Vacuum Sentence Examples
The liquid is then evaporated under a vacuum of 27 to 28 in.
There is no such thing really as a vacuum, any more than there are atoms or ultimate indivisible particles.
Her English vocabulary was growing a word at a time—mostly terms like dust, vacuum, linens, dishes and other domestic terminologies.
Evaporation and subsequent distillation under a high vacuum gives crude glycerin.
The exhaust steam passing from the engine through the blastpipe and the chimney produces a diminution of pressure, or partial vacuum, in the smoke-box roughly proportional to the weight of steam discharged per unit of time.
The steam is introduced into the pipes at about the pressure of the atmosphere, and is sucked through the system by means of a vacuum pump, which at the same operation frees the pipes from air and from condensation water.
Open the fabric vacuum bag and check for blockages inside the tube.
For the production of high vacua, see Vacuum Tube; Liquid Gases.
If you notice any debris, remove it from the vacuum.
Thus, supposing that moo lb of coal were required to work a single vacuum pan, evaporating, say, 6000 lb of water in a given time, then 500 lb of coal would be required for a double-effect apparatus to do the same work, 333 lb for a triple effect, 250 for a quadruple effect, and 200 lb for a quintuple effect.
AdvertisementOn other estates the second sugars, or sugars produced from boiling molasses alone, are not purged to dryness, but when sufficiently separated from their mother-liquor are mixed with the defecated juice, thereby increasing its saccharine richness, and after being converted into syrup in the usual manner are treated in the vacuum pan as first sugars, which in fact they really are.
You can often vacuum underneath furniture without switching to special attachments when you use a canister vacuum.
The Extreme Power Wet/Dry unit is a cordless hand held vacuum that works on both wet and dry surfaces.
Although electricity travels fast, its speed is still finite and over a wire it is slower than in a vacuum.
Vacuum the floor with a soft bristle attachment to remove dust and dirt from between planks.
AdvertisementIf the vacuum jacket is silvered inside, radiation also is reduced to such an extent that, if the vacuum is really good, the external ice bath may be dispensed with for the majority of purposes.
The Heat Loss Can Be Reduced To A Minimum By Enclosing The Flow Tube In A Hermetically Sealed Glass Vacuum Jacket.
The Outside Of The Vacuum Jacket Was Immersed In A Water Jacket At A Steady Temperature Equal To That Of The Inflowing Mercury.
C. Rntgen of Munich made in 1896 his remarkable discovery of the so-called X or Rntgen rays, a class of radiation produced by the impact of the cathode particles against an impervious metallic screen or anticathode placed in the vacuum tube.
The study of radium and radioactivity led before long to the further remarkable knowledge that these so-called radioactive materials project into surrounding space particles or corpuscles, some of which are identical with those projected from the cathode in a high vacuum tube, together with others of a different nature.
AdvertisementThree oxides of barium are known, namely, the monoxide, BaO, the dioxide, Ba02, and a suboxide, obtained by heating Ba0 with magnesium in a vacuum to 110o (Guntz, loc. cit., 1906, p. 359).
When two pieces of flat glass are pressed together under mercury with moderate force they cohere, the mercury leaving the narrow crevasses, even although the alternative is a vacuum.
He was the first to use the vacuum tube with the capillary part now called a Geissler's tube, by means of which the luminous intensity of feeble electric discharges was raised sufficiently to allow of spectroscopic investigation.
It remains colourless in vacuum tubes in the dark, but on exposure it rapidly turns yellow.
Lampadius, however, showed that there was no phosphorescence in a Torricellian vacuum; and other experimenters proved that oxygen was essential to the process.
AdvertisementWhen heated in a vacuum to 530 it sublimes, and on condensation forms microscopic needles.
The acid may be prepared by evaporating in a vacuum the solution obtained by decomposing the barium salt with the equivalent amount of sulphuric acid.
Paschen in 1896 identified an unmistakable oxygen triplet in the infra-red, which is shown terrestrially only in the vacuum tube, where the spectrum is very different from that of atmospheric absorptions.
In the upper part there is consequently a tendency to the formation of a vacuum, and some of the impure sub-soil water near the higher leakages is sucked into the mains, to be mixed with the supply when next turned on.
Lead can be used for the purpose only when the boiling-point of the acid is reduced by means of a vacuum - a plan which has not met with much success.
The new Kessler furnace is a very ingenious apparatus, in which the fire from a gas-producer travels over the sulphuric acid contained in a trough made of Volvic lava, and surmounted by a number of perforated plates, over which fresh acid is constantly running down; the temperature is kept down by the production of a partial vacuum, which greatly promotes the volatilization of the water, whilst retarding that of the acid.
Moreover, by putting the retorts under a slight vacuum, the amount of gas produced is increased by about 12%, and is of better quality, owing to its leaving the heated retort more quickly.
By evaporating a solution containing free sulphuric acid in a vacuum, the hepta-hydrated salt first separates, then the penta-, and then a tetra-hydrate, FeSO44H2O, isomorphous with manganese sulphate.
The solution absorbs nitric oxide to form a dark brown solution, which loses the gas on heating or by placing in a vacuum.
Ferrous nitrate, Fe(NO3)2.6H2O, is a very unstable salt, and is obtained by mixing solutions of ferrous sulphate and barium nitrate, filtering, and crystallizing in a vacuum over sulphuric acid.
The discovery of the principle of the barometer which has perpetuated his fame ("Torricellian tube" "Torricellian vacuum") was made in 1643.
The earliest machine of this kind appears to have been made in 1 755 by Dr. William Cullen, who produced the vacuum by means of a pump alone.
Windhausen patented a vacuum machine for producing ice in large quantities, and in 1881 one of these machines, said to be capable of making about 12 tons of ice per day, was put to work in London.
At the present time vacuum machines are only employed for domestic purposes.
Fleuss consists of a vacuum pump capable of reducing the air pressure to a fraction of a millimetre, the suction pipe of which is connected first with a vessel containing sulphuric acid, and second with the vessel containing the water to be frozen.
Braun devised a form of cathode ray tube, consisting of a vacuum tube having a narrow tubular portion and a bulbous end.
Her English vocabulary was growing a word at a time—mostly terms like dust, vacuum, linens, dishes and other domestic terminologies.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
The last sound to reach his ears as he dropped off to sleep was the hum of the vacuum cleaner competing with the twang of Merle Haggard on the disc player.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics implies that vacuum fluctuations are present in every quantum theory.
In the quantum theory, matter which is in a false vacuum may "tunnel" to its true vacuum state.
The profile of cross-reaction with wheat germ agglutinin, used here as a general carbohydrate reagent, is shown in vacuum blots.
You should provide a small dump hose, to maintain airflow for cooling the vacuum motor.
Vacuum brazing Consultants Ltd. is a leading U.K. supplier of vacuum grades of brazing alloys.
Electric current ampere A The current which produces a specified force between two parallel wires which are 1 meter apart in a vacuum.
In fact any domestic appliance, which uses electricity, from a fridge to a vacuum cleaner, will generate an EMF.
Aspiration - The use of a miniature vacuum system (called an aspirator) to remove saliva from the mouth whilst performing dental surgery.
Only 10 of the 327 responding practices (3 %) possessed a vacuum autoclave.
A political vacuum and a cynical change in British security policy provided the backcloth to the 1977 strike.
Instead of vacuum bagging, I plan to use truck tubes to apply pressure.
Variety of vacuum giesel becquerel then a professor nuclei produced by x-rays.
See separate entries for air brakes and vacuum brakes for more details.
The good news is that we found the spider catcher vacuum thingy.
Early Centimetric Ground Radars - A Personal Reminiscence In all these cases, however, the resonant circuit was external to the vacuum envelope.
Clean up using wet methods or an industrial vacuum clean up using wet methods or an industrial vacuum cleaner.
The dredging ships use large suction pipes similar to vacuum cleaners to suck sand up from the banks.
Only approved PC vacuum cleaners should be used to clean electronic equipment.
Move refrigerators out from the wall and vacuum their condenser coils once a year (unless you have a no-clean condenser model ).
For a cheaper alternative, many people use a home built vacuum pump made from one, or preferably two small refrigeration compressors.
Vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction Clinical bottom line There is little good randomized trial data on the use of vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction Clinical bottom line There is little good randomized trial data on the use of vacuum constriction devices.
For X-ray diffraction studies on organic thin films a portable vacuum chamber is used.
Discard the vial if a vacuum does not pull the diluent into the vial.
This treatment combines vacuum and laser to eliminate toxins, break down fatty deposits and smooth unwanted dimples.
We all know that a political vacuum will allow dissidents on all sides to undermine the democratic process.
Bitumen Also called asphalt or tar, bitumen is the brown or black viscous residue from the vacuum distillation of crude petroleum.
To all four wheels actor Douglas henshall in a vacuum.
With vacuum regenerated adsorption dryers, the heat resisting drying medium silica gel forms the uniform filling material right through.
The primary drive system is mounted in the welded fabrication of the vacuum vessel lid.
A 5-speed synchromesh overdrive gearbox is standard with vacuum fitted brakes.
Bits of rope being threaded, fittings screwed on, ballast heaved aboard, vacuum cleaner going, flags hoisted.
Other standard equipment included immersion heater, shaver socket, radio alarm clock, hairdryer and vacuum cleaner.
Then Goldsmith died, leaving a vacuum which UKIP filled with vicious infighting.
A card is selected and the apparently insatiable vacuum removes the ink from its face.
This combines MBE growth, focused ion beam lithography, and hydrogen radical cleaning within one complete ultra high vacuum system.
In fact, Eberlein says, sonoluminescence may represent the first observable manifestation of quantum vacuum radiation.
The final step is to fit the vacuum pipe from intake manifold to servo.
To a limited extent, attempts have been made to study icy grain mantles using traditional matrix isolation techniques in high vacuum.
The soil moisture sensor measures the vacuum created by the soil by the lack of moisture.
But the alienation has created a vacuum in the leadership of the black liberation movement.
If there is, get a vacuum with the crevice nozzle attached and very gently clean the fins.
How about a £ 20 chain oiler, that needs no vacuum feed?
Use the pump to create a vacuum that holds the cup in place, then turn up the vibrations and experience thrilling orgasms...
Newer technologies such as vacuum packing and mass deacidification are under review to determine their potential for future use.
Some dry pickup type tub vacuum cleaners make use of a speed control PCB.
Nothing is going to have a relative permittivity less than that of a vacuum!
Water is expelled through the gills creating a vacuum, which sucks the unsuspecting prey in to its doom.
Von Guericke had earlier prepared a large hollow sphere from which he had removed the air using a vacuum pump of his invention.
Three sizes of vacuum pyrolysis furnaces for cleaning screens, dies etc complete the range.
Our garden resembles a quagmire in the wet, but the vacuum did its job and picked up pretty much everything thrown at it.
India fears that rapid progress to a republic could allow the powerful Maoist rebels to fill the vacuum.
A mercury arc rectifier consists of a pool of mercury in a vacuum tube.
On the right, above the brake rigging is the vacuum pump, driven from the inside right cross head.
Products include vacuum distilled rosin, hydrogenated rosin, polymerized rosin, maleic rosin, rosin ester, paper sizing agent and more.
It worries that military action would create a power vacuum, destabilize the region and encourage separatism among Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin.
To allow oil drainage we use a plastic lattice type separator which meant vacuum pick-up was out of the question.
The brakes use a servo assist unit which relied on the induction vacuum from the old gasoline engine.
The brakes are mechanical with a vacuum servo unit.
The new Spot Pro incorporates a vacuum float shut-off and integral cord wrap.
The soil moisture sensor measures the vacuum created by the soil moisture sensor measures the vacuum created by the soil by the lack of moisture.
Soot To clean up soot To clean up soot, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose soot.
At high speed, the rushing air tends to create a partial vacuum inside the tube.
By condensing the exhaust steam a vacuum is created in the low pressure cylinder, thus increasing the power.
Choice Vacuum technology enables you to confidently sterilize hollow instruments and wrapped items.
This acts like a vacuum cleaner, literally sucking the plate backward.
And, like all Dyson vacuum cleaners, it doesnât lose suction.
A powerful suction mount holds your device to the vehicle windscreen using unique vacuum technology.
With strong vacuum suction the maximum residual dampness is only 10-15% .
The banner was surfaced cleaned using low power vacuum suction.
Either manually, or with motorized vacuum sweepers, we'll keep your property looking its best.
The tramps repetitive inspection of their empty hats perhaps symbolizes mankind's vain search for answers within the vacuum of a universe.
He had been using a tractor and slurry vacuum tanker to empty a blocked and overflowing septic tank.
Lastly, some of the Urie bogie tenders and all of the straight-sided bogie ones had vacuum storage cylinders behind the coal space.
Unlike other thermoplastic forming processes, where powder or resin is the starting point, vacuum forming uses extruded plastic sheet.
The vacuum spins - the washing machine spins... Did I not mention that Jack has an ' other tod '?
Once on the low-loader it was found that the front vacuum cylinder trunnions fouled the " swan neck " of the low-loader.
Today vacuum tubes comprise only 18% of the market, with flat plate panels taking a massive 82% .
People said no, no, nature abhors a vacuum, it can't be a vacuum, there must be air bubbling up.
Castro then marched into Havana to fill the vacuum.
All of these methods are sensitive to the outermost atom layers at the surface and operate in ultrahigh vacuum.
Dyson is an inventor and industrial designer who has taken his bagless vacuum cleaner from the garage to a huge enterprise.
Aptitude upright Bags are the best replacement bags for your quality Aptitude upright vacuum.
But there was also an ideological vacuum, which neither the left nor the native bourgeoisie were capable of filling.
The sample preparation and the measurements were done in ultra high vacuum.
You will find kirby vacuum cleaner at the website listed below.
Back pressure and smokebox vacuum could be altered by raising and lower the brass choke positioned between the nozzles.
Some shareholders will have heard of the canister vacuum cleaner called ' Henry ', with the cheeky face printed on it.
The quantum vacuum can therefore flow like a fluid.
Your source for electrolux vacuums, upright vacuums, electrolux vacuums and upright vacuum cleaners.. .
Dust exposure limits were often over four times lower when using vacuum cleaners and effectiveness of cleaning was better.
Tea towels and a kitchen hand towel are supplied and the general equipment includes a vacuum cleaner, iron and ironing board.
Industrial cylinder vacuum cleaners... free from stormy surge had industrial cylinder vacuum cleaners are numerous varieties door.. .
The man who invented the bagless vacuum cleaner is taking himself off to escape an institution he feels has lost it's way.
When she has used the bowl, you slip and drop it, get the church vacuum cleaner and clear up meticulously.
Kitchen with electric cooker, fridge, microwave, kettle, toaster, iron, and upright vacuum cleaner.
Clean up using wet methods or an industrial vacuum cleaner.
The extensive range includes - pressure washers, steam cleaners, wet & dry vacuum cleaners, floor scrubber driers and floor sweepers.
On no account should a domestic vacuum cleaner be used for this process.
The pig did a marvelous job tidying all the apples up like a giant pink vacuum cleaner!
Generally, cylinder type vacuum cleaners have more suction than uprights with attachments.
Mink MM rotary lobe vacuum pumps are directly driven by a flanged motor; the two lobes are synchronized by a gear.
Someday, they may be bright, efficient and inexpensive enough to replace vacuum tubes for white lighting.
Most of the game consists of rounding up rabbits or other vermin into the swirling vortex of your vacuum vehicle machine.
They have double seals and their stator windings are double vacuum and pressure impregnated.
The process may be accelerated by exhausting the desiccator; this so-called vacuum desiccation is especially suitable for the concentration of aqueous solutions of readily decomposable substances.
The slower propagation of light in gas or water than in air or vacuum may be attributed to a greater density, or to a less rigidity, in the former case; or we may adopt the more complicated supposition that both these quantities vary, subject only to the condition which restricts the ratio of velocities to equality with the known refractive index.
On opening the stop-cock no work was done by the expanding air against external forces, since it expanded into a vacuum, and it was found that no heat was generated or absorbed.
There is this difference, however, between this experiment and the operation imagined by Maxwell, that when the gases have diffused the experiment cannot be repeated; and it is no more contrary to the dissipation of energy than is the fact that work may be derived at the expense of heat when a gas expands into a vacuum, for the working substance is not finally restored to its original condition; while Maxwell's "demons" may operate without limit.
In the United Kingdom the Regulation of Railways Act 1889 empowered the Board of Trade to require all passenger trains, within a reasonable period, to be fitted with automatic continuous brakes, and now all the passenger stock, with a few trifling exceptions, is provided with either compressed-air or vacuum brakes (see Brake), and sometimes with both.
The invention of the barometer and Torricelli's explanation of the vacuity above the mercury column placed before the members of the Florentine academy a ready method of obtaining vacua; for to exhaust a vessel it was only necessary to join, by means of a tube provided with stopcocks, the vessel to a barometer tube, fill the compound vessel with mercury and then to invert it in a basin containing this liquid, whereupon the mercury column fell, leaving a Torricellian vacuum in the vessel, which could be removed after shutting off the stop-cocks.
The study of radium and radioactivity (see Radioactivity) led before long to the further remarkable knowledge that these so-called radioactive materials project into surrounding space particles or corpuscles, some of which are identical with those projected from the cathode in a high vacuum tube, together with others of a different nature.
He also discovered the remarkable fact that the parabolas described (in a vacuum) by indefinitely numerous projectiles discharged from the same point with equal velocities, but in all directions have a paraboloid of revolution for their envelope.
At lower power levels a vacuum thermopile and a pyroelectric detector, both with windows and higher sensitivity, maintain the relative response scale.
In 1938 about 70% of vacuum cleaners were sold by door-to-door salesmen.
Among the examples cited were shrink-wrap, over-packaged products, plastic wine corks, lids on vacuum packed jars and non-recyclable plastic.
Soot To clean up soot, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose soot.
With strong vacuum suction the maximum residual dampness is only 10-15 %.
The tramps repetitive inspection of their empty hats perhaps symbolizes mankind 's vain search for answers within the vacuum of a universe.
In the quantum theory, matter which is in a false vacuum may ` tunnel ' to its true vacuum state.
Paxman supplied well over thirty rotary vacuum filters for processing titanium dioxide.
Today vacuum tubes comprise only 18% of the market, with flat plate panels taking a massive 82 %.
These uncharged particles will simply get lost in the machine - eventually, they get removed by the vacuum pump.
People said no, no, nature abhors a vacuum, it ca n't be a vacuum, there must be air bubbling up.
Aptitude Upright Bags are the best replacement bags for your quality Aptitude upright vacuum.
Also, an approach to Dyson, vacuum cleaners, will be made.
Filter coffee from these coffee machines then passes through the filter basket on the coffee machines into a vacuum flask.
Turns out that the vacuum pump in the rear is blowing more than sucking.
One was a single engined job fitted with a vacuum brake ejector to enable her to be used on passenger trains.
Industrial cylinder vacuum cleaners... free from stormy surge had industrial cylinder vacuum cleaners are numerous varieties door...
The man who invented the bagless vacuum cleaner is taking himself off to escape an institution he feels has lost it 's way.
Bosch high filtration vacuum cleaner made for ease of use, high filtration, and durability.
The pig did a marvelous job tidying all the apples up like a giant pink vacuum cleaner !
Home vacuum cleaners generate large amounts of static electricity, which is dangerous to the PC.
I've lost the accoutrement that attaches to my vacuum, and now I can't clean my couch!
Look for push toys, such as bubble poppers, vacuum cleaners, lawnmowers, and pull toys, too.
If he likes to watch you with the vacuum cleaner, you can recycle your broken hand held vacuum to become his toy.
If you're a pet owner, talk to the furniture salesperson about items on the floor that are easy to remove hair from with a vacuum cleaner.
Grab a vacuum cleaner, head to the check-out counter, right?
You can get a steamer, a spritzer, a bagless, or a traditional vacuum, so it's up to you to weigh your requirements for a good vacuum in relation to price.
To clean a room, you simply hook the vacuum attachment into the hose plug, and the dirt and dust is concealed in a canister for disposal later.
Since you push the entire vacuum in front of you, you won't have to roll the canister behind you.
This type of vacuum has been recommended for allergy sufferers, because allergens are less likely to escape from the bag.
You won't have to change the vacuum bag as often, because canister vacuums generally have larger vacuum bags.
Hallways are much easier to clean with an upright vacuum, and you can cover larger carpeted areas quicker as well.
When choosing your vacuum, look for one with a Hepa filter, which can remove airborne allergens effectively.
You are more likely to see this feature on an upright vacuum rather than a canister one.
Many people purchase vacuum cleaners without bags because of the general cost reduction, but they can be much harder to clean than vacuums with a standard bag.
With a bagless vacuum cleaner, you need to shake out the dust, dirt, hair, and food particles into another trash receptacle, and it's not the easiest process out there.
You'll have to do a lot more stooping when you use an upright vacuum cleaner, which is particularly useful for those with movement restrictions, as well as those who spend a considerable amount of time vacuuming every day.
When you test out a vacuum cleaner, it should be tall enough that you can use it while standing upright, and with your shoulders back.
For those living in two-story homes or duplexes, you might find a canister vacuum to be more comfortable to carry up and down stairs.
Here's where to look when you're wondering how to buy a vacuum cleaner, and how to choose the right one.
Wal-Mart is a convenient place to purchase a vacuum if you live in a remote area.
These products are difficult to clean because you cannot vacuum them.
I also add table salt to the baking soda, because if you have fleas, this will help to dry them up and help to kill them before you vacuum.
Sprinkle over carpets and let it sit as long as possible (overnight is best), then vacuum.
You should also wash any bedding the kittens sleep in, and thoroughly vacuum the entire house and your furniture.
Just vacuum as needed and run a damp cloth over the areas that need it.
A safer way to break the flea life cycle in your home is to vacuum thorougly on a daily basis, and make sure your vacuum beneath furniture and under cushions as well.
Wash any animal bedding and thoroughly vacuum the area.
If you're selling upholstered furniture, for example, vacuum away any pet hair and dirt and use a quality upholstery cleaning products to remove any spots or stains.
Vacuum the seat and use upholstery cleaner on the seat and back.
The compressor will run more efficiently if you vacuum the coils twice a year.
Our vacuum dealers even take in products for recycling when you buy a new one.
One of the best ways is to use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery brush attachment.
Avoid going over the fringe area on the ends of the rug with the vacuum as it may catch and pull the fringe, which could damage it.
Set your vacuum suction to the lowest level so you don’t stretch the fibers, and don’t vacuum more than once a week.
Before you vacuum, sprinkle powder on your carpets to spread Beautiful throughout your home.
Another good option for storage is vacuum packaging.
Vacuum packaging removes all the air from specially designed bags, canisters, and containers and then seals them.
In many cases, a vacuum is also used to whisk away any remaining moisture.
Vacuum carpets and wash curtains to get rid of the smoke smell.
Her father was a vacuum salesman and her mother was a church secretary and real estate agent.
Begin by thoroughly vacuuming all carpeting and furniture, being sure to pull out the cushions and vacuum the crevices as well.
I like to seal a dozen cookies with my vacuum sealer, and then gift wrap them as holiday gifts.
Remember, this freezes very well and will keep if you use one of those vacuum bag systems for up to three months in the freezer and up to one week in the refrigerator.
Fleas can infest our dogs, our homes, our cars and even a vacuum bag.
If you need to use a carpet flea powder, remember to always change your vacuum bag to help control fleas at the juvenile stage.
Often, a quick vacuum or sweep of the floors is all it takes to clean them.
For the edges of the room, take your vacuum and clean around baseboards and larger pieces of furniture.
Once the dust and dirt is dislodged from inside the air ducts, professionals remove the residue with a powerful HEPA (high efficiency particle air) vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum out the air duct with the vacuum's hose.
An ordinary vacuum with a long hose can only reach so far.
Dusting and vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum will also cut down on dust in the air and help to keep your air ducts clean in the future.
Some windows are also double-paned, providing an additional insulating vacuum barrier.
Clean carpet tiles just like regular carpet; vacuum and clean them with a hot water carpet cleaner.
This technology ensures that air is deflected into these vents, and there, they generate a slight vacuum feel on the internal side of the frame.
Mixing colors with paint shops and color switches sounds easy enough until you realize the colors you need to mix are separated by doors, platforms, vacuum pipes and sometimes even a creature or two.
Many of these jobs involve capturing hordes of rabbits by finding vacuum vents to suck them into... well, wherever they lead.
Vacu Vin is a rubber cork stopper that holds a weak vacuum in the bottle with a few pumps from the hand pump that comes with the system, creating a low-pressure environment and eliminating much of the oxygen in the bottle.
Concerto Wine Saver - This vacuum sealer maximizes the life of an opened bottle of wine.
Some wood wine stoppers offer a metal bottom that provides a vacuum seal.
Most offer a rubber seal on the end or have a cork end, while others have vacuum seal systems.
All the time - If you find that your wine bottles are always half-full at the end of the night, you may want to invest in metal wine stoppers with a vacuum seal system.
Vacuum seal wine stoppers are can cost from around $10 to over $100 and will preserve your wine for five to seven days.
Metal wine stoppers with automatic vacuum seal systems - Automatic vacuum seal systems use a battery-operated vacuum to pump excess air from the wine bottle.
Some automatic vacuum seal systems come complete with vacuum canisters.
Wine Racks, Plans and More - Find a wide variety of wine vacuum systems at this website dedicated to everything and anything that has to do with wine.
Sewing Machine & Vacuum Sales & Service Inc., formerly known as Singer Sewing Shoppe, LLC, is a sewing machine service center located in Lakeland, Florida.
Included with the text are pictures, two pages of drawings, appendices providing load and stress calculations, vacuum bagging techniques, and an extensive list of suppliers.
Use a can of compressed air or even a vacuum with an attachment in order to dry the phone.
In this procedure, a device called a vacuum extractor is used by placing a large rubber or plastic cup against the baby's head.
The vacuum extractor is less likely to injure the mother than forceps, and it allows more space for the baby to pass through the pelvis.
Liposuction-A surgical technique for removing fat from under the skin by vacuum suctioning.
Use of forceps or a vacuum device to deliver a baby increases risk.
They are created when an electric current is passed through a vacuum tube.
Electromagnetic radiation-Packets of energy that develop when an electric current passes through a vacuum tube.
Some providers may use forceps or a vacuum extraction device to help a breech baby out of the birth canal, a procedure known as assisted breech birth.
If irrigation cannot be used or fails to remove the cerumen, the doctor can remove the wax with a vacuum device or a curette, which is a small scoop-shaped surgical instrument.
Practitioners of ear candling claim that the heat from the burning candle or smoke creates a vacuum that draws out the impacted cerumen.
Complete blood count (CBC)-A routine analysis performed on a sample of blood taken from the patient's vein with a needle and vacuum tube.
Sometimes the baby can be calmed by white noise that is continuous and uniform, such as that of a heartbeat, the rain, static between radio stations, and the vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum regularly to remove any lice and their debris from carpets and surroundings.
For example, The American Pregnancy Association states that an epidural may make pushing more difficult, which may result in the need for interventions like pitocin, forceps, or vacuum extraction.
It is often given if the baby is being delivered by forceps or a vacuum.
Surgical abortion during the first trimester is also known as suction aspiration, suction curettage, or vacuum aspiration.
In the early 1900s, many of these conveniences were unheard of, and even the staff of the St. Regis got the luxury treatment - the hotel's maids were among the first to use labor-saving vacuum cleaners.
This vitamin C formula comes in vacuum sealed packets, which are emptied into water and best taken on an empty stomach.
While working on the radar research project, Dr. Spencer was required to test out a new type of vacuum tube called a magnetron.
Kirby has a mixed reputation when it comes to the company's vacuum cleaners.
Before you purchase a vacuum cleaner- by Kirby or from any other source- make sure you do sufficient research on the particular model of the vacuum you are purchasing.
With so many different Kirby vacuum cleaners available on the market, it is important to do research on the different models available to you.
The Kirby Generation Three is the entry level model and is appropriate for those who want a basic vacuum for general cleaning needs.
However, in the G-six, the bag mini emptor was redesigned so air flows better through it, making this vacuum slightly more durable than the Kirby G-Five and the Kirby G-Four vacuums.
For those who are smaller or have a difficult time with standard vacuums, you can also adjust the height of this vacuum to fit your size.
Additionally, all the G models (from the Kirby G-Four to the Kirby G-Six) have a tech transmission that allows you to push the vacuum using a single finger.
For those looking for a true powerhouse vacuum, Kirby offers the Kirby Ultimate Diamond edition.
This vacuum features a two speed switch, which allows you to adjust the speed depending on what you're vacuuming.
The toe touch control means that you can adjust the vacuum to whatever height that you need.
The vacuum also has a portable mode which makes it easy to clean any nooks and crannies in your house.
When choosing your vacuum, make sure you do research regarding the features you want and need.
It may also be a good idea to go to a store and try out the vacuum yourself, making sure it fits comfortably in your hands and is easy to carry.
No matter how many features the vacuum you are considering has, you'll want to make sure it is comfortable to use before you buy it.
The cheapest Dyson vacuum cleaners can outperform more expensive bagged models offered by competitors such as Hoover and Oreck.
James Dyson, the inventor of the bagless vacuuming system, created the product to overcome the issues bagged vacuum cleaners.
Studies and research prove Dyson vacuum cleaners have increased life spans and lower maintenance costs compared to those made by other manufacturers.
Dyson vacuum cleaners cost considerably more than other manufacturers.
The DC14 Telescope Reach All Floors model is Dyson's entry-level upright vacuum cleaner ideal for households with different flooring throughout the premises.
The vacuum features a motorized brushing bar for removing debris deep within carpeting, users may turn the brush off to vacuum hard and delicate surfaces.
The Dyson DC24 upright vacuum cleaner utilizes the new rolling ball technology to increase the accuracy and smoothness when steering the machine.
The DC24 includes a telescopic wand with additional accessories to extend the reach of the vacuum up to 29 feet.
The Dyson DC23 is a canister vacuum cleaner featuring Level III Root Cyclone technology that captures microscopic dust.
The vacuum is an all terrain device suitable for households with multiple flooring types.
The DC31 is one of the cheapest Dyson vacuum cleaners and is a powerful handheld vacuum that weighs less than three pounds.
The vacuum includes the same proprietary Cyclone technology found in their full size upright vacuums.
Oreck vacuum cleaners are a well known name in household small appliances.
Originally, the vacuum cleaners were sold to hotel chains across the country.
Now, the company sells upright vacuum cleaners across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Oreck has several vacuum cleaners on the market today, ranging from classic upright vacuums to advanced steam cleaners.
The Oreck XL Upright Vacuum line is a modern take on the classic push vacuum.
All models in this line use vacuum bags to collect waste.
There are two vacuums in this line, a traditional upright vacuum, and a smaller hand held vacuum.
The handheld vacuum can also be used on furniture and bedding.
Canister vacuum cleaners use vacuum hose to pick up dirt that is transported in to a large, plastic canister.
Some users prefer a canister vacuum over and upright vacuum because the hose attachment makes it easier to reach in corners and behind large furniture.
You can purchase an Oreck vacuum directly from the manufacturer's website.
Most models of Oreck vacuums come with parts that will periodically need to be replaced throughout the life of the appliance, such as the vacuum bags or air filter.
You can also purchase common replacements, such as the vacuum bags at most national retailers like Target and Walmart.
If you're like the millions of Americans who have seen David Oreck and his award-winning vacuum cleaners on television, you might wonder where to purchase Oreck vacuum cleaners.
Oreck vacuum cleaners have had a reputation for high quality and portability since they were first introuced to the marketplace in the early 1960s.
The famous "eight-pound Oreck" commercial originally advertised the Oreck vacuum cleaner as a television-only offer, but nowadays you'll find plenty of opportunities to purchase the Oreck.
Specialty Oreck stores, online department stores, and even popular retailers like JC Penney sell this brand of vacuum cleaner.
There's no need to wonder where to purchase Oreck vacuum cleaners any more-you'll find them just about anywhere these days, and buying them has never been simpler.
Buying online is especially attractive for those who would rather shop from home or work rather than comparing prices and testing vacuum models in person.
Oreck's official website is one of the obvious places to look for an Oreck vacuum cleaner on the Internet.
The PriceGrabber website allows you to compare models and prices side-by-side, and has reviews of all of the vacuum cleaners you might want to check out.
Not only can you test out the various vacuum cleaners that you are considering, you can also talk with experts about which vacuum cleaner best fits your needs.
These retailers will carry the best and the latest Oreck vacuums, and salespeople will be able to provide you with information on obtaining accessories such as filters and hoses that might need to be replaced on your Oreck vacuum.
Family-owned specialty vacuum retailers will also be able to provide information about purchasing an Oreck vacuum cleaner, and they will be able to compare Oreck products with similar ones in terms of price, quality, and features.
Before you purchase an Oreck vacuum, think about what type of vacuum cleaner best suits your home.
Although the "eight pound Oreck" that has become so popular over the years still exists in its classic model, there are many different iterations of the Oreck vacuum cleaner that can satisfy different needs.
The Dirt Devil Spot Scubber is a portable, lightweight, hand-held shampooing vacuum cleaner that is designed to quickly and easily remove spots and stains.
Another common complaint is that the unit does not have enough suction to properly vacuum up the liquid that is squirted onto the carpet for cleaning purposes, which leaves the floor or carpet extremely wet.
Consider a Shark vacuum cleaner if you are looking for a small appliance that can help you get your house clean.
There is no need to tug a heavy vacuum around your home when Sharks are lightweight and easy to use.
For small jobs and quick cleanup, consider a handheld vacuum such as the Shark Turbo Hand Vac.
The Navigator is a bagless vacuum that works well on carpet and hard surfaces.
The Shark Multivac with Back Saver Wand is a multifunction vacuum that is a must have for any home.
It converts from a hand vac to a canister to a stick vacuum.
There are many features that make this vacuum unique such as it high clearance, turbo power brush and its swivel steering ability not to mention its cool purple color.
If you want a cordless vacuum, check out the Shark VX33 Cordless Handvac.
The Shark VX3 Sweeper is a great vacuum to use for quick cleanups.
If you want a unique vacuum that has a multitude of features, consider a Shark vacuum cleaner.
The Dirt Devil Easy Lite vacuum is a super compact lightweight vacuum designed for lighter home cleaning jobs.
This vacuum will easily slide into the corner of a closet or a pantry without even being noticed.
This vacuum is all about convenience and ease of use.
It comes with a crevice tool and dusting brush attached to the frame of the vacuum so you can easily pul them off as needed and attach to the flexible hose.
The upright version of the Dirt Devil Lite comes with a 10 amp motor, which is rather impressive for such a small sized vacuum.
As long as you know what the Dirt Devil Easy Lite vacuum was intended to do, you will find that it works quite well.
Those who purchase the Dirt Devil Easy Lite vacuum are typically looking for something that can be pulled out quickly for a fast room clean up or to pick up the occasional mess on hard wood flooring.
Miele vacuum cleaner bags and belts are produced by Miele, a family owned and operated company that has been in business since the 1930s.
Miele vacuum cleaner bags and belts available to fit all types of vacuum cleaners, including upright vacuums and canister style units.
When searching for replacement bags for your Miele vacuum cleaner, it's important to know of the type of bag needed for your particular unit.
For example, if you have previously purchased a Miele vacuum cleaner bag in the style G or N paper bag design, you may now need to choose the Style GN Hyclean bags.
You can purchase Miele bags for vacuum cleaners in sets of one or two for under ten dollars from a variety of online sources, as well as from local stores that carry the company's product line.
You can also purchase Miele vacuum bags in larger packages that also include micro-air filters and dust filters.
As with all items in Miele's product line, the company's vacuum cleaner belts are manufactured following high quality standards.
Miele vacuum cleaner belts are typically sold in packages of one or two belts.