Utterly Sentence Examples
It was so utterly beautiful - so serene.
It all sounds so utterly stupid now.
She was utterly unable to recall either the name of the story or the book.
She gave in to the rush of desire, knowing that wherever he led, she could count on an utterly delightful experience.
For a moment she felt the dull aching pain of being utterly alone.
She felt horrible thinking it, but she was utterly relieved whoever it was on the beach, it wasn't Logan.
What an utterly stupid thing to say.
According to the latter theory, the offspring of a given organism may be utterly different from itself,.
Their fleet was attacked at Meloria by the Pisans, and utterly defeated.
It was a silly thing to do... utterly pointless.
AdvertisementFailing in an attempt to arrange terms, and also in obtaining the help which he solicited from France, O'Neill was utterly routed by the O'Donnells at Letterkenny; and seeking safety in flight, he threw himself on the mercy of his enemies, the MacDonnells.
Tears began to spill again, and she began to understand how Darian felt, utterly alone and abandoned in the corner of her mind.
She didn.t want to remember she was utterly alone in facing him.
He restored discipline in the army, which under Vitellius had become utterly demoralized, and, with the co-operation of the senate, put the government and the finances on a sound footing.
A fine Spanish squadron seeking to escape from Santiago harbour was utterly destroyed by the American blockading force on the 3rd of July; Santiago was invested by land forces, and on the 15th of July the city surrendered.
AdvertisementBy the testimony of Barillon, however, it is clear that Russell himself utterly refused to take any part in the intended corruption.
After a careful investigation of the official documents, Cobden became convinced that those were utterly unrighteous proceedings.
At the same time, he was seized by four strong men and rendered utterly powerless.
By the end of October they had perished utterly at the hands of the Seljuks; a heap of whitening bones also remained to testify to the later crusaders, when they passed in the spring of 1097, of the fate of the people's Crusade.
But it was hardly adapted to teach a people utterly without political experience the essential elements of self-government.
AdvertisementBut although military operations added to our knowledge of the world, scientific cartography was utterly neglected.
The only land available for the purposes of the bill was the Ager Campanus and the Ager Stellatis, where 5000 citizens were to be settled at once, but as these were utterly insufficient, other lands were to be acquired by purchase.
The prosperity of the city, rudely shaken by the Galatians and the Bithynians, was utterly destroyed in the Mithradatic war.
That such vast excavations should have been made without attracting attention, and that such an immense number of corpses could have been carried to burial in perfect secrecy is utterly impossible.
The heathen gather against Jerusalem and take the city, but do not utterly destroy the inhabitants.
AdvertisementAt bottom the man was frivolous, profoundly selfish, unstable, and utterly incapable of consistency or application.
Proclaimed emperor, Heraclius set himself to reorganize the utterly disordered administration.
Lord Macaulay's description of Roxana, Moll Flanders and Colonel Jack as "utterly nauseous and wretched" must be set aside as a freak of criticism.
The result of the contest was never in doubt, however, for the geological evidence, once it had been gathered, was unequivocal; and by about the middle of the century it was pretty generally admitted that the age of the earth must be measured by an utterly different standard from that hitherto in vogue.
His sudden return, far from widening the breaches between the allies, had fused them indissolubly together, and the four powers bound themselves to put 150,000 men apiece under arms and to maintain them in the field until Napoleon had been utterly crushed.
They composed for an exclusive and learned circle, certainly not for the Jew, the German trader of the town, or the utterly illiterate peasant.
The Cyrenaic ideal was, of course, utterly alien to Christianity, and, in general, subsequent thinkers found it an ideal of hopeless pessimism.
Narrowly escaping assassination, at a banquet a few days later, at the hands of his rival, King Sweyn III., he succeeded only with the utmost difficulty in escaping to Jutland, but on the 23rd of October utterly routed Sweyn at the great battle of Grathe Heath, near Viborg, Sweyn perishing in his flight from the field.
In Ioio the Danes returned, to find the kingdom more utterly disorganized than ever.
Samuel Johnson, who was not perhaps the best judge in the world, pronounced his manners to have been " exquisitely elegant "; yet as a courtier he was utterly worsted by Robert Walpole, whose manners were anything but refined, and even by Newcastle.
His inexperience in the routine work of government, the utterly unpractical nature of his colleagues, and the turbulence of the Parisian mob, proved fatal to his chances.
But the Armenian army was utterly defeated near Malatia on the 12th of Iyyar, and at the end of the day Esar-haddon was saluted by his soldiers as king.
It was sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1017-18; about 150o Sultan Sikandar Lodi utterly destroyed all the Hindu shrines, temples and images; and in 1636 Shah Jahan appointed a governor expressly tQ " stamp out idolatry."
The history of Christian Iconium is utterly obscure.
There was a further complication in that each one of these characters had at least two different phonetic values; and there were other intricacies of usage which, had they been foreknown by inquirers in the middle of the 19th century, might well have made the problem of decipherment seem an utterly hopeless one.
The study of these different inscriptions has utterly revolutionized our knowledge of Oriental history.
He was beloved by his Spanish subjects, but utterly without the power of attracting men of other races.
By habit a Catholic, but above all things fond of power, she was determined to prevent the Protestants from getting the upper hand, and almost equally resolved not to allow them to be utterly crushed, in order to use them as a counterpoise to the Guises.
He denounced the papal government as utterly degraded, and urged that the vast property of the Church, which he held to be the chief cause of its degradation, should be secularized and that the clergy should consist of " poor priests," supported only by tithes and alms. They should preach the gospel and encourage the people to seek the truth in the Scriptures themselves, of which a translation into English was completed in 1382.
Napoleon's chance of success was dangerously diminished, if not utterly destroyed, by the incompetence of the two marshals whom in an evil hour he selected for high commands.
Even as it was the resistance of the Maori was utterly worn out at last.
The end of his nominal rule came in the next year, when Wellington utterly overthrew the chief French army, commanded by King Joseph and Marshal Jourdan, at Vittoria (June 21, 1813).
In person he somewhat resembled Napoleon, but utterly lacked his strength and energy.
From this condition, however, it was raised a few years later by the great conqueror and national hero Phra Naret, who after subduing Laos and Cambodia invaded Pegu, which was utterly overthrown in the next century by his successors.
In the usurpation of Cromwell, however, he utterly refused all concurrence, nor would he leave his place in parliament except by force when Cromwell dispersed it on the 10th of April 1653.
But in the ensuing anarchic period both cities were utterly ruined, and the centre of political gravity was transferred from Great Poland to Little Poland, where Cracow, singularly favoured by her position, soon became the capital of the monarchy, and one of the wealthiest cities in Europe.
For if it had failed utterly as a mission in partibus, it had succeeded in establishing on the Baltic one of the strongest military organizations in Europe.
Moreover Casimir's difficulties were materially increased by the necessity of paying for Czech mercenaries, the pos polite ruszenie, or Polish militia, proving utterly useless at the very beginning of the war.
But fortune, so long Bohdan's friend, now deserted him, and at Beresteczko (July I, 1651) the Cossack chieftain was utterly routed by Stephen Czarniecki.
But now that Poland lay utterly helpless and surrounded by the three great military monarchies of Europe, nothing could save her.
The attack of the Federals failed utterly; not even Fredericksburg was so disastrous a defeat.
In 1204 Hugh de Lacy utterly defeated de Courci in battle, and took him prisoner.
Early had been nearer to the immediate success than Lee had been in 1862 and 1863, but he had failed utterly to relax Grant's hold on Petersburg, which was becoming daily more crushing.
Thomas, he was killed and his force was utterly routed.
To the mass these signs are unintelligible, because they deem it impossible that Yahweh should utterly cast off His chosen nation; but to those who know His absolute righteousness, and confront it with the people's sin, the impending approach of the Assyrian can have only one meaning and can point to only one issue, viz.
Kirche (1878), pp. 216-255 (learned but utterly uncritical); Bonwetsch, "Die Prophetie im apostol.
He destroyed their rearguard, the Tigurini, as it was about to cross, transported his army across the river in twenty-four hours, pursued the Helvetii in a northerly direction, and utterly defeated them at Bibracte (Mont Beuvray).
Both his talents and his temper made him utterly indisposed to maintain the attitude supposed to be incumbent on a republican president; and his tongue was never a carefully governed one.
Each army by a night march attempted a surprise of the other, but the British tactics prevailed, and Gates was utterly routed.
But after the death of Toghrul Shah (1170) his three sons disputed with each other for the possession of the throne, and implored foreign assistance, till the country became utterly devastated and fell an easy prey to some bands of Ghuzz, who, under the leadership of Malik Dinar (1185), marched into Kerman after harassing Sinjar's dominions.
With the radical "Eider-Dane" party he was utterly out of sympathy; and when, in 1862, this party gained the upper hand, he was recalled from Frankfort.
Northallerton (Alvetune, Allerton) is said to have been a Roman station and afterwards a Saxon "burgh," but nothing is known with certainty about it before the account given in the Domesday Survey, which shows that before the Conquest Earl Edwin had held the manor, but that the Normans had destroyed it so utterly that it was still waste in 1086.
Though cherishing a strong antipathy to the received ecclesiastical formulas, Irving's great aim was to revive the antique style of thought and sentiment which had hardened into these formulas, and by this means to supplant the new influences, the accidental and temporary moral shortcomings of which he detected with instinctive certainty, but whose profound and real tendencies were utterly beyond the reach of his conjecture.
As a political mission it failed utterly, the great powers being at that period far more interested in western than in eastern affairs.
Harassed by severe bodily ailments, encompassed by a raging tumult of religious conflict and persecution, and aware that the faint hopes of better times which seemed to gild the horizon of the future might be utterly darkened by a failure either in the constancy of his courage or in his discernment and discretion, he exerted his eloquence with unabating energy in the furtherance of the cause he had at heart.
The work, which is utterly devoid of sequence or arrangement, is divided into twenty books.
Early in the 5th century the tyrant Terillas, son-in-law of Anaxilas of Rhegium and Zancle, appealed to the Carthaginians, who came to his assistance, but were utterly defeated by Gelon of Syracuse in 480 B.C. - on the same day, it is said, as the battle of Salamis.
He had at his disposal from 19,000 to 25,000 men, and at first gained some successes; but on the 27th of August 1626 he was utterly routed by Tilly at Lutter-am-Barenberge, and in the summer of 1627 both Tilly and Wallenstein, ravaging and burning, occupied the duchies and the whole peninsula of Jutland.
Both schemes appeared practically impossible; potassium cost about L 1 7 per lb, gave a very small yield and was dangerous to manipulate, while on the other hand, the only source of electric current then available was the primary battery, and zinc as a store of industrial energy was utterly out of the question.
Utterly defeated at Angora by the Mongol invader, Bayezid became his prisoner, and died in captivity some months later, in March 1403.
With its Renaissance windows and portals this facade, though good in itself, was utterly out of keeping with the general style of the church, and in 1900 the removal of the inharmonious features was begun, to be replaced in a style strictly in accordance with the Gothic style of the rest of the building from the designs of Giuseppe Brentano.
About another quarter is utterly barren, consisting of snow-fields, glaciers, bare rock, lakes and the beds of streams. There remains about one-half, which is divided between forest and pasture, and it is the produce of this half which mainly supports the relatively large population.
In 1437 the city, which had been rebuilt, was captured by the papal general Cardinal Vitelleschi and once more utterly destroyed.
His most formidable assailant was Johann Melchior Goeze (1717-1786), the chief pastor of Hamburg, a sincere and earnest theologian, but utterly unscrupulous in his choice of weapons against an opponent.
Utterly discredited, Leicester -(6th of August 1587) abandoned the task, United Netherlands was to be raised.
A body of 6000 men under Count William of Nassau were surprised and utterly cut to pieces.
A considerable number of the Latin cities had before 370 B.C. either been utterly destroyed or reduced to subjection by Rome, and had thus lost their independent existence.
He attached no value to mere scholarship; scholastic disputations he utterly ignored and despised - and especially the discussions on medical topics, which turned more upon theories and definitions than upon actual practice.
By the 15th century in many cases they had utterly sunk in reputation, their obligation to nurse the sick was quite neglected, and they had, rightly or wrongly, acquired the reputation of being mere nests of beggars and women of ill fame.
Then the Flemish cities rose against the French royal officers, and utterly defeated the French army at Courtrai in 1302.
The heir apparent, the prince of Orange (see William of the Netherlands), was sent on a peaceful mission to Brussels, but furnished with such limited powers, as under the circumstances were utterly inadequate.
We may conclude that Sappho was not utterly vicious, though by no means a paragon of virtue.
In 376 he was utterly defeated by the Huns, who a few years before had burst into Europe.
The construction was, of course, utterly premature, even supposing it were inherently possible; but it is Hobbes's distinction, in his century, to have conceived it, and he is thereby lifted from among the scientific workers with whom he associated to the rank of those philosophical thinkers who have sought to order the whole domain of human knowledge.
A wish to become intimately acquainted with a state of society so utterly unlike all that he had ever seen frequently crossed his mind.
Down to the 3rd century it is proved by the contemporary Graeco-Roman annals to be utterly untrustworthy - but even for the times of Armenian Christianity it must be used far more cautiously than has been done, for example, by Gibbon.
Yet it was in this age that the German nation utterly lost its political strength.
Meanwhile Tilly advanced into Bohemia, and in November 1620 Fredericks army was utterly routed at the battle of the White Hill, near Prague, and the unfortunate elector had just time to escape from the kingdom he had rashly undertaken to govern.
So utterly had he shattered the emperors power that he could doubtless have marched straight to Vienna; he preferred, however, to proceed through central into southern Germany, while his Saxon ally, the elector John George, recovered Silesia and Lusatia and invaded Bohemia.
In 1615 a mission among these Indians was founded by the Recollet friars, and carried on with great success and devotion by the Jesuits, but in1648-1650the Huron nation was almost utterly destroyed by an invasion of their hereditary foes, the Iroquois.
That the Sicels spoke a tongue closely akin to Latin is plain from several Sicel words which crept into Sicilian Greek, and from the Siceliot system of weights and measures - utterly unlike anything in old Greece.
Between invasion and home discontent, the tyrant was all but lost; but the Spartan Pharacidas stood his friend; the Carthaginians again suffered from pestilence in the marshes of Lysimelia; and after a masterly combined attack by land and sea by Dionysius Himilco went away utterly defeated, taking with him his Carthaginian troops and forsaking his allies.
With the Renaissance and the new learning, Hellenism came in again in flood, to form a chief part of that great river on which the modern world is being carried forward into a future, of which one can only say that it must be utterly unlike anything that has gone before.
One very favourite, but utterly untenable interpretation is that the " seven forms," are seven different Arabic dialects.
The careful and syste matic work accomplished by this commission has preserved much of interest and beauty which would otherwise have gone utterly to ruin.
Both were utterly shattered in a brief campaign of four months (1817-18).
He was attacked by 1200 tribesmen and utterly routed, losing 4 Krupp guns, 2 machine guns and 3000 rifles.
At the battle of Farisktir, 6th of April 1250, the invaders were utterly routed and the French king fell into the hands of the Egyptian sultan.
Eighty-three heads (many of them those of Frenchmen and Albanians) were stuffed and sent to Constantinople, with a boast that the Mameluke chiefs were utterly destroyed.
Once more the Ottomans were utterly routed.
The people in Upper Egypt are running away by wholesale, utterly unable to pay the new taxes and do the work exacted.
The principle of limited liability which this attitude assumed was soon found to be utterly untenable.
But the antagonistic interests of the two countries in Germany during the Thirty Years' War precipitated a fourth contest between them (1643-45), in which Denmark would have been utterly ruined but for the heroism of King Christian IV.
The pottery accompanying the remains is often elaborately ornamented, and the mound builders were evidently possessed of a higher development of taste and skill than is evinced by any of the modern aboriginal races, by whom the mounds and their contents are regarded as utterly mysterious.
Others submitted or temporized; but before there had been time enough for the matter to be carried through, the emperor died, having tarnished if not utterly forfeited by this last error the reputation won by a life devoted to the service of Orthodoxy.
But where the concrete or mortar is not well made and is porous, the continual passage of water through it will gradually break up and dissolve away the calcareous constituents of the cement until its strength is utterly destroyed.
Though utterly baseless, the story gained currency in the Mirrour for Magistrates, and was adopted in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI.
At Rignano the indomitable Ranulf again utterly defeated the king, but in April 1139 Ranulf died, leaving none to oppose Roger, who subdued pitilessly the last of the rebels.
In September the Protector Somerset (Hertford) invaded and utterly routed the Scots at Pinkie near Musselburgh.
In August 1648, they crossed the border, leaving the fanatics to arm in their rear, but Cromwell, by a rapid march across the fells, caught and utterly routed them at Preston and on the line of the Ribble, taking captive the infantry and Hamilton, who was sent to the block.
He utterly distorts the real historical relations of the Three Lands, though he brings in many real historical names, their owners being made to perform historically impossible acts, and introduces many small additions and corrections into the story as he had received it.
After vainly attempting to break the Austrian centre, Pichegru suddenly turned their left, and defeated Clerfayt at Cassel, Menin and Courtrai, while Moreau, his second in command, defeated Coburg at Tourcoing in May 1794; then after a pause, during which Pichegru feigned to besiege Ypres, he again dashed at Clerfayt and defeated him at Rousselaer and Hooglede, while Jourdan came up with the new army of the Sambre-and-Meuse, and utterly routed the Austrians at Fleurus on the 27th of June 1794.
The excavations (at Gezer, Megiddo, Jericho, &c.) indicate a persisting gross and cruel idolatry, utterly opposed to the demands of the law and the prophets.'
Later he was utterly defeated by a king of Arabians and fled to Jerusalem, only to find that the Pharisees had raised his people against him and would only be satisfied by his death.
But when Lord Keith, the British admiral, refused to ratify the terms, he attacked the Turks at Heliopolis, though with but io,000 men against 60,000, and utterly defeated them on the 20th of March 1800.
In July 1880, a few days after the proclamation of Abdur Rahman as amir at Kabul, came news that Ayub Khan, Shere Ali's younger son, who had been holding Herat since his father's death, had marched upon Kandahar, had utterly defeated at Maiwand a British force that went out from Kandahar to oppose him, and was besieging that city.
Utterly unscrupulous, and without a trace of pity, he treated men like pawns, and was content only with absolute obedience.
In the first place, the policy of Lord Dalhousie, exactly in proportion as it had been dictated by the most honourable considerations, was utterly distasteful to the native mind.
The ultra-democratic single-chamber Spanish constitution of 1812 was introduced, but proved utterly unworkable.
The perfect man thus described will not be angry with the wrongdoer; he will only pity his erring brother; for anger in such a case would only betray that he too thought the wrong-doer gained a substantial blessing by his wrongful act, instead of being, as he is, utterly ruined.
An effort of the African Berbers to make themselves masters of Kairawan failed, their army being utterly defeated by the governor IHanzala.
Merwan immediately ordered Ibn Hobaira to stop his march and to wait for him at Durin, and marched with the main force against Suleiman, whom he utterly defeated at Khosaf in the district of Kinnesrin.
Syria was utterly crushed, and therewith the bulwark of the dynasty was destroyed.
The government of Bagdad resolved to crush the Carmathians, but a large army was utterly defeated by Abu Tahir in 315 (927), and Bagdad was seriously threatened.
The army of the allies was utterly destroyed (July 27, 1214).
At the two ends of Cajon Pass, only four or five kilometres apart, are the two utterly distinct floras of the Mohave desert and the San Bernardino valley.
The disaster of Isandhlwana and the defence of Rorke's Drift signalized the commencement of the campaign, but on the 4th of July the Zulus were utterly routed at Ulundi.
On the 23rd of June it was attacked and utterly routed by Ibrahim at Nezib.
In spite of the valour of the Sikhs, they were utterly routed at Gujarat, and in March 1849 Dhuleep Singh was deposed, a pension of £40,000 a year being granted to him and his dependants.
In the Fable he shows a society possessed of all the virtues "blest with content and honesty," falling into apathy and utterly paralyzed.
Grimm has pointed out that the behaviour of Ulysses in that story is senseless and foolhardy, utterly beneath the wise and much-enduring Ulysses of the Trojan war.
She then assumed the regency, and took the title of grand-duchess, but she knew little of the character of the people with whom she had to deal, was utterly ignorant of the approved Russian mode of government, and speedily quarrelled with her principal supporters.
Spain was utterly dumb; Italian fervour could only boast the foundation of two small orders of popular preachers - the Passionists (1737), and the Redemptorists, instituted in 1732 by St Alfonso Liguori, who also won for himself a dubious reputation on the unsavoury field of casuistry.
In other words, Pius utterly rejected the whole principle of toleration, and declared that the Church would still impose itself by force, whenever it got the chance to do so.
James II., however, was utterly indifferent to the feelings of his subjects.
He packed the privy council, the army and the universities with Catholics, and tried to legalize the exercise of their religion by an utterly unconstitutional Declaration of Indulgence.
That they remained so long " utterly disabled from bearing any public office or charge " was due to the participation of many of their number in the Jacobite revolts of 1715 and 1745.
His birth and origin are utterly uncertain; but he rose to power early in Canute's reign and was an earl in 1018.
Then in 306 B.C. Demetrius Poliorcetes of Macedon overran the whole island, besieged Salamis, and utterly defeated there the Egyptian fleet.
A fierce engagement took place wherein the Norman and Flemish troops were utterly routed, and the victorious Cymry slew thousands of their fugitives at the fords of the Teifi close to the town of Cardigan.
Llewelyn, utterly humbled, now behaved with such prudence that Edward at last sanctioned his marriage with Eleanor de Montfort (although such an alliance must originally have been highly distasteful to the English king), and the ceremony was performed with much pomp in Worcester Cathedral in 1278.
A new commission was now appointed to inquire into alleged abuses in Wales, and the existing evidence clearly shows how harsh and unfair was the treatment meted out to the clergy under the act of 1649, and also how utterly subversive of all ancient custom and established order were the reforms suggested by the commissioners and approvers.
He took to bed, it is true, immediately afterwards, refusing to receive all messages from the king; but his constitution was utterly broken before, and a post-mortem examination proved that he had been suffering from stone.
But on the question of Baptism both groups, while they utterly rejected the baptism of infants, were as yet unpledged to immersion and rarely practised it.
Unfortunately, however, no alteration was made in the law of debt, and the attempt to regulate the rate of interest utterly failed.
In the course of two or three centuries the small free farmers were utterly destroyed.
The kings themselves were toys in the hands of the magnates and the army who, tenaciously as they clung to the anointed dynasty of the Arsacids, were utterly indifferent to the person of the individual Arsacid.
Soon afterwards, however, the Roman Empire seemed to collapse utterly.
Thus the hundred years struggle between Rome and Persia, which had begun in 527 with the atack of the first Kavadh Th A b on Justinian, had run its fruitless course, utterly Co,nqist.
He followed them up, and again utterly routed them in January 1730.
Paradoxes in the history of religion and revelation which Paul draws out, and which Marcion's contemporaries passed by as utterly incomprehensible, are here made the foundation of an ethico-dualistic conception of history and of religion.
The Silingian Vandals were well-nigh exterminated, but their Asdingian brethren (with whom were now associated the remains of a Turanian people, the Alani, who had been utterly defeated by the Goths) marched across Spain and took possession of Andalusia.
Shortly it may be said that he was essentially a mass of contradictions - brilliant, passionate to the point of mania, but utterly weak and unstable, capable of developing into a saint or a monster, but quite incapable of becoming an ordinary human being.
Sertorius proved himself more than a match for his adversaries, utterly defeating their united forces on one occasion near Saguntum.
But on the 14th of August 1385 the Portuguese army, aided by 500 English archers, utterly defeated the Castilians at Aljubarrota.
Burke, in a memorable passage of a memorable speech, has described this "chequered and speckled" administration with great humour, speaking of it as "indeed a very curious show, but utterly unsafe to touch and unsure to stand on."
But there is no sufficient reason to doubt that he was really, as his friends represented, in a state that utterly unfitted him for business.
But the altered name of Lombard also denoted henceforth some of the proudest of Italians; and, though the Lombard speech had utterly perished their most common names still kept up the remembrance that their fathers had come from beyond the Alps.
At first Frederick was victorious; Milan, except its churches, was utterly destroyed; everything that marked municipal independence was abolished in the "rebel" cities; and they had to receive an imperial magistrate instead of their own (1158-1162).
Milan was rebuilt, with the help even of its jealous rivals, and at Legnano (1176) Frederick was utterly defeated.
His logic, while never obtruded, was rarely at fault; but lie loved the flash of the rapier, and was never happier than when he had to face down a mob and utterly foil it by sheer superiority in fencing.
After a stubborn contest, Attila took and utterly destroyed Aquileia, the chief city of Venetia, and then proceeded on his destructive course, capturing and burning the cities at the head of the Adriatic, Concordia, Altinum and Patavium (Padua).
Upon Milan and the cities of western Lombardy the hand of Attila seems to have weighed more lightly, plundering rather than utterly destroying; and at last when Pope Leo I., at the head of a deputation of Romall senators, appeared in his camp on the banks of the Mincio, entreating him not to pursue his victorious career to the gates of Rome, he yielded to their entreaties and consented to cross the Alps, with a menace, however, of future return, should the wrongs of Honoria remain unredressed.
In his old age Constantine, who had once been a famous warrior, utterly neglected the defences of the empire and reduced his army by disbanding 50,000 of his best troops; on the other hand, he spent extravagant sums on luxuries and the erection of magnificent buildings.
The Frank knights fought desperately, but were utterly defeated (14th of April 1205); the count of Blois was slain, and the emperor captured.
Utterly lacking in perspective, and dominated by the idea of the miraculous, they are for the most part a record of the trivial or the marvellous.
The Polish gentry on the other hand exhibited far less energy in the field than in the council chamber; they were defeated again and again by the knights, and showed themselves utterly incapable of taking fortresses.
Gregory was upright and devout, but utterly ignorant of politics.
By the advocates of radical reforms these measures were regarded as utterly inadequate, and even in Belgium, among those friendly to the Congo State system of administration, some uneasiness was excited by a letter which was published along with the decrees, wherein King Leopold intimated that certain conditions would attach to the inheritance he had designed for Belgium.
Questions as to the obligation of Mosaism and the relations of Jew and Gentile have utterly disappeared below the horizon.
The Australian and English languages each consist mainly of a series of words having no apparent connexion with the ideas they signify, and differing utterly; of course, accidental coincidences and borrowed words must be excluded from such comparisons.
Meanwhile, on his way thither to urge his plea in person, Abelard had broken down at the abbey of Cluny, and there, an utterly fallen man, with spirit of the humblest, and only not bereft of his intellectual force, he lingered but a few months before the approach of death.
On the 15th the village of Aong was captured, and on the 16th the Nana's force was utterly shattered in the battle of Cawnpore.
By a strange but not infrequent irony of fate the most imperious and despotic spirit of his day laboured to enthrone a power which, had he himself been in authority, he would have utterly detested and despised.
For this profession he was, both by capacity and tastes, utterly unfitted, and it was fortunate that, shortly after his graduation, he received an offer of a professorship of modern languages at Bowdoin College.
How utterly free he was from jealousy or revengefulness !
Hugh, who in the family feud with Calvagh had allied himself with O'Neill, now turned round and combined with the English to crush the hereditary enemy of his family; and in 1567 he utterly routed Shane at Letterkenny with the loss of 1300 men, compelling him to seek refuge with the MacDonnells of Antrim, by whom he was treacherously put to death.
He marched rapidly to the south, and was joined by Tyrone at Bandon; but a nightattack on the English besieging the Spaniards in Kinsale having utterly failed, O'Donnell, who attributed the disaster to the incapacity of the Spanish commander, took ship to Spain on the 6th of January 1602 to lay his complaint before Philip III.
Some of the utterly unintelligible passages in this fragment are literally reproduced in the Ethiopic. The same wrong order of the text in vii.-viii.
Chapelain's Sentiments de l'Acaddmie francaise sur la tragi-comddie du Cid (1638), when its arbitration was demanded by Richelieu, and not openly repudiated by Corneille, was virtually unimportant; but it is worth remembering that no less a writer than Georges de Scudery, in his Observations sur le Cid (1637), gravely and apparently sincerely asserted and maintained of this great play that the subject was utterly bad, that all the rules of dramatic composition were violated, that the action was badly conducted, the versification constantly faulty, and the beauties as a rule stolen!
The floating commerce of Spain had by the middle of the 17th century become utterly insignificant.
With Schelling again Cousin agrees in regarding this supreme ground of all as positively apprehended, and as a source of development, but he utterly repudiates Schelling's method.
His long-deserved humiliation only began in the Winter of 1212-1213, when Innocent III., finding him so utterly callous as to the interdict, took the further step of declaring John does him deposed from the throne for contumacy, and the pope.
Langton departed at once to Rome, to endeavour to turn the heart of his former patron, a task in which he utterly failed.
His force, utterly inadequate for the purpose, was stopped by the Boers,, Ia,neSOn and he and his fellow-officers were taken prisoners.
The pre-social state of man, in his view, is also pre-moral; but it is therefore utterly miserable.
But thin amount of knowledge, however valuable in itself, is utterly inadequate to the needs of sidereal research; and various.
It is impossible to give accurate statistics of the alien population; for, in the compilation of the official figures, language is taken as a test of nationality, an utterly untrustworthy method in a country where every educated person speaks two or three languages.
As the Spaniards had not yet occupied the Azores he sailed to them, but was utterly defeated at sea by the marquis of Santa Cruz off Saint Michael's on the 27th of July 1582.
Such vassals gave themselves utterly to the lord who guarded them, working for him sword or pickaxe in hand.
Feudalism had gained ground in the 8th century; feudalism it was which had raised the first Carohingian to the throne as being the richest and most powerful person in Austrasia; and Charlemagne with all his power had been as utterly unable as the Merovingians to revive the idea of an abstract and impersonal state.
All the more remarkable spirits of the time, like prophets in Israel, denounced a tyranny which put Chamillart at the head of the finances because he played billiards well, and Villeroy in command of the armies although he was utterly untrustworthy; which sent the patriot Vauban into disgrace, banished from the court Catinat, the Pre Ia Pense, exiled to Cambrai the too clear sighted Fnelon, and suspected Racine of Jansenism and La Fontaine of independence.
Vizcaya (Biscay)a tongue which is utterly unlike Celtic or Italian or any Indo-Germanic languagesuggests that the Iberians may have been an older people than the Celts and alien from them in race, though the attempts hitherto made to connect Basque with ancient traces of strange tongues in the Basque lands have not yielded clear results.
The Mahon1medan Con quest.How utterly weak it was can be seen from the fact that it was shattered by the feeble Moslem invasion of 711.
The Sudan at this time (c. 1862) is described by Sir Samuel Baker as utterly ruined by Egyptian methods of government and the retention of the country only to be accounted for by the traffic in slaves.
The Fula flocked to Fodio's aid, and in the battle of Koto or Rugga Fakko (1804) the king of Gobir was utterly defeated.
The impatience of the king and the severity of the winter then compelled him (February 1444) to return home, but not before he had utterly broken the sultan's power in Bosnia, Herzegovina, Servia, Bulgaria and Albania.
On reaching Varna, the Hungarians found that the Venetian galleys had failed to prevent the transit of the sultan, who now confronted them with fourfold odds, and on the 10th of November 1444 they were utterly routed, Wladislaus falling on the field and Hunyadi narrowly escaping.
The primitive setting of the northern version has vanished utterly.
Schofield at Franklin, and on the 15th-16th of December was utterly defeated by Thomas at Nashville, the Federals thus securing virtually undisputed control of the state.1 After the occupation of the state by the Federal armies in 1862 Andrew Johnson was appointed military governor by the president (confirmed March 3, 1862), and held the office until inaugurated vice-president on the 4th of March 1865.
It was utterly ridiculous to be embarrassed about letting him see her undressed.
I mean, it would be utterly irresponsible to get this far and then not complete it.
The soft voice and the little dimple that played at the corner of her mouth when she teased him... she was so beautiful – and so utterly unaware of her charm.
There was something about the methodical way he set the table that was cute – yet utterly masculine.
It's not bad, it's just utterly bewildering.
We Greens find the government's attitude utterly cynical.
The position on 5/11 was an utterly desolate desert, many miles from any obvious water or habitation.
It would, therefore, be utterly absurd for all the 25 national groupings to attempt to create their own states.
Origins of the modern world We reject utterly accusations of " Euro centrism " .
She is, like a lot of annoying women, utterly adorable.
With a choice of luxury frames in either wood, gold or silver this is an exceptional personalized present she'll utterly adore.
Mrs Goode commented, ' I've only ever won a bottle of wine in a raffle so I'm utterly amazed!
Andrew Lumley for his part is one in a long line of highly intelligent and charismatic yet utterly amoral Buchan villains.
Two hours later, King James IV of Scots and a majority of the leaders of our nation had been utterly annihilated.
There had always been this something that was utterly antipathetic in what he advocated as the ways of the world.
Jill snaps and storms out, utterly ashamed of the lot of them.
She was utterly astonished that I moved along too.
I backed it off and settled down to my usual cruising speed of 65 but was utterly astounded with such an amazing transformation.
Using events from his life and actual quotes from others, he has made Shuttleworth an utterly authentic, believable personality.
It has some beautiful palm to palm motifs and some luscious backbends; it was innovative, fresh and utterly engaging.
What better way to fill the time than to write an utterly banal post about the weather?
Your psychosis, depressions, murderous impulses, short sighted narrow minded and utterly primitive barbarism is tearing into me.
This near darkness, these utterly barren, sterile conditions is their home for over a month - about one-fifth of their lives.
For some time the poor prince stood utterly bereft of speech.
Some of them are utterly bewitching in their total tonal beauty.
For some utterly bizarre reason, it often seems like everyone in the world has heard of Paperboy.
Honestly, making alterations to Gregory's Girl is utterly blasphemous to me. what next, the Special Edition?
Lysistrata was produced in 411 BC - when Athens ' situation looked utterly bleak.
It's shown that Labor's claim that it represents rural Britain is utterly bogus.
I went utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly bonkers.
Active volcanoes and vast lava deserts stand in direct opposition to utterly boundless glacial landscapes.
From the first song to the last the creativity is utterly breathtaking.
He had tried a spoonful but found it utterly without flavor, as dully uninteresting as soggy cardboard.
You can hold a conversation with him and he is utterly charming.
By the time we get to the almost criminally enjoyable climactic chase, we're completely and utterly hooked.
He can make or break a recording; will be utterly clueless or able to deal with any eventuality.
In other words the direct process may be going on rightly, while a full reflex cognizance thereof may be utterly impossible.
The risk inherent in any notion of war in space of a " tragedy of the commons " is utterly compelling.
Incredibly simple yet utterly compulsive game based upon the age-old game of stone skipping.
But can the law, which utterly condemns the sinner, can it redeem the sinner?
You are quite wrong and utterly confused to say that I am assuming that these things did not happen.
In fact such people are generally regarded as utterly contemptible.
I know that that's a throwaway comment expressing your frustration strathclyde, but I'm utterly convinced of the opposite!
The music reaches another level suddenly and the vocalist spits out lyrics and sounds utterly convincing.
This was how the utterly corrupt bureaucracy of the British trade unions received its training.
Plenty of the right-wing pundits who've bemoaned the " endemic corruption " in Africa have remained utterly silent on this.
An author who seems quite credible may be utterly unreliable.
I don't remember anyone making such an utterly daft proposition.
Ultra chic and utterly decadent myhotel chelsea is an urban retreat where the feel of a bohemian country house meets contemporary glamor.
No knowledge of horse racing is needed to play this utterly delightful family board game.
The strong soldier has been utterly demoralized by this incident.
The engine is smooth, powerful and utterly dependable.
There is the utterly deplorable Accent, which you absolutely mustnât buy.
We utterly deplore this level of rate, which is in stark contrast to the 3.89% increase for Council services.
Gloriously overwritten and utterly deranged, this is legendary stuff, without a doubt the most truly bizarre film in the history of cinema.
He said This is utterly despicable letter to send.
The shows, therefore, and the toys were all very primitive, and would be utterly despised by the young folk now.
If the marquis became bankrupt the convent would be utterly destitute.
He had turned from such things and utterly detested them.
Coastal Sri Lanka was utterly devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
The script was utterly devoid of wit, subtlety, or humor.
Utterly discredited, Bacon was forced to change his position by student pressure.
It has been an utterly disgraceful handling of this important issue in the new devolved Wales.
Year 2001 guest review Bar Moosh, Hills Road/Station Road I was totally and utterly disgusted with the whole experience that is Bar Moosh.
Look, you are being utterly dishonest in this stupid clipping.
For me, it was the year I became utterly disillusioned with politics.
Of those who had known me as an innocent child some were utterly dismayed.
It is utterly disproportioned to the size of that little country.
Maurice opens the tune with an utterly distinctive and special guitar pattern.
It's the symbolic representation of a myth, a graphic depiction of something utterly abstract yet elemental.
It seems that all who travel to New Zealand come back utterly enchanted.
Book of Pages is a beautiful and utterly enchanting work to which you will undoubtedly return.
Kunzru's prose is cool and clever, as well as utterly engaging.
Lizzie finds it utterly engrossing, constantly asking questions.
It leaves the rest of his life utterly empty, and he vacillates between amorous intensity and general ennui.
Of the world's spin on metal utterly alien continues wpt enterprises was.
I was utterly enthralled by a paperback I read recently.
The artist takes Keaton's role, remaining utterly expressionless as the wooden walls fall.
I gazed at this, aware that it was utterly extraordinary.
It's the home of the vast majority of my friends, and one utterly fabulous woman.
I've utterly failed to learn much of the language.
However it is more to do with the whole explosion of interest in short films being utterly fallacious.
It is utterly false to contend that 'this is what the internationalism of the Communist parties rests upon ' .
And thats only been possible because so many of you have been so utterly fantastic.
As you've probably realized if you have traveled extensively around this site, I am utterly fascinated by the Anglo-Catholic movement.
He was utterly fearless in an age of grim persecutions, more noted for candor than tact.
I'm very tempted to try ordering something utterly filthy.
If he had not been so utterly foolish, nothing could have prevented your going to the hospital.
Throughout his long reign he rarely visited the palace and the building became ' utterly forsaken ' .
The quote stated " The animal testing regime... is utterly futile.
But whatever I am I'm sure I'm utterly gorgeous.
Such rumors are utterly groundless as anyone who attended our previous meetings can testify.
Unkind critics have called it ugly which exposes resistance to its utterly modern look, particularly the large, twin, multi-reflector headlights.
His men, who, having left their guns in the canoe, were utterly helpless, quietly obeyed.
I saw him a couple of years back, and found the event utterly hilarious!
Personally I think it is more utterly hopeless in summer than in winter.
Can there be any more defeated, disgraced and utterly humiliated political position in recent history than support for the invasion of Iraq?
What is more, for the granddaughter of the chief Louver curator, she is represented as utterly ignorant of art history.
Worse still, the New York Post lamented that it ' devolves into a best-forgotten clone of an utterly illogical X-Files episode ' .
It was also utterly apparent that our new minister for constitutional affairs appeared to be nothing less than a babbling incoherent imbecile.
It's not easy to get across different reactions when your voice has to remain utterly impassive, yet he managed it.
To what extent can anything possibly good come of this nonsense which is utterly impenetrable?
For the scientific reductionist, it is utterly implausible that a Rolls Royce should give birth to a Mini.
It is a very imposing building, built in an utterly eclectic style.
All power lies with States and alliances between States, while ' humanity ' is left utterly impotent.
Within the space of a book review, to detail all the fictions piled into " Secret World " is utterly impractical.
He's proud of his lawn and he's not going to be happy about that, was her immediate and utterly inane thought.
They seem utterly incapable of adopting the mode of the society they are later surrounded by.
The discouraged intellect may feel itself utterly incompetent to make anything at all of such concepts.
From the opening there were two major problems with The Third Policeman primarily the voice over was utterly incomprehensible.
The promise of His first coming was so utterly incredible that it may well have staggered faith.
Is Vacek still around - he seemed utterly indestructible in the late sixties.
Is he actually so utterly indifferent for my life?
Judged on his results, however, he is also utterly ineffectual.
Because the income is utterly negligible, the land is of limited value and becomes relatively inexpensive to buy.
I can hardly imagine anything more strange, more utterly inexplicable, than the situation in which I find myself.
Still, it's utterly infectious and totally irresistible.
And we must not lose our sense that this is an utterly inhumane way to treat people.
I find being utterly insane a very useful thing.
The House however is utterly insensible to all " principles " of this kind.
They're utterly insensitive to the reality of their condition.
He feels utterly insignificant in the face of their farming ignorance.
Daring, utterly original and possessing a keen intelligence, Jim Sclavunos ' The Vanity Set demands your immediate attention.
The comrades were concerned above all else to avoid controversy - and thus make themselves utterly irrelevant to the issues in Respect.
Opulent, dazzling and utterly irresistible, this is Dracula as you`ve never seen him.
To use false rumors to spread fears of a mass cull is utterly irresponsible.
We've completely and utterly knackered our myspace page in readiness for our new releases.
In the rest of the park, which is utterly lawless, we can only conclude there has been an uncontrolled massacre.
And if this turns out to be Completely and utterly mad, Quite frankly, I couldn't give a toss.
Yet used seriously and imaginatively as with " The Prisoner ", TV can still seem utterly magical.
And to complete the transformation, in 1903 they built an utterly magnificent new station at Wemyss Bay and an adjoining new pier.
Instead, they are sucked into the hungry maw of the Dark and utterly destroyed.
Something like ' Invalid File Offset ' will be utterly meaningless to most users.
They need to bring in a specialist, someone fearless, uncompromising and utterly merciless in pursuit of the objective.