Uw Sentence Examples
Hence, if p is the maximum value of the mean effective pressure corresponding to about 85% of the boiler pressure,, uW = pd 2 le /D (26) is an expression giving a relation between the total weight on the coupled wheels, their diameters and the size of the cylinder.
Focused on serving i ts surrounding residential neighborhoods, the mall offered few stores where UW students could shop for clothes.
Fees for courses vary, may change from year to year, and are listed in the UW course catalog for programs that the University of Wisconsin offers.
The UW System is comprised of 26 campuses, half of which offer four-year courses of study and half of which focus on two-year programs.
When searching for courses on the UW System site, you can filter results by division, campus provider, specific degree program, or course delivery method (such as print, multimedia, or video conference).
Some UW campuses operate their own Web sites and information centers for distance learning.
For example, at the collegiate level, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Art Department looks almost exactly like any other UW web page.