras.
Foreign readers of Maine have perhaps understood even better than English ones that he is not the propounder of a system but the pioneer of a method, and that detailed criticism, profitable as it may be and necessary as in time it must be, will not leave the method itself less valid or diminish the worth of the master's lessons in its use.
Of 177 species valid in the family Giesbrecht and Schmeil assign 67 to Diaptomus.
Biblical criticism is part of a wider critical movement, but it is noticeable how, from stage to stage, Biblical scholars adopted the various critical methods which as applied to other literatures have been proved valid, rather than themselves initiated them.
Still less is there any valid argument against Philemon.
Of these arguments, then, the first, so far as it is valid, is an argument for the summer, not of A.D.
County certificates issued by the County Board of Examiners are of three classes, valid for one, two and four years respectively.
But, now a century of respite had been granted, the Chaldaeans were at the gates, and there was no sign of valid national repentance.
Henceforth revelation is not a word to the nation spoken through an individual, but a word spoken to one which is equally valid for every one who receives it with like faith.
Holland drove them out in 1816, and, by giving them thus a valid excuse for aiding the Belgian revolution of 1830, secured them the strong position they have ever since held in Belgium; but they have succeeded in returning to Holland.
The Venetians returned, and order was soon restored, but the republic was meditating the seizure of Cyprus, although it had no valid title whatever, and after the death of Caterina's child in 1474 it was Venice which really governed the island.
According to Kant, the ob j ective is valid for all consciousnesses; according to Fichte it is valid for one consciousness.
Thus the complete metaphysical idealism of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre formed out of the incomplete metaphysical idealism of Kant's Kritik, is the theor y on its epistemological side that the Ego posits the non-Ego as a thing in itself, and yet as only a thing existing for it as its own noumenon, and on its metaphysical side that in consequence all reality is the Ego and its own determinations, which are objective, or valid for all, as determinations, not of you or of me, but of the consciousness common to all of us, the pure or absolute Ego.
Further, holding that, " like every other perception, the perception of a human body immediately involves the existence of that body," and, like Fichte, believing in a " common consciousness," he concludes that the evidence of sense is verined by " common consciousness " of the external world as objective in the Kantian sense of universally valid.
Consequently, Kant's explanation of the unity of a thing is that there is always one thing in itself causing in us many phenomena, which as understood by us are objectively valid for all our consciousnesses.
Three of the four judges allowed the defence of the cardinal to be valid; but it was held that the papal rescript upon which he relied for his extraordinary powers as delegate was illegal under statute; and the lord chief justice decided that the plaintiff could not renounce his natural and civil liberty.
Canonically the election was perfectly valid; 1 so that the only popes, to be regarded as legitimate, are the successors of Urban.
Even if the bull encouraged the persecution of witches, in so far as it encouraged the inquisitors to take earnest action, there is still no valid ground for the accusation that Innocent VIII.
It emanated from the king in a general council of the kingdom of Leon and Castile, and consisted of two separate parts; in the first 19 chapters were contained a series of statutes which were to be valid for the kingdom at large, while the rest of the document was simply a municipal charter.'
He held that strength of intellectual conviction cannot be regarded as valid, inasmuch as it is characteristic equally of contradictory convictions.
We may assume that increased stature and breadth imply some sort of inherent physical superiority, and if such an assumption is valid we have in man evidence that albinism is correlated not with constitutional defectiveness but with greater perfectness.
This law has its source in the nature of man as a social being; it would be valid even were there no God, or if God did not interfere in the government of the world.
As a sequel to this declaration the diet, meeting at Frankfort a month later, asserted that the imperial power proceeded from God alone and that the individual chosen by a majority of the electors to occupy this high station needed no confirmation from the pope, or from any one else, to make his election valid.
The votes of a majority of the electors were held to make an election valid.
Most of the states by which these laws had been published had long ago ceased to exist; probably in every case their boundaries had changed, but the laws remained valid (except in those cases in which they had been expressly repealed) for the whole of the district for which they had been originally promulgated.
The bishops meanwhile had held a meeting at Fulda, at the tomb of St Boniface,whence they addressed a protest to the king, and declared that they would be unable to recognize the laws as valid.
The larger political reasons which had brought about the conflict were also no longer valid; the fears to which the Vatican decrees had given.
The latter claimed that the new constitution must be made by agreement with the territories; the former maintained that the constitution of 1861 was still valid, and demanded that in accordance with it the Reichsrath should be summoned and a " constitutional " government restored.
As the existence of the empire would thereby be endangered, Beust interfered; Belcredi was dismissed, Beust himself became minister-president on the 7th of February 1867, and a new edict was issued from Vienna ordering the diets to elect a Reichsrath, according to the constitution, which was now said to be completely valid.
It does not correspond with any valid linguistic or racial difference; but in the course of time a strong religious difference arose.
Once embarked upon such an analysis, where valid process from assured principles gave truth, Aristotle could find little difficulty in determining the formula of demonstrative knowledge or science.
It is a world of communication of thought, where persons as thinkers need to utter in language truths objectively valid for the mundus communis.
Syllogism already defined 1 becomes through exhibition in its valid forms clear in its principle.
Thirdly we have the limiting cases of this in the inductive syllogism 5ui 7riu'mw, 7 a syllogism in the third figure concluding universally, and yet valid because the copula expresses equivalence, and in analogy 8 in which, it has been well said, instances are weighed and not counted.
Of course the counter-contention is no less valid!
Condillac goes a step farther, and sees no necessity for the superstructure at all, with its need of explanation valid or invalid.
This can only be atoned with the original determination by fresh negation in which a new thought-determination is born, which is yet in a sense the old, though enriched, and valid on a higher plane.
His problem was the claim to arrive at propositions universally valid, and so true of the object, whosoever the individual thinker.
So far as jurisdiction is concerned, however, those ' Thus sacraments administered by validly ordained or consecrated priests and bishops are regarded as valid, even when those who administer them are heretics or schismatics.
All these rules are valid, inasmuch as the thicknesses and distances of the lenses are not to be taken into account.
Nor is there any valid geographical difficulty.
Adopting the Kantian standpoint that we can know nothing but phenomena, Lange maintains that neither materialism nor any other metaphysical system has a valid claim to ultimate truth.
Next in importance to excise and customs we have duties levied by means of stamps upon documents or by charges at the time of registering deeds to which registration is necessary for the purpose of being valid.
The so-called Chronicle of Hurul is a modern forgery, and up to the 14th century the only valid authorities are Slavonic, Hungarian and Byzantine chroniclers.
The exemption is not valid against a mortgage, but the mortgage must be executed by both husband and wife, if the householder is married.
It is then to the episcopate, assembled in ecumenical council, and to its chief, that the function of legislating for the whole Church belongs; the inferior authorities, local councils or isolated bishops and prelates, can only make special laws or statutes, valid only for that part of the Church under their jurisdiction.
However papal in their origin, post-Reformation lawyers have regarded them as valid, unless they can be shown to be contrary to the king's prerogative, or to the common or statute law of the realm.
You should decide whether this is a valid comparator in your own setting.
The rates and offers are valid as of August 2010.
Note that these offers are valid as of August 2010.
For purposes of divorce immigration law, divorce is the legal ending of a (valid) marriage.
You don't want to go through the process only to be told by the judge that your reasons for separation are not valid.
If the agreement is a valid one, the Court will likely enforce it in a divorce judgment.
Listening to each other, regarding each other's opinions as valid or important, and keeping the laughter alive will strengthen a flagging relationship.
However, a spouse with a higher income, but who does not have custody of the child, may be required to pay child support if the other spouse shows a valid need.
The following information will help you decide if apple cider vinegar is a valid treatment for ringworm.
Attendees must provide proof of eligibility, either in the form of a valid license or other beauty-related credential.
If you think the email may be valid, type your bank's URL directly into your web browser to check your account.
Lift tickets are also valid at Breckenridge.
These are all valid ways to relieve stress; however, stress relief is as individual to the person as stress is.
He supposes that the conscious content is partly a posteriori, or consisting of given data of sense, and partly a priori, or consisting of categories of understanding, which, being valid for all objects, are contributed by the common consciousness.
Apparently diocesan synods may still enact valid canons without the king's authority; but these bodies are not now called.
In the 3rd century baptism in the name of Christ was still so widespread that Pope Stephen, in opposition to Cyprian of Carthage, declared it to be valid.
Land once afforested became subject to a peculiar system of laws, which, as well as the formalities required to constitute a valid afforestment, have been carefully ascertained by the Anglo-Norman lawyers.
No contract affecting land was valid unless made with the consent of the fine and in the presence of the Aire-Forgaill.
King John and his baronage, relying on the fact that such evocation of cases to a superior, court had never before been known, refused to allow that it was valid.
A far more fatal bar to Edwards claim than the existence of Charles of Navarre was the fact that the peers of France, when summoned to decide the succession question nine years before, had decided that Philip of Valois had the sole valid claim to the crown, and that Edward had then done homage to him for Guienne.
A parliament had been called in November; it voted that all the charters given by the king at Mile End were null and void, no manumissions or grants of privileges could have been valid without the consent of the estates of the realm, and for their own parts they would never consent to such, of their own free will nor otherwise, even to save themselves from sudden death.
England at any rate would have had no valid ground of complaint if the leaders of a buccaneering force had been summarily dealt with by the Transvaal authorities.
This distinction is due to the claim of the Roman Catholic Church to be the only Church, her laws being thus of universal obligation; whereas the laws of the various established Protestant Churches are valid - at least so far as legal obligation is concerned - only within the limits of the countries in which they are established.
The ecclesiastical law of the Church of Rome, on the other hand, whatever its origin, is now valid only in so far as it has the sanction of the authority of the Holy See.
The constitution of 1862, though suspended on Schmerling's fall, was still regarded as legally valid for the cis-Leithan territories, and is the basis on which the present constitution for half the empire was framed.
And the determinism of modern science no longer consists in a crude denial of the reality of conscious processes, or an attempt to explain them as only a sublimated form of matter and its movements; it is content to admit the relative independence of the world of consciousness, while it maintains that laws and hypotheses sufficient to explain material processes may be extended to and will be discovered to be valid of the changing sequences of conscious states of mind.
It is not enough merely to repel the incursions of physiological science, armed with hypotheses and theories valid enough in their own sphere, upon the domain of consciousness.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
But when the data are admittedly so uncertain is a valid inductive argument of such a character possible?
Under the Benefices Act 1898 the official principal of the archbishop is required to institute a presentee to a benefice if the tribunal constituted under that act decides that there is no valid ground for refusing institution and the bishop of the diocese notwithstanding fails to institute him.
The fact that men give different answers to moral problems which seem similar in character, or even the mere fact that men disregard, when they act immorally, the dictates and implicit principles of the moral consciousness is certain sooner or later to produce the desire either, on the one hand, to justify immoral action by casting doubt upon the authority of the moral consciousness and the validity of its principles, or, on the other hand, to justify particular moral judgments either by (the only valid method) an analysis of the moral principle involved in the judgment and a demonstration of its universal acceptation, or by some attempted proof that the particular moral judgment is arrived at by a process of inference from some universal conception of the Supreme Good or the Final End from which all particular duties or virtues may be deduced.
On the whole, there is probably no treatise so masterly as Aristotle's Ethics, and containing so much close and valid thought, that yet leaves on the reader's mind so strong Transi= an impression of dispersive and incomplete work.
The rules of this law must be either deductions from principles of natural law, or determinations of particulars which it leaves indeterminate; a rule contrary to nature could not be valid as law at all.
The bank guarantee law was held to be valid by the United States Supreme Court in 7908 after the attorney-general of the United States had decided that it was illegal.
A valid marriage must be proved in the first instance in order to support a charge of bigamy.
In regard to the second marriage (which constitutes the offence) the English courts have held that it is immaterial whether, but for the bigamy, it would have been a valid marriage or not.
In an Irish case, however, it has been held that to constitute the offence the second marriage must be one which, but for the existence of the former marriage, would have been valid.
The marriage wherever solemnized must be a valid marriage according to the law of the place of solemnization; if void there, no prosecution for bigamy can be founded upon it.
In some jurisdictions, an honest belief that a prior divorce of one of the parties was valid would be a defence to a prosecution for bigamy, in others the contrary is held.
The kernel of the latter lies in the perfectly valid proof which it affords that the tortoise passes through as many positions as Achilles - a view which embodies an accepted doctrine of modern mathematics.
Finally, the last paradox may be interpreted as a valid refutation of the doctrine that space and time are not infinitely divisible.
He was not indeed aware how deeply he had committed himself; otherwise he would have observed that his argument, if valid against the Many of the vulgar, was valid also against the One of Parmenides, with its plurality of attributes, as well as that, in the absence of a theory of predication, it was useless to speculate about knowledge and being.
This, of course, was only Lancastrian claim, never valid, even as such, till the direct male line of John of Gaunt had become extinct.
Investigation shows that of these nineteen 2 only are valid, and rules have been formulated which give the reasons for the invalidity of the remaining 45.
Meanwhile let us call them "intelligible," as being valid for all who comprehend the real and actual by thought, although no such forms are predicable of the real and actual themselves.
But the contradiction here is one we cannot eliminate by the method of relations, because it does not involve anything real; and in fact as a necessary outcome of an "intelligible" form, the fiction of continuity is valid for the "objective semblance," and no more to be discarded than say -1 - I.
Motion, even more evidently than space, implicates the contradictory conception of continuity, and cannot, therefore, be a real predicate, though valid as an intelligible form and necessary to the comprehension of the objective semblance.
In Theology Herbart held the argument from design to be as valid for divine activity as for human, and to justify the belief in a supersensible real, concerning which, however, exact knowledge is neither attainable nor on practical grounds desirable.
More valid instances of the anticipation of modern discoveries may be found in his prevision that a small annual parallax would eventually be found for some of the fixed stars, and that extra-Saturnian planets would at some future time be ascertained to exist, and in his conviction that light travels with a measurable, although, in relation to terrestrial distances, infinite velocity.
This threefold division is only valid so far as the elevation of the Pyrenean chain is concerned, and does not accurately represent its geological structure or general configuration.
This is valid so long as the pencil is in air; but if, on the other hand, the pencil passes from air through a plane surface into an optically denser medium, e.g.
No fewer than five species have been discriminated from various parts of Asia, extending to Japan; but only one of them, the P. leucoptera of Turkestan and Tibet, has of late been admitted as valid.
It created a corporation under the name of the Governor and Company of the English Colony of Connecticut in New England in America, sanctioned the system of government already existing, provided that all acts of the general court should be valid upon being issued under the seal of the colony, and made no reservation of royal or parliamentary control over legislation or the administration of justice.
That such a resort to experience for explanation could lead to no valid conclusion has been already noted as evident to Hume himself.
Finally, the endeavour to find in the conception of God, as the supreme reality, the explanation of experience, is seen to lead to no valid conclusion.
He did have a valid complaint about the telephone, though.
David Hoile and others have given valid reasons for suggesting that the Levelers were the political antecedents of present day Libertarians.
The voters decided to boycott the referendum, which needed a 50% turnout to be valid.
In regard to the vagaries of the human memory an appeal to personal experience is valid.
Email address Please enter a valid email address that you will be checking regularly.
The modern notion of tolerance is that all points of view are equally valid, equally admirable and equally true.
Gombrich's negative comments about caricature are valid but " his positive theory is not so airtight.
Currently the best proof we have that they are valid is mainly anecdotal.
The use of force was only valid as a last resort, with prior, explicit authorization of the Council.
Disabled Car Parking All City Council car parks offer free parking for disabled motorists displaying a valid blue/orange badge.
Is the only thing I need to cross the boarder is a valid drivers license or do they require a passport or something else?
I have been waiting here, poised like a human cannonball, waiting for you to send me a valid power of attorney document.
First Class carnet £ 180.00 Express Class Carnet £ 126.00 A Carnet ticket is 10 single journey tickets valid for 1 year.
Passengers without a valid passport will be refused carriage on international flights.
In which case for the marriage to be valid a civil ceremony is required prior to the religious ceremony.
For private motor vehicles a valid test certificate is required on the third anniversary of its first registration.
Any file descriptor created by the calling pro- cess or by the child process is also valid in the other process.
No attempt is made to prevent random chaff from being recognized as a valid section of the message.
Vehicles on the public highway that do not display a valid tax disk maybe wheel clamped or removed.
To better understand why air temperature alone is not a valid indicator of thermal comfort, see the six basic factors.
The question of delay in paying valid claims is a newer topic, which, it seems to me, does merit consideration.
Equally disturbing was the fact that people are willing to take to the roads without a valid driving license or seriously defective vehicles.
They should have reissued the notices of determination to the liquidator (paragraph 7.4) and sought a valid determination of the open appeals.
Every vote not disallowed at the meeting will be valid.
All schools and settings quoting a valid DfES number are entitled to a 50 per cent discount.
I think here Kevin is being deliberately disingenuous; however, his other point is valid.
But taking the equivalent step of using just the common defining features to represent a disjunction is not valid.
Is this a valid reason when tenants have had easement to these areas for forty years.
Once you pass all three exams, you earn the certification, which is valid for two years.
My son, despite having an impressive gash on his back was young enough for his baby tetanus vaccine to still be valid.
The ugly old hag has a valid point, against Hilda, the noble Dane.
Browsers will convert two-digit hex digits that are preceded by a percent sign into a valid character.
The British Medical Association approved hypnotherapy as a valid medical treatment in 1955 and the American Medical Association followed in 1958.
Accepted forms of id Passengers must present valid photo ID at check-in.
The accuracy of a biometric system could be defined as its combined ability to reject impostors and accept valid users.
In 1996, 1,768 adult informants with three valid blood pressure readings were taking one or more of these medications.
The voucher is valid for one year and will enable you to borrow from up to three participating institutions.
Payment to the Insured by the insurer for an insured by the insurer for an insured benefit shall be a valid discharge of the Insurer's liability.
The government will allocate my estate fairly dying without a valid will is called " dying intestate " .
Dying without a Will A person who dies without making a Will or without making a valid Will, dies intestate.
We will otherwise pay accounts within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice.
Off A quick way of stating that the last price quoted by a market maker is no longer valid.
Is valid to switch to quot inquiry marquis m health problems among.
The chances of guessing a valid cookie at any given time are so minuscule as to be unworthy of further analysis, says Biznet.
Valid children are the existing PI (minor mods to Create) and the new.. .
With minor modifications these results are valid also for a crystal.
Only the computer record can prove a vehicle has a valid mot.
The trick is that those 9 center nonets, put together, also constitute a valid Sudoku.. .
There are literally dozens of perfectly valid reasons why Iran would want nukes.
As a news page we reserve the right to make valid comments as seen from an editorial point of view.
No second or subsequent permits will be issued 2. Car parking refunds will not be given without a valid permit.
If a specified pixel is not a valid index into the colormap, a BadValue error results.
In this case, the internal form is an integer pixel value that is valid only for a particular screen.
There would appear to be no valid case for making honeybee treatments Pom.
For each patient record without a valid postcode, a similar record with a valid postcode is selected at random.
However, you must continue to pay the premium each month for cover to remain valid.
Any ' mechanically propelled ' vehicle used or kept on a public road must display a valid tax disk.
This usually happens where one of the beneficiaries is a child and cannot give a valid receipt to the PRs.
The Catholic bishops had urged voters to boycott the referendum, which needed a 50% turnout to be valid.
Venezuela ' Supreme Court has authorized the extradition request under Venezuelan law, maintaining the charges against Posada Carriles are still valid.
Are the assessment methods used rigorous, valid and reliable?
The view that science has won the battle to be recognized as the only valid form of knowledge is called scientism.
Warrants renewed on national security / economic well-being grounds are valid for a further period of six months.
All will depend upon the intensity of review; and the factors which presently point toward ` judicial self-restraint ' continue to remain valid.
Training is also free of charge to any student whose department confirms that s/he has a valid academic reason for attending the course.
According to Swedish law you need a valid car driver's license to use a snowmobile.
Drivers caught speeding could have their license endorsed to be valid only for driving vehicles with an ISA installed.
So far a scientifically valid approach to testing the quality of thatching straw or reed has not been devised.
If slice is not valid, then the exception subscript is raised.
This makes sure the allocation is valid before calling the superclass.
In addition Drosophila tests were not regarded as valid surrogates for in-vivo tests in mammals.
Accordingly we evaluated the physiological demands of a swim bench to determine if it is reliable and valid for freestyle swimming.
That this process has a valid logical structure can be seen when we notice that it takes the form of an inverted syllogism.
A number of stable factors can be identified which facilitate a statistically valid transfer of estimated WTP functions over time.
Each Column value should be a valid URL to an image file.
During the workshop the students will visit their local woodland and carry out a Biometry Study using the scientifically valid GLOBE Protocols.
Don't you see that the converse is equally valid.
However, the material does not give a statistically valid picture of the state of accident investigations comparing nations.
Many people have raised with me perfectly valid concerns about how the questions were drafted.
Whether such low-Q 2 partons are universally valid could be tested using e.g. low-Q 2 F 2 c data.
Some remain valid despite a lack of interest by their owners to actually complete them.
Only hospital nursing results could therefore be considered valid.
On 6 October DOT detained the vessel because of non-possession of a valid FVC.
All foreigners entering Venezuela by land require a valid visa.
The standard tourist visa costs £ 30, valid for six months from the date of issue.
Regulators should not be too wedded to their own interpretation but recognize that different reflections of the same regulatory principles can be equally valid.
The range the valid mechanism for seems willing to with the addition.
No less than twelve species, referred to three sub-genera (Demiothecia, Idiothecia, Orthoecus), have now been described; but it is at present uncertain whether more than a single species of Rhabdopleura is valid, although several specific names have been suggested for specimens from different localities.
For the Long Parliament, which met on the 3rd of November 16 4 0, he was elected for Downton in Wiltshire, but the return was disputed, and he did not take his seat - his election not being declared valid until the last days of the Rump. He was present as a spectator at the setting up of the king's standard at Nottingham on the 25th of August 1642; and in 1643 he appeared openly on Charles's side in Dorsetshire, where he raised at his own expense a regiment of foot and a troop of horse, of both of which he took the command.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
Or, beginning from the other side; neither the reality which ideal thought reaches after, nor yet the reality which our conscience postulates, is the valid world of orderly thinking.
Flint that while materialism requires sensationalist psychology, yet the psychology in question allows no valid inference to matter, and therefore destroys materialism.
There are (a) given instinctive " propensions "; (b) a part of higher principles, " benevolence " and " rational self-love," equally valid with each other, though at times they may seem to conflict; (c) there is the master principle of conscience, which judges between motives, but does not itself constitute a motive to action.
There may also be a surrender, either voluntary or by operation of law, which will determine a tenancy, as, for example, when a tenant is party to some act, the validity of which he is legally estopped from denying and which would not have been valid had the tenancy continued to exist.
A valid episcopate, then, is one derived in an unbroken series of "layings on of hands" by bishops from the time of the apostles (see Holy Order).
But his arguments against the first are really only valid against the limited and unworthy conceptions of divine agency involved in the ancient religions; his denial of the second is prompted by his vital realization of all that is meant by the arbitrary infliction of eternal torment after death.
The startingpoint of all valid philosophy must be the perception that the essence of all conscious apprehension is the union of opposites - of which that of subject and object is the most fundamental and all-pervasive.
So, too, when a subject, such as bankruptcy, is one on which a state may legislate in the absence of legislation by Congress, the state law is valid only so long as Congress does not legislate.
In the opinion of prelates and lawyers alike, an act of parliament was necessary before a bishop could be consecrated for a see abroad; to consecrate one for a foreign country seemed impossible, since, though the bestowal of the potestas ordinis would be valid, the crown, which, according to the law, was the source of the episcopal jurisdiction, could hardly issue the necessary mandate for the consecration of a bishop to a see outside the realm (see Bishop).
In 1798 he joined Jefferson in opposing the Alien and Sedition Laws, and Madison himself wrote the resolutions of the Virginia legislature declaring that it viewed "the powers of the Federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them."
If Eleatic thought stands over against Pythagorean thought as what is valid or grounded against what is ungrounded or invalid, we are embarked upon dialectic, or the debate in which thought is countered by thought.
Instead of confirming all claims existing when the country passed to the United States, and so ensuring an immediate settlement of the matter, which was really the most important thing for the peace and purse of the community, the United States government undertook through a land commission and courts to sift the valid from the fraudulent.
If it act not upon the terms but upon the remedy, it impairs the obligation if it purport to be retrospective, but it is valid so far as it applies to subsequent contracts.
Aristarchus of Samos observed at Alexandria 280-264 B.C. His treatise on the magnitudes and distances of the sun and moon, edited by John Wallis in 1688, describes a theoretically valid method for determining the relative distances of the sun and moon by measuring the angle between their centres when half the lunar disk is illuminated; but the time of dichotomy being widely indeterminate, no useful result was thus obtainable.
A valid certificate showing that the quadrivalent vaccine has been received is now a requirement for pilgrims to enter Saudi Arabia.
In essence, the razor wire argument is no longer valid.
This exclusive reliance on the intuition in establishing valid proofs became common among mathematics education philosophers.
Pre-emption rights ' renunciation agreement will be valid only for rental contracts that exceed 5 years time period.
The rescheduled gig will take place at the end of May, with all tickets valid for the new date.
No amendment to or rescission of that constitution, in part or in whole, shall be valid unless approved by the Corporation.
The proportion of children interviewed from whom a valid saliva cotinine measurement was obtained was 83 %.
What the report said regarding copyright and licensing is still valid.
The schismatic nature of the contemporary community raises the question of whether a single Jewish voluntary sector is either analytically or practically valid.
In the semantics for relevant logics, not every world makes true every valid formula.
This offer is only valid for departures 1st March to 30th March 2007 and is based on a minimum of 2 adults.
Eurostar trains run from London Waterloo and Ashford to Brussels and are valid for onward travel to any Belgian Railroad station.
Upon renewal, warrants issued on serious crime grounds are valid for a further period of three months.
They are valid for one journey only, and cannot be used to return to the United Kingdom.
The function is great for generating valid XHTML and semantic code from database content.
Full Flying Membership of the Club is open to anyone holding a valid pilots license.
There is no valid reason for engaging in this practice.
You can refund valid bonus ticket in the CSA office.
Voyageur Rewards is free to join and accumulated points are valid for one year.
The proponents of both methods give valid arguments for their choices.
While the revised statement from The American Academy of Pediatrics may help parents make up their mind regarding the decision of pacifier use, there are still valid arguments against their usage.
Once your home study has been approved, it will be valid for one year.
While these are valid arguments, there are also some great reasons why purchasing personalized clothing for your baby or as a gift for someone else's child is a great choice.
Once the social worker has approved your home study, it will be valid for one year.
These are all valid questions to consider when buying an SUV.
This will require you to get a deed (escritura) that is prepared by a Mexican notary public or your purchase will not be valid.
Some merchants sell Visa gift cards that are valid only in the United States.
If your card says "Valid only in the United States," do not attempt to use the card for foreign transactions.
If you do visit the mall and provide a valid I.D. proving you live over 50 miles away, you will receive a coupon book giving you even more savings.
Be sure you have a valid purpose for adding to the pet population.
This is a valid question, but consider that feeding a commercial diet is not entirely without risk either.
All you typically need to access these resources is a valid library card number..
These cards are still valid options, but one that requires cardholder discipline to extract the best advantage.
In order to apply, you must live in the United States and be of legal age in your state of residency; own a telephone in your residence; and have a valid Social Security number.
Term of 0% balance transfer offer - How long is the 0% balance transfer offer valid?
Either offer can be valid for six to eighteen months, or until the transferred balance is completely paid.
Not all issuers offer the opportunity to replenish balances; for some prepaid cards, once the balance is gone the card is no longer valid.
Some prepaid cards allow cardholders to replenish balances, but with some prepaid cards once the balance is gone the card is no longer valid.
Once the gift balance is depleted, the card is no longer valid.
Have a valid Social Security Number, and be willing to provide that number on the application.
After the expiration date, the cards are no longer valid for purchases.
Valid numbers for Visa cards follow a specific formula.
If the total is a number that ends in zero, then the card number is valid.
They have "valid thru" dates; however, when these dates pass, the available balance remains and the cards can continue to be used until the balance is fully depleated.
You must be at least 18 years of age, a U.S. resident, and possess a valid Social Security number.
Oftentimes, the writer of the email will pretend to represent a valid financial institution and will convey the idea that there is a problem with your account that must be fixed immediately.
This process is necessary to ensure that the information you supplied is valid, and that you are indeed an authorized user on the account from which you want to make payments.
The consumer ignores the lawsuit notifications, assuming the debt is no longer valid since it is so old.
The debt is then valid, having become a legal judgement as the result of the lawsuit.
This is valid for the first 90 days after you make the purchase.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a valid Social Security number.
In order to access American Express online bill pay you must have a valid account.
If you access the online bill payment page without a valid online account, you will be prompted to establish one.
Gift cards issued by Home Depot are not reloadable, so once the balance is exhausted a card is no longer valid for purchases.
Equifax limits who may use this service to those who can provide a valid police report indicating that they have been the victim of some type of identity theft.
The truth is that valid debts do not just go away just because an attorney is hired.
Offer is only valid on orders shipped to US and Canadian addresses only.
Each dream is unique to the dreamer, but they are all valid.
Even if you had to leave HS for a valid reason, an employer may still wonder why you didn't either go back or find another way to finish such as through online high school classes.
Every feeling you have reading love poems for teenage girls is valid - just as the love, the happiness, the unhappiness, and all the rest that seems to assail your senses.
If you do not have a valid reason to be emancipated, you most likely will not be, and you will have wasted a lot of time, money, or both.
To procure a marriage license, the happy couple is required to bring a valid driver's license, birth certificate, resident alien card, military identification or passport and payment for the license.
If your representative balks at showing you an up to date, valid policy, move on to the next company.
Travelers are required to present valid passports when flying to Caribbean destinations, and in 2009 valid passports will be required for cruise travelers as well.
Though the names of the drugs have not been revealed, the district attorney's office did confirm that they were prescription drugs for which Locklear had a valid prescription.
Other countries followed suit, but not until the University of Phoenix opened its virtual doors in 1997 with its first fully-online degree programs did online education gain status as a valid delivery method.
Some unique scholarships are only valid at specific schools or for specific majors.
It can be demanding and exhausting to work and be a student at the same time, but it's a valid option for many people who need extra cash.
Remember that college is a valid option for people of any age, so don't rule it out in the future if your finances prevent it now.
Many employers and organizations do view distance learning with a skeptical eye and may be under the impression that online education is not as rigorous or valid as traditional education.
Be prepared to explain why your degree idea is valid as well as how you can draw upon the school's existing resources to carry it out.
There are so many valid websites that can help you narrow down the schools you want to look into more.
Having a valid passport is also a requirement.
Couples will need to adhere to the proper marriage license requirements for the ship's departure port, and all cruise passengers will need a valid passport.
As of 2007 any American wanting to travel to a foreign country is required to have a valid passport or a U.S. passport card.
Qualifying documents that show proof of age include passports and valid driver's licenses.
Also, you must have a valid passport in order to take the trip since you will be passing through international waters.
In some situations, you may simply be unable to book your cruise because you need to wait for a valid passport.
You also have to have a valid passport by the date of your departure.
Your feelings, all your feelings, are valid and you should not hold back.
Coupons remain valid for ten days after printing.
Their prices tend to be higher than those of competitors, but they are a valid option if you have no other delivery services in your area.
While the lack of evidence is lacking, the concern is valid.
Passions rage on both sides of this issue, and both have valid arguments that should be considered before planting your flag with one team or the other.
To qualify for this contest, you have to register in the magazine's PLUS Model Directory and you must have a valid online portfolio.
The program is valid in all Torrid locations as well as the online store.
Sensual Mystique offers plus size wholesale lingerie to those with a business license or a valid resellers license.
The company requires a valid resellers license.
The following outline will give you a good idea of the steps it takes to write a valid will.
As mentioned previously, there are several routes you can take to actually write your will, but before you do anything, you'll need to check the laws of your state to find out whether a handwritten will is valid.
There is no point in wasting your time and energy creating a document that is either not considered valid, or includes costly mistakes that will drain your assets before anyone receives them.
These numbers are linked to your account and valid for any purchase.
Regardless of the process, every site requires a username, password, and valid e-mail address.
While senior housing is certainly a valid concern, there are other options.
In many cases, grocery stores only require is a valid I.D. that verifies you qualify for senior discounts.
In addition, most of the issues considered when choosing a style before your hair started to turn gray are still valid.
The notion of universal symbols can be appealing, but there is no scientific evidence that the associations are valid in all cases.
Color Max contacts do require a valid contact prescription, so in order to purchase a pair you must see an eye care professional for an exam.